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Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Oil Project in Tuban is hampered

The plan is to hold a Russian company

The New Grass Root Refinery [NGRR] Oil Refinery Project, Pertamina's joint venture with Rosneft, a Russian company which is planned to be located in Remen and Mentoso Villages, Jenu Sub-District, Tuban Regency, East Java, its construction cannot be ascertained. The project which is expected to raise the economy in the Tuban region is still hindered by land acquisition.

Russian company

"Hopefully the problem will be resolved soon, because this problem has been going on for three years, but it has not been completed yet related to the acquisition of land owned by residents," said Ignasius Jonan, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). kit (transfer from BBM to gas) to fishermen.

Jonan further said that the land needed by the two countries' companies was approximately 340 hectares. At that location, government-owned land through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry [KLHK] was only 15 percent, while the remaining approximately 85 hectares still belonged to the residents of Mentoso Village and Remen Village.

In the event the distribution of kit converters on the mangrove beach in Jenu District was also attended by the Regent of Tuban, Fathul Huda, and also the Deputy Regent of Tuban, Noor Nahar Hussein.

"The problem with the constraints of the NGRR oil refinery plan is also our hot topic," he said.

Job offer

In an informal conversation with the Regent Fathul Huda regarding the NGRR refinery, Jonan has proposed several proposals that landowners want to give up some of their land for greater public interest. One of Jonan's proposals to the Regent of Fathul was approaching residents and offering jobs to residents when the oil refinery operated.

"If the problem is land, try to offer it to the land owner's family. They will get the privilege of placing a family to work at Pertamina-Rosneft," Jonan said on the sidelines accompanied by the Regent and Vice Regent of Tuban.

He revealed, this land problem has been going on for a long time, so it needs immediate treatment.

"It's been three years, but the land problem has not yet finished. Hopefully it will be settled, what land owners want to try to accommodate is suggested by Jonan.

Unfortunately, the Regent of Tuban, Fathul Huda, admitted that he had not intensively met with residents, especially landowners who were about to be released.

"So far there has been no request from landowners for refusing to sell their land. To be honest, we do not yet know what the landowners want, we will cover it," promised the regent in these two periods.

Nicke Widyawati

Other Regions.

The President Director of PT Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati who joined the group of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, also participated in responding to the development of oil refinery land which had no immediate solution.

"I hope that the land problem, which has been in place for three years, can be finished, as soon as possible," hoped Nicke.

Asked about the possibility of finding another area for the placement of the NGRR oil refinery, Nicke did not reject the proposal.

"The option to search for other areas exists, but so far we are still reviewing the profits and losses," the executive stressed.

Nicke acknowledged that he could not arbitrarily place an oil refinery somewhere.

"To build an oil refinery, there are a lot of considerations, technical issues, security, etc.," She concluded.


Proyek Minyak di Tuban Terhambat

Rencananya menggandeng perusahaan Rusia

Proyek Kilang Minyak New Grass Root Refinery [NGRR), patungan pertamina dengan Rosneft perusahaan dari Rusia yang rencananya ditempatkan di Desa Remen dan Mentoso, Kecamatan Jenu, Kabupaten Tuban Jawa Timur belum bisa dipastikan pembangunannya. Proyek yang diharapkan akan membangkitkan ekonomi di wilayah Tuban itu sampai sekarang masih terkendala pembebasan lahan. 

"Harapannya masalahnya segera diselesaikan, karena masalah ini sudah berlangsung selama tiga tahun, tapi belum selesai juga terkait pembebasan lahan milik warga," kata' Ignasius Jonan, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) di sela-sela acara pembagian 200 paker mesin konverter kit (pengalihan dari BBM ke gas) kepada nelayan.

Lebih jauh Jonan menyebutkan lahan yang dibutuhkan perusahaan dua negara tersebut kira-kira kurang lebih 340 hektare. Di lokasi itu, lahan milik pemerintah melalui Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan [KLHK] hanya 15 persen, sedangkan selebihnya sekira 85 hektare masih milik warga Desa Mentoso dan Desa Remen.

Di acara pembagian konverter kit di pantai mangrove di Kecamatan Jenu itu juga dihadiri Bupati Tuban, Fathul Huda, dan juga Wakil Bupati Tuban, Noor Nahar Hussein. 

"Masalah kendala rencana kilang minyak NGRR juga menjadi pembicaraan hangat kami," ungkapnya.

Tawaran Kerja

Dalam bincang informal dengan Bupati Fathul Huda terkait kilang NGRR, Jonan sudah mengajukan beberapa usulan agar pemilik lahan mau menyerahkan sebagian lahannya untuk kepentingan umum yang lebih besar. Salah satu usulan Jonan kepada Bupati Fathul yakni mendekati warga dan menawarkan pekerjaan bagi warga saat kilang minyak beroperasi.

