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Thursday, June 7, 2018

Upper Limit Bonus Signature Deleted

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources revised the Ministerial Regulation or Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 23 aohun 2018 related to Work Area Management Oil and Gas terminated by Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 28 of 2018. The revised point is the removal of the upper limit of the signature bonus of oil and gas working area contract.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said the removal of the upper limit of the signature bonus was done because
in the calculation of the signature bonus value formula there could be a potential yield above US $ 250 million.

"So, the Minister of EMR can set the signature bonus of at least US $ 1 million without upper limit. Kan if the value of a big signature bonus is good for the country, "he said.

The signature bonus is the funds issued by the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) on the contract of oil and gas work area and entered into the state treasury. Previously, the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 23 of 2018 stated that the signature bonus for the working area to be terminated is in the range of US $ 1 million to US $ 2S0 million.

At that time, if the signature bonus calculation is only US $ 500,000 then it will be rounded to US $ 1 million, while the amount above US $ 250 million will be rounded to US $ 250 million. The regulation was revised and the signature bonus provisions to be at least US $ 1 million with no upper limit. Arcandra also ensured changes in the signature bonus provisions will not affect the level of upstream oil and gas investment.

"We already have the calculation formula, so everything is clear and transparent," he said.

Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 23 of 2018 has been implemented on the establishment of new contracts termination work area 2018 and 2019. Signature bonuses from two periods of compensation and 11 oil and gas working areas amounted to US $ 53.79 million. The number of signature bonuses for the new contract of the tennination working area is higher than the auction result because the termination region already has clear production and reserve data.

This is different from the work area of ​​the auction results that signature bonus can be under US $ 1 million because it is still exploratory and early. The ESDM Ministry assesses that a larger level of fixed commitment is more important than signature bonuses. Arcandra admitted that large signature bonus money only goes to the state treasury, whereas if a high level of commitment is sure to encourage the exploration and productivity of the upstream oil and gas sector.

"Well, oil and gas exploration in Indonesia is still considered small. The strategy of reducing signature bonuses and adding them to commitments can certainly encourage exploration investment, "he said.


Meanwhile, Executive Director of Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong assessed there was no problem related to the establishment of signature bonds on the new contract of termination work area.

"The government does have the right to determine the amount of the signature bonus," he said.

SKK Migas notes the exact number of commitments planned by the KKKS to new contracts in the termination work areas of considerable value. Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi also appreciated PT Pertamina (Persero), which prepared funds of about US $ 200 million for a definite commitment in the work area Jambi Merang which is terminated in 2019.

"The definite commitment to this new contract for the work area of ​​the game is great because the KKKS has an interest in maintaining the production level after switching to a new contract," he said.

The exact commitment amount of new contracts for termination work areas of US $ 865.44 million. The value is much greater than the exact commitment amount of 9 regions work of 2017 and 2018 results worth US $ 68.22 million. The exact commitment value of the new contract termination work area is likely to increase as there are about 22 termination working areas and the period from 2020 to 2026.

Moreover, the Rokan Block, the largest working area with capacity in Indonesia, will also be terminated in 2021. The exact commitment value of the working area with an average production of 260,000 barrels per day is potentially huge.


Batas Atas Bonus Tanda Tangan Dihapus

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral merevisi Peraturan Menteri atau Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 23 aohun 2018 terkait Pengelolaan Wilayah Kerja Migas terminasi dengan Peraturan Menteri ESDM nomor 28 tahun 2018. Poin yang direvisi adalah penghapuson batas atas bonus tanda tangan kontrak wilayah kerja migas.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, penghapusan batas atas bonus tanda tangan dilakukan karena
dalam perhitungan formula nilai bonus tanda tangan bisa ada potensi hasil di atas US$ 250 juta.

“Jadi, Menteri ESDM bisa menetapkan tanda tangan bonus minimal US$ 1 juta tanpa batas atas. Kan kalau nilai bonus tanda tangan besar bagus juga buat negara,” ujarnya.

Bonus tanda tangan adalah dana yang dikeluarkan oleh Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) atas kontrak wilayah kerja migas dan masuk ke kas negara. Sebelumnya, pada Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 23 tahun 2018 disebutkan bonus tanda tangan untuk wilayah kerja yang akan terminasi berada pada rentang US$ 1 juta hingga US$ 2S0 juta.

Kala itu, kalau perhitungan bonus tanda tangan hanya US$ 500.000 maka akan dibulatkan menjadi US$ 1 juta, sedangkan besaran di atas US$ 250 juta akan dibulatkan menjadi US$ 250 juta. Peraturan itu pun direvisi dan ketentuan bonus tanda tangan menjadi minimal US$ 1 juta tanpa batas atas. Arcandra pun memastikan perubahan ketentuan bonus tanda tangan ini tidak akan berpengaruh kepada tingkat investasi hulu migas. 

“Kami sudah memiliki formula perhitungannya, jadi semuanya jelas dan transparan,” ujarnya.

Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 23 tahun 2018 sudah diimplementasikan pada penetapan kontrak baru wilayah kerja terminasi 2018 dan 2019. Bonus tanda tangan dari dua periode temminasi yang terdiri dan 11 wilayah kerja migas itu senilai US$53,79 juta. Jumlah bonus tanda tangan untuk kontrak baru wilayah kerja tenninasi itu lebih tinggi daripada hasil lelang karena wilayah terminasi sudah memiliki produksi dan data cadangan yang jelas.

Hal itu berbeda dengan wilayah kerja hasil lelang yang bonus tanda tangannya bisa di bawah US$ 1 juta karena sifatnya masih eksplorasi dan awal. Kementerian ESDM menilai tingkat komitmen pasti yang lebih besar lebih penting daripada bonus tanda tangan. Arcandra mengakui, uang bonus tanda tangan yang besar hanya masuk ke kas negara, sedangkan kalau tingkat komitmen pasti yang tinggi bisa mendorong eksplorasi dan produktivitas sektor hulu migas.

“Nah, eksplorasi migas di Indonesia dinilai masih sedikit. Strategi mengurangi bonus tanda tangan dan menambahkannya kekomitmen pasti bisa mendorong investasi eksplorasi,” ujarnya.


