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Friday, November 9, 2018

Oil and Gas Block Auctions are increasingly attractive

The government's policy to free up data access fees for oil and gas working areas for potential investors is considered capable of increasing investment in the upstream oil and gas sector.

Observer Energy Watch, a community social institution in the field of energy policy supervision, Mamit Setiawan said that all this time access to paid data at quite expensive prices is one of the obstacles to oil and gas investment.

"It is expected that with the free initial data given to investors where they can conduct a prior assessment of the proposed oil and gas working area, this can facilitate investors in making decisions," he said.

He said, the policy is expected to revive to manage the oil and gas working area. Upstream oil and gas investment is expected to be able to increase oil and gas reserves as well as state and sector revenues. 

    Director General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto said that the decision to eliminate data access is expected to attract investors.

"Yes, so that there are many who bid for oil and gas blocks and our data is a lot of evaluation and interpretation," he said.

New investors will be charged fees after taking the oil and gas blocks offered by the government.

"Later, those who win the oil and gas block tender must pay. Those who don't win pity if they pay the cost of accessing oil and gas block documents and data. "

The policy began to be implemented in the oil and gas block auction phase III / 2018.

"The policy that we issued for the next auction is that every participant who has taken the bidding document and evaluates the data will be given access to the data at zero rupiah," said the ESDM Ministry's Data and Information Technology Center Head Agus Cahyono Adi.

Previously, auction participants who had taken bidding documents in the oil and gas block auction were required to pay oil and gas data access in the tendered work area. 

    Fees charged vary between work areas depending on data availability. So far, the maximum cost of oil and gas block data access is around US $ 80,000. With this new policy, the fee is waived or zero rupiah.

"During the auction period, we provide access [data on oil and gas blocks being auctioned]," said Agus.

Changes to the rules aim to increase the number of participants in the auction of oil and gas working areas.


Lelang Blok Migas Semakin Menarik

Kebijakan pemerintah untuk membebaskan biaya akses data wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi bagi calon investor dinilai mampu meningkatkan investasi di sektor hulu migas.

Pengamat Energy Watch, lembaga sosial masyarakat di bidang pengawasan kebijakan energi, Mamit Setiawan mengatakan bahwa selama ini akses data yang berbayar dengan harga sangat mahal menjadi salah satu kendala investasi migas.

“Diharapkan dengan gratisnya data awal yang diberikan pada investor di mana mereka bisa melakukan kajian terlebih dahulu terhadap wilayah kerja migas yang diajukan, ini bisa memudahkan investor dalam mengambil keputusan,” katanya.

Dia menuturkan, kebijakan itu diharapkan menggairahkan kembali untuk mengelola wilayah kerja migas. Investasi hulu migas diharapkan mampu meningkatkan cadangan migas sekaligus pendapatan negara dan sektor tersebut. 

     Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto mengatakan bahwa keputusan untuk menggratiskan akses data ini diharapkan bisa menarik para investor.

“Iya, supaya banyak yang menawar blok migas dan data-data kami banyak yang evaluasi dan interpretasi,” katanya.

Para investor akan dikenakan biaya setelah mengambil blok migas yang ditawarkan pemerintah tersebut. 

“Nantinya yang memenangkan tender blok migas harus membayar. Yang tidak menang kasihan kalau membayar biaya akses dokumen dan data blok migas.”

Kebijakan itu mulai diterapkan dalam lelang blok migas tahap III/2018.

“Kebijakan yang kami keluarkan untuk lelang selanjutnya, yaitu setiap peserta yang sudah mengambil dokumen penawaran dan untuk mengevaluasi data akan diberikan akses datanya dengan tarif nol rupiah,” kata Kepala Pusat Data dan Teknologi Inforrnasi Kementerian ESDM Agus Cahyono Adi.

Sebelumnya, perserta lelang yang sudah mengambil dokumen penawaran dalam lelang blok migas diharuskan membayar akses data migas di wilayah kerja yang ditenderkan tersebut. 

    Biaya yang dikenakan bervariasi antar wilayah kerja tergantung ketersediaan data. Selama ini, biaya maksimal akses data blok migas sekitar US$ 80.000. Dengan kebijakan baru ini, biaya tersebut dibebaskan atau nol rupiah.

“Selama masa lelang, kami berikan akses [data blok migas yang dilelang]” tegas Agus.

Perubahan aturan bertujuan untuk menambah jumlah peserta lelang wilayah kerja migas.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Thursday, Nov 8, 2018

The Performance of 2 Pertamina Subsidiaries is increasingly sparkling

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) engaged in the oil and gas production and exploration sector, recorded an increase in average oil and gas production until September 2018. The average oil and gas production of Pertamina Hulu Energi as of September 2018 was 229,441 barrels of oil equivalent per day ( barrel oil equivalent per day / boepd) or 102.1% of the 224,818 boepd target.

The average oil production during January-September 2018 was 80,103 barrels per day (bpd) and natural gas reached 865 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd) or 105% of the target of 824 MMscfd.

The Director of Operation and Production of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Ekariza said that the driving factor that boosted PHE's operational performance during January-September 2018 was the participation of 100% of the Southeast Sumatra Block in South Sumatra through the subsidiary PT PHE Offshore Southeast Sumatra.

