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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Contractor Supports easing of Exploration

The contracting contractors support the government's plan to ease the provision in the transfer or return of oil and gas working areas to the government.

Currently, the government is revising the Government Regulation no. 35/2004 on Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities to relax the provision of the transfer of oil and gas blocks.

Based on this beleid, the contractor may transfer or return the oil and gas blocks to the government after fulfilling all exploration commitments and other obligations under a cooperation contract.

Executive Director of Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong said it supports the government's plan to divert certain commitments in certain working areas. He hopes that the association can be involved to advise in the revision of Government Regulation no. 35/2004.

According to him, the transfer of the implementation of the commitment must be expected to be transferred not only to other work areas, but also in the form of other activities or have equal value.

Currently, the contractor must complete all definite commitments in a particular work area even if there are obstacles in the field. On the other hand, the contractor can not complete the exact commitment so often just wait until the time exploration ends.

Based on Article 7 of Government Regulation no. 35/2004, the contractor shall settle all the definite commitments as well as activities already written in the cooperation contract before returning the Working Area to the government.

"When transferred, it can be flexible, in accordance with the circumstances and needs that exist in the Working Area that accept the transfer of certain commitments, for example from a certain commitment in the form of drilling of so many wells, can be converted into seismic, with equivalent value or more," She said Wednesday / 11).

A definite commitment is an activity to be undertaken during the first 3 years of exploration activities. Meanwhile, for the next 3 years is called work commitment. On a definite commitment, the activities undertaken are geological and geophysical studies, two-dimensional seismic surveys and drilling of one exploration well.

In the revision of Government Regulation no. 35/2004 will be regulated on the transfer of investment commitments to the exploration block if the contractor is unable to complete a definite commitment.

Director of Harmonization of Legislation II of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Firman Hilmy said, in the third amendment to Government Regulation no. 35/2004, the Ministry of EMR proposes several points.

First, about a definite work program. Second, about the categorization of data and confidentiality. Third, about the offering of 10% participation shares to local owned enterprises (BUMD).

According to Yunan, based on the results of the meeting on November 22, it has been agreed on the confidentiality of the data. In addition, a description of the proposed amendment mechanism or the transfer of the remainder of the work program must be approved or not by the minister.

Yunan said the meeting would still be held on December 4 to get an agreement from the Interior Ministry. Meanwhile, SKK Migas and the contractors of the cooperation contract are rolling out the Upstream Oil and Gas Goes to Campus 2017 program. Through this program, SKK Migas and contractors hold public lectures and discussions on current issues of upstream oil and gas industry.

"The program is conducted simultaneously on 42 campuses across the archipelago," said Head of Program and Communication Division of SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher, Wednesday (29/11).

The program also intends to share information from industry players as well as absorbing ideas from academics. Despite the current low oil prices, the industry still plays a strategic role.

"This industry not only generates state revenue, but creates a multiplier effect for the national economy," said Vishnu.


Kontraktor Dukung Pelonggaran Eksplorasi

Kontraktor kontrak kerja sama mendukung rencana pemerintah untuk memperlonggar ketentuan dalam pengalihan atau pengembalian wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi ke pemerintah.

Saat ini, pemerintah sedang merevisi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 35/2004 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi untuk memperlonggar ketentuan pengalihan blok migas.

Berdasarkan beleid itu, kontraktor bisa mengalihkan atau mengembalikan blok migas kepada pemerintah setelah memenuhi seluruh komitmen eksplorasi dan kewajiban lain berdasarkan kontrak kerja sama. 

Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong mengatakan bahwa pihaknya mendukung rencana pemerintah agar bisa mengalihkan komitmen pasti di wilayah kerja tertentu. Dia berharap agar asosiasi bisa dilibatkan untuk memberikan saran dalam revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 35/2004.

Menurutnya, pengalihan pelaksanaan komitmen pasti diharapkan agar dapat dialihkan tidak saja ke wilayah kerja lain, tetapi juga dalam bentuk kegiatan lain atau memiliki nilai yang setara.

Saat ini, kontraktor harus menyelesaikan seluruh komitmen pasti di wilayah kerja tertentu meskipun terdapat hambatan di lapangan. Di sisi lain, kontraktor tidak bisa menyelesaikan komitmen pastinya sehingga kerap kali hanya menunggu hingga masa eksplorasi berakhir.

Berdasarkan Pasal 7 Peraturan Pemerintah No. 35/2004, kontraktor Wajib menyelesaikan seluruh komitmen pasti maupun kegiatan yang telah tertulis dalam kontrak kerja sama sebelum mengembalikan Wilayah Kerjanya kepada pemerintah.

“Pada saat dialihkan bisa fleksibel, sesuai dengan keadaan dan kebutuhan yang ada pada Wilayah Kerja yang menerima pengalihan komitmen pasti, misalnya dari komitmen pasti berbentuk pengeboran sekian sumur, dapat dialihkan menjadi seismik, dengan nilai yang setara atau lebih,” ujarnya, Rabu (29/11).

Komitmen pasti merupakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan pada masa 3 tahun pertama kegiatan eksplorasi. Sementara itu, untuk 3 tahun berikutnya disebut komitmen kerja. Pada komitmen pasti, kegiatan yang dilakukan yakni Studi geologi dan geofisika, survei seismik dua dimensi dan pengeboran satu sumur eksplorasi.

Dalam revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 35/2004 akan diatur tentang pengalihan komitmen investasi pada blok eksplorasi bila kontraktor tidak dapat menyelesaikan komitmen pasti.

