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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

ESDM Ensures New Boss in Three Blocks of Termination

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is moving quickly to provide certainty over the further management of three termination blocks or block of contracts in 2019. In Babu (31/5) signed a contract for the gross split for three oil and gas blocks. First, Jambi Merang Block with operator is PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Jambi Merang and 100% participating interest (including 10% participation rights to be offered to BUMD).

The Jambi Merang Block is currently managed by JOB Pertamina-Talisman Jambi Merang and the contract expires on 9 February 2019. Second, Raja / Pendopo Block with PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Raja Tempirai contractors and 100% participating interest (including 10% participating interest to be offered to BUMD). The Raja / Pendopo Block is still managed by JOB Pertamina Golden Spike Energy Indonesia; Ltd. and the management period ends on July 5, 2019.

Third, Seram Non Bula Block with CITIC Seram Energy Ltd, Gulf Petroleum Investment Company KSCC, Lion International Investment Ltd., PT GHJ Seram Indonesia and PT Petro Indo Mandiri. The participation of all contractors includes 10% participation rights to be offered to BUMD. The Non-Bula Seram Block will end its management period on October 31, 2019.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar explained, with the signing of three contracts, the government received a total signature bonus signature bonus of US $ 19.2 million or equivalent to Rp 258.5 billion. While the total estimated value of investment from the implementation of commitment activities must be five the first year is US $ 303.7 million or equivalent to Rp 4 trillion.

The government hopes that with the signing of new contracts in three oil and gas blocks terminated in 2019 there will be exploration activities to find additional Indonesian oil reserves. According to Arcandra, additional exploration activities are very large in the oil and gas world of Indonesia. The strategy is now with a definite work commitment.

"Hopefully this is a positive hope that this strategy can be accepted, but if there are things we need to improve we will be happy to review," he said.


ESDM Pastikan Boss Baru di Tiga Blok Terminasi

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Mineral (ESDM) bergerak cepat memberi kepastian terhadap pengelolaan selanjutnya atas tiga blok terminasi atau blok habis kontrak tahun 2019. Pada Babu (31/5) ditandatangani kontrak bagi hasil gross split untuk tiga blok migas. Pertama, Blok Jambi Merang dengan operator adalah PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Jambi Merang dan kepemilikan hak partisipasi atau participating Interest sebesar 100% (termasuk hak partisipasi 10% yang akan ditawarkan ke BUMD). 

Blok Jambi Merang saat ini masih dikelola JOB Pertamina-Talisman Jambi Merang dan kontrak berakhir 9 Februari 2019. Kedua, Blok Raja/Pendopo dengan kontraktor PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Raja Tempirai dan kepemilikan hak partisipasi 100% (termasuk 10% hak partisipasi yang akan ditawarkan kepada BUMD). Blok Raja/Pendopo saat ini masih dikelola JOB Pertamina Golden Spike Energy Indonesia; Ltd. dan masa pengelolaan berakhir pada tanggal 5 Juli 2019.

Ketiga, Blok Seram Non Bula dengan Kontraktor CITIC Seram Energy Ltd, Gulf Petroleum Investment Company KSCC, Lion International Investment Ltd., PT GHJ Seram Indonesia dan PT Petro Indo Mandiri. Hal partisipasi seluruh kontraktor ini termasuk hak partisipasi 10% yang akan ditawarkan kepada BUMD. Blok Seram Non Bula akan berakhir masa pengelolaanya pada tanggal 31 Oktober 2019.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menjelaskan, dengan penandatanganan tiga kontrak tersebut, pemerintah menerima total bonus tanda tangan alias signature bonus sebesar US$ 19,2 juta atau setara Rp 258,5 miliar. Sedangkan perkiraan total nilai lnvestasi dari pelaksanaan kegiatan komitmen pasti lima tahun pertama adalah sebesar US$ 303,7 juta atau setara Rp 4 trilliun.

Pemerintah berharap dengan penandatanganan kontrak baru di tiga blok migas terminasi tahun 2019 akan ada kegiatan eksplorasi untuk menemukan tambahan cadangan minyak Indonesia. Menurut Arcandra, tambahan aktivitas eksplorasi sangat besar di dunia migas Indonesia. Strategi sekarang dengan komitmen kerja pasti. 

"Mudah-mudahan positif. Semoga strategi ini bisa diterima, tapi kalau ada hal-hal perlu perbaiki kami akan senang mereview,"katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Profit Sharing Scheme is questioned again

A number of members of Commission VII (Energy) of the House of Representatives (DPR) again questioned the oil and gas sharing scheme based on gross production or gross split. Therefore, this scheme is considered not able to improve the investment climate. In the first quarter of 2018, production target of ready to sell or lifting of oil and gas has not been able to reach the target. On the other hand, according to the government, the gross split scheme actually makes the auction of oil and gas blocks desirable.

In a hearing session of Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR) with the Special Working Unit for Oil and Gas Upstream Business Activity (SKK Migas) and head of upstream oil and gas company on Thursday (31/5/2018), in Jakarta; the question of gross split reappeared. A day earlier, in a working meeting with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), the effectiveness of this scheme was also asked by a number of members of Commission VII DPR. The question is based on the achievement of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in the first quarter of 2018.

Based on SKK Migas data, oil lifting until April 30, 2018 as much as 741,900 barrels per day. The achievement is still below the target of the 2018 APBN as much as 800,000 barrels per day. The lifting of natural gas up to April 30, 2018 amounted to 6.450 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) or still below the target of the 2018 APBN of 6,720 MMSCFD. Member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives Kardaya Warnika, suggested the government to review gross split schemes if necessary.

"Do not let this scheme, big oil and gas companies do not want to invest in Indonesia again. This will be dangerous for exploration impact. Only large companies want to explore, "he said.

