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Monday, May 14, 2018

Expands Downstream Oil and Gas Business, Exxon Mobil Spends US $ 544 Million

ExxonMobil expanded its downstream oil and gas business in Indonesia by acquiring and signing a new contract worth US $ 544 million. The expansion is done for the business of lubricants and fuel oil (BBM). Vice President of Public and Government Affairs of Exxon Mobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto said, it continues to evaluate all investment opportunities in Indonesia. One of them his side to see whether the existing opportunities in accordance with the objectives
business enterprise.

"We see Indonesia is a fast growing market, so we continue to invest, not only in the upstream, but also downstream and petrochemicals," he said on the sidelines of The 42nd IPA Convention and Exhibition 2018 in Jakarta.

Business expansion downstream, realized by ExxonMobil by acquiring 100% PT Federal Karyatama, owner of lubricant brand of Federal Oil and subsidiary of PT Mitra Pinasthika Mulia Tbk. The acquisition transaction is targeted to be completed in the 2018 third quarter with an investment cost of approximately US $ 436 million or Rp 6.08 trillion.

According to Erwin, this acquisition will complement ExxonMobil's lubricant business in Indonesia. Currently oil and gas company from the United States has been marketing special lubricants four-wheeled vehicles with the brand Mobill. The acquisition of Federal Oil makes the company has a two-wheeled lubricant market in Indonesia.

"Because we see the lubricant market in Indonesia is one of the fastest growing lubricant markets in Asia Pasitik," said Erwin.

He is optimistic that ExxonMobil's lubricant market share will rise significantly because Federal Oil itself has a sizeable market. Not only that, it also expands the business of selling Fuel Oil to the industry. Since last year, Exxon Mobil has partnered with PT Indomobil Prima Energi to sell fuel to industries in Java. Furthermore, Exxon Mobil will enter the industrial fuel market in Balikpapan.

"We are also signing for leasing of fuel terminal and storage in Balikpapan with Indika Energy subsidiary," he said.

ExxonMobil also signed a lease contract with PT Kariangau Gapura Terminal Energi, a subsidiary of PT Indika Energy Tbk, in April. Under the contract, Kariangau Gapura Terminal Energy will build, own and operate storage terminals for storage and fuel shipments in Kariangau, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, exclusively for ExxonMobil.

"The contract is for 20 years with a 10-year contract extension option. The contract value is approximately US $ 108 million, "said Erwin.

The plan, this fuel storage capacity of 100 thousand kilo liter (KL). This added storage will help the government's efforts to create national energy security. The reason, the government encourages companies to have a lot of fuel storage in these areas. The fuel sold is an Exxon Mobil production.

"We are taking from the Asia Pacific region. We take it from Singapore and Thailand, "he said.

Production Booster

On the other hand, Exxon Mobil is committed to increasing its oil and gas production in Indonesia. After successfully completing the development of the Cepu Block, Erwin said, it managed to boost its oil production to reach 210 thousand barrels per day (bpd). This production figure will increase after Exxon Mobil has successfully completed Kedung Keris Project.

"Now our expectations (production) 10 thousand bpd from the well (Kedung Ke ris)," he said.

Because in the process at the facility Banyu Urip, then the production of Kedung Keris will increase the production of Cepu Block to 220 thousand bpd. Exxon Mobil recently signed an engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) engineering contract with PT Meindo Elang Indah in April. The work that Meindo undertakes will include the construction of a wellpad and installing a 16 kilometer (km) long pipe from a well in Kedung Keris to a processing facility in Banyu Urip. Project Investment Kedung Keris is USS 100 million.

"Start of production (Kedung Keris) is expected end of 2019," said Erwin.

Until then, it will seek oil production from Banyu Urip can still be maximized. He explained, although the level of oil production Banyu Urip Field is relatively high, the plateau field will not be cut. The reason, based on the evaluation, oil reserves in this field was reached 729 million barrels or higher than the initial estimate of 450 million barrels. To maintain the production level, it continues to conduct studies around Lapa-
with Banyu Urip, particularly the potential in the clastic reservoir.

"If we can test and can prove there is potential, the reserves can increase. So the age of platonya can be much longer, "he said.

With the current condition, the plateau of Banyu Urip Field production will still last until 2021. Kedung Keris and Banyu Urip are two fields in Cepu Block. Currently, the composition of shares in Cepu Block is ExxonMobil Cepu Limited as the operator owns 45% shares, PT Pertamina EP Cepu 45%, and four Regional Owned Enterprises 10%. The four BUMDs are PT Blora Patragas Hulu, PT Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana, PT Asri Darma Sejahtera and PT Sarana PatraHulu Cepu.


Perluas Bisnis Hilir Migas, Exxon Mobil Mengeluarkan US$ 544 Juta

ExxonMobil memperluas bisnis hilir migasnya di Indonesia dengan melakukan akuisisi dan meneken kontrak baru senilai US$ 544 juta. Ekspansi dilakukan untuk bisnis pelumas dan bahan bakar minyak (BBM). Vice President Public and Government Affair Exxon Mobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto menuturkan, pihaknya terus mengevaluasi semua peluang investasi yang ada di Indonesia. Salah satunya pihaknya melihat apakah peluang yang ada sesuai dengan tujuan
bisnis perusahaan.

“Kami lihat Indonesia adalah pasar yang bertumbuh dengan cepat, sehingga kami terus berinvestasi, tidak hanya di hulu, tetapi juga hilir dan petrokimia,” kata dia di sela The 42nd IPA Convention and Exhibition 2018 di Jakarta.

Perluasan bisnis di hilir, diwujudkan ExxonMobil dengan mengakuisisi 100% PT Federal Karyatama, pemilik merek pelumas Federal Oil dan anak usaha PT Mitra Pinasthika Mulia Tbk. Transaksi akuisisi itu ditargetkan rampung pada kuartal ketigas 2018 dengan biaya investasi sekitar US$ 436 juta atau Rp 6,08 triliun.

      Menurut Erwin, akuisisi ini akan melengkapi bisnis pelumas ExxonMobil di Indonesia. Saat ini perusahaan migas asal Amerika Serikat tersebut telah memasarkan pelumas khusus kendaraan roda empat dengan merk Mobill. Akuisisi Federal Oil membuat perusahaan memiliki pasar pelumas kendaraan roda dua di Indonesia.

