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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Investment Tax Scheme is Still Formulated

The Ministry of Finance still formulates the upstream oil and gas investment tax scheme for the gross split system. The results are expected to benefit all parties.

"Our team is studying what is expected by them (investors). However, the most important, of course in addition to good results, the policy can run. It means exactly what is expected. For the government, give a good return as well, "said Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati.

The government is trying to encourage the growth of oil and gas investment. One of them through the updating of investment terms. Accordingly, the government issued Government Regulation (PP) Number 27 of 2017 on Amendment to Government Regulation Number 79 of 2010 on Refundable Operating Cost and Treatment of Income Tax in the Upstream Oil and Gas Business Field.

This rule applies to old investors who have been investing using product sharing contract (PSC), which is one of the components of cost recovery or the cost of recovery of contractor operations. As for potential investors who will enter the oil and gas sector in Indonesia, the government has set a gross split or share of oil and gas output based on gross production.

However, some articles of Government Regulation (PP) No 27/2017 are not suitable for that, relevant government regulations are being prepared, with one substance in the form of a tax scheme. From the policy side, Sri Mulyani said the taxation scheme of new rules is almost similar to the investment cost recovery regime. To that end, the government should have a handle on what fees can be a tax deduction.

"This is now being discussed with investors. Each has complications. Investors basically ask for no complexity. We are still looking to help reduce that complexity, "said Sri Mulyani.

Deputy Minister Kenangan Mardiasmo stated that in terms of exploration, the government's position is clear, namely the exemption of import duties, Income Tax (PPh), Import Value Added Tax (VAT), domestic VAT, as well as land and building tax (PBB).

   As for the exploitation phase, the Ministry of Finance wants VAT and PBB to be imposed when contractors have made significant profits. While investors want the VAT and the UN released forever. While direct taxes, such as Income Tax, are automatically charged when the company already makes a profit, at a rate of 25 percent.


At the Merdeka Palace yesterday, Sri Mulyani accompanied by Director General of Tax Ken Dwijugiasteadi met President Joko Widodo. Sri Mulyani, after meeting the President, said that in the meeting, among other things, it was said about tax revenue. Tax revenues until September 2017 are lower than the same period in 2016. Because, in September 2016, the tax forgiveness program has begun.

However, if the acceptance of this tax forgiveness program is not combined in September 2016 revenues, revenues until September 2017 are considered to be very good and increasing.


Skema Pajak Investasi Masih Diformulasikan

Kementerian Keuangan masih memformulasikan skema pajak investasi hulu minyak dan gas bumi untuk sistem gross split. Hasilnya diharapkan bermanfaat bagi semua pihak.

”Tim kami sedang mempelajari yang diharapkan oleh mereka (investor). Namun, yang paling penting, tentu selain hasilnya baik, kebijakannya bisa berjalan. Artinya betul-betul sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Bagi pemerintah, memberikan return yang baik juga,” kata Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati. 

Pemerintah berusaha mendorong pertumbuhan investasi minyak dan gas bumi (migas). Salah satunya melalui pemutakhiran ketentuan investasi. Sejalan dengan itu, pemerintah menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 27 Tahun 2017 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 79 Tahun 2010 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakuan Pajak Penghasilan di Bidang Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi.

Aturan ini berlaku untuk investor lama yang selama ini berinvestasi menggunakan product sharing contract (PSC), yang salah satu komponennya berupa cost recovery atau biaya pemulihan operasi kontraktor. Sementara untuk calon investor yang akan masuk ke sektor migas di Indonesia, pemerintah telah menetapkan gross split atau pembagian hasil minyak dan gas berdasarkan produksi bruto.

Meski demikian, beberapa pasal pada Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No 27/2017 tersebut tidak cocok untuk itu, peraturan pemerintah yang relevan sedang disiapkan, dengan salah satu substansi berupa skema pajak. Dari sisi kebijakan, Sri Mulyani mengatakan, skema perpajakan aturan baru hampir mirip dengan investasi rezim cost recovery. Untuk itu, pemerintah harus memiliki pegangan biaya apa saja yang bisa menjadi pengurang pajak. 

”Ini yang sekarang sedang dibahas dengan investor. Masing-masing punya komplikasi. Investor pada dasarnya minta tidak kompleks. Kita masih melihat untuk membantu mengurangi kompleksitas tersebut,” kata Sri Mulyani.

Wakil Menteri Kenangan Mardiasmo menyatakan, dalam hal eksplorasi, posisi pemerintah sudah jelas, yakni membebaskan bea masuk, Pajak Penghasilan (PPh), Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) impor, PPN dalam negeri, serta pajak bumi dan bangunan (PBB).

   Adapun untuk fase eksploitasi, Kementerian Keuangan menginginkan PPN dan PBB dikenakan ketika kontraktor sudah memperoleh keuntungan signifikan. Sementara investor menginginkan PPN dan PBB dibebaskan selamanya. Sementara pajak bersifat langsung, seperti PPh, secara otomatis dikenakan saat perusahaan sudah memperoleh keuntungan, dengan tarif 25 persen. 


Di Istana Merdeka, kemarin, Sri Mulyani didampingi Direktur Jenderal Pajak Ken Dwijugiasteadi menemui Presiden Joko Widodo. Sri Mulyani, seusai bertemu Presiden, mengatakan, dalam pertemuan itu antara lain disampaikan soal penerimaan pajak. Penerimaan pajak sampai September 2017 memang lebih rendah ketimbang periode yang sama di 2016. Sebab, pada September 2016, program pengampunan pajak sudah dimulai. 

Namun, jika penerimaan dari program pengampunan pajak ini tidak digabungkan dalam penerimaan September 2016, penerimaan sampai dengan September 2017 dinilai masih sangat baik dan meningkat.

Kompas, Page-18, Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Petronas sells half of shares in polymer unit to Aramco

Malaysia’s Petronas Chemicals Group Bhd (PCG) said on Monday it plans to sell 50 percent of a polymers unit to Saudi Aramco’s wholly owned subsidiary, Aramco Overseas Holdings Cooperatief U.A. for US$ 900 million. 

