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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Momentum Comes, Interesters Sprout

The extension of the auction period of Oil and Gas Working Area 2018 due to leave with Idul Fitri, which also coincided with the momentum of world oil price hike potentially support more potential investors.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said, there are 7 companies that have accessed the tender documents until before Eid fitri. The seven companies access 5 oil and gas working areas are auctioned regularly in 2018.

"There is one working area that is accessed by 3 companies. So, there are companies that access 2 working areas, the remaining 1 company access 1 working area, "he said.

However, Arcandra has not specified in detail about the work areas of interest or interested investors as the auction continues.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources had extended the auction period of regular oil and gas fields in 2018 as it coincided with Eid al-Fitr leave. Initially, access to auction documents for the 2018 oil and gas working area will be done by June 7, 2018, while the return of documents or bid of the working area is no later than June 19, 2018. However, the government decided to leave Eid al-Idid from 11 June 2018 to 20 June 2018.

Thus, the document return period falls together with the end of the leave period with Eid al-Fitr. Therefore, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources extended the access period of documents until June 26, 2018, while the document return period until July 3, 2018. 

     At the auction of regular oil and gas area 2018 there are 19 blocks offered namely, South CPP, Nibung, Batu Gajah Dua, Air Komering, Bukit West, East Sanga, Banyumas, East Muriah, North Kangean, Andika Bumi Kita, Belayan, West Sanga-sanga, Suremana I, South East Mahakam, Mamuju Manukra, Karaeng, Ebuny, West Berau and Cendrawasih Bay I.

Outside the 2018 regular auction, the ESDM Ministry noted that there are already some oil and gas companies interested in joining the study. The ministry also gives a signal there is a potential for 2018 stage auction 2. Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Development of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ediar Usman said, there are 5 companies that submitted a joint study plan for direct offer auction 2nd stage 2018.

"So this year there could be 9 working areas through direct offer. Because yesterday there are 4 working areas direct offer "he said.

On the other hand, the 2018 auction momentum coincided with the trend of rising world crude oil prices since the beginning of this year. Hopefully, that momentum encouraging oil and gas investment in Indonesia as well, including specialization in oil and gas working areas auctioned this year.

And Bloomberg data up to Wednesday (20/6), Brent crude oil prices have gone up by 13.65% to US $ 75.66 per barrel compared with the end of the year, while Indonesia Crude Price (ICP) until May 2018 has gone up 11, 56% to US $ 72.46 per barrel.

However, the rise in crude oil prices does not directly stimulate the level of oil and gas investment in Indonesia. Arcandra said that the level of oil and gas investment is related to rising oil prices, but not directly or there is a pause in the transition period. The reason, business actors are waiting and see.

"SoaInya, the nature of oil prices are very volatile, so the possibility of business is still waiting for the right time," he said.

He said, for that Ministry of EMR offers Gross Split contract scheme to replace Cost Recovery.

"The Gross Split scheme will attract oil and gas investment in Indonesia in the future."

Arcandra also highlighted the value of certain commitments of Gross Split contracts in 2018, 2019 and 2020 termination blocks that reach about US $ 1 billion.

"When viewed, the exact commitment level that uses Gross Split is great."

In the definite commitment of 8 termination blocks in 2018, the commitment amount must reach US $ 556.45 million, while in termination blocks 2019 and 2020 reach US $ 580 million.


Momentum Datang, Peminat Bermunculan

Perpanjangan masa lelang Wilayah Kerja migas 2018 karena cuti bersama  idul fitri, yang juga beriringan dengan momentum kenaikan harga minyak dunia berpotensi mendukung lebih banyak calon investor.

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, ada 7 perusahaan yang sudah mengakses dokumen lelang sampai sebelum Idul fitri. Ketujuh perusahaan itu mengakses 5 wilayah kerja migas yang dilelang secara reguler pada 2018.

“Ada 1 wilayah kerja yang diakses oleh 3 perusahaan. Jadi, ada perusahaan yang akses 2 wilayah kerja, sisanya 1 perusahaan akses 1 wilayah kerja,” ujarnya.

Namun, Arcandra belum menybutkan secara rinci mengenai wilayah kerja yang diminati maupun investor yang berminat seiring masih berlangsungnya lelang.

Kementerian ESDM sempat memperpanjang masa lelang wilayah kerja migas reguler 2018 karena bersamaan dengan cuti bersama Idul fitri. Awalnya, akses dokumen lelang wilayah kerja migas 2018 paling lambat dilakukan 7 Juni 2018, sedangkan pengembalian dokumen atau bid wilayah kerja paling lambat pada 19 Juni 2018. Namun, pemerintah memutuskan cuti bersama Idul fitri dari 11 Juni 2018 sampai 20 Juni 2018.

Dengan demikian, periode pengembalian dokumen jatuh bersamaan dengan berakhirnya masa cuti bersama Idul fitri. Untuk itu, Kementerian ESDM memperpanjang masa akses dokumen hingga 26 Juni 2018, sedangkan masa pengembalian dokumen hingga 3 Juli 2018. 

      Pada lelang wilayah kerja migas reguler 2018 ada 19 blok yang ditawarkan yakni, South CPP, Nibung, Batu Gajah Dua, Air Komering, Bukit Barat, East Sokang, Banyumas, East Muriah, North Kangean, Andika Bumi Kita, Belayan, West Sanga-sanga, Suremana I, South East Mahakam, Manakarra Mamuju, Karaeng, Ebuny, West Berau, dan Cendrawasih Bay I.

Di luar lelang reguler 2018 itu, Kementerian ESDM mencatat sudah ada beberapa perusahaan migas yang tertarik melakukan join study. Pihak kementerian pun memberikan sinyal ada potensi lelang 2018 tahap 2. Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM Ediar Usman mengatakan, sudah ada 5 perusahaan yang mengajukan rencana join study untuk lelang direct offer tahap 2 2018. 

“Jadi tahun ini bisa jadi ada 9 wilayah kerja lewat direct offer. Karena kemarin sudah ada 4 wilayah kerja direct offer” ujarnya.

Di sisi lain, momentum lelang 2018 beriringan dengan tren kenaikan harga minyak mentah dunia sejak awal tahun ini. Harapannya, momentum itu
mendorong gairah investasi migas di Indonesia juga, termasuk peminatan pada wilayah kerja migas yang dilelang pada tahun ini.

