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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Nebras Power Works on Electricity and Gas Projects US $ 1 Billion

The power company from Qatar, Nebras Power, will work on a steam gas power plant (PLTGU) project and a floating storage regasification unit (FSRU) in North Sumatra worth US $ 1 billion. Nebras Power will work with PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB), a subsidiary of PT PLN.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said on Thursday (19/10) Nebras Power and PT PJB have signed an agreement on the construction of PLTGU and FSRU with a total investment of US $ 1 billion. A total of US $ 800 million will be invested to build PLTGU and the remaining US $ 200 million to build FSRU.

"Qatar is the powerhouse, Nebras also from Qatar will invest US $ 800 million plus US $ 200 million," he said after attending the presentation of Jokowi-JK Three-Year Performance in Jakarta, Monday (23/10).

He said it would not restrict the origin of gas supplies to the plant. Although, pursuant to Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 45 of 2017, the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) should be prioritized domestically.

Not only about gas sources, this regulation also regulates the LNG price. This rule sets the company to import LNG if its price can be below 14.5% Indonesian Crude Price (ICP).

"[Gas price] Pak Luhut (Minister of Marine Affairs Coordinator Luhut Binsar Panjaitan) has said 14% ICP" said Arcandra.

Previously, Director of Procurement Strategic Procurement 1 PLN Nicke Widyawati said, PLN will build FSRU in Belawan, North Sumatra. The plan, this FSRU will supply gas for PLTGU Sumbagut 3 and 4 which will be built company in the region. In addition to these two plants, there is a Belawan PLTGU already operating which is potentially supplied by this facility.

"So we see whether it will supply it (Sumbagut 3 and 4) or whole. We see which is the most optimal lower BPP (production cost of electricity), "he said.

If realized, this project will be the second integrated power plant project and FSRU in Indonesia. Previously, PLN has appointed Consortium of PT Pertamina, Marubeni Corporation, and Sojitz Corporation to work on similar projects, namely PLTGU Java-1. 

     The project consists of PLTGU 1,760 MW and FSRU 400 million cubic feet per day (million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd). The value of this project reached US $ 1.8 billion.


Nebras Power Garap Proyek Listrik dan Gas US$ 1 Miliar

Perusahaan listrik asal Qatar, Nebras Power, bakal menggarap proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga gas uap (PLTGU) dan fasilitas penyimpanan dan regasifikasi terapung (floating storage regasification unit/FSRU) di Sumatera Utara senilai US$ 1 miliar. Nebras Power bakal bekerJa sama dengan PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB), anak usaha PT PLN.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, Kamis (19/10) lalu, Nebras Power dengan PT PJB telah meneken kesepakatan pembangunan PLTGU dan FSRU dengan total investasi sebesar US$ 1 miliar. Sebanyak US$ 800 juta akan diinvestasikan untuk membangun PLTGU dan sisanya US$ 200 juta untuk membangun FSRU.

“Qatar kan pembangkit, Nebras juga dari Qatar itu akan investasi US$ 800 juta plus US$ 200 juta,” kata dia usai menghadiri paparan Kinerja Tiga Tahun Jokowi-JK di Jakarta, Senin (23/ 10).

Dikatakannya, pihaknya tidak akan membatasi asal pasokan gas untuk pembangkit ini. Walaupun, sesuai Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 45 Tahun 2017, pasokan gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG) harus mengutamakan dalam negeri.

Tidak hanya soal sumber gas, regulasi ini juga mengatur soal harga LNG. Aturan ini menetapkan perusahaan dapat mengimpor LNG jika harganya bisa di bawah 14,5% harga minyak mentah Indonesia (Indonesia Crude Price/ ICP).

“[Harga gasnya] Pak Luhut (Menteri Koordiator Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Panjaitan) sudah bilang 14% ICP” tutur Arcandra.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Pengadaan Pengadaan Strategis 1 PLN Nicke Widyawati mengatakan, PLN bakal membangun FSRU di Belawan, Sumatera Utara. Rencananya, FSRU ini bakal memasok kebutuhan gas untuk PLTGU Sumbagut 3 dan 4 yang akan dibangun perseroan di wilayah tersebut. Selain dua pembangkit ini, terdapat PLTGU Belawan yang sudah beroperasi yang berpotensi dipasok oleh fasilitas ini.

“Jadi kami melihat apakah akan supply itu (Sumbagut 3 dan 4) atau keseluruhan. Kami lihat mana yang paling optimal menurunkan BPP (biaya pokok produksi) listrik,” ujar dia.

Jika terealisasi, proyek ini bakal menjadi proyek terintegrasi pembangkit listrik dan FSRU yang kedua di Indonesia. Sebelumnya, PLN telah menunjuk Konsorsium PT Pertamina, Marubeni Corporation, dan Sojitz Corporation untuk menggarap proyek sejenis, yakni PLTGU Jawa-1. 

     Proyek ini terdiri dari PLTGU 1,760 MW dan FSRU 400 juta kaki kubik per hari (million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd). Nilai proyek ini mencapai US$ 1,8 miliar.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Nebras Guarantees Gas Supply

Nebrcas Power, Qatar's state-owned power company, is potentially rubbing liquefied natural gas to Indonesia as one of the company's agreements to build a steam power plant in the country worth US $ 1 billion.

Nebras Power and PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali have signed a preliminary agreement to construct an 800 MW (800 MW) steam power plant (PLTGU) integrated with storage and regasification facilities at North Sumatra.

ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan said that Indonesia opens opportunities for Qatar to supply LNG at competitive prices. According to him, the import license becomes one of the cooperation agreement clauses between PLN and Nebras Power

"Under the agreement, the government allows Qatar to supply LNG to PLTGU," Jonan said, Monday (23/10).

