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Monday, July 2, 2018

Ready-to-Gas Boaming

The golden age of the global gas industry is predicted to arrive soon after the shift of unfriendly fuel consumption, such as crude oil and coal, to natural gas. Indonesia also will have to strengthen the natural gas infrastructure to seize opportunities. Based on projections, North America, especially the United States (US), will become the leader of world gas producers with abundant production.

"The use of electric vehicles in the world will also change the world's energy market as more and more power plants use gas," said Sasaka Peace Foundation Chairman Nobuo Tanaka as moderator of the discussion on What's Next for The Asia Pacific Gas Market in the World Gas Conference (WGC) 2018, in Washington DC, Wednesday (27/6).

WGC is a 3-year event organized by a country that holds leadership in the International Gas Union. The WCC was attended by influential energy leaders, executive officers of the global energy giant, such as Exxon Mobil Corp., BP Plc., Total, senior officials from the US Department of State and energy bureau, and a number of energy ministers from oil and gas producers and consumers such as Argentina and Indonesia .

Tanaka, who is also a former Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), added that China would also switch to greener energy, which is gas, and reduce the use of coal as a source of energy. Predictions on the gas market in China are also corroborated by Chairman of Board of Director of Beijing Gas Group Li Yalan.

He said gas consumption in the country will increase significantly driven by the increase of pipelines, and 70,000 km to 100,000 km by 2020. In addition, China has 18 Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) terminals with capacity of 60 million cubic meters per year.

"With expansion and development, the 18 terminals will have a capacity of 80 million tons by 2020," he said.

Growing gas consumption is in line with China's move to reduce coal consumption for power generation. For example, a large-scale power plant that requires 35 million tons of coal per year to be only one-fourth or five million tons. Last year, the IEA has predicted the use of natural gas will surpass coal in 2030 as the world's second largest energy source. By 2040, gas consumption is expected to equal the use of oil as the largest source of energy.

Currently, the position of natural gas as an energy source is in the third position with a percentage of 23.3%. The natural gas position is under 27% coal, and oil is 34%. In the long term, the IEA says the global gas market will face challenges and cost advantages in emerging markets.

On the other hand, trade disputes between the United States and China can disrupt the global energy market in the short term. Beijing this month filed a counter-rate for petroleum and US imports. It is expected to hit the US oil and gas industry. Chevron CEO Mike Wirth fears the trade tension could hit demand for energy commodities.

"The risk of a trade war begins to weigh on people's perceptions of economic growth," Reuters quoted him as saying.


Discussion of the Asia Pacific gas market in the WGC event also featured ESDM Minister Ignatius Jonan as the keynote speaker. The other panelists, among them EVP 81 Upstream CEO Petronas Anuar Taib and Li Yalan. In his presentation, Jonan predicts that the use of gas as a primary energy source is increasing. In Indonesia, the increase in gas consumption is predicted to reach 6% -7% per year, or above economic growth.

However, he is optimistic that Indonesia should not become a future gas importer following the discovery of new gas wells such as in the deep sea in Makassar Strait and Masela Block in Maluku. The two new gas sources will break the IEA's prediction that Indonesia will become a net importer of gas by 2040. Masela will produce 1.2 million cubic feet of gas per day and IDD 1,000 cubic feet per day. Jonan said that when answering Tanaka's question.

"The IEA Prediction is not wrong. However, the prediction was made before the discovery of gas Masela, Maluku, and Makassar Strait, "said Jonan.

In the Masela Block, Inpex and Shell act as operators and are expected to start production by 2027. As for the IDD project is operated by Chevron. In data from SKK Migas, IDD Gendalo and Gehem Project managed by Chevron Makassar Ltd. will start operating (on stream) in 2024 and 2025. IDD Gendalo is estimated to have production of about 500 million cubic feet per day, while Gehem amounts to 420 million cubic feet per day.

Nicke Widyawati, Ignatius Jonan, and Neil Chapman

With a daily gas production of 1.2 million barrels of oil equivalent, only 60% is used for domestic consumption. Plt. President Director of PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati assess infrastructure development as the main requirement for the development of natural gas as one of the main energy besides oil and coal. Later, the infrastructure is needed to naturally populate the local liquefied natural gas.

Nicke Widyawati

"Infrastructure needed, among others, LNG terminals and gas pipelines. It could make domestic gas prices more competitive, "Nicke said.

Nicke said Pertamina will further explore the gas business from infrastructure such as LNG and gas pipeline. Holding BUMN Migas also became a supporter of the company's growth to strengthen the gas infrastructure.

"The gas infrastructure should be reinforced by industrial development plans. PGN [PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk.] And PT Pertamina Gas will develop infrastructure to bring gas sources closer to consumers, "he said.

According to Nicke, the distance between gas sources and closer consumers could push down the price of gas more competitive. In the future, Nick said the company coordinates with major gas consumers such as PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara.

"Joint planning is done in order to be clear what to support."


Siap-Siap Boaming Gas

Masa emas industri gas dunia diprediksi segera tiba setelah beralihnya konsumsi bahan bakar tidak ramah lingkungan, seperti minyak mentah dan batu bara, ke gas alam. Indonesia pun mau tidak mau harus memperkuat infrastruktur gas bumi untuk meraih peluang. Berdasarkan proyeksi, Amerika Utara, terutama Amerika Serikat (AS), akan menjadi pemimpin produsen gas dunia dengan produksi yang melimpah.