Direktur Harmonisasi Peraturan Perundang-Undangan II Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Firman Hilmy mengatakan, dalam perubahan ketiga Peraturan Pemerintah No. 35 / 2004 itu, Kementenan ESDM mengusulkan beberapa poin.

Pertama, tentang program kerja pasti. Kedua, tentang masa kategorisasi data dan kerahasiaannya. Ketiga, tentang penawaran saham partisipasi 10% kepada badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD).

Menurut Yunan, berdasarkan hasil rapat pada 22 November, telah disepakati tentang kerahasiaan data. Selain itu, masih diperlukan uraian mekanisme usulan perubahan atau pengalihan sisa program kerja pasti tersebut mendapat persetujuan atau tidak dari menteri.

Yunan menyebut, rapat masih akan dilakukan pada 4 Desember untuk mendapat kesepakatan dari Kementerian Dalam Negeri. Sementara itu, SKK Migas dan para kontraktor kontrak kerja sama sedang menggelar program Hulu Migas Goes to Campus 2017. Melalui program ini, SKK Migas dan kontraktor menggelar kuliah umum dan diskusi seputar masalah terkini industri hulu migas.

“Program ini dilakukan serentak di 42 kampus di seluruh nusantara,” ujar Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher, Rabu (29/11).

Program itu juga bermaksud berbagi informasi dari pelaku industri sekaligus menyerap gagasan dari kalangan akademisi. Meskipun saat ini harga minyak sedang rendah, industri ini masih memainkan peran strategis.

“Industri ini tidak hanya menghasilkan penerimaan negara, tetapi menciptakan efek pengganda bagi perekonomian nasional,” ujar Wisnu.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, Nov 30, 2017

Support SMEs Involved Upstream Oil and Gas

Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) together with Joint Operations Contract Contractors (KKKS) of Java Bali and Nusa Tenggara encourages the involvement of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

The role of SMEs is very large to support upstream oil and gas activities in Java and Bali Nusa Tenggara region. In the procurement activities of goods and services in Upstream Oil and Gas Industry, SKK Migas and KKKS provide great opportunities for Small Medium Enterprises in each area of ​​KKKS operation to be involved.

The two-day event was held from 27 to 28 November 2017 at the Ballroom of Hotel Sheraton Surabaya, in addition to all KKKS operating in Java and Nusa Tenggara region as well as 86 local goods and service providers in each KKKS operation area.

This is supported by the regulation on procurement of goods and services of PTK 007 revision 4 and it is expected that KKKS conduct socialization and training related to it to increase local capacity, so that Small and Medium Enterprises can cooperate with related KKKS.

To increase local capacity, in PTK 007 revision 4 is set for the procurement of goods and services with contracts worth Rp 10 billion or 1 million USD, strived that the implementation of the tender can be done at the provincial level. While the tender of goods and services with a value of more than Rp 50 billion or 5 million USD, SKK Migas - KKKS obliged to cooperate with local medium-sized businesses.

Head of Procurement Management Division of Goods and Services SKK Migas, Erwin Suryadi said upstream oil and gas industry still provides many investment opportunities for national and local entrepreneurs.

"However, this opportunity should be followed by an increase in the competence and professionalism of the providers of goods or services," said Erwin Suryadi.

SKK Migas through PTK 007 Revision 04 has provided an open competition for local goods / service providers. However, the provider of goods / services should also be able to offer reasonable and competitive prices and provide maximum services for the KKKS, thereby creating a climate of equality that will make the upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia better and provide a multiplier effect for national entrepreneurs and area.

"In PTK 007 Revision 04, tender time is also limited, the acceleration of tender time is aimed to provide certainty both for KKKS and bidders," said Erwin.

He added that with the limitation of tender time, the KKKS can predict when the time of tender implementation should be done so that in accordance with the schedule of operations in the field. And for the bidders, this restriction will provide certainty in every tender and investment that will be done to support upstream oil and gas industry.

"With the existence of understanding and equality between KKKS with provider of goods / services, then efficiency and effectiveness is a necessity that will be more interesting fruit fruiting upstream oil and gas industry of Indonesia," lid Erwin.

Head of Representative of Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara, Ali Masyhar in his speech said that this forum is one form of socialization from SKK Migas to gain an understanding and optimum input from providers of goods / services to realize good oil and gas governance.

"It is hoped this forum becomes a container that has benefits for the providers of goods and services, so that local entrepreneurs can knowing the update related to Upstream Oil and Gas activities including the regulation, We also expect inputs for the good of Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Activities "said Ali.

Rizal Kamal, Senior Manager of SCM Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited, as well as representatives from KKKS of Java and Nusa Tenggara region in opening ceremony express their appreciation to SKK Migas who have fully supported the event.

He mentioned that the workshop is expected to provide a good understanding of the provision of newly issued PTK 007 Revision 04, especially for the procurement of goods / services in KKKS and Provider of goods / services as partners.

"This workshop is a good opportunity especially for Providers of Goods / Services of small and medium businesses around East Java to better understand the procurement of goods / services KKKS, given the resource persons who fill the material PTK 007 Revision 04 directly from SKK Migas as policy makers," said Rizal .


Dukung UKM Terlibat Hulu Migas

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) bersama dengan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) Jawa Bali dan Nusa Tenggara mendorong keterlibatan usaha kecil menengah (UKM). 

