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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Gas Pruning Immediately Realized

Addressing the industry's demand for lower gas prices, the government will issue new regulations to reduce gas prices for industries.

The head of the Bureau of Communications and Public Information Services of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Dadan Kusdiana said that it soon issued a regulation to fix gas prices calculated on the basis of several price-fixing components.

Some of these components consist of upstream gas prices, distribution costs, and natural gas distribution costs. The government has lowered the price of industrial gas for the region of North Sumatra. This matter is regulated in Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree no. 434/2017 on Natural Gas Price in Medan Area and Surrounding Area. The gas price in the area fell from US $ 7.85 per MMBtu to US $ 6.95 plus 1% of the Indonesian crude price (ICP) per MMBTU.

"For other regions [other than North Sumatra], at the proposal of the Ministry of Industry, gas prices will be lowered. Currently, the government is preparing an EMR Ministerial Decree on the decline in industrial gas prices, "he said.

The Chairman of the Forum for Industrial Gas Users (FIPGB) Achmad Safiun said that the government needs to reduce the price of gas for the whole region, not only in North Sumatra. The price of gas borne by the industry varies depending on the region, the agreement with the contractor, and the incentives provided by the government.

He pointed out, currently the price of gas in West Java US $ 9.2 per MMBtu, and East Java US $ 8.2 MMBtu. Meanwhile, the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) also has efforts to lower gas prices for industries. Head of BPH Migas Fansurullah Asa said that it will revise the tariff lease tariff (toll fee) in all gas pipelines. Currently, BPH Migas is still reviewing the decrease in the cost of renting the gas pipeline.

"This is one of our efforts to lower gas prices. However, the authority of industrial gas price decline is in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, "he said

Meanwhile, the gas user industry urged the government to immediately realize the reduction of gas price to US $ 6 per MMBtu, Achmad Safiun demanded that the government consistent with the pledge of natural gas price decline for seven industrial sectors, namely fertilizer, petrochemical, oleochemistry, steel, ceramics, glass , and rubber gloves.


He considered that the decline in gas prices would be effective to support the growth of the competitiveness of the seven diminishing industrial sectors.

"It has been more than a year since the Presidential Instruction on gas tariff reduction until now has not been done," Achmad said at a press conference on Monday (9/10).

According to him, at the beginning of 2015 the global oil price at that time reached US $ 100 per barrel fell to US $ 50. The same thing happened to the world's price of gas commodities that continue to decline. However, the decline in gas prices did not occur in the country because the gas tariff in Indonesia is still fixed, ie the average US $ 9 per MMBtu.

"This is what makes the cost of production up to the price of Indonesian manufacturer products is more expensive compared to other countries," he said.

FIPGB notes that the government has attempted to regulate gas prices since September 9, 2015 through a package of economic policies jilld I. The government at the time was considering the fixing of gas prices for certain domestic industries, then, the government reissued the economic policy package volume III on 7 October 2015 on gas price determination for industrial sector worth US $ 7 per MMBtu.

The price of gas refers to the fertilizer industry, while for other sectors will be decreased in accordance with the ability of each industry. The government also issued Presidential Regulation Number. 40/2016 on Natural Gas Price not higher than US $ 6 per MMBtu for seven priority industry sectors.

The beleid aims to enhance the competitiveness of national industries in the face of global markets. Achmad revealed that until now the price of gas borne by the industry varies depending on the region, agreements with contractors, and incentives.

He explained that the current price of gas in the region of North Sumatra reached US $ 9.95 per MMBtu, West Java US $ 9.2 per MMBtu, and East Java US $ 8.2 MMBtu.

He added that manufacturers such as ceramics, glass, and gloves are now facing difficulty in production. Meanwhile, the ceramic industry is hoping for a breakthrough from the government to help the manufacturing sales. 

      Elisa Sinaga, Chair of the Indonesian Ceramic Association (Asaki), said that the government should not only focus on reducing gas prices for industrial needs. However, it should pay attention to all aspects of other support for national products can be absorbed in local and global markets.


Pemangkasan Gas Segera Direalisasikan

Menyikapi tuntutan industri terhadap penurunan harga gas, pemerintah akan menerbitkan regulasi baru untuk menurunkan harga gas bagi industri.

Kepala Biro Komunikasi dan Iayanan Informasi Publik Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Dadan Kusdiana mengatakan bahwa pihaknya segera menerbitkan regulasi untuk menetapkan harga gas yang dihitung berdasarkan beberapa komponen pembentuk harga.

Beberapa komponen itu terdiri atas harga gas bumi di hulu, biaya penyaluran, dan biaya distribusi gas bumi. Pemerintah telah menurunkan harga gas industri untuk wilayah Sumatra Utara. Hal ini diatur dalam Keputusan Menteri ESDM No. 434/2017 tentang Harga Gas Bumi di Wilayah Medan dan Sekitarnya. Harga gas didaerah itu, turun dari US$ 7,85 per MMBtu menjadi US$ 6,95 ditambah 1% dari harga minyak (Indonesian crude price/ICP) per MMBTU.

“Untuk wilayah lainnya [selain Sumatra Utara], atas usulan Kementerian Perindustrian, harga gas akan diturunkan. Saat ini, pemerintah sedang menyusun Keputusan Menteri ESDM tentang penurunan harga gas industri,” katanya.

Ketua Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi (FIPGB) Achmad Safiun mengatakan bahwa pemerintah perlu menurunkan harga gas untuk seluruh wilayah, tidak hanya di Sumatra Utara. Harga gas yang ditanggung oleh industri berbeda-beda tergantung dari wilayah, perjanjian dengan kontraktor, dan insentif yang diberikan oleh pemerintah.