Dan data Bloomberg sampai Rabu (20/6), harga minyak mentah Brent sudah naik sebesar 13,65% menjadi US$ 75,66 per barel dibandingkan dengan akhir tahun laiu, sedangkan Indonesia Crude Price (ICP) sampai Mei 2018 sudah naik 11,56% menjadi US$ 72,46 per barel.

Namun, kenaikan harga minyak mentah itu tidak langsung menggairahkan tingkat investasi migas di Indonesia. Arcandra mengatakan, tingkat investasi migas memang berhubungan dengan kenaikan harga minyak, tetapi tidak secara langsung atau ada jeda masa transisinya. Pasalnya, pelaku usaha sedang wait and see.

“SoaInya, sifat harga minyak sangat fluktuatif, jadi kemungkinan pelaku usaha masih menunggu waktu yang tepat,” ujarnya.

Dia menuturkan, untuk itu Kementerian ESDM menawarkan skema kontrak Gross Split menggantikan Cost Recovery.

“Skema Gross Split akan menarik minat investasi migas di Indonesia ke depannya.”

Arcandra pun menyoroti tingkat nilai komitmen pasti kontrak Gross Split pada blok terminasi 2018, 2019, dan 2020 yang mencapai sekitar US$ 1 miliar. 

“Kalau dilihat, tingkat komitmen pasti yang menggunakan Gross Split itu besar.”

Pada komitmen pasti 8 blok terminasi 2018, jumlah komitmen pasti mencapai US$ 556,45 juta, sedangkan pada blok terminasi 2019 dan 2020 mencapai US$ 580 juta.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-22, Thursday, June 21, 2018

Investment Value of Chevron's New Project Can Be Suppressed

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources reduce the value of oil and gas investment to halt cost recovery

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is very happy. The ultra-deep-sea jumbo gas project in Indonesia aka Deepwater Development (IDD) II in Gendalo-Gehem Field in Makassar Strait will begin operation. In fact, the cost of developing a large project that can be cut very large.

IDD Chevron Phase I in Bangka Field has been operating since 2016. While the certainty of IDD Phase II is still being discussed. Although Chevron previously sent a proposal to develop Gendalo-Geehem with a value of US $ 12 billion. However, as oil prices fell, the project was delayed. Now it continues as oil prices begin to rise to US $ 70 per barrel.

EMR Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said Chevron proposed cost-cutting at the Gendalo-Gehem IDD project with a cost cut amount of less than 50% of the previous development plan proposal

"But significant, and big out cost it," he said, Friday (8/6).

With IDD Gendalo-Gehem's investment-cost cuts, the country's cost recovery costs for the project are also reduced. Understandably Chevron's deep-sea gas project is still using the cost recovery revenue scheme. Unfortunately, Arcandra did not want to expose the value of the trimmed investment even though she knew. 

     However, Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said the Gendalo-Gehem project cost could be only US $ 10 billion. With this cost cut, the ESDM Ministry will review Chevron's proposed development (POD) plan.

According to the plan, ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan will issue a decision regarding the development of the Gendalo-Gehem project by the end of June 2018. In April 2018, through Gendalo-Gehem pre-front end engineering and Design (prefeed) which started in December 2017, Chevron claims to have produced optimization of development concepts and basic design simplification.

The optimization shows significant capital development and operational cost reduction. Other cuts are not Chevron's IDD investment cut. Arcandra evidently urged Eni Spa to be the operator of the East Sepinggan Block Merest Field to cut its project investment by US $ 200 million to US $ 1.03 billion. From the previous US $ 1.23 billion.

Then, there is also the investment cuts in the project Jambaran-Tiung Biru field in Block Cepu. ExxonMobil as Pertamina EP Cepu's partners objected to the cut of US $ 550 million to US $ 1.55 billion compared to the initial plan of US $ 2.1 billion. Arcandra said then, EXXonMobil was not willing to finally get EXXonMobil shares bought by Pertamina EP Cepu.

"I said that if the shares are sold to Pertamina, if Pertamina does not want to, I auction, finally they will," he said.

Investment cuts in Jambaran-Tiung Biru make gas prices down.

"So the gas price goes in PLN's economy," he said.

Then, about the project from the original Masela US $ 21 billion to US $ 16 billion, according to Arcandra, from the pruning of the country saving Rp 70 trillion. However, Masela's project recently asked for additional LNG production, so its invention value increased to US $ 18 billion.

"Yes it may increase, but output is up about 30% due to the addition of LNG production," said Arcandra.


Nilai Investasi Proyek Baru Chevron Bisa Ditekan

Kementerian ESDM mengurangi nilai investasi migas untuk mengerem cost recovery

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) senang sekali. Proyek gas skala jumbo ultra laut dalam alias Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) Tahap II di Lapangan Gendalo-Gehem di Selat Makasar akan mulai beroperasi. Bahkan, biaya pengembangan proyek besar itu bisa dipangkas sangat besar.

IDD Chevron Tahap I di Lapangan Bangka sudah beroperasi sejak tahun 2016. Sementara kepastian IDD Tahap II masih terus dibahas. Walaupun sebelumnya Chevron pernah mengirim proposal pengembangan Gendalo-Geehem dengan nilai US$ 12 miliar. Tetapi, karena harga minyak jatuh, proyek itu tertunda. Kini dilanjutkan karena harga minyak mulai naik ke US$ 70 per barel. 

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menyebutkan, Chevron mengajukan pemotongan biaya di proyek IDD Gendalo-Gehem dengan jumlah pemotongan biaya kurang dari 50% dari proposal rencana pengembangan sebelumnya

"Tapi signifikan, dan besar out cost-nya," ujarnya, Jumat (8/6).

Dengan pemangkasan investasi IDD Gendalo-Gehem otomatis biaya cost recovery negara untuk proyek tersebut juga berkurang. Maklum proyek gas laut dalam Chevron ini masih memakai skema bagi hasil cost recovery. Sayang, Arcandra tidak ingin membeberkan nilai dari investasi yang terpangkas itu meskipun dia tahu. Tetapi, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM, Djoko Siswanto yang menyebut biaya proyek Gendalo-Gehem bisa menjadi hanya US$ 10 miliar. Dengan pemotongan biaya tersebut, Kementerian ESDM akan mengkaji plan of development (POD) yang diajukan Chevron.