Peran UKM sangat besar untuk menunjang kegiatan operasi hulu migas wilayah Jawa Bali dan Nusa Tenggara. Dalam kegiatan pengadaan barang dan jasa di Industri Hulu Migas, SKK Migas dan KKKS membuka peluang yang besar bagi Usaha Kecil Menengah Lokal di masing-masing wilayah operasi KKKS untuk turut terlibat. 

Kegiatan yang digelar selama dua hari mulai 27-28 November 2017 di Ballroom Hotel Sheraton Surabaya, Selain diikuti seluruh KKKS yang beroperasi di wilayah Jawa Bali dan Nusa Tenggara serta sejumlah 86 penyedia barang dan jasa lokal masing-masing wilayah operasi KKKS.

Hal itu didukung oleh regulasi pengadaan barang dan jasa PTK 007 revisi 4 dan diharapkan KKKS melakukan sosialisasi dan pelatihan terkait hal tersebut untuk meningkatkan kapasitas lokal, sehingga Usaha Kecil Menengah bisa bekerjasama dengan KKKS terkait.

Untuk meningkatkan kapasitas lokal, dalam PTK 007 revisi 4 diatur agar pengadaan barang dan jasa dengan kontrak senilai Rp 10 miliar atau 1 juta USD, diupayakan agar pelaksanaan tender bisa dilakukan di tingkat propinsi. Sedangkan tender barang dan jasa dengan nilai lebih dari Rp 50 miliar atau 5 juta USD, SKK Migas - KKKS wajib bekerjasama dengan usaha menengah setempat.

Kepala Divisi Pengelolaan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa SKK Migas, Erwin Suryadi mengatakan industri hulu migas masih memberikan banyak peluang investasi bagi para pengusaha nasional maupun lokal.

“Akan tetapi, peluang ini harus diikuti dengan adanya peningkatan kompetensi dan profesionalitas dari para penyedia barang atau jasa,” kata Erwin Suryadi.

SKK Migas melalui PTK 007 Revisi 04 telah memberikan ruang kompetisi yang terbuka bagi penyedia barang/jasa daerah. Akan tetapi, penyedia barang/jasa juga harus dapat memberikan penawaran harga yang wajar dan bersaing serta memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal bagi KKKS, sehingga dengan demikian terciptalah iklim kesetaraan yang akan membuat industri hulu migas Indonesia menjadi lebih baik dan memberikan multiplier effect bagi para pengusaha nasional dan daerah.

“Dalam PTK 007 Revisi 04 waktu tender juga dibatasi, percepatan waktu tender ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kepastian baik bagi KKKS maupun peserta tender,” ujar Erwin.

Dia menambahkan, dengan adanya pembatasan waktu tender, maka KKKS dapat memprediksi kapan waktu pelaksanaan tender harus dilakukan sehingga sesuai dengan jadwal operasi di lapangan. Dan bagi peserta tender, pembatasan ini akan memberikan kepastian dalam setiap tender dan investasi yang akan dilakukan untuk mendukung industri hulu migas.

“Dengan adanya kesepahaman dan kesetaraan antara KKKS dengan penyedia barang/jasa, maka efisiensi dan efektifitas adalah sebuah keniscayaan yang akan berbuah semakin menariknya industri hulu migas Indonesia,” tutup Erwin. 

Kepala Perwakilan Jawa, Bali, dan Nusa Tenggara, Ali Masyhar dalam sambutannya menyampaikan forum seperti ini merupakan salah satu bentuk sosialisasi dari SKK Migas untuk mendapatkan pemahaman dan masukan yang optimal dari penyedia barang/jasa untuk mewujudkan tata kelola migas yang baik.

“Diharapkan forum ini menjadi suatu wadah yang memiliki manfaat bagi penyedia barang dan jasa, sehingga pengusaha lokal dapat mengetahui update terkait kegiatan Hulu Migas termasuk regulasinya, Kami pun juga mengharapkan adanya masukan-masukan demi kebaikan Kegiatan Industri Hulu Migas” tutur Ali.

Rizal Kamal, Senior Manager SCM Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited, sekaligus perwakilan dari KKKS wilayah Jawa Bali dan Nusa tenggara dalam pembukaannya menyampaikan apresiasi kepada SKK Migas yang telah mendukung penuh terselenggaranya acara ini.

Dia menyebutkan dengan workshop ini diharapkan akan memberikan pemahaman yang baik terhadap ketentuan PTK 007 Revisi 04 yang baru diterbitkan terutama bagi pelaku pengadaan barang/jasa di KKKS maupun Penyedia Barang/jasa selaku mitra kerja.

“Workshop ini merupakan kesempatan yang baik khususnya bagi Penyedia Barang/Jasa golongan usaha kecil menengah disekitar wilayah Jawa Timur untuk lebih memahami pengadaan barang/jasa KKKS, mengingat narasumber yang mengisi materi PTK 007 Revisi 04 langsung dari SKK Migas selaku pembuat kebijakan,” kata Rizal.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Thursday, Nov 30, 2017

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Pertamina Holds Rosneft

PT Pertamina together with Rosneft Oil Company, a Russian oil and gas company, formed a joint venture to build Tuban Refinery.

Pertamina through its subsidiaries, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) and its partners from Russia through Petrol Complex PTE LTD. Both agreed to form a joint venture by signing the deed of establishment of PT Pertamina
Rosneft Processing and Petrochemicals (PRPP).

The company will build and operate a new oil refinery integrated with a petrochemical complex in Tuban, East Java.

