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Friday, November 2, 2018

Pertamina Facility Near the Location of the Fall of Lion Air

The facilities and operations of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) were informed safely without interruption after the fall of the Lion Air JT-610 aircraft which was suspected of being located nearby.

PHE Vice President Relations Ifky Sukarya said in a written statement that related to the incident, the company's operations were still proceeding safely without interruption. However, Uky straightened out the information, that the actual location of the plane lost contact was very far from the platform facilities operated by PHE ONWJ.

PHE ONWJ supports the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) for the evacuation of Lion Air JT-610 aircraft, by deploying an operating vessel PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) and submitting debris findings and personal belongings suspected of originating from Lion Air JT aircraft -610.

"We are also concerned and express deep condolences for the incident." Hopefully the passenger family will be given fortitude and patience, "said Ifki Sukarya.

On Monday, October 29, 2018 around 06.33 WIB it was discovered that the Lion Air JT-610 aircraft with the PK-LQP aircraft code lost contact in the waters between Bekasi and Karawang-West Java. Upon receiving this information, PHE ONWJ, one of its platforms located in Karawang waters, mobilized its operational vessel, the Prabu Ship to patrol the site to check and search information and ensure the security of the company's operations.

Around 10:30 a.m., the Prabu Ship found and handed over pieces of debris and personal items found around the location of the lost contact Lion Air plane to the Basarnas ship to be handed over. In accordance with applicable procedures at PHE ONWJ, since the receipt of information regarding the lost contact of Lion Air JT-610 in the vicinity of Tanjung Karawang waters, an Incident Management Team (IMT) was immediately carried out to monitor the situation in the field.


Fasilitas Pertamina Dekat Lokasi Jatuhnya Lion Air

Fasilitas serta operasional PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) diinformasikan aman tanpa gangguan setelah jatuhnya pesawat Lion Air JT-610 yang diduga lokasinya berdekatan.

Vice President Relations PHE Ifky Sukarya dalam keterangan tertulisnya mengatakan terkait kejadian tersebut, operasi perusahaan masih berlangsung aman tanpa gangguan. Namun, Uky meluruskan informasi, bahwa sebenarnya lokasi hilang kontaknya pesawat tersebut sangat jauh dari fasilitas anjungan yang dioperasikan PHE ONWJ. 

PHE ONWJ mendukung Badan SAR NAsional (Basarnas) evakuasi serpihan pesawat Lion Air JT-610, dengan mengerahkan kapal operasi PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) serta menyerahkan temuan serpihan dan barang bawaan pribadi yang diduga berasal dari pesawat Lion Air JT-610.

"Kami ikut prihatin dan mengucapkan rasa duka mendalam atas insiden tersebut" Semoga keluarga penumpang diberikan ketabahan dan kesabaran kata Ifki Sukarya.

Pada Senin, 29 Oktober 2018 sekitar pukul 06.33 WIB diketahui pesawat Lion Air JT-610 dengan kode pesawat PK-LQP kehilangan kontak di perairan antara Bekasi dan Karawang-Jawa Barat. Begitu mendapat informasi tersebut, PHE ONWJ yang salah satu anjungannya berada di perairan Karawang mengerahkan kapal operasionalnya, yaitu Kapal Prabu untuk melakukan patroli ke lokasi untuk melakukan pengecekan dan pencarian informasi serta memastikan keamanan operasi perusahaan.

Sekitar 10.30 WIB, Kapal Prabu menemukan dan menyerahkan temuan serpihan dan barang pribadi yang ditemukan di sekitar lokasi hilang kontaknya pesawat Lion Air ke kapal Basarnas untuk diserahterimakan. 

    Sesuai prosedur yang berlaku di PHE ONWJ, sejak diterimanya informasi mengenai hilang kontaknya Lion Air JT-610 di sekitar perairan Tanjung Karawang, segera dilakukan aktivasi Incident Management Team (IMT) untuk memonitor situasi di lapangan.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Tuesday, Oct 30, 2018

Oil and Gas Block Contracts to be More Flexible

The government needs to relax the scheme for profit sharing contracts for oil and gas working areas so that investors are interested in taking oil and gas blocks auctioned and conducting exploration activities.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology, Trisakti University Pri Agung Rakhmanto said that Indonesia would face challenges in the upstream oil and gas sector. The challenge is in the form of lack of exploration activities and there has been no discovery of large-scale oil and gas blocks.

In fact, exploration activities need to be carried out to obtain oil and gas reserves. Meanwhile, the discovery of giant oil and gas blocks will be able to significantly increase oil and gas production.

"The method is not by forcing only to apply gross split [contract scheme, gross profit sharing. However, any business contract scheme that is desired and attractive to investors is needed, ".

So far, the implementation of gross profit sharing schemes has been applied to new block contracts. Until quarter III / 2018, gross profit sharing contracts have been implemented in 25 oil and gas working areas. In addition to the new block, the gross profit sharing system is also applied to one termination block in 2017, namely Blok Offshore North West Java managed by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ.

In 2017, there are at least five new blocks resulting from the auction using gross split schemes. The five blocks are Andaman 1, Andaman ll, Merak Lampung, Pekawai, and West Yamdena. Meanwhile, the 4 new blocks in the 2018 auction results, namely the Citarum Block, East Ganal, East Seram, and Southeast Jambi also use gross profit sharing schemes.