In addition, the oil and gas production performance of several Pertamina Hulu Energi subsidiaries also exceeded the target. Some of the subsidiaries include JOB Medco E & P Tomori Sulawesi, PHE NSO & NSB, PHE Ogan Komering, BOB Bumi Siak Pusako Pertamina Hulu, JOB Pertamina Talisman Jambi Merang, and JOB Pertamina Petrochina Salawati.

"The biggest contributor to PHE production is on a consolidated basis from the new SES Block PHE Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) and the third PHE West Madura Offshore (WMO)," he said, Wednesday (11/7).

He added, along with the increase in oil production in September 2018, the average production of PHE oil ready to sell (lifting) also rose to 81,900 barrels per day (bpd), higher than the realization in the previous month of 61,000 bpd.

Cumulatively up to the end of quarter III / 2018, Pertamina Hulu Energi posted oil and gas production of 198,505 boepd or 101.2% of the target set at 196,247 boepd. The cumulative daily production of PHE oil averaged 64,051 bpd until the third / 2018 quarter or 97% of the target.

Meanwhile, PHE's average daily gas production reached 779 MMscfd until the end of quarter III / 2018 or 103% of the target set at 754 MMscfd. Another Pertamina subsidiary, PT Pertamina EP, said that the achievement of investment realization until October 2018 was 70% of the target of US $ 630 million.

Pertamina EP President Director Nanang Abdul Manaf said that he was optimistic that the 2018 investment target would be reached by the end of this year. According to him, the realization of drilling and development of oil and gas wells has been carried out in 60 wells of the target of 90 wells.

      Pertamina EP is also optimistic that with oil production ranging from 83,000 bpd by the end of the year and oil prices reaching US $ 80 per barrel, the company's net profit is estimated at US $ 815 million, equivalent to Rp 12.38 trillion (exchange rate of Rp15,000 per US dollar).


Kinerja 2 Anak Usaha Pertamina Semakin Berkilau

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero) yang bergerak di sektor produksi dan eksplorasi minyak dan gas bumi, mencatatkan kenaikan rerata produksi migas hingga September 2018. Rerata produksi migas Pertamina Hulu Energi per September 2018 sebesar 229.441 barel setara minyak per hari (barrel oil equivalent per day/boepd) atau 102,1% dari target 224.818 boepd.

      Rerata produksi minyak selama Januari-September 2018 sebanyak 80.103 barel per hari (bph) dan gas bumi mencapai 865 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd) atau 105% dari target 824 MMscfd.

Direktur Operasi dan Produksi PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Ekariza mengatakan bahwa faktor pendorong yang mendongkrak kineija operasional PHE selama Januari-September 2018 adalah telah masuknya saham partisipasi 100% Blok Southeast Sumatera di Sumatra Selatan melalui anak usaha PT PHE Offshore Southeast Sumatera.

Selain itu, kinerja produksi migas beberapa anak usaha Pertamina Hulu Energi juga melampaui target. Beberapa anak usaha itu antara lain JOB Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi, PHE NSO & NSB, PHE Ogan Komering, BOB Bumi Siak Pusako Pertamina Hulu, JOB Pertamina Talisman Jambi Merang, dan JOB Pertamina Petrochina Salawati.

“Kontributor terbesar terhadap produksi PHE secara konsolidasi tetap dari PHE Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) baru Blok SES dan ketiga PHE West Madura Offshore (WMO) ,” katanya, Rabu (7/11).

Dia menambahkan, seiring dengan peningkatan produksi minyak pada September 2018, rata-rata produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak PHE juga naik menjadi 81.900 barel per hari (bph), lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan realisasi pada bulan sebelumnya 61.000 pbh.

Secara kumulatif hingga akhir kuartal III/2018, Pertamina Hulu Energi membukukan produksi migas sebesar 198.505 boepd atau 101,2% dari target yang ditetapkan 196.247 boepd. Produksi harian minyak PHE secara kumulatif mencapai rata-rata sebesar 64.051 bph hingga kuartal III/2018 atau 97% dari target. 

Sementara itu, rerata produksi harian gas PHE mencapai 779 MMscfd hingga akhir kuartal III/2018 atau 103% dari target yang ditetapkan 754 MMscfd. Anak usaha Pertamina lainnya, PT Pertamina EP, menyatakan capaian realisasi investasi hingga Oktober 2018 tercatat 70% dari target senilai US$ 630 juta.

Presiden Direktur Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf mengatakan bahwa pihaknya optimistis target investasi 2018 akan tercapai hingga akhir tahun ini. Menurutnya, realiasasi pengeboraan dan pengembangan sumur migas sudah dilakukan di 60 sumur dari target 90 sumur. 

   Pertamina EP juga optimistis dengan produksi minyak berkisar 83.000 bph hingga akhir tahun dan harga minyak mencapai US$ 80 per barel, laba bersih perseroan diperkirakan mencapai US$ 815 juta atau setara dengan Rp 12,38 triliun (kurs Rp15.000 per dolar AS).

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Thursday, Nov 8, 2018

Pertamina Targets 414,000 Barrels

PT Pertamina (Persero) plans to target oil production of 414,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2019 or increase compared to this year's production target of 400,000 bpd. On the other hand, the increase in the oil production target was not followed by the planned gas production next year, as it declined to 2,944 mmscfd from 3069 mmfcsd.