PT KPI Director Achmad Fathoni Mahmud said on the US $ 15 billion project, Pertamina owns 55% and Rosneft 45%. The plan, the refinery has a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day.

Rosneft Oil Company

The refinery development project will increase the production of fuel oil (BBM) and domestic petrochemicals. When operating the Tuban refinery it is expected to produce 80,000 bpd of gasoline, 99,000 bpd of diesel fuel and 26,000 bpd of avtur from processed crude oil with medium to heavy or heavy sulfur content.

For petrochemical products, the refinery will produce 1.3 million tons of polypropylene per year, 0.25 million tons of polyethylene per year, 0.5 million tons per year and 0.5 million tons per year respectively.

"This project will increase energy independence and resilience by increasing the production of national fuel oil quality Euro V Kilang will also produce new petrochemical products," said Achmad, Tuesday (28/11).

During the construction process, the project could absorb at least 4,000 workers and 2,000 workers needed to operate the refinery.

Thus, in addition to increasing the production capacity of petroleum and petrochemicals, the refinery project provides scroll effects ranging from employment, additional taxes, regional and national economic growth. Meanwhile, the composition of directors of PRPP is Amir H. Siagian as president director and Bambang Sembodo as director of Pertamina.

Another director appointed Alexander Dmitriev represents Rosneft. Pertamina Director of Pertamina Processing and Petrochemical Processing, Ardhy N. Mokobombang can not be asked for comments related to the physical construction target and the completion of the refinery.

Regarding the funding, Pertamina Finance Director Arief Budiman said the scheme and funding sources are still unassignable, as it awaits the design and details. Currently, the new project completes the process of engineering studies.

"Nami when it is firm design and the needs of the details will be clear funding as to what the scheme and from where," he said.

According to him, at the initial study stage still use the funds and equity of both companies. From the record, Arief once mentioned that the company has conducted market sounding to the prospective funding providers for Balikpapan Refinery and Tuban Refinery. The Company uses the financing scheme of project financing, so that internal funds can provide 30% - 40%.

Quoted from Rosneft's official website, Pertamina and its Russian partners have agreed to design project funding after completing a financial feasibility study or bankability study. As for, the formation of a joint venture as a follow-up of an agreement signed in October 2016.

Currently, the project is in the basic engineering and design stage after completing the feasibility study process. Based on the initial schedule, Tuban refinery entered the physical construction phase in the fourth quarter of 2017. However, due to changes in the new refinery's completion target, the Balikpapan refinery will begin the physical construction phase in December 2017 from its original target of the first quarter of 2017.


Pertamina Gaet Rosneft

PT Pertamina bersama Rosneft Oil Company, perusahaan migas asal Rusia, membentuk usaha patungan untuk membangun Kilang Tuban.

Pertamina melalui anak perusahaannya, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) dan mitranya dari Rusia melalui Petrol Complex PTE LTD. Keduanya sepakat membentuk perusahaan patungan dengan menandatangani akta pendirian PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (PRPP).

Perusahaan ini akan membangun dan mengoperasikan kilang minyak baru yang terintegrasi dengan kompleks petrokimia di Tuban, Jawa Timur.

Direktur PT KPI Achmad Fathoni Mahmud mengatakan pada proyek bernilai US$ 15 miliar itu, Pertamina menguasai 55% dan Rosneft 45%. Rencananya, kilang memiliki kapasitas 300.000 barel per hari.

Proyek pembangunan kilang ini akan meningkatkan produksi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) dan petrokimia domestik. Ketika beroperasi Kilang Tuban diperkirakan menghasilkan gasolin 80.000 bph, solar 99.000 bph dan avtur 26.000 bph dari hasil olahan minyak mentah dengan kandungan sulfur medium hingga berat atau heavy.

Untuk produk petrokimia, kilang akan menghasilkan polipropilen 1,3 juta ton per tahun, polietilen 0,65 juta ton per tahun, stirena 0,5 juta ton per tahun dan paraksilen 1,3 juta ton per tahun.

"Proyek ini akan meningkatkan kemandirian dan ketahanan energi dengan meningkatkan produksi bahan bakar minyak nasional yang berkualitas Euro V Kilang juga akan menghasilkan produk baru petrokimia," ujar Achmad, Selasa (28/11).

Selama proses pembangunan berjalan, proyek bisa menyerap tenaga kerja sedikitnya 4.000 orang dan 2.000 pekerja dibutuhkan untuk mengoperasikan kilang.

Dengan demikian, selain menambah kapasitas produksi BBM dan petrokimia, proyek kilang memberikan efek gulir mulai dari penyerapan tenaga kerja, tambahan pajak, pertumbuhan ekonomi regional dan nasional. Adapun, susunan direksi PRPP yaitu Amir H. Siagian sebagai presiden direktur dan Bambang Sembodo sebagai direktur yang berasal dari Pertamina.

Direktur lainnya ditunjuk Alexander Dmitriev mewakili Rosneft. Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina, Ardhy N. Mokobombang belum bisa dimintai komentarnya terkait dengan target konstruksi fisik dan penyelesaian kilang. 

Mengenai pendanaan, Direktur Keuangan Pertamina Arief Budiman mengatakan skema dan sumber pendanaan masih belum bisa ditetapkan, karena menanti desain dan kebutuhan detailnya. Saat ini, proyek baru menyelesaikan proses studi engineering.

"Nami kalau sudah firm desain dan kebutuhan detilnya akan bisa jelas pendanaannya seperti apa skemanya dan dari mana," ujarnya.