Vice Chairman of Commission VII Herman Khaeron said the first gross split scheme implemented in the Offshore Block North West Java is recommended to be evaluated if it gives unfavorable results. On the sidelines of the meeting, a number of members of Commission VII questioned the reason China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) did not follow the auction of South East Sumatra block.

China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC)

CNOOC is still the operator of the block until September 2018. The government has decided to continue the management of the South East Sumatra block handed over to Pertamina Hulu Energi.

"We are not interested in the gross split scheme (so do not participate in the auction). If with cost recovery, we are still willing, "said President Director of CNOOC Cui Hanyun, answering questions from members of Commission VII.

Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said, not all parties have the same opinion about the gross split. However, it is open to all input.


Skema Bagi Hasil Dipersoalkan Lagi 

Sejumlah anggota Komisi VII (Energy) Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) kembali mempersoalkan skema bagi hasil minyak dan gas bumi berdasarkan produksi bruto atau gross split. Sebab, skema ini dianggap belum mampu memperbaiki iklim investasi. Pada triwulan I-2018, target produksi siap jual atau lifting minyak dan gas bumi belum mampu mencapai target. Di sisi lain, menurut pemerintah, skema gross split justru membuat lelang blok migas diminati.

Dalam rapat dengar pendapat Komisi VII DPR dengan pihak Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatun Usaha hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) dan pimpinan perusahaan hulu migas, Kamis (31/5/2018), di Jakarta; pertanyaan mengenai gross split kembali muncul. Sehari sebelumnya, dalam rapat kerja dengan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), efektivitas skema ini juga ditanyakan sejumlah anggota Komisi VII DPR. Pertanyaan itu berdasarkan pencapaian kinerja Kementerian ESDM pada triwulan I-2018.

Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, lifting minyak hingga 30 April 2018 sebanyak 741.900 barrel per hari. Pencapaian itu masih di bawah target APBN 2018 yang sebanyak 800.000 barrel per hari. Adapun lifting gas bumi sampai dengan 30 April 2018 sebanyak 6.450 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) atau masih di bawah target APBN 2018 yang sebanyak 6.720 MMSCFD. Anggota Komisi VII DPR Kardaya Warnika, menyarankan pemerintah mengkaji kembali skema gross split jika diperlukan. 

”Jangan sampai gara-gara skema ini, perusahaan besar migas tidak mau berinvestasi di Indonesia lagi. Ini akan berbahaya dampaknya bagi eksplorasi. Hanya perusahaan besar yang mau melakukan eksplorasi,” katanya.

Wakil Ketua Komisi VII Herman Khaeron mengatakan, skema gross split yang pertama kali diterapkan di Blok Offshore North West Java disarankan untuk dievaluasi jika memberikan hasil kurang baik. Di sela-sela rapat, sejumlah anggota Komisi VII mempertanyakan alasan China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) tidak mengikuti lelang blok South East Sumatera.

CNOOC masih menjadi operator blok tersebut hingga September 2018. Pemerintah sudah memutuskan kelanjutan pengelolaan blok South East Sumatera diserahkan kepada Pertamina Hulu Energi.

”Kami tidak tertarik dengan skema gross split (sehingga tidak ikut lelang). Kalau dengan cost recovery, kami masih bersedia,” ujar Presiden Direktur CNOOC
Cui Hanyun, menjawab pertanyaan anggota Komisi VII.

Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, tidak semua pihak mempunyai pendapat yang sama soal gross split. Namun, pihaknya terbuka terhadap segala masukan.

Kompas, Page-18, Saturday, June 2, 2018

BDH Field Production 100 MMSCFD

East Java (East Java) which had shortage of gas, now it is excessive. The good news for industries in East Java that require natural gas is no longer difficult to meet the needs of gas production. Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) still has about 30 Milion Metric Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMscfd) or millions of cubic feet per day which has not been utilized from its production.

The Head of Relations HCML Hamim Tohari, BD Field in Sampang Regency, Madura was initially targeted to produce 100 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and 7,000 barrels of condensate per day. But now gas production is channeled to PGN and some industries only 70 percent of it can be absorbed. While 30 MMscfd there is no industry ready to use it.

"Actually there is Petrokimia Gresik who will use it for their production needs in Urea II factory they just built. But there are still obstacles so that HCML gas can not be utilized optimally, "said Hamim.

Hamim said one other cause of HCML gas can not be produced optimally is because currently in East Java there is over supply gas or excess supply of natural gas. This trend, said Hamim, is expected to give confidence to industries that want to use natural gas as a more environmentally friendly energy.

"Now we open our hands wide for the industry that wants to buy our gas. There are still 30 MMscfd ready to be distributed, "said Hamim Tohari.


Lapangan BDH Produksi 100 MMSCFD

Jawa Timur (Jatim) yang sempat kekurangan gas, kini justru berlebih. Kabar gembira untuk industri di Jawa Timur yang membutuhkan gas bumi tidak lagi kesulitan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan produksi gas. Adalah Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) masih memiliki gas sekitar 30 Milion Metric Standart Cubic Feet per Day (MMscfd) atau juta kaki kubik per hari yang belum termanfaatkan dari produksinya.

Jumlah yang sangat besar kalau tidak dimanfaatkan, Menurut Head of Relations HCML Hamim Tohari, lapangan BD di Kabupaten Sampang, Madura semula ditargetkan bisa memproduksi gas 100 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) dan 7.000 barel kondensat per hari. Namun saat ini produksi gas yang disalurkan ke PGN dan beberapa industri hanya 70 persennya saja yang bisa terserap. Sedangkan 30 MMscfd belum ada industri yang siap menggunakannya. 

“Sebenarnya ada Petrokimia Gresik yang akan menggunakannya untuk kebutuhan produksi mereka di pabrik Urea II yang baru mereka bangun. Tetapi masih ada kendala sehingga gas HCML belum bisa dimanfaatkan secara maksimal,” kata Hamim.