“Karena kami lihat pasar lubricant di Indonesia adalah salah satu pasar lubricant yang berkembang sangat cepat di Asia Pasitik,” jelas Erwin.

Dia optimistis pangsa pasar pelumas ExxonMobil akan naik meningkat signifikan lantaran Federal Oil sendiri memiliki pasar cukup besar. Tidak hanya itu, pihaknya juga melakukan ekspansi bisnis penjualan Bahan Bakar Minyak untuk industri. Sejak tahun lalu, Exxon Mobil telah mengandeng PT Indomobil Prima Energi untuk menjual BBM kepada industri di Jawa. Selanjutnya, Exxon Mobil akan masuk ke pasar BBM industri di Balikpapan.

“Kami juga sudah tanda tangan untuk sewa fuel terminal and storage di Balikpapan dengan anak usaha Indika Energy,” tutur dia.

ExxonMobil juga menandatangani kontrak sewa fasilitas jasa storage dengan PT Kariangau Gapura Terminal Energi, anak usaha dari PT Indika Energy Tbk, pada April lalu. Dalam kontrak itu, Kariangau Gapura Terminal Energy bakal membangun, memiliki, dan mengoperasikan terminal storage untuk penyimpanan
dan pengiriman BBM di Kariangau, Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, secara eksklusif untuk ExxonMobil.

“Kontraknya untuk 20 tahun dengan opsi perpanjangan kontrak 10 tahun. Nilai kontraknya kurang lebih US$ 108 juta,” ujar Erwin.

Rencananya, kapasitas penyimpanan BBM ini sebesar 100 ribu kilo litre (KL). Tambahan penyimpanan ini disebutnya akan membantu upaya pemerintah menciptakan ketahanan energi nasional. Pasalnya, pemerintah mendorong perusahaan untuk memiliki banyak penyimpanan BBM di daerah-daerah. BBM yang dijual merupakan produksi Exxon Mobil.

“Kami mengambil dari wilayah Asia Pasifik. Kami ambil dari Singapura dan Thailand,” kata dia.

Genjot Produksi

Di sisi lain, Exxon Mobil berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan produksi migasnya di Indonesia. Setelah berhasil merampungkan pengembangan Blok Cepu, Erwin mengatakan, pihaknya berhasil menggenjot produksi minyaknya mencapai 210 ribu barel per hari (bph). Angka produksi ini akan naik setelah Exxon Mobil berhasil merampungkan Proyek Kedung Keris.

“Sekarang ekspektasi kami (produksi) 10 ribu bph dari sumur (Kedung Ke ris) tersebut,” tutur dia. 

Karena di proses di fasilitas Banyu Urip, maka produksi dari Kedung Keris akan menambah produksi Blok Cepu menjadi 220 ribu bph. Exxon Mobil baru saja menanda tangani kontrak paket rekayasa, pengadaan, dan konstruksi (engineering, procurement, and construction/ EPC) dengan PT Meindo Elang lndah pada April lalu. Pekerjaan yang digarap Meindo nantinya akan meliputi pembangunan wellpad dan memasang pipa sepanjang 16 kilometer (km) dari sumur di Kedung Keris ke fasilitas pemrosesan di Banyu Urip. Investasi Proyek Kedung Keris ini USS 100juta.

“Mulai produksinya (Kedung Keris) diharapkan akhir 2019,” kata Erwin.

Sampai saat itu, pihaknya akan mengupayakan produksi minyak dari Banyu Urip tetap bisa maksimal. Dia menjelaskan, meski tingkat produksi minyak Lapangan Banyu Urip relatif tinggi, masa plato lapangan ini tidak akan terpangkas. Pasalnya, berdasarkan evaluasi, cadangan minyak di lapangan ini  ternyata mencapai 729 juta barel atau lebih tinggi dari perkiraan awal 450 juta barel. Untuk menjaga tingkat produksi, pihaknya terus melakukan studi di sekitar Lapangan Banyu Urip, terutama potensi di reservoir klastik.

“Kalau nanti kami bisa tes dan bisa terbukti ada potensi, cadangan bisa meningkat. Sehingga umur platonya bisa lebih lama lagi,” tuturnya. 

Dengan kondisi saat ini, masa plato produksi Lapangan Banyu Urip masih akan bertahan sampai 2021. Kedung Keris dan Banyu Urip merupakan dua lapangan di Blok Cepu. Saat ini, komposisi saham di Blok Cepu adalah ExxonMobil Cepu Limited sebagai operator memiliki saham 45%, PT Pertamina EP Cepu 45%, serta empat Badan Usaha Milik Daerah 10%. Keempat BUMD itu yaitu PT Blora Patragas Hulu, PT Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana, PT Asri Darma Sejahtera, dan PT Sarana PatraHulu Cepu.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, May 4, 2018

Pertamina shells out dividends to govt

State-owned oil and gas company Pertamina says it has transferred Rp 8.57 trillion (US$613.18 million) in dividend to the government from the Rp 33.3 trillion net profit it booked in 2017. The dividend payment was agreed on Wednesday during the annual shareholders meeting.

Nicke Widyawati

Pertamina acting president director Nicke Widyawati said that 2017 was full of many challenges for the company as a result of the hike in crude oil prices and the rupiah's depreciation against the US dollar.

"Throughout the year, the company tried to maintain a positive financial performance amid the global increase in oil prices. We focused on strategic projects while carrying out efficiency in all lines. As a result, we could still record an increase in revenue,” Nicke said in a statement on Wednesday Pertamina recorded $42.96 billion in its 2017 revenue, or 18 percent growth from $36.49 billion in revenue the previous year.

Sales of crude oil in both the domestic and international markets was the main contributor to revenue growth, with the Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) reaching $51.17 per barrel, while the reference price in the state bud get was $48 per barrel. Meanwhile, gas production also increased from 650 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (mboepd) in 2016 to 693 mboepd in 2017.

"The production of the Banyu Urip field and Pertamina’s other overseas fields contributed particularly to the increase in oil and gas production,” said Nicke, adding that the company also increased its geothermal production to 3,900 GWh in 2017 from 3,043 GWh, a 27 percent year-on-year growth.

