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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Winding Road Masela Block

It took a long time to develop Abadi Field, Masela Block since its cooperation contract was signed in 1998. In 2008, Masela Limited as operator has submitted the development plan (PoD) gas field in the Arafura Sea.

However, after 9 years later, no production facilities have been seen. Because the development of Abadi Field several times must be problematic. First, about local community bills on project participation rights. Second, about
polemic utilization of gas. Third, a development scheme that makes two ministers argue publicly.

Due to these problems, President Joko Widodo intervened by changing the scheme of field development from construction of a floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) refinery proposed by lnpex to be a land-based LNG plant (OLNG). Following the March 2016 decision, Inpex and its partner Shell again counted on the project economy and created its new POD.

The lnpex, which holds a 65% stake in participation, suggests a few things for the project to work on economically even if the project is changing. The proposal is one of them is the addition of contract time. For operations to operate economically, the Masela-lnpex Block management contract period needs to be extended for more than 30 years.

Masela Block - Owner By Inpex Japan

The reason is, for 30 years time has been wasted to conduct a review of the LNG plant construction scheme which ultimately was not approved by the government. Therefore, it takes additional time to sell all gas from the refinery with a production capacity of LNG 9.5 million tons per year (mtpa) plus 150 MMscfd of piped gas.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources lgnasius Jonan has several times flown to Japan, visiting directly to the head office lnpex. After his return from Japan in May, it is certain that a pre-FEED review will only be done on a scheme of 9.5 mtpa plus 150 MMscfd of pipe gas instead of 7.5 mtpa LNG and 474 MMscfd of pipe gas.

Also since then, pre-FEED has not started yet because there is still a desire for the government to lnpex to examine other schemes with larger pipeline gas volumes. Then, even then, the budget for pre-FEED has not been approved by SKK Migas.


On the occasion of the next visit, on 17 October Jonan gave the green light an extension of the cooperation contract to lnpex in the management of the Masela Block. Referring to government targets, the development of Abadi Field, Masela Block is targeted to deliver final investment decision / FID in 2019 and begin to generate its first gas in 2026 or just two years before the contract expires in 2028.

In addition to the extension of the contract, Jonan at the meeting granted a replacement contract period that was lost for 7 years according to lnpex's proposal. As stipulated in Government Regulation No. 35/2004 on Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities, the contract can be extended for a maximum period of 20 years by considering state consent. As for, contract renewal can only be delivered in the 20th year of contract age or 2018 for the Masela Block.

Meanwhile, the government can set a contract extension more quickly if the contractor is tied to the distribution of natural gas. Meanwhile, in the case of Masela Block, no contract has been signed because investors have not yet know the selling price of gas which will be produced from Abadi Field.

Not yet explained in detail the reason Minister Jonan grant the extension of the Masela Block contract. Obviously, things such as reserve potential, market potential as well as technical and economic feasibility should be taken into consideration. Head of Program and Communication Division of SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher who also flew to Tokyo, said that lnpex is currently doing
procurement for pre-FEED workmanship.

The authorization for expenditure (AFE) for pre-FEED has been approved by SKK Migas so that lnpex can start the pre-FEED stages. After pre-FEED, FEED will be done to do more detail calculation because the result of FEED will be used as the basis for the preparation of new POD. APE pre-FEED has been approved, now in the procurement process, "he said

Separately, Vice President of Corporate Services of lnpex Corporation Nico Muhyiddin said that it was still discussing with SKK Migas on the pre-FEED project package tender planning.

"Inpex remains committed to the Masela Block and continuously discusses it," he said.

However, the signal from the Indonesian government to grant a contract extension to Inpex in Masela Block is to provide certainty of investment to the Japanese oil corporation. Investment certainty is expected to move the giant corporation from the Land of the Rising Sun to immediately execute Abadi Field, Masela Block.


Jalan Berliku Blok Masela

Butuh waktu lama untuk bisa mengembangkan Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela sejak kontrak kerja samanya ditandatangani pada 1998. Pada 2008, lnpex Masela Limited sebagai operator telah menyampaikan rencana pengembangan (PoD) lapangan gas di Laut Arafura itu.

Namun, selang 9 tahun kemudian, belum terlihat fasilitas produksi yang beroperasi. Pasalnya, pengembangan Lapangan Abadi beberapa kali harus bermasalah. Pertama, tentang tagihan masyarakat daerah tentang hak partisipasi proyek. Kedua, tentang polemik pemanfaatan gas. Ketiga, skema pengembangan yang membuat dua menteri adu pendapat di muka publik.

Akibat masalah-masalah itu, Presiden Joko Widodo turun tangan dengan mengubah skema pengembangan lapangan dari pembangunan kilang gas alam cair terapung (floating liquefied natural gas/FLNG) yang diusulkan lnpex menjadi kilang LNG darat (OLNG). Setelah keputusan yang dibuat Maret 2016 itu, lnpex bersama mitranya Shell kembali berhitung tentang keekonomian proyek dan membuat POD barunya. 

lnpex yang menguasai saham partisipasi sebesar 65%, mengusulkan beberapa hal agar proyek bisa dijalankan sesuai keekonomian kendati proyek mengalami perubahan. Usulannya salah satunya yakni penambahan waktu kontrak. Agar operasi berjalan sesuai keekonomian, masa kontrak pengelolaan Blok Masela-lnpex perlu diperpanjang selama lebih dari 30 tahun.

Alasannya, selama 30 tahun saja waktu telah terbuang untuk melakukan kajian skema pembangunan kilang LNG yang pada akhirnya tidak disetujui pemerintah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penambahan waktu untuk menjual seluruh gas dari kilang berkapasitas produksi LNG 9,5 juta ton per tahun (mtpa) ditambah 150 MMscfd gas pipa.

Menteri ESDM lgnasius Jonan telah beberapa kali terbang ke Jepang, berkunjung langsung ke kantor pusat lnpex. Setelah kepulangannya dari Jepang pada Mei, sudah ada kepastian bahwa kajian pra pendefinisian proyek (pre-FEED) hanya akan dilakukan pada satu skema yakni 9,5 mtpa ditambah 150 MMscfd gas pipa bukan 7,5 mtpa LNG dan 474 MMscfd gas pipa.

Pun sejak saat itu, pre-FEED belum dimulai karena masih ada keinginan pemerintah agar lnpex mengkaji skema lain dengan volume gas pipa yang lebih besar. Lalu, ketika itu pun, anggaran untuk melakukan pre-FEED belum mendapat persetujuan dari SKK Migas.