The sale, which was done at cost, was prompted by the desire to share project risk amid plans for Saudi Aramco to invest $7 billion into a Petronas oil refinery and petrochemical project in Malaysia’s southern state of Johor.

“The project is still at construction phase and the risk will remain high until project completion in 2019,” said PCG, a unit of, national oil company Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas), said in  statement.

The deal follows on from an agreement in February in which Aramco Overseas will lake 50 percent of PRPC refinery and Cracker from Petronas Refinery and Petrochemical Corporation (PRPC).

As part of the polymers deal, Saudi Aramco will supply up to 70 percent of the crude required by PRPC Refinery and Cracker which will help ensure sustainable feedstock supply for the polymers unit.

PCG said the sale would allow it to cut its capital spending budget, provide it with the financial flexibility to pursue other strategic growth projects and help it pursue future strategic collaborations with Saudi Aramco.

In May PCG told Reuters that it is looking to grow aggressively in specialty chemicals to meet demand in new regional markets and profit from higher margins. PCG said the sale will not have any material impact on its earnings for the financial year ending December 2017.

Petronas Chemicals makes oleiins, polymers, fertilisers and methanol among others. Petronas owns about 65 percent ofthe chemicals unit.

PCG reported a doubling in quarterly profit inthe first three month ofthe year, helped by higher prices and sales volume, but remained cautiousj about recovery in the petrochemicals market as crude prices remain volatile.

The chemicals manufacturer, a subsidiary of state-run energy firm Petroliam Nasional Berhad (Petronas), reported a first-quarter profit of 1.38 billion ringgit, compared with 671 million ringgit a year earlier.

Revenue rose 49 percent to 4.7 billion ringgit from the year-ago quarter. Sales volume increased 16 percent, While product prices rose by an average of 22 percent.

“Petrochemical product prices have risen in tandem and demand has also shown some improvement,” CEO Sazali Hamzah said in a statement. “Despite the improvements that we have seen so far, crude oil and as such petrochemical prices, is forecast to remain volatile.” 

Jakarta Post, Page-15, Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Auction Rules Working Area Slack

A number of points of auction rules of oil and gas working areas slack. The Government plans to amend the current regulation based on Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 35/2008 on the Procedures for the Determination and Supply of Working Areas of Oil and Gas.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources dismisses the allegations, changes in the rules of the auction of oil and gas working area is the effect of the quiet of the auction Work area. Given, in the last two years the auction of oil and gas working area is not much interested. Although, the government recognizes there are weaknesses during its implementation. 

     Well, that's the result of evaluation from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to the auction of oil and gas WK. In addition, the government also wants to adjust the auction rules of oil and gas working area with the gross split rule.

"There is a gross split, at least all the nicknames must be changed," he said, Secretary of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on Monday (2/10).

In changing the rules, the government claims, has accommodated the proposals of business actors. One of them, allowing business entities to conduct Self Study. Then the results are reported to the government for auction. For the government, the implementation of Self Study also has the potential to add data of oil and gas working area. Therefore, the government claimed to have limitations to seek and collect data on oil and gas working areas.

Independent study is different from the rules that exist today. In determining the working area of ​​oil and gas, business entities must conduct joint study with the government. In addition to self-study, changes to the auction rules of oil and gas working areas will also include an extension of the deadline in the auction process. Since the Auction deadline is too narrow, many business entities can not evaluate the oil and gas working areas offered by the government. In the end they did not follow the auction of oil and gas working area.

Another proposed change, namely the assessment of financial ability. Single, Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Development of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, said there are also proposals to change the determination of owner estimate.

"Procedures to compile it how, yesterday there are Standart, Operation and Procedures, but this is still in the discourse whether to change or not," said Tunggal.


Aturan Lelang Wilayah Kerja Mengendur

Sejumlah poin aturan lelang wilayah kerja minyak dan gas mengendur. Pemerintah berencana mengubah aturan yang saat ini berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral nomor 35/2008 tentang Tata Cara Penetapan dan Penawaran Wilayah Kerja Minyak dan Gas Bumi.

Kementerian ESDM menampik dugaan, perubahan aturan lelang wilayah kerja migas adalah efek dari sepinya lelang Wilayah kerja. Mengingat, dalam dua tahun terakhir lelang wilayah kerja migas tidak banyak peminat. Meskipun, pemerintah mengakui ada kelemahan selama implementasinya. Nah, hal itulah yang menjadi hasil evaluasi dari Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM terhadap lelang WK migas. Selain itu, pemerintah juga ingin menyesuaikan aturan lelang wilayah kerja migas dengan aturan gross split.

"Ada gross split, paling tidak semua julukannya harus diubah, istilahnya nomenklaturnya," jelas Susyanto, Sekretatis Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM, Senin (2/10).

Dalam mengubah aturan, pemerintah mengklaim, sudah menampung usulan pelaku usaha. Salah satunya, mengizinkan badan usaha melakukan Studi mandiri. Lantas hasilnya dilaporkan kepada pemerintah untuk dilelang. Bagi pemerintah, penerapan Studi mandiri juga berpotensi menambah data-data Wilayah Kerja migas. Sebab, pemerintah mengaku memiliki keterbatasan untuk mencari dan mengumpulkan data-data wilayah kerja migas.

Studi mandiri berbeda dengan aturan yang ada saat ini. Dalam menetapkan wilayah kerja migas, badan usaha harus melakukan joint study bersama pemerintah. Selain studi mandiri, perubahan aturan lelang wilayah kerja migas juga akan memuat perpanjangan batas waktu dalam proses lelang. Karena batas Waktu lelang terlalu sempit, banyak badan usaha yang tidak bisa mengevaluasi wilayah kerja migas yang ditawarkan pemerintah. Pada akhirnya mereka tidak jadi mengikuti lelang wilayah kerja migas.

Usulan perubahan lain, yakni soal penilaian kemampuan finansial. Tunggal, Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Migas Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM, bilang, ada juga usulan mengubah penentuan owner estimate (nilai Sendiri).

