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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

32 EMR Regulation Delete

    The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) revoked 32 regulations to increase investment in this sector. For the oil and gas sector, for example, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources targets an increase in investment of 67.38% to US $ 17.04 billion or around Rp 228.9 trillion this year.

    ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan said, according to President Joko Widodo's direction, his side is trying to encourage investment to support economic growth and job creation. The reason, although macro indicators continue to improve, the national economic growth is still at 5.2% level.


"This (economic growth) to be higher, one of them by reducing licensing, reducing regulations that are seen to encourage business activities and investing, especially from the business sector for the longer the better," said Jonan.

    He explained that in total there are 32 regulations in ESDM sector revoked. There are 11 regulations in the oil and gas sector, 4 electrical regulations, 7 mineral and coal regulations (minerba), 7 New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) regulations, and 3 regulations of the Special Operations Unit for Upstream Business Activities Oil and Gas (SKK Migas). As a result, many licenses based on these rules will be removed.

"This will continue to be done, not just 32 regulations. Maybe in the next 1-2 weeks will be reduced again so that the longer the business activities the better, "said Jonan.

    Secretary General concurrently Acting Director General of Oil and Gas Directorate General of ESDM Ego Syahrial explains, there are three principles that it holds in revoking the rules. First, for matters of the nature of the Constitution (the Constitution), will not be revoked. Secondly, all security-related regulations will also not be revoked. Thirdly, Regulations on governance will also be maintained.

"Beyond that, which is not relevant to the development, Zaman, which allegedly has been hindering the business world to get permission and so on, we pull out," he said.

    In the oil and gas sector, some regulations are revoked because they are irrelevant or there are new regulations governing the details. Some of these regulations, namely Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation 8/2005 have been regulated in more detail in Ministerial Regulation 52/2017, 44/2005 and Ministerial Regulation 26/2006 has been updated in detail in Presidential Regulation 191/2014, Ministerial Regulation 22/2008 has been regulated in detail in Government Regulation 27/2017, and Ministerial Regulation 22/2016 is included in Ministerial Regulation 35/2016.

    However, there are regulations that are revoked. Some of these regulations are Ministerial Regulation 51/2017 on the Guidance and Governance of State Property on Upstream Oil and Gas Activities and Ministerial Regulation 2/2008 on. Implementation of Obligation of Fulfillment of Domestic Oil and Gas Needs by Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS).

"In addition to revoked (regulations), in a week we will try to simplify the six regulations into three," said Ego.
The same is true in the minerals and coal sectors. According to the Director General of Minerba Bambang Gatot, Minister of Mining and Energy Decree 2555.K / 1993, 1614/2004, 134.K / 201 / MPE / 1996, and 2202.K / 201 / MPE / 1994 revoked because it is irrelevant and has been replaced become Ministerial Regulation 34/2017 on Licensing of Mineral and Coal Field.

    Subsequently, the Decree of the Minister of Mining and Energy 135.K / 201 / MPE / 1996, 103.K / 008 / MPE / 1994, and 620.K / 008 / MPE / 1994 was revoked in light of new regulations. Furthermore, it will also simplify some rules, namely by combining or eliminating certain regulations.

"At least another week, maybe we will issue a Ministerial Regulation upstream, which is more or less to remove the six rules," he said.

    In EBTKE sector, Director General of EBTKE Rida Mulyana said, four regulations were revoked because they are no longer relevant to be implemented. These four regulations are Regulation of the Minister of EMR 13/2013, 14/2016, 11/2009, and 18/2012. While the three Ministerial Regulations, namely Minister Regulation 19/2015, 19/2016, and 21/2016 revoked because it has been issued Ministerial Regulation 50/2017.

"For Ministerial Regulation 11/2009 and 18/2012 will be accommodated in the Ministerial Regulation of the amendment," said Rida.

    While in the electricity sector, four regulations are revoked because there is already Law no. 30 of 2009 which regulates it. These four regulations are Regulation of the Minister of Mines and Energy 03.P / 451 / M. PE / 1991 and 02.P / 451 / M.PE / 1991, and Minister of EMR Regulation 33/2008 and 04 / 2012. Previously, 11 regulations in the electricity sector have been revoked.

    Next, in the SKK Migas environment, the three regulations that were revoked were the Governance Regulation (PTK) 12/2007, 13/2007, and 37/2017.


    Contacted separately, the Chairman of Indonesia Mining Institute Irwandy Arif hopes the mining process will run better with the elimination or merging of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation. He mentioned a number of regulations related to the Contract of Work (CoW) and Working Agreement on Coal Mining Concession (PKP2B) is no longer relevant. The reason is, there is a contract amendment has been signed.

"The most important thing is the implementation of the regulation (de facto) with its own rules (de jure) must be appropriate and timely," he said.

    Meanwhile, Daily Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Private Electric Manufacturers (APLSI) Arthur Simatupang said, it is still reviewing a number of ministerial regulations ESDM. However, he has not disclosed any rules. Later, the results of the study will be submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"We want to propose some input," he said.

Oil and Gas Investment

    The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources targets oil and gas sector investment this year to reach US $ 17.04 billion, up 67.38 percent from last year's realization of US $ 10.18 billion. Significant increase occurred in downstream oil and gas from US $ 845.58 million to US $ 2.59 billion.

    Ego Syahrial previously acknowledged that the realization of investment in the oil and gas sector is at its lowest point in 2017, due to falling crude oil prices. However, this year, oil and gas investment is expected to return the same as in 2014-2015. The realization of oil and gas investment reached US $ 20.72 billion in 2015 and fell to US $ 17.38 billion in 2014.

"In 2018, we plan upstream and downstream oil and gas investment of US $ 17.04 billion, returning to the level in 2014-2015," he said.

    Meanwhile, the government set five companies as the winners of the 15 oil and gas block auction 2017 period using the production sharing contract (PSC) for gross split for the first time.

    From this auction, the government obtained the first three year investment commitment of US $ 23.6 million. Deputy Minister of EMR Arcandra Tahar said many companies still have doubts about the gross split PSC. Some companies even ask for time to discuss these new scheme contracts together including large corporations. However, through this auction is seen there are oil and gas companies interested in doing business with gross split scheme.

"There are five companies that declare interest to run the business in the oil and gas industry of Indonesia," said Arcandra after the announcement of the winning bidder of oil and gas blocks in Jakarta.

    The gross split mechanism applies to new contracts or extended contracts. Thus, old contracts still use cost recovery mechanism.

    Pertamina became the first company to use gross splits last year for the ONWJ oil and gas block because the coincidence of his contract expired last year and extended. This is also an example for other companies. Then, this year there are five winners of oil and gas auction which will use gross split mechanism because of new contract. So, in total there are 6 companies that have used gross split.

    Ego Syahrial explains, until the deadline of the submission of the bidding document, there are seven competing that writes five blocks of oil and gas. The main competition for the Andaman Block ll, where there are three companies fighting over it.

"The total commitment value of the five oil and gas blocks is US $ 23.6 million. While the signature bonuses obtained US $ 3.25 million, "he said.

    The Andaman II Block was won by Premier Oil Consortium Far East Ltd, Kriss Energy (Andaman Il) BY and Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman Il JSA) Ltd. Mubadala pledged the first three-year commitment to 3D G & G and 3D seismic activities totaling 1,850 square kilometers (km2) worth US $ 7.55 million. While the signature bonus is given US $ 1 million.