Dikatakan Hamim salah satu penyebab lain gas HCML tidak bisa diproduksi secara maksimal adalah karena saat ini di Jatim terjadi over supply gas atau kelebihan pasokan gas bumi. Kecenderungan ini, kata Hamim, diharapkan mampu memberi keyakinan bagi industri yang ingin menggunakan gas bumi sebagai energi yang lebih ramah lingkungan.

“Sekarang kami membuka tangan selebar-lebarnya untuk industri yang mau membeli gas kami. Masih ada 30 MMscfd yang siap disalurkan,” kata Hamim Tohari.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-13, Saturday, June 2, 2018

Pertamina EP Continues to Find Large Oil and Gas Reserves

PT Pertamina EP continues to explore in several oil and gas fields to obtain large reserves. This is to answer the criticism of President Joko Widodo about the rarity of Pertamina to conduct explorations during the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) some time ago.

Director of Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf said, in the last 50 years indeed the discovery of large oil and gas reserves is relatively small. There is only Minas Field, Duri-Riau Field, Jatibarang Field-West Java, Banyu Urip Field-East Java and Handil Square

"We did find the reserves such as Tapen, Jati Asri, Tambun, but the size is not as big as Banyu Urip, there is no exploration activity, but there is nothing as a whip just so we can find big ones," he said.

Pertamina EP has achieved production up to 132,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2009. At that Sukowati Field was able to produce up to 40,000 bpd and now its production is only 8,000 bpd.

"If Sukowati Field is still 40.000 bph we are still victorious, so indeed for high production there should be significant findings," he said.

For example, at that time Field Minas and Duri were able to produce up to 700,000 bpd, Widuri reached 200,000 bpd, and now ExxonMobil's Banyu Urip is capable of 200,000 bpd.

"We have to find oil class Banyu Urip," he said.

Despite its focus on oil, Pertamina EP is now also looking for gas reserves, as 60% of its current revenues are from gas.


Pertamina EP Terus Mencari Cadangan Migas Besar

PT Pertamina EP terus melakukan eksplorasi di beberapa lapangan migas untuk mendapatkan cadangan yang besar. Hal ini untuk menjawab kritik dari Presiden Joko Widodo tentang jarangnya Pertamina melakukan eksplorasi saat acara Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) beberapa waktu lalu.

Direktur Utama Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf mengatakan, dalam waktu 50 tahun terakhir memang penemuan cadangan migas besar relatif sedikit. Hanya ada Lapangan Minas, Lapangan Duri-Riau, Lapangan Jatibarang-Jawa Barat, Lapangan Banyu Urip-Jawa Timur dan Lapangan Handil 

"Kami memang menemukan cadangan misalnya Tapen, Jati Asri, Tambun tetapi size-nya tidak sebesar Banyu Urip, terlihat tidak ada kegiatan eksplorasi, padahal ada. Tidak apa-apa itu sebagai cambuk saja supaya kita menemukan yang besar," kata dia.

Pertamina EP pernah mencapai produksi hingga 132.000 barel per hari (bph) pada tahun 2009. Saat itu Lapangan Sukowati mampu produksi hingga 40.000 bph dan sekarang produksinya hanya 8.000 bph. 

"Kalau Lapangan Sukowati masih 40.000 bph kami masih berjaya. Jadi memang untuk produksi tinggi harus ada temuan yang signifikan," ujar dia.

Misalnya, saat itu Lapangan Minas dan Duri mampu produksi hingga 700.000 bph, Widuri mencapai 200.000 bph, dan sekarang Banyu Urip milik ExxonMobil mampu 200.000 bph. 

"Kami harus temukan minyak sekelas Banyu Urip," ujar dia. 

Meski fokus ke minyak, Pertamina EP sekarang juga sedang mencari cadangan gas, karena 60% pendapatan kini dari gas.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, May 31, 2018

Pertamina to Build LPG Terminal in Tuban-East Java

Due to the land area of ​​60 hectares to be used for Pertamina's LPG terminal, and to the east of PT Trans Pasific Oil Refinery Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI). District Government (Pemkab) and the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) Tuban, optimistic project of LPG terminal (Liquefied Petroleum Gas / LPG) refrigated operate smoothly and not as complicated as Tuban NGRR Refinery.

"We are optimistic and support the LPG terminal project," said Chairman of Tuban DPRD, HM Miyadi, S.Ag when confirmed in Teuku Umar Tuban Road building.

He explained if the project is still the process of obtaining permits at the center. He also hopes that by 2019, construction projects can begin, and then proceed with the Pertamina-Rosneft Russia Pertamina-Pertamina Plantation Tuban NGRR project.

Confirmed separately, Vice Regent of Tuban, Ir. H Noor Nahar Hussein, M.Si confirmed if the LPG terminal project will be built on the East TPPI. For details, Vice Regent has not received official data from Pertamina.

"The project will use Pertamina's 60 Hectare field," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Environment Department of Tuban, Sunarko, added that the LPG terminal project has been heard by the District Government since 6 months ago and was built in the District of Jenu. Nevertheless, until now there has been no development info.

"There are still plans and no formal documents have been submitted," confirmed separately.

So is the Head of Jenu, Sugeng Winarno, assess the construction of LPG terminal in its territory because of the need. It is expected that after the Fuel Terminal (BBM) and LPG will make the society more prosperous.

"We expect the welfare of the surrounding environment to increase," hoped the former Head of Tuban Merakurak East Java.

To note, Pertamina finally decided to build a LPG terminal in Tuban East Java. This decision was taken because no eligible bidders were eligible. Pertamina Corporate Marketing Directorate Muchamad Iskandar said the company has actually opened a tender for the construction of refrigated LPG terminal in East Java. Initially, the construction of this LPG terminal uses the asset transfer scheme (Build Operate Transfer / BOT).