Menurutnya, pada tahap studi awal masih menggunakan dana dan ekuitas kedua perusahaan. Dari catatan, Arief pernah menyebut perseroan telah melakukan market sounding kepada calon pemberi fasilitas pendanaan untuk Kilang Balikpapan dan Kilang Tuban. Perseroan menggunakan skema pendanaan project financing, sehingga internal bisa menyetor modal 30%- 40%. 

Dikutip dari laman resmi Rosneft, Pertamina dan mitranya dari Rusia sepakat merancang pendanaan proyek setelah menyelesaikan studi kelayakan dari sisi finansial atau bankability study. Adapun, pembentukan perusahaan patungan sebagai tindak lanjut dari kesepakatan yang ditandatangani pada Oktober 2016.

Saat ini, proyek dalam tahap rekayasa dasar dan desain setelah menyelesaikan proses studi kelayakan. Berdasarkan jadwal awal, Kilang Tuban memasuki tahap konstruksi fisik pada kuartal IV/2017. Namun, karena adanya perubahan target penyelesaian kilang baru, Kilang Balikpapan yang akan memulai tahapan konstruksi fisik pada Desember 2017 dari target semula kuartal I/2017. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-3, Wednesday, Nov 29, 2017

Pertamina-Rosneft Official Forms Joint Venture

PT Pertamina and Rosneft Oil Company formally established a joint venture, PT Pertamina Rosneft Processing and Petrochemical (PRPP), which will work on the Tuban-Tubu project of 300 thousand barrels per day (bpd). The investment value of this project reached US $ 15 billion.

The signing of the deed of establishment of the joint venture is done by Pertamina through its subsidiary, PT Kilang Pertamina International (KPI) and Rosneft is represented by its affiliate, PT Petrol Complex PTE LTD. The signing is to follow up the agreement forming a joint venture signed by Pertamina and Rosneft in 2016.

"Pertamina-Rosneft has agreed on the share composition of PRPR, which is 55% stake for Pertamina and 45% for Rosneft," KPI Director Achmad Fathoni Mahmud said in his official statement on Tuesday (28/11).

PRPP will be led by Amir H ​​Siagian as President Director and Alexander Dmitiex and Bambang Sembodo as directors. According Achmad, PRPP will work on a new refinery project in Tuban, East Java with a capacity of 300 thousand bpd. The project is judged to be of great benefit to the state, particularly in terms of increasing independence and energy security. The reason is, with a new refinery, the production of fuel oil will rise.

The plan, Tuban refinery will produce gasoline products (gasoline) of 80 thousand bpd, diesel 90 thousand bpd, and avtur 26 thousand bpd. Not only that, Tuban refinery will also produce new petrochemical products. The details of this product are polypropylene 1.3 million tons per year, polyethylene 0.65 million tons per year, Styrene 0.5 million tons per year and 1,3 million tons per year paracylene.

"The construction of the Tuban NGRR megaproject will create jobs, with an estimated current project of between 20,000-40,000 workers and about 2,000 people after operations," Achmad said.

In addition, the Tuban refinery project will also have a positive impact on the chain, in the form of taxes for the government and the economic growth of national and regional communities.

In its official website, Rosneft stated, Tuban refinery will process crude oil with medium sulfur content, medium and heavy. Later, the refinery was built to accommodate large capacity crude carriers (VLCC) with capacity up to 300 thousand tons.

"The Tuban refinery is an important part of the Rosneft Strategy that targets the growth of refinery product markets in Asia-Pacific," it said in its official statement.

Currently, Rosneft and Pertamina have been working on a feasibility study from the Tuban refinery. Furthermore, both will work on the basic engineering and design (BED) design of this refinery project. Later, after the bankability study by international financial institutions, Pertamina and Rosneft will seek funding through project financing.

The same is also expressed Pertamina Finance Director Arif Budiman. According to him, the new funding schemes and sources will be specified after the design of the refinery project is certain.

"If for the initial study, the funds from equity each first," he said.

Previously, Pertamina was also discussing the land use of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. As is known, Pertamina and the Government of East Java Province have signed a memorandum of understanding on land use asset of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Tanjung Awar-Awar, Tuban.

In the memorandum of understanding, the Provincial Government of East Java supports the use of land Ministry of Environment and Forestry for the construction of Tuban Refinery. Not only that, East Java Provincial Government also provides the permits needed for the construction of refineries, namely space and other utilization permits in accordance with applicable regulations.

Furthermore, Pertamina will replace the land of Ministry of Environment and Forestry covering 60 hectares of it. To support this refinery, Pertamina and Rosneft will also build supporting facilities such as jetty, submarine pipelines, Single Point Mooring (SPM), tank farm storage, utility complex, and offices.


Pertamina-Rosneft Resmi Bentuk Perusahaan Patungan

PT Pertamina dan Rosneft Oil Company resmi membentuk perusahaan patungan, yakni PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (PRPP) , yang akan menggarap proyek-Kilang Tuban 300 ribu barel per hari (bph). Nilai investasi proyek ini mencapai US$ 15 miliar.

Penandatangan akta pendirian perusahaan patungan ini dilakukan Pertamina melalui anak usahanya, PT Kilang Pertamina International (KPI) dan Rosneft diwakili afiliasinya, PT Petrol Complex PTE LTD. Penandatanganan ini menindaklanjuti perjanjian pembentukan perusahaan patungan yang ditandatangani Pertamina dan Rosneft pada 2016 lalu.