Rencananya, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan akan memberikan keputusan terkait pengembangan proyek Gendalo-Gehem pada akhir Juni 2018. Pada April 2018 lalu, melalui pre-front end engineering and Design (prefeed) Gendalo-Gehem yang telah dimulai pada Desember 2017, Chevron mengklaim telah menghasilkan optimalisasi konsep pengembangan dan dasar penyederhanaan rancangan.

Optimalisasi tersebut menunjukkan pengembangan modal dan pengurangan biaya operasional yang signifikan. Pemotongan yang lain bukan investasi IDD Chevron saja yang terpotong. Arcandra ternyata pernah mendesak Eni Spa sebagai operator Lapangan Merakes Blok East Sepinggan untuk memangkas investasi proyeknya sebesar US$ 200 juta menjadi US$ 1,03 miliar. Dari sebelumnya US$ 1,23 miliar.

Lalu, ada juga pemangkasan investasi di proyek Lapangah Jambaran-Tiung Biru di Blok Cepu. Saat itu ExxonMobil sebagai mitra Pertamina EP Cepu keberatan dengan pemangkasan US$ 550 juta menjadi US$ 1,55 miliar dibandingkan dengan rencana awal US$ 2,1 miliar. Kata Arcandra saat itu, EXXonMobil tidak bersedia sampai pada akhirnya saham EXXonMobil dibeli Pertamina EP Cepu. 

"Saya katakan kalau begitu sahamnya jual ke Pertamina, kalau Pertamina juga tidak mau, saya lelang. Akhirnya mereka mau," kata dia.

Pemangkasan investasi di Jambaran-Tiung Biru membuat harga gas bisa turun. 

"Sehingga harga gas masuk di keekonomlian PLN," ujar dia.

Lalu, tentang proyek Masela dari semula US$ 21 miliar menjadi US$ 16 miliar, menurut Arcandra, dari pemangkasan itu negara hemat Rp 70 triliun. Namun belakangan proyek Masela meminta penambahan produksi LNG, sehingga nilai invegstasinya bertambah menjadi US$ 18 miliar. 

“Iya mungkin bertambah, tapi output naik sekitar 30% karena penambahan produksi LNG," Kata Arcandra. 

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Pertagas Acquisition Process Completed End of June

Pertamina will establish another subholding after sublinging the gas is completed

PT Pertamina (Persero), as the holding holding of BUMN Migas wants to immediately complete the formation of subholding gas. Namely by integrating PT Perusahaan Gas Negara. (PGN) and Pertamina Gas (Pertagas).

Nicke Widyawati

Acting President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati targets, the acquisition transaction by Pertagas PGN can be completed pacla June 29, 2019.

"So it's still in the process," Nicke said.

According to Nicke, Pertamina and PGN are still in the process of completing Pertagas valuation. Although the Deputy for Mining, Strategic Industries, and Media of State Enterprises Ministry Fajar Harry Sampurno has said the value of Pertagas valuation under US $ 2.5 billion, Nicke said Pertagas valuation process has not been completed.

"After Eid Fitri we finalize," said Nicke.

With Pertagas acquisition process by PGN which will soon be completed, Nicke insists there will be no dismissal of PGN and Pertagas employees. According to him, the government chose the acquisition option rather than continuing the merger between Pertagas and PGN because it did not want to happen the dismissal of employees.

Nicke said, with the acquisition scheme, PGN and Pertagas organizations will remain the same. Meanwhile, with the merger scheme, there will likely be a merger of two organizations, namely PGN and Pertagas. This step would be potentially going to dismiss employees.

"Dimerger or acquisition, then organizational structure will be much different.If the merger is merged, So bottom line commitment is no lay off so we chose the structure 'that does not happen lay off," said Nicke.

According to Nicke, the government plan to merge Pertagas and PGN is not to streamline the organization. On the contrary, with this gas subholding, Pertamina targets the two companies can be bigger. There will be many assignments from Pertamina.

"The company also wants us to raise, maybe even add people, because it needs a lot of people to run the assignment from Pertamina," said Nicke.

In addition to the formation of sublinging gas, Nicke said Pertamina has not yet established another subholding process.

"Sub-stocking gas first formed, then whether the targets we have planned to achieve, we will see," said Nicke.


Proses Akuisisi Pertagas Rampung Akhir Juni

Pertamina akan membentuk subholding Iain setelah subholding gas rampung

PT Pertamina (Persero), sebagai induk holding BUMN Migas ingin segera menyelesaikan pembentukan subholding gas. Yakni dengan mengintegrasikan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara. (PGN) dan Pertamina Gas (Pertagas).

Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Utama Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati menargetkan, transaksi akuisisi oleh Pertagas  PGN bisa selesai pacla 29 Juni 2019 mendatang. 

"Jadi sekarang masih dalam proses," kata Nicke.

Menurut Nicke, Pertamina dan PGN saat ini masih dalam proses menyelesaikan valuasi Pertagas. Meskipun Deputi Bidang Pertambangan, Industri Strategis, dan Media Kementerian BUMN Fajar Harry Sampurno sudah mengatakan nilai Valuasi Pertagas di bawah US$ 2,5 miliar, Nicke menyebut proses valuasi Pertagas belum selesai. 

"Setelah idul fitri kami finalisasi," kata Nicke.

Dengan proses akuisisi Pertagas oleh PGN yang sebentar lagi akan selesai, Nicke menegaskan tidak akan terjadi pemecatan karyawan PGN dan Pertagas. Menurutnya, pemerintah memilih opsi akuisisi daripada melanjutkan merger antara Pertagas dan PGN karena tidak ingin terjadi pemecatan karyawan.

Nicke bilang, dengan skema akuisisi, organisasi PGN dan Pertagas akan tetap sama. Sementara dengan skema merger, kemungkinan akan ada penggabungan dua organisasi, yaitu PGN dan Pertagas. Langkah ini justru akan berpotensi terjadi pemecatan karyawan. 

"Dimerger atau akuisisi, nanti struktur organisasiakan berbeda jauh. Kalau merger digabung, Jadi intinya komitmen tidak ada lay off jadi kami memilih struktur' yang tidak terjadi lay off," tegas Nicke.

Menurut Nicke, rencana pemerintah menggabungkan Pertagas dan PGN bukan untuk melakukan perampingan organisasi. Justru sebaliknya, dengan subholding gas ini, Pertamina menargetkan kedua perusahaan tersebut bisa lebih besar. Akan ada banyak penugasan dari Pertamina.

