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Friday, January 19, 2018

Trader Awaits Revision of Gas Business Through Pipe

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has long been revising the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 19 of 2009 on Gas Pipe Business Activities. However, until now, the revision of the rule has not yet been completed.

Chairman of the Indonesian Natural Gas Traders Association (INGTA), aka Organization of Natural Gas Distributor Company Indonesia Sabrun Jamil said, already a year of downstream gas entrepreneurs waiting for new rules issued. Without these rules, business actors have not dared to develop new gas pipeline infrastructure.

"We hope the government will issue a revision of the regulation so that we can expand our business so that there is a new infrastructure, which is not yet daring because the regulation has not yet come out," he said.

The government still has not finalized the final draft related to the revision of Ministerial Regulation No. 19 of 2019, especially about the rules for dividing the Distribution Line Territory. 

Ego Syahrial

     Secretary-General of the ESDM Ministry Ego Syahrial said the government still needs stakeholder input, especially about the contract period for business entities that get Distribution Line Areas.

But according to Sabrun, INGTA has provided input to the government regarding the contract period, which is a 15 year contract period for existing business entities in the Distribution Line Territory. While the business entities that get new contracts in the Distribution Line area get a 2x 15-year contract.


Trader Menanti Revisi Bisnis Gas Melalui Pipa

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya mineral (ESDM) telah lama mewacanakan merevisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 19 tahun 2009 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Gas Bumi Melalui Pipa. Namun, hingga kini, revisi aturan tersebut belum juga rampung.

Ketua Indonesian Natural Gas Trader Association (INGTA) alias Organisasi Perusahaan Distributor Gas Alam Indonesia Sabrun Jamil menyebutkan, sudah setahun para pelaku usaha hilir gas menunggu aturan baru terbit. Tanpa aturan tersebut, para pelaku usaha belum berani mengembangkan infrastruktur pipa gas yang baru. 

"Kami berharap, pemerintah mengeluarkan revisi aturan tersebut supaya kami bisa mengembangkan bisnis, supaya ada infrastruktur baru. Sekarang belum berani karena aturannya belum keluar," ujarnya.

Pemerintah masih belum menyelesaikan draf akhir terkait revisi Peraturan Menteri Nomor 19 tahun 2019, terutama soal aturan dalam membagi Wilayah Jalur Distribusi. 

     Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial menyebutkan pemerintah masih membutuhkan masukan pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder), terutama soal masa kontrak bagi badan usaha yang mendapatkan Wilayah Jalur Distribusi. 

Tapi menurut Sabrun, INGTA telah memberikan masukan kepada pemerintah terkait masa kontrak tersebut, yaitu masa kontrak 15 tahun untuk badan usaha eksisting di Wilayah Jalur Distribusi. Sementara badan usaha yang mendapatkan kontrak baru di wilayah Jalur Distribusi mendapatkan kontrak 2x 15 tahun.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan 15, 2018

Prospective Negotiation Partner Jump to Pertamina

Block East Natuna

Oil and gas contractors interested in entering East Natuna Block can directly negotiate business with PT Pertamina as the operator of oil and gas blocks located offshore Natuna.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR) Archandra Tahar said that contractors of cooperation contracts interested in becoming Pertamina partners and want to conduct a joint study in East Natuna Block need not ask permission to the Ministry ESDM again.

"So no more permission. Because East Natuna Block has been fully handed over to Pertamina, "he said, Friday (12/1).

Archandra Tahar 

Archandra said, it has not heard any partners who are interested to conduct a joint study in the East Natuna Block. Previously, PetroChina International Company had expressed interest in joining the block.

"I have not heard of that one yet."

East Natuna Block 

PetroChina expressed the intention to join in managing East Natuna Block because the Chinese company has the technology in accordance with the condition of the block. 

President of PetroChina Gong Bencai

     President of PetroChina Gong Bencai said that his side has a technology that can separate between natural gas and carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, the technology has been used by PetroChina in one of the blocks it manages, namely Jabung Block in Jambi.

"For the results and the use of technology in Jabung Block can be seen in the next few years," he said.

Even so, Gong admitted, in the implementation of the technology it must pay a lot of money. The investment fund for the technology is around US $ 40 billion.

"However, with the One Belt One Road program, the Chinese government supports and makes Indonesia one of the best investment destinations," he said.

In fact, Gong said, it will not question the huge investment costs in developing East Natuna.

"The issue of funds is not a problem for," he said.

PetroChina's entry into East Natuna was in contrast to ExxonMobil's decision to leave the block in the middle of last year. The reason, the company from the United States that the block is not worth investing.