Next, the Andaman Block won by Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd with a definite investment commitment of US $ 2.15 million and a signature bonus of US $ 750 thousand. Furthermore, the Merak-Lampung Block was won by PT Tansri Madjid Energi which promised an investment of US $ 1.32 million and a signature bonus of US $ 500 thousand.

    Meanwhile PT Saka Energy won the Pekawai Block and West Yamdena. In Pekawai, Saka Energi promised an investment commitment of US $ 10.45 million and a signature bonus of US $ 500 thousand. While in West Yamdena, investment commitment to be spent of US $ 2.1 million and a signature bonus of US $ 500 thousand. Ego explained, the signing of the PSC with the five winners will be done as soon as possible.

"Usually within 14 days after they receive," he said.


32 Peraturan ESDM Dicabut

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mencabut 32 peraturan untuk menaikkan investasi di sektor ini. Untuk sektor migas, misalnya, Kementerian ESDM menargetkan kenaikan investasi sebesar 67,38% menjadi US$ 17,04 miliar atau sekitar Rp 228,9 triliun pada tahun ini.

    Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, sesuai arahan Presiden Joko Widodo, pihaknya berupaya mendorong investasi untuk  mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi dan penciptaan lapangan kerja. Pasalnya, meski indikator makro terus membaik, pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional masih bertahan di level 5,2%.

“Ini (pertumbuhan ekonomi) agar bisa lebih tinggi, salah satunya dengan mengurangi perizinan, mengurangi peraturan yang dipandang bisa mendorong kegiatan berusaha dan berinvestasi, terutama dari sektor usaha agar makin lama makin baik,” kata Jonan.

    Dia menjelaskan, total terdapat 32 peraturan di sektor ESDM yang dicabut. Rinciannya, sebanyak 11 peraturan di sektor minyak dan gas bumi (migas), 4 peraturan kelistrikan, 7 peraturan mineral dan batubara (minerba) , 7 peraturan Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi (EBTKE), dan 3 peraturan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas (SKK Migas).

    Dampaknya, banyak perizinan yang didasari atas peraturan-peraturan tersebut akan dihapus.

“Ini akan terus dilakukan, bukan hanya 32 peraturan. Mungkin dalam 1-2 minggu lagi akan dikurangi lagi supaya semakin lama kegiatan usaha itu semakin baik,” jelas Jonan.

    Sekretaris Jenderal merangkap Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial menjelaskan, terdapat tiga prinsip yang dipegang pihaknya dalam mencabut peraturan. Pertama, untuk hal-hal yang sifatnya amanat Undang-Undang Dasar (UUD) , tidak akan dicabut. Kedua, seluruh peraturan yang terkait keamanan juga tidak akan dicabut. Ketiga, Regulasi tentang governance juga akan dipertahankan.

“Di luar itu, yang sifatnya sudah tidak relevan dengan perkembangan, Zaman, yang ditengarai selama ini menghambat dunia usaha untuk mendapat izin dan lain sebagainya, kami cabut,” kata dia.

    Di sektor migas, beberapa peraturan dicabut karena sudah tidak relevan atau ada peraturan baru yang mengatur lebih detail. Beberapa regulasi ini yakni Peraturan Menteri ESDM 8/2005 sudah diatur lebih rinci dalam Peraturan Menteri 52/2017, 44/2005 dan Peraturan Menteri 26/2006 telah diperbarui dengan detail dalam Peraturan Presiden 191/2014, Peraturan Menteri 22/2008 telah diatur dengan rinci dalam Peraturan Pemerintah 27/2017, serta Peraturan Menteri 22/2016 masuk dalam Peraturan Menteri 35/2016.

    Meski demikian, ada regulasi yang memang dicabut saja. Beberapa regulasi ini adalah Peraturan Menteri 51/2017 tentang Pembinaan dan Tata Kelola Barang Milik Negara pada Kegiatan Hulu Migas dan Peraturan Menteri 2/2008 tentang. Pelaksanaan Kewajiban Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Migas Dalam Negeri oleh Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS).

“Selain dicabut (peraturan-peraturan), dalam seminggu kami akan usahakan sederhanakan enam peraturan menjadi tigas,” tutur Ego. 

Hal yang sama juga terjadi di sektor mineral dan batubara. Menurut Direktur Jenderal Minerba Bambang Gatot, Keputusan Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi 2555.K/1993, 1614/2004, 134.K/201/MPE/ 1996, dan 2202.K/201/MPE/ 1994 dicabut karena sudah tidak relevan dan telah diganti menjadi Peraturan Menteri 34/2017 tentang Perizinan Bidang mineral dan batubara.

    Berikutnya, Keputusan Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi 135.K/201/MPE/ 1996, 103.K/ 008/ MPE/ 1994, dan 620.K/ 008/ MPE/ 1994 dicabut mengingat sudah ada regulasi baru. Selanjutnya, pihaknya juga akan menyederhanakan beberapa peraturan, yakni dengan menggabungkan atau menghilangkan regulasi tertentu.

“Paling lama seminggu lagi, mungkin kami akan menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri yang bagian hulu, yang kurang lebih menghapus enam peraturan,” ujar dia.

    Di sektor EBTKE, Direktur Jenderal EBTKE Rida Mulyana menuturkan, empat peraturan dicabut karena tidak relevan lagi untuk diimplementasikan. Keempat regulasi ini adalah Peraturan Menteri ESDM 13/2013, 14/2016, 11/2009, dan 18/2012. Sementara tiga Peraturan Menteri, yakni Peraturan Menteri 19/2015, 19/2016, dan 21/2016 dicabut karena sudah diterbitkan Peraturan Menteri 50/ 2017.

“Untuk Peraturan Menteri 11/2009 dan 18/2012 nanti akan diakomodir di Peraturan Menteri perubahannya,” kata Rida.

    Sementara di sektor kelistrikan, empat peraturan dicabut karena sudah ada Undang-Undang No. 30 Tahun 2009 yang mengaturnya. Keempat regulasi ini adalah Peraturan Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi 03.P/451/M. PE/1991 dan 02.P/451/M.PE/1991, serta Peraturan Menteri ESDM 33/2008 dan 04/ 2012. Sebelumnya, 11 peraturan di sektor kelistrikan telah dicabut.

Berikutnya, di lingkungan SKK Migas, tiga regulasi yang dicabut adalah Peraturan Tata Kelola (PTK) 12/ 2007, 13/ 2007, serta 37/ 2017.

Lebih Baik

    Dihubungi terpisah, Ketua Indonesia Mining Institute lrwandy Arif berharap proses pertambangan berjalan lebih baik dengan adanya penghapusan maupun penggabungan Peraturan Menteri ESDM. Dia menyebut sejumlah peraturan terkait Kontrak Karya (KK) dan Perjanjian Karya Pengusahaan Pertambangan Batubara (PKP2B) memang sudah tidak relevan lagi. Pasalnya, sudah ada amendemen kontrak yang telah ditandatangani.

“Yang paling penting adalah implementasi peraturan tersebut (de facto) dengan peraturannya sendiri (de jure) harus sesuai dan tepat waktu,” ujar dia.