"Perusahaan juga mau kami besarkan, malah mungki nanti menambah orang, karena perlu banyak orang untuk menjalankan penugasan dari Pertamina," kata Nicke.

Selain pembentukan subholding gas, Nicke menyebut Pertamina belum melakukan proses pembentukan subholding lain. 

"Subholding gas dulu yang terbentuk, kemudian apakah target-target yang kami telah rencanakan tercapai, nanti kami lihat," kata Nicke.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, June 12, 2018

EMR: Split Gross Scheme, Beneficial Country

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources continues to encourage the gross split scheme, especially for 20 oil and gas blocks terminating throughout 2017-2020. EMR claims, this scheme contributes to state finance of US $ 63.2 million. This figure is approximately Rp 847 billion (assuming the rupiah exchange rate is in line with the 2018 State Budjet (APBN) of Rp 13,400 per US dollar).

Such receipts come from signature bonus payments for exploration activities by 20 Contractor Cooperation Contracts (KKKS) upon signing of the contract.

"The contribution of gross split from 20 oil and gas fields could increase the state's finances," said Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar.

Of the value, the Jambi Merang block is the largest state cash supporter, which is US $ 17.29 million or Rp 231 billion. After that, the Sanga-sanga and South East Sumatra blocks each contribute US $ 10 million or Rp 134 billion. The other blocks are between US $ 500,000 and US $ 1 million. 

     In addition to signature bonuses, the state also has the potential to gain investment by contractors through a Definite Working Commitment. This commitment is agreed to increase reserves and production within the first five year period approved by SKK Migas.

Overall of the 20 oil and gas blocks under the contracting system have a definite commitment of US $ 989.86 million or equivalent to Rp 13.2 trillion. The greatest definite working commitment is in the Jambi Merang block of US $ 2393 million.


ESDM: Skema Gross Split, Menguntungkan Negara  

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) terus mendorong skema gross split, khususnya untuk 20 blok minyak dan gas (migas) terminasi sepanjang tahun 2017-2020. Klaim ESDM, skema ini menyumbang keuangan negara sebesar US$ 63,2 juta. Angka ini sekitar Rp 847 miliar (asumsi nilai tukar rupiah sesuai dengan APBN 2018 Rp 13.400 per dollar Amerika Serikat).

Penerimaan tersebut berasal dari pembayaran bonus tanda tangan (signature bonus) kegiatan eksplorasi oleh 20 Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) saat penandatanganan kontrak. 

"Kontribusi gross split dari 20 lapangan migas mampu menambah keuangan negara," ujar Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar.

Dari besaran nilai tersebut, blok Jambi Merang merupakan pendukung kas negara terbesar, yaitu US$ 17,29 juta atau Rp 231 miliar. Setelah itu Blok Sanga-sanga dan South East Sumatera masing-masing berkontribusi  US$ 10 juta atau Rp 134 miliar. Sementara blok lain antara US$ 500.000 hingga US$ 1 juta. 

     Selain signature bonus, negara juga berpotensi mendapatkan investasi para kontraktor melalui Komitmen Kerja Pasti. Komitmen ini disepakati untuk peningkatan cadangan dan produksi dalam periode lima tahun pertama yang disetujui SKK Migas.

Secara keseluruhan dari 20 blok migas dengan sistem kontrak mendapat komitmen pasti sebesar US$ 989,86 juta atau setara Rp 13,2 triliun. Komitinen kerja pasti terbesar ada pada blok Jambi Merang sebesar US$ 2393 juta.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Production Performance of PT Pertamina Reaches 109 Percent

The commitment of PT Pertamina EP to support the increase of national oil and gas production continues to be proven. This time is shown by the positive performance of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 which has the widest operational area of ​​all assets managed by PT Pertamina EP starting from Cepu Field in Central Java, Sukowati Field and Poleng Field in East Donggi Matindok Field in Central Sulawesi and Papua Field in West Papua.

Positive performance was obtained from the gas sector, where as of May 22, 2018 Gas Year to Date (YTD) production reached 171.95 MMSCFD, 109% and YTD target of 157.59 MMSCFD. Or 104% of the 2018 target of 165.52 MMSCFD. Gas production of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 is supported by 3 Central Processing Plant (CPP) CPP Gundih in Cepu Field, with production reaching around67 MMSCFD and added with CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok in Sulawesi with production reach 92.48 MMSCFD .

Agus Amperianto, Asset 4 General Manager at Press Briefing at KM 0 Cepu-Central Java, said the gas production can produce above the target set by the company. For CPP Gundih the majority of gas is channeled to PLTGU Tambak Lorok Semarang and for CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok our gas is channeled to Dongi Senoro LNG.

"Nevertheless, we continue to prepare an advanced strategy so that the gas that we produce can be used not only for electricity needs but also to meet the needs of the industry" said Agus Amperianto.

Furthermore, agus added, for the oil production realization sector as of May 22, 2018 reached 12,246 barrels per day (BOPD), 88% of YTD target of 13,932 BOPD. Or 87% of the 2018 target of 14,032 BOPD. For oil production, it projected until the end of 2018 could reach the target of 14,032 BOPD. The fulfillment of these targets is our effort and several strategies, one of which is the optimization of Sukowati field which started on May 20, 2018 which has been fully operated.

"Then we also do some well reaktivation work, well perforation and simulation and repair ESR" explains Agus Amperianto.

Meanwhile, in addition to continuing to increase oil and gas production, in the Asset 4 region, especially in eastern Indonesia, seismic activities are also conducted to seek new sources of reserves and provide new hope for the national oil and gas industry. According to Agus, in the vicinity of Klamono, Sorong regency, West Papua province, the exploration team of PT Pertamina EP has completed the 3D Seismic Klamasossa combing around 500 km2 of the area spread around Sorong regency.


Kinerja Produksi PT Pertamina Capai 109 Persen

Komitmen PT Pertamina EP untuk mendukung peningkatan produksi migas nasional terus dibuktikan. Kali ini ditunjukkan dengan kinerja positif dari PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 yang memiliki wilayah operasi terluas dari seluruh asset yang dikelola oleh PT Pertamina EP yaitu mulai dari Cepu Field di Jawa Tengah, Sukowati Field dan Poleng Field dilawa Timur Donggi Matindok Field di Sulawesi Tengah dan Papua Field di Papua Barat.

