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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Existing Contractors Interested Continue Management

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) stated that most of the contractors from six oil and gas blocks that have finished their contracts in 2020 are still interested in continuing their management. Appropriate regulation applicable, the existing contractor gets priority as the manager of terminating oil and gas blocks.

Director-General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said that five contractors from six oil and gas blocks whose contracts expired in 2020 have expressed interest in reorganizing the currently working block. The six oil and gas blocks terminated in 2020 are South Jambi Block B Block, Brantas, Salawati Bird's Head, Malacca Strait, Makassar Strait, and Onshore Salawati Basin.

"All existing (contractors) have filed, except ConocoPhillips. ConocoPhillips is going to file again with a (contract) gross split, "he said.

South Block Block J Block is currently managed by ConocoPhilips with Participating Interest / PI 45% ownership with PT Pertamina (Persero) 25% and Petrochina International Jambi 30%. Brantas Block is now in Lapindo Brantas with 50% PI, PT Prakasa Brantas 32%, and Minarak Labuan Co Llc 18%. 

    Blok Salawati Kepala Burung is operated by the Joint Operating Body (JOB) of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE)-Petrochina. The block's participating interest holders are PHE Salawati 50%, Petrochina International Bird Head 16,78%, RHP Salawati Island BV 14,51%, and Petrogas (Island) Ltd 18,7%.

Next, the Malacca Strait Block is managed by EMP Malacca Strait SA, while PI's holders are Petroleum Kondur 34.46%, Malacca Petroleum Ltd 6.93%, OOGC (Malacca Strait) Ltd 32.58%, and PT Imbang Tata Alam 26.03 %. 

    Makassar Strait Block is currently working on Chevron Makassar Strait 72%, PHE 10%, and Tiptop Makassar 18%. Finally, the Onshore Salawati Basin Block operated by Petrochina International Bermuda where the PI holders are Petrogas Basin 34.06%, RH Petrogas 25.94%, Petrochina 30%, and Pertamina 10%. The government will decide the fate of these six blocks next month.

"In early June, the first week (determination of the manager)," said Djoko.

Previously, Djoko explained, in accordance with Government Regulation no. 35 of 2004 Article 28, an existing contractor may apply for a contract extension not later than 10 years and no later than 2 years before the contract is completed. While the government must make new management decisions at least one year before the contract termination. However, the government will attempt to immediately establish new operators of this terminating oil and gas block.

"We are targeting for whose contract is completed by 2020 set in June, next to being 2021 in July 2022 in August 2023 in September 2024 in October 2025 in November, and 2026 in December. So this year is completed for the establishment of new managers, "he said.

In the last week, the government has set new contractors for oil and gas blocks that finish their contracts next year. The government has appointed PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Jambi Merang to be the operator of Jambi Merang Block, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Tempirai for Raja-Pendopo Block, Kalrez Petroleum (Seram) Ltd for Bula Block, and CITIC Seram Energy Limited for Seram Non-Bula Block.

Referring to the data of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, there are 21 oil and gas blocks that will expire in 2019-2026. Other blocks to be completed by 2021 are Bentu Segat, Long Strait, and Rokan Block which produce the largest oil in Indonesia. In 2022, following the Tarakan East Block, Coastal Plains, and Pekanbaru, Bengkal, Serta Sengkang will be completed.

Furthermore in 2023, Rimau Block, Jabung, and Corridor. The Corridor Block is one of the blocks with a large gas production in Indonesia which is worked on by Conoco Philips. In 2025, the Bangko Block will follow the completion of the contract.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Project Acceleration and New Contracts Supported by ELSA

PT Elnusa Tbk is optimistic to earn significant revenue in the second quarter of 2018

PT Elnusa Tbk projected revenues in the second quarter of 2018 will increase significantly compared to the previous quarter. In comparison, Elnusa's revenue in the first quarter of 2018 was Rp 1.45 trillion, increasing. 50.14% compared to last year's revenues of Rp 969.92 billion.

Elnusa's optimism is based on the completion of the project in West Papua faster. The land seismic project could be completed sooner in April 2018. Initially, the seismic project underway from 2017 was completed in June 2019. In fact, the completion of the project in Papua is a year ahead of the target. So we projected the second quarter earnings of 2018 more exciting, "said Wahyu Irfan, Head of Corporate Communications Enulsa, after the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) in Graha Elnusa.

Wahyu added, in 2017 the project worked on Papua is still done 60%. Because the completion of the project can be faster, Elnusa will enjoy additional revenue. Although it does not mention its value, he said, the project in Papua could menyurubang 20% ​​-30% of revenue this year. In addition to completing the project in Papua, Elnusa is currently focusing on accelerating oil and gas business operations, optimizing non-asset based services, and oil and gas distribution to several parts of Indonesia.

"For the value of the project we can not mention one by one," he said.

In addition to the support of several completed projects, the kineria-Elnusa jugu will be supported by the acquisition of oil and gas service contracts in the Mahakam Block. According to Wahyu, the talks on the transfer of oil and gas service contractors in the Mahakam block with PT Pertamina are done since the end of 2017. Now, "Elnusa has started to manage this Mahakam block," he said.

