The dynamics of the debate on the formation of holding State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) of the oil and gas sector entered a new phase. This happened after the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting (RUPSLB) of PT Perusahaan Gas as a holding member of State-owned oil and gas company, agreed to PT. Pertamina Gas (PGAS) entered as a holding member.
The government is targeting the formation of state-owned oil and gas enterprises, especially the change in PGN status to become one of Pertamina's subsidiaries, in the next 2 months. As usual, the SOE Ministry claims, the holding formation aims for SOEs and subsidiaries to be more efficient and competitive.
The certainty of holding a state-owned oil and gas company is still waiting for the legal basis in the form of government regulation approved by President Joko Widodo. After the legal provisions are established, Pertamina as the holding leader will conduct a general meeting of shareholders (GMS).
Based on the previous record, one of the crucial points in EGMS PGAS is that 77.8% of shareholders agree that the company is a member of the holding company of BUMN oil and gas. That is, in principle shareholders agree PGAS will become a subsidiary of Penamjna and release the status of the company.
In the EGM also there is no inauguration of PGAS's share taking by Pertamina. The reason, it requires legal protection of the Government Regulation Holding BUMN Migas, followed by the AGM Pertamina as the holding company.
As is known, the establishment of a number of state-owned companies have actually started since several years ago. After holding state-owned cement and manure-owned enterprises, the SOE Ministry is now planning to establish other holding companies including oil and gas and mining companies.
The presence of Government Regulation No.72 / 2016 provides another legal umbrella for holding formation. The regulation, at least underscoring three things: to reinforce the implementation of state-owned holding companies, to increase government control over state-owned holding companies, and not to regulate the privatization of state-owned enterprises.
SOE Minister Rini Soemarno said that through Government Regulation no. 72/2016, government supervision of the holding subsidiary of SOE is not lost. Due to the change of directors and commissioners as well as changes to the articles of association must remain under the supervision of the Ministry of SOEs.
Rini states, as ultimate shareholders the government is obliged to maintain the continuity of the subsidiary as a development agent and a profit maker. The formation of holding aims for the subsidiary pertamina can be sustainable and efficient.
It is legitimate if the government encourages PGN to become a subsidiary of Pertamina on the grounds of efficiency and business continuity. With 100% ownership in the government, Pertamina is very eligible to become the holding company of oil and gas.
The state-owned oil and gas company BUMN, particularly the gas business line, is also claimed to refine gas governance to provide efficiency to gas users. because Pertamina also has a gas business that is intersecting with PGN.
PGN can take over Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), whereas Pertamina can take over a subsidiary of PGN, PT Saka Energia Indonesia, which owns upstream oil and gas business line. The government has also formed the Implementation Team of Holding BUMN Migas.
Nicke Widyawati
Nicke Widyawati, Human Resources Director of PT Pertamina as well as Head of Implementation Team of Holding of BUMN Migas, said that there are five sub-elements that will detail further scheme of formation of holding of BUMN oil and gas.
First, Mission Vision Team tasked to map the structure of Holding BUMN Migas and subholding. Second, the Operations Team to map business process mechanisms between companies within the holding.
Third, the Transaction Team explaining the integration of PGAS and Pertamina. One of them is the transfer scheme of Pertagas, a subsidiary of Pertamina, to PGAS.
"One of the tasks of the Transaction Team is to create a scheme on how to integrate Pertagas into PGN. What kind of shape, how much value, how the planned capital expenditure / capital spending in the future that is integrated. "
Fourth, Communication Team and fifth, the HR Team to make HR management from all companies and subsidiaries involved in holding can work more optimally.
"Can not give detail information about the progress of the fifth subtimes. The clear target is the end of March 2018 is complete, "said Nicke Widyawati.
The stormy news of holding state-owned oil and gas sector should be able to answer the questions of industry players and the public. Is it true that PGN's joining Pertamina will make better gas governance affecting cheaper gas prices? Is it very urgent PGN to become a subsidiary of Pertamina?
First, Mission Vision Team tasked to map the structure of Holding BUMN Migas and subholding. Second, the Operations Team to map business process mechanisms between companies within the holding.
Third, the Transaction Team explaining the integration of PGAS and Pertamina. One of them is the transfer scheme of Pertagas, a subsidiary of Pertamina, to PGAS.
"One of the tasks of the Transaction Team is to create a scheme on how to integrate Pertagas into PGN. What kind of shape, how much value, how the planned capital expenditure / capital spending in the future that is integrated. "
Fourth, Communication Team and fifth, the HR Team to make HR management from all companies and subsidiaries involved in holding can work more optimally.
"Can not give detail information about the progress of the fifth subtimes. The clear target is the end of March 2018 is complete, "said Nicke Widyawati.