Sementara itu, Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia Petroleum Asociation (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong menilai tidak ada masalah terkait penetapan bonds tanda tangan pada kontrak baru wilayah kerja terminasi tersebut.

"Pemerintah memang memiliki hak untuk menentukan besaran bonus tanda tangan tersebut," ujarnya.

SKK Migas mencatat jumlah komitmen pasti yang direncanakan KKKS pada kontrak baru di wilayah kerja terminasi memiliki nilai yang cukup besar. Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi pun mengapresiasi PT Pertamina (Persero) yang menyiapkan dana hingga sekitar US$200 juta untuk komitmen pasti di wilayah kerja Jambi Merang yang terminasi pada 2019.

“Komitmen pasti pada kontrak baru wilayah kerja teminasi ini besar karena KKKS punya kepentingan untuk menjaga tingkat produksi setelah beralih ke kontrak baru,” ujarnya.

Jumlah komitmen pasti kontrak baru 11 wilayah kerja terminasi senilai US$ 865,44 juta. Nilai itu jauh Iebih besar ketirnbang jumlah komitmen pasti dari 9 wilayah kerja hasil Ielang 2017 dan 2018 yang senilai US$ 68,22 juta. Nilai komitmen pasti dari kontrak baru wilayah kerja terminasi berpotensi bertambah besar karena masih ada sekitar 22 wilayah kerja terminasi dan periode 2020 sampai 2026.

Apalagi, Blok Rokan, wilayah kerja dengan kapasitas terbesar di Indonesia, juga akan terminasi pada 2021. Nilai komitmen pasti wilayah kelja dengan rata-rata produksi 260.000 barel per hari itu berpotensi sangat besar. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, May 18, 2018

Oil breaks US $ 80 per barrel

Oil prices touched $ 80 a barrel as supply tightened and demand continued to strengthen. The current price level has not been achieved since November 2014.

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Company Bank reveals that a surge in US shale oil production could not replace Iran's oil decline after the US re-imposed sanctions on the world's third-largest producer of the crude exporting nation (OPEC). Oil prices then lifted. Oil prices have rallied to the highest level for more than 3 years.

On Tuesday, 17.07 GMT, Brent oil rose 0.90 points, or 1.1 percent, to settle at $ 80.18 a barrel, but returned to $ 79.91 a barrel afterwards. West Texas Intermediate oil trading rose 0.57 points or 0.80 percent to US $ 72.06 per barrel. The WTI price is now the highest level since trading in 2015. Meanwhile, in 2014, WTI had touched US $ 89.6 per barrel and decreased to the level of US $ 70s per banel in December. Commodity analyst at Kiwoom Securities Co. Ahn Yea Ha said US oil demand is still stable.

"Geopolitical uncertainties support prices above US $ 70 per barrel until tensions are reduced. We will continue to sell [WTI] oil at a price range below US $ 72, "he said, quoted by Bloomberg, Thursday (17/5).

Looking at the continued upward movement in oil prices, US financial institution Morgan Stanley then raised its Brent price forecast to $ 90 a barrel by 2020. Meanwhile, the International Energy Agency (IEA) lowered its forecast for global oil demand growth for 2018 from 1.5 million barrels per day to 1.4 million barrels per day. The IEA said oil demand was at an average of 99.2 million barrels per day by 2018.

Meanwhile, supply is currently at the level of 98 million barrels per day after the enactment of OPEC production trimming policy. The IEA estimates output growth outside OPEC will rise by 1.87 million barrels per day by 2018. The IEA shows a record of overseas demand for US crude along with declining oil and domestic fuel stocks.

"Investors are beginning to weigh whether the market sees trading to be tight during the summer when the driving season takes place in North America," said
Michael Lynch, President of Strategic Energy and Economic Research in Winchester, Massachusetts.


US oil production has risen significantly, reaching 27% in the last 2 years and touching the production record of 10.72 million barrels per day. US production is bringing Uncle Sam's country is almost parallel to Russia as the top oil producer that pumps about 11 million barrels per day outside OPEC. The result of the surge in production, US crude oil exports in the global market skyrocketed.

Marex Spectron commodity futures broker reveals that a surge in US oil supplies is enough to affect the bearish position of oil futures contract developments.

"The US economic outlook is also bearish because of the deteriorating short-term credit conditions so [oil] is not priced well by the market," Marex Spectron reports. Brokers claim that the intensity of trade in US energy commodities will continue to decline, becoming bad news for futures trading in oil commodities.


Minyak Tembus US$ 80 per Barel

Harga minyak menyentuh US$ 80 per barel karena pasokan yang semakin ketat dan permintaan terus menguat. Level harga saat ini belum pernah dicapai kembali sejak November 2014.

Bank Perusahaan Goldman Sachs Group Inc. mengungkapkan bahwa lonjakan produksi minyak serpih AS tidak bisa menggantikan penurunan minyak Iran setelah AS kembali memberlakukan sanksi pada produsen terbesar ketiga organisasi negara pengekspor minyak mentah (OPEC) itu. Harga minyak kemudian terangkat. Harga minyak telah reli ke level tertinggi selama lebih dan 3 tahun.

Pada perdagangan Kamis (17/5) pukul 17.07 WIB tercatat minyak Brent naik 0,90 poin atau 1,1% menyentuh US$80,18 per barel, namun kembali ke US$79,91 per barel setelahnya. Perdagangan minyak West Texas Intermediate mengalami kenaikan 0,57 poin atau 0,80% menjadi US$72,06 per barel. Harga WTI saat ini menjadi level teninggi sejak perdagangan 2015. Sementara itu pada 2014, WTI sempat menyentuh US$89,6 per barel dan menurun ke level US$70-an per banel pada Desember. Analis komoditas di Kiwoom Securities Co. Ahn Yea Ha mengatakan permintaan minyak AS masih stabil.

“Ketidakpastian geopolitik mendukung harga di atas US$70 per barel hingga ketegangan berkurang. Kami akan tetap menjual minyak [WTI] pada kisaran harga di bawah US$72,” ujarnya dikutip dari Bloomberg, Kamis (17/5).