This year, Elnusa allocated a 2018 capital expenditure budget of Rp 300 billion, of which Rp 250 billion has been spent on instrument investment "We are strengthening the seismic side as well, so we are investing heavily in appliance investment," he said. he said.

Profit up 50%

About the increase in the performance of the first quarter of 2010, Wahyu said, the contributor is a surge in revenues from energy distribution and logistics services business. So far, the business line still dominates Elnusa's revenue source. Energy distribution and logistic services business sustained 54.79% of ELSA's total revenue in the first quarter of 2018. While the upstream oil and gas services business sustains revenue of 39.90%. The rest of the revenue comes from oil and gas services business.

"The composition is dominated by distribution and logistics services, which tend to go downstream, for drilling is not very dominating now.


Percepatan Proyek dan Kontrak Baru Sokong ELSA

PT Elnusa Tbk optimistfs bisa memperoleh pendapatan signifikan pada kuartal II-2018

PT Elnusa Tbk memproyeksikan pendapatan kuartal II-2018 akan naik signifikan dibanding kuartal sebelumnya. Sebagai perbandingan, pendapatan Elnusa pada kuartal I-2018 sebesar Rp 1,45 trilliun, meningkat. 50,14% jika dibandingkan dengan pendapatan tahun lalu yang senilai Rp 969,92 miliar.

Optimisme Elnusa itu berdasarkan pada tuntasnya proyek di Papua Barat yang lebih cepat. Proyek seismik darat itu bisa rampung lebih cepat pada April 2018. Awalnya, proyek seismik yang digarap mulai tahun 2017 selesai Juni 2019. Nyatanya, Penyelesaian proyek di Papua setahun lebih cepat dari target. Sehingga kami proyeksikan pendapatan kuartal II 2018 lebih menggembirakan" ujar Wahyu Irfan, Head of Corporate Communications Enulsa, seusai Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) di Graha Elnusa.

Wahyu menambahkan, tahun 2017 proyek yang digarap di Papua itu masih terlaksana 60%. Karena penuntasan proyek tersebut bisa lebih cepat, Elnusa akan menikmati tambahan pendapatan. Meski tidak menyebut nilainya, ia menyatakan, proyek di Papua itu bisa menyurubang 20%-30% pendapatan tahun ini. Selain merampungkan proyek di Papua, saat ini Elnusa sedang fokus mempercepat operasional bisnis migas, mengoptimalkan jasa berbasis non-aset, serta distribusi migas ke beberapa daerah Indonesia. 

"Untuk nilai proyeknya kami tidak bisa menyebutkan satu per satu," katanya.

Selain didukung beberapa proyek yang sudah rampung, kineria- Elnusa jugu akan ditopang oleh perolehan kontrak jasa migas di Blok Mahakam. Menurut Wahyu, pembicaraan peralihan kontraktor jasa migas di Blok Mahakam dengan PT Pertamina dilakukan sejak akhir tahun 2017. Kini,"Elnusa sudah memulai mengelola Blok Mahakam ini," kata dia. 
Tahun ini, Elnusa mengalokasikan anggaran belanja modal 2018 sebesar Rp (300 miliar. Dari jumlah itu sudah terpakai Rp 250 miliar untuk investasi alat. "Yang besar di alat. Kami sedang memperkuat sisi seismik juga, jadi kami investasi cukup banyak untuk investasi alat," ujarnya.

Laba naik 50%

Ihwal peningkatan kinerja kuartal I-2018, Wahyu menyatakan, kontributornya adalah lonjakan pendapatan dari bisnis jasa distribusi energi dan logistik. Sejauh ini, lini bisnis tersebut memang masih mendominasi sumber pendapatan Elnusa. Bisnis jasa distribusi energi dan logistik menopang sebesar 54.79% terhadap total pendapatan ELSA pada kuartal I-2018. Sedangkan bisnis jasa hulu migas menopang pendapatan sebesar 39,90%. Adapun bagian pendapatan selebihnya berasal dan bisnis jasa migas. 

"Memang komposisinya didominasi jasa distribusi dan logistik, yang cenderung ke arah hilir. Untuk pengeboran tidak terlalu mendominasi sekarang ini.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Use Gross Split, Saka Confident Two New Economical Blocks

PT Saka Energi Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk in upstream oil and gas sector recently signed two gross split contracts for two oil and gas blocks of Pekawai and West Yamdena. President Director of Saka Energi Tumbur Parlindungan said that with the signing of the Pekawai and West Yamdena Block contracts, Saka Energi can directly explore the two blocks.

Oil and Gas Block In Indonesia

The first activity that will be done by Saka in Blok Pekawai is to conduct the study, although previously Saka had already done a Joint Study with universities in the two blocks.

"Geology and geophysic studies have not been done yet - new studies with universities," he said.

2D and 3D Seismic

After conducting the study, Saka will drill one exploration well in accordance with the exact commitment signed in the contract. The plan for exploration drilling in Pekawai Block is two years away.

"We will just drill, in 2020 or 2021," said Tumbur.

Exploration well drilling is conducted to ensure the existence of oil and gas reserves in the block. So far, Tumbur said Pekawai Block has a potential reserve (resources) of 1-2 TCF.