“Penggunaan kendaraan listrik di dunia juga akan mengubah pasar energi dunia karena makin banyak pembangkit listrik menggunakan gas,” kata Chairman The Sasaka Peace Foundation Nobuo Tanaka saat menjadi moderator diskusi bertema What Next for The Asia Pacific Gas Market di arena World Gas Conference (WGC) 2018, di Washington DC, Rabu (27/6).

WGC merupakan kegiatan 3 tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh negara yang memegang kepemimpinan dalam International Gas Union. WCC dihadiri oleh pemimpin berpengaruh bidang energi, pejabat eksekutif raksasa energi global, seperti Exxon Mobil Corp., BP Plc., Total, pejabat senior dari Departemen Luar Negeri AS dan biro energi, serta sejumlah menteri energi dari produsen dan konsumen migas seperti Argentina dan Indonesia.

Tanaka yang juga mantan Direktur Eksekutif Intemational Energy Agency (IEA) menambahkan China juga akan beralih ke energi yang lebih hijau, yaitu gas, dan mengurangi pemakaian batu bara sebagai sumber energi. Prediksi atas pasar gas di China juga dikuatkan oleh Chairman of Board of Director Beijing Gas Group Li Yalan. 

Dia mengatakan konsumsi gas di negara itu akan meningkat signifikan didorong oleh bertambahnya jaringan pipa, dan 70.000 km menjadi 100.000 km pada 2020. Selain itu, China memiliki 18 Terminal liquified natural gas (LNG) dengan kapasitas 60 juta meter kubik per tahun. 

“Dengan ekspansi dan pengembangan, 18 terminal itu akan memiliki kapasitas 80 juta ton pada 2020,” tuturnya.

Konsumsi gas yang terus meningkat itu sejalan dengan langkah China mengurangi konsumsi batu bara untuk pembangkit listrik. Misalnya, satu PLTU skala besar yang memerlukan batu bara 35 juta ton per tahun menjadi hanya sepertujuhnya atau 5 juta ton. Tahun lalu, IEA telah memprediksi penggunaan gas alam akan melampaui batu bara pada 2030 sebagai sumber energi kedua terbesar di dunia. Pada 2040, konsumsi gas diperkirakan menyamai penggunaan minyak sebagai sumber energi terbesar.

Saat ini, posisi gas bumi sebagai sumber energi berada di posisi ketiga dengan persentase 23,3%. Posisi gas bumi berada di bawah batu bara 27%, dan minyak sebesar 34%. Secara jangka panjang, IEA menyatakan pasar gas global akan menghadapi tantangan dan persajngan biaya di pasar negara berkembang. 

Di sisi Iain, perselisihan dagang antara Amerika Serikat dan China dapat menggangu pasar energi global dalam jangka pendek. Beijing pada bulan ini mengajukan tarif balasan untuk impor petroleum dan AS. Hal itu diperkirakan dapat memukul industri migas AS. CEO Chevron Mike Wirth khawatir tensi perdagangan dapat memukul permintaan komoditas energi. 

“Risiko perang dagang mulai membebani persepsi orang terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi,” seperti dikutip Reuters.


Diskusi pasar gas Asia Pasifik dalam ajang WGC juga menampilkan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan sebagai pembicara utama. Adapun panelis lainnya, di antaranya EVP 81 CEO Upstream Petronas Anuar Taib dan Li Yalan. Dalam paparannya, Jonan memprediksi bahwa penggunaan gas sebagai sumber energi primer semakin meningkat. Di Indonesia, peningkatan konsumsi gas diprediksi mencapai 6%-7% per tahun, atau di atas pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Namun, dia optimistis Indonesia tidak harus menjadi importir gas pada masa depan menyusul ditemukannya sumur gas baru seperti di laut dalam Selat Makassar dan Blok Masela di Maluku. Dua sumber gas baru tersebut akan mematahkan prediksi IEA bahwa Indonesia akan menjadi net importir gas pada 2040. Masela akan memproduksi gas 1,2 juta kaki kubik per hari dan IDD 1.000 kaki kubik per per hari. Jonan menyatakan hal itu saat menjawab pertanyaan Tanaka. 

“Prediksi IEA tidak salah. Akan tetapi, prediksi itu dibuat sebelum penemuan gas Masela, Maluku, dan Selat Makassar,” kata Jonan. 

Pada Blok Masela, Inpex dan Shell bertindak sebagai operator dan diperkirakan akan memulai produksi pada 2027. Adapun, proyek IDD dioperasikan oleh Chevron. Dalam data SKK Migas, Proyek IDD Gendalo dan Gehem yang dikelola oleh Chevron Makassar Ltd. akan mulai beroperasi (on stream) pada 2024 dan 2025. IDD Gendalo diperkirakan memiliki produksi sekitar 500 juta kaki kubik per hari, sedangkan Gehem sebesar 420 juta kaki kubik per hari.

Dengan produksi gas harian 1,2 juta barrel setara minyak, hanya 60% yang digunakan untuk konsumsi domestik. Plt. Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati menilai pembangunan infrastruktur menjadi syarat utama untuk pengembangan gas bumi sebagai salah satu energi utama selain minyak dan batu bara. Nantinya, infrastruktur itu diperlukan untuk mengutilisasi gas alam cair lokal secara maksimal.

“Infrastruktur yang dibutuhkan antara lain, terminal LNG dan pipa gas. Hal itu bisa membuat harga gas domestik menjadi Iebih kompetitif,” Kata Nicke.

