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Monday, January 8, 2018

Mahakam Block: The Struggle Is Not Over yet!

January 1, 2018 is one of the milestones in Pertamina for officially becoming the manager or operator of Mahakam Block after half a century this block is managed by PT Total E & P Indonesia (TEPI).

With the status as manager of Mahakam, Pertamina's predicate will increase to become oil and gas producer, large in Indonesia with a share of about 40% of national oil and gas production.

After reaching that status, Pertamina can also be said to be master in their own country. But the predicate cannot be achieved easily.

In order for Pertamina to be a host in its own country, in addition to the assertive attitude of Karen Agustiawan (Pertamina President Director 2010-2015) and other directors and directors, Pertamina's long-standing efforts or "struggles" Mahakam managed by Pertamina.

Karen Agustiawan

These stakeholders include national figures, members of the People's Legislative Assembly, activists, Pertamina's union, oil and gas and state-owned enterprises, student executive bodies throughout Indonesia, party officials, mass organizations, NGOs, etc. They have been fighting since 2012 through various advocacy steps such as seminars, attitude statements, demonstrations, raising Petak Mahakam, RDPU to DPR, demands to the Presidential Palace, reporting potential corruption to the KPK, etc.

It turned out that the stakeholders "were forced to advocate in order to face the attitude of the nation's own state officials who are more aligned with foreign interests than defending the interests of SOEs. The two top officials who want foreigners to stay in the Mahakam Block are Jero Wacik and Rudi Rubiandini. In addition, there is also support from officials in SKK Migas and several members of Parliament from a number of parties.

Jero Wacik

To support Total and Inpex, they are reckless and unashamedly uncovering various illogical reasons and public lies. Fortunately, the advocacy movement is getting bigger and continuing so that the two executive officers are void of intention and later went to jail.

Rudi Rubiandini

The irony is that this long struggle has not ended yet. Mahakam block has not been fully controlled by Pertamina. Should have to dispose of some shares (share down), the cost to Pertamina is not yet clear and very vulnerable to be corrupted.

On the contrary, foreign parties have not willingly let go of Mahakam block. In addition, without shame, there are still native people who support foreigners, hunt rente and or "piggyback" to be able to have "shares" Mahakam Block. More ironic, it turns out the attitude of a number of officials in power today is similar to the attitude of previous officials.

This is indicated by the following statements:

First, Minister of ESDM Ignasius Jonan once invited Total to re-manage the Mahakam Block post-2017. The ESDM Ministry said that as long as Pertamina becomes the majority shareholder, the issue of operators will not be questioned. The government only emphasizes that the Mahakam block production remains stable and does not decline. How can operatorship problems be considered unimportant?

Ignasius Jonan

Secondly, the ESDM Minister once said it would give foreigners a chance to own 39% of post-2017 shares. This was again stated by Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar in Jakarta in August 2017 (Bisnis, 25/8). Arcandra also said: The ESDM Minister will issue a Decree to meet the demand of TEPI and Inpex to enlarge the Mahakam block to 39%.

Arcandra Tahar

Arcandra said the space for the Mahakam Block contractor after the contract ends is still referring to the desire of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources lgnasius Jonan with a maximum portion of 39%. Total is welcome to discuss this with Pertamina and SKK Migas.

Whereas the previous Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Sudirman Said, has set the maximum share down allowed by the government is 30%! The mechanism set forth in Regulation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 15/2015 is the government set Pertamina as an operator with 100% right.

Sudirman Said

After that Pertamina can make the reduction of interest (share down) to other parties who give the business the maximum benefit. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources facilitates the decision-making process in relation to the distribution of interests among the parties. After going through a series of discussions, the ESDM Ministry decided that the Indonesian control 70% shares, while Total and Inpex acquired 30% shares.

In line with Sudirman Said's position in 2015, Pertamina's directors repeatedly said they were not interested in increasing share down to 39%. Pertamina president director Elia Massa Manik said, if above that (30%), the realm is no longer in us. 

Elia Massa Manik

     When I joined (appointed as president), this coincidence has been discussed with the Minister. This instruction is still 30%. So the rising or not share down to the ESDM affairs, "said Manik in Meeting Room of Commission VII, Jakarta, Tuesday (6/6/2017).

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam also behaves similarly.

"To share down there has been no further discussion with Total / Inpex," he said.

Syamsu Alam

The following month, Syamsu Alam said, "This Mahakam block is our mandate, still the same. We are authorized to share down to BUMD 10%. The status is unchanged, the figure of 30% or 39%, which we know is yes 30%. Because it's there
to us."

Until December 26, 2017 Syamsu Alam claimed not to know the government letter to Pertamina related to the change of share down. On the other hand, the Ministry of EMR declared to have issued a letter allowing Pertamina to abandon participation rights in the Mahakam Block by 39% to TEPI & Inpex. Deputy Minister of EMR Arcandra said the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has issued a letter of change regarding the share of the division of Pertamina's participation rights in managing the Mahakam Block which is actually only 30% to 39%.

"It's already up to 39%," said Arcandra at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jakarta, Friday (22/12/2017).

We are sorry to see the attitudes of ESDM Ministry officials (as well as in other "ministries") above, rather than protecting the state-owned enterprises themselves but are very enthusiastic in supporting foreigners to own 39% shares, whereas with the bigger shares owned by BUMNs, the greater the potential benefits gained for the people to enjoy!

Moreover, this Mahakam block is an oil and gas block that has been producing and the level of business risk has become low. Thus giving the opportunity to share 30% down to foreign, for us (IRESS), it is a policy that
disadvantageous. Especially if it should rise to 39% as the "fought" Jonan et al.

As alluded to above, generally the motives of officials precisely siding foreign countries rather than the state itself are the hunt for rent and political support. However, IRESS also obtained information from a friend, a former High official of the ministry, that there are some unscrupulous officials to share the Mahakam block. He mentioned these elements want to achieve big profits through "cooperation" with foreign companies.

That is why some are struggling so hard to share Mahakam stocks for foreigners need to be allocated more. For friends, prominent figures, activists, and students who have been advocating the Mahakam block, including tens of thousands of signatories of the "Mahakam Block Petition for the People", IRESS appealed to continue guarding and fighting for the optimal Mahakam Block and free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN) for Pertamina.

The struggle is not over.

For that purpose let's continue the advocacy and make sure that the maximum share down is only 30%, the direct appointment of TEPI & Inpex must be canceled, the method of choosing partner through open tender, and the price received by Pertamina to share down is the best and free from corruption.


Blok Mahakam: Perjuangan Belum Usai!

Tanggal 1 Januari 2018  merupakan salah satu in tonggak bersejarah bagi Pertamina karena secara resmi menjadi pengelola atau operator Blok Mahakam setelah setengah abad blok ini dikelola PT Total E&P Indonesia (TEPI).