Although the potential for small reserves, Tumbur sure enough if the potential reserves are successfully found it can still be developed economically. While for the West Yamdena Block potential reserves are quite large to reach 45 TCF.


Pakai Gross Split, Saka Yakin Dua Blok Baru Ekonomis

PT Saka Energi Indonesia, anak usaha PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk di sektor hulu migas baru saja menandatangani dua kontrak gross split untuk dua blok migas Pekawai dan West Yamdena. Direktur Utama Saka Energi Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan dengan ditandatanganinya kontrak Blok Pekawai dan West Yamdena, Saka Energi sudah bisa langsung melakukan eksplorasi di kedua blok tersebut.

Kegiatan pertama yang akan dilakukan oleh Saka di Blok Pekawai adalah melakukan Studi, meski sebelumnya Saka sudah lebih dulu melakukan Joint Study dengan perguruan tinggi di dua blok tersebut. 

"Studi geology dan geophysic belum. Studi baru dengan universitas," katanya.

Setelah melakukan studi, Saka akan melakukan pengeboran satu sumur ekplorasi sesuai dengan komitmen pasti yang ditandatangani dalam kontrak. Rencananya pengeboran ekplorasi di Blok Pekawai dua tahun lagi. 

"Kami baru akan mengebor, di 2020 atau 2021," jelas Tumbur.

Pengeboran sumur ekplorasi tersebut dilakukan demi memastikan adanya cadangan migas di blok tersebut. Sejauh ini, Tumbur bilang Blok Pekawai memiliki potensi cadangan (resources) sebesar 1-2 TCF.

Meski potensi cadangan kecil, Tumbur cukup yakin jika potensi cadangan tersebut berhasil ditemukan maka masih bisa dikembangkan secara ekonomis. Sementara untuk Blok West Yamdena potensi cadangannya cukup besar hingga mencapai 45 TCF.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Prices Become Stimuius Exploration Activities

This is the right time for upstream oil and gas companies to intensify exploration. For the first time since the fall of oil prices by the end of 2014, oil prices are at 70 dollars per barrel. On the one hand, the government cut the contract of 74 oil and gas blocks in the last three years.

Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi said the current high oil price has the potential to increase revenue for upstream oil and gas companies. Therefore, he encouraged companies to intensify exploration for the discovery of new oil and gas reserves.

"High oil prices will help exploration. We are optimistic that next year's exploration will increase, "said Amien after signing the contract of Pekawai Block and West Yamdena Block in Jakarta.

Oil and Gas Block In Indonesia

Amien acknowledged, not all exploration can successfully find oil and gas reserves in significant amounts. In the last three years, there are 74 oil and gas block contracts terminated (termination). One reason is that the holder of the contract has already carried out the exploration, but did not get results.

"Another cause is that the company does not keep the promise to carry out exploration until the specified time limit. The reason is because they have no funds. The majority are private companies originating from Indonesia, "said Amien.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said that the investment value for exploration in both blocks is US $ 12.5 million or equivalent to Rp 172.5 billion. The second contract of the block was won by PT Saka Energi Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk.

"For Pekawai Block, geology and geophysics study will be conducted and one exploration well. As in West Yamdena Block, the commitment is geological and geophysical study, including the acquisition of two-dimensional seismic data, "said Djoko.

President Director of Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan said that so far, oil and gas production has reached 56,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). For Saka Energy, the use of profit-sharing schemes based on gross production for the Pekawai Block and West Yamdena Block is the first time in Indonesia.


Harga Menjadi Stimuius Kegiatan Eksplorasi

Saat ini merupakan waktu yang tepat bagi perusahaan hulu minyak dan gas bumi untuk menggiatkan eksplorasi. Untuk pertama kalinya sejak jatuhnya harga minyak pada akhir 2014, harga minyak berada di level 70 dollar AS per barrel. Di satu sisi, pemerintah memutus kontrak 74 blok minyak dan gas bumi dalam kurun tiga tahun terakhir. 

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, tingginya harga minyak saat ini berpotensi menambah pemasukan bagi perusahaan hulu migas. Karena itu, ia mendorong perusahaan untuk menggiatkan eksplorasi demi penemuan cadangan migas yang baru. 

”Harga minyak tinggi akan membantu eksplorasi. Kami optimistis eksplorasi tahun depan akan naik,” kata Amien seusai penandatanganan kontrak Blok Pekawai dan Blok West Yamdena di Jakarta.

Amien mengakui, tidak semua eksplorasi bisa sukses menemukan cadangan migas dalam jumlah signifikan. Dalam tiga tahun terakhir, ada 74 kontrak blok migas yang diputus (terminasi). Salah satu penyebabnya adalah pemegang kontrak sudah meIaksanakan eksplorasi, tetapi tidak mendapat hasil. 

”Penyebab lainnya adalah perusahaan tersebut tidak menepati janji melaksanakan eksplorasi sampai batas waktu yang ditentukan. Penyebabnya karena mereka tidak punya dana. Mayoritas adalah perusahaan swasta  yang berasal Indonesia,” ujar Amien.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, terkait penandatangan kontrak Blok Pekawai dan Blok West Yamdena, nilai investasi untuk eksplorasi di kedua blok tersebut 12,5 juta dollar AS atau setara Rp 172,5 miliar. Kontrak kedua blok tersebut dimenangkan PT Saka Energi Indonesia, yang merupakan anak perusahaan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. 