"Kalau masalahnya lahan, coba ditawarkan kepada keluarga pemilik lahan akan mendapat hak istimewa yakni menempatkan seorang keluarga untuk bekerja di Pertamina-Rosneft," kata Jonan disela-sela berjalan didampingi Bupati dan Wabup Tuban.

Dia mengungkap, masalah lahan ini sudah berlangsung lama, sehingga perlu dilakukan penanganan segera. 

"Sudah tiga tahun, tapi belum juga selesai masalah lahan. Harapannya ya dibereskan, apa yang diinginkan pemilik tanah coba diakomodir usul Jonan.
Sayangnya, Bupati Tuban, Fathul Huda mengaku belum intensif bertemu dengan warga, khususnya pemilik lahan yang hendak dibebaskan.

"Selama ini belum ada permintaan dari warga pemilik lahan untuk penolakan menjual tanahnya. Sejujurnya kami belum tahu apa keinginan dari pemilik lahan, akan kita dalami," janji bupati dua periode ini.

Daerah Lain

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati yang ikut rombongan Menteri ESDM, ikut menanggapi terkait perkembangan lahan kilang minyak yang tidak segera ada solusinya.

"Saya berharap masalah lahan yang sudah tiga tahun ini, bisa selesai, secepatnya," harap Nicke.

Ditanya kemungkinan untuk mencari daerah lain untuk penempatan kilang minyak NGRR, Nicke tidak menampik usulan itu.

"Opsi untuk mencari daerah lain ada, namun sejauh ini masih sedang kami kaji untung dan ruginya," tegas eksekutif yang berhijab.

Diakui Nicke bahwa tidak bisa sembarangan menempatkan kilang minyak ke suatu tempat. 

"Untuk membangun kilang minyak diperlukan banyak pertimbangan, masalah teknis, keamanan dan lain-lain," pungkasnya.

Surya, Page-3, Thursday, Nov 15, 2018

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Fate 3 of the Termination Block 2023 Still Discussed

The government is still discussing the fate of the three oil and gas working areas whose contracts will expire in 2023. The oil and gas blocks which will expire in 2023 are Jabung Block (February 26, 2023), Rimau Block (April 22, 2023), and Block Corridor (December 19, 2023).

Corridor Block

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said that the announcement of the 2023 termination block management was still under discussion.

"Blok Jabung will also be discussed later," he said.

The ESDM Ministry prioritizes the preparation of the signing of oil and gas block contracts terminated in 2022 before deciding on the management of the 2023 termination block. Arcandra said that he would first focus on signing a new oil and gas block contract which had terminated (termination) in 2022.

There are four oil and gas blocks terminated in 2022. The government has auctioned four oil and gas termination blocks. However, there is still one block, the Sengkang Block, which the winner has not yet announced.

the Sengkang Block

"We have completed [the signature of the new 2022 oil and gas block termination contract], this is the production sharing contract [completed] first," he said.

The three oil and gas blocks terminated in 2022 that have received auction winners are the Tarakan Block, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru (CPP), and Tungkal. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources extends the contracts of the three blocks to contractors exist for 20 years, namely until 2042. However, the scheme used is a gross split contract replacing the cost recovery scheme.

the Tarakan Block Kalimantan

The total signature bonus that the government will receive from the three blocks is US $ 13.95 million or around Rp. 186 billion. Meanwhile, the total investment value from the plan for definite work commitments for the first 5 years is US $ 179.15 million Rp 2.4 trillion.

Arcandra explained that the announcement of the winner of the Sengkang Block auction will be done as soon as possible in accordance with the applicable procedures. He hopes that the announcement of the winner of the Sengkang Block can be completed by the end of this year.

Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Fabby Tumiwa said, the auction of exploration oil and gas working areas was not much in demand by investors, indicating that there was a profit-sharing scheme that was not attractive to contractors. The government, according to him, needs to re-analyze the oil and gas block auction not attractive to investors

"SKK Migas says gross split is not the cause [the oil and gas block auction is not attractive to investors], but it must be admitted that it is one of the challenges for the exploration work area. For production work areas it is indeed not because there is already a calculation, "he said.

So far, there have been 30 oil and gas blocks that use gross split schemes. 11 oil and gas blocks are auction results in 2017 and 2018. The oil and gas block auction results of 2017 which use the gross split scheme are Block Andaman 1, Andaman II, Merak Lampung, Pekawai, and West Yamdena. The oil and gas blocks from the 2018 auction using the gross split scheme are the Citarum, East Ganal, East Seram, Southeast Jambi, South Jambi B and Banyumas work areas.


Meanwhile, 19 other oil and gas working areas are termination blocks whose contract period expires from 2017 to 2022. Fabby added, towards the political year, the attitude of investors who choose to wait at least until April 2019.

"Oil and gas investment is risky, of course they count," he said.