Jonan added, there are two main terms of LNG import from Qatar. First, the maximum price of imported LNG is only 14.5% of the ICP Second, the price should not be the same or more expensive than the local LNG price.

President Joko Widodo allowed the power plant to take gas supplies from abroad as long as it could be cheaper. This is done in order to encourage domestic industry more competitive.

Jonan said that the project did not discuss until the details because the preliminary agreement has just been agreed on Thursday (19/10). EMR Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said that Nebras Power had signed an agreement with PJB.

to build a PLTGU and regasification facility (floating storage regasification unit / FSRU) with a total investment of US $ 1 billion. The subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara together with Nebras Power will build PLTGU worth US $ 800 million while US $ 200 million to build storage and regasification facilities.

"Qatar is a powerhouse, Nebras is also from Qatar. PLTGU investment of US $ 800 million plus US $ 200 million, "he said after attending exposure to Jokowi-JK's 3 Year Performance at the Office of President Staff, Monday (23/10).

According to him, the current supply of liquefied natural gas / LNG still prioritizes the supply from within the country as stipulated in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 45/2017 on Gas Utilization for Power Plant.

Based on the beleid, electric developers can import LNG with a maximum price requirement of 14.5% of Indonesian crude price (ICP). Meanwhile, the agreement states that LNG price from Qatar is 14% of ICP This means that LNG from Qatar has met the requirements of gas imports.

"The probability of importing LNG from Qatar is open, can be domestic, can be from Qatar" said Arcandra.

Early in the year Nebras Power also agreed to purchase 40.5% of Engie's stake in the 2,000 MW Paiton power plant Paola Vezzano, Head of HR, Communications and CSR Engie Asia Pacific, previously said Engie had sold 40.5% stake in Paiton Power Plant to Nebras Power QSC (Nebras) and a combination of several other shareholders in Paiton. The stock release agreement was made in early January 2017 although both corporations have agreed since early 2016.

Meanwhile, PLN's Strategic Procurement Director Supangkat Iwan Santoso said that the PLTGU will be built in North Sumatra with a capacity of 800 megawatts. According to him, PLN is preparing a power purchase agreement targeted to be agreed at the beginning of 2018.

Beginning next year, maybe we have PPA [power purchase agreement]. Target of commercial operation 3 years after PPA, that is in 2021, "he said

PLN is still calculating the gas requirement for the plant. Supangkat also has not been able to project the source of gas supply used to supply the plant.

In the Business Plan for the Provision of Power List (RUPTL) 2017-2026, Indonesia will increase the capacity of PLTG or PLTMG of 5,600 MW to make the installed capacity of PLTG to 20,741 MW by 2026 The capacity increase will be accompanied by the addition of gas allocation from 606 trillion British thermal unit (TBUU) in 2017 to 1,194 TBTU in 2026.


Nebras Jamin Suplai Gas

Nebrcas Power, BUMN listrik milik Qatar, berpotensi memosok gas alam cair ke Indonesia sebagai salah satu kesepakatan perusahan itu ddalam membangun pembangkit listrik tenaga gas uap di Tanah Air senilai US$1 miliar.

Nebras Power dan PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali telah menandatangani kesepakatan awal untuk membangun pembangkit listrik tenaga gas uap (PLTGU) berkapasitas 800 megawatt (MW) yang terintegrasi dengan fasilitas penyimpanan dan regasifikasi di Sumatra Utara.

Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengatakan bahwa Indonesia membuka peluang kepada Qatar untuk memasok LNG dengan harga yang kompetitif. Menurutnya, izin impor itu menjadi salah satu klausul perjanjian kerja sama antara PLN dengan Nebras Power

“Dalam perjanjian itu, pemerintah mengizinkan Qatar memasok LNG untuk PLTGU,” kata Jonan, Senin (23/10).

Jonan menambahkan, ada dua syarat utama impor LNG dari Qatar. Pertama, harga maksimum LNG impor tersebut hanya 14,5% dari ICP Kedua, harga tersebut tidak boleh sama atau lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan harga LNG lokal.

Presiden Joko Widodo memperbolehkan pembangkit listrik mengambil pasokan gas dari luar negeri asalkan bisa lebih murah. Hal tersebut dilakukan agar bisa mendorong industri dalam negeri lebih kompetitif.

Jonan menuturkan bahwa proyek tersebut memang belum membahas hingga detail karena perjanjian pendahuluan baru saja disepakati Kamis (19/10). Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa Nebras Power telah menandatangani kesepakatan dengan PJB.

untuk membangun PLTGU dan fasilitas regasifikasi (floating storage regasification unit/FSRU) dengan total investasi US$ 1 miliar. Anak perusahaan PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara bersama dengan Nebras Power akan membangun PLTGU senilai US$ 800 juta, sedangkan US$ 200 juta untuk membangun fasilitas penyimpanan dan regasifikasi.

“Qatar kan pembangkit, Nebras kan dari Qatar itu. Investasi PLTGU US$ 800 juta plus US$ 200 juta,” ujarnya usai menghadiri paparan Kinerja 3 Tahun Jokowi-JK di Kantor Staf Presiden, Senin (23/10). 

Menurutnya, saat ini pasokan gas alam cair/LNG masih mengutamakan pasokan dari dalam negeri seperti diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 45/2017 tentang Pemanfaatan Gas untuk Pembangkit Listrik.

