The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is confident there will be additional oil and gas investment and auction results of oil and gas blocks.
The investment achievement of upstream oil and gas sub-sector (oil and gas) until May 2018 is still far from the target. The figure is 26 percent or US $ 3.7 billion from the target in the State Budget (APBN) of 2018 which is worth US $ 14.2 billion. Head of Program and Communications Division of Upstream Oil and Gas Special Unit (SKK Migas) Wisnu Perbawa revealed that upstream oil and gas investment in both exploration and exploitation is still low with US $ 3.7 billion.
Only, he claims, this low investment is still at the beginning of the year. There are also several upstream oil and gas projects that are still waiting for on-stream schedules or operations, readiness of rigs and land readiness.
"Since the mentioned things have not happened yet, the investment has not been recorded yet," he said.
Unfortunately, Vishnu is still reluctant to disclose any projects that have not been operating optimally. However, Vishnu is confident that in the second half of 2018, oil and gas drilling will operate much faster than in the first semester of 2018. So that the achievement of oil and gas investment can be higher.
"Hopefully our investment target can be achieved until the end of the fall," he said.
Last year, oil and gas subsector investment was only US $ 10.175 billion. The figure comprises upstream investments of US $ 9.33 billion, consisting of investments in activities in the exploitation block of US $ 9.15 billion and investment of exploration block activities of only US $ 180 million.
The rest comes from downstream investment of US $ 845.58 million. The investment consists of processing investment of US $ 54.97 million, transportation of about US $ 4.2 million, storage of US $ 696.44 million, trade of approximately US $ 88.59 million and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) $ 1.38 million.
Head of SKK Migas, Amien Sunaryadi added that upstream oil and gas investment may increase if there is construction of new facilities, there is reserve or implementation of exploration activities. On Thursday (7/6), SKK Migas has just signed two new working areas, namely Merak Lampung and Citarum.
The exact commitment value of geological and geophysickal exploration (G & G) and the acquisition of two-dimensional seismic data (2D) 500 km in Merak Block Lampung reaches US $ 1.32 million and a signature bonus of US $ 500,000.
In the Citarum block with a definite G & G exploration commitment and 2D 300 km seismic data acquisition, with a total investment of US $ 3.75 million and a signature bonus of US $ 750,000
"The investment with additional reserves of two new production sharing contracts with exploration and additional reserves is expected to have large investments," said Amien.
In addition, there is an investment from Merakes field development. The cost of the Field development project is US $ 1.05 billion. Then there is also the Tangguh Train 3 project that is still ongoing. Then there is also development of Genting-Kesuri project. Director General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto revealed, usually at the end of the year there will be greater investment, so the target can be achieved.
"I hope it is achieved, now 26% of two times is 52% (in October) .The November-December graph is usually exceptional," said Djoko.
Well, to achieve these targets, the government will continue to auction oil and gas working areas this year. With so the upstream investment of oil and gas can be increased due to the certain working commitments that are deposited to the state. In addition, work commitments can also be obtained from new termination block contracts. Djoko also said that the increased investment could come from the development of the field through a new plan of development (POD).
Lima Bulan, Investasi Migas Hanya 26% Target
Kementerian ESDM yakin akan ada penambahan investasi migas dan hasil lelang blok migas.
Pencapaian investasi subsektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi (migas) sampai Mei 2018 masih jauh dari target. Angkanya besar mencapai 26% atau senilai US$ 3,7 miliar dari target dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) tahun 2018 yang senilai US$ 14,2 miliar. Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Wisnu Perbawa mengungkapkan, investasi hulu migas baik eksplorasi maupun eksploitasi masih rendah dengan angka US$ 3,7 miliar.
Hanya saja, dia mengklaim, rendahnya investasi ini karena masih di awal tahun. Juga ada beberapa proyek-proyek hulu migas yang masih menunggu jadwal on stream atau beroperasi, kesiapan rig dan kesiapan lahan.
"Karena hal-hal yang disebutkan itu belum terjadi, maka investasinya belum dicatat,” katanya.
Sayangnya, Wisnu masih enggan mengungkapkan proyek-proyek mana saja yang belum beroperasi secara maksimal. Namun Wisnu yakin, pada semester II-2018, pengeboran migas banyak yang beroperasi dan lebih cepat dibandingkan kegiatan di semester I-2018. Sehingga pencapaian investasi migas bisa lebih tinggi.
"Semoga target investasi kita bisa tercapai sampai akhir tahur," ujarnya.
Tahun lalu investasi subsektor migas hanya sekitar US$ 10,175 miliar. Angka tersebut terdiri dari investasi hulu sebesar US$ 9,33 miliar, yang terdiri dari investasi untuk kegiatan di blok eksploitasi sebesar US$ 9,15 miliar dan investasi kegiatan blok eksplorasi hanya US$ 180 juta.
Sisanya berasal dari investasi sektor hilir sebesar US$ 845,58 juta. Investasi tersebut terdiri dari investasi pengolahan sebesar US$ 54,97 juta, pengangkutan sekitar US$ 4,2 juta, penyimpanan US$ 696,44 juta, niaga sekitar US$ 88,59 juta dan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) sejumlah US$ 1,38 juta.
Kepala SKK Migas, Amien Sunaryadi menambahkan investasi hulu migas bisa bertambah jika ada pembangunan fasilitas baru, ada cadangan atau ada pelaksanaan kegiatan eksplorasi. Pada Kamis (7/6), SKK Migas baru saja menandatangani dua Wilayah kerja baru, yaitu Merak Lampung dan Citarum. Nilai komitmen pasti eksplorasi geological dan geophysickal (G&G) dan akuisisi data seismik dua dimensi (2D) 500 km di Blok Merak Lampung mencapai US$ 1,32.juta dan bonus tanda tangan sebesar US$ 500.000.
Di blok Citarum dengan komitmen pasti eksplorasi G&G dan akuisisi data seismik 2D 300 km, dengan total investasi senilai US$ 3,75 juta dan bonus tanda tangan sebesar US$ 750.000
"Investasi dengan tambahan cadangan dua production sharing contract baru ini dengan eksplorasi dan penambahan cadangan diharapkan akan ada investasi besar," ujar Amien.
Selain itu, ada investasi dari pengembangan Lapangan Merakes. Biaya proyek pengembangan Lapangan ini mencapai US$ 1,05 miliar. Kemudian ada juga proyek Tangguh Train 3 yang masih berlangsung. Lalu ada juga pengembangan proyek Genting-Kesuri. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto mengungkapkan, biasanya pada akhir tahun akan ada investasi yang lebih besar, sehingga target tersebut bisa tercapai.
"Saya berharap tercapai. Sekarang 26% kali dua saja sudah 52% (di Oktober). Grafik November-Desember biasanya exceptional,“ kata Djoko.
Nah, untuk mencapai target tersebut, pemerintah akan terus melakukan lelang wilayah kerja migas di tahun ini. Dengan begitu investasi hulu migas bisa meningkat karena adanya komitmen kerja pasti yang disetor ke negara. Selain itu komitmen kerja pasti juga bisa didapat dari kontrak-kontrak baru blok terminasi. Djoko juga mengungkapkan, peningkatan investasi bisa berasal dari adanya pengembangan lapangan melalui plan of development (POD) baru.
Kontan, Page-14, Friday, June 8, 2018