Dia mencontohkan, saat ini harga gas di Jawa Barat US$ 9,2 per MMBtu, dan Jawa Timur US$ 8,2 MMBtu. Sementara itu, Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak Bumi dan Gas (BPH Migas) juga mempunyai upaya untuk menurunkan harga gas untuk industri. Kepala BPH Migas Fansurullah Asa mengatakan bahwa pihaknya akan merevisi tarif sewa pipa (toll fee) di seluruh jaringan pipa gas. Saat ini, BPH Migas masih mengkaji penurunan biaya sewa pipa gas.

“Ini adalah salah satu upaya kita untuk menurunkan harga gas. Namun, wewenang penurunan harga gas industri ada di Kementerian ESDM," katanya 

Sementara itu, industri pengguna gas mendesak agar pemerintah segera merealisasikan penurunan harga gas menjadi US$ 6 per MMBtu, Achmad Safiun menuntut agar pemerintah konsisten terhadap janji penurunan harga gas bumi untuk tujuh sektor industri, yaitu pupuk, petrokimia, oleokimia, baja, keramik, kaca, dan sarung tangan karet.


Dia menilai bahwa penurunan harga gas akan efektif untuk mendukung pertumbuhan daya saing ketujuh sektor industri yang sedang redup itu.

“Sudah terhitung lebih dari setahun, sejak Instruksi Presiden mengenai penurunan tarif gas sampai saat ini belum terlaksana,” kata Achmad saat konferensi pers, Senin (9/10).

Menurutnya, pada awal 2015 harga minyak global yang saat itu mencapai US$ 100 per barel turun menjadi US$ 50. Hal yang sama terjadi pada harga komoditas gas dunia yang terus menurun. Namun, penurunan harga gas itu tidak terjadi di Tanah Air karena tarif gas di Indonesia terbilang masih tetap, yaitu rerata US$ 9 per MMBtu.

“Ini yang membuat ongkos produksi sampai dengan harga produk pabrikan Indonesia lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan negara lain,” ujarnya.

FIPGB mencatat bahwa pemerintah telah berupaya untuk memberikan regulasi mengenai harga gas sejak 9 September 2015 melalui paket kebijakan ekonomi jilld I. Pemerintah pada saat itu mempertimbangkan tentang penetapan harga gas untuk industri tertentu dalam negeri, kemudian, pemerintah menerbitkan kembali paket kebijakan ekonomi jilid III pada 7 Oktober 2015 tentang penetapan harga gas untuk sektor industri senilai US$ 7 per MMBtu.

Harga gas tersebut mengacu pada industri pupuk, sedangkan untuk sektor lain akan diturunkan sesuai dengan kemampuan industri masing-masing. Pemerintah juga menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor. 40/2016 tentang Harga Gas Bumi tidak lebih tinggi dari US$ 6 per MMBtu untuk tujuh sektor industri prioritas.

Beleid itu bertujuan untuk meningkatkan daya saing industri nasional dalam menghadapi pasar global. Achmad mengungkapkan bahwa sampai saat ini harga gas yang ditanggung oleh industri berbeda-beda tergantung dari wilayah, perjanjian dengan kontraktor, dan insentif.

Dia menjelaskan, saat ini harga gas di wilayah Sumatra Utara mencapai US$ 9,95 per MMBtu, Jawa Barat US$ 9,2 per MMBtu, dan Jawa Timur US$ 8,2 MMBtu.

Dia menambahkan bahwa pabrikan seperti keramik, kaca, dan sarung tangan kini sedang menghadapi kesulitan dalam berproduksi. Sementara itu, industri keramik mengharapkan adanya terobosan dari pemerintah untuk membantu penjualan manufaktur tersebut. 

    Elisa Sinaga, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Aneka Keramik Indonesia (Asaki), menyampaikan bahwa pemerintah tidak perlu hanya terfokus pada penurunan harga gas untuk kebutuhan industri. Namun, harus memperhatikan segala aspek pendukung lain agar produk nasional dapat terserap di pasar lokal maupun global.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The KKKS list leaves the longer

The sale of Chevron, ConocoPhilips and lnpex shares in South Natuna Block Block B Block (SNSB) should be a reminder that the country's oil and gas industry has entered a red light. The reason, before the sale of Block B shares in a row, ExxonMobil also release to participate in East Natuna Block. Director of Medco Energi, Hilmi Panigoro claimed Chevron's action to sell SNSB shares did not affect production.

"Sales will not affect production because we are operators," he said.

Until semester 1-2017, the production of SNSB Block reaches 60,000 equivalent berel per day (boepd). Medco is currently drilling the third and fourth wells.

"We're drilling well the third and fourth Wells one and two are done and already in production Drilling the batch system
(parallel) for efficiency, "said Hilmi

Komaidi Notonegoro, Executive Director of the ReforMiner Institute, said that the removal of foreign oil and gas companies from Indonesian oil and gas blocks is due to several factors. For example, because there is no certainty of investment in Indonesia and licensing issues that until now there has been no solution.

"So far, the oil and gas industry including Chevron complained about a number of investment barriers, one of which is licensing problem," Komaidi said

According to him, these problems make Indonesia's investment climate less attractive when compared to other countries.

"The main problem is the investment climate, then they have more attractive investment options, including in their own country (United States) that is developing Shale Oil or Gas," he explained.

Oil and Gas Company Leaves and Sell Blocks (2013-2016)
1, Australia Cooper Energy
2. Hess Corporation
3. Murphy Oil
4. Anadarko
5. Talisman Energy
6. Marathon Oil
7. Lundin Petroleum
8. Korean National Oil Corp
9. Premier Oil
10. Niko Resources
11. lnpex sells shares in Block B of South Natuna Sea
12. ConocoPhilips sells shares in Block B of South Natuna Sea
13. Chevron sells stake in Block B of South Natunai Sea
14. ExxonMobil escape from East Natuna Block, returns 3 blocks, and sells shares in Tiung Biru Jambaran Field.