”Untuk Blok Pekawai, akan dilaksanakan Studi geologi dan geofisika serta satu sumur eksplorasi. Adapun di Blok West Yamdena, komitmen yang dijalankan adalah studi geologi dan geofisika, termasuk akuisisi data seismik dua dimensi,” ucap Djoko.

Direktur Utama Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan, sejauh ini, produksi migas sudah mencapai 56.000 barrel setara minyak per hari (BOEPD). Bagi Saka Energi, penggunaan skema bagi hasil berdasar produksi bruto (gross split) untuk Blok Pekawai dan Blok West Yamdena adalah yang pertama kalinya di Indonesia.

Kompas, Page-20, Tuesday, May 15, 2018

New Contracts Encourage Exploration Investments

The government's steps related to the completion of the new termination block contract for the period of 2019 2026 is said to be one of the drivers of exploration investment in Indonesia.

Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said the current exploratory drivers in Indonesia also came from the exact commitment of the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) and the auction results and the new termination block contract.

"The greatest commitment must come from a new contract termination. You see, the KKKS will try to push their production to be even bigger, " he said.

Throughout the current year, Indonesia has recorded a definite investment commitment and winning auction and termination block worth US $ 933.66 million. This figure consists of 2017 auction results worth US $ 23.57 million, direct auction 2018 worth US $ 44.65 million, new contracts 8 termination blocks 2018 worth US $ 556.45 million, and new contracts 4 blocks termination 2019 worth US $ 308.99 million.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is pushing for a new termination block contract until 2026 to be completed by the end of the year after completing the new 2019 termination block contract yesterday, the ESDM Ministry will finalize the new 2020 termination block contract by early June 2018. By 2020 , there are 6 oil and gas blocks that will be terminated, among others, South Jambi Block, Brantas, Salawati Bird's Head, Malacca Strait, Makassar Strait, and Onshore Salawati Basin.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said that almost all operators who terminated in 2020 had proposed a new management contract plan. Only Conocophillips alone have not submitted.

"The plan, Conocophillips will be filed as well. Previously, Conocophillips had proposed, but there is a change in the scheme of the contract with the gross share or gross split so they will adjust, "he said.

Conocophillips through Conocophillips (South Jambi) Ltd. becomes the manager of South Jambi Block which will be terminated in 2020. Djoko also noted that Pertamina has also proposed new contracts in several 2019 termination blocks such as Salawati Kepala Burung and most likely in South Jambi.

"For sure, Pertamina has proposed in Block Salawati Bird's Head."

Currently, the Bird's Head Salawati Block is managed by Pertamina Petrochina Joint Opelation Body. On the other hand, rising world oil prices that climbed during the year is expected to encourage future exploration activities.

Amien said the oil price increase will certainly affect the exploration activities. The reason, upstream oil and gas companies get more revenue along with rising oil prices.

"However, the impact will not be instantaneous. If oil prices rise this year. Signs of exploration will be seen next year, "he said.


Meanwhile, SKK Migas notes that there are 74 oil and gas blocks that do not perform well until the contract expires. It happened in the last three years. Amien said the number of oil and gas blocks in Indonesia currently has 244 work areas, the value has been reduced by 74 working areas compared with three years ago which amounted to 318 work areas.

The problem of the poor 74 oil and gas blocks is due to two reasons: First KKKS [Contractor Cooperation Contract/CCC] has conducted exploration according to certain commitments, but did not get any discovery at all until the contract was terminated. Secondly, the KKKS has signed contracts, but does not undertake exploration and execute commitments under contract until terminated.

"This second factor is more due to financial factors in its operation. The majority of such KKKS are domestic companies, "he said.

Amien explained, it will again auction the 74 blocks of oil and gas. However, before it is ready to be auctioned, SKK Migas will conduct a cleanup or clear up of previous KKKS's assets.

"Because there are still some assets such as explosives for exploration. It must be clear-up first, then calculated the obligations, later after all the oil and gas blocks will be auctioned again, "he explained.

The process of clear up the oil and gas blocks is said to take approximately one year. Altogether, 74 work areas have a certain commitment value of about US $ 400 million. Later on, KKKSs who do not undertake certain commitments under the contract must keep paying the rest to the government with a similar value. Amien noted, of the total US $ 400 million that some of it has been paid, but there are still others who have not and will continue to be pursued to be paid.

"The exact number I am not very memorized," said Amin.


Kontrak Baru Dorong lnvestasi Eksplorasi

Langkah pemerintah terkait dengan penyelesaian kontrak baru blok terminasi periode 2019 2026 disebut menjadi salah satu pendorong investasi eksplorasi di Indonesia.

Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, pendorong eksplorasi di Indonesia saat ini juga datang dari komitmen pasti Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) dan hasil lelang dan kontrak baru blok terminasi.