Calon Mitra Negosiasi Langsung ke Pertamina

Kontraktor minyak dan gas bumi yang berminat masuk ke Blok East Natuna bisa langsung bernegosiasi secara bisnis dengan PT Pertamina selaku operator blok migas yang berlokasi di lepas pantai Natuna itu.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Archandra Tahar mengatakan, kontraktor kontrak kerja sama yang berminat menjadi mitra Pertamina dan ingin melakukan studi bersama di Blok East Natuna tidak perlu minta izin kepada Kementerian
ESDM lagi. 

“Jadi tidak perlu izin lagi. Soalnya Blok East Natuna sudah diserahkan sepenuhnya kepada Pertamina,” ujarnya, Jumat (12/1).

Archandra menuturkan, pihaknya belum mendengar ada mitra yang berminat untuk melakukan studi bersama di Blok East Natuna. Sebelumnya, PetroChina lnternasional Companies sempat mengutarakan ketertarikan untuk bergabung mengelola blok tersebut.

“Saya belum dengar untuk yang itu.”

PetroChina mengutarakan niat untuk bergabung dalarn mengelola Blok East Natuna karena perusahaan asal China itu memiliki teknologi yang sesuai dengan kondisi blok tersebut. 

     Presiden PetroChina Gong Bencai mengatakan bahwa pihaknya memiliki teknologi yang bisa memisahkan antara gas alam dengan karbondioksida. Adapun, teknologi itu sudah digunakan PetroChina di salah satu blok yang dikelolanya, yakni Blok Jabung di Jambi.

“Untuk hasil dan penggunaan teknologi itu pada Blok Jabung bisa dilihat beberapa tahun ke depan,” ujarnya.

Walaupun begitu, Gong mengaku, dalam implementasi teknologi itu harus mengeluarkan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Dana investasi yang dikeluarkan untuk teknologi itu sekitar US$40 miliar.

“Namun, dengan program One Belt One Road (Jalur Sutera), pemerintah China mendukung dan menjadikan Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara tujuan investasi yang baik,” ujarnya.

Bahkan, Gong menyebut, pihaknya tidak akan mempersoalkan biaya investasi yang besar dalam mengembangkan East Natuna. 

“Persoalan dana bukan menjadi masalah untuk" ujarnya.

Ketertatikan PetroChina masuk ke East Natuna itu bertolak belakang dengan keputusan ExxonMobil yang memutuskan pergi dari blok itu pada pertengahan tahun lalu. Pasalnya, perusahaan asal Amerika Serikat itu menilai blok itu tidak layak investasi.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, Jan 15, 2018

PHM Depend on Handil

The management of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) ensures that it will drill a new well in Handil Square, one from the Mahakam working area. BPHM is ready to increase the supply, especially crude oil, while the current supply of Handil Mix Crude type is around 17,000 barrels per day (bpd).

"We will open lots of new Handil wells. The additional production I do not know, Field Handil mostly gas wells. Some will contribute to oil. This will depend on the gas well that donates the condensate. That will definitely rise significantly, "explained Vice President of Well Construction and Intervention (WCI) PT PHM, Anto Suryananto

He said it had to pursue the target 69 drilling wells this year. Work plans and budgets (WP & B) are targeted at 42,010 bpd and 916 mmscfd per day (MMscfd) for gas.

Previously, Pertamina spent US $ 1.8 billion to finance production operations in the formerly named Mahakam Block. In addition to drilling, the company conducted work over 132 wells and repair of 5,623 wells.

"One of our wells has been completed [by 2018], then 14 wells have been completed last year, and we plan to drill many wells, [totaling] 69 wells this year," he said.

A total of 14 previous wells were the result of a collaboration between PHM and Total E & P Indonesie (TEPI) in a series of government programs with a total of 15 wells already in production. The Company is also seeking efficiency improvements in several production facilities.

"So far the efficiency is good so it must be maintained so as not to affect production. Besides also speed up the process. well maintenance is also done, "he said.

Anto expressed the biggest obstacle in the field at this time is the decrease in production naturally.

"Every drilled reservoir must have natural decline, therefore it is difficult to answer (production) because it depends on the decline," he explained.

The oil to be produced is projected to meet the supply of domestic refineries. Previously, Bambang Manumayoso, Director of Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI) did not refuse if the current condition of WK Mahakam is not as good as it used to be because of the old reservoir.

"It's not so promising," he said.

Furthermore, he said the economic solution not only rely on one field, but 5-6 field ahead to get around the economic problem.

"We must quickly find new drilling points," he said.

Separately, SKK Migas fully supports efforts to increase this production. Shipments of 150,000 barrels of crude oil from Senipah terminal should be continued in the current Mahakam Block condition.

"We expect the production and lifting can be maintained," said Public Relation SKK Migas Kalimantan Sulawesi Damar Setyawan.

Associated with the production of gas from the wells in the working area of Mahakam to date continue to flow to PT Badak refinery in Bontang to be processed into LNG. It has not calculated the number of production wells that have been in production this 2018.

"Yes, if for gas continue to produce, sales later without going through the shipping process like this," he explained.

