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Friday, November 16, 2018

The contractor only thinks of IRR & legal certainty

How do you see the national oil and gas sector?

I don't look too much at the regime because this has nothing to do with exploration. So, what I see is the facts in the upstream oil and gas sector. Which is a problem where. Then I looked for a solution. Which is my authority, I do it. Because this is indeed the case, discovery [oil and gas field discovery] is indeed when seen from the year already, existed since the era of the First Order, the New Order, until the Reformation.

However, it has nothing to do. Discovery is related to exploration, not with its cabinet. So, what I did since becoming the Head of SKK Migas in 2014 I observed first. What is the situation like? Oh this is funny, after that I see which one I can take care of. Oh oh that, oh this is important, but this is not my authority, it is allowed.

The way it works is that. So, not everything I see as a problem can be done. There are also problems that I know the solution is like this, but I don't have the ability. Yes, let it go first.

How is the oil and gas sector going forward?

What kind of policy will come, I don't know, because in the future the cabinet is also different. For me, I have asked investors and also use my own logic. Cost recovery and gross split are not a problem. Investors see investment in the country as a royalty system, then with country B with cost recovery, it doesn't matter.

They will later ask the Investment office in Indonesia for example. His name is boss does not ask details, most questions asked are like this. How much investment in Indonesia is the Internal Rate of Return (IRR)? How many other countries? how much do we get?

As a boss, what do you think? What is seen is the IRR. Second, legal certainty. Well, they will decide with two things, the IRR and the legal certainty.

Indonesia is quite competitive about legal certainty?

According to them enough, quite competitive. They also see which big potential? In country A, for example, if the IRR is large, but the lead [oil and gas potential] is small, what for? This lead becomes a prospect, if the lead is small, big companies don't want it, different from medium or small companies. What I know in the oil and gas industry is that there are characters. So it is only natural that small oil and gas blocks do not appeal to large-scale oil and gas investors.

What about Pertamina, which gets the termination oil and gas block?

If I become the ruler of Pertamina, I say I don't want to. Look, like someone who has a car and wants to sell it after using 4 years, if I have money, of course I don't buy the auctioned car?

If I don't have money, then I buy it. If I drive a company, what is my performance index? Of course talk of profit. One measure of KPI is that my company's stock rises high. It turns out this way, we see ENI found the Zhor [Mediterranean] Block of that size, ENI shares rose. Of course directors can get a big bonus.

Well indeed for upstream companies, what is sought is a large field because fortunately there. However, if you operate a mature field, fortunately from where? Indeed there is no risk, so the return is small. Indeed, the discovery of the risk is big, but if you get the benefits are also large.

What is the secret of your leadership?

If I see the key is problem solving. So the problem is what is the solution. So, if I meet partners [the contractor of the contract] says, the problem is my business, so if you have any problems let me know I will solve it. The direction is just like that.

And they are open?

Wow they are very happy. Formerly like British Petroleum, they suddenly received a letter from the KPK. I did not know the story, there was no wind, there was no rain, came a letter from the Corruption Eradication Commission (CEC/KPK). Notifying them they may not use the Trustee Borrowing Scheme (TBS) scheme.

Now BP is coming back and forth. I help communicate with the KPK. Then finally there is a letter from the KPK which says please proceed. After that there was no problem. When investor problems are over, they will focus on the core business. Look for oil and find gas. Now that will help SKK Migas KPI. So, what I do is managing upstream oil and gas, right?

Do you have enough bureaucratic reform?

There is something funny that I consider to be a problem. In SKK Migas when I was invited to the meeting of the deputies, the invitation was in the form of a letter. I wasn't used to that before.

Then I thought, if this invitation from SKK Migas, on this day, can reach me, it can arrive tomorrow. So I tried the Commercial Division, if I just made an invitation in an email, I could. Finally all must be so. Paperless doesn't. Reduced yes. So if internal use email. I spent 3 months.


Kontraktor hanya Berpikir IRR & Kepastian Hukum

Bagaimana Anda melihat sektor migas nasional?

Saya tidak terlalu melihat ke rezim karena ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan eksplorasi. Jadi, yang saya lihat fakta-fakta di hulu migas ini seperti apa. Yang merupakan masalah di mana. Terus saya mencari solusi. Mana yang menjadi kewenangan saya, saya kerjakan. Karena memang begini, discovery [penemuan lapangan migas] ini memang kalau dilihat dari tahunnya sudah, ada sejak era Orde Iama, Orde Baru, hingga Reformasi.

Namun, tidak ada hubungannya. Discovery ini berhubungan dengan eksplorasi, bukan dengan kabinetnya. Jadi, yang saya lakukan sejak menjadi Kepala SKK Migas pada 2014 saya mengamati terlebih dahulu. Situasinya seperti apa? Oh ini lucu nih, setelah itu saya lihat mana yang bisa saya urus. Oh oh itu, oh ini penting, tapi ini bukan kewenangan saya, maka dibiarkan.