Kinerja positif didapatkan dari sektor gas, dimana per 22 Mei 2018 produksi Gas Year to Date (YTD) mencapai angka 171.95 MMSCFD, 109 % dan target YTD sebesar 157.59 MMSCFD. Atau 104 % dari target 2018 sebesar 165.52 MMSCFD. Produksi gas PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 terbesar ditunjang oleh keberadaan 3 Pusat Pengolahan Gas / Central Processing Plant (CPP) yaitu CPP Gundih di Cepu Field, dengan produksi mencapai sekitar67 MMSCFD dan ditambah lagi dengan CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok di Sulawesi dengan produksi mencapai 92.48 MMSCFD.

Agus Amperianto, Asset 4 General Manager saat Press Briefing di KM 0 Cepu-Jawa Tengah, mengatakan, produksi gas bisa berproduksi di atas target yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan. Untuk CPP Gundih mayoritas gas disalurkan ke PLTGU Tambak Lorok Semarang dan untuk CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok gas kami disalurkan ke Dongi Senoro LNG.

“Namun demikian kami tetap menyiapkan strategi lanjutan agar gas yang kami produksikan bisa dimanfaatkan tidak hanya untuk kebutuhan kelistrikan namun juga bisa memenuhi kebutuhan industry” ujar Agus Amperianto.

Lebih lanjut agus menambahkan, untuk sektor minyak realisasi produksi per tanggal 22 Mei 2018 mencapai 12.246 barel perhari (BOPD), 88% dari target YTD sebesar 13.932 BOPD. Atau 87 % dari target 2018 sebesar 14.032 BOPD. Untuk produksi minyak, pihaknya memroyeksikan hingga akhir tahun 2018 bisa mencapai target 14.032 BOPD. Pemenuhan terhadap target tersebut kami upayakan dan beberapa strategi, salah satunya optimalisasi lapangan Sukowati yang mulai tanggal 20 Mei 2018 yang lalu sudah secara penuh dioperasikan. 

“Kemudian kami lakukan juga beberapa pekerjaan reaktivasi sumur, perforasi sumur serta simulasi dan repair ESR” jelas Agus Amperianto.

Sementara itu, selain berupaya terus meningkatkan produksi minyak dan gas, di wilayah Asset 4 terutama di Kawasan Timur Indonesia juga dilakukan kegiatan seismik yang bertujuan untuk mencari sumber cadangan baru dan memberikan harapan baru bagi industry migas nasional. Menurut Agus, di sekitar wilayah Klamono, Kabupaten Sorong, Provinsi Papua Barat, tim Eksplorasi PT Pertamina EP telah selesai melakukan Seismik 3D Klamasossa yang menyisir sekitar 500 km2 wilayah yang tersebar di sekitar Kabupaten Sorong.

Memorandum, Page-14, Monday, June 11, 2018

ESDM Specifies Termination Block Operators

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will formally establish a contract extension operator in five working areas of oil and gas (oil and gas) or oil and gas blocks that will expire in 2020.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said the government will assign five working areas or oil and gas blocks to the existing contractors. It is the South Jambi Block to Petrochina, the Malacca Strait Block to Energi-Mega Persada, Brantas Block to Lapindo, Salawati Block and Bird's Head to Petrogas.

The signing bonus of Malacca Straits is US $ 2.5 million, Brantas US $ 1 million, South Jambi US $ 5 million, Salawati US $ 1 million and Bird Head US $ 1 million. The bonus signature of Makassar Strait Block will not be set, because as the existing operator Chevron Pasific Indonesia has not proposed a contract extension. According to the plan, the government will set the Makassar Strait Block by the end of June 2018.

"It will be combined with Indonesian Deepwater Development (IDD), so we also process IDD at the end of June," said Vice Minister of EMR, Arcandra Tahar.

Claim Arcandra, with the determination of termination working area, there will be additional investment. He mentioned that the determination of termination working areas in 2019-2020 already has an investment commitment of about US $ 500 million. The average investment commitment is definitely worth US $ 40 million. But there is also a certain high commitment value, such as the Jambi Merang Block with total investment for commitment must reach US $ 239 million.

While the oil and gas blocks terminated in 2021, especially the Rokan Block will be decided on July 2018 tones. However, Faisal Yusra, President of the Confederation of Indonesian Migrant Workers Union in written broadcasts requested. President Joko Widodo to revoke Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 23 year 2018 which no longer gives direct termination block to Pertamina.

"Currently there is no urgency," he said.

He said that all Oil and Gas Blocks that have been discharged in the contracts in 2018-2019 have been processed by the decision of the old minister more "red-white". "Let the new policy of 2021 come to be thought of by the government of the new period, whoever becomes president," he advised.


ESDM Tetapkan Operator Blok Terminasi

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) segera menetapkan secara resmi operator perpanjangan kontrak di lima wilayah kerja minyak dan gas (migas) atau blok migas yang akan habis kontrak tahun 2020 mendatang.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, pemerintah akan menetapkan lima wilayah kerja atau blok migas ke kontraktor eksisting. Yaitu Blok South Jambi kepada Petrochina, Blok Malaka Strait kepada Energi-Mega Persada, Blok Brantas kepada Lapindo, Blok Salawati dan Kepala Burung kepada Petrogas.

Bonus tandatangan Malaka Straitsebesar US$ 2,5 juta, Brantas US$ 1 juta, South Jambi US$ 5 juta, Salawati US$ 1 juta dan Kepala Burung US$ 1 juta. Adapun bonus tandatangan Blok Makassar Strait belum akan ditetapkan, karena sebagai operator eksisting Chevron Pasific Indonesia belum mengajukan perpanjangan kontrak. Rencananya, pemerintah akan menetapkan Blok Makassar Strait pada akhir Juni 2018. 

"Akan dikombinasikan dengan Indonesian Deepwater Development (IDD), jadi IDD juga kami proses di akhir Juni," klta Wakil Menteri ESDM, Arcandra Tahar.

Klaim Arcandra, dengan penetapan wilayah kerja terminasi, akan ada tambahan investasi. Dia menyebut, penetapan wilayah kerja terminasi tahun 2019-2020 sudah ada investasi komitmen kerja sekitar US$ 500 juta. Rata-rata investasi komitmen pasti mencapai US$ 40 juta. Namun ada juga nilai komitinen pasti yang cukup tinggi, seperti Blok Jambi Merang dengan total investasi untuk komitmen pasti mencapai US$ 239 juta.