    Sementara itu, Ketua Harian Asosiasi Produsen Listrik Swasta Indonesia (APLSI) Arthur Simatupang menuturkan, pihaknya masih mengkaji sejumlah peraturan menteri ESDM. Namun, dia belum membeberkan peraturan mana saja. Nantinya, hasil kajian tersebut akan diserahkan ke Kementerian ESDM.

“Kita ingin propose beberapa masukan,” ujarnya.

Investasi Migas

    Kementerian ESDM menargetkan investasi sektor minyak dan gas bumi tahun ini mencapai US$ 17,04 miliar, naik 67,38% dari realisasi tahun lalu sebesar US$ 10,18 miliar. Kenaikan signifikan terjadi di hilir migas dari US$ 845,58 juta menjadi US$ 2,59 miliar.

    Ego Syahrial sebelumnya mengakui, realisasi investasi sektor migas berada di titik terendah pada 2017, karena jatuhnya harga minyak mentah. Namun, pada tahun ini, investasi migas diharapkan kembali sama seperti pada 2014-2015. Realisasi investasi migas tercatat mencapai US$ 20,72 miliar pada 2015 dan turun menjadi US$ 17,38 miliar pada 2014.

“Di 2018 ini, kami rencanakan investasi hulu dan hilir migas sebesar US$ 17,04 miliar, kembali ke level pada 2014-2015 lalu,” kata dia.

    Sementara itu, pemerintah menetapkan lima perusahaan sebagai pemenang dari lelang 15 blok migas periode 2017 yang menggunakan skema kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) bagi hasil kotor (gross split) untuk pertama kalinya.

    Dari lelang ini, pemerintah memperoleh komitmen investasi tiga tahun pertama sebesar US$ 23,6 juta. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, banyak perusahaan yang masih memiliki keraguan dengan PSC gross split. Beberapa perusahaan bahkan sampai meminta waktu untuk mendiskusikan kontrak skema baru ini bersama-sama termasuk perusahaan besar. Meski demikian, melalui lelang ini terlihat terdapat perusahaan migas yang tertarik berbisnis dengan skema gross split.

“Ada lima perusahaan yang menyatakan berminat untuk menjalankan bisnis di industri migas lndonesia," kata Arcandra usai pengumuman pemenang lelang blok migas di Jakarta.

    Mekanisme gross split diterapkan untuk kontrak baru atau kontrak yangg diperpanjang. Jadi, kontrak-kontrak lama masih memakai mekanisme cost recovery.

    Pertamina menjadi perusahaan pertama yang menggunakan gross split tahun lalu untuk blok migas ONWJ karena kebetulan kontraknya habis tahun lalu dan diperpanjang. Ini sekaligus menjadi contoh bagi perusahaan lain. Lalu, tahun ini ada lima pemenang lelang migas yang akan menggunakan mekanisme gross split karena kontrak baru. Sehingga, total ada 6 perusahaan yang sudah menggunakan gross split.

    Ego Syahrial menjelaskan, sampai batas akhir pemasukkan dokumen penawaran, terdapat tujuh bersaing yang memperbutkan lima blok migas. Persaingan utamanya untuk Blok Andaman ll, di mana terdapat tiga perusahaan yang memperebutkannya.

“Total nilai komitinen pasti dari kelima blok migas yang dimenangkan yakni US$ 23,6 juta. Sementara bonus tanda tangan yang diperoleh US$ 3,25 juta,” ujarnya.

    Blok Andaman II dimenangkan oleh Konsorsium Premier Oil Far East Ltd, Kriss Energy (Andaman Il) BY dan Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman Il JSA) Ltd. Mubadala menjanjikan komitmen pasti tiga tahun pertama berupa kegiatan G&G dan seismik 3D seluas 1.850 kilometer persegi (km2) senilai US$ 7,55 juta. Sementara bonus tanda tangan yang diberikan US$ 1 juta.

    Berikutnya, Blok Andaman l dimenangkan oleh Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd dengan komitmen pasti investasi US$ 2,15 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 750 ribu. Selanjutnya, Blok Merak-Lampung dimenangkan oleh PT Tansri Madjid Energi yang menjanjikan investasi US$ 1,32 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500 ribu.

    Sementara PT Saka Energi memenangkan Blok Pekawai dan West Yamdena. Di Pekawai, Saka Energi menjanjikan komitmen investasi US$ 10,45 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500 ribu. Sedangkan di West Yamdena, komitmen investasi yang akan dikeluarkan sebesar US$ 2,1 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500 ribu. Ego menjelaskan, penandatanganan PSC dengan kelima pemenang akan dilakukan sesegera mungkin.

“Bisanya dalam waktu 14 hari setelah mereka terima,” tutur dia.

Investor Daily, Page-1, Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018

Deregulation of ESDM Fun the President

A number of regulations revoked by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources are considered not valid for this.

    The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) continues to filter the rules considered to be a barrier to investment. After simplifying the 11 electrical rules into one rule, the ESDM Ministry has now revoked 32 more rules.

    The revoked regulation is related to the electricity, oil and gas and mineral and coal sectors. The details are 11 regulations of oil and gas sector, four sectors of electricity, and adds to the list of 11 rules of electricity sector that have been revoked previously.

    In the mineral and coal mining sector, there are seven rules, while the Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) sector has seven revoked. In addition there are three rules SKK Migas cut.

    The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ignatius Jonan, said that the revocation of this regulation was in line with President Joko Widodo's order to smooth the entry of new investment, while encouraging economic growth and creating new jobs.

"One of President Jokowi's directions is to reduce licensing, encourage business activities and invest," said Jonan.

    Jonan promised efforts to trim the investment barrier rules do not stop here. However, he has not yet detailed the advanced rule cuts.

    Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ego Syahrial mentions in principle there are three things that guide the pruning of these investment inhibiting rules. First, the existing rules must be in accordance with the mandate of article 33 of the Constitution. Secondly, the rules must ensure safety and security. He also asserted the government will not revoke the rules concerning safety. Third, the rules concerning the interests of the community are many (class) or concerning good governance.

"We suspect that the 32 rules are inhibiting investment," he said.

    That's why the government continues to simplify the other rules that have been the complaint of potential investors.

It's unused

    The latest effort of the latest ESDM Ministry is still viewed skeptically by businessmen and employers' associations. They believe that deregulation in the EMR Ministry does not guarantee increased investment in the energy and mineral resources sectors.

    Moreover, some of the revoked rules have been revised or no longer valid. As a result, the benefits of deregulation times were questioned. For example, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 19/2015 on Purchase of Electricity from Power Plant (PLTS) with Capacity up to 10 Megawatt (MW) by PLN, and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 19/2016 on Purchasing of Power from Power Plant. Solar Electricity Photovoltaics by PLN. The two rules are part of 32 rules that are revoked.

    The problem, according to Riza Husni, Chairman of the Association of Water Hydro Power Developers (APPLTA), the two rules that are no longer exist or have not apply. The current regulation is the Minister of EMR Regulation 50/2017.

"The revocation of this rule is only to please President Jokowi, not to improve the investment climate," he said.


Deregulasi ESDM Menyenangkan Presiden

Sejumlah aturan yang dicabut Kementerian ESDM dinilai sudah tidak berlaku selama ini.