Cara kerjanya begitu. Jadi, tidak semua yang saya lihat sebagai masalah bisa dikerjakan. Ada juga masalah yang saya tahu solusinya begini, tetapi saya tidak punya kemampuan. Ya sudah biarkan dulu. 

Bagaimana sektor migas ke depan?

Kebijakan yang akan datang seperti apa, saya tidak tahu, karena ke depan kabinetnya juga berbeda. Kalau saya, sudah tanya  investor dan juga menggunakan logika saya sendiri. Cost recovery dan gross split itu tidak masalah. Investor itu melihat investasi di negara ada dengan sistem royalty, lalu dengan negara B dengan cost recovery, tidak masalah.

Mereka nanti minta ke kantor Investasi di Indonesia  misalnya. Namanya bos tidak tanya detail, paling pertanyaan yang diajukan begini. Kalau investasi di Indonesia Internal Rate of Return (IRR) kita dapat berapa? Kalau di negara lain berapa? kita dapat berapa? 

Sebagai bos mikirnya bagaimana? Yang dilihat adalah IRR-nya. Kedua, kepastian hukum. Nah, mereka akan memutuskan dengan dua hal itu, IRR dan kepastian hukum. 

Indonesia cukup kompetitif masalah kepastian hukum?

Menurut mereka cukup, cukup kompetitif. Mereka juga melihat potensi yang besar mana? Kalau di negara A misalnya kalau IRR besar, tetapi lead [potensi migas] kecil, buat apa? Lead ini menjadi prospek, kalau lead-nya kecil perusahaan besar itu tidak mau, berbeda dengan perusahaan medium atau kecil. Yang saya tahu di industri migas ada karakter seperti itu. Makanya wajar kalau blok migas kecil tidak menarik bagi investor migas skala besar. 

Bagaimana dengan Pertamina yang mendapat blok migas terminasi?

Kalau saya jadi penguasa Pertamina, aku bilang tidak mau. Begini, semisal ada yang punya mobil lalu ingin menjualnya setelah memakai 4 tahun, kalau semisal saya punya uang tentu tidak membeli mobil yang dilelang itu dong?

Kalau tidak punya uang, setelah itu saya beli. Kalau saya menyetir perusahaan, apa itu KPI [indeks kinerja] saya? Tentu bicara profit. Salah satu ukuran KPI adalah kalau saham perusahaan saya naik tinggi. Ternyata begini, kita lihat ENI menemukan Blok Zhor [Mediterania] dengan ukuran sebesar itu, saham ENI naik. Tentu direksi dapat bonus besar.

Nah memang untuk perusahaan hulu, yang dicari adalah lapangan besar Karena untungnya di situ. Namun, kalau mengoperasikan lapangan mature [tua], tapi untungnya dari mana? Memang tidak ada risiko, makanya return-nya kecil. Memang discovery risikonya besar, tapi kalau dapatkan keuntungannya juga besar.

Apa rahasia kepemimpinan Anda?

Kalau saya lihat kuncinya adalah problem solving. Jadi, masalahnya apa solusinya apa. Makanya saya kalau ketemu mitra [kontraktor kontrak kerja sama] bilang, problem is my business, so if you have any problem let me know i will solve it. Arahnya begitu aja. 

Dan mereka terbuka?

Wah mereka sangat senang. Dulu seperti British Petroleum, mereka tiba-tiba dapat surat dari KPK. Saya tidak tahu ceritanya, tidak ada angin tidak ada hujan, datang surat dari Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK). Memberitahukan mereka tidak boleh menggunakan skema Trustee Borrowing Scheme (TBS).

Nah BP ke sini bolak-balik. Saya bantu berkomunikasi dengan KPK. Terus akhirnya ada surat dari KPK yang isinya silakan dilanjutkan. Setelah itu tidak ada masalah. Kalau masalah investor selesai, mereka akan fokus ke inti bisnisnya. Cari minyak dan mencari gas. Nah itu yang akan bantu KPI SKK Migas. Jadi, cara kelola hulu migas yang saya lakukan ya begitu.

Cukup banyak reformasi birokrasi yang Bapak lakukan?

Ada yang lucu-lucu saja nih yang saya anggap sebagai masalah. Di dalam SKK Migas dulu waktu saya masuk diundang rapat deputi, undangannya itu berbentuk surat. Saya sebelumnya tidak terbiasa begitu.

Lalu saya pikir, kalau begini undangan dari SKK Migas, pada hari ini, bisa sampai pada saya, bisa sampai besok. Jadi saya coba Divisi Komersial, kalau memo undangan di email saja, bisa. Akhirnya semua harus gitu. Paperless sih tidak. Berkurang iya. Jadi kalau internal memakai email. Itu 3 bulan saya menghabiskan waktu.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Friday, Nov 16, 2018

Pertamina ships First LNG from Sanga-sanga

State-owned energy holding company Pertamina has shipped the first cargo of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from its recently awarded Sanga-Sanga oil and gas block in East Kalimantan in what has become the first LNG shipment for a unit operated under the gross-split scheme.