Pada kesempatan kunjungan berikutnya, yakni pada 17 Oktober Jonan memberikan lampu hijau perpanjangan kontrak kerja sama kepada lnpex dalam pengelolaan Blok Masela. Mengacu pada target-target pemerintah, pengembangan Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela ditargetkan bisa menyampaikan final investment decision/FID pada 2019 dan mulai menghasilkan gas perdananya pada 2026 atau hanya dua tahun sebelum kontrak berakhir pada 2028.

Selain perpanjangan kontrak, Jonan dalam pertemuan itu mengabulkan penggantian masa kontrak yang hilang selama 7 tahun sesuai usulan lnpex. Seperti diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 35/2004 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi, kontrak bisa diperpanjang paling lama 20 tahun dengan mempertimbangkan keutungan negara. Adapun, perpanjangan kontrak baru bisa disampaikan pada tahun ke-20 umur kontrak atau 2018 bagi Blok Masela.

Adapun, pemerintah bisa menetapkan perpanjangan kontrak lebih cepat bila kontraktor terikat penyaluran gas bumi. Sementara, pada kasus Blok Masela, belum ada kontrak yang diteken karena investor pun belum mengetahui harga jual gas yang nantinya dihasilkan dari Lapangan Abadi.

Belum dijelaskan secara detail alasan Menteri Jonan mengabulkan perpanjangan kontrak Blok Masela. Pastinya, hal-hal seperti potensi cadangan, potensi pasar juga kelayakan teknis serta ekonomis harus menjadi pertimbangannya. Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher yang turut terbang ke Tokyo, mengatakan bahwa saat ini lnpex sedang melakukan pengadaan untuk pengerjaan pre-FEED. 

Anggaran (authorization for expenditure/AFE) untuk melakukan pre-FEED telah disetujui SKK Migas sehingga lnpex bisa memulai tahapan pre-FEED. Setelah pre-FEED, nantinya akan dilakukan FEED untuk melakukan perhitungan lebih detail karena hasil FEED akan dijadikan dasar penyusunan POD yang baru. APE pre-FEED sudah disetujui, sekarang dalam proses pengadaan,” katanya 

Secara terpisah, Vice President Corporate Service lnpex Corporation Nico Muhyiddin mengatakan bahwa pihaknya masih melakukan diskusi dengan SKK Migas tentang perencanaan tender paket pengerjaan pre-FEED.

“lnpex tetap berkomitmen dengan Blok Masela dan kontinu mendiskusikannya,” katanya.

Namun, sinyal pemerintah Indonesia memberikan perpanjangan kontrak kepada lnpex di Blok Masela tidak lain untuk memberikan kepastian investasi kepada korporasi minyak asal Jepang tersebut. Kepastian investasi itu diharapkan mampu menggerakkan korporasi raksasa dari Negeri Matahari Terbit itu untuk segera mengeksekusi Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, October 19, 2017

The decline in Industrial Gas Price is constrained by Contract

Coordinating Minister for Marine Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan admitted, it is not easy for the government to lower the price of industrial gas. One of the main causes is contract problems. Luhut said that currently many contracts on gas production refer to the old contracts referring to the reference price of production in accordance with economic conditions when the contract is made. Thus, currently there are only three of 11 industry sectors that feel the benefits of the decline in gas prices.

"The gas price is a constraint because the contracts have been made for a long time," said Luhut when met at the Presidential Staff Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (18/10).

Luhut did not dismiss many industry chokes due to the price of gas that still ranged between 9-10 US dollars per mmbtu. Nevertheless, he and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs continue to seek a way out of this problem.

"I continue to talk Pak Darmin (Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs) and Mr. Jonan (Minister of EMR) to discuss this matter," said Luhut. The high price of industrial gas makes the Masela Block downstream plan hampered. Masala Block which has a large reserve and plans to be operated by Inpex has not been continued until now.

Inpex is reluctant to exploit if there is no certainty who the buyers of their production gas. The Ministry of Industry is seeking the ceramics and glass industry to be the next priority to enjoy the decline in industrial gas prices.

Director of Upstream Chemical Industry Ministry of Industry Muhammad Khayam said the decline in industrial gas prices should be utilized in the steel, fertilizer and petrochemical industries.

"There are eight companies that are already utilizing the industrial gas price decline," Khayam said.

The Ministry of Industry proposes ten industry sectors plus existing industries within industrial zones to get a fall in gas prices to boost industrial competitiveness. However, Khayam said that it will be done after there is clarity related to the decline in gas prices for 78 companies engaged in the fertilizer, petrochemical and steel industries.

"We focus first on these 78 companies.The next two industries will be re-submitted after the 78th there is clarity," said Khayam.

The 10 industry sectors proposed by the Ministry of Industry to obtain the decline in gas prices, namely fertilizer industry, petrochemical industry, steel industry, ceramics industry, glass industry, pulp and paper industry, food and beverage industry, textile and footwear industry, hand rubber and oleochemical industries.


Penurunan Harga Gas Industri terkendala Kontrak

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengakui, tidak mudah bagi pemerintah menurunkan harga gas industri. Salah satu penyebab utamanya karena permasalahan kontrak. Luhut mengatakan, saat ini banyak kontrak atas produksi gas mengacu pada kontrak lama yang mengacu pada acuan harga produksi sesuai kondisi ekonomi saat kontrak tersebut dibuat. Sehingga, saat ini baru ada tiga dari 11 sektor industri yang merasakan manfaat penurunan harga gas.

"Harga gas itu kendalanya karena kontrak yang dibuat itu sudah lama. Ketentuannya memakai perhitungan saat itu," ujar Luhut saat ditemui di Kantor Staf Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Rabu (18/10).

Luhut tidak menampik banyak industri tercekik akibat karena harga gas yang masih berkisar antara 9-10 dolar AS per mmbtu. Meski begitu, dirinya bersama Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral dan Kementerian koordinator Bidang Perekenomian terus mencari jalan keluar atas permasalahan ini.

"Saya terus berbicara Pak Darmin (Menko Bidang Perekonomian) dan Pak Jonan (Menteri ESDM) untuk membahas soal ini," ujar Luhut. Masih tingginya harga gas industri membuat rencana hilirisasi Blok Masela tersendat. Blok Masala yang memiliki cadangan cukup besar dan berencana dioperasikan oleh Inpex ini belum ada kelanjutannya hingga saat ini.