Arcandra Tahar said, it is difficult to say that gross split is a problem for the management of exploration blocks. Because, until now there are two exploration oil and gas blocks auctioned in 2018 already taken by investors.

"The oil and gas business is indeed risky. Yes, it is calculated, because there is already initial data, if not from there, relying on government funds is not enough. "

According to him, the exploration block manager uses a definite work commitment fund to manage open areas.


Nasib 3 Blok Terminasi 2023 Masih Dibahas

Pemerintah masih membahas nasib tiga wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi yang kontraknya akan berakhir pada 2023. Blok migas yang akan habis masa kontrak pada 2023 adalah Blok Jabung (26 Februari 2023), Blok Rimau (22 April 2023), dan Blok Corridor (19 Desember 2023).

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa pengumuman pengelolaan blok terminasi 2023 masih dalam tahap pembahasan.

“Blok Jabung juga sama akan dibahas nanti," katanya.

Kementerian ESDM lebih memprioritaskan persiapan penandatanganan kontrak blok migas yang terminasi pada 2022 sebelum memutuskan pengelolaan blok terminasi 2023. Arcandra mengatakan bahwa pihaknya akan terlebih dahulu fokus dalam penandatanganan kontrak baru blok minyak dan gas bumi yang sudah berakhir kontraknya (terminasi) pada 2022.

Ada empat blok migas yang terminasi pada 2022. Pemerintah telah melelang empat blok migas terminasi itu. Namun, masih ada satu blok, yaitu Blok Sengkang, yang belum diumumkan pemenangnya.

“Kami selesaikan [tanda tangan kontrak baru blok migas terminasi] 2022, ini kontrak bagi hasilnya dulu [diselesaikan],” katanya.

Ketiga blok migas terminasi 2022 yang sudah mendapatkan pemenang lelang adalah Blok Tarakan, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru (CPP), dan Tungkal. Kementerian ESDM memperpanjang kontrak ketiga blok itu kepada kontraktor eksis selama 20 tahun, yaitu sampai 2042. Namun, skema yang digunakan adalah kontrak bagi hasil kotor (gross split) menggantikan skema bagi hasil bersih (cost recovery).

Total bonus tanda tangan yang akan diterima pemerintah dari ketiga blok itu sebesar US$ 13,95 juta atau sekitar Rp 186 miliar. Sementara itu, total nilai investasi dari rencana komitmen kerja pasti selama 5 tahun pertama sebesar US$ 179,15 juta Rp 2,4 triliun.

Arcandra menjelaskan bahwa untuk pengumuman pemenang lelang Blok Sengkang akan dikerjakan secepatnya sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku. Dia berharap agar pengumuman pemenang Blok Sengkang dapat diselesaikan pada akhir tahun ini. 

Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Fabby Tumiwa mengatakan, lelang wilayah kerja migas eksplorasi tidak banyak diminati investor menunjukkan ada skema bagi hasil yang tidak menarik bagi kontraktor. Pemerintah, menurutnya, perlu menganalisis kembali lelang blok migas tersebut tidak menarik bagi investor

“SKK Migas bilang gross split bukan penyebab [lelang blok migas tidak diminati investor), tetapi harus diakui itu menjadi salah satu tantangan untuk wilayah kerja eksplorasi. Kalau untuk wilayah kerja produksi memang tidak karena sudah ada hitungannya,” katanya.

Sejauh ini, sudah ada 30 blok migas yang menggunakan skema gross split. Sebanyak 11 blok migas merupakan hasil lelang pada 2017 dan 2018. Blok migas hasil lelang 2017 yang menggunakan skema gross split adalah Blok Andaman 1, Andaman II, Merak Lampung, Pekawai, dan West Yamdena. Blok migas hasil lelang 2018 yang menggunakan skema gross split adalah wilayah kerja Citarum, East Ganal, East Seram, Southeast Jambi, South Jambi B, dan Banyumas. 

Sementara itu, 19 wilayah kerja migas lainnya merupakan blok terminasi yang masa kontraknya berakhir mulai 2017 hingga 2022. Fabby menambahkan, menjelang tahun politik, sikap investor yang memilih menunggu setidaknya hingga April 2019. 

“Investasi migas itu berisiko, tentu mereka berhitung,” katanya.

Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, sulit mengatakan bahwa gross split menjadi masalah untuk pengelolaan blok eksplorasi. Pasalnya, hingga kini sudah ada dua blok migas eksplorasi yang dilelang pada 2018 sudah diambil oleh investor.

“Bisnis migas itu memang berisiko. Ya dihitung, karena sudah ada data awalnya, kalau tidak dari situ, mengandalkan dari dana pemerintah tidak cukup.”

Menurutnya, pengelola blok eksplorasi menggunakan dana komitmen kerja pasti untuk mengelola area terbuka.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Wednesday, Nov 14, 2018

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Makassar Strait Re-auctioned

The government is developing a new strategy to auction the Makassar Srait Block, which is located off the coast of East Kalimantan. In fact, the oil and gas company from Italy, ENI, has sent an offer proposal to manage the former Chevron oil and gas working area. 