Under the scheme, there are parties who provide land for building by other parties within the agreed time frame. After the contract expires, the land and buildings following the facility are handed back. Currently, the project has entered the tender stage of construction and engineering (Engineering, Procurement and Construction / EPC).


Pertamina akan Bangun Terminal LPG di Tuban

Karena lahan seluas 60 hektare yang akan digunakan untuk terminal LPG milik Pertamina, dan berada di sebelah Timur Kilang Minyak PT Trans Pasific
Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI). Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Tuban, optimis proyek terminal elpiji (Liquefied Petroleum Gas/LPG) refrigated beroperasi mulus dan tidak serumit Kilang NGRR Tuban.

“Kami optimis dan mendukung proyek terminal LPG,” ujar Ketua DPRD Tuban, HM Miyadi,S.Ag saat dikonfirmasi di gedung dewan Jalan Teuku Umar Tuban.

Dia menjelaskan jika proyek tersebut masih proses pengurusan izin di pusat. Ia juga berharap pada tahun 2019, proyek kontruksi sudah bisa dimulai, kemudian dilanjutkan proyek Kilang NGRR Tuban patungan Pertamina-Rosneft Rusia.

Dikonfirmasi terpisah, Wakil Bupati Tuban, Ir. H Noor Nahar Hussein,M.Si membenarkan jika proyek terminal LPG akan dibangun di sebelah Timur TPPI. Untuk keterangan lengkapnya, Wakil Bupati belum mendapat data resmi dari Pertamina.

“Proyek itu akan menggunakan lahan 60 Hektare milik Pertamina,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Kepala bidang Tata Lingkungan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (LH) Tuban, Sunarko, menambahkan, proyek terminal LPG sudah didengar Pemerintah Kabupaten sejak 6 bulan yang lalu dan dibangun di Kecamatan Jenu. Kendati demikian, sampai sekarang belum ada info perkembangannya.

“Masih rencana saja dan belum ada dokumen formal yang disampaikan,” dikonfirmasi terpisah.

Begitu juga Camat Jenu, Sugeng Winarno, menilai pembangunan terminal LPG di wilayahnya karena kebutuhan. Diharapkan setelah adanya Terminal Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) dan LPG nantinya, menjadikan masyarakat lebih sejahtera.

“Kita harapkan kesejahteraan lingkungan sekitar meningkat,” harap mantan Camat Merakurak Tuban Jawa Timur.

Untuk diketahui, Pertamina akhirnya memutuskan untuk membangun terminal elpiji di Tuban Jawa Timur. Keputusan ini diambil karena tidak ada satu pun peserta lelang yang memenuhi syarat. Direktorat Pemasaran Korporat Pertamina Muchamad Iskandar mengatakan, sebenarnya perusahaan sudah membuka tender untuk pembangunan terminal LPG refrigated di Jawa Timur. Awalnya, memang pembangunan terminal LPG ini menggunakan skema penyerahan aset (Build Operate Transfer/BOT).

Dengan skema itu, ada pihak yang menyediakan lahan untuk didirikan bangunan oleh pihak lain dalam jangka waktu yang disepakati. Setelah kontrak berakhir, maka lahan dan bangunan berikut fasilitas diserahkan kembali. Saat ini, proyek itu sudah masuk tahap tender pengerjaan konstruksi dan perekayasaan (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction/EPC).

Bhirawa, Page-8, Thursday, May 31, 2018

PLN Immediately Determine The Fate of Central Indonesia Gas Project

PT PLN (Persero) declared the decision on infrastructure projects as well as gas procurement for power plants in Central Indonesia will be set in June-July this year. Due to changes in gas volume for this project should still be discussed with PTPertarnina (Persero) as a potential winner.

PLN's Strategic Procurement Director Supangkat Iwan Santoso said the change in the volume of gas demand in Central Indonesia was due to the company's decision to use hydropower as a peak load support in Sulawesi. In fact, gas demand in Sulawesi is initially very large and is an anchor of this project.

"With Makassar peaker replaced hydro, so much less needs. With these different volumes, they (prospective winners) are still willing to accept or not. We are still talking about the target, if it can be in June-July there is an answer, "he said in Jakarta.

In the initial announcement of the auction, PLN seeks 200 million cubic feet per day / mmscfd of gas supply for several clusters, namely East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Nusa Tenggara. In this project, potential investors should be able to guarantee gas supply while providing infrastructure and transportation.

This scheme was taken because to supply Central Indonesia with small and dispersed generators, the required gas supply must be entirely in the form of liquefied natural gas (LNG). Later, investors must build LNG Hub to accommodate LNG on a medium scale, providing ships that will distribute it to PLN plants, including building regasification facilities near power stations. This method makes LNG project becomes more economical because its volume is not too small.

According to Iwan, the talks with Pertamina related to the capacity that was once offered quite large, has now changed significantly. Discussions need to be made to ensure that the project is still feasible to work on Pertamina's standards. Although admittedly, it is rather difficult. Therefore, it took him at least three months from now to discuss this with Pertamina.

"So this (changes in gas volume) changes the design capacity. The change is significant, half is not there, "said Iwan.

Nevertheless, the company opens opportunities for Pertamina to withdraw from this project. If this happens, then it was forced to re-auction the infrastructure and gas procurement project in IndonesiaTengah itu.

"Yes (re-auctioned), with new conditions," he said.

Based on the record, the auction of supply procurement and gas infrastructure for Central Indonesia has been started by PLN since 2016. PLN targeted the auction to finish last year, so gas supply can be realized starting 2019. In this auction, Pertamina managed to get rid of 10 other participants who passed the prequalification. Including Pertamina, there are 11 consortiums of companies passing prequalification.