“Pertamina-Rosneft sudah menyepakati komposisi saham PRPR yakni 55% saham untuk Pertamina dan sisanya 45% untuk Rosneft,” kata Direktur KPI Achmad Fathoni Mahmud dalam keterangan resminya, selasa (28/11).

PRPP akan dipimpin Amir H Siagian sebagai Presiden Direktur serta Alexander Dmitiex dan Bambang Sembodo sebagai direktur. Menurut Achmad, PRPP bakal menggarap proyek kilang baru di Tuban, Jawa Timur dengan kapasitas 300 ribu bph. Proyek ini dinilainya akan memberikan manfaat besar bagi negara, utamanya bakal meningkatkan kemandirian dan ketahanan energi. Pasalnya, dengan adanya kilang baru, maka produksi bahan bakar minyak bakal naik.

Rencananya, Kilang Tuban akan menghasilkan produk bensin (gasoline) sebesar 80 ribu bph, solar 90 ribu bph, dan avtur 26 ribu bph. Tidak hanya itu, Kilang Tuban juga akan memproduksi produk-produk baru petrokimia. Rincian produk ini adalah polipropilen 1,3 juta ton per tahun, polietilen 0,65 juta ton per tahun, Stirena 0,5 juta ton per tahun dan paraksilen 1,3 juta ton per tahun.

“Pembangunan megaproyek NGRR Tuban akan menciptakan lapangan kerja, dengan perkiraan saat proyek antara 20.000-40.000 tenaga kerja dan sekitar 2.000 orang setelah beroperasi,” ujar Achmad. 

Selain itu, proyek Kilang Tuban juga akan memberikan dampak positif berantai, berupa pajak untuk pemerintah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat nasional maupun regional.

Dalam laman resminya, Rosneft menyatakan, Kilang Tuban akan mengolah minyak mentah dengan kandungan sulfur sedang,  medium dan heavy. Nantinya, kilang dibangun untuk dapat mengakomodasi kapal pengangkut minyak mentah kapasitas besar (very large crude carrier/VLCC) dengan kapasitas sampai 300 ribu ton.

“Kilang Tuban merupakan bagian penting dari Strategi Rosneft yang mengincar pertumbuhan pasar produk kilang di Asia-Pasifik,” demikian tertulis dalam keterangan resminya.

Saat ini, Rosneft dan Pertamina telah menggarap studi kelayakan (feasibility study) dari Kilang Tuban. Selanjutnya, keduanya akan mengerjakan desain rekayasa dasar (basic engineering and design/ BED) proyek kilang ini. Nantinya, setelah dilakukan bankability study oleh institusi finansial internasional, Pertamina dan Rosneft bakal mencari dana melalui project financing.

Hal yang sama juga diungkapkan Direktur Keuangan Pertamina Arif Budiman. Menurutnya, skema dan sumber pendanaan baru akan dirinci setelah desain proyek kilang ini sudah pasti. 

“Kalau untuk studi awal, dana dari ekuitas masing-masing dulu,” kata dia.

Sebelumnya, Pertamina juga sedang melakukan pembahasan penggunaan lahan milik Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Seperti diketahui, Pertamina dan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur telah menandatangani nota kesepahaman pemanfaatan lahan aset Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan di Tanjung Awar-Awar, Tuban. 

Dalam nota kesepahaman itu, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur mendukung pemanfaatan lahan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan untuk pembangunan Kilang Tuban. Tidak hanya itu, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur juga memberikan izin-izin yang dibutuhkan untuk pengerjaan kilang, yakni izin pemanfaatan ruang dan lainnya sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. 

Selanjutnya, Pertamina akan mengganti lahan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Seluas 60 hektar itu. Untuk mendukung kilang ini, Pertamina dan Rosneft juga akan membangun fasilitas penunjang antara lain jetty, jalur pipa bawah laut, Single Point Mooring (SPM), tangki penyimpanan minyak mentah (tank farm), komplek utilitas, dan perkantoran.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Nov 29, 2017

Pertamina and Rosneft Build Tuban Refinery

The subsidiary of PT Pertamina, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI), and the Rosneft Oil Company affiliate, Petrol Complex PTE LTD signed the deed of establishment of a joint venture. The company, PT Pertamina Rosneft Processing and Petrochemical (PRPP) will build and operate a new oil refinery integrated with the Petrochemical Complex (New Grass Root Refinery and Petrochemical / NGRR) in Tuban Regency, East Java.

KPI Director Achmad Fathoni Mahmud said Pertamina-Rosneft had agreed on a 55 percent stake in the joint venture company PRPP for Pertamina and the remaining 45 percent for Rosneft. This is in line with the planned development of Tuban NGRR with a capacity of 300 thousand barrels per day with a total investment value of up to 15 billion US dollars.

According to him, the Tuban NGRR project will provide great economic and social benefits for the nation and the country in the future.

"This project will increase energy independence and resilience by increasing the production of national fuel oil quality Euro V. Refinery will also produce new Petrochemical products," he said.

Achmad Fathoni added that the construction of the Tuban NGRR mega project is estimated to require 20 thousand-40 thousand workers and about 2,000 people after the operation. According to him, the project will also have a positive impact in the form of tax for government and national and regional society.

The estimated fuel product that will be generated by Tuban NGRR is gasoline at 80 thousand barrels per day, 99 thousand barrels of diesel per day, and avtur 26 thousand barrels per day. Meanwhile, for new products, Petrokimia is 1.3 million tons of polypropylene per year, polyethylene 0.65 million tons per year, 0.5 million tons of styrene per year, and paraksilen 1.3 million tons per year.