Daftar KKKS kabur Semakin Panjang

Penjualan saham Chevron, ConocoPhilips dan lnpex di Blok South Natuna Sea Block B (SNSB) mesti menjadi peringatan bahwa industri migas Tanah Air sudah masuk lampu merah. Pasalnya, sebelum penjualan saham Blok B secara beruntun itu, ExxonMobil juga melepas ke ikut sertaannya di Blok East Natuna. Direktur Utama Medco Energi, Hilmi Panigoro mengklaim aksi Chevron menjual saham SNSB tidak mempengaruhi produksi. 

"Penjualan tidak akan mempengaruhi produksi karena kami operator," ujarnya.

Hingga semester l-2017, produksi Blok SNSB mencapai 60.000 ekuivalen berel per hari (boepd). Saat ini Medco sedang melakukan pengeboran sumur ketiga dan keempat. 

"Kami sedang drilling well ketiga dan keempat. Wells satu dan dua sudah selesai dan sudah produksi. Drillingnya system batch (parallel) untuk efisiensi," ungkap Hilmi

Komaidi Notonegoro, Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute menilai, keluarnya perusahaan migas asing dari blok-blok migas Indonesia karena beberapa faktor. Misalnya karena tidak adanya kepastian investasi di Indonesia dan masalah perizinan yang hingga kini belum juga ada solusi.

"Selama ini, industri migas termasuk Chevron mengeluhkan adanya sejumlah hambatan investasi yang salah satunya masalah perizinan," ujar Komaidi 

     Menurut dia, masalah-masalah tersebut membuat iklim investasi Indonesia kurang menarik jika dibandingkan negara-negara lain. 

"Masalah utama iklim investasi. Kemudian mereka punya pilihan investasi yang lebih menarik, termasuk di negara mereka sendiri (Amerika Serikat) yaitu mengembangkan Shale Oil atau Gas," jelasnya.

Perusahaan Migas Kabur dan Jual Blok (2013-2016)
1, Australia Cooper Energy
2. Hess Corporation
3. Murphy Oil
4. Anadarko
5. Talisman Energy
6. Marathon Oil
7. Lundin Petroleum
8. Korean National Oil Corp
9. Premier Oil
10. Niko Resources
11. lnpex jual saham di Blok B Laut Natuna Selatan
12. ConocoPhilips jual saham di Blok B Laut Natuna Selatan
13. Chevron jual saham di Blok B Laut Natunai Selatan
14. ExxonMobil mundur dari Blok East Natuna, mengembalikan 3 blok, dan jual saham di Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Business Players Demand Promise of Gas Price Decrease

The Natural Gas Users Industry Forum is charging the government's commitment to lower industrial gas prices. The decline in industrial gas prices is needed to increase industrial competitiveness, attract investment into the real sector, absorb large quantities of labor, and increase industrial contribution to the economy.

"Moreover, President Joko Widodo in a limited cabinet meeting on October 4, 2016 has instructed the industrial gas price of US $ 5-US $ 6 per MMBTU (million metric british thermal unit) to strengthen the industry's competitiveness," said Chairman of the Forum of Natural Gas User Industry Achmad Safiun in a press conference in Jakarta, Monday (9/10).

The event was attended by Chairman of Indonesian Pulp and Paper Association Aryan Wargadalam and Chairman of Sheet and Safety Glass Association Yustinus H Gunawan. Also present were Vice Chairman of Indonesian Olefin, Aromatic, and Plastic Industry Association Suhat Miyarso and President Director of PT Puri Kemenangan Jaya Jusmery Chandra. Gas prices, said Achmad, vary in each Region.

"In North Sumatra the price is 9.95 US dollars per MMBTU in West Java 9.2 US dollars per MMBTU and in East Java 8.1-8.2 US dollars per MMBTU" he said.

Achmad added that gas prices could be lowered by streamlining gas distribution systems and reducing state revenues or non-tax state revenues. Meanwhile, according to Suhat, gas sales business chain is very long.

"The number of intermediaries that do not have pipelines and only based on this quota if it can be removed so as not to increase the cost component of gas sales," he said.

Yustinus H Gunawan said that one glass factory in Indonesia has reduced its production capacity from 1.5 million tons per year to 1.25 million tons per year. The reduction in production capacity is due to the industrial gas prices that do not immediately come down. Representing the ceramics industry, Jusmery regretted the price of industrial gas that has not gone down. With the condition of industrial gas prices still high, so far eight ceramic factories in Indonesia are closed.

"That is, about 20 percent of the total ceramics factory in Indonesia," he said.


Pelaku Usaha Tagih Janji Penurunan Harga Gas

Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi menagih komitmen pemerintah menurunkan harga gas industri. Penurunan harga gas industri itu diperlukan untuk meningkatkan daya saing industri, menarik investasi ke sektor riil, menyerap tenaga kerja dalam jumlah banyak, dan meningkatkan kontribusi industri terhadap perekonomian.

”Apalagi Presiden Joko Widodo dalam rapat kabinet terbatas pada 4 Oktober 2016 sudah menginstruksikan harga gas industri 5 dollar AS-6 dollar AS per MMBTU (juta metrik british thermal unit) untuk memperkuat daya saing industri,” kata Ketua Umum Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi Achmad Safiun dalam konferensi pers di Jakarta, Senin (9/10).

Acara itu dihadiri Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia Aryan Wargadalam serta Ketua Umum Asosiasi Kaca Lembaran dan Pengaman Yustinus H Gunawan. Hadir juga Wakil Ketua Asosiasi Industri Olefin, Aromatik, dan Plastik Indonesia Suhat Miyarso serta Presiden Direktur PT Puri Kemenangan Jaya Jusmery Chandra. Harga gas, kata Achmad, bervariasi di tiap Wilayah. 