Inpex enggan melakukan eksploitasi jika belum ada kepastian siapa pembeli gas produksi mereka. Kementerian Perindustrian mengupayakan industri keramik dan kaca menjadi prioritas selanjutnya untuk bisa menikmati penurunan harga gas industri.

Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu Kementerian Perindustrian Muhammad Khayam mengatakan, penurunan harga gas industri harus dimanfaatkan itu industri baja, pupuk, dan petrokimia.

"Ada delapan perusahaan yang sudah memanfaatkan penurunan harga gas industri," kata Khayam.

Kementerian perindusterian mengajukan sepuluh sektor industri ditambah industri yang ada di dalam kawasan industri untuk mendapat penurunan harga gas untuk mendongkrak daya saing industri. Namun, Khayam menyampaikan bahwa hal tersebut akan dilakukan setelah ada kejelasan terkait penurunan harga gas untuk 78 perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja.

"Kami fokus dulu untuk 78 perusahaan ini. Dua industri selanjutnya akan diajukan kembali setelah yang 78 ini ada kejelasan," ungkap Khayam.

Adapun 10 sektor industri yang diajukan Kementerian perindusterian untuk mendapatkan penurunan harga gas, yakni industri pupuk, industri petrokimia, industri baja, industri keramik, industri kaca, industri pulp dan kertas, industri makanan dan minuman, industri tekstil dan alas kaki, industri ban dan sarung tangan karet dan industri oleokimia.

Republika, Page-16, Thursday, October 19, 2017

BPH Migas upbeat on one-price fuel policy

The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) believes that the government will be able to reach its target of providing the fuel stations needed in Indonesia’s remotest areas this year as part of its one-price fuel policy even though a considerable number of them are yet to be built.

The agency said construction of the project stations had been secured by their respective investors, all of whom were Indonesia-based. However, the agency acknowledged it was facing a number of issues in establishing the stations, including disagreements between central and local governments on the locations and lack of interest from investors about investing in necessary infrastructure.

“It is not that we have not talked to them [local authorities] at all, but rather because their investment calculations exceed what is economically possible for us,” BPH Migas committee member Henry Ahmad said at the agency’s headquarters on Wednesday.  As many as 26 out of the targeted 54 fuel stations are fully operational, while six are slated to be inaugurated between October and November, the agency’s data show.

The six stations are located in Berau regency in North Kalimantan, Klungkung regency in Bali, Pegunungan Bintang regency in Papua, Tambrauw in West Papua,  Talaud Islands regency in North Sulawesi, and in Riau Islands. Meanwhile, the construction of eight stations is over 75 percent complete and they are expected to ready this December.

However, the remaining 14 are only about 10 percent to 20 percent complete, the agency’s data show. Despite such problems, the agency is committed to improving its coordination and strategy next year, when it plans to build at least 50 more stations. Henry said the agency had suggested local authorities opt for more modest fuel stations at locations far from existing ones, hence increasing competitiveness and the possibility of being built immediately. The agency also plans to set a series of rules to standardize fuel-station construction as part of cost control.

“I said the other daywhen visiting Sumbawa Island that if we can lower the cost to Rp 75 million. [US$ 5,548], why don’t we make them that way? Just like a retail fuel seller but with the same standards,” Henry said.

In addition to that, he argued investors needed incentives to build fuel stations in remote areas, and that state-owned energy firm Pertamina was willing to provide such stimuli. In his calculation, investors would only gain Rp 45,000 based on regular profit estimates if they sold 300 liters of fuel a day while they had to spend at least,Rp 200 million to build a fuel station, showing that such an investment was high-cost.

At the same time, in Papua, Pertamina had given fuel station investors higher profit margins of around Rp 600 to Rp 700 perliter of fuel, compared to the regular margin of about Rp 150, he said. Despite Pertamina giving higher profit margins to investors, fuel prices would remain the same, as the company would absorb the loss caused by such mechanisms, he added.

The agency has proposed giving Pertamina Rp 1 trillion annually from its annual non-tax revenue (PNBP) to ease the company’s financial burden in its quest to fully implement the one price policy. The proposed fund may help Pertamina expand the coverage of the policy which aims to cut the price disparity of fuel between regions across the sprawling archipelago of more than 17,000 islands.

However, the agency still had yet to realize the plan as it would need to discuss it further with related stakeholders, including the Finance Ministry and Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, Henry said.

Jakarta Post, Page-13, Thursday, October 19, 2017

Intermediaries in the Gas Industry Still Exist

The natural gas user industry forum supports the eradication of gas intermediary / trader practices in the commodities downstream sector. Support eradication, following the high price of natural gas to the industry. Chairman of the Forum of Industrial Gas Users Achmad Safiun states, the practice of brokering in the downstream gas through gas traders has been reported to the Ombudsman.

"Hopefully, the presidential decree (on gas prices) should be implemented, so please renters are removed, as more and more pressure us," he said.

     Currently the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has also made a regulation on the limitation of gas trade margin of 7%. This rule is the continuation of Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 06 Year 2017 which targeting the final limit of gas allocation for gas traders in February 2018. Unfortunately, the regulation aimed at eradicating the intermediary practice was stifled on the table of the minister of maritime coordinator who became the nomenclature of the Ministry of ESDM.

"In the near future we want to meet the President and tell the President where it stalled," he said.

    Currently, there is a gas trader who has a contract of sale and purchase with the industry. The supply comes from the Pertagas gas quota. The trader who partnered with Pertagas referring to the financial statements of companies, PT Bayu Buana Gemilang, PT Java Gas Indonesia, PT Sadikung Niagamas Raya, PT Surya Cipta Internusa, PT Walinusa Energy, PT Alamigas Mega Energy, PT Dharma Pratama Sejati and PT Ananta Vilya


Perantara di Industri Gas Masih Exist

Forum industri pengguna gas bumi mendukung pemberantasan praktik perantara/trader gas di sektor niaga hilir komoditas
tersebut. Dukungan pemberantasan itu, menyusul masih tingginya harga jual gas bumi ke industri. Ketua Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi Achmad Safiun menyatakan, praktik percaloan di hilir gas melalui trader gas itu sudah dilaporkan ke Ombudsman. 
"Harapannya, keputusan presiden (tentang harga gas) harus dilaksanakan. Jadi, tolong pemburu rente itu dihilangkan, karena semakin banyak dan menekan kami," ujarnya.