Jakarta Post, Page-14, Friday, May 4, 2018

Next Year Cepu Production 220,000 Barrels Per Day

ExxonMobil Indonesia continues the Kedung Keris field development project, Cepu Block. With additional production from the field, total production of Cepu Block reaches 220,000 barrels per day (bpd), Erwin Maryoto, Vice President of Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia, explained that it has just signed engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract with PT Meindo Elang Indah in April 2018 for construction of Kedung Keris.

Kedung Keris Field Work will begin the process of constructing production facilities in wells and pipe installation approximately 16 kilometers from Kedung Keris Field to the existing processing facility in Banyu Urip. In Kedung Keris Field EXXonMobil invested about US $ 100 million.

After the start of the construction process, Erwin is optimistic that Kedung Keris Field can produce or on stream of 10,000 per barrel by the end of 2019. Kedung Keris field production will increase the production of Cepu Block to 220,000 barrels per day (BPH) by the end of next year.

"At Banyu Urip our production is now over 210,000 barrels per day," Erwin said. Erwin revealed, with such potential production, ExxonMobil will not update the environmental impact assessment (amdal) of Cepu Block. The Cepu Block amdal has reached 220,000 bph.

"Amdalnya already allow for that.We follow the amdal 220.000 bph," he added.

Erwin also believes the maximum production of Cepu Block will not affect the life of the well in the block, since the Cepu Block reserves of 450 million barrels is now 729 million barrels.


Tahun Depan Produksi Cepu 220.000 Barel Per Hari

ExxonMobil Indonesia meneruskan proyek pengembangan Lapangan Kedung Keris, Blok Cepu, Dengan produksi tambahan dari lapangan tersebut, total produksi Blok Cepu mencapai 220.000 barel per hari (bph), Erwin Maryoto, Vice President Public and Goverment Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia, menjelaskan, pihaknya baru saja menandatangani kontrak engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) dengan PT Meindo Elang Indah pada April 2018 lalu untuk pengerjaan konstruksi Kedung Keris.

Pengerjaan Lapangan Kedung Keris akan memulai proses pembangunan fasilitas produksi di sumur dan pemasangan pipa kurang lebih sepanjang 16 kilometer dari Lapangan Kedung Keris ke fasilitas pengolahan yang ada di Banyu Urip. Di Lapangan Kedung Keris EXXonMobil menggelontorkan investasi sekitar US$ 100 juta.

Setelah mulainya proses konstruksi ini Erwin cukup optimistis, Lapangan Kedung Keris bisa berproduksi atau on stream sebesar 10.000 per barel pada akhir tahun 2019. Produksi Lapangan Kedung Keris ini akan menambah produksi Blok Cepu hingga menjadi 220.000 barel per hari (BPH) di akhir tahun depan. 

"Di Banyu Urip produksi kami sekarang lebih dari 210.000 barel per hari," kata Erwin. Erwin mengungkapkan, dengan potensi produksi sebesar itu, ExxonMobil tidak akan memperbarui analisa dampak lingkungan (amdal) Blok Cepu. Sebab amdal Blok Cepu sudah mencapai 220.000 bph. 

"Amdalnya sudah memungkinkan untuk itu. Kami ikuti saja amdal 220.000 bph," tambahnya. 

Erwin juga yakin produksi maksimal Blok Cepu tidak akan mempengaruhi umur sumur di blok tersebut, karena cadangan Blok Cepu dari 450 juta barel kini menjadi 729 juta barel.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, May 4, 2018

Business Actor Requires Legal Certainty

Business actors in upstream oil and gas industry need legal certainty in doing business. A volatile rule will confuse investment decisions. Decision-alignment at the central and regional levels is also required. 

     According to the President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Ronald Gunawan, the upstream oil and gas industry is a business that is covered in obscurity. Drilling of oil and gas wells will not necessarily produce beneficial results. Upstream oil and gas is also a capital-intensive and long-term industry.

"Therefore, legal certainty is very important. In addition to its capital-intensive and long-term nature, upstream oil and gas is also covered by the uncertainty of successful drilling wells, "Ronald said during a discussion session at the 42nd IPA Convention and Exhibition on Thursday (5/3/2018) in Jakarta.

Satya Widya Yudha

Entrepreneurs are also faced with the lack of implementation of rules at the central and regional levels of government. Although central government has simplified the regulation, local government is not necessarily similar. He cited the land acquisition is still difficult. 

     Regarding the law in the oil and gas sector, according to Vice Chairman of Commission I of DPR Satya Widya Yudha, the revision of Law Number 22 Year 2001 on Oil and Natural Gas has not been completed yet. He admitted, the revision process is very long. Currently, the revision stage is still in the Legislative Council of the House of Representatives. Satya acknowledges that the revision of this Law is highly anticipated by oil and gas business actors.

"There are still differences of opinion in Commission VII which handles the energy sector with Commission VI which handles state-owned enterprises. The difference is related to Pertamina's status, which wants to become a special business entity, "Satya said.

Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi said that to ease the business and investment upstream of oil and gas in Indonesia, the government has cut a number of rules that are considered to complicate the investment. 

     As of March 2018, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has cut 18 regulations and 23 certifications or recommendations concerning the licensing of the oil and gas sector. Not only in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, SKK Migas also remove 12 regulations, while the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) cut 3 regulations.


Pelaku Usaha Membutuhkan Kepastian Hukum

Pelaku usaha industri hulu minyak dan gas bumi membutuhkan kepastian hukum dalam berbisnis. Aturan yang mudah berubah akan membingungkan pengambilan keputusan berinvestasi. Keselarasan keputusan di tingkat pusat dan daerah juga diperlukan. 

    Menurut Presiden Asosiasi Perminyakan Indonesia (IPA) Ronald Gunawan, industri hulu minyak dan gas bumi adalah bisnis yang diliputi ketidakjelasan. Pengeboran sumur migas belum tentu memberikan hasil menguntungkan. Hulu migas juga merupakan industri padat modal dan bersifat jangka panjang.