Melihat pergerakan harga minyak yang terus menguat, lembaga keuangan AS Morgan Stanley kemudian menaikkan prediksi harga Brent menjadi US$ 90 per barel pada 2020. Sementara itu, Agen Energi Internasional (IEA) menurunkan prediksi penumbuhan permintaan minyak global untuk 2018 dari 1,5 juta barel per hari menjadi 1,4 juta barel per hari. IEA mengungkapkan, permintaan minyak berada pada rata-rata 99,2 juta barel per hari pada 2018.

Adapun, pasokan saat ini berada pada level 98 juta barel per hari setelah pemberlakuan kebijakan pemangkasan produksi OPEC. IEA memperkirakan pertumbuhan produksi di luar OPEC akan naik 1,87 juta barel per hari pada 2018. IEA menunjukkan adanya rekor permintaan luar negeri untuk minyak mentah AS disertai dengan menurunnya stok minyak serta bahan bakar domestik.

"Investor mulai menimbang apakah pasar melihat perdagangan akan ketat selama musim panas ketika musim berkendara berlangsung di Amerika Utara,” kata Michael Lynch, President Strategic Energy and Economic Research di Winchester, Massachusetts.


Produksi minyak AS telah mengalami kenaikan yang cukup signifikan, mencapai 27% dalam 2 tahun terakhir dan menyentuh rekor produksi sebanyak 10,72
juta barel per hari. Produksi AS tersebut membawa Negeri Paman Sam berada hampir sejajar dengan Rusia sebagai produsen minyak teratas yang memompa sekitar 11 juta barel per hari di luar OPEC. Hasil dari lonjakan produksi itu, ekspor minyak mentah AS di pasar global meroket.

Pialang berjangka komoditas Marex Spectron mengungkapkan bahwa lonjakan pasokan minyak AS cukup berpengaruh pada posisi bearish perkembangan kontrak minyak berjangka.

“Outlook ekonomi AS juga mengalami bearish karena kondisi kredit jangka pendek yang memburuk sehingga [minyak] tidak diberi harga yang pantas oleh pasar,” ungkap laporan Marex Spectron. Pialang menyatakan bahwa intensitas perdagangan komoditas energi AS akan terus berkurang, menjadi kabar buruk untuk perdagangan berjangka komoditas minyak.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-16, Friday, May 18, 2018

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Pertamina to follow Shell in seeking fuel price hike

State-owned energy giant Pertamina willisoon propose to the government new prices for its commercially sold gasoline products amid an upward trend in global crude oil prices that have exceeded US$70 per barrel. As of Wednesday the price of global benchmark Brent crude was $77.91 perbarrel, up from price as little as $44.82 per barrel in June last year.

Nicke Widyawati

Pertamina acting president director Nicke Widyawati confirmed on Wednesday that the company would propose a new price for its gasoline. However, it is still in internal discussions.

“We will propose it, but currently our main focus is to serve society ahead of Ramadhan,” she brielly said, referring to the Islamic fasting month, which starts

Separately, Pertamina corporate secretary Syahrial Mukhtar said the firm was in consultations with the government regarding an increase in its gasoline prices.

“We are part of the government; [gasoline prices] are a sensitive issue for society. Therefore, the government must take into consideration the effect [of a fuel price hike] on people’s purchasing power,” She said.

Meanwhile, PT Shell Indonesia has submitted its request for a fuel price hike to the government. Djoko Siswanto, the oil and gas director general at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, confirmed on Tuesday but he did not disclose the amount of price adjustment sought by Shell. He indicated the government would announce its decision within two weeks.

Shell Indonesia

When asked for confirmation on Tuesday Shell Indonesia president director Darwin Silalahi refused to comment. Shell Indonesia downstream external relations and country social performance manager Sri Wahyu Endah could not be reached for comment on Wednesday. As of April, the government required all gasoline distributors to get approval from the government before increasing fuel prices. 

The new policy was set out in the revised Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry Regulation (MinReg)No. 39/2014 on the formulation of gasoline retail prices. The regulation, issued last month, is aimed at keeping inflation in check. It binds all gasoline distributors in the country including privately-owned ones like newcomer Vivo Energi Indonesia, a subsidiary of Vitol Group based in Switzerland, and Total Oil Indonesia, the local arm of Frances Total SA.

In the previous regulation, gasoline prices fluctuated in accordance with global oil prices and the rupiah exchange rate, with the government limiting the profit margin of all business entities to a range of 5 to 10 percent of the basic gasoline prices. Djoko from the energy ministry explained further that the ministry had limited such requests for price increases to one a month.

“We will evaluate the proposal for at least two weeks and then announce the result. The standard is that [fuel distributors] cannot take a margin of more
than 10 percent,” he said, adding that the government would use the Mean of Platts Singapore (MOPS) benchmark.

Jakarta Post, Page-13, Thursday, May 17, 2018

Oil Demand Slows

The strengthening of world crude oil prices in futures trading eased in line with rising oil supplies and the United States as a sign that demand for commodities was slowing. On the other hand, the Organization of Crude Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC) is continuing the deal on production cuts to reduce supply compliance. In addition, geopolitical factors in the form of US nuclear sanctions against Iran still greatly affect the movement of oil prices.

In trading Wednesday (16/5) at 20:08 pm, Brent oil futures prices fell 0.67 points or 0.85% US $ 77.76 per barrel. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil fell 0.38 points or 053 percent to US $ 70.93 a barrel. The physical market for crude oil declines because of the large supply of crude oil that has not been absorbed through contracts. In fact, the 50% rise in oil prices over the past year has prompted a number of leading companies such as ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron, BP and Total to increase production.

"Aggregate production has grown in a number of major producers," said research agency S & P Global, quoted by Reuters.

Meanwhile, crude oil cargo prices are at the lowest discount position for futures contracts in recent years. The reason is that traders are trying to find buyers for West Africa, Russia and Kazakhstan cargoes given the disruption of bottlenecks in oil pipelines in West Texas and Canada.

Under the American Petroleum Institute (API) report, the bottleneck in North America contributed to a 4.9 million barrel increase in US crude inventories, to 435.6 million barrels. Some analysts in the survey said that the crude market will remain tight until the end of the year if the US sanctions against Iran have been realized and the demand for oil has strengthened. In addition, rising oil prices also have an impact on other commodity markets.

"The increase in oil prices carries risks on other commodity prices," said Morgan Stanley report.