”Di Sumatera Utara harganya 9,95 dollar AS per MMBTU di Jawa Barat 9,2 dollar AS per MMBTU dan di Jawa Timur 8,1-8,2 dollar AS per MMBTU” katanya.

Achmad menambahkan, harga gas bisa diturunkan dengan cara mengefisiensikan sistem distribusi gas dan pengurangan penerimaan negara atau penerimaan negara bukan pajak gas. Sementara menurut Suhat, rantai bisnis penjualan gas sangat panjang. 

”Banyaknya perantara yang tidak mempunyai jaringan pipa dan hanya berdasarkan kuota ini kalau bisa dihilangkan sehingga tidak menambah komponen biaya penjualan gas,” katanya.

Yustinus H Gunawan mengatakan, satu pabrik kaca di Indonesia sudah berkurang kapasitas produksinya dari 1,5 juta ton per tahun menjadi 1,25 juta ton per tahun. Pengurangan kapasitas produksi ini akibat harga gas industri yang tidak segera turun. Mewakili industri keramik, Jusmery menyayangkan harga gas industri yang belum turun. Dengan kondisi harga gas industri yang masih tetap tinggi, sejauh ini delapan pabrik keramik di Indonesia tutup. 

”Artinya, sekitar 20 persen dari total pabrik keramik di Indonesia,” katanya.

Kompas, Page-17, Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Monday, October 9, 2017

Pertamina's Oil and Gas Production Up 6.57%.

PT Pertamina succeeded to record oil and gas production of 689 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day per day (boepd) up to September Ialu or 8.12% increase compared to the same period last year of 646 thousand boepd.

Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation Pertamina Meidawati said both the oil and gas production realization, each recorded up until the first half of this year. The realization of oil production was 344 thousand barrels per day (bpd), up 11.33% from the same period last year of 309 thousand bpd. Then gas production edged up by 3.95%, from about 1,953 million cubic feet per day (million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd) to 2,030 mmscfd.

"So for oil and gas production from January to June this year that is 692 thousand boepd, up compared to January-March 2016 of 640 thousand boepd," he said in Jakarta, Sunday (8/10).

He explained that the increase in production is mainly from PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC), PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) and PT Pertamina International E & P (PIEP). The Cepu Block that PEPC works with Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited has produced more than 200,000 bpd of oil. Meanwhile, the increase of PHE ONWJ production is because the subsidiary has held 100% ownership in Block ONWJ.

"From Pertamina International, the increase in production is obtained from Algeria and Iraq," said Meidawati.

If compared to the target, the realization of oil and gas production until September is still slightly below target. Oil and gas production of 689 thousand boepd only reached 99.4 percent of the target of 693 thousand boepd. The actual gas production of 2,030 mmscfd is also below the target of 2,080 mmscfd. However, the realization of oil production of 344 thousand bpd was 2.9% higher than the target of 334 thousand bpd.

Pertamina has budgeted US $ 3.44 billion to fund various activities to achieve the 2017 oil and gas production target. In detail, Pertamina will drill 28 exploration wells and 129 development wells, undertake the re-work of 31 wells, and run 5,000 well maintenance jobs.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said that the company's oil and gas production is targeted to increase annually to reach 1.9 million boepd by 2025. The increase in production is derived from the optimization of existing assets, the acquisition of oil and gas blocks, and the acquisition of oil and gas assets in other countries. This step is needed to minimize the difference between national oil and gas production and demand in the coming years.

In the future, Pertamina targets the contribution of foreign assets to reach 33 percent of total oil and gas production in 2025. Of the target of 1.9 million boepd, overseas assets are expected to contribute 650 thousand bpd. For oil production, it is targeted to reach 822 thousand bpd by 2025, which is 353 thousand bpd from domestic and 469 thousand bpd from abroad. As for gas, it is targeted to increase to 5.71 billion cubic feet per day, ie 4.23 billion cubic feet of domestic and 1.48 billion cubic feet of foreign assets.

"Our performance from 2008 to 2016, oil and gas production continues to grow. So we can prove that we can still grow, "he said. Going forward, Pertamina targets oil and gas production to grow steadily at 8% per year, while gas reserves increase by 4.4% per year.

Work on the Mahakam Block

On the other hand, although not yet officially the operator, Pertamina has started drilling wells in the Mahakam Block. This year, Pertamina has budgeted US $ 164 million for maximum drilling of 17 wells in the Mahakam Block. The addition of wells to keep the oil and gas production of this block has not decreased significantly. Meidawati said, From July to first week of October, the company has realized the drilling of seven wells.

"The realization of the cost that has been spent for these seven wells is US $ 34.1 million," She said.

The drilling of the well can be done after the signing of Bridging Agreement (BA) and Funding Agreement (FA) by Pertamina and Total E & P Indonesie and Inpex Corporation. The agreement has also been approved by the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas).

The bridging agreement stipulates the implementation of Total's operational activities, as an existing operator in 2017 for the interests of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Meanwhile, the funding agreement stipulates the mechanism of financing the CMF for the operations conducted by Total in accordance with the previous BA, as it is known that Pertamina has signed a new Mahakam Block contract valid from January 1, 2018 at the end of 2015.

Under the contract, the company promised a signature bonus of US $ 41 million. In addition, state revenues from production bonuses include US $ 5 million from a cumulative production of 500 million barrels of oil equivalent, of US $ 4 million from a cumulative production of 750 million barrels of oil equivalent, and US $ 4 million from a cumulative production of 1,000 million barrels of oil equivalent.

As for the first three-year investment plan, Pertamina pledged US $ 75.3 million. The details are respectively US $ 1.3 million, then US $ 33.5 million and US $ 40.5 million.


Produksi Minyak dan Gas Pertamina Naik 6,57%.