"Tata Cara menyusun itu bagaimana, kemarin ada SOP, tapi ini masih dalam wacana apakah perlu diubah atau tidak," kata Tunggal.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Deemed Profit rejects in Revised Gross Split Rules

ESDM accommodates the proposal to strike a deemed profit in a gross split

The government is still fixing the tax rule of the contract for the gross split. However, at the time of this discussion, there are concerns from oil and gas business actors that will burden business actors in the upstream sector. In the document of the proposed Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), there are concerns related to the plan of applying the supposedly beneficial income (special norm) or deemed profit.

This IPA concern is delivered to the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), SKK Migas, until Directorate General of Oil and Gas. This method is considered to have the potential to increase the contractor's economic burden, since the same percentage of deemed profit can not describe all the characteristics of the working unit of oil and gas. In addition, deemed profit method can also affect the Contractor Cooperation Contract (KKKS), which must pay tax even though still in a losing position.
The deemed profit method can also impact on double tax payments on the same income as the authority in the country of origin has the potential to refuse the payment of income tax in Indonesia as a tax credit in the country of origin. IPA also strongly hopes the Indonesian government is considering keeping the current tax regime in the oil and gas sector.

The plan was successful, the government accommodated the proposed IPA. Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Development of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tunggal said deemed profit method will not be applied in the gross split tax regulation.

"We do not need to talk about it, because the word Deputy Minister of Finance, deemed profit is forgotten, it's not talking anymore.
the usual, but the taxes for the oil and gas sector, "said Tunggal, Monday (2/10).

Tunggal explains, in the method of deemed profit income assumptions set. For example a company's earnings of 100, then it can be set to 50. That is taxes imposed only on income 50 not 100. Tax exemption This method will not be applied in the gross split tax, because according to TunggaI not in accordance with the scheme a gross split sharing contract that no longer uses assumptions.

"So do not count on the assumption, the point is split at the beginning," said Tunggal.

In addition, deemed profit method can not be applied to foreign oil and gas companies in Indonesia. The reason is not all foreign companies come from countries that set tax treaty.

"The problem is there is an existing company agreement / tax treaty, some are not.That is acceptable or not, it's a matter of tax rules," said Sole

Currently the government is more focused on the demand for IPA to exempt the tax either during the exploration or exploitation period. The Ministry of ESDM also gave the green light at the request of this IPA. However, the Ministry of Finance still has not agreed on the proposal.

"If the Government Regulation number 27ada words can be given," he said.

In addition, the government also still has not agreed to set a deadline in loss carry forward method. In the tax rules, the deadline for loss carry forward is only for five years. While exploration activities can last for 10 years-15 years.

Hence the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will conduct a meeting with related parties to discuss the gross split tax regulation on Wednesday (4/10).

"The Deputy Minister asked to invite BKF again to ESDM on Wednesday to discuss the progress to where, because it has not been decided," said Tunggal.

Previously, Deputy Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance) Mardiasmo states, will create a rule that embraces Government Regulation No. 27/2017. That way, the government will not impose taxes during the exploration period. While in times of exploitation, the government will only impose tax when it has reached the economic period. This means that when the initial production period, the contractors do not pay indirect tax such as Value Added Tax (VAT).

However, the draft regulation is still in conflict with the investor's proposal. Mardiasmo stated, investors want during the period of exploration and exploitation is not taxable. He explained that the government still wants to impose taxes during the exploitation period, but only when the company has reached the project economy.


Deemed Profit ditolak di Revisi Aturan Gross Split

ESDM akomodir usulan untuk coret penghitungan norma khusus (deemed profit) di gross split 

Pemerintah masih memperbaiki aturan pajak kontrak bagi hasil gross split. Namun di saat pembahasan ini, muncul kekhawatiran dari pelaku usaha minyak dan gas yang nantinya akan memberatkan pelaku usaha di sektor hulu. Dalam dokumen usulan Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), ada kekhawatiran terkait rencana penerapan penghasilan yang dianggap mengguntungkan (norma khusus) atau deemed profit.

Kekhawatiran IPA ini disampaikan ke Kementerian Keuangan, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), SKK Migas, hingga Ditjen Migas. Metode ini dinilai akan berpotensi meningkatkan beban ekonomi kontraktor, karena persentase deemed profit yang sama tidak dapat menggambarkan seluruh karakteristik unit wilayah kerja Migas. Selain itu, metode deemed profit juga bisa berdampak pada Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS), yang harus membayar pajak meski masih pada posisi merugi.

Metode deemed profit juga bisa berdampak pada pembayaran pajak ganda pada pendapatan yang sama mengingat otoritas di negara asal berpotensi menolak pembayaran pajak penghasilan di Indonesia sebagai tax credit di negara asal. IPA juga sangat berharap pemerintah Indonesia mempertimbangkan untuk tetap mempertahankan rezim pajak yang saat ini berlaku di sektor migas.

Rencana berhasil, pemerintah mengakomodir usulan IPA. Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM, Tunggal bilang metode deemed profit tidak akan diterapkan dalam aturan pajak gross split. 

"Kita tidak perlu bicara itu, karena kata Wakil Menteri Keuangan, deemed profit dilupakan, sudah tidak bicara itu lagi. Kami bicara pajak yang biasa, tapi pajak untuk bidang migas," jelas Tunggal, Senin (2/10).

Tunggal menjelaskan, dalam metode deemed profit asumsi pendapatan ditetapkan. Misalnya pendapatan sebuah perusahaan sebesar 100, maka bisa ditetapkan menjadi 50. Dengan begitu pajak yang dikenakan hanya pada pendapatan 50 bukan 100. Pembebasan pajak Metode ini tidak akan diterapkan dalam pajak gross split, karena menurut TunggaI tidak sesuai dengan skema
kontrak bagi hasil gross split yang tidak lagi menggunakan asumsi. 

"Jadi tidak usah dihitung diasumsi. Intinya split di awal," ujar Tunggal.

Selain itu, metode deemed profit tidak bisa diterapkan kepada perusahaan migas asing di Indonesia. Pasalnya tidak semua perusahaan asing berasal dari negara yang menetapkan tax treaty. 

"Masalahnya ada perusahaan yang sudah ada perjanjian/tax treaty, ada yang tidak. Itu bisa diterima atau tidak, itu masalah aturan perpajakan," kata Tunggal

Saat ini pemerintah lebih fokus pada permintaan IPA untuk membebaskan pajak baik pada masa eksplorasi maupun eksploitasi. Kementerian ESDM pun memberikan lampu hijau atas permintaan IPA ini. Namun Kementerian Keuangan masih belum setuju atas usulan tersebut. 

