PT Pertamina (Persero) plans to target oil production of 414,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2019 or increase compared to this year's production target of 400,000 bpd. On the other hand, the increase in the oil production target was not followed by the planned gas production next year, as it declined to 2,944 mmscfd from 3069 mmfcsd.
Meidawati, Senior Vice President of PT Pertamina (Persero) 's Upstream Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation, admitted that the oil production target had increased but gas had declined, due to the few problems in the Musi Banyuasin Block due to a decrease in reserves. In addition, there is also a decline from the Mahakam Block.
Banyuurip Block By ExxonMobil
"For oil production targets, Pertamina relies on contributions from Banyuurip Block, PHE, PHI and / or blocks managed by PIEP," said Meidawati.
Meanwhile, the realization of oil and gas production as of September 2018 is still below this year's work target. For oil production, 384,000 mbopd and gas 3,060 mmscfd were recorded. Pertamina is now trying hard to achieve the Company's Work Plan targets.
To maintain the trend of oil and gas production, the state-owned oil and gas company has no hesitation in conducting new field exploration. Regarding the drilling or development investment plan, Meidawati said that it was being discussed to determine its priorities.
"Exploration activities are an effort to think about the long term."
The potential for a decline in production which is inevitable becomes a challenge for Pertamina to manage the old field. Of all oil and gas sources managed by Pertamina, 79% came from mature fields, with the remainder being greenfield.
Opportunities to encourage open production from undeveloped exploration fields such as Banyu Urip, Tomori, Donggi and Matindok, Paku Gajah, Cikarang Tegal Pacing and West Qurna-1 in Iraq.
West Qurna-1 in Iraq
On the other hand, the company allocates funds of US $ 2.5 billion-US $ 3 billion in 2019 to increase investment in drilling upstream oil and gas to efforts to maintain production stability.
Pertamina Mengincar 414.000 Barel
PT Pertamina (Persero) merencanakan target produksi minyak sebesar 414.000 barel per hari (bph) pada 2019 atau naik dibandingkan dengan target produksi tahun ini sebesar 400.000 bph. Di sisi lain, kenaikan target produksi minyak, tidak diikuti dengan rencana produksi gas tahun depan, karena menurun menjadi 2.944 mmscfd dari 3069 mmfcsd.
Meidawati, Senior Vice President Upstream Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation PT Pertamina (Persero), mengakui target produksi minyak mengalami kenaikan tetapi gas menurun, karena sedikit masalah di Blok Musi Banyuasin akibat penurunan cadangan. Selain itu, ada juga penurunan dari Blok Mahakam.
“Untuk target produksi minyak, Pertamina mengandalkan kontribusi dari Blok Banyuurip, PHE, PHI dan ataupun blok yang dikelola PIEP”, kata Meidawati.
Sementara itu, untuk realisasi produksi migas per September 2018 masih di bawah target kerja tahun ini. Untuk produksi minyak tercatat 384.000 mbopd dan gas 3.060 mmscfd. Pertamina kini berusaha keras untuk mencapai target Rencana Kerja Perusahaan.
Untuk menjaga tren produksi migas, perusahaan migas milik pemerintah ini tidak ragu melakukan eksplorasi lapangan baru. Mengenai rencana investasi pengeboran atau pengembangan, Meidawati mengatakan hal itu sedang dibahas untuk menentukan prioritasnya.
“Kegiatan eksplorasi adalah upaya untuk memikirkan jangka panjang.”
Potensi penurunan produksi yang tidak dapat terelakkan menjadi tantangan Pertamina mengelola lapangan tua. Dari seluruh sumber migas yang dikelola Pertamina, sebesar 79% berasal dan mature field, sisanya berupa greenfield.
Peluang untuk mendorong produksi terbuka dari lapangan eksplorasi yang belum dikembangkan seperti Banyu Urip, Tomori, Donggi dan Matindok, Paku Gajah, Cikarang Tegal Pacing dan West Qurna-1 di Irak.
Disisi lain, perseroan mengalokasikan dana US$ 2,5 miliar-US$ 3 miliar pada 2019 untuk peningkatan investasi di hulu migas pengeboran hingga upaya menjaga stabilitas produksi.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-3, Thursday, Nov 8, 2018