Nicke mengatakan Pertamina akan semakin mendalami bisnis gas dari sisi infrastruktur seperti LNG dan gas pipa. Holding BUMN Migas pun menjadi pendukung pertumbuhan perseroan untuk memperkuat infrastruktur gas.

“lnfrastruktur gas memang harus diperkuat dengan rencana pengembangan industri. PGN [PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk.] dan PT Pertamina Gas bakal mengembangkan infrastruktur agar mendekatkan sumber gas dengan konsumen,” ujarnya.

Menurut Nicke, jarak antara sumber gas dengan konsumen yang semakin dekat bisa menekan harga jual gas Iebih kompetitif. Pada masa mendatang, Nickemengatakan perseroan menjalin koordinasi dengan konsumen gas utama seperti PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara. 

“Joint planning dilakukan agar jelas apa yang harus didukung.”

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Friday, June 29, 2018

Medco Focus on Sarulla & Ijen Geothermal

PT Medco Energy Tbk. tems seeks to develop geothermal utilization in Sarulla, North Sumatra and Ijen, East Java due to the enormous energy potential of the two sites. In Sarrula, according to Medco Hilmi Panigoro's President Director, a study for the development of a third phase of thermal power plant has begun. Currently, two units of Steam Power Plant (PLTP) with a capacity of 220 megawatts (MW) are installed.

Hilmi Panigoro's

"The potential in Sarulla reaches 1,000 MW is huge. In addition, we also have done two drilling for geothermal ljen, "said Hilmi while accompanying the visit of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan in Washington.

PLTP Sarulla

PLTP Sarulla is the world's largest single-generation geothermal power plant project that has begun construction in 2014. The project with the Independent Power Producer (IPP) scheme was built by the consortium of Inpex Geothermal Sarula Ltd., Itochu Corporation, Kyushu Electric Power Co. Inc. from Japan, PT Medco Power from Indonesia, Ormat Technologies from the United States, and Sarulla Operation Ltd.

Sarulla PLTP electricity production is sold to PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) with a period of 30 years. PLTP Sarulla's second unit with a capacity of 110 MW commercially operates in October 2017. Meanwhile, the first unit with a capacity of 110 MW has operated commercially in March 2017.

     The plan, the capacity of new and renewable energy projects is targeted to reach 330 MW and marnpu serves about 2.1 million households. The commercial operation of PLTP Sarulla third unit with a capacity of 110 MW is scheduled in 2018. In fact, PLTP Sarulla Unit III has started testing. Hilmi added, efforts to explore the potential of geothermal continues to be done Medco despite having a big risk of failure.

"It's like oil drilling, the risk is always there. Just how we manage it well. "

PLTP Sarulla unit III with a capacity of 110 MW is the last in the development of the first phase of the Sarulla PLTP. This project is PLTP with the largest single contract in the world and is located in the districts of Pahae Jae and Pahae Julu, North Tapanuli District, North Sumatra Province.

Sarulla has a development potential of up to 1,000 MW based on data in 2006 when Medco won the auction. Previously, Hilmi said the additional capacity of up to 1,000 MW he said, should be based on several considerations.


Medco Fokus di Panas Bumi Sarulla & Ijen

   PT Medco Energy Tbk. tems berupaya mengembangkan pemanfaatan panas bumi di Sarulla, Sumatra Utara dan Ijen, Jawa Timur karena besarnya potensi energi di dua tempat tersebut. Di Sarrula, menurut Direktur Utama Medco Hilmi Panigoro, studi untuk pengembangan pembangkit listrik tenaga panas btuni tahap ketiga sudah dimulai. Saat ini telah beroperasi dua unit Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTP) dengan kapasitas 220 megawatt (MW).

“Potensi di Sarulla mencapai 1.000 MW ini besar sekali. Selain itu, kami juga sudah melalukan dua pengeboran untuk panas bumi ljen,” tutur Hilmi saat mendampingi kunjungan kerja Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan di Washington.

PLTP Sarulla merupakan proyek pembangkit panas bumi kontrak tunggal terbesar di dunia yang telah dimulai konstruksinya pada 2014. Proyek dengan skema pengembang swasta (Independent Power Producer/ IPP) tersebut dibangun oleh konsorsium Inpex Geothermal Sarula Ltd., Itochu Corporation, Kyushu Electric Power Co. Inc. yang berasal dari Jepang, PT Medco Power dari Indonesia, Ormat Technologies dari Amerika Serikat, dan Sarulla Operation Ltd.

Produksi listrik PLTP Sarulla dijual kepada PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) dengan jangka waktu 30 tahun. PLTP Sarulla unit kedua berkapasitas 110 MW secara komersial beroperasi pada Oktober 2017. Adapun, unit pertama dengan kapasitas 110 MW telah beroperasi secara komersial pada Maret 2017.

     Rencananya, kapasitas proyek pembangkit dari energi baru dan terbarukan ini ditargetkan mencapai 330 MW dan marnpu melayani sekitar 2,1 juta rumah tangga. Operasi secara komersial PLTP Sarulla unit ketiga dengan kapasitas 110 MW dijadwalkan pada 2018. Bahkan, PLTP Sarulla Unit III sudah mulai uji coba. Hilmi menambahkan, upaya menggali potensi panas bumi terus dilakukan Medco kendati memiliki risiko kegagalan cukup besar. 