"Kalau di Peraturan Pemerintah  nomor 27ada kata-kata dapat diberikan. Kalau ini langsung diberikan, tapi belum tentu pajak setuju juga," ungkap Tunggal.

Selain itu, pemerintah juga masih belum sepakat menentukan batas waktu dalam metode loss carry forward. Dalam aturan pajak, batas waktu untuk loss carry forward hanya selama lima tahun. Sementara kegiatan ekplorasi bisa berlangsung selama 10 tahun-15 tahun. 

Makanya Kementerian ESDM akan melaksanakan pertemuan dengan pihak terkait untuk membahas mengenai peraturan pajak gross split tersebut pada Rabu (4/10).

"Tadi Wakil Menteri meminta mengundang BKF lagi ke ESDM pada Rabu nanti membicarakan progres sampai dimana, karena belum diputuskan," ujar Tunggal.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Kementerian Keuangan (Kemkeu) Mardiasmo menyatakan, akan membuat aturan yang menganut Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27/2017. Dengan begitu, pemerintah tidak akan mengenakan pajak selama masa eksplorasi. Sementara di masa eksploitasi, pemerintah hanya akan mengenakan pajak ketika sudah mencapai masa keekonomian. Ini berarti ketika masa awal produksi, para kontraktor tidak membayar indirect tax seperti Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN). 

Namun rancangan peraturan tersebut masih bertentangan dengan usulan investor. Mardiasmo menyatakan, investor ingin selama masa eksplorasi dan eksploitasi tidak terkena pajak. Ia menjelaskan, pemerintah tetap ingin mengenakan pajak selama masa eksploitasi, tapi hanya ketika perusahaan sudah mencapai keekonomian proyek.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Revised Auction Regulations

The government is revising the Ministerial Regulation No. 35/2008 on the Procedures for the Determination and Supply of Working Areas of Oil and Gas to facilitate the auction process of oil and gas blocks. Secretary of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Susyanto said that the auction of oil and gas blocks is evaluated in order to attract more participating business actors.

There are several points that will be revised in the regulation, such as extending the submission of documents of participation, rating ratings, and freedom of review. For the point of time of submission of documents of participation, there is a proposal to extend the period between the offer to the submission of documents of participation.

In Ministerial Regulation 35/2008 Article 29 paragraph 2, stipulated that for regular auctions, investors must submit documents 120 day participation of the auction announcement. Meanwhile, on a direct offer, the investor has a 45 day period from the announcement of the auction to submit the documents of participation. The period is considered too short so investors can not conduct a comprehensive review and choose not to follow offers.

"Because they [investors] think too soon may be true, eventually they can not evaluate properly he can not finally come," he said on Monday (2/10).

With regard to rating ratings, the regulation has stipulated that the first assessment focuses on technical, financial, and performance aspects. For technical aspects, the government will see the ability of business entities to conduct activities referring to commitments in the first 3 years, such as seismic survey activities and drilling of wells.

For the financial aspect, we will see the ability of the business entity to pay the signature bonus and the budget capability of the business entity. The Government will look at the performance aspect of the oil experience side and compliance with regulations and legislation. Later, in the new rules, the order is recycled.


Regulasi Lelang Direvisi

Pemerintah sedang merevisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 35/2008 tentang Tata Cara Penetapan dan Penawaran Wilayah Kerja Minyak dan Gas Bumi untuk mempermudah proses lelang blok migas. Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Susyanto mengatakan bahwa pelaksanaan lelang blok migas dievaluasi agar bisa menjaring lebih banyak pelaku usaha yang ikut serta.

Ada beberapa poin yang akan direvisi dalam regulasi itu, seperti perpanjangan waktu penyerahan dokumen partisipasi, peringkat penilaian, dan kebebasan untuk melakukan kajian. Untuk poin jangka waktu penyerahan dokumen partisipasi, terdapat usulan untuk memperpanjang jangka waktu antara penawaran ke penyerahan dokumen partisipasi.

Pada Peraturan Menteri 35/2008 Pasal 29 ayat 2, diatur bahwa untuk lelang reguler, investor harus menyerahkan dokumen partisipasi 120 hari dari pengumuman lelang. Sementara itu, pada penawaran langsung, investor memiliki masa 45 hari dari pengumuman lelang untuk menyerahkan dokumen partisipasi. Jangka waktu itu dianggap terlalu singkat sehingga investor tidak bisa melakukan kajian komprehensif dan memilih tidak mengikuti penawaran.

“Karena mereka [investor] menganggap terlalu cepat mungkin benar, akhirnya mereka tidak bisa mengevaluasi dengan benar akhirnya dia tidak bisa ikut,” ujarnya, Senin (2/10).

Terkait dengan peringkat penilaian, dalam peraturan itu telah diatur bahwa penilaian pertama difokuskan pada aspek teknis, keuangan, dan kinerja. Untuk aspek teknis, pemerintah akan melihat kemampuan badan usaha untuk melakukan kegiatan mengacu pada komitmen pada 3 tahun pertama, seperti kegiatan survei seismik dan pengeboran sumur.

Untuk aspek keuangan, akan dilihat kemampuan badan usaha untuk membayar bonus tanda tangan dan kemampuan anggaran badan usaha. Pemerintah akan melihat aspek kinerja dari sisi pengalaman di bidang perminyakan dan kepatuhan kepada peraturan dan perundang-undangan. Nantinya, dalam peraturan yang baru, urutan tersebut didaur ulang.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Receivers Turn to Pertamina EP

The step of the curator team of PT Geo Cepu Indonesia to hunt down the assets of the bankrupt debtor now leads to PT Pertamina EP The subsidiary of PT Pertamina is claimed to have US $ 27 million to Gea Cepu.

In fact, the team of curators of PT Geo Cepu Indonesia are considering making a legal effort to Pertamina EP to collect unrecovered assets that have not been paid to the bankrupt debtor. The reason, these assets can be used as a bankrupt budel to pay obligations to the creditors. One of the bankruptcy curators Geo Cepu Risma Situmorang said PT Pertamina EP has not paid the results of oil drilling process because Geo Cepu does not meet the target set by Pertamina.