Eni Muara Bakau B.V 

    However, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has rejected the proposal submitted by Eni Muara Bakau B.V because the company does not meet the requirements provided by the government.

This Italian investor proposal, according to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, has no commercial problems, such as signature bonuses and certain work commitments. However, there are strategic requirements that make Eni's offer fail.

Deputy Minister of ESDM Arcandra Tahar said that his party would immediately auction off the oil and gas blocks that have the Kutai Basin. However, his party is still thinking of strategic steps to auction off the offshore oil and gas working area.

Makassar Strait Block

"Later we will re-auction [Makassar Strait Block]. Now the strategy is still being considered, "he said.

Makassar Strait Block is included in the auction section of six conventional oil and gas working areas in phase II / 2018 by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The six oil and gas working areas auctioned on 14 August-12 October 2018 are divided into production and exploration areas. 

Southeast Mahakam Block

   For the three production oil and gas regions, namely the Makassar Strait Block, Long Strait, and South Jambi B. The exploration working area consists of Southeast Mahakam, Banyumas, and Andika Bumi Kita Blocks.

Banyumas Block

However, for the auction, the ESDM Ministry only announced two winners. Until the deadline for submission of participation documents / offers dated October 12, 2018, there were 18 bid documents in total, which were accessed by auction enthusiasts with the results of four regions in demand by five auction participants.

Previously, Vice President Exploration of Eni Muara Bakau B.V Davide Casini Ropa said that the oil and gas company from Italy was interested in the former Chevron oil and gas block. 

    Eni also plans to join the Makassar Strait Block auction. Davide explained that Eni's interest in the oil and gas block was due to the existence of the Kutai Basin and knew that its potential was good.

"This is not our decision. This block is interesting because it is close to our other facilities [Jangkrik Field, Muara Bakau Block], "he said.

ESDM Ministry Director General of Oil and Gas Djoko Siswanto said, even though the proposal was rejected by the government, Eni was still interested in managing the Makassar Strait Block.

"Still discussed again, reviewed again," he said.

The Makassar Strait working area which was previously part of the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) oil and gas project was auctioned because Chevron and two of its partners were not interested in further developing the block.


Makassar Strait Dilelang Ulang

Pemerintah sedang menyusun strategi baru untuk melelang Blok Makassar Srait yang berlokasi di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur. Padahal, perusahaan migas dari Italia, ENI, telah mengirimkan proposal penawaran untuk mengelola wilayah kerja migas bekas Chevron tersebut. 

     Namun, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) telah menolak proposal yang diajukan Eni Muara Bakau B.V karena perusahaan tidak memenuhi persyaratan yang diberikan pemerintah.

Proposal investor dari Italia ini, menurut Kementerian ESDM, tidak memiliki masalah dari sisi komersial, seperti bonus tanda tangan dan komitmen kerja pasti. Namun, ada persyaratan strategis yang membuat penawaran Eni gagal.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa pihaknya segera melelang ulang blok migas yang memiliki Cekungan Kutai tersebut. Namun, pihaknya masih memikirkan langkah strategis untuk melelang wilayah kerja migas lepas pantai itu.

“Nanti kami lelang ulang [Blok Makassar Strait]. Sekarang masih dipikirkan strateginya,” katanya.

Blok Makassar Strait masuk dalam bagian lelang enam wilayah kerja migas konvensional tahap II/2018 oleh Kementerian ESDM. Enam wilayah kerja migas yang dilelang pada 14 Agustus-12 Oktober 2018 terbagi dari wilayah produksi dan eksplorasi. 

     Untuk tiga wilayah migas produksi, yakni Blok Makassar Strait, Selat Panjang, dan South Jambi B. Wilayah kerja eksplorasi terdiri dari Blok Southeast Mahakam, Banyumas, dan Andika Bumi Kita. 

Namun, untuk lelang tersebut, Kementerian ESDM hanya mengumumkan dua pemenang. Hingga batas akhir pemasukan dokumen partisipasi/penawaran tanggal 12 Oktober 2018, secara keseluruhan terdapat 18 dokumen penawaran yang diakses oleh peminat lelang dengan hasil empat wilayah diminati oleh lima peserta lelang.

Sebelumnya, Vice President Exploration Eni Muara Bakau B.V Davide Casini Ropa mengatakan, perusahaan migas dari Italia itu tertarik dengan blok migas bekas Chevron tersebut. 

     Eni pun berencana untuk ikut lelang Blok Makassar Strait. Davide menjelaskan bahwa ketertarikan Eni pada blok migas ini karena adanya Cekungan Kutai dan mengetahui bahwa potensinya baik. 