Meanwhile, the International Energy Agency (IEA) warned that global oil demand is likely to moderate this year as oil prices begin to approach US $ 80 per barrel and many major importing countries are no longer offering massive subsidies for fuel. In its monthly report, the IEA has cut its forecast for global demand growth to 1.4 million barrels per day for 2018, from an earlier forecast of 1.5 million barrels per day.

"The report looks favored on the negative side. Demand for oil has been revised to be less for the second half of 2018, starting from April, "said PVM Oil Associates strategist Tamas Varga.

Earlier, United Arab Emirates Energy Minister Suhail Al Mazrouei said that 3 OPEC members Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates had sufficient oil reserves to meet the needs of the global market.

"Do not worry about the supply, we think there will be no problems related to US sanctions to Iran," he said.


Permintaan Minyak Melambat

Penguatan harga minyak mentah dunia dalam perdagangan berjangka mereda seiring dengan kenaikan pasokan minyak dan Amerika Serikat sebagai tanda bahwa permintaan komoditas itu melambat. Di sisi lain, organisasi negara pengekspor minyak mentah atau OPEC masih melanjutkan kesepakatan pemangkasan produksi untuk mengurangi kepenuhan pasokan. Selain itu faktor geopolitik berupa sanksi nuklir AS terhadap Iran masih sangat mempengaruhi pergerakan harga minyak.

Pada perdagangan Rabu (16/5) pukul 20.08 WIB, tercatat harga minyak Brent berjangka turun 0,67 poin atau 0.85% US$77.76 per barel. Minyak West Texas Intermediate (WTI) turun 0,38 poin atau 053% menjadi US$70,93 per barel. Pasar fisik untuk minyak mentah menurun karena pasokan minyak mentah banyak yang belum terserap lewat kontrak. Padahal, kenaikan harga minyak yang mencapai 50% selama setahun terakhir ini telah mendorong sejumlah perusahaan ternama seperti ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, Chevron, BP, dan Total untuk menambah produksinya.

“jumlah produksi agregat mengalami pertumbuhan pada sejumlah produsen utama,” ungkap riset lembaga pemeringkatan S&P Global, dikutip dari Reuters.

Sementara itu, harga kargo minyak mentah berada pada posisi diskon terendah untuk kontrak berjangka dalam beberapa tahun belakangan.
Pasalnya, pedagang berupaya mencari pembeli untuk kargo Afrika Barat, Rusia, dan Kazakhstan mengingat ada gangguan bottleneck pada saluran pipa minyak di Texas Barat dan Kanada.

Berdasarkan laporan American Petroleum Institute (API), bottleneck di Amerika Utara berkontribusi pada kenaikan persediaan minyak mentah AS
sebanyak 4,9 juta barel, menjadi 435,6 juta barel. Sejumlah analis dalam survei mengatakan bahwa pasar minyak mentah akan tetap mengetat hingga akhir tahun ini jika pembaman sanksi AS terhadap Iran sudah terealisasi dan permintaan minyak menguat. Selain itu, kenaikan harga minyak juga memberikan dampak pada pasar komoditas lain.

“Kenaikan harga minyak membawa risiko pada harga-harga komoditas lain,” ungkap laporan Morgan Stanley.

Adapun, Agen Energi Intemasional (IEA) pada mengingatkan bahwa permintaan minyak global kemungkinan akan moderat pada tahun ini, karena harga minyak mulai mendekati US$ 80 per barel dan banyak negara pengimpor utama tidak lagi menawarkan subsidi besar-besaran untuk bahan bakar. Pada laporan bulanannya, IEA tercatat telah memangkas prediksinya untuk pertumbuhan permintaan global menjadi 1,4 juta barel per hari untuk 2018, dari prediksi sebelumnya sebanyak 1,5 juta barel per hari.

“laporan tersebut terlihat berpihak pada sisi negatif. Permintaan minyak telah direvisi menjadi lebih sedikit untuk semester kedua 2018, terhitung sejak April,” kata strategis PVM Oil Associates Tamas Varga.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Energi Uni Emirat Arab Suhail Al Mazrouei mengatakan bahwa 3 anggota OPEC yakni Arab Saudi, Kuwait, dan Uni Emirat Arab memiliki cadangan minyak yang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar global.

“Jangan khawatir tentang pasokan, kami pikir tidak akan ada masalah terkait dengan hasil sanksi AS ke Iran,” ujarnya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-16, Thursday, May 17, 2018

Price Becomes Stimulus Exploration Activities

This is the right time for upstream oil and gas companies to intensify exploration. For the first time since the fall of oil prices by the end of 2014, oil prices are at 70 dollars per barrel. On the one hand, the government cut the contract of 74 oil and gas blocks in the last three years.

Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi said the current high oil price has the potential to increase revenue for upstream oil and gas companies. Therefore, he encouraged companies to intensify exploration for the discovery of new oil and gas reserves.

"High oil prices will help exploration. We are optimistic that next year's exploration will increase, "said Amien after signing the contract of Pekawai Block and West Yamdena Block in Jakarta.

Amien acknowledged, not all exploration can successfully find oil and gas reserves in significant amounts. In the last three years, there are 74 oil and gas block contracts terminated (termination). One reason is that the holder of the contract has been carrying out exploration, but has not got results.

"Another cause is that the company does not keep the promise to carry out exploration until the specified time limit. The reason is because they do not have enough funds. The majority are companies from Indonesia, "said Amien.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said that the investment value for exploration in both blocks is US $ 12.5 million or equivalent to Rp 172.5 billion. The second contract of the block was won by PT Saka Energi Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk.

"For Pekawai Block, geological and geophysical studies and one exploration well will be carried out," said Djoko. The West Yamdena Block is committed to geological and geophysical studies, including the acquisition of two-dimensional seismic data.

President Director of Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan said that so far, oil and gas production has reached 56,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). For Saka Energy, the use of profit-sharing schemes based on gross production for the Pekawai Block and West Yamdena Block is the first time in Indonesia.


Harga Menjadi Stimulus Kegiatan Eksplorasi

Saat ini merupakan waktu yang tepat bagi perusahaan hulu minyak dan gas bumi untuk menggiatkan eksplorasi. Untuk pertama kalinya sejak jatuhnya harga minyak pada akhir 2014, harga minyak berada di level 70 dollar AS per barrel. Di satu sisi, pemerintah memutus kontrak 74 blok minyak dan gas bumi dalam kurun tiga tahun terakhir.