Meidawati, Senior Vice President of PT Pertamina (Persero) 's Upstream Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation, admitted that the oil production target had increased but gas had declined, due to the few problems in the Musi Banyuasin Block due to a decrease in reserves. In addition, there is also a decline from the Mahakam Block.

Banyuurip Block By ExxonMobil

"For oil production targets, Pertamina relies on contributions from Banyuurip Block, PHE, PHI and / or blocks managed by PIEP," said Meidawati.

Meanwhile, the realization of oil and gas production as of September 2018 is still below this year's work target. For oil production, 384,000 mbopd and gas 3,060 mmscfd were recorded. Pertamina is now trying hard to achieve the Company's Work Plan targets.

To maintain the trend of oil and gas production, the state-owned oil and gas company has no hesitation in conducting new field exploration. Regarding the drilling or development investment plan, Meidawati said that it was being discussed to determine its priorities.

"Exploration activities are an effort to think about the long term."

The potential for a decline in production which is inevitable becomes a challenge for Pertamina to manage the old field. Of all oil and gas sources managed by Pertamina, 79% came from mature fields, with the remainder being greenfield. 

     Opportunities to encourage open production from undeveloped exploration fields such as Banyu Urip, Tomori, Donggi and Matindok, Paku Gajah, Cikarang Tegal Pacing and West Qurna-1 in Iraq.

West Qurna-1 in Iraq

On the other hand, the company allocates funds of US $ 2.5 billion-US $ 3 billion in 2019 to increase investment in drilling upstream oil and gas to efforts to maintain production stability.


Pertamina Mengincar 414.000 Barel

PT Pertamina (Persero) merencanakan target produksi minyak sebesar 414.000 barel per hari (bph) pada 2019 atau naik dibandingkan dengan target produksi tahun ini sebesar 400.000 bph. Di sisi lain, kenaikan target produksi minyak, tidak diikuti dengan rencana produksi gas tahun depan, karena menurun menjadi 2.944 mmscfd dari 3069 mmfcsd.

Meidawati, Senior Vice President Upstream Strategic Planning and Operation Evaluation PT Pertamina (Persero), mengakui target produksi minyak mengalami kenaikan tetapi gas menurun, karena sedikit masalah di Blok Musi Banyuasin akibat penurunan cadangan. Selain itu, ada juga penurunan dari Blok Mahakam.

“Untuk target produksi minyak, Pertamina mengandalkan kontribusi dari Blok Banyuurip, PHE, PHI dan ataupun blok yang dikelola PIEP”, kata Meidawati.

Sementara itu, untuk realisasi produksi migas per September 2018 masih di bawah target kerja tahun ini. Untuk produksi minyak tercatat 384.000 mbopd dan gas 3.060 mmscfd. Pertamina kini berusaha keras untuk mencapai target Rencana Kerja Perusahaan. 

Untuk menjaga tren produksi migas, perusahaan migas milik pemerintah ini tidak ragu melakukan eksplorasi lapangan baru. Mengenai rencana investasi pengeboran atau pengembangan, Meidawati mengatakan hal itu sedang dibahas untuk menentukan prioritasnya. 

“Kegiatan eksplorasi adalah upaya untuk memikirkan jangka panjang.”

Potensi penurunan produksi yang tidak dapat terelakkan menjadi tantangan Pertamina mengelola lapangan tua. Dari seluruh sumber migas yang dikelola Pertamina, sebesar 79% berasal dan mature field, sisanya berupa greenfield. 

     Peluang untuk mendorong produksi terbuka dari lapangan eksplorasi yang belum dikembangkan seperti Banyu Urip, Tomori, Donggi dan Matindok, Paku Gajah, Cikarang Tegal Pacing dan West Qurna-1 di Irak.

Disisi lain, perseroan mengalokasikan dana US$ 2,5 miliar-US$ 3 miliar pada 2019 untuk peningkatan investasi di hulu migas pengeboran hingga upaya menjaga stabilitas produksi.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-3, Thursday, Nov 8, 2018

30 Oil and Gas Blocks Using Gross Split Contracts

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) claims that the cooperation contract (production sharing contract PSC) for gross split is attractive to investors. This can be seen from 30 oil and gas working areas (WK) using gross split PSC during the 2017-2018 period. 

    Of the 30 oil and gas blocks that use the gross PSC, 11 oil and gas blocks are the results of 2017 and 2018 auctions. The auction results for last year's oil and gas blocks are Block Andaman I, Andaman II, Merak Lampung, Pekawai, and West Yamdena.

While the auction results for 2018 oil and gas blocks are the Citarum Block, East Ganal, East Seram, Southeast Jambi, South Jambi B, and Banyumas. Furthermore, 19 other oil and gas blocks are termination blocks whose contract periods expire from 2017 to 2022. The oil and gas blocks whose contracts expire in 2017 are Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Next, the oil and gas contracts ending 2018 are North Sumatra Offshore, Ogan Komering, South East Sumatra, Tuban, Sanga-Sanga, and East Kalimantan.