Based on data from SKK Migas, as of November 2017, WK produced oil and condensate of 52,000 barrels per day (bpd) and 1,360 MMscfd of gas


PHM Andalkan Handil

Manajemen PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) memastikan akan mengebor sumur baru di Lapangan Handil, satu dari wilayah kerja Mahakam. BPHM siap meningkatkan pasokan terutama minyak mentah, sementara itu saat ini pasokan jenis Handil Mix Crude berkisar 17.000 barel per hari (bph).

“Kami akan banyak membuka sumur Handil baru. Tambahan produksinya saya belum tahu, Lapangan Handil kebanyakan sumur gas. Beberapa akan berkontribusi terhadap minyak. lni akan bergantung pada sumur gas yang menyumbangkan kondensatnya. Yang pasti akan naik signifikan," jelas Vice President Well Construction dan Intervention (WCI) PT PHM, Anto Suryananto 

Dia mengatakan pihaknya harus mengejar target 69 pengeboran sumur sepanjang tahun ini. Dalam rencana kerja dan anggaran (WP&B) ditarget sebesar 42.010 bph dan 916 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd) untuk gas. 

Sebelumnya, Pertamina mengeluarkan dana US$ 1,8 miliar untuk membiayai operasi produksi di wilayah yang dulu bernama Blok Mahakam itu. Selain pengeboran, perseroan melakukan work over 132 sumur, dan perbaikan terhadap 5.623 sumur. 

"Satu sumur kami pastikan telah selesai [ per 2018], lalu 14 sumur sudah selesai tahun lalu. Rencananya kami akan mengebor banyak sumur, [totalnya] 69 sumur tahun ini,” katanya.

Sebanyak 14 sumur yang terdahulu merupakan hasil kolaborasi PHM dengan Total E&P Indonesie (TEPI) dalam rangkaian program alih kelola dengan total sebanyak 15 sumur telah berproduksi. Perseroan juga mengupayakan peningkatan efisiensi di beberapa fasilitas produksi. 

“Selama ini efisiensi sudah bagus sehingga harus dipertahankan agar tidak berdampak ke produksi. Selain juga mempercepat proses. perawatan sumur juga dikerjakan,” ungkapnya.

Anto mengutarakan kendala terbesar di lapangan saat ini adalah penurunan produksi secara alamiah. 

"Setiap reservoir yang dibor pasti mengalami natural dedine, oleh karena itu sulit untuk dijawab (produksi) karena bergantung pada dedine itu,” jelasnya.

Minyak yang akan diproduksi diproyeksikan untuk memenuhi pasokan kilang dalam negeri. Sebelumnya, Bambang Manumayoso Direktur Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI) tidak menolak jika kondisi WK Mahakam saat ini tidak sebaik dulu karena reservoir yang sudah tua. 

“Ini sudah kurang begitu menjanjikan," ujarnya.

Lebih jauh, dia mengatakan solusi keekonomian tidak hanya mengandalkan satu field, melainkan 5-6 field ke depannya untuk menyiasati persoalan keekonomian itu. 

“Kami mesti cepat menemukan titik-titik pengeboran yang baru,” sebutnya.

Secara terpisah, SKK Migas mendukung penuh upaya peningkatan produksi ini. Pengapalan sebanyak 150.000 barel crude oil dari terminal Senipah mesti dilanjutkan di saat kondisi Blok Mahakam saat ini.

“Kami berharap produksi dan lifting dapat dipertahankan,” kata Humas SKK Migas Kalimantan Sulawesi Damar Setyawan.

Terkait dengan produksi gas dari sumur-sumur di wilayah kerja Mahakam sampai saat ini terus mengalir ke kilang PT Badak di Bontang untuk diolah menjadi LNG. Pihaknya belum menghitung berapa jumlah produksi sumur yang sudah berproduksi 2018 ini.

“Ya, kalau untuk gas terus berproduksi, penjualan nantinya tanpa melalui proses pengapalan seperti ini," jelasnya.

Berdasarkan data pihaknya SKK Migas, per November 2017, WK memproduksi minyak dan kondensat sebesar 52.000 barel per hari (bph) dan 1.360 MMscfd gas.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday 15, 2018

Purchase Revised Feedback Input of Gas Pipe Business Rules

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is finalizing the draft revision of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 19 of 2009 on Gas Gas Business Activities Through Pipe. One of the companies engaged in the downstream gas business of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) is ready to follow the change of the rules.

PGN's Commercial Director, Danny Praditya, said that PGN's management has also provided input to the revision of Ministerial Regulation 19.

"We follow the draft Ministerial Regulation that has been discussed and agreed by all stakeholders," said Danny.

In the draft regulation, the government will divide the exclusive Distribution Line (WJD) Territory to business entities. For the new WJD, the government plans to grant exclusive management rights for 30 years and areas that already exist for 15 years.