Dengan status sebagai pengelola Mahakam, predikat Pertamina pun akan meningkat menjadi penghasil migas ter-
besar di Tanah AIr dengan share sekitar 40% dari produksi migas nasional.

Setelah meraih status tersebut, Pertamina pun dapat dikatakan akan menjadi tuan di negeri sendiri. Namun predikat itu tidaklah dapat diraih dengan mudah.

Agar Pertamina menjadi tuan di negeri sendiri, di samping sikap tegas Karen Agustiawan (Dirut Pertamina 2010-2015) serta sejumlah dirut dan direktur lain, upaya atau “perjuangan" panjang stakeholders Pertamina justru sangat berperan untuk memastikan Blok
Mahakam dikelola Pertamina. 

Stakeholders tersebut meliputi tokoh-tokoh nasional, anggota DPR, para aktivis, serikat pekerja Pertamina, migas dan BUMN , badan-badan eksekutif mahasiswa seluruh Indonesia, pengurus partai, ormas, LSM, dll. Mereka berjuang sejak 2012 melalui berbagai langkah advokasi berupa seminar, pernyataan sikap, demonstrasi, penggalangan Petisi Mahakam, RDPU ke DPR, penyampaian
tuntutan ke Istana Presiden, pelaporan potensi korupsi ke KPK,dll.

Ternyata para stakeholders “terpaksa melakukan advokasi dalam rangka menghadapi sikap bangsa sendiri para pejabat negara yang lebih memihak asing daripada membela kepentingan BUMN. Dua pejabat utama yang menginginkan asing tetap bertahan di Blok Mahakam adalah Jero Wacik dan Rudi Rubiandini. Di samping itu ada pula dukungan dari pejabat di SKK Migas dan beberapa anggota DPR dari sejumlah partai. 

Untuk mendukung Total dan Inpex, mereka nekat dan tidak malu mengungkap berbagai alasan tidak logis dan kebohongan publik. Untunglah gerakan advokasi semakin besar dan terus berlanjut sehingga kedua pejabat eksekutif tersebut batal menjalankan niat dan belakangan justru masuk penjara.

Ironisnya saat ini perjuangan panjang tersebut belum juga berakhir. Blok Mahakam belum seutuhnya dikuasai Pertamina.
Seandainya harus melepas sebagian saham (share down), biaya yang harus dibayar ke Pertamina pun belum jelas jumlahnya serta sangat rawan untuk dikorupsi.

Sebaliknya pihak-pihak asing belum rela melepas kenikmatan Blok Mahakam. Di samping itu, tanpa rasa malu, masih ada saja oknum pribumi yang mendukung asing, berburu rente dan atau “membonceng" untuk dapat memiliki "saham" Blok Mahakam.
Lebih ironis, ternyata sikap sejumlah pejabat yang berkuasa saat ini mirip dengan sikap pejabat sebelumnya. 

Hal ini terindikasi dari pernyataan-pernyataan berikut :

Pertama, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan pernah mempersilakan Total mengelola kembali Blok Mahakam pasca-2017. Kementerian ESDM mengatakan asalkan Pertamina menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas, mengenai masalah operator tidak akan dipersoalkan. Pemerintah hanya menekankan agar produksi Blok Mahakam tetap stabil dan tidak mengalami pknurunan. Bagai-
mana bisa masalah operatorship dianggap tidak penting?

Kedua, Menteri ESDM pernah mengatakan akan memberikan kesempatan kepada asing memiliki 39% saham pasca-2017. Hal ini kembali dinyatakan Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar di Jakarta pada Agustus 2017 (Bisnis, 25/8). Arcandra juga pernah mengatakan: Menteri ESDM akan menerbitkan Surat keputusan untuk memenuhi tuntutan TEPI dan Inpex untuk memperbesar saham Blok Mahakam menjadi 39%.

Kata Arcandra, ruang bagi kontraktor Blok Mahakam setelah kontrak berakhir masih mengacu pada keinginan Menteri ESDM lgnasius Jonan dengan porsi maksimum 39%. Total dipersilakan untuk mendiskusikan hal ini dengan Pertamina dan SKK Migas.

Padahal Menteri ESDM sebelumnya, Sudirman Said, telah menetapkan share down maksimum yang diperkenankan pemerintah adalah 30%! Mekanisme yang diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 15/2015 ini adalah pemerintah menetapkan Pertamina sebagai operator dengan hak 100%. 

Setelah itu Pertamina dapat melakukan pengurangan interes (share down) kepada pihak lain yang secara bisnis memberikan manfaat maksimal. Kementrian ESDM memfasilitasi proses pengambilan keputusan berkaitan dengan pembagian interes di antara para pihak. Setelah melalui serangkaian pembahasan, Kementerian ESDM memutuskan pihak Indonesia mengontrol saham 70%, sedangkan Total dan Inpex memperoleh saham 30%.

Sejalan dengan sikap Sudirman Said pada 2015 tersebut, direksi Pertamina berulang kali mengatakan tidak berminat meningkatkan share down menjadi 39%. Dirut Pertamina Elia Massa Manik mengatakan, Jika di atas itu (30%), ranahnya bukan lagi ada pada kami. Sewaktu saya join (diangkat menjadi dirut), kebetulan ini sudah dibicarakan dengan Pak Menteri. Instruksi ini pun sampai seka-
rang masih 30%. Jadi naik atau tidaknya share down menjadi urusan ESDM," kata Manik di Ruang Rapat Komisi VII, Jakarta, Selasa (6/ 6/ 2017).

     Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam juga bersikap sama. 

“Untuk share down belum ada pembicaraan lebih lanjut dengan Total/ Inpex,” katanya.

     Bulan berikutnya, Syams Alam  berkata, “Blok Mahakam ini mandat yang kita terima, masih sama. Kita diberi kewenangan untuk melakukan share down ke BUMD 10%. Status itu tidak berubah, angka 30% atau 39%, yang kita kenal itu ya 30%. Karena itu yang ada pada kita." 

Hingga 26 Desember 2017 Syamsu mengaku belum mengetahui surat pemerintah ke Pertamina terkait dengan perubahan share down. Di sisi lain, Kementrian ESDM menyatakan telah mengeluarkan surat yang memperbolehkan Pertamina melepas hak partisipasi di Blok Mahakam sebesar 39% ke TEPI & Inpex. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra mengatakan, Kementrian ESDM sudah menerbitkan surat perubahan mengenai porsi pembagian hak partisipasi Pertamina dalam mengelola Blok Mahakam yang sebenarnya hanya 30% menjadi 39%. 

"Kan sudah ada suratnya. Boleh up to 39%," kata Arcandra di Kantor Kementrian ESDM, Jakarta, Jumat (22/12/2017).