Pertamina subsidiary Pertamina Hulu Sanga-Sanga (PHSS) took over the asset from oil and gas company PT Virginia indonesia Company (VICO), which had operated the block for more than four decades. PHSS director Andi Wisnu expressed his appreciation to all stakeholders that had helped in the production, commercialization and monetization of LNG from the block.

”We appreciate [the efforts of] all that were involved, starting from the preparation and processing to the LNG shipment from the Badak LNG refinery, which is operated by PT Badak NGL in Bontang, East Kalimantan,” he said. He did not disclose the volume of LNG on the maiden shipment.

Sanga-Sanga Block East Kalimantan

The block currently produces around 16,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) and 70 million metric standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) of gas.

Jakarta Post, Page-14, Thursday, Nov 15, 2018

Pertamina Encouraged to Complete the Land Constraints in Tuban Refinery

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) ordered PT Pertamina (Persero) to send a team to solve the problem of land acquisition which is the location of the 300 thousand barrel per day (bpd) refinery project in Tuban, East Java. Tuban is considered the most strategic location to build refineries. ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan said the government had determined the location of the construction of this new refinery in Tuban, East Java.

Location determination in Tuban has gone through comprehensive studies and considerations, both location, topography, and consideration of earth studies. Tuban is histologically a minimal area affected by natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

"But for the past few years we have received reports of problems with land acquisition that are not easy," he said in his official statement on Wednesday (11/14).

For this reason, his party ordered Pertamina to send a team back to resolve the land problem. It wants the issue of land acquisition to be completed soon.

Pertamina's Managing Director Nicke Widyawati

"Try Mrs. Nicke (Managing Director, Pertamina) to send the team again, try checking again, if possible quickly. If it cannot be resolved, it is forced to move locations construction of the refinery, "continued Jonan.

Pertamina's Managing Director Nicke Widyawati admitted that land acquisition needed for the construction of an 800-hectare refinery was still an obstacle. At the location of the plan to be built by the refinery, there is 350 hectares of land belonging to the Ministry of Environment, while the rest belongs to the community. He said, in the past three years, his party had made various efforts to complete the land acquisition.

"To follow up on the request of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Pertamina will send a team to complete the release, so in this month we will send another team to solve this land problem," Nicke explained.

In fact, previously Pertamina and the East Java Provincial Government had previously signed a memorandum of understanding on the use of land assets of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Tanjung Awar-Awar, Tuban, East Java.

In the memorandum of understanding, the East Java Provincial Government supports the Ministry of Environment and Forestry's land use for the construction of the Tuban Refinery.

Nicke added, Pertamina was very eager to build a refinery in Tuban because at that location there was a Petrochemical Complex so that it could be integrated. The planned construction of the refinery in Tuban has been planned since 2016.

"The government wants the refinery to be built to reduce imports of fuel oil to cover the needs of consumers in the country, so we cannot wait anymore. We will immediately do another discussion with the Regional Government here so that a decision can be taken immediately, "She continued.

Previously, Deputy Minister of ESDM Arcandra Tahar said that Pertamina had reported that the Tubah Refinery Project could potentially be moved to Situbondo. But this is difficult because the location is close to a military training ground. In addition, there are other considerations in doing so location study in Situbondo. Another study took the Geological Agency regarding potential hazards because Situbondo was close to Mount Ijen.

Ijen Mount, Banuwangi - East Java

He said, there were other locations which were the options of the Tuban refinery. It's just that he still doesn't want to say his location. He was also reluctant to approve his location in the East Java area. "There are (other alternatives)," he said.

As is known, Pertamina cooperates with oil and gas companies from Russia, Rosneft Oil Company in working on the Tuban Refinery. The two companies have formed a joint venture, namely PT Pertamina Rosneft Processing and Petrochemicals (PRPP), which will work on the Tuban Refinery Project worth US $ 15 billion. Pertamina holds a 55% shareholding and Rosneft 45%.

The plan, Tuban Refinery will produce gasoline (gasoline) products of 80 thousand bpd, solar 90 thousand bpd, and 26 thousand bp avtur. Not only that, Tuban Refinery will also produce new petrochemical products. The details of this product are 1.3 million tons of polypropylene per year, polyethylene 0.65 million tons per year, styrene 0.5 million tons per year and paraxylene 1.3 million tons per year.

In addition to increasing the supply of fuel and petrochemicals, the Tuban Refinery Project is also planned to be able to absorb 20 thousand to 40 thousand workers during construction and 2,000 workers after operating. This project will also have a positive chain effect, in the form of taxes for the government and economic growth of national and regional communities.