“lni mirip pengeboran minyak, risiko selalu ada. Tinggal bagaimana kita mengelolanya dengan baik.”

PLTP Sarulla unit III yang berkapasitas 110 MW tersebut merupakan yang terakhir dalam pengembangan tahap pertama dari PLTP Sarulla. Proyek ini adalah PLTP dengan kontrak tunggal terbesar di dtunia dan terletak di distrik Pahae Jae dan Pahae Julu, Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, Provinsi Sumatra Utara.

Sarulla memiliki potensi pengembangan hingga 1.000 MW berdasarkan data pada 2006 ketika Medco memenangkan lelang. Sebelumnya, Hilmi mengatakan penambahan kapasitas hingga 1.000 MW katanya, harus berdasarkan beberapa pertimbangan.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, June 28, 2018

Pertamina’s oil Field deal frozen

   Indonesias government decided last month to freeze Pertamina's deal to operate the Mansouri oil field in Iran because it wanted to preserve the country's "good relationship” with the United States, Pertamina's acting chief executive Nicke Widyawati said

Nicke Widyawati

”We have a good relationship with the US, and so, it is on hold," Widyawati told Reuters, adding that the decision came after consultations between Indonesia’s Presidency energy and mines ministry, and Pertamina.

Widyawati made the comments at an event on the sidelines of a global natural gas conference in Washington. She would not say whether the Mansouri project was likely to be revived in the future. The US State Department on Tuesday said it was pushing allies to cut their crude imports from Iran to zero as part o.f renewed sanctions it is imposing after President Donald Trump abandoned a deal reached in late 2015 that limited Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

the Mansouri project

Indonesia, a former Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)\member, is becoming a growing energy trading partner with the US, with a 20-year liquefied natural gas supply deal with US exporter Cheniere Energy that begins this year. Widyawati said some portion of early deliveries from that deal would likely be resold by Pertamina’s trading operation, since |ndonesia’s own gas production will likely meet domestic demand until at least 2020.

”Yes, some of it will be resold,” she said.

She said, however, Indonesian gas demand would rise sharply in the coming years -due to new petrochemicals facilities and a gas-fired power plant coming on line

Jakarta Post, Page-14, Thursday, June 28, 2018

Quarter-III, Pertamina Begins to Manage Two Blocks of Termination

PT Pertamina (Persero) will begin officially to eliminate the management of two termination blocks in the third quarter of this year, the Sanga-Sanga Block from August and South East Sumatera Block (SES) starting September. The company's first three year investment commitment in the two blocks reached US $ 367 million.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Syamsu Alam said that so far, the preparation of the Sanga-Sanga Block management transition is going well. At the beginning of this month, his side has organized workers in the Sanga-Sanga Block.

the Sanga-Sanga Block.

"We hope it works well, because we've had some previous experience," he said.

The transfer of management in the South East Sumatera Block also started well. Pertamina continues to evaluate, through the condition of the surface of the soil (surface) and underground (subsurface), to arrange work programs. Because one of the concerns of the company is the level of oil and gas production from this offshore block of South Sumatra.

"The first step is to reduce the decline before it can increase production. Because all age-terminated blocks are mature, so it's not easy to increase production without seeing upside potential as an effort to increase reserves, "he explained.

In these two blocks, Pertamina promised the first three year investment commitment of US $ 367 million. Pertamina will issue an investment of up to US $ 237 million. Referring to the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) regarding the determination of 2018 termination block management, Pertamina is projected to spend US $ 750 thousand in the first year for G & G Study and advance 3D seismic reprocessing.

In the second year, Pertamina will spend up to US $ 105.25 million because it will start drilling wells. In detail, the company will drill one exploration well and 25 exploitation wells, as well as G & G Studies. In the following year, Pertamina will spend US $ 131 million to drill three exploration wells and 29 exploitation wells.

Furthermore, in South Sumatra Offshore Block, Pertamina promised the first three year investment commitment of US $ 130 million. The Company will disburse US $ 13 million in the first year for GGRP / flow unit study, an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) study, 5 well water injection conversion, and 7 Wells workover.

In the second year, the investment will be disbursed US $ 56 million. This fund will be used for 5 well water injection conversion, 3D / 4D 200 square kilometer seismic, 3 well infill drilling, 5 well wellover work, and 2 well field reactivation. In the third year, investments amounting to US $ 61 million, namely for water injection conversion 5 Wells, infill drilling 3 Wells, workover 5 well field reactivation 3 Wells, and EOR pilot 4 areas.

In relation to the exact activities that PHE will undertake this year, PHE Development Director Atif Saifudin once said, it will definitely drill the Well. This is to maintain oil and gas production in the SES Block. Currently, the oil and gas production of the block is recorded at 30 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (barrel oil equals per day / BOEPD). Unfortunately, he can not specify how many wells will be drilled.

"Because the drilling plan is divided into several years. We are selective too, if the field is not production, we will close, "he said.

As is known, Pertamina has signed a new production sharing contract (PSC) for South East Sumatera Block and Sanga-Sanga on 20 April. However, the company officially becomes the manager after the existing two-block contract expires. The Sanga-Sanga Block contract will expire on August 7, 2018. Then, the next SES Block contract is completed on September 5th. 

     The government handed over the management of all eight 2018 termination blocks to Pertamina. Furthermore, four oil and gas blocks, namely Tuban Block, Ogan Komexing, Southeast Sumatera, and North Sumatera Offshore, are undertaken by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi. While the management of Sanga-Sanga, Central, and East Kalimantan-Attaka Blocks is held by PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia.