Kita miris melihat sikap pejabat-pejabat Kementerian ESDM (juga di “kementrian lain") yang ada di atas. Mereka bukannya melindungi BUMN bangsa sendiri, tetapi justru sangat antusias mendukung asing untuk memiliki saham 39%. Padahal dengan semakin besar saham yang dimiliki BUMN, semakin besar pula potensi keuntungan yang diperoleh untuk dinikmati rakyat! 

Apalagi Blok Mahakam ini merupakan blok migas yang telah berproduksi dan tingkat risiko bisnisnya pun menjadi rendah. Dengan begitu memberikan kesempatan share down 30% saja kepada asing, bagi kami (IRESS), sudah merupakan kebijakan yang merugikan. Apalagi jika harus naik menjadi 39% seperti yang "diperjuangkan"Jonan dkk.

Seperti disinggung di atas, umumnya motif oknum pejabat justru memihak asing daripada BUMN bangsa sendiri adalah perburuan rente dan dukungan politik. Namun IRESS juga memperoleh informasi dari seorang sahabat, mantan pejabat Tinggi kementerian, bahwa ada beberapa oknum pejabat yang sangat berminat untuk ikut memiliki saham Blok Mahakam. Beliau menyebutkan, oknurn-oknum ini ingin meraih untung besar melalui "kerja sama" dengan perusahaan asing tersebut. 

ltulah  sebabnya mengapa ada yang berjuang habis-habisan agar share down saham Mahakam untuk asing justru perlu dialokasikan lebih besar. Bagi para sahabat, tokoh, aktivis, dan mahasiswa yang selama ini ikut mengadvokasi Blok Mahakam, termasuk puluhan ribu penanda-tangan “Petisi Blok Mahakam untuk Rakyat", IRESS mengimbau untuk tetap mengawal dan memperjuangkan penguasaan Blok Mahakam secara optimal dan bebas dari KKN bagi Pertamina.

Perjuangan belum usai.

Untuk itu mari kita lanjutkan advokasi dan pastikan bahwa share down maksimal hanya 30%, penunjukan langsung TEPI & Inpex harus dibatalkan, metode pemilihan partner melalui tender terbuka, serta harga yang diterima Pertamina untuk share down tersebut adalah yang terbaik dan bebas dari korupsi.

Koran Sindo, Page-4, Saturday, Jan 6, 2018

Govt upbeat over oil and gas sector

Indonesia believes it is time for it to revive its upstream oil and gas sector this year in the backdrop of recovering global crude prices.

Investment in the upstream oil and gas sector plunged from an annual figure of US$19.34 billion in 2013 to $9.33 billion in 2017, or 75.9 percent of the original target stated in last year’s revised state budget, according to the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK-Migas).

Investment for exploration activities also fell from $1.87 billion in 2013 to a mere $180 million last year, despite Indonesia’s urgent need to boost its petroleum reserves. Ofiicial data shows that the amount of proven crude oil reserves in the country dropped to 3.3 billion barrels at the end of 2016 from 3.69 billion in 2013.

SKK Migas deputy head Sukandar said such a situation was driven by a significant drop in global crude prices in recent years, which, eventually forced contractors to halt their investment. 

“But now, as global crude prices have started to recover, we believe investors will spend more money for upstream activities,” he told a press conference on Friday.

The price of global benchmark Brent crude reached last year’s peak of $67.02 per barrel on Dec. 26, after falling to $ 44.82 per barrel on June 21. The price even hovered at around $68 per barrel on Friday. With the current crude prices, Sukandar said upstream contractors Would be able to gain an internal rate of return (IRR) of around 20-percent, which he said would be more than enough to attract investors.

SKK Migas is upbeat to see investment in the upstream oil and gas sector reached $12.6 billion this year, $810 million of which is projected to come from exploration, while the remainder will be from exploitation.

This year, the task force aims to see contractors conduct 103 exploratory drillings, 2D seismic surveys covering 1,759 kilometers and 3D seismic surveys covering 356 square kilometers at various exploration working areas.

It also expects contractors to drill 175 development wells as well as undertake 2D and 3D seismic surveys covering 3,150 km and 3,011 sq km at various exploitation working areas.

“Besides, we put high hopes on the government's efforts to offer a number oil and gas working areas through auction,” SKK Migas head Amien Sunaryadi said. “We will be able to boost exploration activities if there are new contractors that really have the financial capability to do so.”

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has recently found bidders for five of 15 oil and gas working areas offered through last year’s auction. Among the bidders are the United Arab Emirates-based Mubadala Petroleum, Spain’s Repsol Exploracion SA and a consortium consisting of the United Kingdom-based Premier Oil Far East, Mubadala Petroleum and Singapore’s Kris Energy.

The ministry is set to announce the name of the tender winners in February and sign contracts with them in March. The ministry will also open another tender process in January for 22 oil and gas blocks that failed to attract investors at auctions in 2015 and 2016, as well as for 11 other new blocks.

“We are still evaluating which blocks will be put up for auction as we will only offer blocks with good quality seismic data,” said the ministry’s secretary-general, Ego Syahrial.

SKK Migas also plans to see seven upstream oil and gas blocks go on stream in 2018 with an estimated peak production rate of 7,500 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and 145 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) of gas. Among the operators of those blocks are subsidiaries of energy firms PT Medco Energi Internasional and Pertamina.

Throughout last year, 14 new upstream projects were on stream with peak production rates of 21,280 bopd and 1,193.7 mmscfd of gas.

“We have also received three plans of development [PODS] for gas projects with combined reserves of around 3.5 trillion cubic feet,” Sukandar said. 

The PODs are for the Marakes Field operated by Italy-based Eni in East Kalimantan, the Asap, Kido and Merah fields operated by Malaysia’s Genting Oil in West Papua as well as the Senoro-Tolili field jointly operated by Pertamina and Medco in Central Sulawesi.

“Output from these fields will be a significant contribution to national gas production,” Sukandar said.

The country’s gas lifting the colloquial term for ready-to-sell production - stood at 1.14 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) in 2017, slightly below the original target of 1.15 million boepd.

Meanwhile, oil lifting reached 803,847 bopd last year, also below the target of 815,000 bopd. Indonesia was still able to record $13.14 billion in state revenues from the upstream oil and gas sector last year, surpassing the target of $12.2 billion, thanks to the surging crude prices. 

At the same time, cost recovery claims from upstream contractors amounted to $11.32 billion, surpassing the target of $10.71 billion. The biggest claim came from production costs worth 85.3 billion, followed by a depreciation component of $3.27 billion, which comprises claims from previous expenditures made by contractors before their fields came on stream.

“Indeed, the increasing crude prices have led to bigger state revenues. But on the other hand, such a situation has also allowed contractors to include some costs that were previously unrecovered in their claims, as stipulated in our contracts with them,” Amien said.