Oil and gas blocks whose contracts expire in 2019 are Jambi Merang, Raja / Non Bula Hall, Ceremonial and Ceremonial Hall. The terminated oil and gas blocks are Malacca Straits, Brantas, Salawati, and Bird Heads. While the WK whose contract expires in 2021 is Rokan (Chevron). Finally, the oil and gas blocks that ended in 2022 were the Tarakan Block, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru (CPP), and Tungkal.

Deputy Minister of ESDM Arcandra Tahar said, the existence of 30 oil and gas blocks using gross split showed that the profit sharing scheme was attractive to investors.

"Until now there have been 30 contracts using gross split," Arcandra said in Jakarta.

Arcandra expects that the third phase of oil and gas block offering this year can be successful so that the number of oil and gas blocks that use gross split schemes is increasing. This scheme is expected to revive oil and gas investment in Indonesia because it provides many benefits and conveniences for investors.

However, if detailed, at the 2017 and 2018 oil and gas auctions, the number of interested parties is lower than the oil and gas block offered. At the 2017 auction, 15 oil and gas blocks were offered through regular auctions and direct offers.

However, only five oil and gas blocks were finally won by oil and gas companies. Then this year, there have been two stages of the auction being held. Of the 24 oil and gas blocks offered in the first phase of the auction, only 4 blocks were sold. Meanwhile for the second phase of the auction, 6 oil and gas blocks are offered, but only 2 blocks have the winner.

Separately, Energy Observer and Chair I of the Indonesian Petroleum Engineering Association (IATMI) Pri Agung Rakhmanto deemed it inappropriate if the gross split scheme was seen as an answer to the low oil and gas investment. Because, gross split is only one form of oil and gas contract that is not too thought by investors.

"Want to change the form of another contract, I think the results will be the same. The basic problem is not there, but in the overall investment climate. In this case, I think investors also see how the level of government support reaches the highest, concrete or not level of upstream oil and gas, "he said.

Pri Agung said that the increase in world oil prices had not contributed positively to investors who would try in the country. He said that Indonesia is still less competitive than other countries globally. In fact, he referred to the results of the Fraser Institute survey in 2017 which ranked Indonesia as the bottom 10.

"Since 2017 the global upstream oil and gas investment trend has gone up, we are still down," he said.

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, investment in the upstream oil and gas sector has indeed not increased. In 2015, the realization of upstream oil and gas investment was recorded at US $ 15.04 billion. Then in the following year, the realization of this investment fell to US $ 12.01 billion. Upstream oil and gas investment is actually decreasing in 2017, which is US $ 9.3 billion. While the realization until September this year only reached US $ 7.9 billion from the target of US $ 14.2 billion.


30 Blok Migas Pakai Kontrak Gross Split

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengklaim kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract PSC) bagi hasil kotor (gross split) diminati investor. Hal ini terlihat dari sebanyak 30 wilayah kerja (WK) minyak dan gas bumi yang menggunakan PSC gross split selama periode 2017-2018. 

     Dari jumlah 30 blok migas yang menggunakan PSC gross split tersebut, sebanyak 11 blok migas merupakan hasil lelang 2017 dan 2018. Hasil lelang blok migas tahun lalu adalah Blok Andaman I, Andaman II, Merak Lampung, Pekawai, dan West Yamdena. 

Sedangkan hasil lelang blok migas 2018 adalah Blok Citarum, East Ganal, East Seram, Southeast Jambi, South Jambi B, dan Banyumas. Selanjutnya, 19 blok migas lainnya merupakan blok terminasi yang masa kontraknya berakhir mulai 2017 hingga 2022. 

    Blok migas yang kontraknya berakhir pada 2017 adalah Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Berikutnya, kontrak migas yang berakhir 2018 adalah North Sumatera Offshore, Ogan Komering, South East Sumatera, Tuban, Sanga-Sanga, dan East Kalimantan.

Blok migas yang kontraknya berakhir 2019 adalah Jambi Merang, Raja/Pendopo, Bula, dan Seram Non Bula. Blok migas terminasi 2020 adalah Malacca Straits, Brantas, Salawati, dan Kepala Burung. Sementara WK yang kontraknya berakhir pada 2021 adalah Rokan. Terakhir, blok migas yang berakhir pada 2022 adalah Blok Tarakan, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru (CPP), dan Tungkal.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, adanya 30 blok migas yang menggunakan gross split menunjukkan skema bagi hasil itu diminati investor. 

“Sampai sekarang sudah ada 30 kontrak menggunakan gross split,” kata Arcandra di Jakarta.

Arcandra mengharapkan, penawaran blok migas tahap ketiga tahun ini dapat berhasil baik sehingga jumlah blok migas yang menggunakan skema gross split semakin banyak. Skema ini diharapkan menggairahkan kembali investasi migas di Indonesia karena memberikan banyak keuntungan dan kemudahan bagi investor. 

Namun bila dirinci, pada lelang migas 2017 dan 2018, jumlah peminat lebih rendah dari blok migas yang ditawarkan. Pada lelang 2017 lalu, sebanyak 15 blok migas ditawarkan melalui lelang reguler dan penawaran langsung. 

Namun hanya lima blok migas yang akhirnya dimenangkan oleh perusahaan migas. Kemudian di tahun ini, sudah ada dua tahap lelang yang dilaksanakan. Dari 24 blok migas yang ditawarkan pada lelang tahap pertama, hanya 4 blok yang laku. Sementara untuk lelang tahap dua ditawarkan 6 blok migas, tetapi hanya 2 blok saja yang ada pemenangnya.