In detail, Osaka Gas Co Ltd, PT Medco Energi International Tbk, Natural Gas Fenosa SDG SA, Marubeni Corporation, and Socar consortium, Petroleum SA, PT Humpuss Transportasi Kimia, PT PP (Persero) Tbk and PT Toba Sejahtera.

The other participants who passed the consortium were PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk, Tokyo Gas Co Ltd, and Mitsui Co Ltd, a consortium of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) and International Power Ltd, the consortium of Itochu Corporation and PT Energasindo Heksa Karya, a consortium of Shell Gas & Power Development BV and PT Energi Dian Kemala, as well as a consortium of Mitsubishi Corporation, Brunei National Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd and Diamond Gas International Pte Ltd.


In addition to Central Indonesia, Iwan said, the company is also working on similar gas projects for power plants in Bangka, Belitung and Pontianak, as well as power plants in Papua.

"It still goes according to plan. If that (Indonesia) east also started in five locations, "he said.

For gas project in Papua, he said, will utilize gas owned by local government. Therefore, the project is only auctioning its gas infrastructure project.

"Maybe only the EPC was auctioned because our operator," said Iwan.

As for the project in Bangka-belitung-Pontianak, Iwan did not elaborate. He just said, it has selected the auction participants of this project.

"Participants enter offers shortly," he added.

Previously, Senior Manager of Oil and Gas Procurement Division at PLN Solikin explained that the company plans to build LNG logistics system in three clusters in Eastern Indonesia, North Maluku, North Papua and Maluku-Papua Selatan. The number of plants that will be served this LNG facility will reach 30 units spread across the three clusters earlier.


PLN Segera Tentukan Nasib Proyek Gas Indonesia Tengah  

PT PLN (Persero) menyatakan keputusan soal proyek infrastruktur sekaligus pengadaan gas untuk pembangkit listrik di Indonesia Tengah akan ditetapkan pada Juni-Juli tahun ini. Karena perubahan volume gas untuk proyek ini masih harus dibicarakan dengan PTPertarnina (Persero) sebagai
calon pemenang.

Direktur Pengadaan Strategis PLN Supangkat Iwan Santoso mengatakan, perubahan volume kebutuhan gas di Indonesia Tengah karena perseroan memutuskan memakai pembangkit listrik tenaga air sebagai pendukung beban puncak di Sulawesi. Padahal, kebutuhan gas di Sulawesi ini awalnya sangat besar dan merupakan anchor dari proyek ini.

“Dengan Makassar peaker diganti hydro, jadi jauh berkurang kebutuhannya. Dengan Volume berbeda ini, mereka (calon pemenang) masih mau menerima atau tidak. lni masih kami bicarakan, target kalau bisa di bulan Juni-Juli ada jawaban,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Dalam pengumuman awal lelang, PLN mencari pasokan gas sebesar 200 juta kaki kubik per hari/mmscfd untuk beberapa kluster, yakni Kalimantan
Timur dan Kalimantan Selatan, Sulawesi, dan Nusa Tenggara. Dalam proyek ini, calon investor harus bisa menjamin pasokan gas sekaligus menyediakan infrastruktur dan transportasinya.

Skema ini diambil lantaran untuk memasok Indonesia Tengah yang pembangkitnya kecil-kecil dan tersebar, pasokan gas yang dibutuhkan seluruhnya harus dalam bentuk gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG). Nantinya, investor harus membangun LNG Hub untuk menampung LNG dalam skala menengah, menyediakan kapal yang akan mendistribusikannya ke pembangkit-pembangkit PLN, termasuk membangun fasilitas regasitikasi di dekat pembangkit. Metode ini membuat proyek LNG menjadi lebih ekonomis karena volumenya tidak terlalu kecil.

Menurut Iwan, pembicaraan dengan Pertamina ini terkait kapasitas yang dulunya ditawarkan cukup besar, kini berubah signifikan. Pembahasan perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa proyek ini masih layak dikerjakan sesuai standar Pertamina. Walaupun diakuinya, hal ini agak sulit. Karena itulah, pihaknya butuh waktu setidaknya tiga bulan dari sekarang untuk membahas ini dengan Pertamina.

“Jadi ini (perubahan volume gas) mengubah kapasitas desain. Perubahannya signifikan, separuhnya tidak ada,” tutur Iwan.

Meski demikian, perseroan membuka peluang bagi Pertamina untuk mundur dari proyek ini. Jika hal ini terjadi, maka pihaknya terpaksa harus melelang ulang proyek infrastuktur sekaligus pengadaan gas di IndonesiaTengah itu. 

“lya (dilelang ulang) , dengan kondisi yang baru,” ujarnya.

Berdasarkan catatan, lelang pengadaan pasokan dan infrastruktur gas untuk Indonesia Tengah ini sudah dimulai PLN sejak 2016 lalu. PLN sempat menargetkan lelang selesai tahun lalu, sehingga pasokan gas dapat direalisasikan mulai 2019. Dalam lelang ini, Pertamina berhasil menyingkirkan 10 peserta lain yang lolos prakualifikasi. Termasuk Pertamina, terdapat 11 konsorsium perusahaan yang lolos prakualifikasi.

Rincinya, Osaka Gas Co Ltd, PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk, Gas Natural Fenosa SDG SA, Marubeni Corporation, dan konsorsium Socar ,Petroleum SA, PT Humpuss Transportasi Kimia, PT PP (Persero) Tbk, dan PT Toba Sejahtera.

Selanjutnya peserta lain yang lolos yakni konsorsium PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk, Tokyo Gas Co Ltd, dan Mitsui Co Ltd, konsorsium PT Perusahaan
Gas Negara (Persero) dan International Power Ltd, konsorsium Itochu Corporation dan PT Energasindo Heksa Karya, konsorsium Shell Gas & Power Development BV dan PT Energi Dian Kemala, serta konsorsium Mitsubishi Corporation, Brunei National Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd, dan Diamond Gas
International Pte Ltd. 