In fact, both have been working together through the scheme of Cooperation Cooperation (KSO) since 2013. Thus, the cost is not paid by Pertamina EP accumulate up to US $ 27 million. Geo Cepu claimed to spend considerable funds for the process of drilling, diesel and vendor costs. As a result, Geo Cepu has constraints to pay its obligations to vendors.

"The curator will see if the legal effort to unrecovered assets could increase the bankruptcy of the bankrupt must be done," he said on Monday (2/10) Not to mention that Pertamina EP sent a unilateral letter of termination to Geo Cepu. Cepu last August.Later, the letter received by the curator in early September.

Risma said that his party will initiate an intense meeting with Pertamina EP and Geo Cepu. Meanwhile, the solution is Geo Cepu able to bring investors to continue the work of oil drilling or going concern scheme. While waiting, he asked Pertamina EP to better understand the condition of Geo Cepu.

Meanwhile, PT Pertamina EP admitted to having cut off the KSO relationship with Geo Cepu Indonesia due to the bankruptcy status received by Geo Cepu on August 28, 2017.

Public Relation Manager of PT Pertamina EP Muhammad Baron confirmed the company cut off the work contract of Cepu Block with Geo Cepu. He considered that PT Geo Cepu Indonesia did not perform its duties as an executive and manager of upstream oil and gas activities in the mining work area (WKP) of Cepu Block. These areas include Bojonegoro, Tuban and Blora. Not to mention, Geo Cepu also does not perform obligations to its creditors.

"PT Geo Cepu Indonesia has made a default because it is not able to carry out activities according to the contract," he said.

Therefore, the activities in Cepu Block are managed entirely by PT Pertamina EP as of September 1, 2017. He requested that Geo Cepu not link its bankruptcy with Pertamina EP. He refused if the company is considered not to pay unrecovered assets to PT Geo Cepu. Because, Geo Cepu only contracted as a manager, so do not have any assets. Baron also assumes Pertamina EP has the right to terminate the cooperation before the contract expires in 2033.

With the bankruptcy granted by the court, Geo Cepu certainly has an obligation to its creditors. Nevertheless, the Baron objected when problems with third parties were connected with Pertamina EP. He invited if there is a legal effort to the company. It respects the litigation, provided there is evidence that can be legally accountable.

"We just ask this issue not to be reversed the responsibility and the truth between Pertamina EP and Geo Cepu," he concluded.


Geo Cepu lawyer Duma Hutapea said bankruptcy is the best way to resolve bankruptcy debtor. The debtor will be cooperative in undergoing bankruptcy proceedings. The Company has submitted the list of assets to the curator team, including bank guarantees, some machines, and unrecovered assets from Pertamina EP.

"Because now we are bankrupt then unrecovered assets become debtor's property to be distributed to creditors," he said. The assets, he said, are rights retained by Pertamina EP.

In the work agreement, Pertamina EP will pay its right if Geo Cepu fulfill the production target. This contract is valid until 2033. Geo Cepu Indonesia is bankrupt after the peace agreement is canceled by one of its creditors PT Garda
Satria Indonesia.

Garda Satria admitted to not getting the payment as written in the peace proposal. The request for cancellation was granted because Geo Cepu proved to be disobeying the contents of the peace plan, especially to the cancellation applicant, so the debtor automatically went bankrupt.

Geo Cepu is included in the postponement period of debt payment obligation (PKPU) on April 2nd, 2016. Furthermore, the debtor's peace plan was approved on I August 2017.


Kurator Berpaling ke Pertamina EP

Langkah tim kurator PT Geo Cepu Indonesia untuk memburu aset debitur pailit kini mengarah ke PT Pertamina EP Anak usaha PT Pertamina itu diklaim punya kewajiban US$ 27 juta ke Gea Cepu.

Bahkan, tim kurator PT Geo Cepu Indonesia mempertimbangkan untuk melakukan upaya hukum kepada Pertamina EP untuk menagih unrecouered asset yang belum dibayarkan kepada debitur pailit. Pasalnya, aset tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai budel pailit untuk membayar kewajiban kepada para kreditur. Salah satu kurator kepailitan Geo Cepu Risma Situmorang mengatakan PT Pertamina EP belum membayarkan hasil proses pengeboran minyak karena Geo Cepu tidak memenuhi target yang dipatok Pertamina.

Padahal, keduanya telah bekerja sama melalui skema Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO) sejak 2013. Dengan begitu, biaya yang tidak dibayarkan oleh Pertamina EP menumpuk hingga US$ 27 juta. Geo Cepu mengaku mengeluarkan dana yang cukup besar untuk proses pengeboran, solar dan biaya vendor. Alhasil, Geo Cepu memiliki kendala untuk membayar kewajibannya kepada para vendor. 

“Kurator akan melihat jika upaya hukum terhadap unrecovered asset itu bisa meningkatkan budel pailit maka harus dilakukan," katanya, Senin (2/10). Belum lagi, Pertamina EP mengirimkan surat pemutusan kontrak kerja kepada Geo Cepu secara sepihak. Surat itu ditujukan kepada Geo Cepu Agustus lalu. Selanjutnya, surat diterima kurator pada awal September.

Risma berujar pihaknya akan menginisiasi pertemuan intens dengan Pertamina EP dan Geo Cepu. Adapun, solusinya adalah Geo Cepu mampu mendatangkan investor untuk melanjutkan pengerjaan pengeboran minyak atau skema going concern. Sembari menunggu, dia meminta Pertamina EP untuk lebih memahami kondisi Geo Cepu.

Sementara itu, PT Pertamina EP mengakui telah memutus hubungan KSO dengan Geo Cepu Indonesia Iantaran status pailit yang diterima Geo Cepu pada 28 Agustus 2017.