Saat ini Kementerian ESDM juga sudah membuat aturan soal pembatasan margin niaga gas 7%. Aturan ini adalah
kelanjutan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 06 Tahun 2017 yang menargetkan batas akhir pemberian alokasi gas bagi trader gas pada Februari 2018. Sayang, regulasi yang bertujuan memberantas praktik perantara itu tertahan di meja Menteri koordinator Kemaritiman yang menjadi nomenklatur Kementerian ESDM.

"Dalam waktu dekat kita mau bertemu Presiden dan memberi tahu Presiden macetnya di mana," katanya.

Saat ini, terdapat trader gas yang memiliki kontrak jual beli dengan industri. Pasokannya berasal dari kuota gas milik Pertagas. Adapun trader yang bermitra dengan Pertagas mengacu pada laporan keuangan perusahaan itu adalah PT Bayu Buana Gemilang, PT Java Gas Indonesia, PT Sadikung Niagamas Raya, PT Surya Cipta Internusa, PT Walinusa Energi, PT Alamigas Mega Energy, PT Dharma Pratama Sejati dan PT Ananta Vilya.

Kontan, Page-2, Thursday, October 19, 2017

Use Gross Split, Sliding Reception

The Ministry of Finance affirmed state revenue received by the government through tax rules for the scheme oil and gas sharing contracts with gross split schemes will not change.

Deputy Finance Minister Mardiasmo said the portion of government revenue posts will only experience a shift. According to him, through the gross split rules will make the tax revenue is reduced. But on the other hand this is compensated by an increase in non-tax state revenue (PNBP).

No potential is reduced, just shifting from tax to PNBP. What makes (as if) decreases is the shift as the gross split of its PNBP rises, but the tax goes down. But actually still the same (acceptance) of the government he said on Tuesday (17/10). Mardiasmo explained that with the gross split scheme, the government take part consists of income tax (VAT), PNBP and indirect tax: in the form of Value Added Tax (VAT) and Land and Building Tax (PBB).

Tax revenue that has the potential to decrease, namely the income tax because the rate changed from 35% to 25%. This is influenced by changes in the tax system to prevailing or regular rates change over time. In addition, the government plans provides incentives in the form of removal of indirect taxes, particularly the UN, for activities that are still under exploration. As for the VAT, we still Try to do as in the Government Regulation (PP) cost recovery according to the economy, "said Mardiasmo.

On the other hand, the government is also still weighing whether to cross indirect taxes as well for its activities in the course of exploitation. To be sure, the government is preparing a way for the share received by the government does not go down or at least the same as the previous tax scheme.

"This (PPh) down, we now try whether the number of taxpayers will rise, with the taxpayer plus indirect tax (VAT and PBB) also fell. That government take must remain, at least equal to cost recovery, "he added.

Earlier, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan asked the Ministry of Finance to speed up the formulation of Government Regulation (PP) related to the taxation of the scheme for gross split. Because, although this rule applies to new contracts, but the rules of taxation are still awaited by entrepreneurs in the upstream sector.


Pakai Gross Split, Penerimaan Bergeser

Kementerian Keuangan menegaskan penerimaan negara yang diterima pemerintah melalui aturan perpajakan untuk skema kontrak bagi hasil minyak dan gas bumi dengan skema gross split tak akan berubah. 

Wakil Menteri Keuangan Mardiasmo  mengatakan porsi pos penerimaan pemerintah hanya akan mengalami pergeseran. Menurutnya, melalui aturan gross split akan  membuat penerimaan pajak berkurang. Tapi di sisi lain ini dikompensasi oleh kenaikan penerimaan negara bukan pajak (PNBP). 

Tidak ada potensi berkurang, cuma bergeser dari pajak ke PNBP. Yang membuat (seolah) berkurang adalah pergeseran karena gross split PNBP-nya naik, tapi pajaknya turun. Tetapi sebenarnya masih sama (penerimaan) pemerintah katanya Selasa (17/10). Mardiasmo menjelaskan, dengan skema gross split, penerimaan bagian pemerintah (government take) terdiri dari pajak penghasilan  (PPN), PNBP dan indirect tax: berupa pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN) dan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB).

Penerimaan pajak yang berpotensi turun, yaitu PPh lantaran tarifnya berubah dari 35% menjadi 25%. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh  perubahan sistem pajak menjadi prevailing atau tarif biasa berubah dari waktu ke waktu. Selain itu, pemerintah berencana 

memberikan insentif berupa penghapusan indirect tax, khususnya PBB, bagi kegiatan yang masih dalam masa eksplorasi. Sementara  untuk PPN-nya, Kami tetap Coba untuk dilakukan seperti di Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) cost recovery sesuai keekonomiannya," ujar  Mardiasmo. 

Di sisi lain, pemerintah juga masih menimbang apakah akan mengilangkan indirect tax juga untuk kegiatan yang dalam masa eksploitasi. Yang pasti, pemerintah sedang menyusun cara agar bagian yang diterima pemerintah tidak turun atau minimal sama dengan skema pajak sebelumnya. 

“lni (PPh) turun, sekarang kami coba apakah jumlah Wajib Pajaknya akan naik, dengan Wajib Pajak plus indirect tax (PPN dan PBB) juga turun. ltu government take harus tetap, minimal sama dengan cost recovery," tambahnya. 

Sebelumnya, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan meminta Kementerian  Keuangan mempercepat pembuatan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) terkait perpajakan skema bagi hasil gross split. Sebab, meski aturan ini berlaku untuk kontrak baru, tapi aturan perpajakannya tetap ditunggu oleh pengusaha di sektor hulu.

Kontan, Page-2, Thursday, October 19, 2017

Industry Wait for Gas Price Decrease

Director of Upstream Chemical Industry Ministry of Industry Muhammad Khayam said three industrial sectors are waiting for the decline in gas prices as proposed by the Ministry of Industry. Three sectors, among others, the steel industry, petrochemical industry, and fertilizer industry.

"We are waiting for the latest EMR Minister Regulation to allow 78 companies to participate in getting the gas price decline," said Director of Upstream Chemical Industry Ministry of Industry Muhammad Khayam in Jakarta, Tuesday (17/10).

Of the 86 companies submitted by the Ministry of Industry, only eight companies are getting discounted gas price pursuant to Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 40 of 2016 on Natural Gas Prices for Certain Industries.

The eight companies are PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industries, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda, PT Petrokimia Gresik and PT Krakatau Steel. Khayam said that the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources currently under review at the Ministry of Marine Affairs Coordinator will regulate the existing gas toll road prices.