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, tingginya harga minyak saat ini berpotensi menambah pemasukan bagi perusahaan hulu migas. Karena itu, ia mendorong perusahaan untuk menggiatkan eksplorasi demi penemuan cadangan migas yang baru. 

”Harga minyak tinggi akan membantu eksplorasi. Kami optimistis eksplorasi tahun depan akan naik,” kata Amien seusai penandatanganan kontrak Blok Pekawai dan Blok West Yamdena di Jakarta.

Amien mengakui, tidak semua eksplorasi bisa sukses menemukan cadangan migas dalam jumlah signifikan. Dalam tiga tahun terakhir, ada 74 kon-
trak blok migas yang diputus (terminasi). Salah satu penyebabnya adalah pemegang kontrak sudah melaksanakan eksplorasi, tetapi tidak mendapat hasil. 

”Penyebab lainnya adalah perusahaan tersebut tidak menepati janji melaksanakan eksplorasi sampai batas waktu yang ditentukan. Penyebabnya karena mereka tak punya dana cukup. Mayoritas adalah perusahaan dari Indonesia,” ujar Amien.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, terkait penandatangan kontrak Blok Pekawai dan Blok West Yamdena, nilai investasi untuk eksplorasi di kedua blok tersebut 12,5 juta dollar AS atau setara Rp 172,5 miliar. Kontrak kedua blok tersebut dimenangi PT Saka Energi Indonesia, yang merupakan anak perusahaan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. 

"Untuk Blok Pekawai, akan dilaksanakan studi geologi dan geofisika serta satu sumur eksplorasi. Adapun di Blok West Yamdena, komitmen yang dijalankan adalah studi geologi dan geofisika, termasuk akuisisi data seismik dua dimensi,” ucap Djoko.

Direktur Utama Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan, sejauh ini, produksi migas sudah mencapai 56.000 barrel setara minyak per hari (BOEPD). Bagi Saka Energi, penggunaan skema bagi hasil berdasar produksi bruto (gross split) untuk Blok Pekawai dan Blok West Yamdena adalah yang pertama kalinya di Indonesia.

Kompas, Page-17, Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Oil and Gas Exploration Increases

The government is optimistic that oil and gas exploration activities will again show a positive trend in 2019. This consideration is based on rising world oil prices and the acquisition of a definite exploration work commitment from the Working Areas (WK) of terminating oil and gas (oil and gas) and new oil and gas WK.

"SKK (Upstream Implementation Special Unit) Migas is optimistic that next year's exploration activities will increase, at least seismically," said Head of SKK Migas, Amien Sunaryadi.

According to Amien, there are two things that underlie this optimism. First, the finance of oil and gas companies that participate in improving along with the impact of rising world oil prices.

"One is due to oil prices, so some companies have money," Amin explained.

Secondly, there is an additional definite commitment to conduct exploration activities.

"The big thing from WK termination, after getting WK ​​already operating, the exploration will be more," he hoped.

Another step in increasing exploration activities is to auction 74 blocks returned to the state over the past three years. The return of the block was due to limited funding, and the absence of oil and gas discovery at the time.

"The majority of WK exploration.

There are contractors who run a commitment that is all, but not discovery. And there are also those who can not commit until the time is up. Later after the clear up auctioned again in a year, "said Amien.

74 termination blocks have a definite commitment of more than 400 million US dollars. Of that amount, some have been paid by the contractor concerned, the rest is still billed by SKK Migas.

By re-auctioning these 74 block terminations, the government is eyeing new contractors with financially and technologically more established ones. That way, oil and gas exploration activities are running as expected.


Eksplorasi Migas Meningkat

Pemerintah optimistis kegiatan eksplorasi migas akan kembali menunjukkan tren positif pada 2019 mendatang. Pertimbangan ini didasari atas kenaikan harga minyak dunia dan perolehan komitmen kerja pasti eksplorasi dari Wilayah Kerja (WK) minyak dan gas bumi (migas) terminasi dan WK migas baru.

"SKK (Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Hulu) Migas optimistis kegiatan eksplorasi tahun depan meningkat. Paling tidak seismik," tegas Kepala SKK Migas, Amien Sunaryadi.

Menurut Amien, ada dua hal yang mendasari optimisme tersebut. Pertama, finansial perusahaan migas yang ikut membaik seiring dampak kenaikan harga minyak dunia.

"Yang satu karena harga minyak, jadi beberapa perusahaan menjadi punya uang," jelas Amin.

Kedua, adanya tambahan komitmen pasti untuk melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi. 

"Yang besar dari WK terminasi. Setelah mendapatkan WK yang sudah beroperasi, maka eksplorasinya akan Iebih banyak," harapnya.

Langkah lain dalam meningkatkan kegiatan eksplorasi adalah melelang 74 blok yang dikembalikan kepada negara dalam kurun waktu tiga tahun
terakhir. Pengembalian blok tersebut karena keterbatasan dana, dan belum adanya penemuan migas saat itu.

"Mayoritas WK eksplorasi.

Ada kontraktor yang menjalankan komitmen yang semua, tapi tidak discovery. Dan ada juga yang tidak bisa melakukan komitmen sampai waktunya habis. Nanti setelah di clear up dilelang lagi dalam setahun," kata Amien.

74 blok terminasi memiliki komitmen pasti lebih dari 400 juta dolar AS. Dari jumlah itu, sebagian telah dibayar oleh kontraktor bersangkutan, sisanya masih ditagih oleh SKK Migas.

Dengan melelang ulang 74 blok terminasi tersebut, pemerintah mengincar kontraktor baru yang punya segi finansial dan teknologi yang lebih mapan. Dengan begitu, kegiatan eksplorasi migas berjalan seperti yang diharapkan.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Mining Area Auction Continued

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources declares auction The advanced mining area will be conducted after determination of compensation value of data and information. However, the move is still considered difficult to spur exploration that has long been melesu.

Director General of Minerals and Coal Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Bambang Gatot Ariyono said the next stage of the auction does not need to wait for the 16 mining areas that are now ready to be auctioned. According to him, as long as the compensation value of data and information has been determined, the auction can be done anytime.