“Paling besar komitmen pasti datangnya dari kontrak baru terminasi. Soalnya, Para KKKS akan berupaya mendorong produksinya menjadi lebih besar lagi,”

Sepanjang tahun berjalan ini, Indonesia sudah mencatatkan komitmen pasti investasi dan pemenang lelang dan blok terminasi senilai US$ 933,66 juta. Angka itu terdiri atas hasil lelang 2017 senilai US$ 23,57 juta, lelang direct offer 2018 senilai US$ 44,65 juta, kontrak baru 8 blok terminasi 2018 senilai US$ 556,45 juta, dan kontrak baru 4 blok terminasi 2019 senilai US$ 308,99 juta.

Adapun, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sedang mendorong agar kontrak baru blok terminasi sampai 2026 bisa selesai pada akhir tahun  setelah menyelesaikan kontrak baru blok terminasi 2019 kemarin, Kementerian ESDM akan menyelesaikan kontrak baru blok terminasi 2020 pada awal Juni 2018. Pada 2020, ada 6 blok migas yang akan terminasi antara lain, Blok South Jambi, Brantas, Salawati Kepala Burung, Malaka Strait, Makassar Strait, dan Onshore Salawati Basin.

Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, hampir semua operator eksis yang terminasi pada 2020 sudah mengajukan rencana kontrak pengelolaan yang baru. Hanya Conocophillips saja yang belum mengajukan.

“Rencananya, Conocophillips akan mengajukan juga. Sebelumnya, Conocophillips sempat mengajukan, tetapi ada perubahan skema kontrak dengan bagi hasil kotor atau gross split sehingga mereka akan sesuaikan,” ujarnya.

Conocophillips melalui Conocophillips (South Jambi) Ltd. menjadi pengelola Blok South Jambi yang akan terminasi pada 2020 nanti. Djoko pun mencatat, Pertamina juga sudah mengajukan kontrak baru di beberapa blok terminasi 2019 seperti, Salawati Kepala Burung dan kemungkinan besar di South Jambi. 

“Untuk yang pastinya, Pertamina sudah ajukan di Blok Salawati Kepala Burung.”

Saat ini, Blok Salawati Kepala Burung dikelola oleh Joint Opelation Body Pertamina Petrochina. Di sisi lain, peningkatan harga minyak dunia yang menanjak sepanjang tahun berjalan ini diperkirakan bisa mendorong kegiatan eksplorasi ke depannya.

Amien mengatakan kenaikan harga minyak pastinya akan berpengaruh kepada kegiatan eksplorasi. Pasalnya, perusahaan hulu migas mendapatkan pendapatan lebih seiring dengan naiknya harga minyak.

“Namun, dampaknya tidak akan langsung seketika. Jika harga minyak naik pada tahun ini. Tanda-tanda eksplorasi akan terlihat pada tahun depan,” ujarnya.


Sementara itu, SKK Migas mencatat ada 74 blok migas yang tidak memiliki kinerja yang baik hingga masa kontraknya habis. Hal itu terjadi dalam tiga tahun terakhir. Amien mengatakan, jumlah blok migas di Indonesia saat ini ada 244 wilayah kerja, nilai itu sudah berkurang sebesar 74 wilayah kerja dibandingkan dengan tiga tahun lalu yang sebanyak 318 wilayah kerja.

Persoalan kinerja 74 blok migas yang buruk itu disebabkan oleh dua hal, Pertama KKKS [Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama] sudah melakukan eksplorasi sesuai komitmen pasti, tetapi tidak mendapatkan penemuan sama sekali sampai kontraknya diterminasi. Kedua, KKKS sudah tanda tangan kontrak, tetapi tidak melakukan eksplorasi dan menjalankan komitmen sesuai kontrak sampai diterminasi.

“Faktor kedua ini lebih disebabkan oleh faktor finansial dalam operasinya. Mayoritas KKKS yang seperti itu adalah perusahaan domestik,” ujarnya.

Amien menjelaskan, pihaknya akan kembali melelang 74 blok migas tersebut. Namun, sebelum siap untuk dilelang, SKK Migas akan melakukan pembersihan atau clear up dari aset KKKS sebelumnya.

“Karena masih ada beberapa aset seperti bahan peledak untuk eksplorasi. Itu semua harus di-clear up dulu, lalu dihitung kewajiban-kewajiban, nanti setelah semua bersih blok migas itu akan dilelang lagi,” jelasnya. 

    Proses clear up blok migas itu disebut membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih setahun. Secara keseluruhan, 74 wilayah kerja itu memiliki nilai komitmen pasti sekitar US$ 400 juta. Nantinya, para KKKS yang tidak menjalankan komitmen pasti sesuai kontrak harus tetap membayar sisanya kepada pemerintah dengan nilai serupa. Amien mencatat, dari total US$ 400 juta itu sebagiannya sudah dibayar, tetapi masih ada sisanya yang belum dan akan terus dikejar untuk dibayarkan. 

“Jumlah pastinya saya tidak terlalu hafal,” kata Amin.

BisnisIndonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Two blocks of oil and gas will be handed over to Pertamina

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) sets out two of the four Oil and Gas Working Areas (WK Migas) whose termination contract terminates in 2019 to be handed over to Pertamina. Both oil and gas WKs or oil and gas blocks handed over to Pertamina in 100% are WK Jambi Merang which is the most potential and WK Raja / Pendopo.