Pertamina Didorong Selesaikan Kendala Lahan Kilang Tuban

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memerintahkan PT Pertamina (Persero) untuk mengirim tim untuk menyelesaikan masalah pembebasan lahan yang menjadi lokasi proyek kilang 300 ribu barel per hari (bph) di Tuban, Jawa Timur. Tuban dinilai sebagai lokasi paling strategis untuk membangun kilang. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan mengatakan, pemerintah telah menentukan lokasi pembangunan kilang baru ini di Tuban, Jawa Timur.

Penentuan lokasi di Tuban tersebut sudah melalui kajian dan pertimbangan yang menyeluruh, baik lokasi, topografi, dan pertimbangan studi kebumian. Tuban secara histons merupakan daerah yang minim terkena bencana alam seperti gempa dan tsunami.

“Namun sudah beberapa tahun ini kami mendapat laporan masalah pembebasan lahan yang tidak mudah,” kata dia dalam keterangan resminya, Rabu (14/ 11).

Untuk itu, pihaknya memerintahkan Pertamina untuk mengirimkan tim kembali untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan lahan tersebut. Pihaknya ingin agar masalah pembebasan lahan ini segera rampung. 

“Coba Ibu Nicke (Direktur Utama, Pertamina) kirim tim lagi, coba dicek lagi, kalau bisa cepat. Jika tidak bisa diselesaikan, terpaksa harus pindah lokasi pembangunan kilangnya,” lanjut Jonan.

Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati mengakui, pembebasan lahan yang dibutuhkan untuk pembangunan kilang seluas 800 hektar masih menjadi kendala. Di lokasi rencana yang akan dibangun kilang, ada lahan milik Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup seluas 350 hektar, sementara sisanya milik masyarakat. Dikatakannya, dalam tiga tahun terakhir, pihaknya sudah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk merampungkan pembebasan lahan ini.

“Untuk menindaklanjuti permintaan Menteri ESDM agar Pertamina kembali mengirimkan tim untuk menyelesaikan pembebasan Iahan, maka dalam bulan ini segera kami akan kirim tim lagi untuk menyelesaikan masalah lahan ini,” jelas Nicke.

Padahal, sebelumnya Pertamina dan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur sebelumnya telah menandatangani nota kesepahaman pemanfaatan lahan aset Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan di Tanjung Awar-Awar, Tuban Jawa Timur.

Dalam nota kesepahaman itu, Pemprov Jawa Timur mendukung pemanfaatan lahan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan untuk pembangunan Kilang Tuban. 
Nicke menambahkan, Pertamina sangat berkeinginan untuk membangun kilang di Tuban karena di lokasi tersebut sudah ada Kompleks Petrokimia sehingga dapat diintegrasikan. Rencana pembangunan kilang di Tuban ini sudah direncanakan sejak 2016 lalu. 

“Pemerintah ingin sekali kilang ini dibangun untuk mengurangi impor bahan bakar minyak untuk menutupi kebutuhan konsumen didalam negeri, karena itu kita tidak bisa menunggu lagi. Kami segera lakukan lagi pembahasan dengan Pemerintah Daerah di sini agar dapat segera diambil-keputusan,” lanjut dia.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, Pertamina sudah melaporkan bahwa Proyek Kilang Tubah berpotensi dipindah ke Situbondo. Namun hal ini sulit dilakukan lantaran lokasi tersebut dekat dengan tempat latihan militer. Selain itu, ada pertimbangan lain dalam melakukan kajian lokasi di Situbondo. Kajian lainnya itu menggandeng Badan Geologi mengenai potensi bahaya lantaran Situbondo dekat dengan Gunung Ijen.

Dikatakannya, ada lokasi lain yang menjadi opsi dari kilang Tuban. Hanya saja dia masih belum mau mengatakan lokasinya. Dia pun enggan menyetujui lokasinya masih di daerah Jawa Timur. “Ada (alternatif lain),” ujarnya.

Seperti diketahui, Pertamina menggandeng perusahaan migas dari Rusia, Rosneft Oil Company dalam mengerjakan Kilang Tuban. Kedua perusahaan itu telah membentuk perusahaan patungan, yakni PT Pertamina Rosneft Pengolahan dan Petrokimia (PRPP), yang akan menggarap Proyek Kilang Tuban senilai US$ 15 miliar. Pertamina memegang kepemilikan saham 55% dan Rosneft 45%.

Rencananya, Kilang Tuban akan menghasilkan produk bensin (gasoline) sebesar 80 ribu bph, solar 90 ribu bph, dan avtur 26 ribu bph. Tidak hanya itu, Kilang Tuban juga akan memproduksi produk-produk baru petrokimia. Rincian produk ini adalah polipropilen 1,3 juta ton per tahun, polietilen 0,65 juta ton per tahun, stirena 0,5 juta ton per tahun dan paraksilen 1,3 juta ton per tahun.

