PT Pertamina (Persero) is currently negotiating with Chevron Indonesia regarding the purchase of crude oil which is part of the cooperation contractor (KKKS) from the United States. Deputy for Finance and Monetization of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Parulian Sihotang said, so far there has been no agreement on the sale and purchase of oil signed. It hopes that soon there will be an agreement regarding the sale of KKKS oil to Pertamina.
"With Chevron already negotiating, this only takes time. They are still a discussion, "he said in Jakarta, Thursday (1/11).
Djoko Siswanto, Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), said that because there were still tax problems, there was no agreement signed on the sale of KKKS oil to Pertamina, the oil and gas company was still waiting for tax certainty before signing the contract. So far, three oil and gas companies have agreed to sell their oil to Pertamina.
"EMP (PT Energi Mega Persada), then Premiere Oil, one more I forget," he said.
Mandatory for Pertamina to buy oil produced domestically is one of the efforts of the ESDM Ministry to control imports and strengthen the Rupiah exchange rate. Because if realized, domestic oil supplies to Pertamina refineries could increase by around 215220 thousand barrels per day (bpd), according to the amount of oil production which is the share of KKKS.
Foreign exchange savings, Deputy Minister of ESDM Arcandra Tahar once explained, comes from the difference in transportation costs compared to Pertamina having to import from other countries. Estimated, the cost savings can be around USS 3-4 per barrel, depending on the previous import from which country. Assuming a difference in transportation costs of US $ 2 per barrel, the savings obtained could be US $ 440 thousand.
"If it's USS 3 per barrel, how much savings, this is business to business (the amount of transportation costs)," he said.
If Pertamina's oil originally came from West Africa, the difference in transportation costs could reach US $ 4 per barrel.
Pertamina-Chevron Negosiasi Penjualan Minyak Mentah
PT Pertamina (Persero) kini sedang bernegosiasi dengan Chevron Indonesia terkait pembelian minyak mentah yang menjadi bagian kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) dari Amerika Serikat itu. Deputi Keuangan dan Monetisasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Parulian Sihotang mengatakan, sejauh ini belum ada kesepakatan jual beli minyak yang diteken. Pihaknya berharap segera ada kesepakatan soal penjualan minyak KKKS ke Pertamina ini.
“Dengan Chevron sudah negosiasi, cuma ini butuh waktu. Mereka masih diskusi,” kata dia di Jakarta, Kamis (1/11).
Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto sempat mengungkapkan, lantaran masih ada masalah pajak, belum ada kesepakatan yang diteken soal penjualan minyak KKKS ke Pertamina, Perusahaan migas masih menunggu kepastian perpajakannya sebelum tanda tangan kontrak. Sejauh ini, tiga perusahaan migas sudah sepakat menjual minyaknya ke Pertamina.
“EMP (PT Energi Mega Persada), kemudian Premiere Oil, satu lagi saya lupa,” kata dia.
Mandatori bagi Pertamina untuk membeli minyak produksi dalam negeri merupakan salah satu upaya Kementerian ESDM untuk mengendalikan impor dan memperkuat nilai tukar Rupiah. Pasalnya jika terealisasi, pasokan minyak dalam negeri ke kilang Pertamina bisa meningkat sekitar 215220 ribu barel per hari (bph), sesuai besaran produksi minyak yang merupakan jatah KKKS.
Penghematan devisa, Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar pernah menjelaskan, berasal dari selisih biaya transportasi jika dibandingkan dengan Pertamina harus mengimpor dari negara lain. Perkiraannya, penghematan ongkos angkut ini bisa sekitar USS 3-4 per barel, tergantung dari sebelumnya impor dari negara mana. Dengan asumsi selisih biaya transportasi US$ 2 per barel, maka penghematan yang diperoleh bisa sebesar US$ 440 ribu.
“Kalau USS 3 per barel, penghematan berapa, ini business to business (besaran biaya transportasi),” ujarnya.
Jika awalnya minyak Pertamina berasal dari Afrika Barat, selisih biaya transportasinya bisa mencapai US$ 4 per barel.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Nov 2, 2018