Sementara blok migas yang terminasi tahun 2021, terutama Blok Rokan akan diputuskan nada Juli 2018. Namun, Faisal Yusra, Presiden Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Migas Indonesia dalam siaran tertulis meminta. Presidenw Joko Widodo agar mencabut Keputusan Menteri ESDM 23 tahun 2018 yang tidak lagi memberikan langsung blok terminasi ke Pertamina. 

"Saat ini belum ada urgensinya," tegas dia.

Dia bilang, semua Blok Migas yang habis kontrak pada tahun 2018-2019 sudah diproses dengan Keputusan menteri lama yang lebih "merah-putih". "Biarkan kebijakan baru tahun 2021 mendatang dipikirkan pemerintahan periode baru nanti, siapapun yang menjadi presiden," kata dia memberi saran.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, June 11, 2018

Gas Production of Pertamina EP Asset 4 exceeded Target

The declining trend of petroleum production in Indonesia is also experienced by PT Pertamina EP Aset 4. Until May 22, 2018, petroleum production reached 12,246 barrels of oil per day or just 88 percent of the target. Asset 4 General Manager of PT Pertamina (Persero) Agus Amperianto said oil production is projected until the end of 2018 to reach the target of 14,032 barrels of oil per day (bopd).

"The fulfillment of these targets is the effort of several strategies, one of which is the optimization of Sukowati field which started on 20 May 2018. We have also done some well reactivation work, well perforation, as well as stimulation and repair of ESR" explained Agus Amperianto .

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 has the largest operating area among all assets managed by PT Pertamina EP. They include Cepu Field in Central Java, Sukowati Field and Poleng Field in East Java Donggi Matindok Field in Central Sulawesi, and Papua Field in West Papua. Meanwhile, for gas production, the company has exceeded the planned target. That is, it reaches 171.95 mmscfd (million standard cubic feet per day) or 109 percent and YTD (year to date) target of 157.59 mmscfd or 104 percent of the 2019 target of 165.52 mmscfd.

Gas production of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 is greatest supported by the existence of three gas processing center / central processing plant (CPP). That is, CPP Gundih in Cepu Field with production about 67 mmscfd. Coupled with CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok in Sulawesi with production reaching 92.48 mmscfd.

"Alhamdulillah, our gas production can produce above the target set by the company," he said.

For CPP Gundih, the majority of the gas is supplied to PLTGU Tambak Lorok. Meanwhile, CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok gas is supplied to Donggi Senoro LNG.

"However, we are still preparing advanced strategies so that the gas that we produce can be utilized not only for electricity needs, but also can meet the needs of the industry," said Agus.

It also seismic activities to find new sources of reserves, especially in eastern Indonesia. For example, in the Klamono area, Sorong regency, West Papua.

"The exploration team of PT Pertamina EP has completed the 3D Seismic Klamasossa which combed about 500 km2 of the area spread around Sorong regency, and of course, this seismic could give hope to find potential oil and gas reserves.


Produksi Gas Pertamina EP Asset 4 Melampaui Target

Tren penurunan produksi minyak bumi di Indonesia juga dialami PT Pertamina EP Aset 4. Hingga 22 Mei 2018, produksi minyak bumi mencapai
12.246 barel minyak per hari atau hanya 88 persen dari target. Asset 4 General Manager PT Pertamina (Persero) Agus Amperianto mengungkapkan, produksi minyak diproyeksikan hingga akhir 2018 mencapai target 14.032 barel minyak per hari (bopd). 

"Pemenuhan terhadap target tersebut kami upayakan dari beberapa strategi. Salah satunya, optimalisasi lapangan Sukowati yang mulai 20 Mei 2018 sudah secara penuh kami operasikan. Kemudian, kami lakukan juga beberapa pekerjaan reaktivasi sumur, perforasi sumur, serta stimulasi dan repair ESR” jelas Agus Amperianto.

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 memiliki wilayah operasi terluas di antara seluruh aset yang dikelola PT Pertamina EP. Yakni, meliputi Cepu Field di Jawa Tengah, Sukowati Field dan Poleng Field di Jawa Timur Donggi Matindok Field di Sulawesi Tengah, serta Papua Field di Papua Barat. Sementara itu, untuk produksi gas, perseroan telah melampaui target yang direncanakan. Yakni, mencapai 171.95 mmscfd (million standard cubic feet per day) atau 109 persen dan target YTD (year to-date) sebesar 157.59 mmscfd atau, 104 persen dari target 2019 sebesar 165.52 mmscfd.

Produksi gas PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 paling besar ditunjang keberadaan tiga pusat pengolahan gas/ central processing plant (CPP). Yakni, CPP Gundih di Cepu Field dengan produksi sekitar 67 mmscfd. Ditambah dengan CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok di Sulawesi dengan produksi mencapai 92.48 mmscfd. 

"Alhamdulillah, produksi gas kami bisa berproduksi di atas target yang ditetapkan perusahaan,” katanya.

Untuk CPP Gundih, mayoritas gasnya disalurkan ke PLTGU Tambak Lorok. Sedangkan gas CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok disalurkan ke Donggi Senoro LNG. 

"Namun, kami tetap menyiapkan strategi lanjutan agar gas yang kami produksi bisa dimanfaatkan tidak hanya untuk kebutuhan kelistrikan, namun juga bisa memenuhi kebutuhan industri," terang Agus.

Pihaknya juga melakukan kegiatan seismik untuk mencari sumber cadangan baru, terutama di kawasan timur Indonesia. Misalnya, di wilayah Klamono, Kabupaten Sorong, Papua Barat.

"Tim eksplorasi PT Pertamina EP telah selesai melakukan Seismik 3D Klamasossa yang menyisir sekitar 500 km2 wilayah yang tersebar di sekitar Kabupaten Sorong. Tentunya, adanya seismik ini bisa memberikan harapan untuk menemukan potensi cadangan migas.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, June 11, 2018

Less Oil, Gas Exceed Target

Gas Production Pertamina EP Asset 4

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 is claimed to establish a positive performance. Asset 4 runs ExxonMobil Banyu Urip Field, Cepu Block Central Java, Sukowati Field, Poleng Field in East Java, Donggi Matindok Square in Central Sulawesi and Papua Field in West Papua Positive performance comes from the gas sector. As of 22 May 2018, gas production year to date (ytd) was 171.95 mmscfd or 109% of the target of 157.59 mmscfd or 104% of the 2018 target of 165.52 mmscfd.