Selain menambah pasokan BBM dan petrokimia, Proyek Kilang Tuban juga direncanakan bisa menyerap 20 ribu hingga 40 ribu tenaga kerja saat konstruksi dan 2.000 tenaga kerja setelah beroperasi. Proyek ini juga akan memberikan dampak positif berantai, berupa pajak untuk pemerintah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat nasional maupun regional.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Nov 15, 2018

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Chevron Oil Shaking Tax to Pertamina.

As an oil and gas contractor (KKKS) that has an obligation to sell oil, until now PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia has not done so. Willing to sell oil to Pertamina, Chevron still has objections to tax issues.

Minister of Finance Regulation Number 34 of 2017 makes contractors like Chevron taxable if they sell their oil domestically. Conversely, if you bring the oil abroad you are exempt from tax. This makes contractors prefer to export their oil rather than selling it to Pertamina.

Even so, the Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto noted that there were nine oil and gas contractors interested in selling their part of crude oil to Pertamina.

"The deal has been sold to Pertamina," he said.

Even so, there are problems that hinder the implementation of this program, especially related to negotiations involving the sale and purchase of large volumes of oil.

Nicke Widyawati

"Like Chevron, there are tax issues. This is in the Letter from Mrs. Nicke (Pertamina's Managing Director), there is a discussion, one of which is about taxes, "he said.

The policy on the sale of oil and gas contractor products to Pertamina refers to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 42 of 2018 concerning Priority for Utilizing Petroleum for Fulfilling Domestic Needs. Pertamina and business entities holding petroleum management business licenses must look for petroleum supplies from domestic contractors before planning to import petroleum.

As for the use of currencies in crude oil sales transactions, the government does not limit. In fact, the emergence of ESDM Ministerial Regulation 42/2018 is a response to the weakening of the rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar (US).

"Want to use the rupiah please, it's not limited," said Djoko.

PT Pertamina's Corporate Communication Vice President, Adiatma Sardjito, stated that Pertamina is still seeking all crude oil purchase transactions using the rupiah. What is certain, at present, is the total agreed oil sales volume of 3.62 million barrels of oil, and will come into effect early 2019.

"The calculation is a purchase per year," Adiatma said.


Pajak Ganjal Minyak Chevron ke Pertamina.

Sebagai kontraktor migas (KKKS) yang memiliki kewajiban menjual minyak, hingga kini PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia belum melakukannya. Bersedia menjual minyak ke Pertamina, Chevron masih keberatan dengan masalah perpajakan.

Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 34 Tahun 2017 membuat kontraktor seperti Chevron terkena pajak jika menjual minyaknya ke dalam negeri. Sebaliknya, jika membawa minyaknya ke luar negeri justru dibebaskan dari pajak. Hal ini membuat kontraktor lebih memilih mengekspor minyaknya daripada menjual ke Pertamina.

Meski begitu, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Migas) Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto mencatat, sudah ada sembilan kontraktor migas yang berminat menjual hasil minyak mentah bagian mereka ke Pertamina. 

“Sudah deal dijual kepada Pertamina," ungkap dia.

Meski begitu, ada permasalahan yang menghambat implementasi program ini, terutama terkait negosiasi yang melibatkan jual beli volume minyak dalam jumlah besar.

“Seperti Chevron, ada masalah pajak. Ini ada dalam Surat dari Bu Nicke (Dirut Pertamina), ada diskusi, salah satunya soal pajak,” ujar dia.

Kebijakan penjualan hasil minyak kontraktor migas kepada Pertamina mengacu Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 42 Tahun 2018 tentang Prioritas Pemanfaatan Minyak Bumi untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dalam Negeri. Pertamina dan badan usaha pemegang izin usaha pengelolaan minyak bumi Wajib mencari pasokan minyak bumi dari kontraktor dalam negeri sebelum merencanakan impor minyak bumi.

Adapun penggunaan mata uang dalam transaksi penjualan minyak mentah, pemerintah tidak membatasi. Padahal, munculnya Peraturan Menteri ESDM 42/2018 merupakan respons atas pelemahan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar Amerika Serikat (AS). 

“Mau menggunakan rupiah silakan, tidak dibatasi,” ungkap Djoko.

Vice President Corporate Communication PT Pertamina, Adiatma Sardjito mengemukakan, Pertamina masih mengupayakan transaksi pembelian minyak mentah seluruhnya menggunakan mata uang rupiah. Yang sudah pasti, saat ini, total volume penjualan minyak yang disepakati sebesar 3,62 juta barel minyak, dan mulai berlaku awal 2019. 