Secara terpisah, Pengamat Energi sekaligus Ketua I Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) Pri Agung Rakhmanto menilai kurang tepat bila skema gross split dipandang sebagai jawaban dari rendahnya investasi migas. Pasalnya, gross split hanya salah satu bentuk kontrak migas yang tidak terlalu dipikirkan oleh investor.

“Mau diubah bentuk kontrak lain, saya kira juga akan sama saja hasilnya. Persoalan mendasarnya bukan di situ, tapi di iklim investasi secara keseluruhan. Dalam hal ini, investor saya pikir juga melihat bagaimana tingkat dukungan pemerintah hingga ke level tertinggi, konkret atau tidak terhadap hulu migas,” ujarnya.

Pri Agung menuturkan naiknya harga minyak dunia belum berkontribusi positif bagi investor yang akan berusaha di tanah air. Dia menyebut Indonesia masih kalah kompetitif dibandingkan negara lain secara global. Bahkan dia merujuk pada hasil survei Fraser Institute di 2017 yang menempatkan Indonesia pada peringkat 10 besar terbawah.

“Sejak 2017 investasi hulu migas global trennya sudah naik, kita tetap saja turun,” ujarnya. 

Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, investasi di sektor hulu migas memang belum mengalami peningkatan. Di 2015, realisasi investasi hulu migas tercatat mencapai US$ 15,04 miliar. Kemudian pada tahun berikutnya, realisasi investasi ini turun menjadi US$ 12,01 miliar. Investasi hulu migas justru semakin turun di 2017, yakni sebesar US$ 9,3 miliar. Sementara realisasi hingga September tahun ini hanya mencapai US$ 7,9 miliar dari target US$ 14,2 miliar.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Nov 7, 2018

Pertamina Prepares for Exploration of Oil and Gas Blocks

Since the two rounds of an exploration of oil and gas working area (WK oil and gas) exploration, the name of PT Pertamina is not visible. This time, in the third round of the exploration oil and gas block auction in 2018, Pertamina emerged as the direct bidder of one of the oil and gas WK, the Maratua Block.

     Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar, mentioned Pertamina's participation in the auction this time because the state-owned company had conducted a joint study in the Maratua Block which had been in North Kalimantan and East Kalimantan since last year.

On the other hand, Arcandra assesses, through this auction Pertamina needs to increase the Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR) or the replacement of oil and gas reserves that have been produced.

"They have their own counts to strengthen RRR through exploration," he said at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Office.

Pertamina's participation in the oil and gas exploration WK auction was welcomed by Director General of Oil and Gas Djoko Siswanto. He said, after all this time, Pertamina finally participated in the oil and gas WK auction.

"The joint study is Pertamina, thank God. It seems that the old Pertamina has not taken the oil and gas WK," Djoko said.

In participating in this auction, it seems that Pertamina's plan will be smooth. Because, this state-owned oil and gas company does not need to compete with other Cooperation Contracts (KKKS). As a result, Pertamina has a big chance of obtaining participation rights in the Block.

"The proposal was immediately submitted by Pertamina. In accordance with Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 35 2008, this WK is specifically Pertamina's participation and is not open to others, "explained Djoko.

But Arcandra said Pertamina must continue to offer to the government in exploring the Maratua Block. The government has set Pertamina's offer for a definite minimum work commitment to carry out geological and geophysical studies (G & G), 500 km2 3D seismic surveys and deposit a minimum signature bonus of US $ 2 million.

The Executive Director of the ReforMiner Institute, Komaidi Notonegoro, assessed that Pertamina has so far been constrained in carrying out exploration efforts on upstream oil and gas. One reason is that Pertamina's business units are too many.


Pertamina Bersiap Eksplorasi Blok Migas

Sejak dua putaran lelang wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi (WK migas) eksplorasi, nama PT Pertamina tidak tampak. Kali ini, di putaran ketiga lelang blok migas eksplorasi di 2018, Pertamina muncul sebagai penawar langsung salah satu WK migas, yakni Blok Maratua. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar, menyebutkan keikutsertaan Pertamina dalam lelang kali ini karena perusahaan milik negara ini sudah melakukan joint study di Blok Maratua yang berada di wilayah Kalimantan Utara dan Kalimantan Timur sejak tahun lalu. 

Di sisi lain, Arcandra menilai, melalui lelang kali ini Pertamina perlu meningkatkan reserve replacement ratio (RRR) atau penggantian cadangan migas yang telah diproduksi. 

"Mereka punya hitungan sendiri untuk memperkuat RRR lewat eksplorasi," ungkap dia di Kantor Kementerian ESDM.

Keikutsertaan Pertamina dalam lelang WK migas eksplorasi pun disambut gembira oleh Direktur Jenderal Migas Djoko Siswanto. Dia menyebutkan, setelah sekian lama, Pertamina akhirnya ikut dalam lelang WK migas. 

"Yang joint study ada Pertamina, alhamdulillah. Sepertinya sudah Iama Pertamina tidak ambil WK migas," ujar Djoko.
Dalam keikutsertaan lelang ini, agaknya rencana Pertamina akan mulus. Sebab, perusahaan migas milik negara ini  tidak perlu bersaing dengan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) lainnya. Alhasil, Pertamina berpeluang besar mendapatkan hak partisipasi di Blok itu. 