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) terus memfilter aturan yang dianggap jadi penghambat investasi. Setelah menyederhanakan 11 aturan listrik menjadi satu aturan, kini Kementerian ESDM mencabut 32 aturan lagi.

    Aturan yang dicabut itu terkait dengan sektor ketenagalistrikan, migas serta mineral dan batubara. Perinciannya, 11 peraturan sektor migas, empat sektor ketenagalistrikan, serta menambah daftar 11 aturan sektor kelistrikan yang sudah dicabut sebelumnya.

    Di sektor pertambangan mineral dan batubara, ada tujuh aturan, sedangkan sektor Energi Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi (EBTKE) ada tujuh yang dicabut. Selain itu ada tiga aturan SKK Migas yang dipotong.

    Menteri ESDM, Ignasius Jonan menyebut, pencabutan aturan ini sesuai dengan perintah Presiden Joko Widodo agar bisa memuluskan masuknya investasi baru, sekaligus mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dan menciptakan lapangan kerja baru.

“Salah satu arahan Presiden Jokowi agar mengurangi perizinan, mendorong kegiatan berusaha dan berinvestasi," kata Jonan.

    Jonan berjanji upaya pemangkasan aturan penghambat investasi ini tidak berhenti sampai di sini saja. Namun, ia belum memerinci pemangkasan aturan lanjutan.

    Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian ESDM, Ego Syahrial menyebutkan pada prinsipnya ada tiga hal yang menjadi pedoman pemangkasan aturan-aturan penghambat investasi ini. Pertama, aturan yang ada harus sesuai dengan amanat UUD pasal 33. 

   Kedua, aturan harus menjamin keamanan dan keselamatan. Ia pun menegaskan pemerintah tidak akan mencabut aturan yang menyangkut keselamatan. Ketiga, aturan mengenai kepentingan masyarakat banyak (golongan) atau menyangkut tata kelola yang baik.

"Kami menengarai dari 32 aturan itu menjadi menghambat investasi," katanya.

    Karena itulah kini pemerintah terus menyederhanakan aturan-aturan lain yang selama ini menjadi keluhan calon investor.

Sudah tidak terpakai
    Upaya terbaru Kementerian ESDM terbaru ini masih dilihat skeptis oleh kalangan pengusaha dan asosiasi pengusaha. Mereka menilai, deregulasi di Kementerian ESDM tidak menjamin meningkatkan investasi di sektor energi dan sumber daya mineral.

    Apalagi, sejumlah aturan yang dicabut itu memang sudah direvisi atau tidak berlaku lagi. Alhasil, manfaat deregulasi kali pun dipertanyakan. Sebagai contoh, Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 19/2015 tentang Pembelian Tenaga Listrik dari Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTS) dengan Kapasitas sampai dengan 10 Megawatt (MW) oleh PLN, dan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 19/2016 tentang Pembelian Tenaga Listrik dari Pembangkit. Listrik Tenaga Surya Fotovoltaik oleh PLN. Dua aturan itu bagian dari 32 aturan yang dicabut.

    Persoalannya, menurut Riza Husni, Ketua Asosiasi Pengembang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (APPLTA), dua aturan itu memang sudah tidak ada lagi atau sudah tidak berlaku. Sebab saat ini yang berlaku adalah Peraturan Menteri ESDM 50/2017.

"Pencabutan aturan ini hanya untuk menyenangkan Presiden Jokowi, bukan untuk memperbaiki iklim investasi, " katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018

Indonesian Oil Prices Reached US $ 65.59 per barrel

    The trend of world oil price hike that occurred since the middle of last year helped lift the reference oil price in the State Budget (APBN), namely Indonesia Crude Price (ICP). The Indonesian Oil Price Team stated that during January 2018 ICP rose US $ 4.69 per barrel to US $ 65.59 per barrel compared to ICP in December 2017. As of note, ICP as of December 2017 reached US $ 60.9 per barrel.

    One of the reasons for calculating ICP is the price of Sumatran Light Crude type oil. In a matter of teams, this type of oil price in January 2018 reached US $ 65.83 per barrel or rose US $ 4.64 per barrel compared to December 2017 position of US $ 61.19 per barrel.

    The increase in Indonesian oil prices is in line with the reference oil price in the global market. For example, Dated Brent rose by US $ 4.99 per barrel from US $ 64.19 per barrel to US $ 69.18 per barrel.

    Brent rose US $ 4.99 per barrel from US $ 64.09 per barrel to US $ 69.08 per barrel. WTI (Nymex) rose by US $ 5.72 per barrel from US $ 57.95 per barrel to US $ 63.67 per barrel. Meanwhile, OPEC basket rose $ 4.82 per barrel from US $ 62.06 per barrel to US $ 66.88 per barrel.

    The Indonesian Oil Price Team was quoted as saying on the ESDM website on Sunday (4/2) citing the main crude oil price increase in the international market due to several factors. The main factor is an agreement on production restrictions between OPEC and non-OPEC member countries at the end of November 20.


Harga Minyak Indonesia Mencapai US$ 65,59 per barel

    Tren kenaikan harga minyak dunia yang terjadi sejak pertengahan tahun lalu ikut mengangkat harga minyak acuan di Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) yakni, Indonesia Crude Price (ICP). Tim Harga Minyak Indonesia menyatakan, sepanjang Januari 2018 ICP naik US$ 4,69 per barel, menjadi US$ 65,59 per barel dibandingkan dengan ICP pada Desember 2017. Sebagai catatan, ICP per Desember 2017 mencapai US$ 60,9 per barel.

    Salah situ acuan penghitungan ICP adalah harga minyak jenis Sumatran Light Crude. Dalam hitungan tim, harga minyak jenis ini pada Januari 2018 mencapai US$ 65,83 per barel atau naik US$ 4,64 per barel dibandingkan dengan posisi Desember 2017 sebesar US$ 61,19 per barel.

    Kenaikan harga minyak Indonesia ini seiring dengan harga minyak acuan di pasar global. Misalnya, Dated Brent naik sebesar US$ 4,99 per barel dari US$ 64,19 per barel menjadi US$ 69,18 per barel.

    Brent naik sebesar US$ 4,99 per barel dari US$ 64,09 per barel menjadi US$ 69,08 per barel. WTI (Nymex) naik sebesar US$ 5,72 per barel dari US$ 57,95 per barel menjadi US$ 63,67 per barel. Sementara, Basket OPEC naik US$ 4,82 per barel dari US$ 62,06 per barel jadi US$ 66,88 per barel.

    Tim Harga Minyak Indonesia seperti dikutip dari laman ESDM pada Minggu (4/2) menyebut kenaikan harga minyak mentah utama di pasar internasional diakibatkan oleh beberapa faktor. Faktor utamanya adalah kesepakatan pembatasan produksi antar negara-negara anggota OPEC dan non OPEC di akhir November 20.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018

Building the First 3D Museum of Oil and Gas

    PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), builds a museum on oil and gas with the only three dimensional (3D) concept in Indonesia. Currently the process is 80 percent.
 Muhammad Baron

    Public Relations Manager of PT Pertamina EP, Muhammad Baron said Pertamina EP's 3D oil and gas museum was inaugurated in March 2018 and open to the public. The museum was built on 4,000 square meters of land at Pertamina EP Asset II Complex, Pertamina EP Prabumulih business unit, South Sumatra.