"The bottom line is that the next stage can immediately follow once there is data. No need to wait for the 16 behavior, "he said.

The government immediately auctioned 10 Mining Permit Areas (WIUP) and 6 Special Mining Business License (WIUPK). The value of data compensation and information reached Rp 4.095 trillion. The value is determined through Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree no. 1805.K / 30 / MEM / 2018 on Compensation Price Data of Information and Land Use Information of Mining Business License and Area of ​​Special Mining Business License for the Period of 2018. This decision is stipulated on April 30, 2018.

For WIUP, the total value of data compensation is Rp. 1.765 trillion with the highest value for an area of ​​Rp 225 billion. As for WIUPK, though the amount under WIUP to be auctioned, the total value of data compensation Rp 2.33 trillion with the highest value for one region of Rp 984.85 billion.

A total of 5 WIUP is a new area consisting of Mulya Agung Block, Waringin Agung Block, Tumbang Karanei Block, Silo Block, and Siibata Block. The remainder is the former exploration phase consisting of the Natai Baru Block, Tumbang Nusa Block, Baronang I Block, Baronang II Block, and Piner Block. Meanwhile, all WIUPKs to be offered before auction are the former production stage of production consisting of Iatao Block, Suasua Block, Matarape Block, Kolonodale Block, North Bahodopi Block and Rantau Pandan Block.

Chairman of the Indonesian Mining Institute (IMI) Irwandy Arif said with high value, the risk of data buying and selling practices as feared the government will obviously disappear. The compensation value set for the 16 territories can only be paid by large capital companies.

"For a national company whose capital is mediocre certainly less able to pay."

According to him, only this time the value of data compensation for the mining area is set with a very high value. Exploratory practitioners of the Indonesian Geologists Association (IAGI) Adi Maryono assess the auction started again by the government in this year is still difficult to spur long-delayed exploration.

In fact, exploration becomes the key to the sustainability of the mining industry. However, these activities have not been done with massive. University of Indonesia economist Faisal Basri said the government needs to encourage potential investors to enter Indonesia for mining exploration without putting heavy burden at the beginning, as the activity has long been slowing down.


Lelang Wilayah Pertambangan Dilanjut

Kementerian ESDM menyatakan lelang Wilayah pertambangan tahap lanjutan akan dilakukan setelah ada penetapan nilai kompensasi data dan informasinya. Namun, langkah itu dinilai masih sulit untuk memacu eksplorasi yang telah lama melesu.

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM Bambang Gatot Ariyono mengatakan lelang tahap berikutnya tidak perlu menunggu 16 wilayah pertambangan yang saat ini sudah siap dilelang itu laku. Menurutnya, selama nilai kompensasi data dan informasinya sudah ditetapkan, lelang bisa dilakukan kapan saja. 

“Intinya yang tahap selanjutnya bisa langsung menyusul begitu ada datanya. Tidak perlu menunggu yang 16 laku,” katanya.

Pemerintah segera melelang 10 Wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan (WIUP) dan 6 Wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (WIUPK). Nilai kompensasi data dan informasinya mencapai Rp 4,095 triliun. Nilai tersebut ditetapkan melalui Keputusan Menteri ESDM No. 1805.K/30/MEM/2018 tentang Harga Kompensasi Data lnformasi dan Informasi Penggunaan Lahan Wilayah lzin Usaha Pertambangan dan Wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus
Periode Tahun 2018. Keputusan ini ditetapkan pada 30 April 2018.

Untuk WIUP, total nilai kompensasi datanya Rp 1,765 triliun dengan nilai tertinggi untuk satu wilayah Rp 225 miliar. Adapun untuk WIUPK, kendati jumlahnya di bawah WIUP yang akan dilelang, total nilai kompensasi datanya Rp 2,33 triliun dengan nilai tertinggi untuk satu wilayahnya Rp 984,85 miliar.

Sebanyak 5 WIUP merupakan wilayah baru yang terdiri dari Blok Mulya Agung, Blok Waringin Agung, Blok Tumbang Karanei, Blok Silo, dan Blok Siibata. Sisanya merupakan Wilayah bekas tahap eksplorasi yang terdiri dari Blok Natai Baru, Blok Tumbang Nusa, Blok Baronang I, Blok Baronang II, dan Blok Piner. Sementara itu, seluruh WIUPK yang akan ditawarkan sebelum dilelang merupakan lahan bekas tahap operasi produksi yang terdiri dari Blok Latao, Blok Suasua, Blok Matarape, Blok Kolonodale, Blok Bahodopi Utara, dan Blok Rantau Pandan.

Ketua Indonesian Mining Institute (IMI) Irwandy Arif mengatakan dengan nilai tinggi, risiko praktik jual beli data seperti yang dikhawatirkan pemerintah itu jelas akan hilang. Nilai kompensasi yang telah ditetapkan untuk 16 wilayah itu hanya bisa dibayar oleh perusahaan bermodal besar.

“Bagi perusahaan nasional yang modalnya pas-pasan tentunya kurang mampu membayar."

     Menurutnya, baru kali ini nilai kompensasi data untuk wilayah pertambangan ditetapkan dengan nilai yang sangat tinggi. Praktisi eksplorasi Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) Adi Maryono menilai lelang mulai dilakukan lagi oleh pemerintah pada tahun ini masih sulit untuk memacu eksplorasi yang
telah lama melesu. 

Padahal, eksplorasi menjadi kunci keberlanjutan industri pertambangan. Namun, kegiatan tersebut sudah lama tidak dilakukan dengan masif. Ekonom Universitas Indonesia Faisal Basri mengatakan pemerintah perlu mendorong calon investor masuk ke Indonesia untuk eksplorasi pertambangan tanpa memberi beban berat di awal, karena kegiatan itu sudah lama melesu.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Two Official Gross Split Contracts Signed

The signing of a gross split sharing contract for the work area of Pekawai and West Yamdena was officially signed between the Head of Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Activities (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi and contractor of cooperation contract. 

     The signing of the contract at the Office of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) in Jakarta was also witnessed by Director General of Oil and Gas Joko Siswanto.

The working area of Pekawai is located in the mainland and offshore of East Kalimantan with PT Saka Energi Sepinggan contractor. The working area of West Yamdena is in the territory of the mainland and offshore Maluku Islands, which is operated by PT Saka Energi Yamdena Barat. 