Public Relation Manager PT Pertamina EP Muhammad Baron membenarkan perseroan memutus kontrak pengerjaan Blok Cepu dengan Geo Cepu. Dia menilai PT Geo Cepu Indonesia tidak melakukan kewajibannya sebagai pelaksana dan pengelola kegiatan sektor hulu minyak dan gas di wilayah kerja pertambangan (WKP) Blok Cepu. Wilayah ini meliputi Bojonegoro, Tuban dan Blora. Belum lagi, Geo Cepu juga tidak melaksanakan kewajiban kepada para krediturnya. 

“PT Geo Cepu Indonesia telah melakukan wanprestasi karena tidak mampu melaksanakan kegiatan sesuai kontrak," katanya.

Oleh karena itu, kegiatan di Blok Cepu seluruhnya dikelola oleh PT Pertamina EP per 1 September 2017. Dia meminta Geo Cepu tidak mengkaitkan kepailitannya dengan Pertamina EP. Dia menolak apabila perseroan dianggap tidak membayarkan unrecovered asset kepada PT Geo Cepu. Pasalnya, Geo Cepu hanya dikontrak sebagai pengelola, sehingga tidak memiliki aset satu pun. Baron juga beranggapan Pertamina EP berhak memutus kerja sama sebelum kontrak berakhir pada 2033.

Dengan dikabulkanya pailit oleh pengadilan, Geo Cepu tentu memiliki kewajiban kepada para krediturnya. Kendati begitu, Baron keberatan apabila masalah dengan pihak ketiga disangkutpautkan dengan Pertamina EP. Dia mempersilakan jika ada upaya hukum kepada perseroan. Pihaknya menghormati proses pengadilan, asalkan ada bukti yang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum.

“Kami hanya minta masalah ini tidak diputarbalikkan tanggung jawab dan kebenaran antara Pertamina EP dan Geo Cepu,” pungkasnya.


Kuasa hukum Geo Cepu Duma Hutapea berujar kepailitan adalah jalan terbaik untuk menyelesaikan kepailitan debitur. Debitur akan bersifat kooperatif dalam menjalani proses kepailitan. Perseroan telah menyerahkan daftar aset kepada tim kurator antara lain bank garansi, beberapa mesin, dan unrecovered asset dari Pertamina EP.

“Karena sekarang kami sudah pailit maka unrecovered asset menjadi harta debitur untuk nantinya dibagikan kepada kreditur,” katanya. Aset tersebut, ujarnya adalah hak-hak yang masih ditahan oleh Pertamina EP.

Dalam perjanjian kerja, Pertamina EP akan membayarkan haknya apabila Geo Cepu memenuhi target produksi. Kontrak ini berlaku hingga 2033. Geo Cepu Indonesia bersatus pailit setelah perjanjian perdamaian dibatalkan oleh salah satu krediturnya PT Garda Satria Indonesia.

Garda Satria mengaku tidak mendapatkan pembayaran sesuai dengan yang tertulis di proposal perdamaian. Permohonan pembatalan dikabulkan lantaran Geo Cepu terbukti tidak menaati isi rencana perdamaian, khususnya kepada pemohon pembatalan, sehingga debitur otomatis berstatus pailit.

Geo Cepu masuk dalam masa penundaan kewajiban pembayaran utang (PKPU) pada II April 2016. Selanjutnya, rencana perdamaian debitur telah disahkan pada I Agustus 2017 lalu. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-11, Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Regulation of Minister of Gas Prices Downstream in Finalization Phase

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Regulation concerning the selling price of natural gas at downstream oil and gas business will be issued in the near future. This was conveyed by Director of Oil and Gas Downstream Development of ESDM Ministry Harya Adityawarman, Sunday (1/10).

"In a moment, maybe this is finalization," he said.

Harya said the minister's regulatory purpose is to set the price of gas in the midstream and downstream levels of oil and gas to be more fair for business entities that have the infrastructure and consumers. That way, the profit earned will be in a reasonable stage. 

      The regulation covers a maximum return on investment (IRR) of 11 percent to a gas commercial entrepreneur. Margin for commercial gas entrepreneurs max 7 percent, considering the intermediary or trader took more margin so that the selling price in the end buyer is high enough. Not only that, the rules related to infrastructure to encourage efficiency are also included in the Ministerial Regulation.

"There will be rules of infrastructure issues," he said.

He explains, it is on the third point, namely the extension of the depreciation of the pipe to 15 years. Previously, Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) encouraged the government to prepare an integrated national gas masterplan. Head of Marketing PGN Adi Munandir said the master plan is important so that the government has clear guidance in integrating national gas energy planning and utilization.

"Until today Indonesia does not have a gas masterplan, whereas countries like Ghana and Mozambique just have," he said in a discussion with the Industry Journalists Forum (Forwin), some time ago.

Adi further explained, this masterplan serves to integrate gas industry development planning as well as natural gas production planning and infrastructure development. Not only that, large maps can also synchronize the timing of the execution of those plans.

"So, if there is a gas well that has been production, has been plotted to be used for which industrial zone and what infrastructure should be built first," said Adi.

What happens now, according to him, every ministry and institution has their own planning. The gas industry development roadmap is in the Ministry of Industry, gas infrastructure development plan is in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and gas production planning is in SKK Migas.

Adi said all such plans should ideally be integrated so that the development of the gas industry and the utilization of natural gas becomes more effective and efficient.

"Investors also so know when the infrastructure is complete.


Peraturan Menteri Harga Gas Hilir di Tahap Finalisasi

Peraturan menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) tentang harga jual gas bumi pada usaha hilir minyak dan gas bumi akan dikeluarkan dalam waktu dekat. Hal tersebut disampaikan Direktur Pembinaan Hilir Migas Kementerian ESDM Harya Adityawarman, Ahad (1/10).

"Sebentar lagi, mungkin ini finalisasi," katanya. 

Harya mengatakan, tujuan peraturan menteri tersebut adalah untuk menata harga gas bumi di tingkat midstream dan hilir migas agar lebih adil bagi badan usaha yang memiliki infrastruktur dan konsumen. Dengan begitu, keuntungan yang didapatkan akan dalam tahap wajar. 