Berdasarkan beleid tersebut, pengembang listrik bisa mengimpor LNG dengan persyaratan harga maksimal 14,5% dari harga minyak mentah Indonesia (Indonesian crude price/ ICP). Sementara itu, kesepakatan tersebut menyatakan bahwa harga LNG dari Qatar sebesar 14% dari ICP Artinya, LNG dari Qatar itu sudah memenuhi persyaratan impor gas. 

“ Kemungkingan impor LNG dari Qatar terbuka, bisa dalam negeri, bisa dari Qatar” kata Arcandra.

Pada awal tahun Nebras Power juga menyepakati pembelian 40,5 % saham Engie di PLTU Paiton berkapasitas 2.000 MW Paola Vezzano, Head of HR, Communications and CSR Engie Asia Pacific, sebelumnya mengatakan bahwa Engie telah menjual 40,5 % saham di PLTU Paiton kepada Nebras Power Q.S.C (Nebras) dan kombinasi dari beberapa pemegang saham lainnya di Paiton. Kesepakatan pelepasan saham itu dilakukan pada awal Januari 2017 kendati kedua korporasi itu telah menyepakati sejak awal 2016.

Sementara itu, Direktur Pengadaan Strategis PLN Supangkat Iwan Santoso mengatakan bahwa PLTGU tersebut akan dibangun di Sumatra Utara dengan kapasitas 800 megawatt. Menurutnya, PLN sedang menyiapkan Perjanjian Jual beli listrik yang ditargetkan bisa disepakati pada awal 2018.

Awal tahun depan, mungkin kita sudah PPA [perjanjian jual beli listrik]. Target operasi komersial 3 tahun setelah PPA, yaitu pada 2021," katanya 

PLN masih menghitung kebutuhan gas untuk pembangkit tersebut. Supangkat juga belum dapat memproyeksikan sumber pasokan gas yang dipakai untuk menyuplai pembangkit tersebut.

Di dalam Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listlik (RUPTL) 2017-2026, Indonesia akan mengalami penambahan kapasitas PLTG atau PLTMG sebesar 5.600 MW sehingga membuat kapasitas terpasang PLTG menjadi 20.741 MW pada 2026  Kenaikan kapasitas itu akan disertai dengan penambahan alokasi gas dari 606 triliun British thermal unit (TBtu) pada 2017 menjadi 1.194 TBTU pada 2026. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Difficult Gas Price Down Under US $ 4

Gas prices at consumer level It is difficult to fall below US $ 4 per MMBtu because gas field conditions in Indonesia are now mostly located in eastern Indonesia which has difficult challenges.

Some of the gas field challenges are remote and isolated locations and are located in the deep sea. The upstream gas price for the industrial sector is admittedly difficult to fall below US $ 6 per million British thermal unit (MMBtU) in the hands of the end consumer.

Director of Oil and Gas Program Development of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Budiyantono said that it has made efforts to reduce gas prices for the industry.

After the government issued Government Regulation No. 40/2016 on Gas Price Determination for Certain Industries, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources issued a regulation on three industries that enjoyed cheaper gas prices. 

     In addition, the ESDM Ministry has reduced the price of gas in North Sumatra by replacing the supply and liquefied natural gas (LNG) to gas from nearby fields. The industrial sector expects the gas price to be around US $ 4 per MMBtu.

He considered that the government is difficult to realize gas price in consumer US $ 3-US $ 4 per MMBtu. Therefore, the price of gas depends on the conditions in the field, such as the factor of exploration to production.

"Colleagues from the industry are asking for a price drop that is unlikely," he said in Techtalk : discussion of the National Oil and Gas Industry, Fuel or Raw Materials on Monday (23/10).

According to him, the development of oil and gas field is relatively in a difficult area. For example, the eastern region of Indonesia, in deep and remote seas, is costly because it is more risky than existing projects.

He explained that several gas field projects such as Kasuri Block in Bintuni Bay, Papua, are also Masela Block in Arafuru Sea, Maluku It is difficult to give gas price of US $ 4 per MMBtu.

"So the cost of looking for that gas, already in the deep sea, is remote, high risk, where is it possible [gas price US $ 4 per MMBtu in consumer]?"


Harga Gas Sulit Turun di Bawah US$ 4

Harga gas di tingkat konsumen Sulit turun hingga di bawah US$ 4 per MMBtu karena kondisi lapangan gas di Indonesia saat ini sebagian besar berada di Wilayah timur Indonesia yang memiliki tantangan sulit.

Beberapa tantangan lapangan gas itu antara lain lokasi yang jauh dan terpencil serta berada di laut dalam. Harga gas hulu bagi sektor industri diakui memang sulit turun di bawah US$ 6 per juta British thermal unit (MMBtU) di tangan konsumen akhir.

Direkrur Pembinaan Program Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Budiyantono mengatakan bahwa pihaknya telah melakukan upaya untuk menurunkan harga gas bagi industri.

Setelah pemerintah menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 40/2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas bagi Industri Tertentu, kemudian terbit Peraturan Menteri ESDM yang mengatur tentang tiga industri yang menikmati harga gas lebih murah. 

      Selain itu, Kementerian ESDM telah menurunkan harga gas di Sumatra Utara dengan cara mengganti pasokan dan gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG) menjadi gas dari lapangan terdekat. Sektor industri berharap agar harga gas sekitar US$ 4 per MMBtu.

Dia menilai bahwa pemerintah sulit untuk merealisasikan harga gas di konsumen US$ 3-US$ 4 per MMBtu. Sebab, harga gas sangat tergantung dengan kondisi di lapangan, seperti faktor masa eksplorasi hingga produksi.

“Rekan-rekan dari industri minta turun harga yang kondisinya tidak mungkin,” ujarnya dalam diskusi Techtalk : Industri Migas Nasional, Bahan Bakar atau Bahan Baku, Senin (23/10).