Jakarta Post, Page-13, Saturday 6, 2018

The Masela Block Development Plan is Immediately Completed

The gas project at Abadi Square, Masala Block, continues to be accelerated. Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) targets the proposed development plan (POD) completed this year.

Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said the pre-front-end engineering design (preFEED) is targeted for completion in Q3 / 2018 so that POD can be completed by the end of 2018.

Amien Sunaryadi

Inpex Corporation (Japanese oil and gas exploration and production company) as a field operator has been doing the initial design phase.

"The end of the year is expected POD Masela finished," said Amien at the Office of SKK Migas, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta.

Amien said that in pre-FEED discussed several things, Inpex has already started to study the location of the refinery on land and floating production floating production facility and FPSO / Floating Production).

"Inpex is also doing pre-feed to know about the pipeline how, where onshore design location how, for offshore the ship will be like what, and others, "he said.

the Masela Block

About the Masela Block land facility, currently left in two locations, namely in West-Southeast Maluku and Southwest Maluku. For locations in the Maluku Tenggara Barat there are constraints, ie their current location is used for sugarcane plantations.

"We've got info, the location that will be used for onshore location has been allocated to sugarcane plantations by companies from Jakarta," he said.

In mid-December, Coordinating Minister for Marine Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan met Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Sakura State. During his visit, Luhut discussed the continuation of the Mahakam block project and Masela managed by Inpex. Luhut said the Japanese PM encourages Inpex to immediately continue the Mahakam block contract which ends in 2017.


Rencana Pengembangan Blok Masela Segera Rampung

Proyek gas di Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masala, terus dikebut. Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menargetkan proposal rencana pengembangan (plan of development/POD) rampung tahun ini.

Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan pradesain rekayasa awal (pre-front end engineering design/preFEED) ditargetkan selesai di triwulan III 2018 sehingga POD bisa dapat selesai akhir 2018. 

Inpex Corporation (perusahaan eksplorasi dan produksi minyak dan gas Jepang) sebagai operator lapangan sudah melakukan desain tahap awal tersebut. 

“Akhir tahun diharapkan POD Masela selesai,” kata Amien di Kantor SKK Migas, Jalan Gatot Subroto, Jakarta.

Amien menuturkan dalam pre-FEED dibahas beberapa hal, Inpex pun sudah mulai melakukan studi lokasi kilang di darat dan konsep fasilitas produksi terapung Floating Production Storage and Offloading/FPSO). 

“Inpex juga sedang melakukan pre-feed untuk tahu kira-kira jalur pipanya bagaimana, lokasi desain onshore-nya gimana, untuk offshore kapalnya nanti seperti apa, dan lain-lain,” kata dia.

Tentang fasilitas darat Blok Masela, saat ini tersisa di dua lokasi yakni di Maluku Tenggara Barat dan Maluku Barat Daya. Untuk lokasi di Maluku Tenggara Barat terdapat kendala, yakni lokasinya saat ini digunakan untuk perkebunan tebu. 

“Kami sudah dapat info, lokasi yang akan dipakai untuk lokasi onshore sudah dialokasikan untuk perkebunan tebu oleh perusahaan dari Jakarta,” kata dia.

Pertengahan Desember lalu, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan menemui Perdana Menteri (PM) Jepang Shinzo Abe di Negeri Sakura. Dalam lawatannya, Luhut membahas kelanjutan proyek Blok Mahakam dan Masela yang dikelola Inpex. Luhut mengatakan PM Jepang mendorong Inpex segera melanjutkan kontrak Blok Mahakam yang berakhir pada 2017.

Media Indonesia, Page-13, Saturday 6, 2018

Extension of OPEC Production Restriction Print ICP Prices

The policy of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) extended the time limits on crude oil production by the end of 2018. This policy has subsequently influenced the rise of world oil prices which also affected the rise of Indonesian Cruide Price (ICP).

The Indonesian Oil Price Team of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) released an average ICP rise to US $ 60.90 per barrel in December 2017, up US $ 1.56 per barrel from US $ 59.34 per barrel at previous month. This figure sets Indonesia's record high crude oil prices throughout 2017.

The increase of ICP is inseparable from the increase of world oil price which is influenced by several factors. As stated in the OPEC publication that crude oil production from OPEC countries in November 2017 decreased by 0.1 million barrels per day, bringing production to 32.45 million barrels per day. Total oil production in November was down and October 2017 which amounted to 32.58 million barrels per day.

It is also known that the largest oil pipeline in the United Kingdom, North Sea Forties, which drains about 450,000 BOPD of oil shut down. This disruption also affects the increasing world oil prices at the end of 2017.

There were also international events that contributed to the rise in world oil prices such as the explosion at the New York Port Authority bus station, the strike of oil workers' work in Nigeria, the increasing use of gasoline in the United States at Christmas Holiday, as well as the increasing geopolitical risks in the Middle East the US President's statement on Jerusalem, and growing demand for crude in China.

The world crude oil price per December 2017 is Dated Brent US $ 64.19 per barrel. Brent US $ 64.09 per barrel, WTI (Nymex) US $ 57.95 per barrel.


Perpanjangan Pembatasan Produksi OPEC Cetak Harga ICP

Kebijakan Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) memperpanjang waktu pembatasan produksi minyak mentah hingga akhir tahun 2018. Kebijakan ini kemudian turut mempengaruhi naiknya harga minyak dunia yang berpengaruh juga pada naiknya Indonesian Cruide Price (ICP).

Tim Harga Minyak Indonesia Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) merilis rata-rata ICP naik menjadi US$ 60,90 per barrel pada bulan Desember 2017, naik sebesar US$ 1,56 per barel dari US$ 59,34 per barel pada bulan sebelumnya. Angka ini mencetak rekor harga minyak mentah Indonesia tertinggi sepanjang tahun 2017.

Peningkatan ICP ini tidak terlepas dari peningkatan harga minyak dunia yang dipengaruhi beberapa faktor. Seperti yang tercantum dalam publikasi OPEC bahwa produksi minyak mentah dari negara-negara OPEC pada bulan November 2017 turun sebesar 0,1 juta barel per hari, sehingga produksi menjadi sebesar 32,45 juta barel per hari. Jumlah produksi minyak di bulan November ini turun dan bulan Oktober 2017 yang sebesar 32,58 juta barel per hari.

Diketahui pula bahwa jalur perpipaan minyak terbesar di United Kingdom, North Sea Forties yang mengalirkan sekitar 450.000 BOPD minyak mengalami shut down. Gangguan ini juga turut mempengaruhi meningkatnya harga minyak dunia di penghujung tahun 2017.