Gas production from Asset 4 is greatest thanks to the existence of three gas processing centers or central processing plants (CPP). That is CPP Gundih in Banyu Urip Field with production reaching about 67 mmscfd and added CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok in Sulawesi with production reach 92.48 mmscfd.

"Thank God our gas production can produce above the target set by the company," said Agus Amperianto, GeneraI Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4.

According to him, for CPP Gundih, the majority of the gas flows to the Gas and Steam Power Plant (PLTGU) Tambak Lorok and for CPP Donggi and CPP Matindok gas is supplied to Donggi Senoro LNG. Pertamina EP Asset 4 also continues to prepare an advanced strategy for gas production to be utilized for industrial needs.

In the oil sector, production realization as of May 22, 2018 reached 12,246 barrels per day (bpd). This achievement is 88% of the target of 13,932 bph (ytd), or 87% of the 2018 target of 14,032 bph.


Minyak Kurang, Gas Lampaui Target

Produksi Gas Pertamina EP Asset 4 

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 diklaim mengukuhkan kinerja positif. Asset 4 mengelola Lapangan Banyu Urip Milik ExxonMobil, Blok Cepu di Jawa Tengah, Lapangan Sukowati, Lapangan Poleng di Jawa Timur, Lapangan Donggi Matindok di Sulawesi Tengah dan Lapangan Papua di Papua Barat Kinerja positif bersumber dari sektor gas. Per 22 Mei 2018 lalu, produksi gas  year to date (ytd) sebanyak 171,95 mmscfd atau 109 % dari target sebesar 157,59 mmscfd atau 104% dari target tahun 2018 sebesar 165,52 mmscfd.

Produksi gas dari Asset 4 terbesar berkat keberadaan tiga pusat pengolahan gas atau central processing plant (CPP). Yaitu CPP Gundih di Lapangan Banyu Urip dengan produksi mencapai sekitar 67 mmscfd dan ditambah CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok di Sulawesi dengan produksi mencapai 92.48 mmscfd. 

"Alhamdulillah produksi gas kami bisa berproduksi diatas target yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan," ujar Agus Amperianto, General Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4.

Menurutnya, untuk CPP Gundih mayoritas gas mengalir ke Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas dan Uap (PLTGU) Tambak Lorok dan untuk CPP Donggi dan CPP Matindok gas disalurkan ke Donggi Senoro LNG. Pertamina EP Asset 4 juga tetap menyiapkan strategi lanjutan agar produksi gas bisa dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan industri. 

Di sektor minyak, realisasi produksi per tanggal 22 Mei 2018 mencapai 12.246 barel per hari (bph). Pencapaian ini 88% dari target sebesar 13.932 bph (ytd), atau 87% dari target tahun 2018 sebesar 14.032 bph.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Monday, June 11, 2018

OPEC Production Meeting Rejects US Intervention

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries or OPEC rejects the United States' demand for producing countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, to boost oil production as supply depreciates due to economic and political sanctions befalling Iran and Venezuela.

The US government unofficially requested Saudi Arabia and a number of OPEC producers to increase output a day before Uncle Sam imposed new sanctions on Iran banning firms to do business with the Persian nation.

US President Donald Trump had earlier withdrawn a nuclear deal last month but again announced high-level sanctions on Iran, OPEC's biggest producer after Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Iran's OPEC governor, Hossein Kazempour Ardebili, insists that US intervention efforts for OPEC oil production are out of bounds and outrageous.

"Surprisingly, seeing that instruction came from the US asking the Saudis to act to cover up the decline of Iranian exports due to their illegal sanctions against Iran and Venezuela," he said, quoted by Reuters.

Iran states that US demand on Saudi Arabia and generally to OPEC to pump oil in larger quantities is unwise. Kazempour revealed that OPEC would not ignore the request because it complicates the discussion of organizational meetings at the end of this month.

Earlier, in 2015, Tehran refused to approve the OPEC policy at the time, saying that the organization should increase output as sanctions cease. US sanctions this time affect the oil industry in Iran after 180 days of transition period ending on 4 November. However, before that period finished European oil processors have transferred its oil purchases from Iran.

Iran has called on OPEC to dictate the illegal sanctions at its June 22 OPEC meeting, which will also discuss the continuation of production policy. OPEC and its Russian-led allies have cut the total output by 1.8 million barrels per day since January 2017 and the cuts policy should end by the end of 2018.

However, Saudi Arabia and Russia say that the cuts policy will be reduced after receiving applications and consumers, including the US, China and India to boost global supplies. Kazempour predicted that the OPEC meeting would ignore the US demand and stated that oil prices would soar in response to US sanctions to Venezuela and Venezuela.


The price of crude oil is flushed after the market weighed on signals of oil supply problems and Saudi Arabia, Russia and Venezuela. At the close of trading on Friday (8/6) recorded West Texas Intermediate oil prices fell 0.32% or 0.21 points to US $ 65.74 per barrel, up 8.81% over the year.

Meanwhile, the price of Brent Futures oil fell 0.86 points or 1.11% to US $ 76.46 per barrel, up 14.3-4% during the year. The Petroleum Ministers of Saudi Arabia and Russia are scheduled to meet next week, adding to speculation that the world's two biggest oil exporters are poised to shift away from a deal on production restrictions. Discussions by Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak and Saudi Oil Minister Khalid Al Falih in Moscow will likely be an opening for a meeting of OPEC members and allies discussing the continuation of production policy.

"The OPEC movement that actively discusses the reduction of oil production cuts has brought bearish forecasts on the oil market," said Rob Haworth. manager of US $ 151 billion at US Bank Wealth Management in Seattle.

Senior analyst at Danske Bank, Copenhagen, Jens Naervig Pedersen, said that after Saudi Arabia and Russia suggested OPEC to raise output in the second half of 2018, the market continues to focus which ultimately pushes OPEC's caution. Meanwhile, Venezuela's oil exports fell drastically considering that Latin America is facing an economic crisis.

"We will be exposed to tremendous risks. News about Venezuela about waiting cargo ships is loaded and the inability to supply the most active contract volumes has supported the market today, "said John Kilduff, partner of Again Capital LLC, hedge funds from New York.