”Karena itu, kepastian hukum sangat penting. Selain sifatnya padat modal dan jangka panjang, hulu migas juga diliputi ketidakpastian keberhasilan pengeboran sumur,” kata Ronald dalam salah satu sesi diskusi di Konvensi dan Pameran IPA Ke-42, Kamis (3/5/2018), di Jakarta.

Pengusaha juga dihadapkan pada belum padunya pelaksanaan aturan di tingkat pemerintah pusat dan daerah. Kendati pemerintah pusat sudah menyederhanakan peraturan, di pemerintah daerah belum tentu serupa. Ia mencontohkan pembebasan lahan yang masih sulit. 

     Soal undang-undang di sektor migas, menurut Wakil Ketua Komisi I DPR Satya Widya Yudha, revisi Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi belum tuntas. Ia mengakui, proses revisi sangat panjang. Saat ini, tahapan revisi masih ada di Badan Legislatif Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat. Satya mengakui bahwa revisi Undang-Undang ini sangat dinantikan oleh pelaku usaha sektor migas.

”Masih ada perbedaan pendapat di Komisi VII yang menangani sektor energi dengan Komisi VI yang menangani badan usaha milik negara. Perbedaan itu berhubungan dengan status Pertamina yang hendak menjadi badan usaha khusus,” ujar Satya.

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, untuk mempermudah bisnis dan investasi hulu migas di Indonesia, pemerintah sudah memangkas sejumlah aturan yang dianggap mempersulit investasi. 

     Sampai dengan Maret 2018, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral telah memangkas 18 regulasi dan 23 sertifikasi atau rekomendasi yang menyangkut perizinan sektor migas. Tidak hanya di Kementerian ESDM, SKK Migas juga menghapus 12 regulasi, sedangkan Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) memangkas 3 peraturan.

Kompas, Page-20, Friday, May 4, 2018

Global Contractor Still Interested in Indonesia

Oil and gas contractors said Indonesia still has good prospects for investment in upstream oil and gas sector.

But issues such as unsupported infrastructure are one of the reasons global oil and gas companies consider entering the country. Executive VP of Asia Pacific Upstream of Eni, Italian oil and gas company Franco Polo said that Indonesia still has great potential in upstream oil and gas business, such as oil and gas well development in deep sea. The company also admitted there is still a well exploration plan to increase oil and gas reserves.

"We are constantly searching for and improving the replacement ratios [reserve replacement ratio / ratio of oil and gas reserve replacement] production due to very high level of development. We also yesterday just won the auction of new exploration blocks in Indonesia and we are very happy, "he said in the 42nd IP Convex, Thursday (3/5).

Franco said that the Indonesian government or SKK Migas has a very progressive vision. It should be supported by a system that can delight all stakeholders.

"By making the process faster, it's possible that replacement can be faster. Well, the search for oil and gas reserves are not limited to a depth of 600 meters, but can be tried more deeply than that. "

Eni has just won a direct bidding auction in 2018 in the East Ganal Block. Eni Indonesia Ltd. was selected to be the winner of the auction in East Ganal from a total of two enthusiasts, another interested is the AGRA IV-EnQuest Global Ltd. consortium. Eni also bought a certain commitment worth US $ 35.35 million in East Ganal. The investment fund is used for geological and geophysical studies and drilling of one exploration well.


Regional President of Asia Pacific of British Petroleum (BP) Nader Zaki said, to be able to bring up the potential of large upstream oil and gas in Indonesia it requires a supporting infrastructure. It will increase the level of Indonesia's competitiveness.

"If infrastructure facilities support, it will make it easier to build strategies by optimizing existing facilities. Finally, business opportunities will be more, and open up the potential of other natural resources, "he said.

On the other hand, SKK Migas acknowledges that insufficient infrastructure can make gas distribution from upstream to downstream more difficult. Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said, with the infrastructure that is still very little gas distribution from upstream to downstream becomes more difficult. Gas from Bontang, Tangguh and Donggo is still difficult to bring to Java on the grounds that there is no infrastructure.

"As a result there is no adequate infrastructure, some hotels in Bandung that use gas must use LNG [liquified natural gas]. LNG was sent from Bontang to Tanjung Priok, there is a long process, "he said.

Beyond the issue of infrastructure that still needs to be strengthened, the collaboration between the government as regulator and contractor must be strengthened again. Oil and gas block operators in a country also hope given more flexibility in order to produce bigger again.

President of Malaysia Petroleum Management of Petronas Muhammad Zamn Jusoh VR said, in the process of oil and gas block management, operators are in the front line. The superior capability and ability of technology will influence the performance.

"Well, the position of government as the regulator is in charge of looking for challenges faced by operators. If, the challenge can be overcome, the level of competitiveness of Indonesia will be higher.


Kontraktor Global Masih Berminat di Indonesia  

Para kontraktor minyak dan gas bumi menilai Indonesia masih memiliki prospek bagus untuk investasi di sektor hulu migas.

Namun persoalan seperti infrastruktur yang belum mendukung menjadi salah satu alasan perusahaan migas global mempertimbangkan untuk masuk ke Tanah Air. Executive VP Asia Pacific Upstream of Eni, perusahaan migas yang berasal Italia, Franco Polo mengatakan bahwa Indonesia masih memiliki potensi yang besar pada bisnis hulu migas, seperti pengembangan sumur migas di laut dalam. Perusahaan itu pun mengaku masih ada rencana eksplorasi sumur untuk meningkatkan cadangan migas.

“Kami terus giat mencari dan memperbaiki rasio replacement [reserve replacement rasio/rasio pengganti cadangan migas] produksi karena tingkat pembangunan yang sangat tinggi. Kami pun kemarin baru saja memenangkan lelang blok eksplorasi baru di Indonesia dan kami sangat senang,” ujarnya dalam acara IPA Convex ke-42, Kamis (3/5).

Franco menuturkan kalau pemerintah Indonesia atau SKK Migas memiliki visi sangat progresif. Hal itu harus didukung sislem yang bisa membuat senang seluruh pemangku kepentingan.

“Dengan membuat proses menjadi lebih cepat, mungkin saja replacement bisa lebih cepat. Nah, pencarian cadangan migasnya pun jangan sebatas kedalaman 600 meter, tetapi bisa dicoba lebih dalam dari itu.”