Selain di Indonesia Tengah, Iwan menuturkan, perseroan juga mengerjakan proyek gas sejenis untuk pembangkit di Bangka, Belitung, dan Pontianak, serta pembangkit di Papua. 

“Ini masih terus sesuai rencana. Kalau yang (Indonesia) timur juga dimulai di lima lokasi,” kata dia.

Untuk proyek gas di Papua, dikatakannya, akan memanfaatkan gas milik pemerintah daerah. Sehingga, khusus proyek ini, pihaknya hanya melelang
proyek infrastruktur gasnya saja. 

“Mungkin hanya EPC-nya saja dilelang karena operatornya kami,” ujar Iwan.

Sementara untuk proyek di Bangka-belitung-Pontianak, Iwan tidak merincinya. Dia hanya mengatakan, pihaknya sudah menyeleksi peserta lelang proyek ini. 

“Peserta memasukkan penawaran sebentar lagi,” tambahnya.

Sebelumnya, Manajer Senior Pengadaan Divisi Minyak dan Gas PLN Solikin menjelaskan, perseroan berencana membangun sistem logistik LNG dalam tiga kluster di Indonesia Timur, yakni Maluku Utara, Papua Utara, dan Maluku-Papua Selatan. Jumlah pembangkit yang akan dilayani fasilitas LNG ini nantinya mencapai 30 unit yang tersebar di tiga kluster tadi.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Two Blocks of Migas Finish Termination are evaluated

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said it has completed the evaluation of two of the six oil and gas blocks completed by its termination contract by 2020. The new contractor for the six oil and gas blocks is scheduled to be decided this June.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said the two oil and gas blocks that have been evaluated are South Jambi Block B Block and Brantas Block. Currently South Jambi Block is managed by ConocoPhilips, PT Pertamina (Persero), and Petrochina International Jambi, while the Brantas Block by Lapindo Brantas, PT Prakasa Brantas, and Minarak Labuan Co Llc.

"From the results of the evaluation, (contractor) eksisting (opportunity to continue management). But this has not been decided yet, "he said in Jakarta.

Of the three companies involved in the management of South Jambi Block B Block, only Petrochina submitted a management proposal. Furthermore, in Brantas Block, Lapindo Brantas expressed interest to continue working on the block.

Meanwhile, for four other blocks, namely Blok Salawati Kepala Burung, Malacca Strait, Makassar Strait, and Onshore Salawati Basin, Djoko stated still in evaluation. For the Salawati Basin Block and Bird's Head, it is considering incorporating its management because the distance is quite close. 

     Blok Salawati Kepala Burung is operated by Joint Operating Body (JOB) of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Petrochina. The block's participating interest holders are PHE Salawati 50%, Petrochina International Bird Head 16,78%, RHP Salawati Island BV 14,51%, and Petrogas (Island) Ltd 18,7%.

While Onshore Salawati Basin Block operated Petrochina International Bermuda where PI holders are Petrogas Basin 34.06%, RH Petrogas 25.94%, Petrochina 30%, and Pertamina 10%. As for the Makassar Strait Block, the existing contractor requested an extension of time to submit a proposal for the management plan.

"The existing contractor requested approximately the second week of June 2018, provided the proposal. So there will be pending one block, "said Djoko.

Makassar Strait Block is currently working on Chevron Makassar Strait 72%, PHE 10%, and Tiptop Makassar 18%. Furthermore, for the evaluation process of the Malacca Strait Block, he said that he still discussed the issue of the discretion of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. 

      According to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Malacca Strait Block is managed by EMP Malacca Strait SA, while PI holders are Petroleum Kondur 34.46%, Malacca Petroleum Ltd 6.93%, OOGC (Malacca Strait) Ltd 32.58% and PT Imbang Tata Natural 26.03%.

Djoko added that in addition to the blocks currently under management, Pertamina does not propose management proposals for other blocks.

"Brantas Block (Pertamina) is not, Malaka no, Makassar not too. If the Blok Salawati because Pertamina is there, "said Djoko.

Previously, Djoko explained, in accordance with Government Regulation No. 35 of 2004 Article 28, the existing contractor can apply for a contract extension not later than 10 years and no later than 2 years before the contract is completed. While the government must make new management decisions at least one year before the contract termination.

However, the government will attempt to immediately establish new operators of this terminating oil and gas block.

"We are targeting for which (the contract is completed) 2020 set in June, next 2021 in July, 2022 in August, 2023 in September, 2024 in October, 2025 in November, and 2026 in December. So this year is over (new managing), "he said.

The government has set new contractors for oil and gas blocks that have been completed by next year. The government has appointed PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Jambi Merang to become the operator of Jambi Merang Block, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi T empirai for Raja-Pendopo Block, Kalrez Petroletun (Seram) Ltd for Blpk Bula, and CITIC Seram Energy Limited for Seram Non Bula Block.

Referring to the data of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, there are 21 oil and gas blocks that will expire in 2019-2026. Other blocks to be completed by 2021 are Bentu Segat, Long Strait and Rokan Block which produce the largest oil in Indonesia. In 2022, following the Tarakan East Block, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru, Bengkal, and Sengkang will complete the contract.

Furthermore in 2023, Rimau Block, Jabung, and Corridor. The Corridor Block is one of the blocks with a large gas production in Indonesia which is worked on by Conoco Philips. In 2025, the Bangko Block will follow the completion of the contract.


Dua Blok Migas Terminasi Selesai dievaluasi

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyatakan telah merampungkan evaluasi dua dari enam blok migas yang selesai kontrak kerja sama-nya (terminasi) pada 2020. Kontraktor baru untuk enam blok migas ini rencananya akan ditetapkan Juni ini.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, dua blok migas yang sudah selesai dievaluasi adalah Blok South Jambi Block B dan Blok Brantas. Saat ini Blok South Jambi dikelola oleh ConocoPhilips, PT Pertamina (Persero), dan Petrochina International Jambi,
sementara Blok Brantas oleh Lapindo Brantas, PT Prakasa Brantas, dan Minarak Labuan Co Llc.