Menurutnya, pengembangan Iapangan migas saat ini relatif berada di wilayah yang sulit. Misalnya, wilayah timur Indonesia, di laut dalam dan daerah terpencil sehingga membutuhkan biaya besar karena lebih beresiko daripada proyek-proyek yang sudah ada.

Dia menjelaskan, beberapa proyek lapangan gas seperti Blok Kasuri yang berada di Teluk Bintuni, Papua, juga Blok Masela di Laut Arafuru, Maluku Sulit untuk memberikan harga gas US$ 4 per MMBtu.

“Jadi cost untuk mencari gas itu, sudah di laut dalam, sudah remote, high risk, mana mungkin [harga gas US$ 4 per MMBtu di konsumen]?”

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Cilacap Project Wait Financial Close Done

Financial close is targeted to be finished November 20, Pertamina Workers Union reject inbreng assets

The oil refinery project in Cilacap in collaboration with Saudi Aramco is still at a dead end. One of the stigma related financial closing project worth US $ 6 billion. In fact, referring to the agreement forming a joint venture between Pertamina and Saudi Aramco was signed since December 22, 2016 "then.

In fact, the Cilacap Refinery Development Master Plan project (RDMP) is actually a measure to modernize the Cilacap refinery to increase production from initially 358,000 bpd to 400,000 bpd.

Deputy of Energy, Logistics, Regions and Tourism Enterprises Ministry of State Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Edwin Hidayat Abdullah stated, the preparation process of construction of refinery development is still in accordance with the schedule and agreement. The settlement of financial problems that had surfaced must be completed no later than 20 November.

"All the issues discussed by the negotiations on November 20 have to be completed, it is a mutual agreement," said Edwin who is also Pertamina Commissioner.

President of the United Pertamina Workers Union Federation (FSPPB), Noviandli said, so far, FSSB has no objection to the formation of a joint venture between Pertamina and Saudi Aramco. Only FSPPB does not agree with project finance that mentions the existence of inbreng Pertamina assets to the joint venture company.

"Because it will harm Pertamina, RDMP assets to be excluded from Pertamina assets which will become JV assets," he said.

Therefore, he asked Pertamina directors to evaluate the cooperation first. Ardhy Mokobombang, Director of Pertamina's Megaproject and Petrochemicals, said that the joint venture between Pertamina and Saudi Aramco will continue. Even in the near future Pertamina and Saudi Aramco will soon sign the Joint Venture Development Agreement (JV DA) Amendment.

"This is for the preparation of Engineering Package or Front End Engineering Design (FEED) which we plan to start at the beginning of next year," he said.

Ardhy further explained while doing various preparations Pertamina construction is also still doing land acquisition.

"The land acquisition is on going, it is expected that the end of the year will be finished," he said.

However, it can not guarantee the commencement of refinery construction to reach the refinery's completion target by 2021.

"We finish one by one first, engineering package first, after that later construction," he said.

For information, Pertamina in this project will have a majority stake of 55%. Foreign investors Saudi Aramco controlled 45 percent. This share distribution is in accordance with the agreement of both companies in the Head Of Agreement
which is signed by the end of 2016.

Cilacap refinery revitalization will increase from 358,000 bpd to 400,000 bpd, processing quality at Cilacap refinery will also grow with the standard of Nelson Complexity Index (NCI) to 9.4 increase rapidly from previously only 4.


Proyek Cilacap Tunggu Financial Close Selesai

Financial close ditargetkan kelar 20 November, Serikat Pekerja Pertamina tolak inbreng aset

Proyek kilang minyak di Cilacap hasil kerjasama dengan Saudi Aramco hingga kini masih menemui jalan buntu. Salah satu yang mengganjal terkait financial closing proyek senilai US$ 6 miliar itu. Padahal, merujuk perjanjian pembentukan joint venture antara Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco itu diteken sejak 22 Desember 2016“ lalu.

Padahal, proyek Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) Cilacap ini sebenarnya menjadi ukuran untuk memodernisasi kilang Cilacap agar produksi bisa bertambah dari awalnya 358.000 bph menjadi 400.000 bph.

Deputi Bidang Usaha Energi, Logistik, Kawasan dan Pariwisata Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), Edwin Hidayat Abdullah menyatakan, proses persiapan konstruksi pengembangan kilang itu masih sesuai dengan jadwal dan kesepakatan. Adapun penyelesaian permasalah financial yang sempat mengemuka harus diselesaikan paling lambat pada 20 November mendatang. 

"Semua permasalahan yang dibahas negosiasinya tanggal 20 November sudah harus tuntas. Itu kesepakatan bersama," kata Edwin yang juga Komisaris Pertamina.

Presiden Federasi Serikat Pekerja Pertamina Bersatu (FSPPB), Noviandli bilang, sejauh ini, FSSB tidak keberatan dengan pembentukan usaha patungan antara Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco. Hanya FSPPB tidak sepakat dengan project finance yang menyebutkan adanya inbreng aset-aset Pertamina ke perusahaan patungan itu. 

“Karena itu akan merugikan Pertamina, aset-aset RDMP yang akan dikeluarkan dari aset Pertamina yang nantinya akan menjadi aset JV,” tegasnya.

Makanya, ia minta ke direksi Pertamina untuk mengevaluasi kerjasama itu dulu. Ardhy Mokobombang, Direktur Megaproyek dan Petrokimia Pertamina menyatakan joint venture antara Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco terus berjalan. Bahkan dalam Waktu dekat Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco akan segera menandatangani Amendemen Joint Venture Development Agreement (JV DA). 