PT Pertamina  berhasil membukukan produksi minyak dan gas bumi mencapai 689 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (barel oil equivalent per day/boepd) sampai September Ialu atau naik 8,12% jika dibandingkan realisasi periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar 646 ribu boepd.

Senior Vice President Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation Pertamina Meidawati mengatakan, baik realisasi produksi minyak maupun) gas perseroan, masing-masing tercatat naik sampai semester pertama tahun ini. Realisasi produksi minyak sementara ini yakni sebesar 344 ribu barel per hari (bph), naik 11,33% dari realisasi periode yang sama tahun lalu 309 ribu bph. Kemudian produksi gas naik tipis sebesar 3,95%, yakni dari sekitar 1.953 juta kaki kubik per hari (million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd) menjadi 2.030 mmscfd.

“Sehingga untuk produksi migas Januari-Juni tahun ini yakni 692 ribu boepd, naik dibandingkan dari Januari-Maret 2016 sebesar 640 ribu boepd,” kata dia di Jakarta, Minggu (8/ 10).

Dia menjelaskan, kenaikan produksi ini utamanya berasal dari PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC), PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) , dan PT Pertamina International E&P (PIEP). Blok Cepu yang digarap PEPC bersama Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited telah menghasilkan minyak Iebih dari 200 ribu bph. Sementara kenaikan produksi PHE ONWJ karena anak usaha ini telah memegang kepemilikan saham di Blok ONWJ 100%.

“Dari Pertamina International, kenaikan produksi diperoleh dari Aljazair dan Irak,” tutur Meidawati.

Jika dibandingkan target, realisasi produksi migas sampai September ini masih sedikit di bawah target. Produksi migas 689 ribu boepd hanya mencapai 99,4% dari target 693 ribu boepd. Realisasi produksi gas 2.030 mmscfd juga masih di bawah target 2.080 mmscfd. Namun realisasi produksi minyak 344 ribu bph justru Iebih tinggi 2,9% dari target 334 ribu bph.

Pertamina telah menganggarkan US$ 3,44 miliar untuk mendanai berbagai kegiatan untuk mencapai target produksi migas 2017. Rincinya, Pertamina akan mengebor 28 sumur eksplorasi dan 129 sumur pengembangan, melaksanakan kerja ulang 31 sumur, serta menjalankan 5.000 pekerjaan perawatan sumur.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menuturkan, produksi migas perseroan ditargetkan terus meningkat setiap tahunnya hingga mencapai 1,9 juta boepd pada 2025. Peningkatan produksi diperoleh dari optimasi aset eksisting, pengambilalihan blok migas habis kontrak, dan akuisisi aset migas di negara lain. Langkah ini diperlukan untuk memperkecil selisih produksi dan kebutuhan migas nasional di tahun-tahun mendatang.

Ke depannya, Pertamina menargetkan kontribusi dari aset luar negeri ini bisa mencapai 33% dari total produksi migas perseroan pada 2025. Dari target 1,9 juta boepd, aset luar negeri diharapkan bisa menyumbang 650 ribu bph. Untuk produksi minyak, ditargetkan mencapai 822 ribu bph pada 2025, yakni 353 ribu bph dari dalam negeri dan 469 ribu bph dari luar negeri. Sementara untuk gas, ditargetkan meningkat menjadi 5,71 miliar kaki kubik per had, yaitu 4,23 miliar kaki kubik dari domestik dan 1,48 miliar kaki kubik dari aset luar negeri.

“Performance kami dari 2008 sampai 2016, produksi migas terus tumbuh. Jadi kami bisa membuktikan bahwa kami masih bisa tumbuh,” kata dia. Ke depan, Pertamina menargetkan produksi migas tumbuh stabil sebesar 8% per tahun, sementara cadangan gas bertambah 4,4% per tahun. 

Garap Mahakam

Di sisi Iain, meski belum resmi menjadi operator, Pertamina telah mulai mengebor sumur di Blok Mahakam. Tahun ini, Pertamina telah menganggarkan dana sebesar US$ 164 juta untuk pengeboran maksimal 17 sumur di Blok Mahakam Tambahan sumur untuk menjaga produksi migas blok ini tidak turun drastis. Meidawati menuturkan, Sejak Juli hingga pekan pertama Oktober, perseroan telah merealisasikan pengeboran tujuh sumur. 

“Realisasi biaya yang telah dikeluarkan untuk tujuh sumur ini yakni US$ 34,1 juta,” ujar dia.

Pemboran sumur itu dapat dilakukan setelah ditekennya Bridging Agreement (BA) dan Funding Agreement (FA) oleh Pertamina dan Total E&P Indonesie serta Inpex Corporation. Kesepakatan tersebut juga sudah disetujui oleh Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas).

Ketentuan bridging agreement tersebut mengatur tentang pelaksanaan kegiatan operasi yang dilakukan Total, sebagai operator eksisting pada 2017 untuk kepentingan PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Adapun, funding agreement mengatur tentang mekanisme pembiayaan PHM atas kegiatan operasi yang dilakukan Total sesuai dengan BA sebelumnya, seperti diketahui Pertamina telah meneken kontrak baru Blok Mahakam yang berlaku mulai 1 Januari 2018 pada akhir 2015 lalu.

Dalam kontrak itu, perseroan menjanjikan bonus tanda tangan US$ 41 juta. Selain itu juga penerimaan negara dari bonus produksi meliputi US$ 5 juta dari kumulatif produksi 500 juta barel setara minyak, sebesar US$ 4 juta dari kumulatif produksi 750 juta barel setara minyak, dan US$ 4 juta dari kumulatif produksi 1.000 juta barel setara minyak.