The Board of Directors of PT Pertamina Rosneft Petrokimia Processing consists of Amir H ​​Siagian as President Director and Alexander Dmitriev and Bambang Sembodo as directors.

Meanwhile, Deputy of Investment Coordination (BKPM) Lestari Indah explained that BKPM strongly supports the establishment of an Indonesian legal entity on behalf of PT PRPP between Pertamina and Rosneft.

"The establishment of PT PRPP in the oil refinery business with planned employment of up to 40 thousand is the implementation of the National Strategic Project which is expected to balance the demand-supply of oil and gas supply, thus giving a positive impact on Indonesia's economic growth," Lestari explained.

Republika, Page-13, Wednesday, Nov 29, 2017

Pertamina-Rosneft to Build US $ 15 Billion Plant

The subsidiary of PT Pertamina, PT Kilang Pertamina International and Petrol Complex Pte Ltd, a company affiliated with Russian oil and gas giant Rosneft Oil Company, plans to establish a joint venture. The name of the joint venture company is PT Pertamina Rosneft Processing and Petrochemicals.

Pertamina and Rosneft have agreed on the share composition of the joint venture. That is 55% stake owned by Pertamina and the remaining 45% Rosneft. The joint venture will build and operate a new oil refinery integrated with Petrochemical or New Grass Root Refinery (NGRR) and Petrochemical complex in Tuban, East Java.

Director of PT Pertamina International Refinery Achmad Fathoni Mahmud said the new grass root vefinery and petrochemical Tuban has a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day. The investment requirement is US $ 15 billion. According to him, Tuban's new grass root refinery and petrochemical project will provide huge benefits, both economic and social in the future.

"This project will increase energy independence and resilience by increasing the production of national fuel oil quality Euro V. Refinery will also produce new petrochemical products," he explained.

Fuel products to be generated from this refinery are gasoline at 80,000 barrels per day, 99,000 barrels of diesel per day and avtur 26,000 barrels per day. While new petrochemical products include polypropylene as much as 1.3 million tons per year.


Pertamina-Rosneft Akan Membangun Kilang US$ 15 Miliar

Anak usaha PT Pertamina, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional, dan Petrol Complex Pte Ltd, perusahaan yang masih terafiliasi dengan raksasa perusahaan minyak dan gas asal Rusia, Rosneft Oil Company, berkongsi mendirikan pendirian perusahaan patungan. Nama perusahaan hasil kongsi itu adalah PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia.

Rosneft Oil Company

Pertamina dan Rosneft sudah menyepakati komposisi saham perusahaan patungan. Yakni sebesar 55% saham milik Pertamina dan sisanya 45% Rosneft. Perusahaan patungan ini akan membangun dan mengoperasikan kilang minyak baru yang terintegrasi dengan kompleks petrokimia atau New Grass Root Refinery (NGRR) and Petrochemical di Tuban, Jawa Timur.

Direktur PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional Achmad Fathoni Mahmud mengatakan, new grass root vefinery and petrochemical Tuban ini berkapasitas 300.000 barel per hari. Kebutuhan investasinya US$ 15 miliar. Menurutnya, proyek new grass root refinery and petrochemical Tuban akan memberikan manfaat besar, baik ekonomi maupun sosial ke depan. 

"Proyek ini akan meningkatkan kemandirian dan ketahanan energi dengan meningkatkan produksi bahan bakar minyak nasional yang berkualitas Euro V. Kilang juga akan menghasilkan produk baru petrokimia," paparnya.

Produk bahan bakar minyak yang akan dihasilkan dari kilang ini adalah gasolin sebesar 80.000 barel per hari, solar 99.000 barel per hari dan avtur 26.000 barel per hari. Sedangkan produk baru petrokimia antara lain adalah polipropilena sebanyak 1,3 juta ton per tahun.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Nov 29, 2017

Construction of Tuban Refinery Starts

The construction of a new oil refinery in Tuban, East Java, is about to begin. The two companies, PT Pertamina and Rosneft Oil Company of Russia's oil and gas company, agreed to form a joint venture to build the 300,000 barrel refinery.

In this project, Pertamina is represented by its subsidiary, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional. Rosneft is represented by its affiliate Petrol Complex PTE. This joint venture company was named PT Pertamina Rosneft Processing and Petrochemicals. A 55 percent stake in the joint venture is owned by Pertamina and 45 percent owned by Rosneft.

"This is an integrated oil processing project. In addition to producing Euro V standard oil fuel, the refinery will also produce petrochemical products, "said Pertamina International Refinery Director Achmad Fathoni, Tuesday (28/11), in Jakarta.

Projected, the type of fuel produced from the Tuban refinery is gasoline 80,000 barrels per day, 99,000 barrels of diesel per day, and avtur 26,000 barrels per day. The new petrochemical products produced are polypropylene 1.3 million tons per year, polyethylene 0.65 million tons per year, 0.5 million tons of styrene per year, and 1,3 million tons of paracilene per year.

"The value of the refinery project in Tuban 15 billion US dollars (approximately Rp 202.5 trillion). During the work will absorb the workforce to 40,000 people and 2,000 people when the refinery operates, "said Achmad.

In addition to the new refinery in Tuban, Pertamina is building a project called the refinery development masterplan program (RDMP). This project is in the form of developing and upgrading the capacity of existing refineries. Refineries included in the RDMP are Balongan refineries in West Java, Cilacap refineries in Central Java, Dumai refineries in Riau and Balikpapan refineries, East Kalimantan.