A total of six oil and gas blocks are terminated in 2018, namely the North Sumatra Offshore Block, Ogan Komering, South East Sumatra, Tuban, & Attaka have used gross profit sharing schemes. Pri considers that the government can open options not to implement a regime of upstream oil and gas contracts. According to him, the type of contract is adjusted to the needs and suitability of each oil and gas block. 

     Some old contracts still use a cost recovery scheme, namely that all oil and gas production costs incurred by the contractor will be replaced from the state budget. Meanwhile, the profit share received by the contractor is the profit received by the oil and gas company.

For example, in the cost recovery scheme, the contractor gets 15% of the oil production share, while the government receives 85%. In addition to getting a 15% profit share, the contractor will also get a replacement for all oil and gas production costs that have been incurred. Instead, the gross profit sharing scheme with a government base gets 43% and contractors 57% (oil). 

    However, the profit sharing of contractors can increase depending on the condition of the oil and gas field. With the 57% profit share, the contractor has to bear the oil and gas production costs.

"There is no need for gross split or cost recovery fanatics. Don't assume that the form of the contract is everything that will determine the attractiveness or absence of an oil and gas block. "

Previously, ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan stressed that the gross split revenue sharing system for oil and gas working area contracts would continue to operate.

"This will not return [to the cost recovery scheme], the gross split will continue to operate, because all of the big [oil and gas companies] accept it. During the Chevron in the Rokan Block, I asked whether or not [gross split system]? Want it, "he said.

the Rokan Block

Pri added, actually there are many factors that influence the attractiveness of oil and gas blocks in Indonesia, including consistency of regulation, licensing, and bureaucracy. According to him, every investor invests in adjusting the priority of his portfolio.

"The level of competitiveness with other countries is also key."

Jonan said, the government's consideration is to replace the cost recovery profit sharing scheme because of the many distortions in this system, especially in terms of processes that require a lot of time.


Meanwhile, SKK Migas ensures that the upstream oil and gas project will operate as targeted, namely in 2019. Based on SKK Migas data, there are at least 13 upstream oil and gas projects targeted to operate in 2019. Wisnu Prabawa, SKK Migas Program and Communication Division Head, said the upstream project oil and gas is still on target.

"For now, all of us still have estimates for 2019. For more details we can deliver it at the end of November 2018. Well, at that time it will be discovered to what extent it will be on time. So far it is still on target, "he said.

The upstream oil and gas project includes SWB / WB / SB by PetroChina Intl. Jabung Ltd., Ario Damar-Sriwijaya Phase 2 by PT Tropik Energi Pandan, Terang Sirasun Batur phase 2 by PT Kangean Energi Indo nesia Ltd.


Kontrak Blok Migas agar Lebih Fleksibel

Pemerintah perlu merelaksasi skema kontrak bagi hasil wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi sehingga investor tertarik mengambil blok migas yang dilelang dan melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi.

Dosen Fakultas Teknologi Kebumian dan Energi, Universitas Trisakti Pri Agung Rakhmanto mengatakan bahwa Indonesia akan menghadapi tantangan di sektor hulu migas. Tantangan itu berupa minimnya kegiatan eksplorasi dan belum ada lagi penemuan blok migas skala besar.

Padahal, kegiatan eksplorasi perlu terus dilakukan untuk mendapatkan cadangan migas. Sementara itu, penemuan blok migas raksasa akan mampu meningkatkan produksi minyak dan gas bumi secara signifikan.

“Caranya justru tidak dengan memaksakan untuk hanya menerapkan gross split [skema kontrak, bagi hasil kotor. Namun, perlu skema kontrak bisnis apapun yang memang dikehendaki dan menarik bagi investor,”.

Sejauh ini, penerapan skema bagi hasil kotor diterapkan untuk kontrak blok baru. Hingga kuartal III/2018, kontrak bagi hasil kotor sudah diterapkan di 25 wilayah kerja migas. Selain pada blok baru, sistem bagi hasil kotor juga diaplikasikan untuk satu blok terminasi pada 2017, yaitu Blok Offshore North West Java yang dikelola PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ.

Pada 2017, setidaknya ada lima blok baru hasil lelang yang menggunakan skema gross split. Kelima blok itu adalah Blok Andaman 1, Andaman ll, Merak Lampung, Pekawai, dan West Yamdena. Sementara itu, 4 blok baru pada hasil lelang 2018, yakni Blok Citarum, East Ganal, East Seram, dan Southeast Jambi juga menggunakan skema bagi hasil kotor.

Sebanyak enam blok migas terminasi 2018, yakni Blok North Sumatera Offshore, Ogan Komering, South East Sumatera, Tuban, & Attaka sudah menggunakan skema bagi hasil kotor. Pri menganggap bahwa pemerintah dapat membuka opsi untuk tidak menerapkan satu rezim kontrak hulu migas. Menurutnya, jenis kontrak disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan kecocokan setiap blok migas. 

    Beberapa kontrak lama masih menggunakan skema bagi hasil bersih atau cost recovery, yaitu seluruh biaya produksi migas yang dikeluarkan kontraktor akan diganti dari APBN. Sementara itu, bagi hasil yang diterima kontraktor merupakan keuntungan yang diterima perusahaan migas tersebut.

Sebagai contoh, dalam skema cost recovery, kontraktor mendapatkan bagi hasil produksi minyak sebesar 15%, sedangkan pemerintah 85%. Selain mendapatkan bagi hasil 15%, kontraktor juga akan mendapatkan penggantian seluruh biaya produksi migas yang telah dikeluarkan. 