Eni pun baru saja memenangkan lelang penawaran langsung pada 2018 di Blok East Ganal. Eni Indonesia Ltd. terpilih menjadi pemenang lelang di East Ganal dari total dua peminat, satu peminat lain adalah konsorsium AGRA IV-EnQuest Global Ltd. Eni pun membelikan komitmen pasti senilai US$ 35,35 juta di East Ganal. Dana investasi itu digunakan untuk studi geologi dan geofisika serta pengeboran satu sumur eksplorasi.


Regional President Asia Pacific of British Petroleum (BP) Nader Zaki mengatakan, untuk bisa memunculkan potensi hulu migas yang besar di Indonesia itu membutuhkan infrastruktur yang mendukung. Hal itu akan menambah tingkat daya saing Indonesia.

“Jika fasilitas infrastruktur mendukung, hal itu akan memudahkan dalam membangun strategi dengan optimalkan fasilitas yang ada. Akhirnya, peluang bisnispun akan lebih banyak lagi, serta membuka potensi sumber daya alam lainnya," ujarnya.

Di sisi lain, SKK Migas mengakui bahwa infrastruktur yang belum memadai bisa membuat penyaluran gas dari hulu ke hilir menjadi lebih sulit. Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, dengan infrastruktur yang masih sedikit sekali penyaluran gas dari hulu ke hilir menjadi lebih sulit. Gas dari Bontang, Tangguh, dan Donggo masih sulit dibawa ke Jawa dengan alasan tidak ada infrastruktur.

“Akibat tidak ada infrastruktur yang memadai itu, beberapa hotel di Bandung yang menggunakan gas harus menggunakan LNG [liquified natural gas/gas alam cair]. LNG itu dikirim dari Bontang ke Tanjung Priok, ada proses yang panjang," ujarnya.

Di luar persoalan infrastruktur yang masih harus diperkuat, kolaborasi antara pemerintah selaku regulator dan kontraktor pun harus diperkuat lagi. Operator blok migas di suatu negara pun berharap diberikan fleksibilitas yang lebih banyak agar bisa memproduksi lebih besar lagi.

President Malaysia Petroleum Management of Petronas Muhammad Zamn Jusoh VR mengatakan, dalam proses pengelolaan blok migas, operator berada di garis paling depan. Keunggulan kemampuan dan kemampuan teknologi mumpuni akan memengaruhi kinerja yang dihasilkan.

“Nah, posisi pemerintah selaku regulator ini bertugas mencari tantangan yang  dihadapi operator. Jika, tantangan itu bisa diatasi, tingkat daya saing Indonesia pun akan semakin tinggi.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, May 4, 2018

Arabs Raise Oil Prices in Asian Markets

Saudi Arabia raised crude oil prices for Asia at its highest level since August 2014, a few weeks after China's biggest oil trading unit demanded cut production due to rising prices.

Saudi Arabian Oil Co. or Aramco plans to raise the price of crude oil for the Asian market by US $ 1.90 per barrel in June from US $ 1.20 per barrel in April 2018. The price difference of each class for Asia is recorded increasing every month. Earlier, Asian oil traders fret with Saudi Arabia's policy of lowering official oil prices for May 2018, but suddenly raised prices.

Unipec, China's trading unit, especially Sinopec, has requested to reduce its barrel shipments by up to 40% from the Middle East for May due to an increase in oil prices in recent months. Proposals submitted by Unipec to reduce the current volume are known to have been approved by Aramco.

"Unipec might have a more sensible judgment about what's going on with China's demand," said Michael Lynch, President of Strategy Research on Economics and Energy at Winchesten Massachusetts, quoted by Bloomberg.

According to him, the submission of demand is a combination of market strengthening on the price side.

"On the other hand, it also shows that demand from China is so strong that [Aramco] feels it has room to raise prices," he continued.

Price movements in Saudi Arabia are closely watched by big traders in the global market as it shows signs that the world's biggest exporter sees mummified margins and other key global market indicators to keep prices up. Currently, all oil prices for Petroleum Fuel (BBM) to the EU market have been lowered. Saudi Arabia is the main benchmark for other manufacturers in the Middle East. Currently the market is waiting to see if US President Donald Trump will uphold his sanctions against Iran over its nuclear policy.

Crude oil

Meanwhile, crude sold for under $ 68 a barrel as investors began to consider the impact of expanding crude supplies in the US along with decisions related to Iran's imminent nuclear drive. Futures trading in New York declined 0.5 percent after gaining the biggest gain in 2 weeks on Wednesday (2/5). US crude supplies rose to more than 6.2 million barrels last week, the most since January 2018 compared with 1.23 million barrels expected by Bloomberg survey.

Meanwhile, Iran's supply uncertainty is likely to continue until the US President's decision to activate sanctions on Iran, the third largest producer of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) on May 12, 2018. Global producers headed by OPEC and its allies include Russia firmly with its stance to keep cutting production despite having reached the target after 16 months.

The West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil price on Thursday (3/5) for June delivery fell 0.12 points or 0.18 percent to US $ 67.81 per barrel. Year-to-date recorded an increase of up to 12.23%. Total traded volumes are 58% below the 100-day average.

Meanwhile, trading at the same time recorded Brent oil futures prices also fell 0.16 points or 0.22% to US $ 75.20 per barrel. The global crude oil benchmark was US $ 5.57 higher against the WTI in July.


Arab Naikkan Harga Minyak di Pasar Asia

Arab Saudi menaikkan harga minyak mentah untuk kawasan Asia pada level tertinggi sejak Agustus 2014, berselang beberapa pekan setelah unit perdagangan minyak terbesar di China meminta mengurangi  jumlah produksi karena harga yang menjulang.

Saudi Arabian Oil Co. atau Aramco berencana menaikkan harga minyak mentah untuk pasar Asia sebesar US$ 1,90 per barel pada Juni dari US$ 1,20 per barel pada April 2018. Perbedaan harga dari tiap kelas untuk Asia tercatat meningkat setiap bulan. Sebelumnya, para trader minyak di Asia resah dengan kebijakan Arab Saudi yang sempat menurunkan harga jual minyak secara resmi untuk Mei 2018, tetapi tiba-tiba menaikkan harga.