"So, no company is willing to take profits as much as possible.Well, it will be able to reduce gas prices," said Khayam.

According to him, the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources is able to reduce the gas price to 0.5 US $-1 US per Million Metric British Termal Unit (MMBTU). To that end, Khayam hopes that the rule can be issued soon, so more industries are utilizing the decline in gas prices.

Special Staff of the Minister of Industry, Happy Bone Zulkarnaen, said today, the government is trying to narrow the disparity space between the average price of natural gas for industries with gas prices for energy needs as well as raw materials of various industrial sectors in the country.

"Some of the steps we are doing, among others, are guaranteeing the availability of supply at affordable prices and improving the distribution infrastructure," he said in Jakarta, Tuesday (17/10).

In addition, the government also pricing and increasing the number of suppliers to increase market competition. Then, the government through ESDM Ministerial Regulation N040 Year 2016 also provides special price adjustment to certain industries, namely fertilizer industry, petrochemical industry, and steel industry.

According to Happy, the average price of natural gas in 2016 amounted to 5.62 US dollars per MMBTU for the industry. However, there is a high price disparity in the industrial sector with the lowest price of only 0.22 US dollars per MMBTU, while the highest price reaches 8.62 US dollars per MMBTU.


Industri Tunggu Penurunan Harga Gas

Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu Kementerian Perindustrian Muhammad Khayam mengatakan, tiga sektor industri menunggu penurunan harga gas seperti yang diajukan Kementerian Perindustrian. Tiga sektor itu, antara lain, industri baja, industri petrokimia, dan industri pupuk.

"Kami sedang menunggu Peraturan Menteri ESDM terbaru agar 78 perusahaan itu bisa ikut mendapatkan penurunan harga gas," kata Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu Kementerian Perindustrian Muhammad Khayam di Jakarta, Selasa (17/10).

Dari 86 perusahaan yang diajukan Kementerian Perindusterian, hanya delapan perusahaan yang mendapatkan potongan harga gas berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk Industri Tertentu.

Delapan perusahaan tersebut adalah PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda, PT Petrokimia Gresik, dan PT Krakatau Steel. Khayam menyampaikan, Peraturan Menteri ESDM yang saat ini sedang dikaji di Kementerian Koordiator Kemaritiman akan mengatur perihal harga-harga jalan tol gas yang ada. 

"Sehingga, tidak ada perusahaan yang seenaknya mengambil keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya. Nah, itu akan mampu menurunkan harga gas," ungkap Khayam.

Menurutnya, Peraturan Menteri ESDM tersebut mampu menurunkan harga gas hingga 0,5 dolar AS-1 dolar AS per Million Metric British Termal Unit (MMBTU). Untuk itu, Khayam berharap agar aturan tersebut dapat segera dikeluarkan, sehingga lebih banyak industri yang memanfaatkan penurunan harga gas tersebut.

Staf Khusus Menteri Perindustrian Happy Bone Zulkarnaen mengatakan, saat ini, pemerintah berupaya mempersempit ruang disparitas antara rata-rata harga gas bumi untuk industri dengan harga gas untuk kebutuhan energi maupun bahan baku berbagai sektor industri di dalam negeri. 

"Beberapa langkah kami lakukan, diantaranya, menjamin ketersediaan pasokan dengan harga terjangkau dan pembenahan infrastruktur penyaluran," kata dia di Jakarta, Selasa (17/ 10).

Selain itu, pemerintah juga melakukan pengaturan harga dan menambah jumlah pemasok untuk meningkatkan persaingan pasar. Kemudian, pemerintah melalui Peraturan Menteri ESDM N040 Tahun 2016 juga memberikan penyesuaian harga khusus kepada industri tertentu, yaitu industri pupuk, industri petrokimia, dan industri baja.

Menurut Happy, rata-rata harga gas bumi pada 2016 sebesar 5,62 dolar AS per MMBTU untuk industri. Namun, terdapat disparitas harga yang tinggi dalam sektor industri dengan harga terendah hanya 0,22 dolar AS per MMBTU, sementara harga tertinggi mencapai 8,62 dolar AS per MMBTU.

Republika, Page-13, Wednesday, October 18, 2017

PGN: Natural Gas Price in Medan Drops Since February 1, 2017

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara confirmed that natural gas price in Medan, North Sumatera has decreased since February 2017 from US $ 12.22 per MMBTU to US $ 9.95 per MMBTU.

"We need to say again that the price of natural gas in Medan, especially in Medan Industrial Zone has been declining," said PGN Commercial Director Danny Praditya,
Tuesday (17/10),

Danny said, information on the decline of this price need to continue, because there are still parties who do not know that the price of gas in Medan has fallen.

"To avoid slander and misunderstanding, we need to say that gas prices in Medan have fallen." Danny said firmly.

The price reduction policy is a follow up of President Joko Widodo's direction. After discussing with all parties starting from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Industry, Pertamina, PGN to the industry in Medan, the gas price decreased from US $ 12.22 per MMBTU to US $ 9.95 per MMBTU.

"All parties are sacrificing to reduce their tariffs in order to boost the competitiveness of domestic industries," said Danny.

Danny asserted, the price of natural gas for industry is not determined by PGN alone. Many variables forming the price of natural gas, especially for the Medan region where the source of natural gas supply comes from liquefied natural gas (LNG) that costs higher than gas pipelines.

Although PGN builds and manages 600 km of natural gas pipelines that deliver gas to 45 industrial customers, 495 commercial and SME businesses, and 19,830 households, gas allocation is not from PGN.

"Various variables forming gas prices in Medan, ranging from gas sources to LNG and gas wells, then through transmission pipelines, gas traders and other new to PGN. Even of the 600 km of pipes we build and operate, PGN only charge US $ 0.9 per MMBTU, very little margin that we can,"Danny Said.


PGN: Harga Gas Bumi di Medan Turun Sejak 1 Februari 2017

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara memastikan harga gas bumi di wilayah Medan, Sumatera Utara sudah turun sejak Februari 2017 dari sebelumnya US$ 12,22 per MMBTU menjadi US$ 9,95 per MMBTU.

"Kami perlu sampaikan kembali, bahwa harga gas bumi di Medan, terutama di Kawasan Industri Medan telah turun. Kebijakan penurunan harga keluar Maret namun berlaku surut per 1 Februari 2017," tegas Direktur Komersial PGN, Danny Praditya, Selasa (17/10),

Danny mengungkapkan, informasi penurunan harga ini perlu terus dilakukan, karena masih ada pihak yang belum mengetahui bahwa harga gas di Medan telah turun.