    Sebalinya, skema bagi hasil kotor dengan basis pemerintah mendapatkan 43% dan kontraktor 57% (minyak). Namun, bagi hasil kontraktor bisa bertambah bergantung pada kondisi lapangan migas. Dengan bagi hasil 57% itu, kontraktor sudah, harus menanggung biaya produksi migas.

“Tidak perlu fanatik gross split atau cost recovery. Jangan menganggap bahwa bentuk kontrak itu segalanya yang akan menentukan menarik atau tidaknya sebuah blok migas.”

Sebelumnya, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan menegaskan bahwa sistem bagi hasil gross split untuk kontrak wilayah kerja migas akan beroperasi terus.

“Ini tidak akan kembali [ke skema cost recovery], gross split akan beroperasi  terus, karena semua [perusahaan migas] yang besar terima. Chevron sewaktu di Blok Rokan, saya tanya mau tidak [sistem gross split]? Mau,” katanya.

Pri menambahkan, sebenarnya banyak faktor yang memengaruhi daya tarik blok migas di Indonesia antara lain konsistensi regulasi, perizinan, dan birokrasi. Menurutnya, setiap investor berinvestasi menyesuaikan prioritas portofolionya. 

“Tingkat daya saing dengan negara lain juga menjadi kunci.”

Jonan menyebutkan, pertimbangan pemerintah mengganti skema bagi hasil cost recovery karena banyaknya distorsi pada sistem ini, terutama dan segi proses yang banyak memerlukan waktu.


Sementara itu, SKK Migas memastikan bahwa proyek hulu migas akan beroperasi sesuai target, yaitu pada 2019. Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, setidaknya ada 13 proyek hulu migas yang ditargetkan beroperasi pada 2019. Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher mengatakan, proyek hulu migas masih sesuai target. 

“Kalau untuk saat ini semuanya kami masih punya estimasi untuk 2019. Untuk detailnya lagi kami bisa sampaikan pada akhir November 2018. Nah, saat itu akan ketahuan sejauh mana akan tepat waktu. Sejauh ini masih sesuai target,” katanya.

Proyek hulu migas tersebut antara lain SWB/WB/SB oleh PetroChina Intl. Jabung Ltd., Ario Damar-Sriwijaya Phase 2 oleh PT Tropik Energi Pandan, Terang Sirasun Batur phase 2 oleh PT Kangean Energi Indo nesia Ltd. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Tuesday, Oct 30, 2018

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Chevron Indonesia Awaits the Giant Block Offer

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia is still awaiting a large-scale oil and gas working area from the government to continue the business of the oil and gas company from the United States. Chevron has released Block East Kalimantan and Attaka and Makassar Strait this year. In addition, one of the largest oil and gas working areas in Indonesia, the Rokan Block, will be transferred to PT Pertamina (Persero) in August 2021. Therefore, Chevron will only develop deepwater oil and gas (IDD) projects in Indonesia.

the East Kalimantan Block

On October 24, 2018, Chevron Pacific Indonesia handed over the management of the East Kalimantan Block and Attaka to Pertamina. Chevron Indonesia's Senior Vice President of Policy Government and Strategic Affairs Yanto Sianipar said, the oil and gas company from the US still wanted to find opportunities to manage new oil and gas working areas and maintain existing businesses in Indonesia.

"All bids can certainly be seen, the government will also continue to offer tenders for oil and gas working areas," he said.

According to him, Chevron has not been interested in several oil and gas blocks auctioned by the government. If comparing the performance of the Rokan Block with the average oil production above 200,000 barrels per day, he said, there has been no discovery of oil and gas blocks at the level of Rokan. The average production of Rokan block daily as of September 2018 was 210,582 barrels per day (bpd), which topped national oil production.

Rokan block

"Yes, indeed the situation is right now, there is no work area that is the same size as the Cepu Block. "We are just waiting for the giant block offer from the government," he said.

In addition to the success of Chevron managing Rokan, through its subsidiary, Chevron Indonesia Company (CICO) has demonstrated the success of managing the East Kalimantan-Attaka work area. However, at this time, the East Kalimantan-Attaka Block, which began to be managed by Pertamina under the lowest production conditions. Under these conditions, Pertamina is automatically required to withstand the rate of decline in production of the work area by planning 10 red working wells and 59 repairs of oil and gas wells estimated to produce 13,291 bpd of oil and 73.3 MMscfd of gas.


Chevron Indonesia Tunggu Penawaran Blok Raksasa

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia masih menunggu wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi skala besar dari pemerintah untuk melanjutkan bisnis perusahaan migas asal Amerika Serikat tersebut di Tanah Air. Chevron telah melepas Blok East Kalimantan dan Attaka serta Makassar Strait pada tahun ini. Selain itu, salah satu wilayah kerja migas terbesar di Indonesia, Blok Rokan, akan dialihkan ke PT Pertamina (Persero) pada Agustus 2021. Oleh karena itu, Chevron hanya akan mengembangkan proyek migas laut dalam (Indonesia deepwater development/IDD) di Indonesia.

Pada 24 Oktober 2018, Chevron Pacific Indonesia menyerahkan pengelolaan Blok East Kalimantan dan Attaka kepada Pertamina. Senior Vice President Policy Goverment and Strategic Affairs Chevron Indonesia Yanto Sianipar mengatakan, perusahaan migas dari AS itu masih ingin mencari peluang untuk mengelola wilayah kerja migas baru dan mempertahankan bisnis yang sudah ada di Indonesia.