However, the clause regarding the WJD contract period is not yet complete. The government is still holding a meeting to determine the contract period for the company holding WJD, Although not yet completed, Danny assessed later revision of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation 19/2009 will have a positive impact for PGN.

"Insha Allah provide a sustainable positive value for the entire Stakeholder of Indonesia," he said.

However, Danny did not want to specifically mention the impact on the PGN gas pipeline business. He is also still reluctant to mention PGN's work plan and budget for 2018 if this rule becomes implemented this year.

"If the Work Plan and Corporate Budget (RKAP) just wait for the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) on January 25," he said.


Beli Masukan Soal Revisi Aturan Bisnis Pipa Gas

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sedang merampungkan draft revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 19 tahun 2009 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Gas Bumi Melalui Pipa. Salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bisnis hilir gas PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) siap mengikuti perubahan aturan tersebut. 

Direktur Komersial PGN, Danny Praditya mengatakan manajemen PGN juga sudah memberikan masukan ternadap revisi Peraturan Menteri 19 tersebut. 

"Kami ikut draft Peraturan Menteri yang memang sudah dibicarakan dan disepakati oleh segenap stakeholders," kata Danny.

Dalam draft aturan tersebut, pemerintah akan membagi Wilayah Jalur Distribusi (WJD) eksklusif kepada badan usaha. Untuk WJD baru, pemerintah berencana memberikan hak eksklusif mengelola Selama 30 tahun dan wilayah yang sudah ada selama 15 tahun. 

     Namun, klausul mengenai masa kontrak WJD masih belum tuntas. Pemerintah masih melakukan rapat untuk menentukan masa kontrak bagi perusahaan pemegang WJD, Biarpun belum rampung, Danny menilai nantinya revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM N0 19/2009 tersebut akan berdampak positif bagi PGN. 

"Insya Allah memberikan positive value yang berkesinambungan buat seluruh Stakeholder bangsa Indonesia," ujarnya.

Namun, Danny tidak mau menyebut secara spesifik dampaknya terhadap bisnis pipa gas PGN. Dia juga masih enggan menyebut rencana kerja dan anggaran PGN untuk pahun 2018 ini jika aturan tersebut jadi diterapkan pada tahun ini. 

"Kalau Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) tunggu saja sebentar lagi Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) tanggal 25 Januari" ujarnya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Saturday 13, 2018

Mahakam Perdana Prime Block to Domestic

PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) conducts shipment of crude oil to domestic buyers of PT Pertamina (Persero) Integrated Supply Chain (ISC). The shipment is conducted from Senipah Terminal part of Senipah Peciko South Mahakam Field (SPS) which is the main terminal for crude oil and condensate lifting in the oil and gas block.

The initial shipment of Handil Mix Crude with volume of 150 thousand barrels, Shipment using tanker owned by PT Pertamina (Persero) MT Gede with the purpose of Pertamina refinery of Balikpapan (Refinery Unit V). Acting General Manager of CMM John Anis said that the shipment of crude oil to domestic buyers shows that managing the working area of Mahakam from Total E & P Indonesie to PHM runs smoothly.

"This is also a form of support for the fulfillment of energy needs in the country," he said.

The distribution of crude oil and condensate from Senipah Terminal to MT Gede tanker is conducted using Single Buoy Mooring facility (located about 11 km from the beach) operated by PT PHM itself. Handil Mix Crude (from Handil Field) is one of two types of crude oil produced directly by CMF.


Blok Mahakam Perdana Kapalkan ke Domestik

PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) melakukan pengapalan perdana minyak mentah kepada pembeli domestik PT Pertamina (Persero) Integrated Supply Chain (ISC). Pengapalan tersebut dilakukan dari Terminal Senipah bagian dari Lapangan Senipah Peciko South Mahakam (SPS) yang merupakan terminal utama untuk lifting minyak mentah dan kondensat di blok migas tersebut. 

Pengapalan perdana berupa Handil Mix Crude dengan volume 150 ribu barel, Pengapalan rnenggunakan kapal tanker milik PT Pertamina (Persero) MT Gede dengan tujuan kilang minyak Pertamina Balikpapan (Refinery Unit V).

    Pejabat Sementara General Manager PHM John Anis menyatakan, pengapalan perdana minyak mentah kepada pembeli domestik menunjukkan bahwa alih kelola Wilayah kerja Mahakam dari Total E&P Indonesie ke PHM berjalan dengan lancar. 

"Ini juga merupakan wujud dukungan terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan energi dalam negerif’ ujarnya.