“Ini bukan keputusan kami. Blok ini menarik karena dekat dengan fasilitas kami yang lain [Lapangan Jangkrik, Blok Muara Bakau],” katanya.

Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, meskipun proposal ditolak pemerintah, Eni masih berminat untuk mengelola Blok Makassar Strait. 

“Masih dibahas lagi, dikaji lagi,” katanya.

Wilayah kerja Makassar Strait yang sebelumnya bagian dari proyek migas laut dalam (Indonesia Deepwater Development/ IDD) dilelang karena Chevron dan dua rekannya tidak tertarik untuk mengembangkan lagi blok itu.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Tuesday, Nov 13, 2018

Pertamina to drill gas wells in Bojonegoro next year

State-owned oil and gas holding company Pertamina, through its subsidiary Pertamina EP CEPU (PEPC), is set to start drilling natural gas wells in the second half of 2019 at the Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) gas project in Bojonegoro regency, East Java.

ln total, six Wells in the site could produce 192 million metric standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) of natural gas - excluding CO2 content - according to the firm’s recent data. PEPC president director Jamsaton Nababan told the media in a recent press briefing that one well could generate around 60 mmscfd, but that figure did not yet exclude CO2 content.

“We will start to drill two out of six wells next July” he said.

Four wells are located in Wellpad Jambaran East and will be drilled starting the third quarter of 2019 until the iirst quarter of 2020, while the remaining wells located in Wellpad Jambaran Central will be drilled starting the second quarter of 2020 until the fourth quarter of the same year Jamsaton added that PEPC had resolved all issues regarding land procurement. 

The site of the JTB project was previously part ofa local village and also land owned by state-owned forestry company Perhutani, while some was privately owned.

“We have settled all issues regarding land permits. The remaining work in terms of land procurement is now only administration issues,” he assured.

   The site of the JTB project, a 98 percent stake of which is owned by PEPC and the remainder by another Pertamina subsidiary PT Pertamina EP spans across four regencies, four Villages and 14 million square meters of land previously owned by Perhutani.

PEPC has set a deadline of the second quarter of 2021 for the project’s full operation, which will be marked by a maiden gas transmission from the field to its buyers.

Jamsaton said that once the field had started to produce gas at 192 mmscfd, 100 mmscfd would be allocated for state electricity firm PLN and the rest for industries in East Java. 

“The gas price from our wells will be set at US$6.70 per million British thermal units [mmbtu] and once it reaches PLN, the price will be $7.60 per mmbtu [because of transmission fees],”he said. 

To fund the project, PEPC has set aside.$1.5 billion, $984 million of which will be allocated for the development of a gas-processing facility (GPF) that will be constructed by a consortium of engineering firms, namely PT Rekayasa Industri and PT Japan Gas Corporation.

The GPF has a total production capacity of 330 mmscfd of gas. However, given the complexity ofthe CO2 content in the field of around 30 percent, the project-will only produce 192 mmscfd of gas. It' was previously reported that the CO2 content from JTB project will be utilized by PEP in its Sukowati field in East Java to boost the units oil production with enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technology called a CO2- Hopding strategy. .

Furthermore, JTB general manager Bob Adibrata said that of the total investment to develop the GPF of $984 million, less than 1 percent of the funds had been utilized. 

"Meanwhile, construction of the GPF has reached 8.31 percent, of the target of 9.14 percent. We are running a bit late mainly in the engineering phase,” he said, adding that the firm was in the process of completing the project’s engineering design.

Bob added that the upcoming rainy season, especially the risk of Hooding, would be a challenge for the project development until the year end. 

Jakarta Post, Page-13, Monday, Nov 12, 2018

2021, Cirebon-Semarang Gas Pipeline is Targeted to Operate

After being delayed for 11 years, the Cirebon-Semarang gas transmission pipeline finally resumed. The pipeline, which is part of the Transjawa Pipe, is targeted to start operating in 2021. Managing Director of PT Rekayasa Industrial (Persero) Yanuar Budinorman said that his party is trying to make the Cirebon-Semarang pipeline begin construction at the end of this year. With an estimate of construction taking around 2.5 years, this pipeline is targeted to start operating in 2021.

"[Operation] is almost the same (with the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project). So we connected from Pertagas (PT Pertamina Gas) "Gresik (East Java) -Semarang (Central Java). Semarang (Central Java) -Cirebon (West Java) we connect directly. It continues, "he said.

He added, the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project is one of the sources of gas targeted by his party. Because, there is the potential for excess production of 20 million cubic feet per day (million standard cubic per day / mmscfd) of the gas project undertaken by PT Pertamina EP Cepu. In addition, gas supply of 20 mmscfd is also expected to be obtained from the Madura Strait Block operated by Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML).

"We operate with (gas supply) first. We fulfill it first (gas needs) in Kendal (Central Java), then we build it all the way to Cirebon (West Java), "Yanuar said.