Find Partners

At the same time, the effective signing of the terminated block termination PSC contract, Pertamina is also looking for partners to work on the eight oil and gas blocks. According to Alam, the bidding process of participation rights starts from the oil and gas block in which the company's PSC is already running effectively. The reason, although the PSC for the ten blocks of oil and gas have been signed, but the contract has not been fully started effectively considering the existing contracts of several oil and gas blocks still apply.

The Company is still preparing criteria from prospective partners and the value of the shares to be released in every oil and gas block. Later, the company will hold a majority stake.

"The termination block 2018-2019 majority ownership of its shares. The remaining partner, "Alam said.

For blocks that have terminated the old contract and the new contract is effective is the Tuban Block, Ogan Komering, and Attaka. However, the management of the Attaka Block is combined with the East Kalimantan Block whose contract will terminate on 24 October. Later, once the contract expires and management switches to Pertamina, the company can offer partnerships in the Sanga-Sanga Block, SES and NSO. The effective termination block participation contract is targeted for completion this year.

"We expect something to be done this year," Alam said.

Djoko said, many oil and gas companies are interested to buy the termination block participation rights offered by Pertamina. Some of the oil and gas blocks of Pertamina that interest other oil and gas companies are Mahakam Block, Sanga-Sanga, East Kalimantan and Jambi Merang.


Kuartal-III, Pertamina Mulai Kelola Dua Blok Terminasi

PT Pertamina (Persero) akan mulai secara resmi mengamhil alih pengelolaan dua blok terminasi pada kuartal ketiga tahun ini, yakni Blok Sanga-Sanga mulai Agustus dan Blok South East Sumatera (SES) mulai September. Komitmen investasi tiga tahun pertama perseroan di dua blok ini mencapai US$ 367 juta.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, sejauh ini, persiapan transisi pengelolaan Blok Sanga-Sanga berjalan dengan baik. Pada awal bulan ini, pihaknya sudah menyelenggarakan pekerja di Blok Sanga-Sanga. 

“Kami berharap berjalan dengan baik, karena kami sudah ada beberapa pengalaman sebelumnya,” kata dia.

Pengalihan pengelolaan di Blok South East Sumatera juga dimulai baik. Pertamina terus melakukan evaluasi, melalui kondisi muka tanah (surface) maupun bawah tanah (subsurface), untuk menyusun program kerja. Karena salah satu yang menjadi perhatian perseroan adalah tingkat produksi migas dari blok di lepas pantai Sumatera Selatan ini.

“Langkah awal adalah upaya-upaya untuk mengurangi decline sebelum nantinya mampu meningkatkan produksi. Karena semua blok yang terminasi umurnya memang sudah tua (mature field), jadi tidak mudah untuk meningkatkan produksi tanpa melihat upside potential sebagai upaya penambahan cadangan,” jelasnya.

Di dua blok ini, Pertamina menjanjikan komitmen investasi tiga tahun pertama sebesar US$ 367 juta. Pertamina akan mengeluarkan investasi hingga US$ 237 juta. Mengacu pada Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) tentang penetapan pengelolaan blok terminasi 2018, Pertamina diproyeksikan akan mengeluarkan dana sebesar US$ 750 ribu di tahun pertama untuk Studi G&G dan advance 3D seismic reprocessing.

Pada tahun kedua, Pertamina akan mengeluarkan dana hingga US$ 105,25 juta karena akan mulai mengebor Sumur. Rincinya, perseroan akan mengebor satu sumur eksplorasi dan 25 sumur eksploitasi, serta Studi G&G. Pada tahun berikutnya, Pertamina akan menggelontorkan US$ 131 juta untuk mengebor tiga Sumur eksplorasi dan 29 Sumur eksploitasi.

Selanjutnya di Blok South Sumatera Offshore, Pertamina menjanjikan komitmen investasi tiga tahun pertama sebesar US$ 130 juta. Perseroan akan mengucurkan US$ 13 juta pada tahun pertama untuk GGRP/flow unit study, Studi pengurasan migas tahap lanjut (enhanced oil recovery/ EOR), water injection conversion 5 sumur, serta workover 7 Sumur.

Selanjutnya di tahun kedua, investasi yang akan dikucurkan sebesar US$ 56 juta. Dana ini akan dipakai untuk water injection conversion 5 sumur, seismik 3D/ 4D 200 kilometer persegi, infill drilling 3 Sumur, workover 5 Sumur, dan field reactivation 2 sumur. Pada tahun ketiga, investasi yang dikeluarkan sebesar US$ 61 juta, yakni untuk water injection conversion 5 Sumur, infill drilling 3 Sumur, workover 5 sumur field reactivation 3 Sumur, dan EOR pilot 4 area.

Terkait kegiatan apa saja pastinya yang akan dikerjakan PHE tahun ini, Direktur Pengembangan PHE Atif Saifudin sempat menuturkan, pihaknya pasti akan melakukan pengeboran Sumur. Hal ini untuk mempertahankan produksi migas di Blok SES. 

     Saat ini, produksi migas blok tersebut tercatat sekitar 30 ribu barel setara minyak per hari (barrel oil equvalent per day/BOEPD). Sayangnya, dia tidak dapat merinci berapa banyak sumur yang akan dibor. 