“Semua tawaran tentu bisa dilihat, pemerintah juga akan terus menawarkan tender wilayah kerja migas,” tuturnya.

Menurutnya, Chevron belum tertarik dengan beberapa blok migas yang dilelang pemerintah. Jika membandingkan dengan performa Blok Rokan dengan rerata produksi minyak di atas 200.000 barel per hari, katanya, belum ada lagi penemuan blok migas selevel Rokan. Rerata produksi harian Blok Rokan hingga September 2018 sebesar 210.582 barel per hari (bph) menduduki urutan teratas produksi minyak nasional. 

“Ya memang sekarang keadaannya begitu, wilayah kerja yang ukurannya setara Blok Cepu belum ada. Ya kami menunggu tawaran blok raksasa dari pemerintah saja,” katanya.

Selain keberhasilan Chevron mengelola Rokan, lewat anak usahanya, Chevron Indonesia Company (CICO) telah menunjukkan keberhasilan mengelola wilayah kerja East Kalimantan-Attaka. Namun, saat ini, Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka, yang mulai dikelola oleh Pertamina dalam kondisi produksi di titik terendah. Dengan kondisi tersebut, otomatis Pertamina diwajibkan untuk menahan laju penurunan produksi wilayah kerja tersebut dengan merencanakan 10 sumur kerja ulang dan 59 perbaikan sumur migas yang diestimasi dapat menghasilkan minyak 13.291 bph dan gas sebanyak 73,3 MMscfd. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Monday, Oct 29, 2018

Pertamina Officially Manages Chevron Blocks

Slowly but surely, PT Pertamina began taking management of oil and gas blocks belonging to foreign contractors. Previously, Pertamina took over the Mahakam Block from Total EP, now Pertamina is taking the East Kalimantan-Attaka Block from Chevron Indonesia Company (CICO).

After 50 years of managing the East Kalimantan-Attaka Block, based on the production sharing contract (PSC), the CICO contract expired on Wednesday (24/10). Furthermore, the subsidiary of PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI), namely PT Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan (PHKT) manages East Kalimantan-Attaka for the next 20 years, namely from October 25, 2018 to October 24, 2038.

Upstream Indonesian Pertamina President Director Bambang Manumayoso said, currently East Kalimantan-Attaka is already in the production phase "V" or the fifth phase aka the advanced decline stage. So that his party will conduct an exploratory study to look for new potential, while at the same time holding back the oil and gas block production rate so that it does not decline too far.

"The first three years consist of two exploration study packages. This is the fifth phase, so it's already advanced. So we are rejuvenating with exploration and new development," Bambang said in East Kalimantan-Attaka's handover event.

the East Kalimantan-Attaka Block

For this reason, Pertamina plans 10 workovers and 59 well services, which are estimated to be 13,291 barels of oil per day (bopd) of oil per day and 73.3 million standard cubicfeet per day (mmscfd). Meanwhile, in 2019, three wells will be planned for drilling in the fourth quarter, 37 workovers and 308 well services, which are projected to have an average oil and gas production per day of 10,639 bopd and 59.4 mmscfd.

Pertamina has budgeted a definite commitment of investment for the first three years of US $ 79.3 million which will be taken from internal cash. The East Kalimantan Block Attaka has 15 fields, namely Attaka, Melangin, Kerindingan, Medium, Cow, Santan, Sepinggan, Sedandang, Seguni, Sejadi, Yakin, Mahoni, Bangkirai, Seturian and Beaches.

Bambang said, East Kalimantan-Attaka is one of the three ex termination blocks handled by Pertamina. The other two are Mahakam and Sanga-Sanga. Bambang said, for the size of the block that is quite old, East Kalimantan-Attaka production is still relatively high. However, for the contribution of national production to Pertamina, this is not significant, which is around 5%.

"So it is not very significant in the national context," said Bambang.

As for the contribution to Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, Bambang said, the East Kalimantan Block-Attaka was not much different from the Sanga-Sanga block. which is around 10% -15%. While the biggest contribution is still from the Mahakam Block. But he did not give the details. One thing is certain, next week it will hold a workshop for the three managers to look for new exploration lands.

"We will start next week, we will meet, namely PHM (Mahakam), Sanga-Sanga, and PHKT for the Workshop looking for new exploratory land," said Bambang.

East Kalimantan Block - Attaka is part of the assignment obtained by the Pertamina Group from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). In detail, Pertamina manages eight contract-term blocks (terminations) in 2018 and two termination blocks in 2019, Pertamina invested US $ 693 million in these 10 blocks for three years.


Pertamina Resmi Kelola Blok Chevron

Perlahan tapi pasti, PT Pertamina mulai mengambil pengelolaan blok migas milik kontraktor asing. Sebelumnya, Pertamina mengambilalih Blok Mahakam dari Total EP, kini Pertamina mengambil Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka dari Chevron Indonesia Company (CICO).

Setelah 50 tahun mengelola Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka, berdasarkan production sharing contract (PSC), maka kontrak CICO telah berakhir pada Rabu (24/10). Selanjutnya, anak usaha PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI), yakni PT Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur (PHKT) mengelola East Kalimantan-Attaka Selama 20 tahun ke depan, yakni sejak 25 Oktober 2018 hingga 24 Oktober 2038.