Unipec, unit perdagangan China , terutama Sinopec, meminta untuk mengurangi pengiriman per barelnya hingga 40% dari negara Timur Tengah untuk Mei ini akibat dari peningkatan harga minyak beberapa bulan terakhir. Proposal yang diajukan Unipec untuk mengurangi volume saat ini diketahui telah disetujui oleh Aramco. 

“Unipec mungkin punya pertimbangan yang lebih masuk akal dengan apa yang terjadi dengan permintaan China,” ujar Michael Lynch, Presiden Riset Strategi Ekonomi dan Energi di Winchesten Massachusetts, dikutip dari Bloomberg.

Menurut dia, pengajuan penurunan permintaan itu merupakan kombinasi dari penguatan pasar pada sisi harga.

“Di sisi lain, juga menunjukkan bahwa permintaan dari China sangat kuat sehingga [Aramco] merasa punya ruang untuk menaikkan harga,” lanjutnya.

Pergerakan harga di Arab Saudi dipantau ketat oleh para pedagang besar di pasar global karena menunjukkan tanda-tanda bahwa eksportir terbesar di dunia itu melihat margin mumi dan indikator kunci pasar global lainnya untuk mempertahankan harga. Saat ini, seluruh harga minyak untuk Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) ke pasar Uni Eropa telah diturunkan. Arab Saudi tercatat menjadi tolok ukur utama untuk produsen lain di Timur Tengah. Saat ini pasar sedang menantikan apakah Presiden AS Donald Trump akan menegakkan sanksinya kembali terhadap Iran terkait dengan kebijakan nuklir.

Minyak Mentah

Sementara itu, minyak mentah terjual dengan harga di bawah US$ 68 per barel karena investor mulai mempertimbangkan dampak dari perluasan pasokan minyak mentah di AS bersamaan dengan keputusan terkait dengan nuklir Iran yang semakin dekat. Perdagangan berjangka di New York mengalami penurunan 0,5 % setelah mendapat kenaikan terbesar dalam 2 pekan pada Rabu (2/5). Pasokan minyak mentah AS tercatat meningkat hingga lebih dari 6,2 juta barel pada pekan lalu, stok itu angka terbesar sejak Januari 2018 jika dibandingkan dengan kenaikan 1,23 juta barel yang diperkirakan oleh survei Bloomberg.

Adapun, ketidakpastian pasokan Iran kemungkinan akan terus berlanjut hingga keputusan Presiden AS untuk mengaktifkan sanksi pada Iran, produsen terbesar ketiga organisasi negara pengekspor minyak (OPEC) itu pada 12 Mei 2018. Produsen global yang dikepalai OPEC dan sekutunya termasuk Rusia kokoh dengan pendiriannya untuk tetap memangkas produksi meskipun telah mencapai target setelah 16 bulan.

Harga minyak West Texas Intermediate (WTI) pada perdagangan Kamis (3/5) untuk pengiriman Juni 2018 tercatat mengalami penurunan tipis 0,12 poin atau 0,18% menjadi US$ 67,81 per barel. Secara year-to date tercatat mengalami kenaikan hingga 12,23%. Total voliune yang diperdagangkan berada 58% di bawah rata-rata 100 hari.

Adapun, pada perdagangan di waktu yang sama tercatat harga minyak Brent berjangka juga turun 0,16 poin atau 0,22% menjadi US$75,20 per barel. Patokan minyak mentah global itu lebih tinggi US$ 5,57 terhadap WTI bulan Juli.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-16, Friday, May 4, 2018

Four Oil and Gas Block Auctions have been sold

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan stipulates the winners of oil and gas working area offered directly this year. Jonan says there are four blocks that the winner has set. First, the Citarum Block won by a consortium of PT Cogen Nusantara Energi and PT Green World Nusantara. The consortium establishes a definite commitment worth US $ 3.75 million and a signature bonus worth US $ 750,000.

Second; East Ganal Block was won by Eni Indonesia Ltd. after winning the auction of its competitors AGRA IV Consortium - EnQuest Global Ltd. The government set an investment for a definite commitment in the East Ganal Block for a total of US $ 35.35 million and a signature bonus worth US $ 1.5 million.

Third, East Seram Block was won by Lion Energy Ltd. The commitment value of this block is worth US $ 900,000 and the signature bonus US $ 500.000 Fourth, Southeast Jambi Block was won by Talisman Consortium West Bengara B.V - MOECO South Sumatra Co. Ltd. The exact commitment value for this block is worth US $ 4.65 million and the signature bonus is US $ 500,000.

The total commitment value of the four oil and gas blocks is US $ 44.65 million. While the total signature bonus worth US $ 3.25 million. In addition to the four working areas auctioned this year, there is one area of ​​work that has not received interest, the East Papua Block. The government plans to offer back to the next oil and gas bidding. Jonan said the winners of the auction of oil and gas field of direct offer will later sign a contract for the results of gross split.

"For the auction of the oil and gas working area, we have implemented a tax royalty system known as gross split, while the existing working area remains in accordance with existing agreements, renewal time is changed," said Jonan at the IPA Convention and Exhibition event, 42 years 2018.

This year, overall the Government has offered 24 conventional oil and gas fields. Five working areas with direct bidding mechanisms and 19 work areas through regular auction mechanisms. For the auction of direct offer the process is completed and the winner is announced on this occasion. While the regular auction process lasted until June 19, 2018.


Empat Lelang Blok Migas Sudah Laku

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan menetapkan pemenang wilayah kerja migas yang ditawarkan secara langsung pada tahun ini. Jonan bilang, ada empat blok yang telah ditetapkan pemenangnya. Pertama, Blok Citarum yang dimenangkan oleh konsorsium PT Cogen Nusantara Energi dan PT Green World Nusantara. Konsorsium menetapkan komitmen pasti senilai US$3,75 juta dan bonus tanda tangan senilai US$ 750.000.

Kedua; Blok East Ganal dimenangi oleh Eni Indonesia Ltd. setelah berhasil memenangkan lelang dari pesaingnya yaitu Konsorsium AGRA IV - EnQuest Global Ltd. Pemerintah menetapkan investasi untuk komitmen pasti di Blok East Ganal dengan total US$35,35 juta dan bonus tanda tangan senilai US$ 1,5 juta.