Yanuar explained because it had partnered with Bayu Buana Gemilang (BBG) and PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), these two companies were tasked with finding the gas source. For information, BBG and Pertagas in this case play a role as shipper or company that flows its gas through Pipes Cirebon (West Java) -Semarang (Central Java).

Industrial Engineering has signed the principal of the agreement (Head of Agreement / HoA) with PT BBG. Meanwhile, the Gas Transport Agreement (GTA) between Rekind and BBG will be realized in the near future. While the signing of the HoA between Rekind and Pertagas is still in the process of being finalized.

For the distribution of gas in West Java and Central Java, Rekind also works with Pertagas and Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD). In West Java, Rekind cooperates with PT Energi Negeri Mandiri. While in Central Java, Rekind partnered with PT Sarana Pembangunan Jawa Tengah. According to Yanuar, one of the targeted markets is the industry in the Kendal region, Central Java.

"Not only industrial estates, in Kendal there are many industries that need gas," he said.

After all the licenses are completed and the signing of the cooperation is complete, it will meet with the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) in the next 1-2 weeks. Together with BPH Migas, it will set a gas transportation fee (toll fee) for this Cirebon-Semarang Pipe.

At the same time, Rekind also coordinated with the Management Investment Consultant Project (PMIC) appointed by BPH Migas to discuss the toll fee.

"After meeting the Toll Fee, we hope that by the end of December we will start (ground breaking)," Yanuar said.

He is optimistic that the Cirebon-Semarang pipeline can be a sustainable gas energy supply solution to support industrial competitiveness in Java. Moreover, the potential of industrial consumers in West Java and Central Java is very large.

"For that we hope that all parties involved can be more cooperative so that the project can be started immediately this year and can be completed in accordance with the predetermined targets," Yanuar said.

This Cirebon-Semarang pipe is part of the Transjawa Pipe. The Trans Java gas pipeline integration project consists of three main projects. First, West Java is valued at US $ 300 million with the Cirebon-KHT (84 km) and Tegalgede-Muara Tawar lines (50 km). 

   Second, North Java costs US $ 400 million with the Cirebon-Semarang route (255 kin). Third, East Java worth US $ 360 million with the Semarang-Gresik route (271 km) and East Java Gas Pipeline (EJGP) -Grati worth US $ 58 million (22.1 km)

As is known, in 2006, Industrial Engineering was determined as the winner of the auction of special rights to the Cirebon-Semarang natural gas transmission segment by BPH Migas. At that time Rekind acted as a transporter who was the owner of a gas pipeline, while the gas buyer (off taker) was the Tambaklorok-Semarang PLTGU. The construction of the Cirebon-Semarang transmission gas segment had experienced problems due to the gas source that was not available at that time.


2021, Pipa Gas Cirebon-Semarang Ditargetkan Beroperasi

Setelah tertunda sampai 11 tahun, pipa transmisi gas Cirebon-Semarang akhirnya dimulai kembali. Pipa yang merupakan bagian dari Pipa Transjawa ini ditargetkan mulai beroperasi pada 2021. Direktur Utama PT Rekayasa lndustri (Persero) Yanuar Budinorman menuturkan, pihaknya berupaya agar Pipa Cirebon-Semarang dapat dimulai pembangunannya (ground breaking) pada akhir tahun ini. Dengan perkiraan konstruksi membutuhkan waktu sekitar 2,5 tahun, pipa ini ditargetkan bisa mulai beroperasi pada 2021.

“[Operasi] hampir sama (dengan Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru). Jadi kami sambung dari punya Pertagas (PT Pertamina Gas) ”Gresik (Jawa Timur)-Semarang (Jawa Tengah). Semarang (Jawa Tengah)-Cirebon (Jawa Barat) kami sambung secara langsung. Dimulai terus,” kata dia.

Ditambahkannya, Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru merupakan salah satu sumber gas yang ditargetkan pihaknya. Pasalnya, ada potensi kelebihan produksi 20 juta kaki kubik per hari (million standard cubic per day/mmscfd) dari proyek gas yang dikerjakan PT Pertamina EP Cepu tersebut. Selain itu, pasokan gas sebesar 20 mmscfd juga diharapkan dapat diperoleh dari Blok Madura Strait yang dioperasikan oleh Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML). 

“Kami operasikan dengan (pasokan gas) itu dulu. Kami penuhi dulu (kebutuhan gas) di Kendal (Jawa Tengah), kemudian kami membangun terus sampai Cirebon (Jawa Barat),” ujar Yanuar.

Yanuar menjelaskan karena pihaknya telah menggandeng Bayu Buana Gemilang (BBG) dan PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas), kedua perusahaan inilah yang bertugas mencari sumber gasnya. Sebagai informasi, BBG dan Pertagas dalam hal ini berperan sebagai shipper atau perusahaan yang mengalirkan gasnya melalui Pipa Cirebon (Jawa Barat)-Semarang (Jawa Tengah).