The stormy news of holding state-owned oil and gas sector should be able to answer the questions of industry players and the public. Is it true that PGN's joining Pertamina will make better gas governance affecting cheaper gas prices? Is it very urgent PGN to become a subsidiary of Pertamina?
Preparation for improved gas trading management has been submitted by President Director of Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Jobi Triananda Hasjim. According to him, after the integration with Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), the company's expansion space will become easier.
And again, the number of PGN networks could grow to about 10,000 kilometers (km). The length of PGN Network after integration with Pertagas was calculated by looking at the current position of PGN network about 7,500 km, while for the subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) it is about 3,000 km.
"Later when it is integrated with Pertagas, we can work together for the Duri-Dumai network more simply. Because the transmission and distribution network is integrated, "he said.
Separately, an energy observer from Gadjah Mada University (UCM) Fahmi Radi said there is no immediate urgency for the government and the parties to form a holding of oil and gas SOEs. The current requirement is the establishment of a state-owned mine to take over Freeport shares.
According to him, the state-owned oil and gas BUMN holding scheme, Asset Participation (inbreng) is not appropriate because the government forced PGN to join Pertamina. In fact, the two companies are two different business entities that should not be arbitrary.
"As long as the Government Regulation has not been issued yet, it can still change," he said.
Fahmi argues that the government should use a bottom up approach that begins by combining similar subsidiaries such as PGN and Pertagas before they enter the holding. PGN and Pertagas often compete to make in-efficiency in building pipelines.
Holding, he argues, is a necessity when PGN and Pertagas infrastructure can be integrated. If the integration of infrastructure runs sooner or later it will take shape. The holding protection may also be a new company so that PGN and Pertamina do not feel superior.
"If the Asset Investment Scheme (inbreng), Pertagas subsidiary Pertamina more special than PGN because PGN can not refuse and it can be a problem so there is no need to hurry," he added.
Fahmi said, the government should learn from the process of forming the holding of Cement Indonesia. Holding the state-owned cement takes years to match the vision, culture and other internal factors before it can expand.
According to him, with the process that goes so far, it is very difficult to avoid perceptions that saw Pertamina really want to take over PGN. Because it has been since a few years ago Pertamina really wanted to take PGN.
"Holding is indeed making Pertamina assets increased and then can seek debt. However, it is too naive if the holding is only to find debt, "he added.
Fahmi continued, the integration of gas infrastructure owned by PGN and Pertagas can become one of the entry entries of BUMN oil and gas. The reason, President Jokowi since last year has asked to reduce gas prices.
As is known, through Presidential Regulation No.40 / 2016 on Gas Pricing, the government regulates the industrial gas price of US $ 6 per MMBtu. The price is an economic figure for industry players, especially fertilizer, petrochemical, oleochemical, steel, ceramic, glass and gloves industries.
Unfortunately, the price determination is still difficult teralisasi because of various obstacles. Currently industry players enjoy gas in kisarasan above US $ 6 per MMBtu so that demand for gas price decline continues to strengthen.
Chairman of the Forum of Natural Gas User Industry (FIPGB) Achmad Safiun said that the enlargement of business scale after the formation of holding company will make PT Pertamina (Persero) become the holding leader.
Meanwhile, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk. and PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) as subholding concentrate on internal fixing first.
"We do not expect much, bigger will be more complicated," he explained.
He said the gas issue for the industry could only be solved if the President ordered his staff to comply with the Presidential Regulation set since 2016. Encouraging the gas industry to be more effective becomes the government's goal while holding may be one way.
Determination of holding form of BUMN oil and gas currently has been in the Presidential Palace. The establishment of state-owned oil and gas holding does not automatically reduce the price of gas because it takes time to fix the internal. On the other hand, allowing government milk companies to compete with each other and inefficiencies are also inappropriate.
Menunggu Perintah Dari Istana Presiden
Dinamika perdebatan pembentukan holding Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) sektor minyak dan gas memasuki babak baru. Hal itu terjadi setelah Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) PT Perusahan Gas sebagai anggota holding BUMN migas Negara Tbk., sepakat agar PT. Pertamina Gas (PGAS) masuk sebagai anggota holding.
Pemerintah menargetkan pembentukan holding BUMN migas khususnya perubahan status PGN menjadi salah satu anak usaha Pertamina selesai dalam 2 bulan ke depan. Seperti biasa, Kementerian BUMN mengklaim, pembentukan holding bertujuan agar BUMN dan anak usaha lebih efisien serta kompetitif.
Kepastian pembentukan holding BUMN migas masih menunggu landasan hukum berupa peraturan pemerintah yang disetujui Presiden Joko Widodo. Setelah ketetapan hukum ditetapkan, Pertamina selaku pemimpin holding akan melakukan rapat umum pemegang saham (RUPS).