Selain itu pula terdapat beberapa Kejadian internasional yang berkontribusi terhadap meningkatnya harga minyak dunia seperti terjadinya ledakan di terminal bus New York Port Authority, aksi mogok kerja buruh minyak Nigeria, meningkatnya penggunaan gasoline di Amerika Serikat saat Christmas Holiday, juga meningkatnya resiko geopolitik di Timur Tengah akibat pernyataan Presiden Amerika terkait Jerusalem, serta meningkatnya permintaan minyak mentah di China.

Adapun harga minyak mentah dunia per Desember 2017 yakni Dated Brent US$ 64,19 per barel. Brent US$ 64,09 per barel, WTI (Nymex) US$ 57,95 per barel.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday 6, 2018

Residents of Mentoso Reject Pertamina-Rosneft Oil Refinery Project

Villagers of Remen and Mentoso Village, District of Jenu, Tuban Regency, East Java rejected the planned development of the Pertamina-Rosneft oil refinery that occupies the residents' land.

Rosneft oil Company

Moreover, the construction of the refinery is adjacent to the fuel oil terminals (BBM), which is feared to leave suffering for local residents. The residents' refusal was conveyed by representatives of the villagers of Remen and Mentoso at a meeting of Commission A of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) of Tuban and other executives with Pertamina Persero Tbk in the Plenary Room of Tuban Parliament.

Representatives of the two villagers, Suwarto (53) explained that Remen and Mentoso villagers will not sell their land to Pertamina. The reason, the land is fertile soil and land to earn living local villagers. The majority of villagers are both farmers. For that, we will not sell our land, "he said.

Vice President of Pertamina Asset Tuban Ahmad Syaihu Rais said it would consider and evaluate the aspirations of the two villagers. Rais said the rejection by the residents was very reasonable. The rejection that could be blundering is because whatever delivered in the socialization and information from Pertamina is not yet complete.

"So this makes people restless," he said.

Chairman of DPRD Tuban Miyadi asserted DPRD has very understood the concerns of residents of two villages affected by Pertamina-Rosneft oil refinery development. Even though the landowner refused, but it was believed at the next meeting to be conscious. One by one citizen will be aware if the crude oil processing project 300 thousand barrels per day (BPH) is in the government's interest.

"It is not the interests of the Tuban district government and Pertamina, as the extension of the government's hand in the field," said Miyadi.

On the other hand, the project is a Central Government project to overcome the problem of oil import cost (oil scarcity) which is very big in this archipelago earth. To that end, the DPRD will as much as possible bridge the two sides in order to establish good communication.

"So as to produce a good solution for both sides," he said.

Coordinator of Remen Village and Mentoso Village, Suwarto said that people are traumatized and do not want to happen in the same case.

"The construction of the Main-Transit Terminal Project (TTU) or Tuban Fuel Terminal (TBBM) in our village (Desa Remen) some time ago has left a deep trauma for the landowners, no matter what happens we will not release land," he explained vigorously."

Residents in District Jenu is from the beginning often hear sweet promises from investors. On average when the project is in operation, there is no guarantee that the local people are employed. Because of that basis, the attitude of the citizens that I represent is still the same firmly reject the development of the Tuban refinery project. Please start and the citizens will not release the land of their ancestors to them "he said furiously.


Warga Mentoso Tolak Proyek Kilang Minyak Pertamina-Rosneft

Warga Desa Remen dan Desa Mentoso, Kecamatan Jenu, Kabupaten Tuban, Jawa Timur menolak rencana pembangunan kilang minyak Pertamina-Rosneft yang menempati tanah warga.

Apalagi, pembangunan kilang minyak itu berdekatan dengan terminal bahan bakar minyak (BBM), yang dikhawatirkan menyisakan penderitaan bagi warga sekitar. Penolakan warga disampaikan perwakilan warga Desa Remen dan Mentoso pada rapat kerja Komisi A Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Tuban dan eksekutif lainnya dengan Pertamina Persero Tbk di Ruang Paripurna DPRD Tuban.

Perwakilan warga dua desa tersebut, Suwarto (53) menjelaskan, masyarakat Desa Remen dan Mentoso tidak akan menjual tanah mereka kepada Pertamina. Alasannya, tanah tersebut merupakan tanah subur dan lahan mencari nafkah masyarakat desa setempat. Mayoritas warga kedua desa berprofesi sebagai petani. Untuk itu, kami tidak akan menjual lahan kami,” ujarnya.

Vice President Pertamina Aset Tuban Ahmad Syaihu Rais mengatakan, pihaknya akan mempertimbangkan dan mengevaluasi aspirasi warga kedua dua desa tersebut. Rais menilai penolakan yang dilakukan warga itu sangatlah wajar. Penolakan yang bisa menjadi blunder ini karena apa yang pernah disampaikan dalam kegiatan sosialisasi dan penginformasian dari Pertamina yang belum lengkap.

"Sehingga ini membuat masyarakat resah," katanya.

Ketua DPRD Kabupaten Tuban Miyadi menegaskan, DPRD sangat memahami kekhawatiran warga dua desa yang terdampak pembangunan kilang minyak Pertamina-Rosneft. Meski pun warga pemilik lahan menolak, tetapi diyakini pada pertemuan berikutnya akan sadar. Satu demi satu warga akan menyadari, kalau proyek pengolahan minyak mentah 300 ribu barel per hari (BPH) merupakan kepentingan pemerintah. 

“Bukan kepentingan Pemerintah kabupaten Tuban maupun Pertamina, selaku kepanjangan tangan pemerintah di lapangan," kata Miyadi.

Di sisi lain, proyek tersebut merupakan proyek Pemerintah Pusat untuk mengatasi permasalahan cost impor minyak (kelangkaan minyak) yang sangat besar di bumi nusantara ini. Untuk itu, DPRD akan semaksimal mungkin menjembatani kedua belah pihak agar terjalin komunikasi yang baik.

"Sehingga menghasilkan jalan keluar yang baik bagi kedua pihak," katanya.

Koordinator warga Desa Remen dan Desa Mentoso, Suwarto menuturkan sebenarnya warga sudah trauma dan tidak ingin terjadi pada kasus yang sama.

"Pembangunan proyek Terminal Transit Utama (TTU) atau terminal BBM (TBBM) Tuban yang juga berada di desa kami (Desa Remen) beberapa waktu lalu, sudah menyisakan trauma mendalam bagi pemilik lahan. Apapun yang terjadi kami tidak akan melepas lahan," terangnya dengan penuh semangat."

Warga di Kecamatan Jenu ini sejak awal sering mendengar janji manis dari para investor. Rata-rata ketika proyek sudah beroperasi, tidak ada jaminan kalau warga sekitar dipekerjakan. Karena dasar itulah, sikap warga yang saya wakili masih sama menolak dengan tegas pembangunan proyek kilang Tuban. Silahkan dimulai dan warga tidak akan melepaskan tanah warisan nenek moyangnya ke mereka" ucapnya geram.