“Usulan penawaran langsung disampaikan oleh Pertamina. Sesuai Peraturan Menteri ESDM No. 35 2008, WK ini khusus partisipasi Pertamina dan tidak dibuka kepada yang lainnya," jelas Djoko.

Namun Arcandra menyebut Pertamina harus tetap memberikan penawaran ke pemerintah dalam mengeksplorasi Blok Maratua. Pemerintah menetapkan penawaran Pertamina untuk komitmen kerja pasti minimal melakukan studi geologi dan geofisika (G&G), survei seismik 3D 500 km2 dan menyetor bonus tanda tangan minimal US$ 2 juta.

Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute, Komaidi Notonegoro menilai sejauh ini Pertamina memang terkendala dalam melakukan upaya eksplorasi hulu migas. Salah satu sebabnya adalah unit bisnis Pertamina yang terlalu banyak.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Nov 7, 2018

Four Exploration Oil and Gas Blocks

The government through the ESDM ministry opened the third phase of the auction. The auction for the oil and gas working area includes four exploration blocks. Four exploration blocks, namely the South Andaman, Anambas, South Sakakemang and Maratua.


Deputy Minister of ESDM, Arcandra Tahar explained that at this auction the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources provided convenience to investors to access oil and gas block data for free. 

     In the previous auction, oil and gas data access was charged a maximum of 80 thousand US dollars per work area. Now these costs are eliminated. it's just that if the investor participating in the auction becomes the winner, then it is obligatory to pay the data access fee.

"Our auction is open, and according to the policies that we have issued, in order to make it easier for investors to see the data, please open the oil and gas data," Arcandra said.

Arcandra also explained that the block auction scheme was a direct offer. With this scheme, investors have already carried out joint studies to find out the potential of existing reserves. In fact, in the Maratua Block, Pertamina had already conducted a joint study.

The granting of special rights refers to Ministerial Regulation 35 of 2008 concerning procedures for determining and offering oil and gas working areas. In the regulation in article 35, Pertamina can propose direct offers for work areas.

"This is Pertamina's participation and not opened for other companies. Pertamina's involvement in the exploration block is a corporate action. The aim is to increase Pertamina's oil and gas replacement ratio (Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR)," Arcandra said.

the South Andaman Block

The auction schedule for the four blocks is open to document access from November 5 to December 17, 201. The document clarification forum starts November 12 to December 17, 2018. Entry of documents ends no later than December 19, 2018. Referring to ESDM Ministry data, the South Andaman Block is off the coast of Aceh. This block is in the area of ​​3,548.69 square kilometers (km2), the depth of the sea is 100-1,500 meters.

The gas reserves are 1,243.37 BCP and oil is 218.92 MMBO. The definite work commitment in the South Andaman Block is minimal Geology & Geoticics (G & G) and three-square-kilometer (3D) seismic in the form of data acquisition.

The signature bonus of 2 million dollars The second block auctioned is South Sakakemang. The area is 2,145.11 km2 and is on the mainland of South Sumatra. This block reserves 106.33 MMBO for oil and gas 603.91 BCP. The minimum definite commitment of this block consists of G & G and two-dimensional (2D) seismic along 250 km.

Third, Blok Anambas off the coast of Riau. This block has an area of ​​3,434.33 km2. The reserves are estimated at 260.36 BCP for gas and 26.04 BSCP for condensate. This block's signature bonus is set at 2 million dollars and the minimum commitment must consist of G & G and drilling of one exploration well.

Fourth, the Maratua Block. This block is on land and off the coast of North Kalimantan and West Kalimantan. The total area is 7,835.07 km2. Reserves for oil 204.86 MMBO and gas 890.09 BCP. This block's signature bonus is 2 million dollars. The minimum commitment must consist of G & G and 3D seismic 500 km2.


Empat Blok Migas Eksplorasi

Pemerintah melalui kementerian ESDM membuka lelang tahap ketiga. Lelang wilayah kerja migas ini menyertakan, empat blok eksplorasi. Empat blok eksplorasi, yakni South Andaman, Anambas, South Sakakemang dan Maratua. 

Wakil Menteri ESDM, Arcandra Tahar menjelaskan pada lelang kali ini Kementerian ESDM memberikan kemudahan kepada investor untuk mengakses data blok migas secara gratis. Pada lelang sebelumnya akses data migas dikenakan biaya maksimal 80 ribu dolar AS per wilayah kerja. Kini biaya tersebut dihilangkan. hanya saja jika investor yang ikut lelang menjadi pemenang maka wajib membayar biaya akses data tersebut. 

"Lelang kita buka, dan sesuai kebijakan yang sudah kita keluarkan, untuk bisa memudahkan para investor melihat data, silahkan kami buka data migas," ujar Arcandra.

Arcandra juga menjelaskan skema lelang blok tersebut adalah penawaran langsung. Dengan skema ini, investor sudah lebih dulu melakukan studi bersama (joint study) untuk mengetahui potensi cadangan yang ada. SebeIumnya, di Blok Maratua, Pertamina sudah lebih dulu melakukan joint study.