Penyaluran minyak mentah dan kondensat dari Terminal Senipah ke tanker MT Gede dilakukan dengan menggunakan fasilitas Single Buoy Mooring (berada sekitar 11 km dari pantai) yang dioperasikan PT PHM sendiri. Handil Mix Crude (dari Lapangan Handil) adalah satu di antara dua jenis minyak mentah yang diproduksi langsung oleh PHM.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday 13, 2018

Prime Shipment Starts

PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam is shipping 150,000 barrels of crude oil to PT Pertamina (Persero) Integrated Supply Chain (ISC). Acting General Manager of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam John Anis said the initial shipment of oil to domestic buyers of Pertamina ISC shows the transfer of the working area of the Mahakam block is operating smoothly.

"With this shipment will support the fulfillment of domestic energy," he said

John Anis continued the company will send all oil and condensate production to Pertamina ISC. Shipments were made from the Senipah terminal, part of the Mahakam Peciko South Senate (SPS) field. Senipah is the main terminal for lifting crude oil and condensate in the Mahakam block.

Shipment using Pertamina's Gede Tanker vessel with the purpose of Pertamina refinery or refinery unit V. In crude oil and condensate distribution from Senipah terminal to MT Gede tanker is conducted using single buoy moring facility which is about 11 km and beach.

The facility was operated by Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. This year, Pertarmina targets oil and condensate production in the Mahakam block of 42,000 barrels per day in accordance with the work program and budget of 2018. Later, the oil production in Mahakam will be dilifed through 68 shipments from Senipah terminal and 9 shipment from Santan terminal.

All production of crude oil and condensate in Mahakam block will be allocated to Pertamina's domestic refinery such as refinery unit V Balikpapan, refinary unit IV Cilacap, while for Bontang Return Condensate will be shipped to TPPI refinery, Tuban.

Meanwhile, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam produces two types of crude oil first, Handil Mix Crude from Handil field. In addition there are Bekapai Crude Oil produced from Bekapai field. Besides those two, indirectly, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam also produces Rhinos Crude Oil. 

      This type of oil is part of the Imitisasi Badak field operated Vico Indonesia. For condensate, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam also produces two types namely, Senipah Condensate and Bontang Return Condensate.


Pengapalan Perdana Dimulai

PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam melakukan pengapalan perdana minyak mentah sebanyak 150.000 barel kepada PT Pertamina (Persero) Integrated Supply Chain (ISC). Pejabat Sementara General Manager Pertamina Hulu Mahakam John Anis mengatakan pengapalan minyak perdana ini kepada pembeli domestik yaitu Pertamina ISC menunjukkan pengalihan Wilayah kerja blok Mahakam beroperasi lancar. 

"Dengan pengapalan ini akan mendukung pemenuhan energi dalam negeri," ujarnya

John Anis melanjutkan perseroan akan mengirimkan semua produksi minyak dan kondensat kepada Pertamina ISC. Pengapalan pun dilakukan dari terminal Senipah, bagian dari lapangan Senipah Peciko South (SPS) Mahakam. Senipah adalah terminal utama untuk lifting minyak mentah dan kondensat di blok Mahakam itu. 

Pengapalan menggunakan kapal Tanker MT Gede milik Pertamina dengan tujuan kilang minyak Pertamina Balikpapan atau Refinery Unit V. Dalam penyaluran minyak mentah dan kondensat dari terminal Senipah ke kapal tanker MT Gede dilakukan menggunakan fasilitas single buoy moring yang berada sekitar 11 km dan pantai. 

Fasilitas itu pun dioperasikan oleh Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Pada tahun ini, Pertarmina menargetkan produksi minyak dan kondensat di blok Mahakam sebesar 42.000 barel per hari sesuai dengan program kerja dan anggaran 2018. Nantinya, produksi minyak di Mahakam itu akan dilifting melalui 68 pengapalan dari terminal Senipah dan 9 pengapalan dari terminal Santan. 

Seluruh produksi minyak mentah dan kondensat di blok Mahakam akan dialokasikan ke kilang minyak dalam negeri milik Pertamina seperti, refinery unit V Balikpapan, refinary unit IV Cilacap, sedangkan untuk Bontang Return Condensate akan dikapalkan ke kilang Trans Pacific Petrokimia Tuban Indonesia (TPPI) Tuban. 

Sementara itu, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam memproduksi dua jenis minyak mentah pertama, Handil Mix Crude dari lapangan Handil. Selain itu ada Bekapai Crude Oil yang diproduksi dari lapangan Bekapai. Selain kedua itu, secara tidak langsung, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam juga memproduksi Badak Crude Oil. 

     Jenis minyak itu merupakan bagian dari imitisasi lapangan Badak yang dioperasikan Vico Indonesia. Untuk kondensat, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam juga memproduksi dua jenis yakni, Senipah Condensate dan Bontang Return Condensate.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Saturday 13, 2018

Mahakam Perdana Prime Block to Domestic

PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) conducts shipment of crude oil to domestic buyers of PT Pertamina (Persero) Integrated Supply Chain (ISC). The shipment is conducted from Senipah Terminal part of Senipah Peciko South Mahakam Field (SPS) which is the main terminal for crude oil and condensate lifting in the oil and gas block.