"Untuk menghindarkan fitnah dan salah paham, kami perlu sampaikan bahwa harga gas di Medan telah turun." tegas Danny.

Kebijakan penurunan harga tersebut merupakan lanjutan dari arahan Presiden Joko Widodo. Setelah melakukan pembahasan dengan seluruh pihak mulai dari Kementerian ESDM, Kementerian Perindustrian, Pertamina, PGN hingga industri di Medan, maka di putuskan harga gas turun dari US$ 12,22 per MMBTU menjadi US$ 9,95 per MMBTU.

"Semua pihak berkorban mengurangi tarifnya agar dapat mendorong daya saing industri dalam negeri," ujar Danny.

Danny menegaskan, harga gas bumi untuk industri tidak ditentukan oleh PGN semata. Banyak variabel pembentuk harga gas bumi, apalagi untuk wilayah Medan di mana sumber pasokan gas bumi berasal dari gas alam cair (LNG) yang harganya lebih tinggi dibanding gas pipa.

Walau PGN membangun dan mengelola 600 km pipa gas bumi yang mengalirkan gas ke 45 pelanggan industri, 495 usaha komersil dan UKM, serta 19.830 rumah tangga, alokasi gas bukan berasal dari PGN.

"Banyak variabel pembentuk harga gas di Medan, mulai dari sumber gasnya berasal dari LNG dan sumur gas, kemudian melalui pipa transmisi, trader gas dan lainnya baru ke PGN. Bahkan dari 600 km pipa yang kami bangun dan operasikan, PGN hanya mengenakan biaya US$ 0,9 per MMBTU, sangat kecil margin yang kami dapat,” kata Danny.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Pakning River Refinery Processing Oil Cepu Block

Approximately 12 thousand barrels per day (bpd) from Banyu Urip Field, Cepu Block is processed at Pertamina Refinery Unit II Production Pakning River Fuel oil products (refinery) operating since 1969 are distributed to meet the needs of northern and national areas of Sumatra.

Pertamina Refinery Unit II Operation Manager Pakning Nirwansyah River said the Pakning River Refinery has an installed capacity of up to 50 thousand bpd. However, now the refinery is operated at the level of 30 thousand bpd. The supply of crude oil for the refinery comes from three fields, including Banyu Urip Field, Cepu Block.

"Refinery operations are heavily dependent on the allocation of crude (crude oil) .Now its oil supply is SLC (Sumatera light crude) 50% BUCO (banyu urip crude oil) 40%, and Lyrics 10%," he said during a media visit to the Sungai Pakning River in Bengkalis, Riau, on Tuesday (17/10).

SLC Oil comes from Minas Field run by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, BUCO from Cepu Block managed by ExxonMobil Cepu Limited, and Lirik from Lirik Field which is managed by PT Pertamina EP Crude oil processing at the Pakning River Refinery only reaches the primary process.

The reason, this refinery only has a crude distillation unit (crude distillation unit) that serves to separate the crude oil based on boiling point. Thus, the Pakning River Refinery does not produce Premium.

"The result is naphta 7%, kerosene (kerosene) 11%, diesel 21%, and residual 60%," said Nirwansyah.

With 30,000 bpd of crude oil supply, the naphtha output is about 2,100 bpd, kerosene 3,300 bpd, diesel 6,300 bpd, and 18,000 bpd residue.

Production of kerosene and diesel, he said, was brought to dumai or other locations according to the marketing needs of the northern region of operation. However, some of these products are also distributed to meet the needs of the surrounding area as well as private parties.

"Kerosene is preferred to be processed here, and some diesel are brought to PLN in Bengkalis, Strait Panjang, or Samak, to Siak or Long Strait depots, and to private parties," he explained.

However, the production of naphtha and residue must be brought to the Dumai Refinery. The reason is, in Dumai Refinery there is an advanced processing (secondary process) that requires the supply of naphta and residue. That is, most of the production of the Sungai Pakning Refinery is taken to the Dumai Refinery.

"So the Sungai Pakning and Dumai River is integrated," he said.

The Sungai Pakning refinery has been taken over by Pertamina since 1975. The refinery is equipped with 111,374 cubic crude oil tanks, 194,093 cubic meter tank, 35,000 deadweight jetty (DWT) and 75,000 DWT jetty. This makes the refinery capable of receiving crude oil from various source and deliver their products according to marketing needs.


Kilang Sungai Pakning Mengolah Minyak Blok Cepu

Sekitar 12 ribu barel per hari (bph) dari Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu diolah di kilang Pertamina Refinery Unit II Production Sungai Pakning Produk bahan bakar minyak (BBM) kilang yang beroperasi sejak 1969 ini didistribusikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan wilayah Sumatera bagian utara dan nasional.

Manajer Operasi Pertamina Refinery Unit II Sungai Pakning Nirwansyah mengatakan, Kilang Sungai Pakning memiliki kapasitas terpasang hingga 50 ribu bph. Namun, kini kilang tersebut dioperasikan pada level 30 ribu bph. Pasokan minyak mentah untuk kilang ini berasal dari tiga lapangan, termasuk Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu.

"Pengoperasian kilang sangat tergantung pada alokasi crude (minyak mentah). Sekarang pasokan minyaknya yaitu SLC (sumatera light crude) 50% BUCO (banyu urip crude oil) 40%, dan Lirik 10%,” kata dia dalam kunjungan media ke Kilang Sungai Pakning di Bengkalis, Riau, Selasa (17/ 10).

Minyak SLC berasal dari Lapangan Minas yang dikerjakan PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, BUCO dari Blok Cepu yang dikelola ExxonMobil Cepu Limited, dan Lirik dari Lapangan Lirik yang digarap PT Pertamina EP Pengolahan minyak mentah di Kilang Sungai Pakning hanya sampai pada primary process.

Pasalnya, kilang ini hanya memiliki unit pemisahan minyak mentah (crude distillation unit) yang berfungsi memisahkan minyak mentah berdasarkan titik didihnya. Sehingga, Kilang Sungai Pakning tidak memproduksi Premium.

"Hasilnya naphta sebanyak 7%, kerosene (minyak tanah) 11%, solar 21%, dan residu 60%," tutur Nirwansyah.

Dengan besaran pasokan minyak mentah sebesar 30 ribu bph, maka produksi naphta sekitar 2.100 bph, minyak tanah 3.300 bph, solar 6.300 bph, dan residu 18.000 bph.