Sementara untuk rencana investasi tiga tahun pertama, Pertamina menjanjikan dana sebesar US$ 75,3 juta Rinciannya secara berurutan US$ 1,3 juta, kemudian US$ 33,5 juta, dan US$ 40,5 juta.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Monday, October 9, 2017

Chevron releases Block B South Natuna

Chevron Indonesia re-releases its share ownership of oil and gas blocks in the country in order to focus more on the management of other blocks. Chevron releases a 25% stake in South Natuna Block Block B Block following ConocoPhillips and In Natex Limited which has already released the participation stake in the oil and gas block.

Senior Vice President of Policy, Government and Public Affairs of Chevron Indonesia Yanto Sianipar said that it has released a 25% share ownership stake in Block B South Natuna. According to him, the share of such participation has been transferred to interested parties. However, he did not mention the company that took over 25% of the shares.

"The company decided to release a 25% share ownership of the non-operating SNSB [South Natuna Sea Block B] Cooperation Contract to a party expressing interest in the block," he said.

The oil and gas block signed in 1968 began producing its first oil in 1979 and gas in 2001. The oil and gas block contract will expire in 2028. Previously, ConocoPhillips' participation stake of 40% in Block B South Natuna was sold to Medco.

At the end of 2016. In addition, 35% of Inpex shares in Block B of South Natuna are also controlled by PT Medco Daya Sentosa, a subsidiary of PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk. in early 2017. Since then, Medco has managed the block with Chevron. Quoted by Reuters, the government has allowed the opening of data to share the exploration and reserve data requested by some interested companies since 2015.

The block has three oil producing wells. In addition, there are 16 gas wells consisting of eight wells that have been in production. The average oil production from the blocks in the Natuna Sea in 2016 is 20,000 barrels per day (bpd), while the gas is 197 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd). In addition, Block B South Natuna also produce liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as much as 6,000 bp According to him, the step release the right to manage the company to focus more on the management of other work areas.

In 2016, Chevron also restore the management of the East Kalimantan Block which will expire in 2018. Chevron will no longer be involved in the management of the working area after 2018. In addition to the East Kalimantan Block, Chevron also releases a 50% participation stake in the Attaka Block , East Kalimantan which is a unitization with the East Kalimantan Block.

Currently, Chevron operates the Rokan Block which supports 226,500 bph oil production or 28% of the national production. In addition, Chevron still has a deepwater project (Indonesian Deepwater Development / IDD) which is expected to produce up to 1,200 MMscfd of gas that is still in development stage.

"As part of Chevron's efforts to manage the business effectively and efficiently."


Separately, Medco Energi International President Director Hilmi Panigoro said it did not want to increase the rights of participation in Block B Natuna Selatan. Medco is currently the operator of the block with 75% ownership. According to him, 25% of Chevron's shares have been transferred to domestic oil and gas companies. However, he can not be sure whether PT Bumi Hasta Mukti is the new owner of Chevron's 25% management rights.

"Chevron sells it to other parties, if not mistaken to Earth Hasta, but please confirm it to Chevron," he said.

Earlier, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Arcandra Tahar said it was not aware of the transfer of shares of Chevron's participation. From data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Medco turned off the Keris Well in Block B Natuna Selatan during KA-12 drilling to avoid drilling mud. As a result, production fell 3,400 bpd.

"The block is Medco? I do not know yet, "said Arcandra.


Chevron Lepas Blok B South Natuna

Chevron lndonesia kembali melepas kepemilikan saham partisipasi blok minyak dan gas bumi di Tanah Air dengan tujuan untuk lebih fokus pada pengelolaan blok lainnya. Chevron melepas 25% saham partisipasi di Blok South Natuna Sea Block B mengikuti langkah ConocoPhillips dan lnpex Natuna Limited yang telah lebih dulu melepas saham partisipasi di blok minyak dan gas bumi tersebut. 

Senior Vice President Policy, Government and Public Affairs Chevron Indonesia Yanto Sianipar mengatakan bahwa pihaknya telah melepas kepemilikan saham partisipasi 25% di Blok B South Natuna. Menurutnya, saham partisipasi tersebut telah dialihkan kepada pihak yang berminat. Namun, dia tidak menyebut perusahaan yang mengambil alih 25% saham tersebut.

“Perusahaan memutuskan untuk melepas 25% saham kepemilikan atas Kontrak Kerja Sama SNSB [South Natuna Sea Block B] non-operasi kepada pihak yang menyatakan ketertarikan atas blok tersebut,” ujarnya. 

Blok migas yang diteken pada 1968 itu mulai menghasilkan minyak pertamanya pada 1979 dan gas pada 2001. Kontrak blok migas itu akan berakhir pada 2028. Sebelumnya, saham partisipasi milik ConocoPhillips sebesar 40% di Blok B South Natuna itu dijual kepada Medco.

Pada akhir 2016. Selain itu, 35% saham Inpex di Blok B South Natuna juga dikuasai oleh PT Medco Daya Sentosa, anak usaha PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk. pada awal 2017. Sejak saat itu, Medco mengelola blok tersebut bersama Chevron. Dikutip dari Reuters, pemerintah telah mengizinkan pembukaan data untuk membagikan data eksplorasi dan cadangan yang diminta beberapa perusahaan yang berminat sejak 2015.

Blok tersebut memiliki tiga sumur minyak yang berproduksi. Selain itu, ada 16 sumur gas terdiri atas delapan sumur yang telah berproduksi. Rerata produksi minyak dari blok yang berada di Laut Natuna itu pada 2016 sebanyak 20.000 barel per hari (bph), sedangkan gas 197 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd). Selain itu, Blok B South Natuna juga menghasilkan elpiji (liquefied petroleum gas/LPG) sebanyak 6.000 bph Menurutnya, langkah melepas hak kelola untuk membuat perusahaan kian fokus pada pengelolaan wilayah kerja lainnya.

