The government is targeting the production (lifting) of petroleum this year is difficult to achieve only 98% of the target. This is reflected in the achievement of oil production in October which only reached 805,000 barrels per day (bpd), while for the realization of natural gas until October reached 7.596 mmscfd per day (MMSCFD).
Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ego Syahrial said the government still has up to three months ahead to maintain oil production performance so that it approaches the target of the 2017 State Budget of Change (APBNP) of 815,000 bpd. "From the target side will not be far from 98%, which is important from the rupiah side," he said.
According to him, although this year's oil production target is difficult to achieve, there is no need to worry because the more important thing is not from lifting, but the state revenue from oil sales.
The state revenue from oil and gas sector is estimated to reach the target. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the average Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) for eight months this year was at USD 48.41 per barrel, up from last year's position of USD 37.34 per barrel.
Meanwhile, the contribution of oil and gas sector to state revenue as of September was Rp 92.43 trillion or 10.25 percent higher than the same period last year with Rp 83.83 trillion.
He said, it is not easy to maintain the field production-Indonesian oil and gas field, especially if forced to increase production due to mature field conditions. In addition, various problems are also often experienced KKKS not only technical problems, such as weather hampering the process of transporting oil products. Therefore, it is considered lifting misses 2-5% of the target is still quite reasonable.
"Spirit lifting is 98% achieved. If in the oil and gas industry the 5% deviation is fair, this is only 2%, no problem, "he said.
Lifting Minyak diprediksi Hanya tercapai 98%
Pemerintah menargetkan produksi (lifting) Minyak bumi tahun ini sulit tercapai kemungkinan hanya 98% dari target. Hal itu tercermin dari capaian produksi minyak pada Oktober yang hanya mencapai 805.000 barel per hari (bph), sedangkan untuk realisasi gas bumi hingga Oktober mencapai 7.596 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD).
Direktur JenderaI Migas Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ego Syahrial mengatakan, pemerintah masih punya waktu hingga tiga bulan ke depan untuk menjaga performa produksi minyak sehingga mendekati target Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara Perubahan (APBNP) 2017-sebesar 815.000 bph. “Dari sisi target tidak akan jauh dari 98%, yang penting dari sisi rupiahnya," ujarnya.
Menurut dia, meski target produksi minyak tahun ini sulit tercapai, tidak perlu khawatir karena yang Iebih penting adaIah bukan dari lifting, tapi penerimaan negara dari penjualan minyak.
Adapun penerimaan negara dari sektor migas diperkirakan mencapai target. Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, rata-rata harga minyak mentah Indonesia (Indonesian Crude Price/ ICP) sepanjang delapan bulan pada tahun ini berada di angka USD 48,41 per barel, meningkat dibanding posisi yang sama tahun lalu sebesar USD 37,34 per barel.
Sementara kontribusi sektor migas kepenerimaan negara hingga September tercatat Rp 92,43 triliun atau lebih besar 10,25% dibanding pada periode yang sama tahun lalu senilai Rp 83,83 triliun.
Dia menyebut, tidak mudah untuk menjaga produksi lapangan-Iapangan migas Indonesia, apalagi jika dipaksakan meningkatkan produksi karena kondisi lapangan yang sudah mature. Selain itu, berbagai permasalahan juga kerap dialami KKKS tidak hanya masalah teknis, misalnya saja cuaca sehingga menghambat proses pengangkutan minyak hasil produksi. Sebab itu, pihaknya beranggapan lifting meleset 2-5% dari target masih cukup wajar.
“Spiritnya 98% tercapai. Kalau dalam industri migas itu deviasi 5% itu wajar, ini hanya 2%, tidak ada masalah," katanya.
Koran Sindo, Page-17, Wednesday, October 11, 2017