    Of the two contracts, the government received a definite commitment and a signature bonus of US $ 13.5 million (approximately Rp 90 billion). In details, the total investment commitment is definitely exploration from the signing of a contract worth US $ 12,550,000 and a signature bonus of US $ 1 million.


Dua Kontrak Gross Split Resmi Ditandatangani

Penandatanganan kontrak bagi hasil gross split untuk wilayah kerja Pekawai dan West Yamdena resmi ditanda-tangani antara Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi dan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama. 

     Penandatanganan kontrak di Kantor Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Minerai (ESDM) di Jakarta juga disaksikan Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi Joko Siswanto.

Wilayah kerja Pekawai berlokasi di daratan dan Iepas pantai Kalimantan Timur dengan kontraktor PT Saka Energi Sepinggan. Adapun wilayah kerja West Yamdena di wilayah KepulauanTanimbar daratan dan lepas pantai Maluku yang dioperasikan PT Saka Energi Yamdena Barat. 

    Dari kedua kontrak itu, pemerintah menerima komitmen pasti dan bonus tanda tangan sebesar US$ 13,5 juta (sekitar Rp 90 miIiar). Perinciannya, total investasi komitmen pasti eksplorasi dari penandatanganan kontrak senilai US$ 12.550.000 dan bonus tandatangan sebesar US$ 1 juta.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Govt hopeful about exploration as prices more up

The upward trend in global oil prices will boost exploration activity by oil and gas companies across Indonesia, but a number of challenges will hamper the up swing, according to the oil and gas regulator. Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas) head Amien Sunaryadi said the effect of new exploration activity would only be seen after a few years. As of Monday, the Brent crude oil price reached US$ 76, almost double the lowest price of US$ 34 seen in the last eleven years.

“I am positive that that will help exploration activity, at least for seismic activity [one of the methods to find potential sources], but we must be patient, as it won’t produce results immediately” he said in Jakarta

Investment in exploration has declined by 58 percent from Rp 31.01 trillion in 2011 to only Rp 13 trillion in 2016 amid a continuous weakening of oil prices. Oversupply was the main suspect behind the low prices at the time, because the United States had been accelerating production soon after finding a new way to extract crude oil from rock to produce what was later called shale oil.

Given the upward trend in global crude prices, SKK Migas is hopeful that investment in the upstream oil and gas sector can reach $12.6 billion this year, $ 810 million of which is projected to go to exploration, with the remainder going to exploitation.

“Beside riding the wave of higher oil prices, contractors have also made firm commitments to set aside exploration budgets in their contracts,” he said, referring to the recent contract deals on oil and gas blocks on at least 20 blocks Linder the gross-split scheme.

One of those deals is that of Saka Energi Indonesia (SEI). an upstream unit of state-owned gas distributor Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), which on Monday signed a contract with the government on the Pekawai working area (WK) in East Kalimantan and on the West Yamdena WK in Maluku.

At these blocks, SEI, through its subsidiaries Saka Energi Sepinggan and Saka Energi Yamdena Barat, has committed to under-taking geological and geophysical (G&G) studies with a total investment value of $12.5 million.

“For Saka Energi Yamdena Barat, they also committed to conducting a 2D seismic survey covering 1,000 kilometers within the first three years of the contract period,” said Djoko Siswanto, oil and gas director general at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministiy on Monday.

Through the two contracts, the government received $1 million in signature bonuses and $ 12,5 million in the blocks investment commitment tor the next three years. However, Jakarta Base Mining research group reforminer institute executive director Komaidi Notonegoro is not entirely on the same page with the government’s optimism on exploration.

Komaidi reasoned that there were still difiiculties in obtaining permits. while infrastructure for oil distribution was left wanting and uncertainty about tax policies hampered the industry.

“Our natural reseives are Currently located in the eastern areas of the country, hence the government might want to intensify infrastructure development in the region,” he said, adding that the reserves mainly lay in deep-sea areas, which required complex and coslly technology.

     SEI president director Tumbur Parlindungan concurred that the government still had lots of homework to do to improve the ease of doing business in the industry. Yet, he said, he believed it was better to find the potential resources before asking for incentives. He further reasoned that, as an oil and gas company, conducting exploration was a non-negotiable activity in order to improve oil production. 

“We [Indonesia] have a lot of unexplored potential resources that have yet to be found,” he said.

SEI produces an average 56,000 barrels of oil per day at its eight blocks, one of which is located in indonesia. When asked about the lack of infrastructure in the eastern region, Amien acknowledged that it had been affecting investor appetite for exploration, especially with regard to distribution.

the Jakarta Post, Page-13, Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Government-Saka Energy Signs Two Oil and Gas Contracts

The government and PT Saka Energi Indonesia signed a production sharing contract (PSC) for two oil and gas blocks won in the 2017 auction, namely Pekawai and West Yamdena Blocks.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Djoko Siswanto said the contracts were originally planned to be signed at the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) earlier this month, along with another block, the Merak Block Lampung. 

     However, since PT Tansri Madjid Energi as the winner of the Merak Block Lampung has not completed the guarantee payment of investment commitment, the signing of the contract is postponed. However, until the signing of the contract with Saka, Tansri Madjid has not yet completed the guarantee of performance bond.

"Immediately signed if performance bonds were scattered, now it has not been submitted. We will not sign if we do not pay, "said after the signing of PSC in Jakarta. This guarantee amounts to US $ 1.5 million.

Meanwhile, the signing of the Pekawai and West Yamdena Blocks, the government received a signature bonus of US $ 1 million. In addition, the government also obtained an investment commitment of US $ 12.5 million. In detail, Saka promised to work on G & G studies and drill an exploration well in Pekawai Block, and work on G & G studies and 2D seismic data acquisition in the West Yamdena Block.

"Saka certainly can, with investment commitments and gross split contracts, can find large reserves," said Djoko.

President Director of Saka Energi Tumbur Parlindungan explained, it will immediately start exploration activities in these two blocks after the signing of the contract. It will do G & G study followed by seismic survey. Although his side and the previous government conducted a joint study on the two blocks, a more detailed retrospective study is needed. At the end of the exploration period, only the well drilling is done.

"Maybe at the end of the new we drilled oil and gas wells in Pekawai Block, in 2020 or 2021. If you can quickly fast," he said.