“Karena rencana pengeboran dibagi beberapa tahun. Kami selektif juga, kalau lapangan sudah tidak produksi, kami akan tutup,” tutur dia. 

Seperti diketahui, Pertamina telah menandatangani kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) baru untuk Blok South East Sumatera dan Sanga-Sanga pada 20 April lalu. Namun, perseroan resmi menjadi pengelola setelah kontrak eksisting dua blok ini berakhir. Kontrak Blok Sanga-Sanga akan berakhir pada 7 Agustus 2018. 

   Kemudian, berikutnya kontrak Blok SES selesai pada 5 September. Pemerintah menyerahkan pengelolaan seluruh delapan blok terminasi 2018 ke Pertamina. Selanjutnya, empat blok migas, yakni Blok Tuban, Ogan Komexing, Southeast Sumatera, dan North Sumatera Offshore, dikerjakan oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi. Sementara pengelolaan Blok Sanga-Sanga, Tengah, dan East Kalimantan-Attaka dipegang PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia. 

Cari Mitra

Bersamaan, mulai efektifnya kontrak PSC blok terminasi yang telah diteken, Pertamina juga mencari mitra untuk menggarap delapan blok migas tersebut. Menurut Alam, proses penawaran hak partisipasi ini dimulai dari blok migas di mana PSC perseroan yang sudah berjalan efektif. Pasalnya, meski PSC untuk sepuluh blok migas itu sudah ditandatangani, namun kontrak belum seluruhnya dimulai secara efektif mengingat kontrak eksisting beberapa blok migas masih berlaku.

Perseroan kini masih menyusun kriteria dari calon mitra dan nilai dari saham yang akan dilepas di setiap blok migas. Nantinya, perseroan akan memegang saham mayoritas. 

“Yang blok terminasi 2018-2019 mayoritas kepemilikan sahamnya. Partner sisanya,” ujar Alam.

Untuk blok yang telah berakhir kontrak lamanya dan kontrak baru berlaku efektif adalah Blok Tuban, Ogan Komering, dan Attaka. Namun, pengelolaan Blok Attaka digabung dengan Blok East Kalimantan yang kontraknya akan terminasi pada 24 Oktober nanti. Nantinya, begitu kontrak berakhir dan pengelolaan beralih ke Pertamina, maka perseroan bisa menawarkan kemitraan di Blok Sanga-Sanga, SES, dan NSO. Penawaran hak partisipasi blok terminasi yang sudah efektif kontrak Pertamina tersebut ditargetkan selesai tahun ini.

“Kami harapkan ada yang bisa selesai tahun ini,” tegas Alam.

Djoko menuturkan, banyak perusahaan migas yang berminat membeli hak partisipasi blok terminasi yang ditawarkan oleh Pertamina. Beberapa blok migas Pertamina yang diminati perusahaan migas lain tersebut adalah Blok Mahakam, Sanga-Sanga, East Kalimantan, dan Jambi Merang.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, June 28, 2018

Participation Rights have not been shared yet

Desire of Inpex Corporation has the right of participation on Mahakam Block still exist. Talks with PT Pertamina (Persero) as the holder of new participation rights still continues today. Inpex involves the Government of Indonesia in its efforts. Only, they are not willing to disclose the formulation that will be offered to Pertamina.

Inpex Corporation

"If the details we can not comment," said Moch N. Kurniawan, Sr. Specialist Media Relations lnpex Corporation.

So far, Inpex has the right to participate in the Mahakam Block up to 39%. The reference is a government decision which includes an opportunity for Pertamina to partially dispose of the rights of participation to business partners. With the record, the state-owned company remains the holder of majority participation rights with a share of at least 51%.

the Mahakam Block

In addition to the opportunity to partner with business partners, Pertamina is obliged to surrender 10% paritipation rights to regional government owned enterprises (BUMD) owned by the local government in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) no. 37 of 2016. East Kalimantan (East Kalimantan) and Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) are eligible for that part.

The East Kalimantan Provincial Government has established a BUMD holding a participating interest in the Mahakam block, named PT Migas Mandiri Pratama. The establishment of the company is based on East Kalimantan Provincial Regulation No. 11 of 2009.

Although Mandatory pitched, in fact the transfer process of 10% of the Mahakam Block has not been realized. Although, the management of Migas Mandiri Pratama claims no obstacles.

"Only the internal process of Pertamina and in BUMD only takes longer than expected," said Wahyu Setiaji, President Director of PT Migas
Mandiri Pratama.

As a result, the realization target of the 10% submission of regional participation rights retreat. Migas Mandiri Pratama estimates that the process of transferring the Mahakam block to them can be completed within two months to three months ahead. Previously, the company targeted the process of transferring the rights of participation materialized in the first quarter of 2018.


Hak Partisipasi juga Belum Dibagi

Hasrat Inpex Corporation memiliki hak partisipasi atas Blok Mahakam masih ada. Pembicaraan dengan PT Pertamina (Persero) sebagai pemegang hak partisipasi yang baru masih berlanjut hingga kini.

Inpex melibatkan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam upaya pendekatan tersebut. Hanya, mereka belum bersedia mengungkapkan rumusan yang akan ditawarkan kepada Pertamina. 

"Kalau detilnya kami tidak bisa berkomentar, " kata Moch N. Kurniawan, Sr. Specialist Media Relations lnpex Corporation.