“Dari hasil evaluasi, (kontraktor) eksisting (berpeluang melanjutkan pengelolaan). Tetapi ini belum diputuskan,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Dari tiga perusahaan yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan Blok South Jambi Block B, hanya Petrochina yang mengajukan usulan pengelolaan. Selanjutnya di Blok Brantas, Lapindo Brantas menyatakan berminat melanjutkan menggarap blok tersebut.

Sementara untuk empat blok lainnya, yakni Blok Salawati Kepala Burung, Malacca Strait, Makassar Strait, dan Onshore Salawati Basin, Djoko menyatakan masih dalam evaluasi. Untuk Blok Salawati Basin dan Kepala Burung, pihaknya sedang mempertimbangkan untuk menggabungkan pengelolaannya lantaran jaraknya cukup dekat. 

     Blok Salawati Kepala Burung dioperatori Joint Operating Body (JOB) PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Petrochina. Pemegang hak partisipasi blok ini adalah PHE Salawati 50%, Petrochina International Kepala Burung 16,78%, RHP Salawati Island BV 14,51%, serta Petrogas (Island) Ltd 18,7%. 

Sementara Blok Onshore Salawati Basin dioperasikan Petrochina International Bermuda di mana pemegang PI adalah Petrogas Basin 34,06%, RH Petrogas 25,94%, Petrochina 30%, dan Pertamina 10%. Sementara untuk Blok Makassar Strait, kontraktor eksisting meminta perpanjangan waktu untuk mengajukan proposal rencana pengelolaannya. 

“Kontraktor eksisting minta waktu kira-kira minggu kedua Juni 2018, memberikanproposal. Jadi nanti ada yang pending satu blok,” ujar Djoko.

      Blok Makassar Strait saat ini dikerjakan Chevron Makassar Strait 72%, PHE 10%, dan Tiptop Makassar 18%. Selanjutnya, untuk proses evaluasi Blok Malacca Strait, dikatakannya masih membahas masalah diskresi Menteri ESDM. Menurut data Kementerian ESDM, Blok Malacca Strait dikelola oleh EMP Malacca Strait SA, sementara pemegang PI adalah Kondur Petroleum 34,46%, Malacca Petroleum Ltd 6,93%, OOGC (Malacca Strait) Ltd 32,58%, dan PT Imbang Tata
Alam 26,03%.

Djoko menambahkan, selain blok yang kini dikelolanya, Pertamina tidak mengajukan usulan pengelolaan untuk blok lain. 

“Blok Brantas (Pertamina) tidak, Malaka tidak, Makassar tidak juga. Kalau Blok Salawati karena Pertamina ada di situ,” kata Djoko.

Sebelumnya, Djoko menjelaskan, sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 35 Tahun 2004 Pasal 28, kontraktor eksisting dapat mengajukan perpanjangan kontrak paling cepat 10 tahun dan paling lambat 2 tahun sebelum kontrak selesai. Sementara pemerintah harus membuat keputusan pengelola baru paling telat satu tahun sebelum kontrak diterminasi.

Namun, pemerintah akan berupaya secepatnya menetapkan operator baru dari blok migas terminasi ini. 

“Kami targetkan untuk yang (kontraknya selesai) 2020 ditetapkan pada Juni nanti, berikutnya yang 2021 di Juli, 2022 di Agustus, 2023 di September, 2024 di Oktober, 2025 di November, dan 2026 di Desember. Jadi tahun ini selesai (penetapan pengelola baru),” kata dia.

Pemerintah telah menetapkan kontraktor baru untuk blok migas yang selesai kontraknya pada tahun depan. Pemerintah menetapkan PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Jambi Merang akan kembali menjadi operator Blok Jambi Merang, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi T empirai untuk Blok Raja-Pendopo, Kalrez Petroletun (Seram) Ltd untuk Blok Bula, serta CITIC Seram Energy Limited untuk Blok Seram Non Bula.

Mengacu pada data Kementerian ESDM, terdapat 21 blok migas yang akan berakhir pada 2019-2026. Blok lainnya yang akan selesai kontraknya pada 2021 adalah Blok Bentu Segat, Selat Panjang, dan Blok Rokan yang menghasilkan minyak terbesar di Indonesia. Pada 2022, menyusul Blok Tarakan East, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru, Bengkal, serta Sengkang bakal rampung kontraknya.

Selanjutnya di 2023, Blok Rimau, Jabung, dan Koridor. Blok Koridor merupakan salah satu blok dengan produksi gas cukup besar di Indonesia yang digarap Conoco Philips. Di 2025, Blok Bangko akan menyusul rampung kontraknya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, May 30, 2018

First Quarter, PHE Gas Production Up 2 Percent

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) in the upstream sector, recorded gas production of 777 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) during January-March 2018. The amount is up 2 percent over the same period of 2017 of 765 MMSCFD .

"In 2018, PHE set a production target for March of 767.8 MMSCFD, realization of 1.2 percent higher" said R. Gunung Sardjono Hadi, Director of PHE.

PHE oil production in the first three months of 2018 was 63.037 barrels oil per day (BOPD), not much different from the same period of 2017 of 62,623 BOPD.

"PHE in 2018 targeted oil production in March at 65,243 BOPD, so production in March 2018 was 96.6 percent of the target," Gunung said.

According to Sardjono Hadi Mountain, PHE will accelerate the monetization of PHE reserves by implementing a backup source clustering strategy. This strategy can be used in working areas that have less gas reserves, but can be monetized soon. With PHE clustering no longer thinking just waiting for gas buyers, but innovating how to create a market. The reason, although having large reserves will be useless if there is no gas absorber.