    According to Baron, the 3D oil and gas museum built by Pertamina EP is one form of corporate social responsibility in the field of education. The existence of this museum is expected to be an educational center so that the wider community can obtain appropriate knowledge related to upstream oil and gas activities. Starting from the history of oil and gas, the work process to anyone involved in the process of oil and gas search for the interests of the nation and state.

"We want to create a tourist location, not only for recreation but also for the media of knowledge so that the general public knows what we are doing to meet the national energy needs," said Baron.

    General Manager of Pertamina EP Asset II, Ekariza added that the 3D oil and gas museum at Pertamina EP Asset 2 contains dioramas of oil and gas drilling and three-dimensional painting with oil and gas theme. The museum is equipped with learning center, cafe and outbound facilities.

"This is the only 3D oil and gas museum in Indonesia and South Sumatra," Ekariza said.

    According to Ekariza, the process of 3D oil and gas museum work is almost complete. Later the museum became an entertainment destination in Prabumulih city of South Sumatra.

"This idea has been a long time but it has just been done now," said Ekariza.

    Prabumulih Mayor Ridho Yaya welcomed the positive presence of the 3D oil and gas museum. He hopes this museum can be utilized for the younger generation in the city.


Membangun Museum Migas 3D Pertama

    PT Pertamina EP, anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero), membangun museum tentang minyak dan gas dengan konsep tiga dimensi (3D) satu-satunya di Indonesia. Saat ini pengerjaannya mencapai 80 persen.

    Manajer Humas PT Pertamina EP, Muhammad Baron mengatakan museum migas 3D Pertamina EP ini diresmikan Maret 2018 dan terbuka untuk umum. Museum tersebut dibangun di atas lahan 4.000 meter persegi di Komplek Pertamina EP Asset II, unit bisnis Pertamina EP Prabumulih, Sumatra Selatan.

    Menurut Baron, museum migas 3D yang dibangun Pertamina EP merupakan salah satu bentuk tanggung jawab sosial (Corporate social responsibility) perusahaan di bidang pendidikan. Keberadaan museum ini diharapkan menjadi pusat pendidikan sehingga masyarakat luas dapat memperoleh pengetahuan yang tepat terkait kegiatan hulu migas. Mulai dari sejarah migas, proses kerja hingga siapa saja yang terlibat dalam proses pencarian migas bagi kepentingan bangsa dan negara.

"Kami ingin menciptakan lokasi wisata, tidak hanya untuk rekreasi tetapi juga media pengetahuan agar masyarakat umum mengetahui apa yang kami kerjakan demi memenuhi kebutuhan energi nasional," ujar Baron.

    General Manager Pertamina EP Asset II, Ekariza menambahkan museum migas 3D di Pertamina EP Asset 2 berisi diorama pengeboran migas dan lukisan tiga dimensi bertema migas. Museum ini dilengkapi learning center, kafe dan fasilitas outbond.

"Ini adalah museum migas 3D satu-satunya di Indonesia dan Sumatra Selatan," kata Ekariza.

    Menurut Ekariza, proses pengerjaan museum migas 3D hampir selesai. Nantinya museum tersebut menjadi destinasi wisata hiburan di Kota Prabumulih Sumatera Selatan.

"Ide ini sudah lama tapi baru saja terlaksana sekarang. Adanya museum migas 3D menjadi edukasi bagi para pelajar dan masyarakat umum di Prabumulih dan Sumatera Selatan," kata Ekariza.

    Wali Kota Prabumulih, Ridho Yaya menyambut positif kehadiran museum migas 3D. Dia berharap museum ini dapat dimanfaatkan bagi generasi muda di kota tersebut.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018

Selling Assures the style of Minister Jonan

    Picking up the ball and diligently interacting with the business is a separate style of Minister Ignatius Jonan in advancing the energy industry and mineral resources in the country. This time, Minister Jonan's interaction is also done overseas. During a visit from 26 January 2018-1 February 2018, a small entourage of the Minister visited three countries, namely Pakistan, Britain and Italy.

 Ignatius Jonan

In Pakistan, Jonan signed a business partnership (B to B), the Inter Government Agreement in the energy sector with Pakistan's Oil Minister Jam Kamal Khan, witnessed by President Joko Widodo on the sidelines of his visit to Islamabad.

   Both countries through Pertamina and Pakistan LNG Limited (PLL) agreed on the sale of liquefied natural gas / LNG 1 million to 1.5 million tons per year (million ton per annum / MTPA). The contract value reached US $ 6 billion.

"LNG exports to Pakistan amounted to 1.5 MTPA for 10 years, can be extended the next 5 years," said Jonan.

    Actually, cooperation between Indonesia and Pakistan is not just about buying and selling liquefied natural gas. There is also a business opportunity for Pertamina in the provision of the 3rd regasification facility (FSRU) in Pakistan as well as a number of other plans. In the handwritten notes that Jonan gave to Business, the only journalist invited on a visit to the UK, showed 11 points discussed by the Government of Indonesia and Pakistan.

    The points discussed ranged from the handling of terrorism, the sale of rice and meat, to issues of defense and Asean-Pakistan relations. After from Pakistan, Jonan and his team departed to England. Energy that is sovereign, equitable, equitable and reliable, is part of the message that Jonan brought in this overseas visit. Also accompanying Minister Jonan in London, among others, Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi, President Director of PGN Jobi Triananda Hasjim, Special Staff of International Cooperation Eddi Hariyadhi, Managing Director of Saka Energy Timbur H. Parlindungan and staff of Embassy RI in London.

    In Prince William's country, Jonan has a business meeting in two full days to convince investors in Bloomberg's Bloomberg Roundtable Policy and the Young Professionals Association of Indonesia.


 Robert W Dudley

    In addition, Jonan also met with BP CEO Robert W Dudley who accompanied BP Head Country Indonesia Dharmawan Samsu. The ESDM Minister also met with Premier Oil CEO Anthony R.C. Durrant and its directors.

 Anthony R.C. Durrant

    In the event Bloomberg, Jonan explained the serious commitment of the Government of Indonesia in improving the simplification of licensing process in energy and mineral resources so that foreign investors are interested to invest their capital in the country.


 Bloomberg Roundtable

    A number of improvements have been made by the government to increase the confidence of foreign investors, especially in terms of ease of doing business, to the advancement of 9 of the 12 pillars that make Indonesia's ranking rise in the Global Competitiveness Index 2017-2018.

"At the ministry I lead, licensing in the oil and gas field now only requires 6 permits from the previous 104 permits," said Jonan.

    Jonan said it also cut licensing in the field of minerals and coal to 6 permits from the previous 117 permits. Similarly, licensing in the field of electricity which is now only 5 permits. Meanwhile, new and renewable energy fields still have 10 licenses.

"But we will continue to cut and simplify the permissions."

    Jonan added that the development of electricity infrastructure in Indonesia is getting better, at least in the last two years. Electrification ratio in Indonesia at the end of 2017 reached 95.4%, up and achievement of 2016 is 91.2%. This year, the electrification ratio is expected to reach 97.5% and in 2019 could reach 99%%. However, there are still 2,519 villages that are still not getting electricity.