"Ini untuk penyusunan Engineering Package atau Front End Engineering Design (FEED) yang kami rencanakan dimulai pada awal tahun depan," ungkapnya

Lebih lanjut Ardhy menjeIaskan sambil melakukan berbagai persiapan konstruksi Pertamina juga masih melakukan pembebasan lahan. 

"Pembebasan lahan on going, diharapkan akhir tahun semuanya selesai," ujarnya.

Namun demikian, ia tidak bisa menjamin dimulainya konstruksi kilang untuk bisa dicapai target penyelesaian kilang di tahun 2021. 

"Kami selesaikan satu demi satu dulu, engineering package dulu, setelah itu nanti konstruksinya," katanya.

Sebagai informasi, Pertamina dalam proyek ini akan memiliki saham mayoritas 55%. Adapun investor asing yakni Saudi Aramco menguasai 45%. Pembagian saham ini sudah sesuai dengan kesepakatan kedua perusahaan yang ada dalam Head Of Agreement yang ditandatangani akhir 2016.

Jika selesai revitalisasi kilang Cilacap nantinya akan mengalami peningkatan kapasitas dari 358.000 bph menjadi 400.000 bph, kualitias pengolahan di kilang Cilacap setelah juga akan berkembang dengan standar Nelson Complexity Index  (NCI) menjadi 9,4 meningkat pesat dari sebelumnya yang hanya 4. 

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Vico & Pertamina Compete Bid Sanga-Sanga Block

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) emphasized that PT Pertamina is not necessarily the operator of the Sanga-Sanga Block in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan after the end of PT Vico Indonesia's contract next year. Moreover, there is PT Saka Energi Indonesia who also wants to be operator there because it already has 26.25% shares.

Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Business Development, Ministry of ESDM Tunggal said Pertamina was asked to make a presentation of interest in managing the Sanga Sanga Block whose contract will expire at the end of 2018.

"The program is told in detail and we want to evaluate it, for the important government we can not maintain the production," he explained, at the Office of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on Monday (23/10).

However, Tunggal asserted, Pertamina is not necessarily the operator of the Sanga Sanga Block, although it has been assigned through Ministerial Regulation No. 15/2015 on the Management of Oil and Gas Working Areas that Ends the Contract Period.

"It is not necessarily the operator, the assignment is there, we talk term and conditioning, each of us we have the presentation, because the existing one is Vico filed as well," he said.

Vico as the existing operator has also made a presentation on the desire to extend his contract in the Sanga Sanga Block.

"Depending on the evaluation team, such existing commitments, then what Pertamina's commitment is," he said.


Vico & Pertamina Bersaing Menawar Blok Sanga-Sanga

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menekankan, PT Pertamina belum tentu menjadi operator di Blok Sanga-Sanga di Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur pasca berakhirnya kontrak PT Vico Indonesia pada tahun depan. Apalagi ada PT Saka Energi Indonesia yang juga ingin menjadi operator di sana karena sudah memiliki 26,25% saham.

Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Migas, Kementerian ESDM Tunggal menyatakan, Pertamina diminta melakukan presentasi minatnya mengelola Blok Sanga Sanga yang kontraknya akan berakhir di akhir tahun 2018. 

"Programnya diceritakan detail, mau ngebor sekian. Nah itu kita evaluasi, bagi pemerintah yang penting bisa tidak kita mempertahankan produksi," terangnya, di Kantor Kementerian ESDM, Senin (23/10).

Namun, Tunggal menegaskan, Pertamina belum tentu menjadi operator Blok Sanga Sanga, meskipun telah mendapatkan penugasan melalui Peraturan Menteri Nomor 15/2015 tentang Pengelolaan Wilayah Kerja Migas Yang Berakhir Masa Kontraknya. 

"Memang belum tentu menjadi operator, penugasan memang ada, kita bicara term and conditioning, masing-masing kita suruh presentasi. Karena yang eksisting yaitu Vico mengajukan juga," ungkapnya.

Vico selaku operator eksisting juga telah melakukan presentasi atas keinginan memperpanjang kontraknya di Blok Sanga Sanga itu. 

"Tergantung tim evaluasi. Komitmen yang eksisting seperti ini, lalu komitmen Pertamina seperti apa," kata dia.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Oil and Gas Workers Union Unions Demand Revision of Oil and Gas Law Completed

The Working Unions of the Upstream Oil and Gas Upstream Business Unit (SP SKK Migas) together with the National Trade Unions Confederation encourage the completion of the revision of the Oil and Gas Law (UU). Currently the revision of this Act is still under discussion by the House of Representatives (DPR) for approximately five years.

Bambang Dwi Djanuarto, Chief of Workers Union of SKK Migas, said that the revision of the Oil and Gas Law has been in circulation for less than five years, namely from 2012 until now in 2017. The revision of the Oil and Gas Law is considered important, given the current situation of Indonesia are in a state of energy crisis.

According to him, there is no legal certainty in the context of upstream oil and gas governance to date.

"We, together with KSPN, have requested the Government and the House of Representatives to immediately complete the mandate of the Constitutional Court, namely to establish a permanent agency or entity that can carry out the exploitation of Indonesia's natural resources to manage upstream oil and gas," Bambang said in a press release received on Monday (23/10).

He said Indonesia is currently in an energy crisis, because the consumption of fuel needs (BBM) Indonesia of 1.6 million barrels per day (bpd). While crude oil production in the range of 800,000 bpd and oil refinery capacity Indonesia only 1 million bpd. This means that Indonesia must import about 1.5 million bpd of crude oil and BBM.