The initial shipment of Handil Mix Crude with the volume of 150 thousand barrels, Shipment using tanker owned by PT Pertamina (Persero) MT Gede with the purpose of refinery of Pertamina Balikpapan (Refinery Unit V). Acting General Manager of CMM John Anis said that the shipment of crude oil to domestic buyers shows that managing the working area of Mahakam from Total E & P Indonesie to PHM runs smoothly.

"This is also a form of support for the fulfillment of energy needs in the country," he said.

The distribution of crude oil and condensate from Senipah Terminal to MT Gede tanker is done using Single Buoy Mooring facility (located about 11 km from the beach) operated by PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM). Handil Mix Crude (from Handil Square) is one of two types of crude oil produced directly by PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM).


Blok Mahakam Perdana Kapalkan ke Domestik

PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) melakukan pengapalan perdana minyak mentah kepada pembeli domestik PT Pertamina (Persero) Integrated Supply Chain (ISC). Pengapalan tersebut dilakukan dari Terminal Senipah bagian dari Lapangan Senipah Peciko South Mahakam (SPS) yang merupakan terminal utama untuk lifting minyak mentah dan kondensat di blok migas tersebut. 

Pengapalan perdana berupa Handil Mix Crude dengan volume 150 ribu barel, Pengapalan menggunakan kapal tanker milik PT Pertamina (Persero) MT Gede dengan tujuan kilang minyak Pertamina Balikpapan (Refinery Unit V).

    Pejabat Sementara General Manager PHM John Anis menyatakan, pengapalan perdana minyak mentah kepada pembeli domestik menunjukkan bahwa alih kelola Wilayah kerja Mahakam dari Total E&P Indonesie ke PHM berjalan dengan lancar. 

"Ini juga merupakan wujud dukungan terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan energi dalam negerif’ ujarnya. 

Penyaluran minyak mentah dan kondensat dari Terminal Senipah ke tanker MT Gede dilakukan dengan menggunakan fasilitas Single Buoy Mooring (berada sekitar 11 km dari pantai) yang dioperasikan PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM). Handil Mix Crude (dari Lapangan Handil) adalah satu di antara dua jenis minyak mentah yang diproduksi langsung oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM).

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Saturday 13, 2018

Give Revision of Gas Pipe Business Rules

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is finalizing the draft revision of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 19 of 2009 on Gas Gas Business Activities Through Pipe. One of the companies engaged in the downstream gas business of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) is ready to follow the change of the rules.

PGN's Commercial Director, Danny Praditya, said that PGN's management has also provided input to the revision of Ministerial Regulation 19.

"We follow the draft Ministerial Regulation that has been discussed and agreed by all stakeholders," said Danny.

In the draft regulation, the government will divide the exclusive Distribution Line (WJD) Territory to business entities. For the new WJD, the government plans to provide exclusive ownership of managing for 30 years and an existing area for 15 years.

However, the clause regarding the WJD contract period is not yet complete. The government is still holding a meeting to determine the contract period for the company holding WJD, Although not yet completed, Danny assessed later revision of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation 19/2009 will have a positive impact for PGN.

"Insha Allah provide a sustainable positive value for all Stakeholder Indonesia," he said,

However, Danny did not want to specifically mention the impact on the PGN gas pipeline business. He is also still reluctant to mention PGN's work plan and budget for 2018 if it becomes implemented this year.

"If the Work Plan and Corporate Budget (RKAP) just wait a minute, the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) will be on January 25," he said.


Beri Masukan Soal Revisi Aturan Bisnis Pipa Gas

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sedang merampungkan draft revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 19 tahun 2009 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Gas Bumi Melalui Pipa. Salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bisnis hilir gas PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) siap mengikuti perubahan aturan tersebut. 

Direktur Komersial PGN, Danny Praditya mengatakan, manajemen PGN juga sudah memberikan masukan terhadap revisi Peraturan Menteri 19 tersebut. 

"Kami ikut draft Peraturan Menteri yang memang sudah dibicarakan dan disepakati oleh segenap stakeholders," kata Danny.

Dalam draft aturan tersebut, pemerintah akan membagi Wilayah Jalur Distribusi (WJD) eksklusif kepada badan usaha. Untuk WJD baru, pemerintah berencana memberikan kepemilikan eksklusif mengelola selama 30 tahun dan wilayah yang sudah ada selama 15 tahun. 

Namun, klausul mengenai masa kontrak WJD masih belum tuntas. Pemerintah masih melakukan rapat untuk menentukan masa kontrak bagi perusahaan pemegang WJD, Biarpun belum rampung, Danny menilai nantinya revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 19/2009 tersebut akan berdampak positif bagi PGN. 