Rekayasa Industri telah menandatangi pokok perjanjian (Head of Agreement/ HoA) dengan PT BBG. Sedangkan, Gas Transport Agreement (GTA) antara Rekind dan BBG akan direalisasikan dalam waktu dekat. Sementara penandatanganan HoA antara Rekind dengan Pertagas masih dalam proses finalisasi. 

Untuk pendistribusian gas di Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah, Rekind juga bekerja sama dengan Pertagas dan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD). Di Jawa Barat, Rekind menggandeng PT Energi Negeri Mandiri. Sementara di Jawa Tengah, Rekind bermitra dengan PT Sarana Pembangunan Jawa Tengah. Menurut Yanuar, salah satu pasar yang ditarget pihaknya adalah industri di wilayah Kendal, Jawa Tengah.

“Tidak hanya kawasan industri, di Kendal ternyata banyak industri yang membutuhkan gas,” tutur dia.

Setelah semua perizinan selesai dan penandatangan kerja sama selesai, pihaknya akan bertemu dengan Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) dalam 1-2 pekan ke depan. Bersama BPH Migas, pihaknya akan menetapkan ongkos angkut gas (toll fee) untuk Pipa Cirebon-Semarang ini. 

Pada saat yang sama, Rekind juga berkoordinasi dengan Project Management Investment Consultan (PMIC) yang ditunjuk BPH Migas untuk membahas toll fee tersebut.

“Setelah Toll Fee-nya ketemu, kami harapkan akhir Desember kami mulai dimulai (ground breaking),” kata Yanuar.

Dia optimis, adanya pipa Cirebon-Semarang bisa menjadi solusi pasokan energi gas berkelanjutan untuk mendukung daya saing industri di Pulau Jawa. Apalagi, potensi konsumen industri di Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah sangat besar. 

“Untuk itu kami berharap semua pihak yang terlibat dapat lebih kooperatif sehingga proyek dapat kami mulai segera pada tahun ini dan dapat diselesaikan sesuai dengan target yang telah ditentukan,” kata Yanuar.

Pipa Cirebon-Semarang ini merupakan bagian dari Pipa Transjawa. Proyek integrasi pipa gas Trans Jawa terdiri dari tiga proyek utama. Pertama, Jawa bagian Barat senilai US$ 300 juta dengan jalur Cirebon-KHT (84 km) dan Tegalgede-Muara Tawar (50 km). 

    Kedua, Jawa bagian Utara senilai US$ 400 juta dengan jalur Cirebon-Semarang (255 kin). Ketiga, Jawa bagian Timur senilai US$ 360 juta dengan jalur Semarang-Gresik (271 km) dan East Java Gas Pipeline (EJGP)-Grati senilai US$ 58 juta (22.1 km)

Seperti diketahui, pada 2006, Rekayasa Industri ditetapkan sebagai pemenang lelang hak khusus ruas transmisi gas bumi Cirebon-Semarang oleh BPH Migas. Saat itu Rekind bertindak sebagai transporter yang merupakan pemilik pipa gas, sedangkan pembeli gas (offtaker) adalah PLTGU Tambaklorok-Semarang. Pembangunan ruas gas transmisi Cirebon-Semarang ini sempat mengalami kendala dikarenakan sumber gas yang tidak tersedia pada saat itu. 

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Nov 12, 2018

Cisem Project As Soon As Groundbreaking

PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) targets the Cirebon-Semarang gas pipeline project (Cisem) to start groundbreaking at the end of December 2018. Rekind Managing Director Yanuar Budinorman said the process of discussing the project development plan had entered the final stage, including an agreement with potential gas pipeline users ( shipper), gas allocation, and licensing process.

At present, his party together with the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) is discussing the calculation of rental rates for gas transportation or toll fee.

"So we have finalized everything. Maybe in 1-2 weeks. we consign with BPH Migas to determine toll fees. Toll fee was found, we hope that by the end of December it will begin, "Yanuar said.

Construction of the plan will begin from Semarang (Central Java) and continue to extend to Cirebon (West Java). The construction process of the Rekind's first transmission gas pipeline project is estimated to take around 2.5 years. Thus, the project is expected to be operational by 2021.

Regarding prospective gas pipeline facilities, Rekind cooperates with PT Bayu Buana Gemilang and PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas). Rekind has signed an initial agreement with Bayu Buana Gemilang and in the near future the agreement will be followed up in a gas transport agreement (GTA). HOA with Pertagas will also be signed soon.

If this provision has been agreed upon, Bayu Buana Gemilang and Pertagas will channel gas to the Cirebon-Semarang pipeline facility or as a shipper, then distribute it to gas buyers. The gas distribution in the Cirebon-Semarang pipeline is expected to meet gas demand in West Java and Central Java. One of the areas that is the destination of the gas market, said Yanuar, is Kendal, Central Java.