Berdasarkan catatan sebelumnya, salah satu poin krusial pada RUPSLB PGAS adalah sebanyak 77,8% pemegang saham setuju agar perusahaan menjadi anggota induk usaha BUMN migas. Artinya, secara prinsip pemegang saham setuju PGAS akan menjadi anak usaha Penamjna dan melepaskan status perseroan.
Dalam RUPSLB tersebut juga tidak ada peresmian pengambilan saham PGAS oleh Pertamina. Pasalnya, hal itu membutuhkan perlindungan hukum Peraturan Pemerintah Holding BUMN Migas, yang dilanjutkan dengan RUPS Pertamina sebagai induk usaha.
Seperti diketahui, pembentukan holding sejumlah BUMN sebenarnya telah dimulai sejak beberapa tahun lalu. Setelah holding BUMN semen dan BUMN pupuk, kini Kementerian BUMN beurpaya untuk membentuk holding lain termasuk BUMN migas dan tambang.
Kehadiran Peraturan Pemerintah No.72/2016 memberikan payung hukum lainnya untuk pembentukan holding. Peraturan tersebut, sedikitnya menggaris bawahi tiga hal yakni mempertegas pelaksanaan holding BUMN, meningkatkan kontrol pemerintah terhadap perusahaan holding BUMN, dan tidak mengatur privatisasi BUMN.
Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno mengatakan bahwa melalui Peraturan Pemerintah No. 72/2016, pengawasan pemerintah terhadap anak usaha holding BUMN tidak hilang. Disebabkan pergantian direksi dan komisaris serta perubahan anggaran dasar harus tetap di bawah pengawasan Kementerian BUMN.
Rini menyatakan, sebagai ultimate shareholders pemerintah berkewajiban untuk menjaga kelangsungan anak usaha itu sebagai agen pembangunan maupun pencetak laba. Pembentukan holding bertujuan agar anak usaha pertamina dapat sustain dan efisien.
Sah-sah saja jika pemerintah mendorong PGN untuk menjadi anak usaha Pertamina dengan alasan efisiensi dan kelangsungan usaha. Dengan 100% kepemilikan berada pada pemerintah, Pertamina sangat layak untuk menjadi induk holding migas.
Holding BUMN migas khususnya lini bisnis gas juga diklaim bertujuan merapikan kembali tata kelola gas untuk memberikan efisiensi kepada pengguna gas. karena Pertamina juga memiliki usaha gas yang beririsan dengan PGN.
PGN dapat mengambil alih Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), sebaliknya Pertamina dapat mengambil alih anak usaha PGN, PT Saka Energia Indonesia yang memiliki lini bisnis hulu migas. Pemerintah pun telah membentuk Tim Implementasi Holding BUMN Migas.
Nicke Widyawati, Direktur SDM PT Pertamina sekaligus Kepala Tim Implementasi Holding BUMN Migas, mengatakan bahwa terdapat lima subtim yang akan mendetailkan lebih lanjut skema pembentukan holding BUMN migas.
Pertama, Tim Visi Misi yang bertugas memetakan struktur Holding BUMN Migas dan subholding. Kedua, Tim Operasi untuk membuat peta mekanisme proses bisnis antara perusahaan di dalam holding.
Ketiga, Tim Transaksi yang menjelaskan integrasi PGAS dan Pertamina. Salah satunya ialah skema pengalihan Pertagas, anak usaha Pertamina, kepada PGAS.
“Salah satu tugas Tim Transaksi ialah membuat skema bagaimana integrasi Pertagas ke PGN. Bentuknya seperti apa, nilainya berapa, bagaimana rencana capital expenditure/belanja modal ke depan yang terintegrasi."
Keempat, Tim Komunikasi dan kelima, Tim SDM untuk membuat pengelolaan SDM dari seluruh perusahaan dan anak usaha yang terlibat dalam holding dapat bekerja lebih optimal.
“Belum bisa beri informasi detail progres kelima subtim tadi. Yang jelas target ialah akhir Maret 2018 selesai,” kata Nicke Widyawati.
Kabar Ramainya pemberitaan holding BUMN sektor migas seharusnya bisa menjawab pertanyaan pelaku industri dan masyarakat. Benarkah bergabungnya PGN ke Pertamina akan membuat tata kelola gas menjadi lebih baik yang berdampak pada harga gas yang lebih murah? Apakah sudah sangat urgent PGN menjadi anak usaha Pertamina?
Persiapan untuk pengelolaan tata niaga gas yang lebih baik sudah disampaikan oleh Direktur Utama Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Jobi Triananda Hasjim. Menurutnya, setelah integrasi dengan Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), ruang ekspansi perseroan akan semakin lebih mudah.
Dan lagi, jumlah jaringan PGN bisa bertambah menjadi sekitar 10.000 kilometer (km). Panjang Jaringan PGN setelah integrasi dengan Pertagas itu dihitung dengan melihat posisi jaringan PGN saat ini sekitar 7.500 km, sedangkan untuk anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero) itu sekitar 3.000 km.