SP SKK Migas Tuntut Revisi UU Migas Diselesaikan 

Serikat Pekerja Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SP SKK Migas) menggandeng Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Nasional mendorong penyelesaian revisi Undang-undang (UU) Migas. Saat ini revisi UU ini masih dalam tahap pembahasan oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) selama kurang lebih lima tahun.

Bambang Dwi Djanuarto, Pengurus Serikat Pekerja SKK Migas, mengatakan, revisi Undang-Undang Migas sudah terkatung-katung selama kurang Iebih lima tahun, yakni dari tahun 2012 hingga sekarang tahun 2017. Revisi Undang-Undang Migas ini dinilai penting, mengingat situasi Indonesia saat ini berada dalam kondisi krisis energi.

Menurut dia, belum ada kepastian hukum dalam konteks tata kelola hulu migas hingga saat ini. 

"Kami bersama KSPN meminta Penierintah dan DPR segera menyelesaikan amanat Mahkamah Konstitusi yaitu membentuk lembaga atau badan usaha permanen yang bisa melakukan pengusahaan sumber daya alam Indonesia untuk mengelola hulu migas," jelas Bambang melalui siaran pers yang diterima, Senin (23/10).

     Ia bilang, Indonesia saat ini berada dalam krisis energi, lantaran kebutuhan konsumsi Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) Indonesia sebesar 1,6 juta barel per hari (bph). Sementara produksi minyak mentah di kisaran 800.000 bph dan kapasitas kilang minyak Indonesia hanya 1 juta bph. Artinya Indonesia harus mengimpor sekitar 1.5 juta bph minyak mentah dan BBM.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Monday, October 23, 2017

Govt reluctant to cut gas prices at risk of state income

A plan to cut gas prices for several sectors has been put on hold as the government is concerned about the significant decrease in state revenue such a move would result in.

Although the current administration issued a government regulation to allow lower gas prices for certain industrial sectors in January last year, Deputy Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arcandra Tahar said the government was still studying which industries would provide the largest multiplier effect to make up for the possibility of lower state revenues from the oil and gas sector.

“We need to see which [industry] has the biggest multiplier effect. For every US$ 1 per mmbtu [million British thermal unit] of gas, how much would it contribute to non-tax revenue?” he said recently. 

“lf a reduction of $ 1 does not provide a multiplier effect, then it would mean that the state is simply subsidizing the industry” Last year, President Joko “Jokowi’ Widodo instructed his Cabinet to cut end-user gas prices to below $ 6 per mmbtu for seven industrial sectors in order to develop the downstream sector and create a significant multiplier effect in the economy.

However, only state-owned petrochemical, fertilizer and steel industries have been party to the price cut starting Jan. 1 this year, following the issuance of a decree by the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry late last year. Meanwhile, gas prices for the four other sectors consisting of the oleochemical, glass, ceramics and rubber glove sectors - and all industries from the private sector remain in limbo.

Some have suggested that gas prices could easilybe cut if the government was willing to lower its expectations of revenues from the gas sector. The government estimates a revenue target of Rp 124.6 trillion ($9.2 billion) from the oil and gas sector in next year’s state budget. 

The government is also working to cut costs in the midstream sector to ensure lower gas prices at the plant gate. The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry will soon issue a regulation limiting the internal rate of return to 11 percent and the margin for traders to be at 7 percent.

However, gas users from the industrial sector say that price cuts are not being made fast enough. The Forum for Natural Gas-Using Industries (FIGB) claim that the national gas price remains at about $ 9 per mmbtu. 

Moreover, the high prices have led to many factories operating at a much lower capacity, or even going bankrupt, including eight in the ceramic sector, one in the sheet glass sector and 35 in the glove and latex sectors.

The industrial sector’s sluggish operations have only made it easier and cheaper for imports of similar goods to enter the country. Jusmery Chandra from the lndonesian Ceramic Industry Association (Asaki) said gas made up 35 percent to 40 percent of production costs, and that the ‘high, prices had forced factories to operate at only 70 percent capacity.

This led to losses that factories could only burden for a short period of time, Jusmery explained. Indonesia is struggling to boost manufacturing, which has expanded at only a single digit rate for more than a decade, in contrast to that before the 1997-1998 financial crisis when it outpaced economic growth.

The Jakarta Post, Page-13, Monday, October 23, 2017

Samsung Working FSRU PLTGU Java-1

South Korean shipbuilding company, Samsung Heavy lndustry Co. Ltd., obtained a contract to build a floating storage and regasification facility for the Java-1 Gas and Steam Power Plant project. Consortium of PT Pertamina, Sojitz Corp., and Marubeni Corp. to be the operator of the Java-1 Gas and Steam Power Plant (PLTGU) project with a capacity of 1,760 megawatts (MW).

Gas-fired power plant to be built in Cilamaya. Subang, West Java requires a floating storage regasification unit (FSRU) .The Pertamina consortium has signed an engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) operator to the subsidiary of the Samsung Group.

Director of PT Pertamina Power Indonesia Ginanjar said that the FSRU construction contract has been signed with the involvement of a South Korean shipbuilding company, Samsung Heavy lndustry Co. Ltd. The FSRU will have a capacity of 400 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd).

     FSRU will convert liquefied natural gas (LNG) from liquid to gas phase so that it can be utilized for Java gas steam power plant (PLTGU) 1.

"It has been signed with Samsung Heavy Industry," he said when contacted on Sunday (22/10).

According to him, the FSRU construction contract was signed with a value of about US $ 200 million. The working period of the regasification facility for 2 years and 3 months.

"The contract value of FSRU is about US $ 200 million more. The work is about 2 years and 3 months, "he said.

After the newly built shipping and regasification vessel was shipped to Indonesia, which is around 2020. Previously, Ginanjar mentioned the total capacity of 400 MMscfd. about 60% of which will be utilized to meet the needs of the plant, while the rest for other purposes such as industry.