PT Monex Investindo's research stated that WTI oil price is currently approaching resistance at US $ 66.00 per barrel, a steady movement above this level will bring the price up to the area of ​​US $ 66.50 per barrel. Achievements above that area have the potential to bring the price up to the area of ​​US $ 67.20 per barrel.

Meanwhile, the nearest support is in the range of US $ 6S, 60 per barrel. If able to pass, the price of oil potentially will fall to the area of ​​US $ 65.20. As long as it does not reach below US $ 65.20 per barrel, crude oil is predicted to strengthen.


Rapat Produksi OPEC Tolak Intervensi AS

Organisasi Negara Pengekspor Minyak Mentah atau OPEC menolak permintaan Amerika Serikat kepada negara produsen, khususnya Arab Saudi, untuk meningkatkan produksi minyak seiring dengan penyusutan pasokan akibat sanksi politik ekonomi yang menimpa Iran dan Venezuela.

Pemerintah AS secara tidak resmi meminta Arab Saudi dan sejumlah produsen OPEC untuk meningkatkan hasil produksinya sehari sebelum Paman Sam menjatuhkan sanksi baru ke Iran yakni melarang perusahaan untuk berbisnis dengan Negeri Persia itu.

Presiden AS Donald Trump sebelumnya telah menarik kesepakatan nuklir pada bulan lalu, namun kembali mengumumkan sanksi tingkat tinggi pada Iran, produsen terbesar OPEC setelah Arab Saudi dan Irak. Gubernur OPEC dari Iran, Hossein Kazempour Ardebili, menegaskan bahwa upaya intervensi AS untuk produksi minyak OPEC di luar batas dan keterlaluan.

"Mengherankan, melihat instruksi itu datang dari AS yang meminta Saudi untuk bertindak menutupi kemerosotan ekspor Iran karena sanksi ilegal mereka terhadap Iran dan Venezuela,” tuturnya, dikutip dari Reuters.

Iran menyatakan bahwa permintaan AS pada Arab Saudi dan secara umum kepada OPEC untuk memompa minyak dalam jumlah yang lebih besar merupakan tindakan tidak bijaksana. Kazempour mengungkapkan bahwa OPEC tidak akan menghiraukan permohonan tersebut karena mempersulit pembahasan pertemuan organisasi pada akhir bulan ini.

Sebelumnya, pada 2015, Teheran menolak menyetujui kebijakan OPEC kala itu, yakni mengatakan bahwa organisasi seharusnya meningkatkan hasil produksi seiring dengan penghentian sanksi. Sanksi AS kali ini berpengaruh pada industri minyak di Iran setelah 180 hari periode peralihan yang berakhir pada 4 November. Namun, sebelum periode tersebut habis pengolah minyak Eropa sudah mengalihkan pembelian minyak nya dari Iran.

Iran telah meminta OPEC untuk mendikskusikan sanksi yang dinilai ilegal tersebut pada pertemuan OPEC 22 Juni mendatang, yang juga akan membicarakan soal kelanjutan kebijakan produksi. OPEC dan sekutunya yang dipimpin oleh Rusia telah memangkas total hasil produksi sebanyak 1.8 juta barel per hari sejak Januari 2017 dan kebijakan pemangkasan tersebut semestinya berakhir pada akhir 2018.

Namun, Arab Saudi dan Rusia mengatakan bahwa kebijakan pemangkasan tersebut akan dikurangi setelah menerima permohonan dan konsumen, termasuk AS, China, dan India untuk mendorong pasokan global. Kazempour memprediksi bahwa pertemuan OPEC tidak akan menghiraukan permintaan AS itu dan menyatakan bahwa harga minyak akan melonjak sebagai respons untuk sanksi AS ke han dan Venezuela.


Harga minyak mentah bergerak memerah setelah pasar mempertimbangkan sinyal permasalahan pasokan minyak dan Arab Saudi, Rusia, dan Venezuela. Pada penutupan perdagangan Jumat (8/6) tercatat harga minyak West Texas Intermediate turun 0,32% atau 0,21 poin menjadi US$ 65,74 per barel, naik 8,81 % selama tahun berlalu.

Adapun, harga minyak Brent Futures turun 0,86 poin atau 1,11% menjadi US$ 76,46 per barel, naik 14,3-4% sepanjang tahun berjalan. Menteri Perminyakan Arab Saudi dan Rusia di jadwalkan mengadakan pertemuan pada pekan depan sehingga menambah spekulasi bahwa kedua pengekspor minyak terbesar dunia itu siap untuk beralih dari kesepakatan pembatasan produksi. Diskusi oleh Menteri Energi Rusia Alexander Novak dan Menteri Perminyakan Arab Saudi Khalid Al Falih di Moskow kemungkinan akan menjadi pembuka untuk pertemuan anggota OPEC dan sekutunya yang membahas kelanjutan kebijakan produksi.

“Pergerakan OPEC yang secara aktif membahas pengurangan pemangkasan produksi minyak telah membawa perkiraan bearish pada pasar minyak,” ujar Rob Haworth. pengelola dana US$ 151 miliar di US Bank Wealth Management di Seattle.

Analis Senior di Danske Bank, Copenhagen, Jens Naervig Pedersen, mengatakan bahwa setelah Arab Saudi dan Rusia menyarankan OPEC untuk menaikkan produksi pada semester II/2018, pasar terus fokus yang pada akhirnya mendorong kehati-hatian OPEC. Adapun, ekspor minyak Venezuela turun drastis mengingat Amerika Latin sedang menghadapi krisis ekonomi.

“Kami akan terkena risiko yang luar biasa. Berita tentang Venezuela tentang kapal kargo yang menunggu dimuat dan ketidakmampuan untuk memasok volume kontrak teraktif telah mendukung pasar saat ini,” kata John Kilduff, mitra Again Capital LLC, hedge-funds asal New York. 

Riset PT Monex Investindo menyatakan bahwa harga minyak WTI saat ini bergerak mendekati resistan US$ 66.00 per barel, pergerakan stabil diatas level ini akan membawa harga naik ke area US$ 66,50 per barel. Pencapaian di atas area tersebut berpotensi membawa harga naik ke area US$67,20 per barel. 

Sementara itu, support terdekat berada di kisaran US$ 6S,60 per barel. Jika mampu dilewati, harga minyak berpotensi turun ke area US$ 65,20. Selama tidak mencapai ke bawah US$ 65,20 per barel, minyak mentah diprediksi cenderung menguat.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-19, Monday, June 11, 2018