Pada 2016, Chevron juga mengembalikan pengelolaan Blok East Kalimantan yang akan berakhir masa kontraknya pada 2018. Dengan demikian, Chevron tidak lagi terlibat dalam pengelolaan wilayah kerja itu setelah 2018. Selain Blok East Kalimantan, Chevron juga melepas kepemilikan saham partisipasi sebesar 50% di Blok Attaka, Kalimantan Timur yang merupakan unitisasi dengan Blok East Kalimantan. 

Saat ini, Chevron mengoperasikan Blok Rokan yang mendukung produksi minyak sebesar 226.500 bph atau 28% dari produksi nasional. Selain itu, Chevron masih memiliki proyek laut dalam (Indonesian Deepwater Development/IDD) yang diperkirakan bisa menghasilkan gas hingga 1.200 MMscfd yang masih dalam tahap pengembangan.

“Sebagai bagian dari upaya Chevron mengelola bisnis secara efektif dan efisien.” 


Secara terpisah, Presiden Direktur Medco Energi Internasional Hilmi Panigoro mengatakan bahwa pihaknya tidak ingin menambah hak partisipasi di Blok B Natuna Selatan. Medco saat ini menjadi operator blok tersebut dengan kepemilikan 75%. Menurutnya, 25% saham milik Chevron telah beralih kepada perusahaan migas dalam negeri. Namun, dia tak bisa memastikan apakah betul PT Bumi Hasta Mukti menjadi pemilik baru 25% hak kelola Chevron.

“Chevron menjual ke pihak lain, kalau tidak salah ke Bumi Hasta, tetapi silahkan dikonfirmasi ke Chevron,” katanya.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Menterl Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa pihaknya belum mengetahui pengalihan saham partisipasi Chevron. Dari data Kementerian ESDM, Medco mematikan Sumur Keris di Blok B Natuna Selatan selama pengeboran KA-12 untuk menghindari lumpur pengeboran. Akibatnya, produksi turun 3.400 bph.

“Bloknya Medco? Saya belum tahu,” kata Arcandra.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, Oct 9, 2017

Pertamina's Oil and Gas Production Up 6%

The average oil and gas production of PT Pertamina as of the third quarter of 2017 rose 6.26% to 689,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) compared to the same period last year of 646,000 boepd. Senior Vice President of Upstream Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation Pertamina Meidawati said that the increase in production realization is due to several factors.

First, the increase of oil production from Banyu Urip Field contributes to Pertamina through its subsidiary, PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC). Second, the increase in production from the increase in the ownership of Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java in Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) Block to 100%. Third, additional oil and gas production and assets in Iraq and Algeria.

The total production of 689,000 boepd consists of oil of 344,000 barrels per day (bpd) and gas 2.030 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd). Meanwhile, the average of oil and gas production as of quarter III / 2016 is 646,000 boepd consisting of 309,000 bpd of oil and gas of 1,953 MMscfd.

"The increase in oil production from PEPC Banyu urip, PHE because PI [stake participation] ONWJ to 100%, from Pertamina International in Algeria, Iraq, and the success of our acquisitions abroad, "he said.

Currently, the company is preparing to drill eighth wells in the Mahakam Block. Until the first week of October 2017, Pertamina finished drilling seven wells with a realization cost of US $ 34.1 million. The plan, until the end of this year will be drilled nine wells again so that the total wells are drilled as many as 17 wells.

The Mahakam Block-East Kalimantan

Based on data from SKK Migas, Mahakam Block oil production in the first half of 2017 is 55,100 bpd and gas is 1,504 MMscfd. Pertamina became operator in the Mahakam Block on January 1, 2018 replacing PT Total E & P Indonesie. Earlier, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said that while visiting Total's headquarters in France, Total is still interested in participating in the Mahakam Block after the contract expires.

However, there is a proposed Total scheme to Pertamina in the new Mahakam Block management contract. He did not mention the detail of the proposed scheme Total. However, Arcandra estimates Total to pay attention to how valuation of shares of participation that must be paid to be able to control Mahakam shares by 39%.

"So the scheme is probably how to calculate the valuations of the blocks."

According to him, according to the direction of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan, Pertamina must send a letter to the minister to open the 39% bid. Meanwhile, PT Pertamina Gas, a subsidiary of Pertamina, posted net profit in January-August 2017 of US $ 90.6 million or 118% of this year's target.

"Compared to the same period last year, our profit also increased 108%," said Pertagas President Director Suko Hartono.


Produksi Migas Pertamin Naik 6%

Rerata produksi minyak dan gas bumi PT Pertamina hingga kuartal III/2017 naik 6,26% menjadi 689.000 barel setara minyak per hari (boepd) dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu 646.000 boepd. Senior Vice President Upstream Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation Pertamina Meidawati mengatakan bahwa kenaikan realisasi produksi disebabkan beberapa hal.

Pertama, naiknya produksi minyak dari Lapangan Banyu Urip sehingga berkontribusi turut berkontribusi terhadap Pertamina melalui anak usahanya PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC). Kedua, bertambahnya produksi dari naiknya porsi kepemilikan Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java pada Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) menjadi 100%. Ketiga, tambahan produksi migas dan aset di lrak dan Aljazair.

Total produksi 689.000 boepd itu terdiri atas minyak sebanyak 344.000 barel per hari (bph) dan gas 2.030 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd). Sementara itu, rincian rerata produksi migas hingga kuartal III/2016 sebanyak 646.000 boepd terdiri atas minyak 309.000 bph dan gas 1.953 MMscfd.

“Kenaikan produksi minyak dari PEPC Banyu urip, PHE karena PI [saham partisipasi] ONWJ menjadi 100%, dari Pertamina International di Aljazair, lrak, serta keberhasilan akuisisi kita di luar negeri,” ujarnya.