But it still needs further discussion with PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara. For the gas supply to FSRU it has been obtained from the Tangguh Train III LNG Plant which is planned to start flowing in 2020.

The British Petroleum (BP British) project will ship 16 volumes of gas and can add up to 22 cargoes on a 20-year contract. According to him, Pertamina will also be involved in the PLTGU project in Bangladesh.

     It is planned that the PLTGU in Bangladesh will have a capacity of 1,200 MW to 1,400 MW. The project will be similar to the Java PLTGU l where the plant and FSRU will be built in an integrated manner.

"We are submitting a proposal to Bangladesh. The concept is the same, PLTGU is the same as Java 1, integrated, "he said.

In addition, the consortium targets PLTGU Java 1 to secure financial closure in March 2018. Initially, the consortium projected the completion of funding can only be obtained in September 2018 by calculating the completion of electricity sales agreement (PPA). However, the process could be accelerated to 6 months so that financial close in March 2018.

If the project is financed by September 2018, the largest PLTGU in Indonesia will commence commercial operation in 2021. Meanwhile, if the financial close is reached in March 2018, by 2020 the project could start to generate electricity.

    The loan portion is 80% of the total value of the project. The Pertamina Consortium already has a potential fund injector namely Japan Bank for International Corporation (JBIC), ADB and Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI).


Planning for the addition of regasification facility will await the improvement of gas balance data. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said that it knows there are additional regasification facilities based on land or floating. According to him, the development of new units needs to consider aspects of supply and needs.

Therefore, the planned addition of new units whether the company will be in the downstream sector of gas and PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara need to get an accurate basis.

In the 2016-2035 Gas Balance 2016, the comitted demand recorded increased from the current 923 MMscfd to 1,427 MMsCfd in 2018 and 2,289 MMscfd by 2019.

Given the commitment and potential demand, Indonesia needs to start importing gas by 2019. At that time, the total needs including those already contracted reached 9,323 MMscfd. Meanwhile, the total national gas supply is only 7,651 MMscfd so it needs to import gas 1,672 MMscfd.

On the gas balance, gas imports have begun in 2016. In fact, it is explained that new import projection around 2020. Based on Wood Mackenzie's data, there are currently four storage and regasification facilities operating. First, Arun FSRU in Aceh belongs to PT Pertamina with a capacity of 3 million tons per year (mtpa).

Second, FSRU Lampung owned by PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. with a capacity of 1.8 mtpa. Third, FSRU Nusantara Regas with 3 mtpa capacity. Fourth, FSRU Benoa in Bali belongs to PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali.

"This is what we are looking at. The plan should be more accurate with the gas balance," he said during a visit to FSRU Nusantara Regas off the coast of the Java Sea to the west, Thursday (19/10).

He also considered that the price of regasification or the conversion of liquid phase to gas is still relatively cheap. Thus, for now in the arrangement of gas governance, no regasification price regulation is required. Currently, according to him, regasification costs US $ 0.8 per MMBtu

"Now the cost of regasification that is here enough in the future is quite cheap," he said.

President Director of Nusantara Regas Tammy Meidhanna said that the current capacity of 500 MMscfd, the average distribution of 220 MMscd for electricity needs.

The gas power plant (PLTGU), which becomes the dominant consumer is actually a supporter during peak load so that its absorption is dynamic. For the night alone, its absorption drops to 150 MMscfd and daylight can reach 300 MMscfd.

"Afternoon can be up to 300 MMscfd, but if the night is 150 MMscfd absorption," he said.

Previously, Senior Experts Gas 81 Power Wood Mackenzie Edi Sagutra said that the addition of infrastructure in the form of regasification facilities both on land and floating is needed to improve gas utilization.


Samsung Garap FSRU PLTGU Jawa-1

Perusahaan galangan kapal asal Korea Selatan, Samsung Heavy lndustry Co. Ltd., mendapatkan kontrak untuk membangun fasilitas penyimpanan dan regasifikasi terapung unfuk proyak Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas dan Uap Jawa-1. Konsorsium PT Pertamina, Sojitz Corp., dan Marubeni Corp. menjadi pelaksana proyek Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas dan Uap (PLTGU) Jawa-1 berkapasitas 1.760 megawatl (MW).

Pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar gas yang akan dibangun di Cilamaya. Subang, Jawa Barat ilu membutuhkan fasilitas penyimpanan dan (egasifikasi terapung (floating storage regasification unit/FSRU). Konsorsium Pertamina telah menandatangani pelaksana rekayasa, pengadaan dan konstruksi (enginering, Procurement & construction/EPC) kepada anak perusahaan Grup Samsung tersebut.

Direktur PT Pertamina Power Indonesia Ginanjar mengatakan bahwa kontrak pembangunan FSRU telah ditandatangani dengan melibatkan perusahaan galangan kapal asal Korea Selatan, yaitu Samsung Heavy lndustry Co. Ltd. FSRU tersebut akan memiliki kapasitas 400 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd). FSRU akan mengubah gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG) dari fase cair ke gas sehingga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga gas uap (PLTGU) Jawa 1.

“Sudah ditandatangan dengan Samsung Heavy Industry,” ujarnya saat dihubungi, Minggu (22/10).

Menurutnya, kontrak pembangunan FSRU itu diteken dengan nilai sekitar US$ 200 juta. Masa pengerjaan fasilitas regasifikasi itu selama 2 tahun 3 bulan. 

“Nilai kontrak FSRU sekitar US$ 200 juta lebih. Pengerjaan sekitar 2 tahun 3 bulan,” katanya.