“Hitungannya pembelian per tahun, ” kata Adiatma.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Nov 15, 2018

The Oil Project in Tuban is hampered

The plan is to hold a Russian company

The New Grass Root Refinery [NGRR] Oil Refinery Project, Pertamina's joint venture with Rosneft, a Russian company which is planned to be located in Remen and Mentoso Villages, Jenu Sub-District, Tuban Regency, East Java, its construction cannot be ascertained. The project which is expected to raise the economy in the Tuban region is still hindered by land acquisition.

Russian company

"Hopefully the problem will be resolved soon, because this problem has been going on for three years, but it has not been completed yet related to the acquisition of land owned by residents," said Ignasius Jonan, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). kit (transfer from BBM to gas) to fishermen.

Jonan further said that the land needed by the two countries' companies was approximately 340 hectares. At that location, government-owned land through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry [KLHK] was only 15 percent, while the remaining approximately 85 hectares still belonged to the residents of Mentoso Village and Remen Village.

In the event the distribution of kit converters on the mangrove beach in Jenu District was also attended by the Regent of Tuban, Fathul Huda, and also the Deputy Regent of Tuban, Noor Nahar Hussein.

"The problem with the constraints of the NGRR oil refinery plan is also our hot topic," he said.

Job offer

In an informal conversation with the Regent Fathul Huda regarding the NGRR refinery, Jonan has proposed several proposals that landowners want to give up some of their land for greater public interest. One of Jonan's proposals to the Regent of Fathul was approaching residents and offering jobs to residents when the oil refinery operated.

"If the problem is land, try to offer it to the land owner's family. They will get the privilege of placing a family to work at Pertamina-Rosneft," Jonan said on the sidelines accompanied by the Regent and Vice Regent of Tuban.

He revealed, this land problem has been going on for a long time, so it needs immediate treatment.

"It's been three years, but the land problem has not yet finished. Hopefully it will be settled, what land owners want to try to accommodate is suggested by Jonan.

Unfortunately, the Regent of Tuban, Fathul Huda, admitted that he had not intensively met with residents, especially landowners who were about to be released.

"So far there has been no request from landowners for refusing to sell their land. To be honest, we do not yet know what the landowners want, we will cover it," promised the regent in these two periods.

Nicke Widyawati

Other Regions.

The President Director of PT Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati who joined the group of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, also participated in responding to the development of oil refinery land which had no immediate solution.

"I hope that the land problem, which has been in place for three years, can be finished, as soon as possible," hoped Nicke.

Asked about the possibility of finding another area for the placement of the NGRR oil refinery, Nicke did not reject the proposal.

"The option to search for other areas exists, but so far we are still reviewing the profits and losses," the executive stressed.

Nicke acknowledged that he could not arbitrarily place an oil refinery somewhere.

"To build an oil refinery, there are a lot of considerations, technical issues, security, etc.," She concluded.


Proyek Minyak di Tuban Terhambat

Rencananya menggandeng perusahaan Rusia

Proyek Kilang Minyak New Grass Root Refinery [NGRR), patungan pertamina dengan Rosneft perusahaan dari Rusia yang rencananya ditempatkan di Desa Remen dan Mentoso, Kecamatan Jenu, Kabupaten Tuban Jawa Timur belum bisa dipastikan pembangunannya. Proyek yang diharapkan akan membangkitkan ekonomi di wilayah Tuban itu sampai sekarang masih terkendala pembebasan lahan. 

"Harapannya masalahnya segera diselesaikan, karena masalah ini sudah berlangsung selama tiga tahun, tapi belum selesai juga terkait pembebasan lahan milik warga," kata' Ignasius Jonan, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) di sela-sela acara pembagian 200 paker mesin konverter kit (pengalihan dari BBM ke gas) kepada nelayan.

Lebih jauh Jonan menyebutkan lahan yang dibutuhkan perusahaan dua negara tersebut kira-kira kurang lebih 340 hektare. Di lokasi itu, lahan milik pemerintah melalui Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan [KLHK] hanya 15 persen, sedangkan selebihnya sekira 85 hektare masih milik warga Desa Mentoso dan Desa Remen.

Di acara pembagian konverter kit di pantai mangrove di Kecamatan Jenu itu juga dihadiri Bupati Tuban, Fathul Huda, dan juga Wakil Bupati Tuban, Noor Nahar Hussein. 

"Masalah kendala rencana kilang minyak NGRR juga menjadi pembicaraan hangat kami," ungkapnya.

Tawaran Kerja

Dalam bincang informal dengan Bupati Fathul Huda terkait kilang NGRR, Jonan sudah mengajukan beberapa usulan agar pemilik lahan mau menyerahkan sebagian lahannya untuk kepentingan umum yang lebih besar. Salah satu usulan Jonan kepada Bupati Fathul yakni mendekati warga dan menawarkan pekerjaan bagi warga saat kilang minyak beroperasi.