Direktur Utama Pertamina Hulu Indonesia Bambang Manumayoso bilang, saat ini East Kalimantan-Attaka sudah berada di fase produksi "V" atau fase kelima alias tahap decline lanjut. Sehingga pihaknya akan melakukan studi eksplorasi untuk mencari potensi baru, sekaligus menahan laju produksi blok migas ini agar tidak menurun terlalu jauh. 

"Tiga tahun pertama terdiri dari dua paket studi eksplorasi. Ini sudah fase kelima, jadi sudah lanjut. Makanya kami melakukan peremajaan dengan eksplorasi dan new development," kata Bambang dalam acara serah terima East Kalimantan-Attaka.

Untuk itu, Pertamina merencanakan 10 workover dan 59 well services yang diestimasi untuk rata-rata produksi per hari sebesar 13.291 barels of oil per day (bopd) minyak dan 73,3 million standard cubicfeet per day (mmscfd). Sedangkan pada tahun 2019 rencananya akan dilakukan pengeboran tiga sumur pada kuartal ke IV, 37 workover dan 308 well services yang diproyeksikan rata-rata produksi migas per hari sebesar 10.639 bopd dan 59,4 mmscfd.

Pertamina menganggarkan komitmen pasti investasi selama tiga tahun pertama sebesar US$ 79,3 juta yang akan diambil dari kas internal. Adapun Blok East Kalimantan Attaka ini memiliki 15 lapangan, yakni Attaka, Melangin, Kerindingan, Sedang, Sapi, Santan, Sepinggan, Sedandang, Seguni, Sejadi, Yakin, Mahoni, Bangkirai, Seturian dan Pantai.

Bambang bilang, East Kalimantan-Attaka adalah satu dari tiga blok eks terminasi yang ditangani Pertamina. Dua lainnya adalah Mahakam dan Sanga-Sanga. Bambang mengungkapkan, untuk ukuran blok yang sudah cukup tua, produksi East Kalimantan-Attaka masih tergolong tinggi. Namun untuk kontribusi produksi secara nasional kepada Pertamina, hal itu tidak signifikan, yakni sekitar 5%. 

"Jadi tidak signifikan sekali dalam konteks nasional," ungkap Bambang. 

Sedangkan untuk kontribusi terhadap Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, Bambang bilang, Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka tidak jauh berbeda dengan blok Sanga-Sanga. yakni sekitar 10%-15%. Sedangkan kontribusi terbesar masih dari Blok Mahakam. Namun dia tidak memberikan angka detailnya. Satu hal yang pasti, pada pekan depan pihaknya akan menggelar workshop untuk pengelola ketiganya guna mencari lahan-lahan eksplorasi baru.

"Kami akan memulai pada minggu depan, kami akan bertemu, yakni PHM (Mahakam), Sanga-Sanga, dan PHKT untuk Workshop mencari lahan lahan new eksploraion," ungkap Bambang.

Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka merupakan bagian dari penugasan yang didapatkan Grup Pertamina dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Perinciannya, Pertamina mengelola delapan blok habis masa kontrak (terminasi) pada 2018 dan dua blok terminasi di tahun 2019, Pertamina menginvestasikan US$ 693 juta di 10 blok ini selama tiga tahun. 

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Oct 26, 2018

Production of the Old Block is Maintained

Pertamina took over management of Blok East. Kalimantan-Attaka and Chevron. This year, oil production from this block is expected to be 13,291 barrels per day.

PT Pertamina (Persero) will try to maintain the oil and gas production of Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka in East Kalimantan following the block's management from Chevron. The block, which is located off the east coast of Kalimantan, has been managed by Chevron for 50 years.

This year, oil production from the block is expected to be 13,291 barrels per day, while gas production is 73.3 million standard cubic feet per day. Since it was exploited 50 years ago, the block which was contracted on October 24, 2018 has produced 1 billion barrels of crude oil and 3 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

the East Kalimantan Attaka Block

The government decided to manage the East Kalimantan Attaka Block to Pertamina. This block is part of eight blocks terminated in 2018, all of which are given to Pertamina. Seven other blocks include Ogan Komering, Sanga-sanga, Tuban, Tengah, Southeast Sumatra, and North Sumatra Offshore.

Managing Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI) Bambang Manumayoso said the challenge of managing old oil and gas blocks was to maintain production. With a production age of 50 years, the decline in production is natural and natural. It is trying to reduce the production in the East Kalimantan Block - Attaka is not too drastic.

"This year, we are planning a program of working over 10 wells and 59 well service," Bambang said in Balikpapan.


Next year, it plans to drill 3 wells, 37 re-working wells and 308 wells. With the program, the expected production is 10,639 barrels of oil per day and natural gas as much as 59.4 million standard cubic feet per day. The investment value issued by the IRC until 2020 was 79.3 million US dollars. East Kalimantan-Attaka Block Operation was carried out by PT Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan which was a subsidiary of PHI.

The PHI was formed by Pertamina specifically to manage oil and gas blocks resulting from termination. Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities Amien Sunaryadi added, until 2026, there were 22 oil and gas blocks whose contracts expired.

This year, the decision on contracts that expire until 2023 will be decided on the continuation of the management of oil and gas block contracts resulting from termination using a gross split scheme (profit sharing based on gross production). 

      Meanwhile, President Director of PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia Albert Simanjuntak said, as many as 727 East Kalimantan-Attaka Block employees who previously worked under Chevron, automatically switched under Pertamina.