Saat ini, perseroan sedang mempersiapkan pengeboran sumur kedelapan di Blok Mahakam. Hingga pekan pertama Oktober 2017, Pertamina selesai mengebor tujuh sumur dengan realisasi biaya US$ 34,1 juta. Rencananya, hingga akhir tahun ini akan dibor sembilan sumur lagi sehingga total sumur yang dibor sebanyak 17 sumur.

Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, produksi minyak Blok Mahakam pada semester I/2017 sebesar 55.100 bph dan gas 1.504 MMscfd. Pertamina menjadi operator di Blok Mahakam pada 1 Januari 2018 menggantikan PT Total E&P Indonesie. Sebelumnya, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa saat mengunjungi kantor pusat Total di Prancis, Total masih berminat untuk berpartisipasi di Blok Mahakam setelah kontrak berakhir. 

Namun, terdapat skema yang diusulkan Total kepada Pertamina dalam kontrak baru pengelolaan Blok Mahakam. Dia tidak menyebut detail skema yang diajukan Total. Namun, Arcandra memperkirakan Total memperhatikan cara valuasi nilai saham partisipasi yang harus dibayarkan untuk bisa menguasai saham Mahakam sebesar 39%.

“Jadi skemanya itu mungkin bagaimana menghitung valuasi dari blok."

Menurutnya, sesuai dengan arahan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan, Pertamina harus mengirimkan surat kepada menteri untuk membuka penawaran 39%. Sementara itu, PT Pertamina Gas, anak usaha Pertamina, mencetak laba bersih selama Januari-Agustus 2017 sebesar US$ 90,6 juta atau 118% dari target tahun ini.

"Dibandingkan hingga penode yang sama tahun lalu, laba kami juga meningkat 108%  ujar Presiden Direktur Pertagas Suko Hartono.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, Oct 9, 2017

Chevron Sells 25% Block B to Bumi Hasta

Chevron Indonesia will sell 25% stake in South Natuna Sea Block B or Block B of South Natuna Sea to PT Bumi Hasta Mukti Sebab PT Medco Energi International Tbk (MEDC), 75% shareholder of South Natuna B block, is not interested to buy 25% Chevron.

President Director of PT Medco Energi International Tbk, Hilmi Panigoro confirmed that PT Bumi Hasta Mukti will buy Chevron shares in Block B of South Natuna Sea, not Medco. Chevron sells to other parties. "Please confirm to Chevron," said Hilmi.

Unfortunately, Senior Vice President of Policy, Government & Public Affairs Chevron Indonesia Yanto Sianipar can not be confirmed related information. Until this news was printed, Yanto did not answer the short message.

Please note, the involvement of PT Bumi Hasta in oil and gas business started in 2001. At that time the company bought PT Maruta Bumi Prima, a processing company P in Pangkalan Brandan, North Sumatra. In 2002, Bumi Hasta Mukti bought PT Pelangi Haupgeulis Resources, a company engaged in upstream oil and gas business.

Pelangi Haurgeulis is a partner of PT Pertamina EP in a cooperation mechanism known as technical assistance contract (TAC) or technical assistance cooperation. Finally, in 2003 PT Bumi Hasta again bought PT Pertalahan Amebatara Natuna. Through Amebatara Mitigation, PT Bumi Hasta, manages upstream oil and gas activities in Natuna Prawn Field.

This is a deep offshore field of oil and gas offshore and formerly ConocoPhillips cultivated fields. The field began producing oil in 2005. Currently oil production there reaches an average of 3,000 bpd. The Amebatara Eruption is also a partner of PT Pertamina EP in the TAC mechanism.


Chevron Menjual 25% Blok B ke Bumi Hasta

Chevron Indonesia akan melego 25% saham di South Natuna Sea Blok B atau Blok B Laut Natuna Selatan kepada PT Bumi Hasta Mukti Sebab PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk (MEDC), pemegang saham 75% Blok B Natuna Selatan, tidak berminat membeli 25% saham milik Chevron.

Direktur Utama PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk, Hilmi Panigoro membenarkan, PT Bumi Hasta Mukti yang akan membeli saham Chevron di Blok B Laut Natuna Selatan itu, bukan Medco. Chevron menjual ke pihak lain. "Silakan konfirmasi ke Chevron," kata Hilmi. 

Sayang, Senior Vice President Policy, Government & Public Affairs Chevron Indonesia Yanto Sianipar tidak bisa dikonfirmasi terkait informasi tersebut. Hingga berita ini dicetak, Yanto tidak menjawab pesan singkat. 

Perlu diketahui, keterlibatan PT Bumi Hasta dibisnis migas dimulai pada tahun 2001. Waktu itu perusahaan ini membeli PT Maruta Bumi Prima, sebuah perusahaan pengolahan P di Pangkalan Brandan, Sumatera Utara. Pada 2002 lalu, Bumi Hasta Mukti membeli PT Pelangi Haupgeulis Resources, perusahaan yang bergerak di bisnis hulu (upstream) migas.

Pelangi Haurgeulis merupakan mitra PT Pertamina EP dalam mekanisme kerjasama yang dikenal dengan sebutan Technical Assistance Contract (TAC) atau kerjasama bantuan teknik. Terakhir, pada tahun 2003 PT Bumi Hasta kembali membeli PT Pertalahan Amebatara Natuna. Melalui Pertalahan Amebatara, PT Bumi Hasta, mengelola kegiatan usaha hulu migas di Lapangan Udang Natuna.

Ini merupakan lapangan offshore migas di laut lepas yang dalam dan sebelumnya merupakan ladang garapan ConocoPhillips. Lapangan itu mulai menghasilkan minyak tahun 2005. Saat ini produksi minyak di sana mencapai rata-rata, 3.000 bph. Pertalahan Amebatara juga merupakan mitra PT Pertamina EP dalam mekanisme TAC.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Oct 9, 2017