Produksi minyak tanah dan solar, dikatakannya sebagian dibawa ke dumai atau lokasi lain sesuai kebutuhan pemasaran wilayah operasi Sumatera bagian utara. Namun, sebagian produk ini juga didistribusikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan wilayah sekitar maupun pihak swasta.

"Kerosene diutamakan untuk diolah di sini. Diesel ada yang dibawa ke PLN di Bengkalis, Selat Panjang, atau Samak, ke depot Siak atau Selat Panjang, serta ke pihak swasta," jelasnya.

Namun, produksi naphta dan residu harus dibawa ke Kilang Dumai. Pasalnya, di Kilang Dumai memang ada pemrosesan tahap lanjut (secondary process) yang membutuhkan pasokan naphta dan residu. Artinya, sebagian besar hasil produksi Kilang Sungai Pakning dibawa ke Kilang Dumai.

"Jadi Kilang Sungai Pakning dan Dumai ini terintegrasi," kata dia.

Kilang Sungai Pakning diambil alih pengelolaannya oleh Pertamina sejak 1975. Kilang ini dilengkapi tangki minyak mentah 111.374 meter kubik, tangki produk 194.093 meter kubik, jetty 35 ribu bobot mati (DWT) dan jetty 75 ribu DWT Hal ini membuat kilang mampu menerima minyak mentah dari berbagai sumber dan mengirimkan produknya sesuai kebutuhan pemasaran.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Continue lnpex in Masela

The Indonesian government grants contract extension to Inpex Masela Limited, operator of Masela Block, for 20 years plus 7 years to continue working on oil and gas region located in Arafuru Sea, Maluku. Inpex Masela Ltd., an subsidiary of lnpex Corporation, is required to build a ground-based LNG plant.

With a 20-year extension plus an additional 7-year time, Inpex operations at Masela will continue until 2055. Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignatius Jonan said that in principle the government agreed on three matters related to the Masela Block project.

Masela Block, Owner by Inpex Corporation Japan

"First, give the extension of 20 years to Inpex because it is almost out of contract period. Coupled with 7 years, as compensation to change the scheme of floating LNG plant development into a refinery, "he said after meeting with President Director and CEO of Inpex Corp. Toshiaki Kitamura in Tokyo, Tuesday (16/10).

Secondly, the government still asks Inpex to develop LNG onshore in accordance with President Joko Widodo's instruction in March 2016. Thirdly, the government gives the Inpex the privilege to choose the location of the land-based LNG plant.

Jonan, who was accompanied by the President's Special Envoy to Japan Rachmat Gobel, the Director General of Oil and Gas Ego Sahriyal, Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi and Vice Chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives Satya Widya Yudha stated that the capacity of the refinery and the amount of gas pipe volume has not changed .

There is still a difference between the government and Inpex related to the capacity of LNG and gas pipelines. The government wants the LNG plant capacity to be 7.5 million tons per year (mtpa), while Inpex requested additional capacity to be 9.5 mtpa.

Meanwhile, the volume of gas pipeline the government wants for the Masela Block is 475 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd), while Inpex requests a gas pipeline volume of only 150 MMscfd. Inpex becomes operator of Masela Block with 65% share ownership and Shell Upstream Ovelseas Services 35%. The Indonesian government hopes that Inpex can immediately start the gas field project.

Previously there was also a difference about the compensation for the change of floating refinery to the land refinery. Inpex requested compensation in the form of additional 10-year operation, but the government gave 7 years. Finally, the government set an additional 7 year operating time as compensation for the time spent by Inpex in reviewing the floating LNG plant.

The reason is that Inpex has to conduct a review from the beginning to build an onshore LNG plant. At present, Inpex is conducting a pre-assessment of pre-end engineering design (preFEED) after receiving a work order from SKK Migas after the ESDM Minister's visit to Japan on May 16, 2017, it was agreed that pre-FEED was conducted with one production capacity option and one island.


Berlanjut lnpex di Masela 

Pemerintah lndonesia memberikan perpanjangan kontrak kepada Inpex Masela Limited, operator Blok Masela, selama 20 tahun plus 7 tahun untuk terus menggarap wilayah migas yang berlokasi di Laut Arafuru, Maluku. lnpex mendapatkan kontrak Blok Masela selama 1998-2028 atau selama 30 tahun, Kontrak Blok Masela akan berakhir pada 2028. Inpex Masela Ltd., anak usaha lnpex Corporation, diminta untuk membangun kilang LNG darat.

Dengan perpanjangan 20 tahun plus tambahan Waktu 7 tahun, operasi Inpex di Masela akan berlanjut hingga 2055. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, pada prinsipnya pemerintah menyetujui tiga hal terkait dengan proyek Blok Masela.

“Pertama, memberikan perpanjangan 20 tahun kepada Inpex karena sudah hampir habis masa kontraknya. Ditambah dengan 7 tahun, sebagai kompensasi mengubah skema pengembangan kilang LNG terapung [floating] menjadi kilang darat," tuturnya seusai bertemu dengan Presiden Direktur dan CEO Inpex Corp. Toshiaki Kitamura di Tokyo, Selasa (16/10). 

Kedua, pemerintah tetap meminta Inpex untuk mengembangkan LNG di darat sesuai dengan instruksi Presiden Joko Widodo pada Maret 2016. Ketiga, pemerintah memberikan keleluasaan kepada Inpex untuk memilih sendiri lokasi tempat pembangunan kilang LNG darat tersebut.

Jonan, yang dalam pertemuan didampingi antara lain oleh Utusan Khusus Presiden untuk Jepang Rachmat Gobel, Dirjen Migas Ego Sahriyal, Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi, dan Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR Satya Widya Yudha, menyatakan bahwa kapasitas kilang dan jumlah volume pipa gas masih belum berubah.

Masih terjadi perbedaan antara pemerintah dan Inpex terkait dengan kapasitas LNG dan gas pipa. Pemerintah menghendaki agar kapasitas kilang LNG sebesar 7,5 juta ton per tahun (mtpa), sedangkan Inpex meminta tambahan kapasitas menjadi 9,5 mtpa.

Sementara itu, volume pipa gas yang diinginkan pemerintah untuk Blok Masela adalah 475 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd), sedangkan Inpex meminta volume pipa gas hanya 150 MMscfd. Inpex menjadi operator Blok Masela dengan kepemilikan saham 65% dan Shell Upstream Ovelseas Services sebanyak 35%. Pemerintah Indonesia berharap agar Inpex bisa segera memulai proyek lapangan gas tersebut.