"Kalau masalahnya lahan, coba ditawarkan kepada keluarga pemilik lahan akan mendapat hak istimewa yakni menempatkan seorang keluarga untuk bekerja di Pertamina-Rosneft," kata Jonan disela-sela berjalan didampingi Bupati dan Wabup Tuban.

Dia mengungkap, masalah lahan ini sudah berlangsung lama, sehingga perlu dilakukan penanganan segera. 

"Sudah tiga tahun, tapi belum juga selesai masalah lahan. Harapannya ya dibereskan, apa yang diinginkan pemilik tanah coba diakomodir usul Jonan.
Sayangnya, Bupati Tuban, Fathul Huda mengaku belum intensif bertemu dengan warga, khususnya pemilik lahan yang hendak dibebaskan.

"Selama ini belum ada permintaan dari warga pemilik lahan untuk penolakan menjual tanahnya. Sejujurnya kami belum tahu apa keinginan dari pemilik lahan, akan kita dalami," janji bupati dua periode ini.

Daerah Lain

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati yang ikut rombongan Menteri ESDM, ikut menanggapi terkait perkembangan lahan kilang minyak yang tidak segera ada solusinya.

"Saya berharap masalah lahan yang sudah tiga tahun ini, bisa selesai, secepatnya," harap Nicke.

Ditanya kemungkinan untuk mencari daerah lain untuk penempatan kilang minyak NGRR, Nicke tidak menampik usulan itu.

"Opsi untuk mencari daerah lain ada, namun sejauh ini masih sedang kami kaji untung dan ruginya," tegas eksekutif yang berhijab.

Diakui Nicke bahwa tidak bisa sembarangan menempatkan kilang minyak ke suatu tempat. 

"Untuk membangun kilang minyak diperlukan banyak pertimbangan, masalah teknis, keamanan dan lain-lain," pungkasnya.

Surya, Page-3, Thursday, Nov 15, 2018

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Fate 3 of the Termination Block 2023 Still Discussed

The government is still discussing the fate of the three oil and gas working areas whose contracts will expire in 2023. The oil and gas blocks which will expire in 2023 are Jabung Block (February 26, 2023), Rimau Block (April 22, 2023), and Block Corridor (December 19, 2023).

Corridor Block

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said that the announcement of the 2023 termination block management was still under discussion.

"Blok Jabung will also be discussed later," he said.

The ESDM Ministry prioritizes the preparation of the signing of oil and gas block contracts terminated in 2022 before deciding on the management of the 2023 termination block. Arcandra said that he would first focus on signing a new oil and gas block contract which had terminated (termination) in 2022.

There are four oil and gas blocks terminated in 2022. The government has auctioned four oil and gas termination blocks. However, there is still one block, the Sengkang Block, which the winner has not yet announced.

the Sengkang Block

"We have completed [the signature of the new 2022 oil and gas block termination contract], this is the production sharing contract [completed] first," he said.

The three oil and gas blocks terminated in 2022 that have received auction winners are the Tarakan Block, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru (CPP), and Tungkal. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources extends the contracts of the three blocks to contractors exist for 20 years, namely until 2042. However, the scheme used is a gross split contract replacing the cost recovery scheme.

the Tarakan Block Kalimantan

The total signature bonus that the government will receive from the three blocks is US $ 13.95 million or around Rp. 186 billion. Meanwhile, the total investment value from the plan for definite work commitments for the first 5 years is US $ 179.15 million Rp 2.4 trillion.

Arcandra explained that the announcement of the winner of the Sengkang Block auction will be done as soon as possible in accordance with the applicable procedures. He hopes that the announcement of the winner of the Sengkang Block can be completed by the end of this year.

Executive Director of the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Fabby Tumiwa said, the auction of exploration oil and gas working areas was not much in demand by investors, indicating that there was a profit-sharing scheme that was not attractive to contractors. The government, according to him, needs to re-analyze the oil and gas block auction not attractive to investors

"SKK Migas says gross split is not the cause [the oil and gas block auction is not attractive to investors], but it must be admitted that it is one of the challenges for the exploration work area. For production work areas it is indeed not because there is already a calculation, "he said.

So far, there have been 30 oil and gas blocks that use gross split schemes. 11 oil and gas blocks are auction results in 2017 and 2018. The oil and gas block auction results of 2017 which use the gross split scheme are Block Andaman 1, Andaman II, Merak Lampung, Pekawai, and West Yamdena. The oil and gas blocks from the 2018 auction using the gross split scheme are the Citarum, East Ganal, East Seram, Southeast Jambi, South Jambi B and Banyumas work areas.


Meanwhile, 19 other oil and gas working areas are termination blocks whose contract period expires from 2017 to 2022. Fabby added, towards the political year, the attitude of investors who choose to wait at least until April 2019.

"Oil and gas investment is risky, of course they count," he said.