"The other two WKs, namely Seram Non Bula and WK Bula, are managed by existing contractors because Pertamina does not apply for the management of the two oil and gas blocks," said Head of Communications, Public Information Services and Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of ESDM Agung Pribadi through a press release from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources .

Previously, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources announced the management of 4 oil and gas contracts whose contract ended in 2019. The four WKs are WK Seram Non Bula, WK Bula, WK Jambi Merang, and WK Raja / Pendopo. Existing WK ​​Seram Non Bula operators are Citic Seram Energy Ltd (end of 31st October 2019) and WK Bula Kalrez Petroleum (Seram) Ltd (end of contract 31st October 2019).

Kalrez Petroleum (Seram)

The existing operator of WK Raja / Pendopo is joint operation body (JOB) of Pertamina-Golden Spike Energy Indonesia Ltd (end of contract 5 July 2019), and WK Jambi Merang is JOB Pertamina-Talisman Jambi Merang (end of contract 9 February 2019). After the decree, both oil and gas WKs are fully managed by Pertamina when the contract expires. Agung added that the contract period for the 4 WK is 20 years by using the oil and gas sharing sharing contract of gross split scheme.

For a total signature bonus to be received by the government of US $ 20,298,000 (Rp 285 billion). As for the estimated total investment commitment of 5 year definite work is US $ 308,992,000 or about Rp 4.3 trillion.

"On 4 WK, the government requested oil and gas production levels continue to be improved."


Dua Blok Migas akan Diserahkan ke Pertamina

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menetapkan dua dari empat Wilayah Kerja minyak dan gas bumi (WK migas) yang kontrak kerja samanya berakhir (terminasi) pada 2019 diserahkan pengelolaannya kepada Pertamina. Kedua WK migas atau blok migas yang diserahkan kepada Pertamina secara 100% itu ialah WK Jambi Merang yang merupakan paling potensial dan WK Raja/Pendopo.

“Kedua WK lain yaitu Seram Non Bula dan WK Bula ditetapkan dikelola kontraktor existing karena Pertamina pun tidak mengajukan permohonan pengelolaan kedua blok migas itu,” ujar Kepala biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Agung Pribadi melalui siaran pers dari laman Kementerian ESDM.

Sebelumnya, Kementerian ESDM mengumumkan pengelolaan 4 WK migas yang kontrak kerja samanya berakhir pada 2019. Keempat WK itu ialah WK Seram Non Bula, WK Bula, WK Jambi Merang, dan WK Raja/Pendopo. Operator existing WK Seram Non Bula ialah Citic Seram Energy Ltd (akhir kontrak 31 Oktober 2019) dan WK Bula yakni Kalrez Petroleum (Seram) Ltd (akhir kontrak 31 Oktober 2019).

Operator existing WK Raja/Pendopo ialah joint operating body (JOB) Pertamina-Golden Spike Energy Indonesia Ltd (akhir kontrak 5 Juli 2019), dan WK Jambi Merang ialah JOB Pertamina-Talisman Jambi Merang (akhir kontrak 9 Pebruari 2019).  Setelah ketetapan itu, kedua WK migas tersebut dikelola penuh oleh Pertamina saat kontraknya berakhir. Agung menambahkan jangka waktu kontrak untuk 4 WK tersebut ialah 20 tahun dengan menggunakan kontrak bagi hasil migas skema gross split. 

Untuk total bonus tanda tangan yang akan diterima pernerintah sebesar US$20.298.000 (Rp 285 miliar). Adapun perkiraan total investasi komitmen kerja pasti 5 tahun ialah sebesar US$ 308.992.000 atau sekitar Rp 4,3 triliun.  

“Atas 4 WK itu, pemerintah meminta tingkat produksi migas terus ditingkatkan.”

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Monday, May 14, 2018

Pertamina to suspend oil and gas block contracts Iran

PT Pertamina (Persero) was forced to postpone the signing of a contract for the management of one of the oil and gas blocks in Iran, the Mansouri Block this month. This followed the imposition of sanctions against Iran by the United States. "If there is sanction from US (United States) or any country or UN, then we can not go on there (Iran)," said Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam in Jakarta.

He explained that this is one condition precedent proposed by Pertamina to the Iranian Government when making an agreement for the management of oil and gas blocks in the country. Under current conditions, Pertamina will postpone the plan to have the Mansouri Block in Iran. The reason for this sanction poses a risk to the company.

"Because there is a financial risk. Pertamina uses some financing from US or from everywhere through global bond, "said Alam. However, it does not yet know the next step about the planned import of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) from Iran after the sanctions.

the Mansouri Block - Iran

Previously, Pertamina plans to sign the Mansouri Block management contract with Iran this month. In fact, the company is ready to spend investment funds up to US $ 1.5 billion in this block. This investment is to increase Mansouri Block production from 62 thousand barrels per day (bpd) to 250-300 thousand bpd within five years after Pertamina's managed block. 