      Aturan tersebut meliputi tingkat pengembalian investasi (IRR) maksimal 11 persen kepada pengusaha niaga gas. Margin bagi pengusaha niaga gas maksimal 7 persen, mengingat pihak perantara atau trader mengambil margin lebih banyak sehingga harga jual di pembeli akhir cukup tinggi. Tidak hanya itu, aturan terkait infrastruktur untuk mendorong efisiensi juga turut ada pada Peraturan Menteri tersebut.

"Nanti ada aturan-aturan masalah infrastruktur," ujarnya.

Ia menjelaskan, hal tersebut ada pada poin ketiga, yakni perpanjangan masa depresiasi pipa menjadi 15 tahun. Sebelumnya, Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) mendorong pemerintah menyusun masterplan gas nasional yang terintegrasi. Head of Marketing PGN Adi Munandir mengatakan, masterplan ini panting agar pemerintah memiliki panduan yang jelas dalam mengintegrasikan perencanaan dan pemanfaatan energi gas nasional.

"Sampai hari ini Indonesia belum punya masterplan gas, padahal negara seperti Ghana dan Mozambik saja punya," ujarnya dalam diskusi dengan Forum Wartawan Industri (Forwin), beberapa waktu lalu.

Lebih lanjut Adi menjelaskan, masterplan ini berfungsi untuk mengintegrasikan perencanaan pengembangan industri gas sekaligus perencanaan produksi gas bumi dan pengembangan infrastrukturnya. Tidak hanya itu, peta besar juga dapat menyinkronkan waktu pelaksanaan rencana-rencana tersebut.

"Sehingga, kalau ada sumur gas yang sudah produksi, sudah diplot akan dipakai untuk kawasan industri yang mana dan infrastruktur apa yang harus dibangun lebih dulu," ucap Adi.

Yang terjadi saat ini, menurut dia, setiap kementerian dan lembaga memiliki perencanaan masing-masing. Roadmap pengembangan industri gas ada di Kementerian Perindustrian, rencana pembangunan infrastruktur gas ada di Kementerian ESDM, dan perencanaan produksi gas ada di SKK Migas.

Adi mengatakan, semua perencanaan tersebut idealnya diintegrasikan sehingga pengembangan industri gas dan pemanfaatan gas bumi menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. 

"Investor juga jadi tahu kapan infrastrukturnya selesai.

Republika, Page-14, Monday, October 2, 2017

The Government Continues to Improve Oil and Gas Investment

The government is seeking to increase oil and gas exploration investment to support oil and gas exploration and production activities that continue to decline since 2014. Deputy Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Sukandar explains, in 2014 total exploration cost reached Rp 31 , 01 trillion with details of Rp 12.9 trillion in exploration working area (WK) and Rp 18.11 trillion in WK exploitation. In 2016 the number decreased to Rp 13 trillion, which includes Rp 4.2 trillion in exploration WK and Rp 8.8 trillion in WK exploitation.

On the other hand, out of 270 contractors of cooperation contracts (KKKS) currently only 87 KKKS enter the exploitation phase. A total of 183 KKKS are still exploration, both conventional and non-conventional.

"The declining trend in oil exploration and investment activities is driven by the decline in world oil prices
improved. In addition, the failure of exploration in the eastern seas of Indonesia in the period 2006-2012, the regulations are not conducive, as well as non-technical constraints such as licensing, "he explained in the dialog on the performance of oil and gas exploration, at the Office SKK Migas, Jakarta, weekend then.

Therefore, the government continues to make various improvements. For example, issuing Government Regulation No. 27/2017 on Amendment to Government Regulation 79/2010. Then free of import duties on goods and tax incentives such as value added tax (VAT), luxury sales tax (PPBM), income tax (PPh), and accelerate property tax (PBB).

The government also gave eight additional incentives to the gross split PSC as set out in Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 52/2017 relating to the revision of the gross split. Deputy of Oil and Gas SKK Jaffee Arizon Suardin said the declining investment has had an impact on exploration activities. It can be seen from the number of exploration drilling down from 96 wells in 2012 to 34 wells by 2016.

To ensure the realization of exploration activities, every three months the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources monitors the commitment of KKKS led by Vice Minister of EMR, Arcandra Tahar.

"The government also supports access to oil and gas data openness and intensified the general survey in providing complete data for exploration."


Pemerintah Terus Genjot Investasi Migas

Pemerintah berupaya meningkatkan investasi eksplorasi minyak dan gas bumi untuk menunjang kegiatan eksplorasi serta produksi migas yang terus menurun sejak 2014. Wakil Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Sukandar menjelaskan, pada 2014 total biaya eksplorasi mencapai Rp 31,01 triliun dengan perincian Rp 12,9 triliun di wilayah kerja (WK) eksplorasi dan Rp 18,11 triliun di WK eksploitasi. Pada 2016 jumlahnya turun menjadi Rp 13 triliun yang meliputi Rp 4,2 triliun di WK eksplorasi serta Rp 8,8 triliun di WK eksploitasi.

Di sisi lain, dari 270 kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) saat ini hanya 87 KKKS yang masuk fase eksploitasi. Sebanyak 183 KKKS masih tahap eksplorasi, baik konvensional maupun non-konvensional.

“Tren penurunan aktivitas dan penanaman investasi eksplorasi migas ini banyak didorong penurunan harga minyak dunia yang belum membaik. Selain itu, gagalnya eksplorasi di laut dalam Wilayah Timur Indonesia pada periode 2006-2012, peraturan-peraturan yang tidak kondusif, serta kendala non-teknis seperti perizinan,” paparnya dalam dialog tentang kinerja eksplorasi migas, di Kantor SKK Migas, Jakarta, akhir pekan lalu.

Karena itu, pemerintah terus melakukan berbagai perbaikan. Misalnya, menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27/2017 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Pemerintah 79/2010. Kemudian bebas bea masuk impor barang dan insentif pajak seperti pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN), pajak penjualan atas barang mewah (PPBM), pajak penghasilan (PPh), serta mempercepat pajak bumi dan bangunan (PBB).

Pemerintah juga memberi delapan tambahan insentif pada PSC gross split yang termaktub dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 52/2017 terkait dengan revisi bagi hasil gross split. Deputi Perencanaan SKK Migas Jaffee Arizon Suardin mengatakan turunnya investasi berdampak pada kegiatan eksplorasi. Itu dapat dilihat dari jumlah pengeboran eksplorasi yang menurun dari 96 sumur bor pada 2012 menjadi 34 Sumur pada 2016.