Memorandum, Page-11, Saturday, Jan 6, 2018

Oil and Gas Investment Down, Cost Recovery Increases

The investment of exploration blocks throughout 2017 is only US $ 180 million from the target of US $ 870 million

Upstream oil and gas investment climate has not recovered. Even though oil prices began to improve during the second half of 2017 until now, the realization of upstream oil and gas investment is still low. Even compared to the year 2016 declined considerably.

Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) notes that upstream oil and gas investment throughout 2017 amounting to US $ 9.33 billion, far from the target of US $ 12.29 billion. The realization of oil and gas investment throughout 2017 also fell from the realization of oil and gas investment in 2016 which amounted to US $ 11.4 billion.

SKK Mgas also noted that the realization of investment activities in the exploitation block in 2017 is only US $ 9.15 billion, while SKK Migas targets investment in the exploitation block to be US $ 11.42 billion.

The saddest thing is the investment of exploration block activity which is only US $ 180 million. Whereas the target of activities in the exploration block last year amounted to US $ 870 million.

Amien Sunaryadi

Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi explained that exploration activities starting from seismic studies and drilling activities require many permits. So far, SKK Migas has tried to help KKKS take care of the permit.

On the other hand, investment for exploration also requires a procurement process that takes time. Amien hopes that the process of licensing and procurement of seismic activities and oil and gas drilling could be faster to increase investment.

"From the investment side, the exploration is still small, but it needs support from various parties," Amien said at a press conference on Friday (5/1).

In addition to the licensing issue, Deputy Head of SKK Migas Sukandara added, the causes of the decline in oil and gas investment due to decreased capital expenditure alias capital expendditure (capex) last year. The decline in the capex is due to the low world oil price which makes the cost of production and exploration also decreased. When oil prices fall rig rent down, so shopping is cheaper.

"This also affects some rig rents down to half when oil prices are lower than when oil prices hit US $ 100 per barrel," Sukandar said.

Oddly Amien also mentioned that cost recovery in 2017 reached US $ 11.3 billion (unaudited) or higher than the Revised State Expenditure Budget (APBN-P) 2017.

"Cost recovery exceeds the set limit, reaching 100 percent of the target of APBN-P 2017 of US $ 10.7 billion," said Amien.

He mentioned that the biggest component is the production cost of 47 percent of the total cost recovery or US $ 5.3 billion, the depreciation cost of US $ 3.2 billion and the administrative cost of US $ 1.06 billion or 9 percent. Then the unrecoverable cost reaches 6% of the total cost recovery or US $ 792 million.

"So the rising oil price makes the gross oil and gas revenue increase," said Amien.

In addition to the above components, the increase in cost recovery is also triggered by exploration and development of US $ 747 million or equivalent to 7%. Then the remaining 2% comes from the investment credit.


Investasi Migas Turun, Cost Recovery Malah Naik

Investasi blok eksplorasi sepanjang tahun 2017 hanya US$ 180 juta dari target US$ 870 juta

Iklim investasi hulu migas masih belum pulih. Biarpun harga minyak mulai membaik sepanjang semester II-2017 hingga kini, realisasi investasi hulu migas masih rendah. Bahkan dibandingkan dengan tahun 2016 menurun jauh.

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mencatat, investasi hulu migas sepanjang 2017 hanya sebesar US$ 9,33 miliar atau jauh dibandingkan target sebesar US$ 12,29 miliar. Realisasi investasi migas sepanjang tahun 2017 juga turun daripada realisasi investasi migas tahun 2016 yang sebesar US$ 11,4 miliar.

SKK Mgas juga mencatat, realisasi investasi kegiatan di blok eksploitasi pada tahun 2017 hanya sebesar US$ 9,15 miliar, padahal SKK Migas menargetkan investasi di blok eksploitasi bisa sebesar US$ 11,42 miliar.

Paling menyedihkan lagi adalah investasi kegiatan blok eksplorasi yang hanya US$ 180 juta. Padahal target kegiatan di blok eksplorasi tahun lalu sebesar US$ 870 juta. 

Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi menerangkan, kegiatan ekplorasi yang dimulai dari studi seismik dan kegiatan pengeboran ini memerlukan banyak izin. Sejauh ini SKK Migas sudah mencoba membantu KKKS membereskan perizinan.

Di sisi Iain, investasi untuk eksplorasi juga memerlukan proses procurement yang membutuhkan waktu. Amien berharap, proses perizinan dan procurement kegiatan seismik dan pengeboran migas bisa lebih cepat untuk meningkatkan investasi. 

"Dari sisi investasi, eksplorasi masih kecil. Ini ke depan perlu ditingkatkan. Tapi perlu dukungan berbagai pihak," kata Amien dalam jumpa pers pada Jumat (5/1).
Selain soal perizinan tersebut, Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Sukandara menambahkan, penyebab menurunnya investasi migas karena penurunan belanja modal alias capital expenditure (capex) tahun lalu. Penurunan capex tersebut seiring masih rendahnya harga minyak dunia yang membuat biaya produksi dan eksplorasi juga mengalami penurunan. Ketika harga minyak turun sewa rig turun, jadi belanja lebih murah. 

"Ini juga berpengaruh, beberapa sewa rig turun sampai separuh pada saat harga minyak rendah dibandingkan pada saat harga minyak mencapai US$ 100 per barel,“ jelas Sukandar.

Anehnya Amien juga menyebut cost recovery pada tahun 2017 mencapai US$ 11,3 miliar (unaudit) atau lebih tinggi dibandingkan Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara Perubahan (APBN-P) 2017. 

"Cost recovery melebihi batas yang ditetapkan. Realisasinya mencapai 100% dari target APBN-P 2017 yang sebesar US$ 10,7 miliar," jelas Amien.

Dia menyebutkan komponen terbesar adalah biaya produksi sebesar 47% dari total cost recovery atau sebesar US$ 5,3 miliar, biaya depresiasi US$ 3,2 miliar dan biaya administrasi mencapai US$ 1,06 miliar atau 9%. Lalu unrecovery cost yang mencapai 6% dari total cost recovery atau sebesar US$ 792 juta.

"Jadi harga minyak yang naik menjadikan penerimaan migas gross naik," kata Amien.

Selain komponen di atas, kenaikan cost recovery juga dipicu adanya exploration and development US$ 747 juta atau setara 7%. Kemudian sisanya sebesar 2% berasal dari investment credit.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Jan 6, 2018

Revision of the Oil and Gas Law is a Mess

Revision of Law no. 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Natural Gas stumbled on the plan to establish oil and gas holding by the Ministry of SOEs. Member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR), Harry Poernomo, stated that the formation of oil and gas holding causes the plan to establish a special business entity (BUK) which is planned to enter into Revision of Law Number 22 Year 2001 about oil and gas mess.