"Some areas still have a low electrification ratio, namely Papua 61, 42% and East Nusa Tenggara 59.85%. We will continue to focus on increasing the availability of electricity there, "said the famous minister.

    Jonan also dismissed the question of one of the participants who questioned the electricity supply in Sumatra, as well as stressed the 35,000 MW program continues to run well. A number of participants are very interested in the development of New Renewable Energy Program (EBT/NREP) in Indonesia.

    Jonan said the Indonesian government is very concerned about global climate change. President Joko Widodo strongly supports the Paris Agreement by setting a target of 23% of total national energy consumption derived from renewable energy.

President Joko Widodo with Donald Trump
    For the oil and gas sector, Jonan added that 50% of the tender during 2017 has been signed, namely the Andaman I, Iaman II, Pekawai, West Yamdena and Merak Lampung blocks.

"We make the rules that some are not favored by investors and vice versa there are profitable investors," said Jonan explained the change in cost recovery rules to the gross split scheme.

    Premier Oil CEO Anthony Durrant assesses that oil and gas investment regulations in Indonesia are getting better every year. He appreciated the fair and equitable gross split scheme. Premier Oil which has been active in Tuna PSC block and Natuna Sea Block A has won the auction for Andaman II Block.

Natuna Sea Block A

   Late last year we have signed a memorandum of understanding with Petrovietnam for the sale of gas from the Tuna Block. We hope this can be a basis to provide certainty in the development of gas production in Tuna, "said Durrant.

    After from London, Jonan also went to Italy. At Pizza State, he also met with Claudio Descalzi, CEO of ENI-a large Italian oil and gas company that also has a working area at Jangkrik Field.

  Antonio Camrnisecra

    Not only that, Jonan also met with Antonio Camrnisecra, CEO of ENEL Green Power-an Italian geothermal company with Optima Nusantara Enel winning the Way Ratai geothermal work area in Lampung. Jonan also stressed that the regulations in the field of energy and minerals will provide certainty for the long term for the investors.

 ENEL Green Power

"Don't worry."

    The firmness of the rules and the effort to provide confidence in business certainty has indeed become a weapon for Jonan, and other government officials to convince foreign investors. The rest, we wait for the good news.


Jualan Meyakinkan ala Menteri Jonan

    Jemput bola dan rajin berinteraksi dengan pelaku bisnis merupakan gaya tersendiri dari Menteri Ignasius Jonan dalam memajukan industri energi dan sumber daya mineral di Tanah Air. Kali ini, interaksi Menteri Jonan juga dilakukan hingga ke luar negeri. Dalam kunjungan dari 26 Januari 2018-1 Februari 2018 itu, rombongan kecil Sang Menteri mengunjungi tiga negara, yaitu Pakistan, Inggris, dan Italia.

    Di Pakistan, Jonan menandatangani kerja sama bisnis (B to B), yaitu Inter Government Agreement di sektor energi dengan Menteri Perminyakan Pakistan Jam Kamal Khan, yang disaksikan langsung oleh Presiden Joko Widodo di sela-sela kunjungan kerjanya ke Islamabad.

    Kedua negara melalui Pertamina dan Pakistan LNG Limited (PLL) menyepakati penjualan gas alam cair/LNG 1 juta-1,5 juta ton per tahun (million ton per annum/MTPA). Nilai kontraknya mencapai US$6 miliar.

“Ekspor LNG ke Pakistan sebesar 1,5 MTPA selama 10 tahun, dapat diperpanjang 5 tahun berikutnya,” ujar Jonan.
    Sebenarnya kerja sama Indonesia dan Pakistan tidak hanya tentang jual beli gas alam cair. Ada pula peluang bisnis bagi Pertamina dalam pengadaan fasilitas regasifikasi (FSRU) ke-3 di Pakistan serta sejumlah rencana lain. 

    Dalam catatan tulisan tangan yang Jonan berikan kepada Bisnis, satu-satunya jurnalis yang diajak dalam kunjungan ke Inggris, memperlihatkan ada 11 poin yang dibahas Pemerintah Indonesia dan Pakistan.

    Poin-poin yang dibahas mulai dari penanganan terorisme, penjualan beras dan daging, hingga isu-isu pertahanan dan hubungan Asean-Pakistan. Setelah dari Pakistan, Jonan dan timnya bertolak ke lnggris. Energi yang berkedaulatan, berkeadilan, merata dan dapat diandalkan, merupakan bagian dari pesan yang dibawa Jonan dalam kunjungan ke luar negeri kali ini. 

    Turut mendampingi Menteri Jonan di London, antara lain Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi, Dirut PGN Jobi Triananda Hasjim, Staf Khusus bidang Kerja Sama Internasional Eddi Hariyadhi, Dirut Saka Energy Timbur H. Parlindungan, dan staf Kedubes RI di London.

    Di Negeri Pangeran William tersebut, Jonan memiliki pertemuan bisnis dalam dua hari penuh antara lain meyakinkan para investor dalam Roundtable Policy Bloomberg yang diselenggarakan Bloomberg dan Asosiasi Profesi Muda Indonesia.

    Selain itu, Jonan juga bertemu dengan CEO BP Robert W Dudley yang didampingi BP Head Country Indonesia Dharmawan Samsu. Menteri ESDM juga menyempatkan bertemu dengan CEO Premier Oil Anthony R.C. Durrant dan direksinya.

    Di acara Bloomberg, Jonan memaparkan komitmen serius Pemerintah Indonesia dalam meningkatkan penyederhanaan proses perizinan di bidang energi dan sumber daya mineral agar investor asing tertarik untuk menanamkan modalnya di Tanah Air.

    Sejumlah perbaikan telah dilakukan pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan pemodal asing, terutama dari sisi ease of doing business, hingga kemajuan 9 dari 12 pilar yang membuat peringkat Indonesia naik dalam Global Competitiveness Index 2017-2018.

“Di kementerian yang saya pimpin, perizinan di bidang minyak dan gas sekarang hanya membutuhkan 6 izin dari sebelumnya 104 perizinan,” kata Jonan.

    Jonan mengemukakan pihaknya juga memotong perizinan di bidang mineral dan batu bara hingga 6 izin dari sebelumnya 117 izin. Begitu pula dengan perizinan di bidang kelistrikan yang kini hanya 5 izin. Adapun, bidang energi baru dan terbarukan masih ada 10 perizinan.

“Namun kami akan terus memangkas dan mempermudah perizinannya."

    Jonan menambahkan, pembangunan infrastruktur kelistrikan di Indonesia semakin baik, setidaknya dalam dua tahun terakhir. Rasio elektrifikasi di Indonesia pada akhir 2017 mencapai 95,4%, naik dan pencapaian 2016 yang 91,2%. Tahun ini, rasio elektrifikasi diharapkan mencapai 97,5% dan pada 2019 bisa mencapai 99% %. Namun, masih ada 2.519 desa yang masih belum mendapatkan pasokan listrik.

“Beberapa daerah masih ada yang rasio elektrifikasinya rendah, yaitu Papua 61 ,42% dan Nusa Tenggara Timur yang 59,85%. Kami akan terus fokus meningkatkan ketersediaan listrik di sana," kata Menteri yang terkenal lugas tersebut.