"So it does not depend on the market, but it creates the market. That is what we are now pursuing, The concept of gas monetization is clustered. So we also have to think how to get into the midstream, "said Mount Sardjono Hadi.

He cited the development of gas in Senoro. Senoro gas will never be monetized if the facility does not build the refinery and regasification DSLNG in cooperation with several companies. PHE will also be more open to cooperate with other companies.

"Like Senoro if there is no DSLNG it will not be developed. That's one example for another development. We try to find, create new markets. So we do not sit sweetly waiting to come buyers, "said Mount Sardjono Hadi.

Meanwhile, Ekariza, Director of Operations and Production of PHE, said the realization of PHE gas production depends on absorption in the market if the absorption of large market, PHE can increase its gas production.

"First quarter gas production is higher because there is an increase in absorption. The largest production contribution comes from Tomori, "said Ekoriza.In addition to Tomori, the contribution of PHE gas production comes from the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) block, Jambi Merang and West Madura Offshore (WMO).

Termination Blocks The target of PHE oil and gas production in the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) 2018 has also included the production of four terminated block of contracts to be managed by PHE. The four blocks are Tuban, Ogan Komering, Offshore South East Sumatra (OSES) and North Sumatra Offshore (NSO).

Two of the four blocks, Tuban and Ogan Komering, the production sharing contract (PSC) have been signed on April 20, 2018 and are effective as of May 20, 2018.

However, for Sukowati unitization field previously managed by Joint Operation Body (JOB) of Pertamina ~ PetroChina East Java from May 20, 2018 submitted to PT Pertamina EP Another block, Ogan Komering, contract is also signed on 20 April 2018 and effective on 20 May 2018.


Kuartal I, Produksi Gas PHE Naik 2 Persen

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero) di sektor hulu, mencatat produksi gas 777 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) sepanjang Januari-Maret 2018. Jumlah tersebut naik 2 persen dibanding periode yang sama 2017 sebesar 765 MMSCFD.

“Pada 2018, PHE menetapkan target produksi bulan Maret sebesar 767,8 MMSCFD, realisasinya 1,2 persen lebih tinggi" ujar R. Gunung Sardjono Hadi, Direktur Utama PHE. 

Untuk produksi minyak PHE pada tiga bulan pertama 2018 tercatat 63,037 barrel oil per day (BOPD), tidak jauh berbeda dibanding periode yang sama 2017 sebesar 62,623 BOPD. 

“PHE pada 2018 menargetkan produksi minyak bulan Maret sebesar 65,243 BOPD, sehingga produksi Maret 2018 tercatat 96,6 persen dari target,” kata Gunung.

Menurut Gunung Sardjono Hadi, PHE akan mempercepat monetisasi cadangan PHE dengan menerapkan strategi klasterisasi Sumber cadangan. Strategi ini bisa digunakan di wilayah kerja yang memiliki cadangan gas tidak terlalu besar, namun bisa segera dimonetisasi. Dengan klasterisasi PHE tidak lagi berpikir hanya menunggu pembeli gas, namun berinovasi bagaimana menciptakan pasar. Pasalnya, meski memiliki cadangan besar akan percuma jika tidak ada penyerap gas.

“Jadi tidak tergantung pasar, tapi menciptakan pasar. Itu yang sekarang kami kejar, Konsep monetisasi gas dibikin klaster. Jadi kami juga harus berpikir bagaimana bisa masuk ke midstream,” kata Gunung Sardjono Hadi.

Dia mencontohkan pengembangan gas di Senoro. Gas Senoro tidak akan pernah dimonetisasi andai kata tidak terbangun fasilitas kilang serta regasifikasi DSLNG yang bekerja sama dengan beberapa perusahaan. Untuk itu PHE juga akan lebih membuka diri dalam menjalin kerja sama dengan perusahaan lain. 

“Seperti Senoro kalau tidak ada DSLNG itu tidak akan dikembangkan. Itu salah satu contoh untuk pengembangan lain. Kami mencoba mencari, menciptakan pasar baru. Jadi kami tidak duduk manis menunggu datang pembeli,” kata Gunung Sardjono Hadi.

Sementara itu, Ekariza, Direktur Operasi dan Produksi PHE, mengatakan realisasi produksi gas PHE sangat tergantung dari penyerapan di pasar jika penyerapan pasar besar, maka PHE bisa meningkatkan produksi gasnya. 

“Produksi gas kuartal I lebih tinggi karena ada peningkatan penyerapan. Kontribusi produksi terbesar berasal dari Tomori," kata Ekariza. Selain Tomori, kontribusi produksi gas PHE berasal dari blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), Jambi Merang dan West Madura Offshore (WMO).

Blok Terminasi Target produksi migas PHE pada Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) 2018 juga telah memasukkan produksi dari empat blok habis kontrak (terminasi) yang akan dikelola penuh PHE. Keempat blok tersebut adalah Tuban, Ogan Komering, Offshore South East Sumatera (OSES) dan North Sumatera Offshore (NSO).

Dua dari empat blok tersebut, yakni Tuban dan Ogan Komering kontrak kerja sama bagi hasilnya (production sharing contract/PSC) telah ditandatangani pada 20 April 2018 dan berlaku efektif per 20 Mei 2018.

Namun untuk lapangan unitisasi Sukowati yang sebelumnya dikelola Joint Operation Body (JOB) Pertamina~PetroChina East Java mulai 20 Mei 2018 diserahkan ke PT Pertamina EP Blok lainnya, Ogan Komering, kontraktnya juga telah ditandatangani pada 20 April 2018 dan efektif berlaku pada 20 Mei 2018.

Memorandum, Page-10, Wednesday, May 30, 2018