Arcandra Tahar said, it is difficult to say that gross split is a problem for the management of exploration blocks. Because, until now there are two exploration oil and gas blocks auctioned in 2018 already taken by investors.

"The oil and gas business is indeed risky. Yes, it is calculated, because there is already initial data, if not from there, relying on government funds is not enough. "

According to him, the exploration block manager uses a definite work commitment fund to manage open areas.


Nasib 3 Blok Terminasi 2023 Masih Dibahas

Pemerintah masih membahas nasib tiga wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi yang kontraknya akan berakhir pada 2023. Blok migas yang akan habis masa kontrak pada 2023 adalah Blok Jabung (26 Februari 2023), Blok Rimau (22 April 2023), dan Blok Corridor (19 Desember 2023).

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan bahwa pengumuman pengelolaan blok terminasi 2023 masih dalam tahap pembahasan.

“Blok Jabung juga sama akan dibahas nanti," katanya.

Kementerian ESDM lebih memprioritaskan persiapan penandatanganan kontrak blok migas yang terminasi pada 2022 sebelum memutuskan pengelolaan blok terminasi 2023. Arcandra mengatakan bahwa pihaknya akan terlebih dahulu fokus dalam penandatanganan kontrak baru blok minyak dan gas bumi yang sudah berakhir kontraknya (terminasi) pada 2022.

Ada empat blok migas yang terminasi pada 2022. Pemerintah telah melelang empat blok migas terminasi itu. Namun, masih ada satu blok, yaitu Blok Sengkang, yang belum diumumkan pemenangnya.

“Kami selesaikan [tanda tangan kontrak baru blok migas terminasi] 2022, ini kontrak bagi hasilnya dulu [diselesaikan],” katanya.

Ketiga blok migas terminasi 2022 yang sudah mendapatkan pemenang lelang adalah Blok Tarakan, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru (CPP), dan Tungkal. Kementerian ESDM memperpanjang kontrak ketiga blok itu kepada kontraktor eksis selama 20 tahun, yaitu sampai 2042. Namun, skema yang digunakan adalah kontrak bagi hasil kotor (gross split) menggantikan skema bagi hasil bersih (cost recovery).

Total bonus tanda tangan yang akan diterima pemerintah dari ketiga blok itu sebesar US$ 13,95 juta atau sekitar Rp 186 miliar. Sementara itu, total nilai investasi dari rencana komitmen kerja pasti selama 5 tahun pertama sebesar US$ 179,15 juta Rp 2,4 triliun.

Arcandra menjelaskan bahwa untuk pengumuman pemenang lelang Blok Sengkang akan dikerjakan secepatnya sesuai dengan prosedur yang berlaku. Dia berharap agar pengumuman pemenang Blok Sengkang dapat diselesaikan pada akhir tahun ini. 

Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Fabby Tumiwa mengatakan, lelang wilayah kerja migas eksplorasi tidak banyak diminati investor menunjukkan ada skema bagi hasil yang tidak menarik bagi kontraktor. Pemerintah, menurutnya, perlu menganalisis kembali lelang blok migas tersebut tidak menarik bagi investor

“SKK Migas bilang gross split bukan penyebab [lelang blok migas tidak diminati investor), tetapi harus diakui itu menjadi salah satu tantangan untuk wilayah kerja eksplorasi. Kalau untuk wilayah kerja produksi memang tidak karena sudah ada hitungannya,” katanya.

Sejauh ini, sudah ada 30 blok migas yang menggunakan skema gross split. Sebanyak 11 blok migas merupakan hasil lelang pada 2017 dan 2018. Blok migas hasil lelang 2017 yang menggunakan skema gross split adalah Blok Andaman 1, Andaman II, Merak Lampung, Pekawai, dan West Yamdena. Blok migas hasil lelang 2018 yang menggunakan skema gross split adalah wilayah kerja Citarum, East Ganal, East Seram, Southeast Jambi, South Jambi B, dan Banyumas. 

Sementara itu, 19 wilayah kerja migas lainnya merupakan blok terminasi yang masa kontraknya berakhir mulai 2017 hingga 2022. Fabby menambahkan, menjelang tahun politik, sikap investor yang memilih menunggu setidaknya hingga April 2019. 

“Investasi migas itu berisiko, tentu mereka berhitung,” katanya.

Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, sulit mengatakan bahwa gross split menjadi masalah untuk pengelolaan blok eksplorasi. Pasalnya, hingga kini sudah ada dua blok migas eksplorasi yang dilelang pada 2018 sudah diambil oleh investor.

“Bisnis migas itu memang berisiko. Ya dihitung, karena sudah ada data awalnya, kalau tidak dari situ, mengandalkan dari dana pemerintah tidak cukup.”

Menurutnya, pengelola blok eksplorasi menggunakan dana komitmen kerja pasti untuk mengelola area terbuka.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Wednesday, Nov 14, 2018