Untuk memastikan realisasi kegiatan eksplorasi, setiap tiga bulan Kementerian ESDM dan SKK Migas memonitor komitmen dari KKKS yang dipimpin langsung Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar.

“Pemerintah pun mendukung akses keterbukaan data migas dan mengintensifkan survei umum dalam menyediakan data yang lengkap untuk eksplorasi.”

Media Indonesia, Page-14, Monday, October 2, 2017

SKK Migas Proposed to Handle Land Acquisition

Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Executives (SKK Migas) is proposed to handle land acquisition issues as one of the reasons for the slow pace of exploration and production activities. 

     Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said, currently it is still reviewing the process of permit for land acquisition for upstream oil and gas activities SKK Migas. Land clearance by SKK Migas is expected to increase oil and gas exploration in Indonesia.

"The issue of land acquisition, there are ideas about the rules of the role of SKK Migas later on this land acquisition, we are currently discussing it," he said in Jakarta, last weekend.

He said the barriers of land acquisition permit in exploration activities are also still need to be sought joint solutions, both from the side of the local permit and permit Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). It believes SKK Migas as a government representative will be able to unravel the barriers of land acquisition permits.

According to him, the cost of land acquisition license will be borne by the Sarna Contract Contractor (KKKS), while SKK Migas is only a representative of negotiation with the land provider. If the land permit is handled by SKK Migas, land acquisition process can be quick. The other benefits will be cheaper, "he said.

He ensured the move was not a special treatment for the upstream oil and gas industry. The way this is done because there is a tendency of rising land prices if the KKKS that liberate the land. Head of Formalities Division of SKK Migas Didi Setiadi said that the discourse does not violate the rules because there are laws stating that the land designated for oil and gas activities is in the public interest and the procurement executor is done by the government. Meanwhile, SKK Migas can be appointed as government representative.

"From the Presidential Regulation can be more specific so how the implementation of land procurement for oil and gas activities can be synchronized" he said.

Deputy Head of SKK Migas Sukandar acknowledged that exploration activities showed a downward trend, one of the causes of land clearance constraints other than low world oil prices. Based on data from SKK Migas, since 2014 investment activities of exploitation and exploration continue to decline.

In 2014, total exploration cost reached Rp 31.01 trillion with details of Rp 12.9 trillion in WK Exploration and Rp 18.11 trillion in WK Exploitation. In 2016 the number decreased to Rp 13 trillion, including Rp 4.2 trillion in WK Exploration and Rp 8.8 trillion in WK Exploitation. Currently there are 270 KKKS, 87 of which enter the phase of exploitation. While 183 KKKS is still exploration stage.

"The government has tried but the increase of exploration activities will not be realized without the support of all stakeholders" he said.


SKK Migas Diusulkan Tangani Pembebasan Lahan

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas (SKK Migas) diusulkan menangani urusan pembebasan lahan sebagai salah satu penyebab lambannya kegiatan eksplorasi dan produksi. 

     Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, saat ini pihaknya masih mengkaji agar proses izin pembebasan lahan untuk kegiatan hulu migas dilakukan SKK Migas. Pengurusan izin lahan oleh SKK Migas diharapkan mampu meningkatkan eksplorasi migas di Indonesia.

"Masalah pembebasan lahan, ada ide-ide mengenai aturan-aturan peran SKK Migas nantinya mengenai pembebasan lahan ini. Saat ini sedang kita bahas,” ujarnya di Jakarta, akhir pekan lalu.

Dia mengatakan, hambatan izin pembebasan lahan dalam kegiatan eksplorasi juga masih perlu dicari solusi bersama, baik dari sisi izin daerah maupun izin Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK). Pihaknya meyakini SKK Migas sebagai perwakilan pemerintah akan mampu mengurai hambatan izin pembebasan lahan.

Menurut dia, nanti biaya izin pembebasan lahan tetap ditanggung Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sarna (KKKS), sementara SKK Migas hanya sebagai perwakilan negosiasi dengan penyedia tanah. Apabila izin lahan ditangani SKK Migas, proses pembebasan lahan bisa cepat. Keuntungan Iain jumlah biaya akan lebih murah,” ujarnya.

Dia memastikan langkah tersebut bukan perlakuan spesial untuk industri hulu migas. Adapun cara ini dilakukan karena ada kecenderungan naiknya harga tanah jika KKKS yang membebaskan lahan. Kepala Divisi Formalitas SKK Migas Didi Setiadi menyebutkan, wacana tersebut tidak melanggar aturan karena ada undang-undang yang menyatakan tanah yang diperuntukkan bagi kegiatan migas itu termasuk kepentingan umum dan pelaksana pengadaannya dilakukan pemerintah. Sementara SKK Migas dapat ditunjuk sebagai perwakilan pemerintah.

"Dari Peraturan Presidennya bisa lebih spesifik sehingga bagaimana pelaksanaan pengadaan tanah untuk kegiatan migas bisa disinkronisasi" ujarnya. 

Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Sukandar mengakui kegiatan eksplorasi menunjukkan tren penurunan, salah satu penyebabnya ada hambatan izin lahan selain rendahnya harga minyak dunia. Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, sejak tahun 2014 investasi kegiatan eksploitasi maupun eksplorasi terus menurun. 
Pada 2014, total biaya eksplorasi mencapai Rp 31,01 triliun dengan rincian Rp 12,9 triliun di WK Eksplorasi dan Rp 18,11 triliun di WK Eksploitasi. Tahun 2016 jumlahnya turun menjadi Rp 13 triliun meliputi Rp 4,2 triliun di WK Eksplorasi dan Rp 8,8 triliun di WK Eksploitasi. Saat ini terdapat 270 KKKS, 87 di antaranya masuk fase eksploitasi. Sedangkan 183 KKKS masih tahap eksplorasi.

"Pemerintah telah berupaya namun peningkatan aktivitas eksplorasi tidak akan terwujud tanpa dukungan seluruh pemangku kepentingan" kata dia.

Koran Sindo, Page-15, Monday, October 2, 2017