Indonesia faces oil and gas production deficits following high demand compared to domestic production. The oil and gas block from the termination submitted to Pertamina is expected to reduce the deficit. Production is ready to sell (lifting) oil in the first half of 2018 at 771,000 barrels per day (BOPD). 

    The natural gas lifting for the same period is 1.152 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD). This achievement is lower than the 2018 State Budget target of 800,000 BOPD of oil and 1.2 million BOEPD of natural gas. Both oil and gas lifting are not expected to meet this year's target.


Produksi Blok Tua Dijaga

Pertamina mengambil alih pengelolaan Blok East . Kalimantan-Attaka dart Chevron. Tahun ini, produksi minyak dari blok ini diharapkan 13.291 barel per hari.

PT Pertamina (Persero) akan berusaha mempertahankan produksi minyak dan gas bumi Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka di Kalimantan Timur menyusul alih kelola blok itu dari Chevron. Blok yang terletak di lepas pantai timur Kalimantan itu sudah dikelola Chevron selama 50 tahun.

Tahun ini, produksi minyak dari blok itu diharapkan 13.291 barel per hari, sementara produksi gas 73,3 juta standar kaki kubik per hari. Sejak dieksploitasi 50 tahun lalu, blok yang habis kontrak pada 24 Oktober 2018 tersebut sudah menghasilkan 1 miliar barel minyak mentah dan 3 triliun kaki kubik gas bumi.

Pemerintah memutuskan pengelolaan Blok East Kalimantan Attaka ke Pertamina. Blok ini bagian dari delapan blok hasil terminasi tahun 2018 yang seluruh pengelolaannya diberikan kepada Pertamina Tujuh blok lainnya di antaranya Ogan Komering, Sanga-sanga, Tuban, Tengah, Southeast Sumatera, dan North Sumatera Offshore.

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI) Bambang Manumayoso mengatakan, tantangan pengelolaan blok-blok migas tua adalah mempertahankan produksi. Dengan usia produksi 50 tahun, penurunan produksi adalah wajar dan alamiah. Pihaknya berusaha agar penurunan produksi di Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka tidak terlalu drastis.

”Tahun ini, kami merencanakan program kerja ulang sumur (work over) sebanyak 10 sumur dan 59 perawatan sumur (well service),” kata Bambang di Balikpapan.


Tahun depan, pihaknya merencanakan pengeboran 3 sumur, 37 sumur kerja ulang, dan 308 perawatan sumur. Dengan program itu, produksi yang diharapkan adalah 10.639 barel minyak per hari dan gas bumi sebanyak 59,4 juta standar kaki kubik per hari. Nilai lnvestasi yang dikeluarkan PHI sampai tahun 2020 adalah 79,3 juta dollar AS. Operasi Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka dilakukan PT Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur yang merupakan anak usaha dari PHI. 

PHI dibentuk Pertamina khusus untuk mengelola blok-blok migas hasil terminasi. Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Amien Sunaryadi menambahkan, sampai tahun 2026, ada 22 blok migas yang kontrak berakhir.

Tahun ini, keputusan terhadap kontrak yang berakhir sampai dengan tahun 2023 empat blok akan diputuskan kelanjutan pengelolaannya Kontrak blok migas hasil terminasi menggunakan skema gross split (bagi hasil berdasarkan produksi bruto). 

    Sementara itu, Presiden Direktur PT Chevron Pasific Indonesia Albert Simanjuntak mengatakan, sebanyak 727 karyawan Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka yang sebelumnya bekerja di bawah Chevron, secara otomatis beralih di bawah Pertamina.

Indonesia menghadapi defisit produksi migas menyusul tingginya kebutuhan dibandingkan produksi dalam negeri. Blok migas hasil terminasi yang diserahkan kepada Pertamina diharapkan mengurangi defisit itu. Produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak semester I-2018 sebesar 771.000 barel per hari (BOPD). 

    Adapun lifting gas bumi periode yang sama 1,152 juta barel setara minyak per hari (BOEPD). Pencapaian itu lebih rendah daripada target APBN 2018 yang 800.000 BOPD minyak dan 1,2 juta BOEPD gas bumi. Baik lifting minyak maupun gas bumi diperkirakan tidak memenuhi target tahun ini.

Kompas, Page-18, Friday, Oct 26, 2018

Pertamina's Challenge to Manage Old Blocks

PT Pertamina (Persero) faces challenges in the East Kalimantan work area and the old oil and gas block Attaka.

The two oil and gas blocks that were previously managed by Chevron have now entered phase IV of V, namely the oil and gas reserves phase will be exhausted. The working area previously managed by Chevron Indonesia Company (CICo) once reached the peak of producing 110,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) for Attaka Block and 36,500 boepd for East Kalimantan.

On Thursday (25/10), the management of this oil and gas working area was officially transferred to PT Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan (PHKT). This company is a subsidiary of Pertamina Hulu Indonesia who was appointed as manager and operator at East Kalimantan WK-Attaka for the contract period of October 25, 2018 to October 24, 2038. On the last day of management in the hands of Chevron, this block still spouts oil 12,085 bpd and gas 62 MMscfd.

the Block of East Kalimantan

As of the end of September 2018, the Block of East Kalimantan oil and condensate production - Attaka was 13,220 bpd and gas was 69.44 MMscfd. Seeing these conditions, Pertamina has anticipated and is preparing to make efforts to hold back the decline in production rates in 2018 by planning 10 workovers and 59 well repairs which are estimated to average gas production in 2018 of 73.3 MMscfd and 13,291 bpd for oil.