Pemberian hak khusus itu mengacu Peraturan Menteri 35 Tahun 2008 tentang tata cara penetapan dan penawaran wilayah kerja migas. Dalam aturan itu di pasal 35, Pertamina dapat mengusulkan penawaran langsung wilayah kerja.

"Ini partisipasi Pertamina dan tidak dibuka untuk perusahaan lainnya. Keterlibatan Pertamina di blok eksplorasi itu merupakan aksi korporasi. Tujuannya untuk meningkatkan capaian rasio penggantian cadangan migas atau Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR) Pertamina," ujar Arcandra.

Jadwal lelang empat blok tersebut dibuka akses dokumen mulai 5 November sampai 17 Desember 2018. Forum klarifikasi dokumen dimulai 12 November sampai 17 Desember 2018. Pemasukan dokumen berakhir paling lambat 19 Desember 2018. Mengacu data Kementerian ESDM, Blok South Andaman berada di lepas pantai Aceh. Blok ini berada di area 3.548,69 kilometer persegi (km2), kedalaman laut 100-1.500 meter.

Cadangan gasnya 1.243,37 BCP dan minyak 218,92 MMBO. Komitmen kerja pasti di Blok South Andaman minimal Geologi & Geotisika (G&G) dan
seismik tiga dimensi (3D) sepanjang 500 km persegi berupa akuisisi data. 

Adapun bonus tanda tangannya sebesar 2 juta dolar Blok kedua yang dilelang adalah South Sakakemang. Luas areanya 2.145,11 km2 dan berada di daratan Sumatera Selatan. Cadangan blok ini 106.33 MMBO untuk minyak dan gasnya 603.91 BCP. Minimal komitmen pasti blok ini terdiri dari G&G dan seismik dua dimensi (2D) sepanjang 250 km.

Ketiga, Blok Anambas di lepas pantai Riau. Blok ini luasnya 3.434,33 km2. Cadangannya diperkirakan 260.36 BCP untuk gas dan 26.04 BSCP untuk kondensat. Bonus tanda tangan blok ini ditetapkan 2 juta dolar dan minimal komitmen pastinya terdiri dari G&G dan pengeboran satu sumur eksplorasi.

Keempat, Blok Maratua. Blok ini berada di darat dan lepas pantai Kalimantan Utara dan Kalimantan Barat. Total luasnya 7,835.07 km2. Cadangannya untuk minyak 204.86 MMBO dan gas 890.09 BCP. Bonus tanda tangan blok ini sebesar 2 juta dolar. Minimal komitmen pastinya terdiri dari G&G dan seismik 3D 500 km2.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Wednesday, Nov 7, 2018

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Government Free the Oil and Gas Data Access Fee

Oil and gas companies that are interested in participating in the oil and gas block auction now no longer need to spend up to US $ 80 thousand to obtain block data targeted. Because the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) frees data access fees for bidders. 

    Head of the ESDM Ministry's Data and Information Technology Center (Pusdatin) Agus Cahyono said that oil and gas companies participating in the auction had been charged two fees, namely US $ 5,000 in bid documents and US$ 80 thousand in data access. Data access is needed by companies to see seismic or drilling data related to the oil and gas blocks being auctioned.

"The policy that we issued for the next auction is that every participant who has participated in the auction or takes the bid document to evaluate us
give access to the data at a rate of 0 (Zero), "he said in Jakarta, Friday (11/2).

So that oil and gas companies only need to pay US$ 5,000 for auction documents. While the oil and gas block data package which is around US $ 30-80 thousand is no longer charged. This data access fee must be replaced by the oil and gas company when the company wins the oil and gas block auction.

"Later, the winners are only asked to pay according to the current mechanism, the rate according to the data accessed, what seismic per kilometer and others, "the maximum is US$ 80 thousand," said Agus.

Free access is only given during the auction period. However, the company is also required to sign a statement that the data accessed can only be used for auction purposes. Agus explained that this policy was taken assuming that the data access fee of US $ 80 thousand was very burdensome for companies. 

      This can be seen from the minimal number of companies accessing oil and gas data during 2010-2018. In that period, the government has held 215 bids, but only 223 companies have access to the data.

"It means, if on average, every time we do an oil and gas block auction, there is only 1 company that accesses the data," he said.

With this new policy, he hopes that more companies will be interested in participating in the oil and gas block auction. Not just a lot of enthusiasts, it also wants to attract oil and gas companies that are serious about investing.

"Now it is still in the regulatory process that frees data access fees," said Agus.

Later, the results of the sale of this data package will be used to pay for data management. The oil and gas block data is managed by the PT Pertamina (Persero) Techology Center (UTC) Unit since March 2018. Previously, the oil and gas data was managed by Patra Nusa Data.


Pemerintah Gratiskan Biaya Akses Data Migas

Perusahaan migas yang berminat mengikuti lelang blok migas kini tidak lagi perlu mengeluarkan biaya hingga US$ 80 ribu untuk memperoleh data blok yang di incarnya. Pasalnya, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) membebaskan biaya akses data bagi peserta lelang. 

    Kepala Pusat Data dan Teknologi Informasi (Pusdatin) Kementerian ESDM Agus Cahyono menuturkan, selama ini perusahaan migas yang mengikuti lelang dikenai dua biaya, yakni biaya dokumen lelang US$ 5.000 dan akses data maksimal US$ 80 ribu. Akses data diperlukan perusahaan untuk melihat data seismik atau pengeboran terkait blok migas yang dilelang.