In the distribution of gas in West Java and Central Java, Rekind also works with West Java regional-owned enterprises, PT Energi Negeri Mandiri and Central Java BUMD, PT Sarana Pembangunan Central Java and also with Pertagas, the auction for the gas pipeline project Cirebon-Semarang was won by Rekind since 2006.

But after 12 years have passed, there has been no development of the 682 kilometer (km) gas pipeline project. The project was abandoned for a long time because of constrained gas supply and buyers. Meanwhile, Rekind is targeting the gas allocation from the Jambaran-Tiung Biru field to be channeled through Cirebon-Semarang gas pipeline project.

Cepu Block by PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) 

Currently there are two gas sources being explored. The two gas sources, namely gas, amounted to 20 MMscfd from Jambaran-Tiung Biru Field in the Cepu Block managed by PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) and gas as much as 20 MMscfd from Madura BD Field on the Madura Strait Block managed by Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML).

"That 20 MMscfd from Jambaran-Tiung Biru is one of them. We're working on it, another 20 MMscfd plus from Husky. So because we have partnered with Pertagas and BBG who are looking for their sources, they already know the source from anywhere, "he said.


Proyek Cisem Seegera Groundbreaking

PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) menargetkan proyek pipa gas Cirebon-Semarang (Cisem) mulai groundbreaking pada akhir Desember 2018. Direktur Utama Rekind Yanuar Budinorman mengatakan, proses pembahasan rencana pembangunan proyek tersebut telah memasuki tahap akhir, termasuk mengenai kesepakatan dengan calon pengguna pipa gas (shipper), alokasi gas, dan proses perizinan.

Saat ini, pihaknya bersama Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas (BPH Migas) sedang membahas perhitungan tarif sewa pengangkutan gas atau
toll fee. 

“Jadi kami sudah finalisasi semua. Mungkin dalam 1-2 pekan ini. kami konsinyering dengan BPH Migas untuk tentukan toll fee. Toll fee ketemu, kami harapkan akhir Desember ini mulai dimulai” ujar Yanuar.

Pembangunan rencananya akan dimulai dari Semarang (Jawa Tengah) dan diteruskan memanjang sampai Cirebon (Jawa Barat). Proses kontruksi proyek pipa gas transmisi pertama Rekind tersebut diperkirakan akan membutuhkan waktu sekitar 2,5 tahun.  Dengan demikian diharapkan proyek tersebut sudah dapat beroperasi pada 2021.

Terkait calon pengguna fasilitas pipa gas, Rekind menjalin kerja sama dengan PT Bayu Buana Gemilang dan PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas). Rekind telah menandatangani perjanjian awal dengan Bayu Buana Gemilang dan dalam waktu dekat perjanjian tersebut akan ditindaklanjuti ke dalam kesepakatan pengangkutan gas (Gas Transport Agreement/GTA). HOA dengan Pertagas juga akan segera ditandatangani.

Jika ketentuan ini telah disepakati, Bayu Buana Gemilang dan Pertagas akan mengalirkan gas ke fasilitas pipa Cirebon-Semarang atau sebagai shipper, untuk kemudian didistribusikan kepada para pembeli gas. Distribusi gas pada jalur pipa Cirebon-Semarang ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan gas di Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah. Salah satu daerah yang menjadi tujuan pasar gas tersebut, kata Yanuar, adalah Kendal, Jawa Tengah.

Dalam pendistribusian gas di wilayah Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah, Rekind juga bekerja sama dengan badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD) Jawa Barat, PT Energi Negeri Mandiri dan BUMD Jawa Tengah, PT Sarana Pembangunan Jawa Tengah dan juga dengan Pertagas, Adapun lelang proyek pipa gas Cirebon-Semarang dimenangkan oleh Rekind sejak 2006. 

Namun setelah 12 tahun berlalu, belum ada perkembangan proyek pipa gas sepanjang 682 kilometer (km) itu. Proyek tersebut lama terbengkalai karena terkendala pasokan gas dan pembeli. Sementara itu, Rekind mengincar alokasi gas dari lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru untuk dialirkan melalui proyek pipa gas Cirebon-Semarang milik Rekind.

Saat ini sudah ada dua sumber gas yang sedang dijajaki. Dua sumber gas tersebut, yakni gas sebesar 20 MMscfd dari Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru di Blok Cepu yang dikelola PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) dan gas sebanyak 20 MMscfd dari Lapangan Madura BD di Blok Madura Strait yang dikelola oleh Husky CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML).

“Itu 20 MMscfd dari Jambaran-Tiung Biru salah satunya. Kami lagi usahakan, 20 MMscfd lagi plus dari Husky. Jadi karena kami sudah bermitra dengan Pertagas dan BBG yang mencari sumbernya mereka, tapi sudah tahu sumber dari mana saja," katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Monday, Nov 12, 2018