Sejauh ini Inpex berkesempatan memiliki hak partisipasi atas Blok Mahakam hingga 39%. Acuannya adalah keputusan pemerintah yang memuat peluang bagi Pertamina melepas sebagian hak partisipasi kepada mitra bisnis. Dengan catatan, perusahaan milik negara tersebut tetap menjadi pemegang hak partisipasi mayoritas dengan bagian paling sedikit 51%.

Selain peluang menggandeng mitra bisnis, Pertamina berkewajiban menyerahkan 10% hak paritipasi kepada badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD) milik pemerintah daerah setempat sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) No. 37 tahun 2016. Provinsi Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim) dan Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara (Kukar) yang berhak atas bagian itu.

Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur telah membentuk BUMD pemegang hak partisipasi di Blok Mahakam, bernama PT Migas Mandiri Pratama. Pembentukan perusahaan itu berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Nomor 11 tahun 2009. 

Meski bernada Wajib, nyatanya proses transfer bagian 10% atas Blok Mahakam belum juga terealisasi. Meskipun, manajemen Migas Mandiri Pratama mengklaim tidak menemui kendala. 

"Hanya proses di internal Pertamina dan di BUMD saja yang perlu waktu yang lebih lama dari perkiraan," tutur Wahyu Setiaji, Direktur Utama PT Migas
Mandiri Pratama.

Alhasil, target realisasi penyerahan 10% hak partisipasi daerah mundur lagi. Migas Mandiri Pratama memperkirakan, proses pengalihan bagian Blok Mahakam kepada mereka bisa selesai dalam waktu dua bulan hingga tiga bulan ke depan. Sebelumnya, perusahaan tersebut menargetkan proses pengalihan hak partisipasi terwujud pada kuartal I 2018.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, June 28, 2018

Saturday, June 30, 2018

The cost of the Ultra In Sea Project is cut in half

Chevron parties want to cut costs so that the development plan is approved

One of Chevron's deep-sea oil and gas projects or Deepwater Development (IDD) projects is entering a new phase. This is in line with the certainty of the proposed development plan or plan of development (PoD) by the company from the United States.

Chevron is finally willing to cut development costs as requested by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) as the main condition of the PoD's approval by the government. The government admits that it is still waiting for the proposal of PoD of the official IDD project from Chevron party no later than June 28, 2018. EMR Deputy Minister of Energy, Arcandra Tahar claimed the IDD project cost cuts are estimated to reach about US $ 6 billion.

"So about US $ 6 billion cutting, was US $ 12.8 billion," said Arcandra.

In other words, the cut is almost half. He said that the cost cutting of Gendalo-Gehem development could not be separated from the lobby and the government's evaluation of the cost structure provided by the Chevron team. The government even conducted cost-cutting talks with the team from headquarters. Chevron in Houston, United States (US).

"The talk since before the fast," said Arcandra.

Actually, the ultra-deepwater PoD in the second phase has actually got the approval of the government in 2008. But over the course of time, in 2013 after the front end engineering design (FEED) stage, the project cost requirement has increased from about US $ 6.9 billion .

     Well, start increasing the price of oil so the reason Chevron made a revision PoD. The company, formerly named Caltex, later revised the PoD by adding Credit Investment request.

When revision of the revised proposal was submitted, the government always refused. That's because the proposal is not complete administratively and Chevron asks for incentives that are not in the contract, namely Credit Investment. Chevron requested credit investment or compensation rights to the government with a very high percentage of 240%. Whereas the maximum investment credit demanded by the Cooperation Contract Contractor (KKKS) is only 100%

Arcandra stressed that IDD project cost cuts are not only caused by world oil prices that are different from when Chevron requested a revision of the previous PoD, when oil prices were in the position of about US $ 100s per barrel. In addition to the financing structure, the main factor of cost cutting is the adoption of the right technology without having to spend the extra cost.

"The main thing is technology, the way that they develop, then commercial technology," said Arcandra.

Despite significant cost cuts, Arcandra ensures gas production from the Gendalo-Gehem field will not be affected. We are looking forward to its realization.


Biaya Proyek Laut Ultra Dalam Dipotong Setengah

Pihak Chevron mau memangkas biaya agar rencana pengembangan disetujui

Salah satu proyek minyak dan gas (migas) ultra laut dalam atau Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) yang dikerjakan Chevron memasuki babak baru. Hal ini seiring adanya kepastian pengajuan proposal rencana pengembangan atau plan of development (PoD) oleh perusahaan dari Amerika Serikat tersebut.

Chevron akhirnya bersedia memotong biaya pengembangan seperti permintaan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sebagai syarat utama persetujuan PoD oleh pemerintah. Adapun pemerintah mengaku masih menanti proposal PoD proyek IDD resmi dari pihak Chevron paling lambat pada 28 Juni 2018. Wakil Mentreri ESDM, Arcandra Tahar mengklaim pemangkasan biaya proyek IDD diperkirakan mencapai sekitar US$ 6 miliar. 

"Jadi kira-kira sekitar US$ 6 miliar cutting (pemangkasan biaya), tadinya US$ 12,8 miliar," kata Arcandra.

Dengan kata lain, pemotongan hampir separuh. Ia menceritakan, pemangkasan biaya pengembangan Gendalo-Gehem ini tidak lepas dari lobi dan evaluasi pemerintah terhadap struktur biaya yang diberikankan oleh tim Chevron. Pemerintah bahkan melakukan pembicaraan pemangkasan biaya dengan tim dari kantor pusat. Chevron di Houston, Amerika Serikat (AS).