    Jonan juga menepis pertanyaan salah satu peserta diskusi yang mempertanyakan pasokan listrik di Sumatra, sekaligus menegaskan program 35.000 MW terus berjalan dengan baik. Sejumlah peserta sangat tertarik dengan perkembangan program energi baru terbarukan (EBT) di Indonesia.

    Jonan menyebutkan pemerintah Indonesia sangat perhatian terhadap perubahan iklim global. Presiden Joko Widodo sangat mendukung Paris Agreement dengan menetapkan target bagian 23% dari total konsumsi energi nasional berasal dari energi terbarukan.

    Untuk bidang migas, Jonan menambahkan 50% tender selama 2017 telah ditandatangani, yaitu blok Andaman I, Andaman II, Pekawai, West Yamdena, dan Merak Lampung.

“Kami membuat aturan memang ada yang tidak disukai investor dan sebaliknya ada yang menguntungkan investor,” kata Jonan menerangkan perubahan aturan cost recovery ke skema gross split.

    CEO Premier Oil Anthony Durrant menilai regulasi investasi minyak dan gas di Indonesia semakin baik setiap tahunnya. Dia mengapresiasi skema gross split yang berkeadilan dan memberikan kepastian. Premier Oil yang selama ini aktif di blok Tuna PSC dan Natuna Sea Block A, telah memenangkan lelang untuk Blok Andaman II.

    Akhir tahun lalu kami telah menandatangani nota kesepahaman dengan Petrovietnam untuk penjualan gas dari Blok Tuna. Kami harap ini bisa jadi basis untuk memberikan kepastian pengembangan produksi gas di Tuna,” kata Durrant.

    Setelah dari London, Jonan juga pergi ke Italia. Di Negeri Pizza tersebut, dia juga bertemu dengan Claudio Descalzi, CEO ENI-perusahaan migas besar Italia yang juga memiliki wilayah kerja di Lapangan Jangkrik.

    Tidak hanya itu, Jonan juga bertemu dengan Antonio Camrnisecra, CEO ENEL Green Power-perusahaan panas bumi Italia yang bersama Optima Nusantara Enel memenangkan wilayah kerja Panas bumi Way Ratai di Lampung.

    Jonan pun menekankan bahwa regulasi-regulasi di bidang energi dan mineral akan memberikan kepastian untuk jangka panjang bagi para pemodal.

“Tidak perlu khawatir.”

    Ketegasan aturan dan upaya memberikan keyakinan akan kepastian usaha memang telah menjadi senjata andalan bagi Jonan, dan pejabat pemerintah lain untuk meyakinkan para investor asing. Selebihnya, kita tunggu kabar baiknya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018

32 ESDM Rules Revoked

    Energy and Human Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan revoked 32 ministerial regulations in the oil and gas, electricity and mining sectors.


 Ego Syahrial

    Revocation and simplification of the rules are expected to encourage investment activities in the energy sector. Implementing the tasks (Plt) Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of ESDM Ego Syahrial said the Ministry of ESDM revoked a total of 32 rules consisting of oil and gas subsector 11 rules, electricity subsector 4 rules, coal minerals 7 rules, renewable energy 7 rules, and SKK Migas 3 rules. The ESDM Ministry will further simplify the rules in mid-February 2018.

"In a week, we'll simplify some rules. For example, the existing six rules will be simplified into three rules, "he said.

    For example, the procedures for determining the initial working area of ​​oil and gas, namely Coal Bed Methane (CBM), conventional, and non conventional will be one by looking at the legal and financial aspects first.

"We do not want to burden the business world."

    Any revocation of the old rules is a consideration. Regulation of the Minister of Mines and Energy No. 02/1975 and Ministerial Decree of EMR No.1454 K / 30 / MEM / 2000 revoked because it is not relevant and there is a newer regulation, namely Ministerial Regulation no. 38 related to upstream oil and gas industry and its supporting.

    Ministerial Regulation no. 8/2005 on incentives to develop marginal oil and gas fields is also irrelevant, because now the scheme used gross split based on Ministerial Regulation no. 08/2017 and its revision, Ministerial Regulation no. 52/2017. The Ministerial Regulation no. 44/2005 and Ministerial Regulation no. 26/2006 related to the distribution of fuel is also not relevant.

    Because there is Presidential Regulation No.191 which discusses in more detail. The same is true with other Old rules as they are not relevant anymore. Regarding the revocation of regulations in the electricity sector it is done to encourage the ease of investment trying.


 Andy Noorsaman Sommeng

   Director General of Electricity of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Andy Noorsaman Sommeng mentioned four rules that were revoked, among others, Minister of Mines and Energy Regulation no. 03.P / 451 / M.PE / 1991 concerning Requirements for Connecting Power. Other Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 33/2008 on Electricity Sale Price provided by PT PLN Batam and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation no. 4/2012 on Electricity Purchase Price by PT PLN (Persero) and Power Plant Using Small and Medium Scale Renewable Energy or Power Overload.

    There is also Minister of Mines and Energy Regulation no. 2 / P / 451 / M. PE / 1991 on the Relationship of Electricity Business Proxy Holders and Holders of Electricity Business License for Public and Public Interest. According to Andy, now there are a number of new government regulations and mented regulations that replace it.

"No more needed to be removed or deleted."


 Ignasius Jonan

The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ignatius Jonan said that although macroeconomic indicators are improving, they are not balanced by high economic growth. Therefore, he hopes the simplification of this regulation can encourage investment activity.

"Maybe a week to two weeks will be reduced again so that the activities can be better."


32 Aturan ESDM Dicabut

    Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Manusia (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan mencabut 32 peraturan menteri di sektor minyak dan gas bumi, kelistrikan, dan pertambangan.

    Pencabutan dan penyederhanaan aturan itu diharapkan mampu mendorong kegiatan investasi sektor energi. Pelaksana tugas (Plt) Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM Ego Syahrial mengatakan, Kementerian ESDM mencabut total 32 aturan yang terdiri dari subsektor migas 11 aturan, subsektor ketenagalistrikan 4 aturan, mineral batu bara 7 aturan, energi baru terbarukan 7 aturan, dan SKK Migas 3 aturan. Selanjutnya Kementerian ESDM akan melakukan penyederhanaan aturan lanjutan pada pertengahan Februari 2018.

“Dalam sepekan lagi, kami akan sederhanakan beberapa aturan. Misalnya, yang tadinya ada enam aturan akan disederhanakan menjadi tiga aturan,” ujarnya.

    Misalnya, tata cara penetapan wilayah kerja migas yang semula tiga yakni Coal Bed Methane (CBM), konvensional, dan non konvensional nantinya dijadikan satu dengan melihat lebih dulu aspek hukum dan finansialnya.

“Kami tidak ingin memberatkan dunia usaha.”

    Setiap pencabutan aturan lama ada pertimbangannya. Peraturan Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi No. 02/1975 dan Keputusan Menteri ESDM No.1454 K/30/MEM/2000 dicabut karena sudah tidak relevan dan ada aturan yang lebih baru, yakni Peraturan Menteri No. 38 terkait industri hulu migas dan penunjangnya.