Next year, Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan plans to drill 3 wells, 37 workovers and 308 well repairs which are estimated to average production of 59.4 MMscfd for gas and 10,639 bpd of oil. The company also budgeted investment with a definite commitment of investment for the first 3 years of US $ 79.3 million.

The Managing Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia Bambang Manumayoso said that Pertamina had given a definite commitment to the government in managing East Kalimantan WK and Attaka, namely 2 exploration study packages, 1 exploration well, and 4 development wells that would carry out exploratory exploration and continue the discovery of reserves found Chevron, "he said.

Attaka Block East Kalimantan

In addition, to maintain the sustainability of East Kalimantan-Attaka WK operations after October 24, 2018, Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan has also absorbed 727 Chevron workers to join and the signing of contracts supporting operational activities either through the mirroring contract or new procurement around 200 contracts.

WK East Kalimantan-Attaka has 15 oil and gas fields, namely Attaka, Melangin, Kerindingan, Serang, Sapi, Santan, Sepinggan, Sedandang, Seguni, Sejadi, Yakin, Mahoni, Bangkirai, Seturian, and Beaches. Bambang was reluctant to boast to obtain reserve certainty and choose to deepen exploration studies. According to him, with the condition of oil and gas blocks entering phase IV and V, exploration is a fixed price.

In the calculation of the company, at least the investment cost that must be spent for exploration of one well reaches US $ 20 million.

"If you want to grow, you can't help but explore. If we don't find it, we will decline [the decline in oil and gas production] he said.

For Pertamina, the joining of the East Kalimantan Block and Attaka made this government-owned company accept assignments to manage a total of 10 WK after the contract expired. Of the total oil and gas blocks handed over, Pertamina holds a 100% share participation.


The estimated 2019 oil and gas production from the 10 blocks is 55,000 bpd (oil) and 595 MMscfd (natural gas). The cumulative production forecast for the next 20 years is 830 mmboe. Specifically for the investment of 10 WK, US $ 693 million was prepared with a signature bonus paid by Pertamina totaling US $ 51.8 million.

SKK Migas Deputy Operations Fatar Yani Abdurrahman said, even though continuing to experience the performance of oil and gas blocks is still above the 2018 State Budget target. SKK Migas has not delivered a strategy that will be taken to halt the decline in oil and gas block production which is targeted to produce 13,000 bpd and 69 MMscfd of gas this.

"Both costs also included low, around US $ 15 per barrel. Then it is necessary to add new reserves to be able to add production. "If there are indeed, it seems that we only maintain the existing production," he said.

SKK Migas Head Amien Sunaryadi said with all preparations for the management of the oil and gas production in the East Kalimantan Block that had been prepared in the last two years and Attaka must be maintained, even improved.

"This working area is not only an advantage for Pertamina, but it is also expected to arrive at a competent transfer or ability for other Pertamina [business units]," he said.

President Director of PT CPI Albert B.M. Simanjuntak said, in terms of oil and gas block size, the management of the Rokan Block is certainly more complex.

the Rokan Block

"Of course what is very different is the size. [Complexity] that we do in Rokan may be around four to five times. And for that we do the important things first, "he said.

Albert admitted that at this time, his party was making preparations while awaiting the legal basis of the transfer of management. According to him, reflecting on the experience of East Kalimantan WK and Attaka management, the process has been carried out since the beginning of the year.

"It looks smooth, but behind that there are a lot of jobs that we do," he added.

Chevron Indonesia's Senior Vice President of Policy Government and Strategic Affairs Yanto Sianipar said the asset transfer process would be a work that would be done first in the context of the Rokan Block management transfer. The management of the East Kalimantan Block and Attaka is expected to be a lesson in the Rokan Block. In addition, the decline in scientific production of old oil and gas blocks is a challenge for Pertamina.


Tantangan Pertamina Mengelola Blok Tua

PT Pertamina (Persero) menghadapi  tantangan di wilayah kerja East Kalimantan dan Attaka blok minyak dan gas bumi yang sudah berusia tua.

Kedua blok migas yang sebelumnya dikelola oleh Chevron itu kini sudah memasuki fase IV an V, yaitu fase cadangan migas sudah akan habis. Wilayah kerja yang sebelumnya dikelola oleh Chevron Indonesia Company (CICo) pernah mencapai puncak produksi 110.000 barel setara minyak per hari (boepd) untuk Blok Attaka dan 36.500 boepd untuk East Kalimantan.

Pada Kamis (25/10), pengelolaan wilayah kerja migas ini secara resmi dialihkan ke PT Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur (PHKT). Perusahaan ini merupakan anak usaha dari Pertamina Hulu Indonesia yang ditunjuk sebagai pengelola sekaligus operator di WK East Kalimantan-Attaka untuk periode kontrak 25 Oktober 2018 hingga 24 Oktober 2038. Pada hari terakhir pengeloaan di tangan Chevron, blok ini masih menyemburkan minyak 12.085 bph dan gas 62 MMscfd.

Per akhir September 2018, produksi minyak dan kondensat Blok East Kalimantan-Attaka sebesar 13.220 bph dan gas sebesar 69,44 MMscfd. Melihat kondisi tersebut, Pertamina sudah mengantisipasi dan bersiap melakukan upaya menahan penurunan laju produksi pada 2018 dengan merencanakan 10 pengeboran ulang (workover) dan 59 perbaikan sumur yang di estimasi untuk rerata produksi gas pada 2018 sebesar 73,3 MMscfd dan 13.291 bph untuk minyak.