"Insya Allah memberikan positive value yang berkesinambungan buat seluruh Stakeholder bangsa Indonesia," ujarnya,

Namun, Danny tidak mau menyebut secara spesifik dampaknya terhadap bisnis pipa gas PGN. Dia juga masih enggan menyebut rencana kerja dan anggaran PGN untuk tahun 2018 ini jika aturan tersebut jadi diterapkan pada tahun ini. 

"Kalau Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) tunggu saja sebentar lagi Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) kan tanggal 25 Januari" ujarnya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Saturday 13, 2018

Thursday, January 18, 2018

PetroChina to invest $300m in Indonesia’s blocks

Oil firm PT PetroChina International Indonesia plans to invest at least US$300 million this year to further boost production in its oil and gas blocks in Java and Sumatra.

PetroChina chairman Gong Bencai

PetroChina chairman Gong Bencai said the investment would support the operation of existing blocks, including the Jabung block in Jambi, the Tuban block in East Java and Selat Panjang in Riau.

In addition to maintaining the production of the blocks, it would also be used to drill 16 new wells and finance the workovers of 17 active wells.

“For the past two years, we generally put an investment of around $300 million annually It’s safe to say that at least $300 million will be invested to support the operation of our current blocks,” Bencai told.

PetroChina, a subsidiary of China’s state-owned petroleum giant China National Petroleum Corporation, began operation in Indonesia in 2002. Indonesia was PetroChina’s destination for its first overseas project. PetroChina has already poured more than $5 billion in investment into the country and claimed to have paid $3 billion in taxes.

In total, it produces about 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd). Of the figure, the Jabung block, its largest operating block, generates 55,000 boepd. The company expected output from the Jabung block to increase by 5,000 boepd year-on-year (Yoy) to 60,000 boepd this year, Bencai said.

He said he hoped 2018 would be the harvest year for PetroChina because a number of wells drilled last year would begin their production.

“We call 2017 an effort year, while 2018 is a harvest year and 2019 a take-off year,” Bencai said.

With such planning, PetroChina would be able to “move forward at high speed” in 2020 and bring in around 80,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and around 600 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) of gas.

Besides exploring new wells, the company will also reactivate a number of small blocks that have been abandoned because of their economic un-viability, such as the Bangko block in Jambi.

“Under the new management, we will restart work on the Bangko block this year,” said Jabung’s general manager Yu Guoyi.

PetroChina expects to produce about 600 bopd from four old Workover wells, and 5 to 10 mmscfd of gas. Bencai added that PetroChina also intended to join the East Natuna project along with state-owned oil and gas company Pertamina following the withdrawal of United States oil giant ExxonMobil from the gas block last year.

the East Natuna block

“We actually have new technology in our research center, which can be used for the East Natuna block. As for this year, we will conduct a technology test on our Jabung Block, and we expect to see the results in the next few years,” he said.

In response to the implementation of the new production-sharing contract program, namely the gross-split program, PetroChina said it was quite enticing for investors given the tax relaxation and the Flexibility for companies to make decisions on their own.

“However, I hope the Indonesian government will improve the licensing process as it can take a year to obtain approval for one well,” said Bencai.

Under the gross-split scheme, oil and gas contractors will get a tax waiver during exploration stage, while also seeing operational costs of the exploration deducted from their income tax.

the Jakarta Post, Page-14, Friday, Jan 12, 2018

PetroChina to Work on Refinery Projects in Indonesia

In partnership with PT Pertamina (Persero), PetroChina Indonesia will work on an oil refinery (BBM) project in Indonesia. This step as well as the expansion of business where during this time PetroChina focus on upstream oil and gas projects. President of PetroChina Indonesia Gong Bencai said it is planning to enter the downstream business of oil and gas in Indonesia;

To that end, it will work with Pertamina, one of them to engage in refinery projects being worked on by the oil and gas company owned by the Government of Indonesia.

"Downstream experts from PetroChina headquarters will come next week to meet with Pertamina," he said.

Vice President of Supply Chain Management and Support Operations PetroChina Gusminar added that his side had discussions with the Pertamina team working on the mega processing project. From the discussion, the company called it to give PetroChina an opportunity to get involved in the refinery project being worked on.

"What is given to us is not the Bontang Refinery, there are several other refineries. We do not know the details yet, but there are several locations that are opened to us, such as the Dumai-Riau Refinery, "he said.

Pertamina said it was not refusing PetroChina's offer to engage in the construction of Bontang Refinery. However, Pertamina is still solving land and other problems related to the refinery project in East Kalimantan.

"So that from Pertamina is directed to the already clear project," added Gusminar.

As is known, Pertamina is working on six refinery projects at once, namely new units and capacity building and quality of existing refineries. Construction of two new units in Tuban-East Java and Bontang-East Kalimantan, and repair of four existing refineries spread across Balongan-West Java; Balikpapan-East Kalimantan; Dumai-Riau; and Cilacap-Central Java. The fund needed to complete this project is huge, at about US $ 30 billion.