“Nanti kalau sudah integrasi dengan Pertagas, kami bisa kerja sama untuk jaringan Duri-Dumai dengan lebih sederhana. Karena jaringan transmisi dan distribusi sudah terintegrasi,” ujarnya.
Secara terpisah, pengamat energi dari Universitas Gadjah Mada (UCM) Fahmi Radi mengatakan, tidak ada urgensi untuk sesegera mungkin bagi pemerintah dan para pihak membentuk holding BUMN migas. Kebutuhan saat ini ialah pembentukan holding BUMN tambang untuk mengambil alih saham Freeport.
Menurutnya, skema holding BUMN migas yang diusulkan pemerintah yakni Penyertaan Aset (inbreng) kurang tepat karena pemerintah memaksa PGN untuk bergabung ke Pertamina. Padahal, kedua perusahaan merupakan dua entitas bisnis yang berbeda sehingga tidak boleh sembarangan.
“Selama Peraturan Pemerintah belum keluar belum sah, jadi putusan itu masih bisa berubah,” ujarnya.
Fahmi berpendapat, pemerintah seharusnya menggunakan pendekatan bottom up yang diawali dengan menggabungkan anak usaha yang sejenis seperti PGN dan Pertagas sebelum mereka masuk ke holding. PGN dan Pertagas sering bersaing sehingga membuat in-efisiensi dalam membangun jaringan pipa.
Holding, menurutnya, merupakan keniscyaaan ketika infrastruktur PGN dan Pertagas bisa terintegrasi. Jika integrasi infrastruktur berjalan holding cepat atau lambat akan terbentuk. Perlindungan holding itu bisa juga suatu perusahaan baru sehingga PGN maupun Pertamina tidak merasa lebih superior.
“Kalau skema Penyertaan Aset (inbreng), Pertagas anak usaha Pertamina lebih istimewa dibandingkan dengan PGN karena PGN tidak bisa menolak dan itu bisa menjadi masalah sehingga tidak perlu terburu-buru,” tambahnya.
Fahmi menuturkan, pemerintah seharusnya belajar dari proses pembentukan holding Semen Indonesia. Holding BUMN semen tersebut membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun untuk bisa menyamakan visi, budaya dan faktor internal lainnya sebelum bisa melakukan ekspansi.
Menurutnya, dengan proses yang berjalan sejauh ini, sangat sulit menghidari persepsi yang melihat Pertamina sangat ingin mengambil alih PGN. Karena sudah sejak beberapa tahun lalu Pertamina memang sangat ingin mengambil PGN.
“Holding memang membuat aset Pertamina bertambah kemudian bisa mencari utang. Namun, terlalu naif kalau holding hanya untuk cari utang," tambahnya.
Fahmi melanjutkan, integrasi infrastruktur gas milik PGN dan Pertagas dapat menjadi salah satu pintu masuk holding BUMN migas. Pasalnya, Presiden Jokowi sejak tahun lalu telah meminta untuk menurunkan harga gas.
Seperti diketahui, melalui Peraturan Presiden No.40/2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi, pemerintah mengatur harga gas industri sebesar US$6 per MMBtu. Harga tersebut menjadi angka ekonomis bagi pelaku industri khususnya industri pupuk, petrokimia, oleokimia, baja, keramik, kaca, dan sarung tangan.
Sayangnya, ketetapan harga tersebut masih sulit teralisasi kerena berbagai kendala. Saat ini pelaku industri menikmati gas pada kisarasan di atas US$6 per MMBtu sehingga permintaan penurunan harga gas terus menguat.
Ketua Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi (FIPGB) Achmad Safiun mengatakan bahwa membesarnya skala bisnis setelah pembentukan induk usaha akan membuat PT Pertamina (Persero) menjadi pemimpin holding.
Adapun, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk. dan PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) sebagai subholding berkonsentrasi membenahi internalnya terlebih dahulu.
“Kami tidak berharap banyak, lebih besar jadinya lebih rumit,” paparnya.
Dia mengatakan, persoalan gas untuk industri hanya dapat diselesaikan jika Presiden memerintahkan jajarannya mematuhi Peraturan Presiden yang sudah ditetapkan sejak 2016. Mendorong industri gas agar lebih efektif menjadi tujuan pemerintah sedangkan holding bisa saja menjadi salah satu caranya.
Penetapan pembentukan holding BUMN migas saat ini telah berada di Istana Presiden. Pembentukan holding BUMN migas tentu tidak otomatis menurunkan harga gas karena butuh waktu untuk membenahi internal. Pada sisi lain, membiarkanya perusahaan milk pemerintah saling bersaing dan inefisiensi juga tidak tepat.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-10, Tuesday, Jan 30, 2018