“Kebijakan yang kami keluarkan untuk lelang selanjutnya setiap peserta yang sudah ikut lelang atau mengambil bid document, untuk mengevaluasi, kami berikan akses datanya dengan tarif 0 (Nol) ,” kata dia di Jakarta, Jumat (2/11).

Sehingga perusahaan migas hanya perlu membayar US$ 5.000 untuk dokumen lelang saja. Sementara paket data blok migas yang sekitar US$ 30-80 ribu tidak lagi dikenakan biaya. Biaya akses data ini harus diganti oleh perusahaan migas ketika perusahaan tersebut memenangkan lelang blok migas.

“Nanti yang menang baru diminta bayar sesuai mekanisme yang ada sekarang, tarif sesuai data yang diakses, seismik per kilometer berapa dan lainnya, maksimal US$ 80 ribu,” jelas Agus. 

Akses gratis itu hanya diberikan selama masa lelang. Namun, perusahaan juga wajib menandatangani pernyataan bahwa data yang diakses hanya boleh dipakai untuk keperluan lelang. Agus menjelaskan, kebijakan ini diambil dengan asumsi biaya akses data US$ 80 ribu itu sangat memberatkan perusahaan. 

    Hal ini terlihat dari minimnya jumlah perusahaan yang mengakses data migas selama 2010-2018. Dalam jangka waktu tersebut, pemerintah telah menggelar lelang sebanyak 215 kali, namun peserta yang mengakses data hanya 223 perusahaan.

“Artinya, kalau di rata-rata, setiap kami lakukan lelang blok migas, hanya ada 1 perusahaan yang mengakses data ,” tuturnya.

Dengan adanya kebijakan baru ini, pihaknya berharap semakin banyak perusahaan yang berminat mengikuti lelang blok migas. Tidak sekedar banyak peminat, pihaknya juga ingin menggaet perusahaan migas yang memang serius ingin berinvestasi. 

“Sekarang masih dalam proses regulasi yang membebaskan biaya akses data" kata Agus.

Nantinya, hasil penjualan paket data ini akan digunakan untuk membayar pengelolaan datanya. Data blok migas ini dikelola oleh Unit Techonology Center (UTC) PT Pertamina (Persero) sejak Maret 2018. Sebelumnya, data migas itu dikelola oleh Patra Nusa Data.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Nov 3, 2018

ESDM Provides Free Data Access

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) seeks to attract investment in the oil and gas sector. The method is through the release of data package fees for bidders. Agus Cahyono Adi, Head of the ESDM Ministry of Data and Information Technology Center, said that many companies participated in the oil and gas working area auction. Unfortunately, there is little access to data.

According to Agus, oil and gas companies still have to pay US $ 5,000 to buy auction documents so that they can automatically become bidders. But many do not continue the data access process because they have to spend a lot of money on data packages around US $ 30,000 - US $ 80,000. As a result, in each oil and gas WK auction, only one company accesses data.

"So far, when participating in the auction, we want to take paid data. The fact is that there are not many data. For eight years, we conducted 215 auctions, but only 223 data were accessed. That is, if we auctioned on average WK is only one participant, mostly one company, "Agus said, Friday (11/2).

But actually, the rules for the release of data package fees for oil and gas WK auction participants are not completely free. Agus said, if one of the bidders who had accessed the data package managed to come out as the winner of the oil and gas working area, the auction participant would still have to pay for the use of the facility.


ESDM Beri Akses Data Gratis

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) berusaha untuk menarik investasi di sektor minyak dan gas (migas). Caranya, lewat pembebasan biaya paket data untuk para peserta lelang. Agus Cahyono Adi, Kepala Pusat Data dan Teknologi Informasi Kementerian ESDM mengatakan banyak perusahaan yang mengikuti Ielang Wilayah kerja (WK) migas. Sayangnya yang mengakses data masih sedikit.

Menurut Agus, perusahaan migas masih harus membayar US$ 5.000 untuk membeli dokumen lelang sehingga secara otomatis mereka bisa menjadi peserta tender. Tapi banyak yang tidak melanjutkan proses akses data karena harus mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk paket data sekitar US$ 30.000- US$ 80.000. Alhasil, dalam tiap lelang WK migas, yang mengakses data hanya satu perusahaan.

"Selama ini, begitu ikut lelang, mau mengambil data bayar. Kenyataannya yang mengambil data tidak banyak. Selama delapan tahun, kami melakukan lelang ada 215 lelang, tapi data yang diakses hanya 223 peserta. Artinya, kalau di rata-rata setiap kami melakukan lelang WK hanya satu peserta, sebagian besar satu perusahaan," kata Agus, Jumat (2/11).

Tapi sebenarnya, aturan main pembebasan biaya paket data untuk peserta lelang WK migas tidak sepenuhnya benar-benar gratis. Agus menyebutkan, jika salah satu peserta lelang yang sudah mengakses paket data berhasil keluar sebagai pemenang Wilayah kerja migas, maka peserta lelang tetap harus membayar penggunaan fasilitas itu.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Nov 3, 2018