While in the West Yamdena Block, Saka does not commit exploration drilling wells. Tumbur explained that the two oil and gas projects will be economical. In West Yamdena Block for example, although far from various facilities, oil and gas resources are estimated to be quite large, reaching 45 trillion cubic feet. It also plans to use gas facilities in Masela Block when the project is completed.

"When Masela is ready, we may use their facilities. The intention is so if it can (reserves), this is still an exploration, "said Tumbur.

While in Pekawai Block, he admitted oil and gas resource is not too big, which is about 1-2 trillion cubic feet. However, the block is located close to oil and gas facilities, one of which is liquefied natural gas (LNG) in Bontang, East Kalimantan.

"It's close (facilities), so actually (reserves) 150-200 billion cubic feet is already economical," he added.

In the oil and gas block auction last year, there were five oil and gas blocks won by oil and gas companies. However, in early April, two contracts were signed for the Andaman II Block with the Consortium of Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Kris Energy (Andaman II) BY and Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd, and the Andaman I Block with Mubadala Petroleum ( SE Asia) Ltd.

The Andaman II Block and Andaman II contracts were suppressed on 5 April. Of the two contracts, the government received a signature bonus of US $ 1.75 million. In addition, the government also received an investment commitment of US $ 7.55 by the Consortium of Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Kriss Energy (Andaman II) BV, and Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd in Andaman II Block, and US $ 2.15 million by Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd in the Andaman I Block.

If the Lampung Merak Block contract is signed, the government will pocket additional signature bonus of US $ 500 thousand and investment commitment of US $ 1.32 million.


Pemerintah-Saka Energi Tandatangani Dua Kontrak Migas

Pemerintah dan PT Saka Energi Indonesia menandatangani kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) untuk dua blok migas yang dimenangkan dalam lelang 2017, yakni Blok Pekawai dan West Yamdena. 

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, kontrak kedua blok migas ini awalnya direncanakan untuk diteken pada perhelatan Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) pada awal bulan ini, bersama satu blok lain yakni Blok Merak Lampung. 

     Namun, karena PT Tansri Madjid Energi sebagai pemenang Blok Merak Lampung belum menyelesaikan pembayaran jaminan komitmen
investasi, maka penandatanganan kontrak ditunda. Meski demikian, hingga penandatanganan kontrak dengan Saka, Tansri Madjid belum juga menyelesaikan jaminan berupa performance bond tersebut. 

“Secepatnya ditanda tangani kalau performance bond diserakan, sekarang belum diserahkan. Tidak akan kami tandatangani kalau tidak bayar,” kata
dia usai penandatanganan PSC di Jakarta. Nilai jaminan ini sebesar US$ 1,5 juta.

Sementara itu, penandatanganan kontrak Blok Pekawai dan West Yamdena, pemerintah memperoleh bonus tanda tangan US$ 1 juta. Selain itu, pemerintah juga memperoleh komitmen investasi sebesar US$ 12,5 juta. Rincinya, Saka menjanjikan akan mengerjakan studi G&G dan mengebor satu sumur eksplorasi di Blok Pekawai, serta menggarap studi G&G dan akuisisi data seismic 2D di Blok West Yamdena. 

“Saka pasti bisa, dengan komitmen investasi dan kontrak gross split, dapat menemukan cadangan besar,” tutur Djoko.

Direktur Utama Saka Energi Tumbur Parlindungan menjelaskan, pihaknya akan langsung mulai kegiatan eksplorasi di dua blok ini pasca penandatanganan kontrak. Pihaknya akan mengerjakan studi G&G dilanjutkan dengan survei seismik. Meski pihaknya dan pemerintah sebelumnya melakukan joint study di dua blok tersebut, studi ulang yang lebih detail tetap dibutuhkan. Di akhir masa eksplorasi, hanya pengeboran sumur dilakukan.

“Mungkin di akhir baru kami mengebor sumur migas di Blok Pekawai, di 2020 atau 2021. Kalau bisa cepat ya cepat,” ujarnya. 

Sementara di Blok West Yamdena, Saka tidak me  komitmen pengeboran sumur eksplorasi. Tumbur menjelaskan, optimis kedua proyek migas ini akan ekonomis. Di Blok West Yamdena misalnya, meski jauh dari berbagai fasilitas, sumber daya migasnya diperkirakan cukup besar, yakni mencapai 45 triliun kaki kubik. Pihaknya juga berencana menggunakan fasilitas gas di Blok Masela ketika proyek tersebut selesai dikembangkan.

“Kalau nanti Masela sudah jadi, mungkin kami pakai fasilitas mereka. Niatnya begitu kalau dapat (cadangan), ini kan masih eksplorasi,” kata Tumbur.

Sementara di Blok Pekawai, diakuinya sumber daya migasnya tidak terlalu besar, yakni sekitar 1-2 triliun kaki kubik. Namun, blok ini berlokasi dekat dengan fasilitas migas, salah satunya kilang gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG) di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur.

“Itu kan dekat (fasilitas), jadi sebenarnya (cadangan) 150-200 miliar kaki kubik saja sudah ekonomis,” tambahnya.

Dalam lelang blok migas tahun lalu, terdapat lima blok migas yang dimenangkan oleh perusahaan migas. Namun, pada awal April lalu, masih dua kontrak yang ditandatangani yakni untuk Blok Andaman II dengan Konsorsium Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Kris Energy (Andaman II) BY dan Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd, serta Blok Andaman I dengan Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd.

Kontrak Blok Andaman II dan Andaman II telah ditekan pada 5 April lalu. Dari dua kontrak ini, pemerintah memperoleh bonus tanda tangan US$ 1,75 juta. Selain itu, pemerintah juga mendapat komitmen investasi sebesar US$ 7,55 oleh Konsorsium Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Kriss Energy (Andaman II) BV, dan Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd di Blok Andaman II, serta US$ 2,15 juta oleh Mubadala Petroleum (SE Asia) Ltd di Blok Andaman I.

Jika kontrak Blok Merak Lampung ditandatangani, maka pemerintah akan mengantongi tambahan bonus tanda tangan US$ 500 ribu dan komitmen
investasi US$ 1,32 juta.

Investor Daily,Page-9, Tuesday, May 15, 2018