    Not only that, in accordance with the provisions of the Iranian side, Pertamina has also established a local partner who will be engaged in working on the block and holds a 20% ownership interest. Pertamina has also started to select two candidates of international oil and gas companies that will be invited to work together.

The ownership of Mansouri Block will increase Pertamina's oil and gas production. Assuming the ownership interest of 40-50%, when the production reaches 250-300 thousand bpd, the company gets additional oil production up to 120 thousand bpd. Thus, the percentage of Pertamina's overseas production contribution over total oil production will rise significantly. 

     Previously, Pertamina said it would rely on oil and gas production from its overseas assets in the future, with a contribution target of 33 percent of the total production of 2025 or equivalent to 650 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day / boepd. Acquisitions abroad are needed to minimize the difference in domestic demand and supply of oil and gas in the future.

West Qurna Field 1- Iraq

Currently, Pertamina has dropped oil and gas in some other countries. In Algeria, the company's mother-and-oil plates dominate 65% stake in MLN field from 16.9% in EMK Field. In lrak, the company owns shares in West Qurna Field 1. While in Malaysia, the company holds ownership of shares in Block K, Kikeh Block, SN30 Block Block SK309 and Block SK311. 

Kikeh Field - Malaysia

    Most recently, Pertamina controls 72.65% shares of French oil and gas company, Maurel & Prom. Maurel & Prom has oil and gas assets scattered in Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Colombia, Canada, Myanmar, Italy, and other countries. However, the main assets that have been produced are in Gabon, Nigeria and Tanzania.


Pertamina Tunda Kontrak Blok migas oli Iran

PT Pertamina (Persero) terpaksa menunda penandatanganan kontrak pengelolaan salah satu blok migas di Iran, yakni Blok Mansouri, pada bulan ini. Hal ini menyusul dijatuhkannya sanksi terhadap Iran oleh Amerika Serikat. “Kalau ada sanksi dari US (United States/ Amerika Serikat) atau negara manapun atau PBB, maka kami tidak  bisa lanjut-Akan di situ (Iran) ,” kata Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam di Jakarta.

Dia menjelaskan, hal ini merupakan salah satu condition precedent yang diajukan Pertamina kepada Pemerintah Iran ketika membuat kesepakatan untuk pengelolaan blok migas di negara tersebut. Dengan kondisi saat ini, maka Pertamina akan menunda rencana memiliki Blok Mansouri di Iran. Pasalnya adanya sanksi ini menimbulkan resiko bagi perseroan. 

“Karena ada resiko finansial. Pertamina menggunakan beberapa financing dari US atau dari mana-mana melalui global bond,” tutur Alam. Namun, pihaknya belum mengetahui langkah lanjutan soal rencana impor gas minyak cair (liquefied petroleum gas/LPG) dari Iran pasca adanya sanksi.

Sebelumnya, Pertamina berencana meneken kontrak pengelolaan Blok Mansouri dengan Iran pada bulan ini. Bahkan, perseroan siap mengeluarkan dana investasi hingga US$ 1,5 miliar di blok ini. Investasi ini untuk meningkatkan produksi Blok Mansouri dari 62 ribu barel per hari (bph) menjadi 250-300 ribu bph dalam lima tahun setelah blok dikelola Pertamina. 

     Tidak hanya itu, sesuai ketentuan dari pihak Iran, Pertamina juga telah menetapkan mitra lokal yang akan digandeng dalam menggarap blok tersebut dan memegang kepemilikan hak partisipasi 20%. Pertamina juga sudah mulai memilih dua calon perusahaan migas internasional yang akan diajak bekerja sama.

Kepemilikan Blok Mansouri akan menaikkan produksi migas Pertamina. Dengan asumsi kepemilikan hak partisipasi 40-50%, ketika produksi mencapai 250- 300 ribu bph, maka perseroan mendapat tambahan produksi minyak hingga 120 ribu bph. Sehingga, prosentase kontribusi produksi luar negeri Pertamina dibanding produksi minyak total akan naik signifikan. 

      Sebelumnya, Pertamina menyatakan akan mengandalkan produksi migas dari aset-asetnya di luar negeri di masa mendatang, dengan target kontribusi mencapai 33% dari total produksi 2025 atau setara dengan 650 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (barrel oil equivalent per day/ boepd). Akuisisi di luar negeri diperlukan guna memperkecil selisih kebutuhan dan pasokan migas domestik di masa mendatang.

      Saat ini, Pertamina telah meblok migas di beberapa negara lain. Di Aljazair, perusahaan migas pelat merah ibu menguasai 65% saham di Lapangan MLN dari 16,9% di Lapangan EMK. Di lrak, perseroan lnemiliki saham di Lapangan West Qurna 1. Sementara di Malaysia, perseroan memegang kepemilikan saham di Blok K, Blok Kikeh, Blok SNR Blok SK309 dan Blok SK311. Yang terbaru, Pertamina menguasai 72,65% saham perusahaan migas Perancis, Maurel&Prom.

    Maurel&Prom memiliki aset migas yang tersebar di Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Kolombia, Kanada, Myanmar, ltalia, dan negara lainnya. Namun, aset utamanya yang telah berproduksi yakni di Gabon, Nigeria, dan Tanzania.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, May 14, 2018

Jambi Merang, Oil and Gas Terminal 2019 Most Potential

One of the oil and gas blocks whose contract expires in 2019 is considered to be the most potential oil and gas block with the largest oil / condensate production rate, compared to the other three oil and gas blocks, Pendopo, Bula Block and Seram Non Bula Block.