Tahun depan, Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan merencanakan pengeboran 3 sumur, 37 workover dan 308 perbaikan sumur yang diestimasi untuk rerata produksi sebesar 59,4 MMscfd untuk gas dan 10.639 bph minyak. Perusahaan juga menganggarkan investasi dengan komitmen pasti investasi selama 3 tahun pertama sebesar US$79,3 juta. 

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia Bambang Manumayoso mengatakan bahwa Pertamina telah memberikan komitmen pasti kepada pemerintah dalam mengelola WK East Kalimantan dan Attaka, yakni 2 paket studi eksplorasi, 1 sumur eksplorasi, dan 4 sumur pengembangan akan melakukan eksplorasi yang giat dan melanjutkan penemuan cadangan yang sudah ditemukan Chevron," katanya.

Selain itu, untuk menjaga keberlanjutan operasional WK East Kalimantan-Attaka setelah 24 Oktober 2018, Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan juga telah menyerap 727 pekerja Chevron untuk bergabung serta penandatanganan kontrak pendukung aktivitas operasional baik melalui metode pengalihan kontraktor yang sudah ada (mirroring contract) maupun pengadaan baru sekitar 200 kontrak.

WK East Kalimantan-Attaka memiliki 15 lapangan migas, yakni Attaka, Melangin, Kerindingan, Serang, Sapi, Santan, Sepinggan, Sedandang, Seguni, Sejadi, Yakin, Mahoni, Bangkirai, Seturian, dan Pantai. Bambang enggan sesumbar untuk mendapatkan kepastian cadangan dan memilih untuk memperdalam kajian eksplorasi. Menurutnya, dengan kondisi blok migas yang memasuki fase IV dan V, eksplorasi merupakan harga mati.

Dalam kalkulasi perseroan, setidaknya biaya investasi yang harus dikeluarkan untuk eksplorasi satu sumur mencapai US$ 20 juta.

“Kalau mau tumbuh mau tidak mau ya eksplorasi. Kalau tidak ketemu ya kita decline [penurunan produksi migas] katanya.

Bagi Pertamina, bergabungnya Blok East Kalimantan dan Attaka membuat perusahan milik pemerintah ini menerima penugasan mengelola total 10 WK setelah habis masa kontraknya. Dari total blok migas yang diserah terimakan, Pertamina memegang 100% saham partisipasi.


Perkiraan produksi migas 2019 dari 10 blok tersebut sebesar 55.000 bph (minyak) dan 595 MMscfd (gas bumi). Perkiraan produksi kumulatif selama 20 tahun ke depan 830 mmboe. Khusus investasi untuk 10 WK tersebut disiapkan US$ 693 juta dengan bonus tanda tangan yang dibayarkan Pertamina sebanyak US$ 51,8 juta.

Deputi Operasi SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman mengatakan, meski terus mengalami penutunan kinerja blok migas ini masih di atas target APBN 2018. SKK Migas belum menyampaikan strategi yang akan ditempuh untuk menahan laju penurunan produksi blok migas yang ditargetkan menghasilkan minyak sebanyak 13.000 bph dan gas 69 MMscfd ini.

“Kedua biaya [produksi] pun termasuk rendah, sekitar US$ 15 per barel. Maka diperlukan penambahan cadangan baru untuk bisa menambahkan produksi. Kalau existing itu memang kelihatannya kita hanya mempertahankan produksi yang ada,” katanya.

Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan dengan seluruh persiapan alih kelola yang sudah disiapkan dalam dua tahun terakhir produksi migas di Blok East Kalimantan dan Attaka harus dapat terus dipertahankan, bahkan ditingkatkan.

“Wilayah kerja ini tidak hanya menjadi keuntungan bagi Pertamina, tapi juga diharapkan sampai dengan transfer kompeten atau kemampuan untuk [unit bisnis] Pertamina yang lain,” katanya.

Presiden Direktur PT CPI Albert B.M. Simanjuntak mengatakan, dari segi ukuran blok migas, alih kelola Blok Rokan tentu lebih kompleks. 

“Tentu yang sangat berbeda adalah ukurannya. [Kompleksitas] yang kami lakukan di Rokan mungkin sekitar empat sampai lima kali lipat. Dan untuk itu kami lakukan yang penting-penting dulu,” katanya.  

Albert mengaku saat ini, pihaknya sedang melakukan persiapan-persiapan sembari menanti dasar hukum alih kelola. Menurutnya, berkaca dari pengalaman alih kelola WK East Kalimantan dan Attaka, prosesnya sudah dilakukan sejak awal tahun.

“Terlihatnya memang mulus, tetapi di balik itu ada banyak pekerjaan yang kami lalukan,” tambahnya.

Senior Vice President Policy Government and Strategic Affairs Chevron Indonesia Yanto Sianipar mengatakan, proses peralihan aset menjadi pekerjaan yang akan dikerjakan terlebih dahulu dalam rangka alih kelola Blok Rokan. Alih kelola Blok East Kalimantan dan Attaka diharapkan dapat menjadi pelajaran di Blok Rokan. Selain itu, penurunan produksi secara ilmiah blok migas yang sudah berusia tua menjadi tantangan bagi Pertamina.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Friday, Oct 26, 2018