Ketiga, Blok East Seram dimenangkan oleh Lion Energy Ltd. Nilai komitmen pasti blok ini senilai US$ 900.000 dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500.000 Keempat, Blok Southeast Jambi berhasil dimenangkan oleh Konsorsium Talisman West Bengara B.V - MOECO South Sumatra Co. Ltd. Nilai komitmen pasti untuk blok ini senilai US$4,65 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500.000.

Total nilai komitmen pasti dari empat blok migas tersebut senilai US$44,65 juta. Sementara total bonus tanda tangan senilai US$3,25 juta. Selain keempat wilayah kerja yang dilelang tahun ini, ada satu wilayah kerja yang belum mendapatkan peminat, yaitu Blok East Papua. Pemerintah berencana menawarkan kembali pada penawaran migas selanjutnya. Jonan bilang pemenang lelang lapangan migas penawaran langsung nantinya akan menandatangani kontrak bagi hasil gross split. 

"Untuk lelang wilayah kerja migas, kami sudah menerapkan sistem tax royalty yang dikenal dengan gross split. Sementara Wilayah kerja yang kontraknya masih ada tetap sesuai perjanjian yang ada, waktu perpanjangan baru kami ubah kontraknya," jelas Jonan dalam acara Konvensi dan Pameran IPA ke-42 tahun 2018.

Pada tahun ini, secara keseluruhan Pemerintah telah menawarkan 24 lapangan migas konvensional. Lima wilayah kerja dengan mekanisme penawaran langsung dan 19 wilayah kerja melalui mekanisme lelang reguler. Untuk lelang penawaran langsung prosesnya selesai dan diumumkan pemenangnya pada kesempatan ini. Sedangkan proses lelang reguler berlangsung hingga 19 Juni 2018.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, May 3, 2018

Oil and Gas Contractors Reject Standard Price DMO

IPA rate, DMC price) oil of 25% already under contract

The Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) said the government can not change the domestic market price or Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) of crude oil with reference to the oil price of the State Budget of 2018 of US $ 48 per barrel. Conversely, oil prices should still be in line with market prices.

Oil and Gas Law Article 22 states that a Business Entity or Permanent Establishment must submit 25% of its share of petroleum and / or natural gas production to meet domestic demand. As a reinforcement issued Government Regulation No. 34 of 2005 on Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities, the contents of DMO oil and gas contractor obligations.

Under the regulation, Pertamina asks the government that the DMO price of 25% of the KKKS can be set according to the price of oil in APBN 2018 or not using market price. In response, President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Ronald Gunawan revealed, DMO price policy can not necessarily be changed due to Pertamina demand. According to him, the price of crude oil that becomes DMO has been established when the working area contract is signed between the government and the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS).

"We follow the contract, because we have signed contracts," said Ronald.
Ronald said that KKKS and the government have agreed on DMO, both in quantity and price of oil including DMO.

"It's specific how many DMOs it costs, the contract has been signed," Ronald said.

Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi said that the determination of oil price is the authority of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). Until now, there has been no decision related to Pertamina's request
provision of oil prices for domestic. Amien explained, Minister of EMR and Pertamina team still continue to discuss related to Indonesia Crude Price (ICP) benchmark according to APBN.

Basically, the government understands Pertamina's difficulties that must channel the fuel of assignments and subsidies without raising prices when crude oil prices are in an upward trend. Amien explained, SKK Migas also does not matter if the government wants to set oil prices according to the 2018 state budget.

"Pertamina suffer once, the price is heavy, the price of crude sold to the country using ICP price, SKK Migas does not matter because the price is the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources," said Amien.


Kontraktor Migas Tolak Patokan Harga DMO 

IPA menilai, harga DMC) minyak sebesar 25% sudah terikat kontrak

Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) menyatakan, pemerintah tidak bisa mengubah ketentuan harga penjualan dalam negeri atau Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) minyak mentah dengan mengacu pada harga minyak Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2018 sebesar US$ 48 per barel. Sebaliknya harga minyak tetap harus sesuai dengan harga pasar.

Undang-Undang Minyak dan Gas Pasal 22 menyebutkan, Badan Usaha atau Bentuk Usaha Tetap wajib menyerahkan 25% bagiannya dari hasil produksi minyak bumi dan/atau gas bumi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri. Sebagai penguat diterbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah No 34 tahun 2005 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Migas, isinya soal kewajiban DMO migas para kontraktor migas.

Dengan aturan itu, Pertamina meminta ke pemerintah agar harga DMO 25% dari KKKS itu bisa ditetapkan sesuai harga minyak pada APBN 2018 atau tidak memakai harga pasar. Menanggapi hal itu, Presiden Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Ronald Gunawan mengungkapkan, kebijakan harga DMO tidak bisa serta merta diubah karena permintaan Pertamina. Menurut dia, harga minyak mentah yang menjadi DMO tersebut sudah ditetapkan ketika kontrak wilayah kerja ditanda tangani antara pemerintah dan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS). 

"Kami ikuti kontrak, karena kami sudah tanda tangan kontrak," ungkap Ronald.

Ronald mengungkapkan, KKKS dan pemerintah telah sepakat mengenai DMO, baik dalam besaran jumlah maupun harga minyak yang termasuk DMO. 

"Sudah spesifik DMO berapa, harganya berapa. kontrak sudah ditandatangani," ujar Ronald.

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi menyebutkan, penetapan harga minyak merupakan wewenang Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Sampai saat ini memang belum ada keputusan terkait permintaan Pertamina soal
ketetapan harga minyak untuk dalam negeri. Amien menjelaskan, Menteri ESDM dan tim Pertamina masih terus berdiskusi terkait patokan Indonesia Crude Price (ICP) sesuai APBN.

Pada dasarnya pemerintah memahami kesulitan Pertamina yang harus menyalurkan BBM penugasan dan subsidi tanpa menaikkan harga di saat harga minyak mentah yang sedang dalam tren naik. Amien menjelaskan, SKK Migas juga tidak masalah jika pemerintah mau menetapkan harga minyak sesuai APBN 2018. 