"Pembicaraan sejak sebelum puasa," kata Arcandra. 

Sebenarnya PoD ultra laut dalam tahap kedua ini sebenarnya sudah sempat mendapat persetujuan pemerinfah pada tahun 2008. Namun seiring perjalanan waktu, pada tahun 2013 setelah tahap front end engineering design (FEED), kebutuhan biaya proyek ini meningkat, dari sekitar US$ 6,9 miliar. Nah, mulai meningkatnya harga minyak jadi alasan Chevron melakukan revisi PoD. Perusahaan yang dulu bernama Caltex itu kemudian merevisi PoD tersebut dengan menambahkan permintaan Credit investment.

Saat revisi proposal revisi itu diserahkan, pemerintah selalu menolak. Hal itu karena proposal tidak lengkap secara administrasi dan pihak Chevron meminta insentif yang tidak ada dalam kontrak, yakni Credit Investment. Chevron meminta investment kredit atau hak ganti rugi kepada pemerintah dengan persentase yang sangat tinggi, yakni sebesar 240 %. Padahal maksimal investment credit yang diminta Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) itu hanya sebesar 100% 

Arcandra menegaskan, pemangkasan biaya proyek IDD bukan hanya disebabkan harga minyak dunia yang berbeda dengan saat Chevron meminta revisi PoD sebelumnya, ketika harga minyak berada di posisi sekitar US$ 100an per barel. Selain struktur pembiayaan, faktor utama pemotongan biaya adalah penerapan teknologi yang tepat tanpa harus menghabiskan biaya ekstra. 

"Yang utama itu teknologi, the way that they develop, lalu teknologi komersial," ungkap Arcandra.

Meskipun mengalami pemangkasan biaya cukup signifikan, Arcandra menjamin produksi gas dari lapangan Gendalo-Gehem tidak akan terpengaruh. Layak kita tunggu realisasinya.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, June 28, 2018

Project Tangguh Train 3 Continues to Target

The completion of the Tangguh Train 3 project is believed to be on target, ie 2020. It follows the arrival of a jacket or key infrastructure in the development of Train 3 which became the main milestone for the development of one of the largest liqufied natural gas (LNG) facilities in Indonesia by BP Indonesia. The 1,900-ton infrastructure was sent from Karimun Yard, Riau Islands Province to Bintuni Bay for 18 days.

Vice President of BP Asia Pacific Project Niall Maguire said the jacket sent to Bintuni Bay or the location of the Tangguh Train 3 project is an important milestone in Tangguh's expansion.

"We can build confidence in achieving the next milestone in this project," said Niall.

After the jacket arrives, the next step is to look forward to the arrival of a platform that is indeed a package in the construction of this project. The Tangguh Train 3 project target will be completed by 2020. Later Train 3 will have capacity or production capability reaching 3.8 million tons per annmum (mtpa).

The addition of capacity from Train 3 will make the total LNG processing capacity in Tangguh reach 11.4 mtpa. The project will also add two offshore platforms, 13 new production wells, a new LNG loading dock, and other supporting infrastructure. 

      Gas production from Train 3 will be mostly or approximately 75 percent will be purchased by PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) as raw material for gas powered power plants. In addition to PLN, it has also been allocated as much as 20 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd) for the electricity needs of the West Papua Region. BP holds 37.16% of management rights in the Tangguh project.


Proyek Tangguh Train 3 Berlanjut Sesuai Target

Penyelesaian proyek Tangguh Train 3 diyakini masih sesuai target, yakni tahun 2020. Hal itu menyusul tibanya jacket atau infrastruktur utama dalam pengembangan Train 3 yang menjadi milestone utama pengembangan salah satu fasilitas liqufied natural gas (LNG) paling besar di Indonesia oleh BP Indonesia. Infrastruktur seberat 1,900 ton itu dikirim dari Karimun Yard, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau menuju Teluk Bintuni dengan menempuh waktu selama 18 hari.

Vice President Proyek BP Asia Pasifik Niall Maguire mengatakan, jacket yang dikirim menuju teluk Bintuni atau lokasi pengerjaan proyek Tangguh Train 3 merupakan milestone penting dalam ekspansi Tangguh. 

"Kami bisa membangun kepercayaan diri dalam mencapai milestone berikutnya di proyek ini," kata Niall.

Setelah jacket tiba, tahap selanjutnya adalah menantikan kedatangan platform yang memang merupakan satu paket dalam konstruksi proyek ini. Targetnya Proyek Tangguh Train 3 akan selesai tahun 2020. Nantinya Train 3 akan memiliki kapasitas atau kemampuan produksi mencapai 3,8 million tons per annmum (mtpa).

Penambahan kapasitas dari Train 3 akan membuat total seluruh kapasitas pengolahan LNG di Tangguh mencapai 11,4 mtpa. Proyek ini juga akan menambahkan dua anjungan lepas pantai, 13 sumur produksi baru, dermaga pemuatan LNG baru, dan infrastruktur pendukung lain. 

     Produksi gas dari Train 3 nantinya sebagian besar atau sekitar 75% akan dibeli PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) sebagai bahan baku pembangkit listrik bertenaga gas. Selain PLN, juga telah dialokasikan sebesar 20 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd) untuk kebutuhan listrik Wilayah Papua Barat. BP memegang 37,16% hak kelola di proyek Tangguh.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, June 28, 2018