Sebelumnya juga terjadi perbedaan tentang kompensasi atas perubahan kilang terapung ke kilang darat. Inpex meminta kompensasi berupa tambahan waktu operasi selama 10 tahun, tetapi pemerintah memberikan 7 tahun. Akhirnya, pemerintah menetapkan tambahan waktu operasi 7 tahun sebagai kompensasi atas waktu yang dihabiskan Inpex dalam mengkaji kilang LNG terapung. 

Pasalnya, Inpex harus melakukan kajian ulang dari awal untuk membangun kilang LNG di darat, saat ini, Inpex sedang melakukan kajian prapendefinisian proyek atau pre front end engineering design (preFEED) setelah menerima surat perintah kerja dari SKK Migas,  Pasca kunjungan Menteri ESDM ke Jepang pada 16 Mei 2017, telah disepakati bahwa pre-FEED dilakukan dengan satu opsi kapasitas produksi dan satu pulau.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-3, Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Kepodang Gas Reserves Does Not Match Initial Proposal

SKK Migas asserts, formally Kepodang Field can not be called Force Majeur

Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) asserted that Kepodang Field status, Blok Muriah, Central Java can not be declared as force majeur. This statement rejects previous Petronas Carigali claims submitting a letter to SKK Migas in June 2017 that Kepodang Field is in a state of powers.

Muriah Block - Petronas Carigali Indonesia

Force Majeur conditions because the supply to PLTGU Tambak Lorok continues to shrink from 116 billion british thermal units (bbtu) per day to 80 bbtu per day. Even predicted that the field will be empty in 2018 or sooner than the contract until the year 2026 to come.

Head of Program and Communication Division of SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher said that the calculation of Lemigas analysis shows that "In Place" reserves of Kepodang Field only reached 107 billions of standard cubicfeet (BSCF) gas. Of the total reserves are entirely not necessarily can be produced.

Whereas in the proposal plan of development (POD) and revision of Kepodang Field PoD approved by the government in 2002 and 2012 and then listed the number of hydrocarbons in Kepodang Field that can be produced 354 bscf

"In summary, based on the analysis of ballance material by Lemigas, it was found" in place "Kepodang 107 bscf versus in-house analysis of Petronas 94 bscf," explained Vishnu

Although the results of Lemigas analysis showed a decrease in reserves in Kepodang Field, Wisnu said, the government through SKK Migas has not been able to provide force majure status because the analysis process is still running.

"Formally it can not be called force majeure," explained Vishnu.

The information circulated, Petronas filed a letter to SKK Migas which reads Kepodang Field Force Majeur because want to have gas price amendments to PLTGU Tambak Lorok with a capacity of 1,000 MW felt uneconomical. When KONTAN confirmed the news, Senior Manager of Corporate Corporate Affairs  & Administration Petronas Carigali Indonesia Andiono Setiawan just stated, Petronas always synergize and coordinate with SKK Migas.

"To be sure we coordinate with SKK, Oil and Gas," he said.

The price of Kepodang Field gas to PLTGU Tambak Lorok is US $ 4.61 per mmbtu with an escalation of 8.6% per year. EMD Ministry spokesman Dadan Kusdiana said that those who declare majeure or not are contracting parties, not unilaterally.

"SKK Migas and other parties related to the contract, such as PLN," he said.


Cadangan Gas Kepodang Tidak Sesuai Proposal Awal

SKK Migas menegaskan, secara formal Lapangan Kepodang belum bisa disebut Force Majeur

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menegaskan, status Lapangan Kepodang, Blok Muriah, Jawa Tengah belum bisa dinyatakan Force Majeur alias force majeur. Pernyataan ini menolak klaim Petronas Carigali sebelumnya yang menyampaikan surat ke SKK Migas pada Juni 2017 bahwa Lapangan Kepodang dalam kondisi Force Majeur.

Kondisi Force Majeur karena pasokan ke PLTGU Tambak Lorok terus menyusut dari 116 billion british thermal unit (bbtu) per hari menjadi 80 bbtu per hari. Bahkan diprediksi Lapangan itu akan kosong pada tahun 2018 atau lebih cepat dari kontrak hingga tahun 2026 mendatang.

Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher bilang, hasil perhitungan analisa Lemigas menunjukan cadangan "In Place" Lapangan Kepodang hanya mencapai 107 billions of standard cubicfeet (BSCF) gas. Dari jumlah cadangan tersebut sepenuhnya belum tentu bisa diproduksikan.

Padahal dalam proposal plan of development (POD) dan revisi PoD Lapangan Kepodang yang disetujui oleh pemerintah pada tahun 2002 dan tahun 2012 lalu mencantumkan jumlah hidrokarbon di Lapangan Kepodang yang bisa diproduksikan 354 bscf

"Secara ringkas, berdasarkan analisis material ballance oleh Lemigas, didapatkan "in place" Kepodang 107 bscf versus angka in house analysis Petronas sebesar 94 bscf," jelas Wisnu 

Meskipun hasil analisa Lemigas menunjukan penurunan jumlah cadangan di Lapangan Kepodang, Wisnu menyebut, pemerintah melalui SKK Migas belum bisa memberikan status force majure karena proses analisa masih berjalan.

"Secara formal belum bisa disebut force majeure," jelas Wisnu.

Informasi yang beredar, Petronas mengajukan Surat ke SKK Migas yang berbunyi Lapangan Kepodang Force Majeur lantaran ingin ada amandemen harga gas ke PLTGU Tambak Lorok berkapasitas 1.000 MW dirasa tidak ekonomis. Saat KONTAN mengkonfirmasi soal kabar itu, Senior Manager Corporate Affairs & Administration Petronas Carigali Indonesia Andiono Setiawan hanya menyatakan, Petronas selalu bersinergi dan berkoordinasi dengan SKK Migas. 

"Yang pasti kami berkoordinasi dengan SKK ,Migas," katanya. 

Harga gas Lapangan Kepodang ke PLTGU Tambak Lorok US$ 4,61 per mmbtu dengan eskalasi 8,6% per tahun. Juru bicara Kementerian ESDM Dadan Kusdiana bilang, yang mengumumkan Force Majeur atau bukan adalah pihak yang berkontrak, tidak sepihak.

"SKK Migas dan pihak lain terkait dengan kontrak, misalnya PLN," katanya.

Kontan , Page-14, Wednesday, October 18, 2017