The entire refinery project is targeted to be completed by 2025. Precisely, Balikpapan and Balongan Refinery are projected to be completed in 2021, followed by Cilacap and Tuban Refinery in 2024, and Bontang Refinery and Dumai Refinery in 2025. For Tuban Refinery, Pertamina has cooperated with Rosneft Oil Company in its construction. Meanwhile, in completing the Cilacap Refinery, the company cooperates with Saudi Aramco.

PetroChina is a big player in the processing business. In the official Iaman mentioned in 2011 and the company originating from China completed a number of large-scale processing and petrochemical projects. So now PetroChina has the ability to process crude oil up to 155 million tonnes.

Some of PetroChina's refinery projects are in the range of 10 million tons. First, PetroChina has a Liaoyang Petrochemical refinery project which is PetroChina's seventh refinery with a capacity of 10 million tons. Then, Fushun Petrochemical also has a processing capacity of 10 million tons.


PetroChina Akan Garap Proyek Kilang di Indonesia

Bekerja sama dengan PT Pertamina (Persero), PetroChina Indonesia akan menggarap proyek kilang bahan bakar minyak (BBM) di Indonesia. Langkah ini sekaligus perluasan bisnis di mana selama ini PetroChina fokus pada proyek hulu migas. Presiden PetroChina Indonesia Gong Bencai mengatakan, pihaknya memang berencana masuk ke bisnis hilir migas di Indonesia; 

Untuk itu, pihaknya akan bekerja sama dengan Pertamina, salah satunya untuk terlibat dalam proyek-proyek kilang yang sedang dikerjakan oleh perusahaan migas milik Pemerintah Indonesia.

“Ahli hilir dari kantor pusat Petrochina akan datang pada pekan depan untuk bertemu dengan Pertamina,” kata dia.
Vice President Supply Chain Management and Operations Support PetroChina Gusminar menambahkan, pihaknya sudah berdiskusi dengan tim Pertamina yang mengerjakan megaproyek pengolahan. Dari diskusi tersebut, perseroan disebutnya memberi kesempatan kepada PetroChina untuk terlibat dalam proyek kilang yang sedang dikerjakan.

“Yang diberikan kepada kami bukan Kilang Bontang, ada beberapa refinery lain. Kami belum tahu detailnya, tetapi ada beberapa lokasi yang di buka kepada kami, seperti Kilang Dumai-Riau,” ujarnya.

Pertamina dikatakannya bukan menolak tawaran PetroChina untuk terlibat dalam pembangunan Kilang Bontang. Namun, Pertamina masih menyelesaikan masalah lahan dan lainnya terkait proyek kilang di Kalimantan Timur itu.

“Sehingga dari Pertamina diarahkan pada proyek yang sudah clear dulu,” tambah Gusminar.

Seperti diketahui, Pertamina mengerjakan enam proyek kilang sekaligus, yaitu unit baru maupun peningkatan kapasitas dan kualitas dari kilang yang ada. Pembangunan dua unit baru di Tuban-Jawa Timur dan Bontang-Kalimantan Timur, serta perbaikan empat kilang eksisting yang tersebar di Balongan-Jawa Barat; Balikpapan-Kalimantan Timur; Dumai-Riau; serta Cilacap-Jawa Tengah.
Dana yang dibutuhkan untuk merampungkan proyek ini sangat besar, yakni sekitar US$ 30 miliar.

Seluruh proyek kilang ini ditargetkan selesai pada 2025. Tepatnya, Kilang Balikpapan dan Balongan diproyeksikan baru selesai pada 2021, disusul Kilang Cilacap dan Tuban pada 2024, serta Kilang Bontang dan Kilang Dumai pada 2025. Untuk Kilang Tuban, Pertamina telah menggandeng Rosneft Oil Company dalam pembangunannya. Sementara dalam merampungkan Kilang Cilacap, perseroan bekerja sama dengan Saudi Aramco.

PetroChina merupakan pemain besar di bisnis pengolahan. Dalam Iaman resminya disebutkan pada 2011 lalu perusahaan yang berasal dari Tiongkok merampungkan sejumlah proyek pengolahan dan petrokimia berkapasitas besar. Sehingga kini PetroChina memiliki kemampuan untuk mengolah minyak mentah hingga 155 juta ton.

Beberapa proyek kilang PetroChina ini berkapasitas di kisaran 10 juta ton. Pertama, PetroChina memiliki proyek kilang Liaoyang Petrochemical yang merupakan kilang ketujuh milik PetroChina dengan kapasitas 10 juta ton. Kemudian, Fushun Petrochemical juga memiliki kapasitas pengolahan sebesar 10 juta ton.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Jan 12, 2018