"Pertamina suffer sekali, harganya berat. Harga crude yang dijual ke negara menggunakan harga ICP. SKK Migas tidak masalah karena yang menetapkan harga adalah Menteri ESDM. Soal harga urusan Pak Menteri," ujar Amien.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, May 3, 2018

Chevron: Deregulation of Oil and Gas Sector Make Competitive

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia appreciates the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) which makes the investment climate of oil and gas in Indonesia more competitive. One of them, simplification of regulations and the application of fiscal provisions is more interesting. 

    With a competitive investment climate and reserve potential, Indonesia has the opportunity to increase oil and gas investment, employment and higher revenues for the government, "said Chuck Taylor, Managing Director of Chevron IndoAsia Business Unit.

At a time when commodity prices are low in recent years, oil and gas investors are required to find ways to lower costs and be more selective in making investment decisions. Meanwhile, other countries are also competing to withdraw capital. He said investors need fiscal certainty and fiscal competitiveness. 

    A number of key to attract oil and gas investment. These include revenue sharing that provides competitive returns to investors, adherence to existing commitments in contracts, regulatory drafting based on data and practices globally.

In addition, timely approval, simplification of the licensing process, alignment of policies between ministries and central and local government.

"Investors expect contract deals that support operating performance," he said.


Chevron: Deregulasi Sektor Migas Bikin Kompetitif

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia mengapresiasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) dan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) yang menjadikan iklim investasi minyak dan gas di Indonesia lebih kompetitif. Salah satunya, penyederhanaan peraturan-peraturan dan penerapan ketentuan fiskal lebih menarik. 

     Dengan iklim investasi kompetitif dan potensi cadangan, Indonesia memiliki peluang untuk meningkatkan investasi migas, lapangan kerja dan pendapatan yang lebih tinggi bagi pemerintah," ujar Chuck Taylor, Managing Director Chevron IndoAsia Business Unit.

Di saat harga komoditas yang rendah beberapa tahun terakhir, investor migas dituntut menemukan cara menurunkan biaya dan lebih selektif dalam membuat keputusan investasi. Sementara negara-negara lain juga sedang bersaing menarik modal masuk. Katanya, investor memerlukan kepastian fiskal dan daya saing fiskal. Sejumlah kunci utama untuk menarik investasi migas. Di antaranya pembagian hasil yang memberikan imbal-balik kompetitif bagi investor, ketaatan terhadap komitmen yang ada di dalam kontrak, penyusunan regulasi berdasarkan pada data dan praktik secara global.

Selain itu juga persetujuan yang tepat waktu, penyederhanaan proses perizinan, penyelarasan kebijakan antar kementerian maupun pemerintah pusat dan daerah. 

"Investor berharap kesepakatan kontrak yang mendukung kinerja operasi," kata dia.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, May 3, 2018

ESDM Starts Auctioning 16 Mine Areas

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) opened auction 16 mining areas. This is related to the issuance of Ministerial Decree (Kepmen) no. 1508.K / 30 / MEM / 2018 concerning Compensation Price for Data and Land Users of Mining Business License and Area of ​​Special Mining Business License in 2018.

According to Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources data, compensation price of 16 Mining Areas for Mining Business Area (WIUP) and Special Mining Business License Area (WIUPK) reached Rp 4.09 trillion. For details, the price of 10 WIUP comprises Rp 1.76 trillion and WIUPK reaches Rp 2.33 trillion. The mining areas to be auctioned, among others for WIUP is Mulya Agung Block with an area of ​​97,144 hectares (ha). Waringin Agung Block with an area of ​​98,820 ha. Block Tumbang Karanei 96,719 ha.

Then, Block Silo 4,023 ha, Sribata Block of 743 ha. New Natai Block 6,674 ha. Block Tumbang Nusa 7,169 ha. Baronang Block 1 with an area of ​​3,226 ha. Block Baronang ll with 455oha area. Piner Block with an area of ​​9,750 ha. While six WIUPK namely Latao Block, Block SuaSua, Block Matarape, Block Kolonodale, North Bahadopi Block, Rantau Pandan Block. Director General of Minerba Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Bambang Gatot Ariyono said after the mining area was set to WIUP and WIUPK.

"Later the auction after it is set to WIUPK, the contractor has 30 days," he said.


ESDM Mulai Melelang 16 Wilayah Tambang

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) membuka lelang 16 Wilayah pertambangan. Hal itu berkaitan dengan terbitnya Keputusan Menteri (Kepmen) No. 1508.K/30/MEM/2018 tentang Harga Kompensasi Data lnformasi dan Pengguna Lahan Wilayah lzin Usaha Pertambangan dan Wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus tahun 2018.

Data Kementerian ESDM mencatat, harga kompensasi dari 16 Wilayah pertambangan untuk Wilayah lzin Usaha Pertambangan (WIUP) dan Wilayah lzin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (WIUPK) mencapai Rp 4,09 triliun. Rinciannya, harga kompesasi 10 WIUP mencapai Rp 1,76 triliun dan WIUPK mencapai Rp 2,33 triliun. Adapun Wilayah pertambangan yang akan dilelang, antara lain untuk WIUP adalah Blok Mulya Agung dengan luas wilayah 97 .144 hektare (ha).  Blok Waringin Agung dengan luas 98.820 ha. Blok Tumbang Karanei 96.719 ha. 

Kemudian, Blok Silo 4.023 ha, Blok Sribata seluas 743 ha. Blok Natai Baru 6.674 ha. Blok Tumbang Nusa 7.169 ha. Blok Baronang 1 dengan luas 3.226 ha. Blok Baronang ll dengan luas 455oha. Blok Piner dengan luas 9.750 ha. Sementara enam WIUPK yakni Blok Latao, Blok SuaSua, Blok Matarape, Blok Kolonodale, Blok Bahadopi Utara, Blok Rantau Pandan. Dirjen Minerba Kementerian ESDM, Bambang Gatot Ariyono mengatakan, setelah Wilayah pertambangan itu ditetapkan menjadi WIUP dan WIUPK.

"Nanti lelang itu setelah ditetapkan menjadi WIUPK, kontraktor punya waktu 30 hari," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, May 3, 2018