Pertamina Director of Pertamina Processing and Petrochemical Director Ardhy N Mokobombang, in the exposure of Pertamina's performance in the third quarter of 2017, said the planning of new refineries and RDMP projects should be done carefully. It does not want the implementation of this project pending or arising cost swelling.

"Funding lsu will be a big issue. However, as long as the project is done on a prudent basis, all of it will go on schedule, "Kara Ardhy said when asked about the funding condition of the RDMP project and a new refinery worth Rp 450 trillion.

In addition to Tuban, Pertamina also plans to build a new refinery with a capacity of 300,000 barrels per day in Bontang, East Kalimantan. However, it is believed the refinery development investment is cheaper as it stands on Pertamina's land.

The government is eager to reduce imports of crude oil and fuel oil by building new refineries and increasing the capacity of old refineries. To date, out of the 1.5 million barrels of oil per day consumed, half is imported.

In addition, Indonesia has long not built a refinery despite the need for more fuel from year to year. The last built refinery is Balongan. The refinery began operations in 1994.

To accelerate the construction of refineries, the government issued Presidential Regulation No. 146 of 2015 on the Implementation of Development and Development of Oil Refinery in the Interior. This regulation regulates the scheme of a refinery development, either by business entities or by joint business entities with the government.


Pembangunan Kilang Tuban Dimulai

Pembangunan kilang minyak baru di Tuban, Jawa Timur, segera dimulai. Kedua perusahaan, yakni PT Pertamina dan Rosneft Oil Company perusahaan minyak dan gas asal Rusia, sepakat membentuk perusahaan patungan untuk membangun kilang berkapasitas 300.000 barrel tersebut.

Dalam proyek ini, Pertamina diwakili anak usahanya, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional. Adapun Rosneft diwakili afiliasi usahanya yang bernama Petrol Complex PTE. Perusahaan patungan yang dibentuk ini  bernama PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia. Sebesar 55 persen saham perusahaan patungan ini dimiliki Pertamina dan 45 persen milik Rosneft.

”Ini adalah proyek pengolahan minyak terintegrasi. Selain menghasilkan bahan bakar minyak berstandar Euro V, kilang juga akan menghasilkan produk petrokimia,” kata Direktur Kilang Pertamina Internasional Achmad Fathoni, Selasa (28/11), di Jakarta.

Diproyeksikan, jenis bahan bakar yang dihasilkan dari kilang Tuban adalah gasolin 80.000 barrel per hari, solar 99.000 barrel per hari, dan avtur 26.000 barrel per hari. Adapun produk baru petrokimia yang dihasilkan adalah polipropilen 1,3 juta ton per tahun, polietilen 0,65 juta ton per tahun, stirena 0,5 juta ton per tahun, dan paraksilen 1,3 juta ton per tahun.

”Nilai proyek pembangunan kilang di Tuban 15 miliar dollar AS (sekitar Rp 202,5 triliun). Selama pengerjaan akan menyerap tenaga kerja sampai 40.000 orang dan 2.000 orang saat kilang beroperasi,” ucap Achmad.

Selain kilang baru di Tuban, Pertamina membangun proyek yang dinamai program rencana induk pengembangan kilang (refinery development masterplan program/RDMP). Proyek ini berupa pengembangan dan peningkatan kapasitas kilang-kilang yang sudah ada. Kilang yang masuk dalam RDMP adalah kilang Balongan di Jawa Barat, kilang Cilacap di Jawa Tengah, kilang Dumai di Riau, dan kilang Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur.

Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Ardhy N Mokobombang, dalam paparan kinerja Pertamina triwulan III-2017, mengatakan, perencanaan pembangunan kilang baru dan proyek RDMP mesti dilakukan dengan hati-hati. Pihaknya tidak mau pelaksanaan proyek ini tertunda atau timbul pembengkakan biaya.

”lsu pendanaan akan menjadi isu besar. Namun, selama proyek dikerjakan dengan prinsip kehati-hatian, semua, akan berjalan sesuai jadwal,” kara Ardhy saat ditanya tentang kondisi pendanaan proyek RDMP dan kilang baru yang nilainya mencapai Rp 450 triliun tersebut.

Selain di Tuban, Pertamina juga berencana membangun kilang baru berkapasitas 300.000 barrel per hari di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur. Namun, diyakini investasi pembangunan kilang itu lebih murah karena berdiri di atas lahan Pertamina.

Pemerintah berambisi mengurangi impor minyak mentah dan bahan bakar minyak dengan pembangunan kilang baru dan peningkatan kapasitas kilang-kilang lama. Sampai hari ini, dari 1,5 juta barrel minyak per hari yang dikonsumsi, separuhnya didatangkan dari impor.

Selain itu, Indonesia memang sudah lama tidak membangun kilang kendati kebutuhan BBM semakin banyak dari tahun ke tahun. Kilang yang terakhir kali dibangun adalah Balongan. Kilang mulai beroperasi pada 1994.

Untuk mempercepat pembangunan kilang, pemerintah mengeluarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 146 Tahun 2015 tentang Pelaksanaan Pembangunan dan Pengembangan Kilang Minyak di Dalam Negeri. Peraturan ini mengatur skema pembangunan kilang, baik oleh badan usaha maupun kerja sama badan usaha dengan pemerintah.

Kompas, Page-18, Wednesday, Nov 29, 2017