Setelah kapal penyimpan dan regasifikasi itu selesai dibangun baru dikirim ke Indonesia, yaitu sekitar 2020. Sebelumnya, Ginanjar menyebut dari total kapasitas 400 MMscfd. sekitar 60% di antaranya akan dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembangkit, sedangkan sisanya untuk keperluan lain seperti industri.

Namun hal itu masih perlu diskusi lebih lanjut dengan PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara. Untuk pasokan gas ke FSRU itu telah didapatkan dari Kilang LNG Tangguh Train III yang rencananya akan mulai mengalir pada 2020.

Proyek yang dioperasikan British Petroleum (BP Inggris) itu akan mengirim gas dengan volume 16 kargo dan dapat ditambah hingga 22 kargo dengan kontrak selama 20 tahun. Menurutnya, Pertamina juga akan terlibat dalam proyek PLTGU di Bangladesh. Rencananya, PLTGU di Bangladesh akan memiliki kapasitas 1.200 MW hingga 1.400 MW Proyek tersebut akan sama dengan PLTGU Jawa l di mana pembangkit dan FSRU akan dibangun secara terintegrasi.

“Kami sedang memasukkan proposal ke Bangladesh. Konsepnya sama, PLTGU sama seperti Jawa 1, integrated," katanya.

Selain itu, konsorsium menargetkan PLTGU Jawa 1 mendapatkan kepastian pendanaan (financial close) pada Maret 2018. Pada awalnya, konsorsium memproyeksikan penuntasan pendanaan hanya bisa diperoleh pada September 2018 dengan menghitung penyelesaian transaksi penjualan Iistrik (power purchase agreement/PPA). Namun, proses bisa dipercepat menjadi 6 bulan sehingga financial close pada Maret 2018.

Bila proyek mendapat kepastian pendanaan pada September 2018, PLTGU terbesar di Indonesia itu akan mulai beroperasi secara komersial pada 2021. Sementara, bila financial close dicapai pada Maret 2018, pada 2020 proyek bisa mulai mengalirkan listrik. 

     Porsi pinjaman sebesar 80% dari nilai total proyek. Konsorsium Pertamina telah memiliki calon penyuntik dana yakni Japan Bank for International Coorporation (JBIC), ADB dan Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI).


Perencanaan penambahan fasiIitas regasifikasi akan menunggu perbaikan data neraca gas. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa pihaknya mengetahui terdapat penambahan fasilitas regasifikasi berbasis darat atau terapung. Menurutnya, pembangunan unit-unit baru perlu mempertimbangkan aspek pasokan dan kebutuhannya.

Oleh karena itu, perencanaan penambahan unit baru baik yang akan dilakukan perusahaan di sektor hilir gas maupun PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara perlu mendapat dasar yang akurat.

Dalam Neraca Gas 2016-2035, komitmen permintaan (comitted demand) tercatat meningkat dari saat ini 923 MMscfd menjadi 1.427 MMsCfd pada 2018 dan 2.289 MMscfd pada 2019.  

Dengan adanya komitmen dan potensial permintaan itu, Indonesia perlu mulai impor gas pada 2019. Pada saat itu, total kebutuhan termasuk dengan yang sudah terkontrak mencapai 9.323 MMscfd. Sementara itu, total pasokan gas nasional hanya 7.651 MMscfd sehingga diperlukan impor gas 1.672 MMscfd.

Pada neraca gas itu, impor gas telah dimulai pada 2016. Padahal, dijelaskan bahwa proyeksi impor baru di sekitar tahun 2020. Berdasarkan data Wood Mackenzie, saat ini terdapat empat fasilitas penyimpanan dan regasifikasi yang beroperasi. Pertama, FSRU Arun di Aceh milik PT Pertamina yang berkapasitas 3 juta ton per tahun (mtpa).

Kedua, FSRU Lampung milik PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. berkapasitas 1,8 mtpa. Ketiga, FSRU Nusantara Regas berkapasitas 3 mtpa. Keempat, FSRU Benoa di Bali milik PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali.

“Ini yang sedang kita lihat perencanaannya harus bisa lebih akurat dengan neraca gas,” ujarnya di sela kunjungan ke FSRU Nusantara Regas di lepas pantai Laut Jawa sebelah barat, Kamis (19/10).

Dia pun menilai bahwa harga regasifikasi atau pengubahan fasa cair ke gas masih tergolong murah. Dengan demikian, untuk saat ini di saat penataan tata kelola gas, belum diperlukan pengaturan harga regasifikasi. Saat ini, menurutnya, biaya regasifikasi US$ 0.8 per MMBtu 

"Sekarang biaya regasifikasi yang ada di sini cukup ke depan ini cukup murah," katanya.

Direktur Utama Nusantara Regas Tammy Meidhanna mengatakan bahwa saat ini dari kapasitas 500 MMscfd, rata-rata penyalurannya sebesar 220 MMscd untuk kebutuhan ketenagalistrikan.

Pembangkit listrik tenaga gas (PLTGU), yang menjadi konsumen dominan sebenarnya bersifat pendukung saat beban puncak sehingga penyerapannya dinamis. Untuk malam saja, penyerapannya turun menjadi 150 MMscfd dan siang hari bisa mencapai 300 MMscfd.

“Siang bisa sampai 300 MMscfd, tetapi kalau malam 150 MMscfd penyerapannya," katanya.

Sebelumnya, Senior Experts Gas 81 Power Wood Mackenzie Edi Sagutra mengatakan bahwa penambahan infrastruktur berupa fasilitas regasifikasi baik di darat maupun terapung memang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan gas. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, October 23, 2017