Harry proposed that the shareholders of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are not held by a Minister of SOEs, but must also be held by sectoral ministries such as the Ministry of Finance. Because, if the authority is only held by the Minister of SOEs, it can lead to arbitrariness and chaotic governance of SOEs.

Plus the lack of synergy on the government. According to Harry, it is seen in the discourse of oil and gas holding formation by the Minister of SOEs. The holding concept led to what had been planned, ie the coordination between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources with the House of Representatives in the discussion of the Oil and Gas Draft Law to be a mess. The delicate discussion of the Oil and Gas Law is about institutionalization.

"Among other things, we are discouraging the existence of a special business entity (BUK). Well, oil and gas holding planned by the Minister of SOEs is totally inconsistent with the draft of Oil and Gas Law," he said.

Therefore, according to Harry, the General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS) of SOEs should involve sectoral ministries and added by the Ministry of Finance. So once again, shareholders are not just SOE Minister.


Revisi UU Migas Berantakan

Revisi Undang-Undang No. 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi terbentur rencana pembentukan holding migas oleh Kementerian BUMN. Anggota Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR), Harry Poernomo, menyatakan, pernbentukan holding migas menyebabkan rencana pembentukan Badan Usaha Khusus (BUK) yang rencananya masuk ke dalam Revisi Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Migas berantakan.

Harry mengusulkan agar pemegang saham perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) tidak dipegang oleh seorang Menteri BUMN semata, tapi harus juga dipegang oleh kementerian sektoral seperti Kementerian Keuangan. Sebab, jika otoritas hanya dipegang Menteri BUMN, hal itu bisa memunculkan kesewenang-wenangan dan kesemrawutan tata kelola BUMN.

Ditambah lagi minimnya sinergi pada pemerintah. Menurut Harry, hal itu terlihat pada wacana pembentukan holding migas oleh Menteri BUMN. Konsep holding itu mengakibatkan apa yang telah direncanakan, yakni koordinasi antara Kementerian ESDM dengan DPR dalam pembahasan RUU Migas menjadi berantakan. Pembahasan yang pelik dari Undang-Undang Migas adalah mengenai kelembagaan. 

"Di antaranya, kita mewacanakan adanya Badan Usaha Khusus (BUK). Nah, holding migas yang direncanakan Menteri BUMN sama sekali tidak sejalan dengan rancangan Undang-Undang Migas," katanya.

Karena itu, menurut Harry, Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) BUMN harus melibatkan kementerian sektoral dan ditambah Kementerian Keuangan. Jadi sekali lagi, pemegang saham bukan hanya Menteri BUMN.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Jan 6, 2018

Upstream Oil and Gas Investment Not Recovered

Upstream oil and gas investment climate in Indonesia throughout 2017 has not yet recovered. A number of targets are not reached. There is an increase in state revenues as crude oil prices are rising although not significant.

In the explanation of the upstream oil and gas sector 2017 performance by the Upstream Oil and Gas Upstream Business Unit (SKK Migas), the realization of exploration and production investment is mentioned at 9.33 billion US dollars (almost Rp 126 trillion). This is still below the target of 12.9 billion US dollars (almost Rp 166 trillion).

Of the total investment, the realization of investment for exploration amounted to Rp 2.4 trillion or only 20 percent of the target of Rp 11.7 trillion.

"The realization for such exploration is very small. That's what spends only on big contractors. Small contractors do not exist, "said Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi.

Amien Sunaryadi

Amien said SKK Migas will seek to make exploration investment increase from time to time. The classic problem of obstacles to exploration activities, among others, is licensing. SKK Migas needs the support of many parties to make exploration activities in the field easier.

"In addition, investors should also not delay the process of holding goods and services during the exploration period," he said.

Deputy Head of SKK Migas Sukandar added that upstream oil and gas investment in 2017 is still affected by oil price. Investment planning in 2017 was made in previous years. Throughout 2016, the average price of crude oil is less than 40 US dollars per barrel.

"We expect this year there will be an increase in investment as oil prices continue to rise. In fact, WTI and Brent oil prices already exist above 60 US dollars per barrel. This is an opportunity for investors, "said Sukandar.

The realization of "lifting" low achievement of the production of ready-to-sell (lIifting) of oil in 2017 was recorded as much as 803,800 barrels per day. This achievement is lower than the benchmark APBN Change 2017 as much as 815,000 barrels per day.

Similarly, natural gas emissions are realized as much as 6.386 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). Achievements are or lower than the target, ie 6440 MMSCFD.

Deputy of Oil and Natural Gas Planning Jafee Arizon Suardin said the target of upstream oil and gas investment this year is set at 12.6 billion US dollars, equivalent to Rp 170 trillion. Of that amount, 810 million US dollars or Rp 10.9 trillion is allocated for exploration activities, the rest is for production. By 2018, there will be drilling of 103 exploration wells.

"The two-dimensional seismic survey plan in 2018 covers 1,753 square kilometers and a three-dimensional seismic survey of 356 square kilometers," said Jafee.

Although the target of oil and natural gas is not achieved, the realization of state revenue from the sector has increased. The realization of state revenues from upstream oil and gas activities in 2017 was 13.1 billion US dollars (Rp 176.8 trillion), higher than the benchmark APBN Change 2017 of 12.2 billion US dollars (Rp 164.7 trillion). The increase in crude oil price throughout 2017 allows for an increase in revenue of upstream oil and gas sector.

Up to the year 2026, there are 34 working areas upstream oil and natural gas out of contract period. The government is expected to be able to immediately decide on the continuation of operations in the 34 working areas. Thus, investment plans can be arranged in advance and delays in activities can be prevented or avoided.


Investasi Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Belum Pulih

Iklim investasi hulu minyak dan gas bumi di Indonesia sepanjang 2017 belum pulih. Sejumlah target tidak tercapai. Ada peningkatan penerimaan negara karena harga minyak mentah yang meningkat meskipun belum signifikan.

Dalam paparan kinerja sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi 2017 oleh Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), realisasi investasi eksplorasi dan produksi disebutkan sebanyak 9,33 miliar dollar AS (hampir Rp 126 triliun). Ini masih di bawah target 12,9 miliar dollar AS (hampir Rp 166 triliun).

Dari total investasi itu, realisasi investasi untuk eksplorasi sebesar Rp 2,4 triliun atau hanya 20 persen dari target yang sebanyak Rp 11,7 triliun.

”Realisasi untuk eksplorasi sejumlah itu sangat kecil. Itu pun yang membelanjakannya hanya kontraktor-kontraktor besar. Kontraktor yang kecil-kecil tidak ada,” kata Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi.