    Peraturan Menteri No. 8/2005 terkait insentif pengembangan lapangan migas marginal juga tidak relevan, karena sekarang skema yang digunakan gross split yang berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri No. 08/2017 dan revisinya, Peraturan Menteri No. 52/2017. Adapun Peraturan Menteri No. 44/2005 dan Peraturan Menteri No. 26/2006 terkait distribusi BBM juga sudah tidak relevan.

    Karena sudah ada Peraturan Presiden No.191 yang membahas lebih detail. Hal serupa juga berlaku pada aturan lama lainnya karena tidak relevan lagi. Mengenai pencabutan regulasi di bidang ketenagalistrikan hal itu dilakukan untuk mendorong kemudahan investasi berusaha.

    Direktur Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Andy Noorsaman Sommeng menyebutkan empat aturan yang dicabut antara lain Peraturan Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi No. 03.P/451/M.PE/1991 tentang Persyaratan Penyambungan Tenaga Listrik. 

    Lainnya Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 33/2008 tentang Harga Jual Tenaga Listrik yang disediakan oleh PT PLN Batam dan Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 4/2012 tentang Harga Pembelian Tenaga Listrik oleh PT PLN (Persero) dan Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik yang Menggunakan Energi Terbarukan Skala Kecil dan Menengah atau Kelebihan Tenaga Listrik.

    Ada pula Peraturan Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi No. 2/P/451/M. PE/1991 tentang Hubungan Pemegang Kuasa Usaha Ketenagalistrikan dan Pemegang lzin Usaha Ketenagalistrikan untuk Kepentingan Umum dan Masyarakat. Menurut Andy, saat ini sudah ada sejumlah peraturan pemerintah dan peraturan mented baru yang menggantikannya.

“Tidak diperlukan lagi sehingga dicabut atau dihapus."

    Menteri ESDM lgnasius Jonan mengatakan kendati indikator-indikator makro ekonomi saat ini membaik, hal itu tidak diimbangi pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, dia berharap penyederhanaan regulasi ini dapat mendorong kegiatan investasi.

"Mungkin seminggu sampai dua minggu lagi akan dikurangi lagi supaya kegiatan berusaha bisa lebih baik lagi."

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-2, Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018

Citizens May Reject, The reason must be Logical

Tuban Refinery


    Oil Company from Russian Country Rosneft Oil Company does not want safety Tuban refinery equated with Cilacap Refinery, Balikpapan, and Oil and Gas Company in Cepu, therefore the procurement or purchase of land in Mentoso and Ramen Village, Jenu Subdistrict, Tuban Regency, is a request of Pertamina partners in Tuban Refinery.


 Rosneft Oil Company- Russia

"Rosneft wants the safety of the plant is guaranteed," said Head of East Java Provincial Government and Autonomy Bureau, Anom Surahno.

    Anom asserted, Tuban refinery actually already has a location on the east of Pertamina Petrochemical Indotama Refinery (TPPI) owned by Pertamina of 64.9 hectares.

    Since Pertamina's partners demanded that, finally the purchase of land of local residents. Although the purchase of land affects hundreds of heads of households (KK), Anom ensures that the folk pier to the west of the Tanjung Awar-awar Steam Power Plant (PLTU) is maintained. If it is forced to be evicted, East Java Provincial Government requested to be replaced around the location.

"The dock must exist because it is the identity of the people and has historical value," said this bespectacled man.

    There are still residents who are reluctant to release the land, considered Anom as a natural thing. In a democratic country like Indonesia, the team of land acquisition of Tuban refinery will prioritize dialogue. If the first national strategic project should start early, it should now dialogue with the refinery-affected residents.

    There are processes and mechanisms undertaken by the team, starting with the argumentation, forward planning, and asking for security for the sacrificial landowners.

"Do not let them become spectators," he said.

    Post socialization of land acquisition to Remen villagers, next there will be public consultation. That's when there is a dialogue and people are approached by the team and asked whether the correct area is the location of refinery. If it's true how many.

"Citizens may disagree, but must include a logical reason," 'he added.

    East Java Provincial Government does not target when completion of land acquisition. Currently, the socialization process, and late because it should be completed by the end of 2017. Reaffirmed, to be noticed by all parties of Indonesia Fuel Oil stock [BBM] only 10 days. If it had been the 11th day would worry and we are still importing oil. The existence of Tuban refinery will extend the stock of fuel for up to three months.

"We can also reduce imports," he explained.


Warga Boleh Menolak, Alasannya harus Logis

    Perusahaan Minyak berasal dari Negara Rusia Rosneft Oil Company tidak ingin safety Kilang Tuban disamakan dengan Kilang Cilacap, Balikpapan, maupun Perusahaan Migas di Cepu, oleh karena itu pengadaan atau pembelian lahan di Desa Mentoso dan Ramen, Kecamatan Jenu, KabupatenTuban, merupakan permintaan mitra Pertamina di Kilang Tuban.

“Rosneft ingin safety Kilang terjamin,” ujar Kepala Biro Pemerintahan dan Otonomi Daerah Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur, Anom Surahno.

    Anom menegaskan, Kilang Tuban sebenarnya sudah memiliki lokasi di sebelah Timur Kilang Trans Pasific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) milik Pertamina seluas 64,9 hektare.

    Berhubung mitra Pertamina meminta demikian, akhirnya diadakannya
pembelian lahan warga setempat. Meskipun pembelian lahan berdampak pada ratusan Kepala Keluarga (KK), tapi Anom memastikan dermaga rakyat di sebelah Barat Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Tanjung Awar-awar tetap dipertahankan. Kalau memang terpaksa digusur, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur meminta diganti sekitar lokasi.

“Dermaga harus ada karena itu merupakan identitas rakyat dan memiliki nilai historis,” kata pria berkacamata ini.

    Masih adanya warga yang enggan melepas lahannya dianggap Anom sebagai hal yang wajar. Di negara demokrasi seperti Indonesia, tim pembelian lahan Kilang Tuban  akan mengedepankan dialog. Jika dulu proyek strategis nasional harus dimulai lebih awal, sekarang harus berdialog dengan warga terdampak kilang.

    Ada proses dan mekanisme yang dilakukan oleh tim, mulai pemaparan argumentasi, rencana ke depan, dan minta jaminan bagi pemilik lahan yang telah berkorban.

“Jangan sampai mereka jadi penonton,” tegasnya.

    Pasca sosialisasi pembebasan lahan ke warga desa Remen, berikutnya akan ada konsultasi publik. Disaat itulah ada dialog dan warga didatangi tim dan ditanya apakah benar wilayah yang bersangkutan menjadi lokasi kilang. Kalau benar luasannya berapa.

“Warga boleh tidak setuju, tapi harus menyertakan alasan yang logis,”‘tambahnya.

    Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur tidak menarget kapan selesainya pembelian lahan. Saat ini sedang proses sosialisasi, dan terlambat karena seharusnya selsai akhir 2017. Ditegaskan kembali, yang perlu diperhatikan oleh semua pihak Indonesia stok Bahan Bakar Minyak [BBM] hanya 10 hari.  Kalau sudah hari ke-11 pasti khawatir dan kita masih impor minyak. Adanya Kilang Tuban nantinya akan memperpanjang stok BBM sampai tiga bulan.

“Kita juga bisa mengurangi impor,” jelasnya.

 Bhirawa, Page-5, Tuesday, Feb 6, 2018