Recorded in 2017, oil / condensate production levels from Jambi Merang block reached 3,706 barrels per day and natural gas is about 73 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). Block whose contract expires on February 9, 2019, has field operations such as Kenawang and Ivory Coast fields located in Bayung Lencir, Musi Banyuasin.

"Jambi Merang Block, has the largest oil and gas production potential among the three other 2019 oil and gas blocks terminated and it has been set to be managed by Pertamina. That's a good block, 100% given to Pertamina, and later use the contract of oil and gas gross split scheme, "said Head of Communications, Public Information and Cooperation Service, Ministry of ESDM Agung Pribadi, as quoted by the official website of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,

Profit sharing of oil and gas gross split of Jambi Merang Block for petroleum is for petroleum 53.5% of Government and 46.5% Contractor. While for natural gas 48.5% of the Government and 51.5% of the Contractor. The Contractor's portion includes the operating costs incurred by the Contractor. The investment value of the first 5 years work commitment for Jambi Merang Block is also the largest among the other 3 blocks, which is US $ 239.3 million.

"The investment commitment of Jambi Merang block for 5 years reaches US $ 239 million, that's huge. It is a proof of Pertamina's commitment to oil and gas exploration so that Indonesia's oil and gas reserves can be improved, "Agung added.
For information on oil and gas production levels of other 2019 oil and gas blocks in 2017, namely Raja / Pendopo Block (oil 571 barrels per day and gas 0.17 mmscfd), Seram Non Bula Block (oil of 1.972 barrels per day and gas 1.48 mmscfd ), and Bula Block (oil of 270 barrels per day). In addition to getting Jambi Merang block, Pertamina also get the King / Pendopo block. So, from 4 blocks of oil and gas termination in 2019, Pertamina get 2 blocks. While the other 2 blocks are Bula, and Seram Non Bula, Pertamina does not apply for the management of both blocks.


Jambi Merang, Blok Migas Terminasi 2019 yang Paling Potensial

Salah satu blok migas yang kontraknya akan berakhir pada 2019, dinilai merupakan blok migas yang paling potensial dengan tingkat produksi minyak bumi/kondensat yang terbesar, dibanding tiga blok migas lainnya yakni Raja/ Pendopo, Blok Bula, dan Blok Seram Non Bula.

Tercatat pada tahun 2017, tingkat produksi minyak/kondensat dari blok Jambi Merang mencapai 3.706 barel per hari dan gas bumi sekitar 73 juta standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). Blok yang kontraknya berakhir pada 9 Februari 2019 tersebut, memiliki lapangan operasi antara lain lapangan Sungai Kenawang dan Pulau Gading yang terletak di Bayung Lencir, Musi Banyuasin.

“Blok Jambi Merang, memiliki potensi produksi migas yang terbesar diantara 3 blok migas terminasi tahun 2019 lainnya dan itu telah ditetapkan untuk dikelola Pertamina. Itu blok bagus, 100% diberikan ke Pertamina, dan nanti menggunakan kontrak migas skema gross split,” kata Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik dan Kerja Sama, Kementerian ESDM Agung Pribadi, seperti dikutip situs resmi Kementerian ESDM, www,

Bagi hasil kontrak migas gross split Blok Jambi Merang, untuk minyak bumi yaitu, untuk minyak bumi sebesar 53,5% bagian Pemerintah dan 46,5% bagian Kontraktor. Sedangkan untuk gas bumi sebesar 48,5% bagian Pemerintah dan 51,5% bagian Kontraktor. Bagian Kontraktor tersebut sudah termasuk biaya operasi yang ditanggung penuh oleh Kontraktor. Nilai investasi komitmen kerja 5 tahun pertama untuk Blok Jambi Merang juga yang terbesar diantara 3 blok lainnya, yaitu US$ 239,3 juta.

“Komitmen pasti investasi blok Jambi Merang untuk 5 tahun mencapai US$ 239 juta, itu besar sekali. Itu adalah bukti komitmen Pertamina untuk eksplorasi migas agar cadangan migas Indonesia dapat ditingkatkan,” tambah Agung.

Sebagai informasi tingkat produksi migas 3 blok migas terminasi tahun 2019 lainnya pada tahun 2017 yaitu Blok Raja/Pendopo (minyak 571 barel per hari dan gas 0,17 mmscfd), Blok Seram Non Bula (minyak 1.972 barel per hari dan gas 1,48 mmscfd) , dan Blok Bula (minyak 270 barel per hari). Selain mendapatkan blok Jambi Merang, Pertamina juga mendapatkan blok Raja/ Pendopo. Jadi, dari 4 blok migas terminasi tahun 2019, Pertamina mendapatkan 2 blok. Sedangkan 2 blok lainnya yaitu Bula, dan Seram Non Bula, Pertamina memang tidak mengajukan permohonan pengelolaan kedua blok tersebut.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, May 14, 2018