Amien mengatakan, SKK Migas akan berupaya agar investasi eksplorasi meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. Masalah klasik yang menjadi hambatan kegiatan eksplorasi, antara lain adalah perizinan. SKK Migas memerlukan dukungan banyak pihak agar kegiatan eksplorasi di lapangan menjadi lebih mudah.

”Selain itu, investor sebaiknya juga tidak menunda-nunda proses mengadakan barang dan jasa selama masa eksplorasi,” ujarnya.

Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Sukandar menambahkan, investasi hulu migas sepanjang 2017 masih dipengaruhi harga minyak Perencanaan investasi di 2017 dibuat pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Sepanjang 2016, rata-rata harga minyak mentah kurang dari 40 dollar AS per barrel.

”Kami berharap tahun ini ada peningkatan investasi mengingat harga minyak terus naik. Bahkan, harga minyak jenis WTI dan Brent sudah ada di atas 60 dollar AS per barrel. Ini kesempatan bagi investor,” kata Sukandar. 

Realisasi ”lifting” rendah pencapaian produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak 2017 tercatat sebanyak 803.800 barrel per hari. Pencapaian ini lebih rendah dari patokan APBN Perubahan 2017 yang sebanyak 815.000 barrel per hari.

Demikian pula, Iifting gas bumi yang terealisasi sebanyak 6.386 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). Pencapaian tersebut atau lebih rendah daripada target, yakni 6.440 MMSCFD.

Deputi Perencanaan SKK Migas Jafee Arizon Suardin mengatakan, target investasi hulu migas tahun ini dipatok 12,6 miliar dollar AS, setara Rp 170 triliun. Dari jumlah itu, 810 juta dollar AS atau Rp 10,9 triliun dialokasikan untuk kegiatan eksplorasi, selebih-nya untuk produksi. Pada tahun 2018, direncanakan terdapat pengeboran terhadap 103 sumur eksplorasi.

”Rencana survei seismik dua dimensi pada 2018 seluas 1.753 kilometer persegi dan survei seismik tiga dimensi seluas 356 kilometer persegi,” ujar Jafee.

Meskipun target Iifting minyak dan gas bumi tidak tercapai, realisasi penerimaan negara dari sektor itu meningkat. Realisasi penerimaan negara dari kegiatan hulu migas 2017 adalah 13,1 miliar dollar AS (Rp 176,8 triliun), lebih tinggi daripada patokan APBN Perubahan 2017 yang sebesar 12,2 miliar dollar AS (Rp 164,7 triliun). Kenaikan harga minyak mentah sepanjang 2017 memungkinkan adanya peningkatan penerimaan sektor hulu migas ini.

Sampai dengan tahun 2026, terdapat 34 Wilayah kerja hulu migas yang alam habis masa kontraknya. Pemerintah diharapkan segera bisa memberi keputusan mengenai kelanjutan operasi pada 34 Wilayah kerja tersebut. Dengan demikian, rencana investasi bisa disusun jauh-jauh hari dan penundaan kegiatan bisa dicegah atau dihindari.

Kompas, Page-17, Saturday, Jan 6, 2018

Masela Block Produces 2027

Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Activities (SKK Migas) is targeting the Masela block to produce in 2027. Currently, Inpex Corporation as the block operator performs pre-front end engineering design (pre-FEED).

Amien Sunaryadi 

Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi targets the initial design of Masela block development to be completed by the middle of this year. The pre-FEED results will be used to finalize the proposed plan of development (PoD) by the end of this year.

Later this year POD Masela finished. The more backtracking time, the potential for further disruption, the higher the potential difficulty, "he said yesterday (5/1).

Masela Block

In the pre-FEED, Inpex will conduct a study on the location of refineries on land and the concept of floating production storage and offloading (FPSO). Refinery production capacity of 9.5 million tonnes per year (mtpa) for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and 150 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd) for pipe gas.

Masela eternal block development project finally decided to be built on land (onshore), precisely in West Southeast Maluku. Previously, the government had not yet decided on the development site between West and Southeast Maluku.

"Local government can finally receive the exploration done in West Southeast Maluku," added Amien.


Blok Masela Berproduksi 2027

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menargetkan blok Masela dapat berproduksi pada 2027. Saat ini Inpex Corporation selaku operator blok melakukan tahap desain awal (pre-front end engineering design/pre-FEED).

Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi menargetkan desain awal pengembangan blok Masela bisa diselesaikan pertengahan tahun ini. Hasil pre-FEED itu akan digunakan untuk menyelesaikan proposal rencana pengembangan lapangan (plan of development/ PoD) pada akhir tahun ini. 

Akhir tahun ini POD Masela selesai. Semakin mundur waktunya, potensi gangguan makin nambah, potensi kesulitan semakin tinggi,” katanya kemarin (5/1).

Dalam pre-FEED itu, Inpex akan melakukan studi mengenai lokasi kilang di darat dan konsep fasilitas produksi terapung (floating production storage and offloading/FPSO). Kapasitas produksi kilang sebesar 9,5 juta ton per tahun (mtpa) untuk gas alam cair (LNG) dan 150 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd) untuk gas pipa.

Proyek pengembangan blok abadi Masela akhirnya diputuskan untuk dibangun di darat (onshore), tepatnya di Maluku Tenggara Barat. Sebelumnya, pemerintah belum memutuskan lokasi pengembangan antara Maluku Tenggara Barat dan Maluku Barat Daya. 

”Pemerintah Daerah setempat akhirnya bisa menerima eksplorasi dilakukan di Maluku Tenggara Barat," imbuh Amien.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Saturday, Jan 6, 2018

Oil and Gas Expansion

RIG oil drilling in the Pacific Ocean Friday (5/1). The US President Donald Trump announced plans to expand oil drilling in Seal Beach, California, on Friday (5/1). On the other hand, the realization of lifting or production of ready-to-sell Indonesian oil in 2017 RIG oil drilling in the Pacific Ocean, Friday (5/1).

US President Donald Tmmp announced plans to expand oil drilling in Seal Beach, California, on Friday (5/1). On the other hand, the realization of lifting or production of ready-to-sell Indonesian oil in 2017.


Ekspansi Migas

RIG pengeboran minyak di Samudera Pasifik Jumat (5/1). Presiden AS Donald Trump mengumumkan rencana ekspansi pengeboran minyak di Seal Beach, California, Jumat (5/1). Di sisi lain, realisasi lifting atau produksi siap jual minyak Indonesia pada 2017 RIG pengeboran minyak di Samudera Pasifik, Jumat (5/1).

Presiden AS Donald Tmmp mengumumkan rencana ekspansi pengeboran minyak di Seal Beach, California, Jumat (5/1). Di sisi lain, realisasi lifting atau produksi siap jual minyak Indonesia pada 2017.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Saturday, Jan 6, 2018