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Monday, December 3, 2018

The Banyu Urip reserve is increasing

PT ExxonMobil Cepu Limited, operator of the Banyu Urip Field, Cepu Block in Bojonegoro, East Java, added 92 million barrels of crude oil reserves in the working area.

With the addition, the total oil reserves in Banyu Urip field increased to 821 million barrels from the previous 729 million barrels. Deputy Operation of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Fatar Yani Abdurrahman said that the additional reserves were obtained through ExxonMobil's exploration activities in the oil and gas working area.

"Banyu Urip oil reserves increased by 92 million barrels. This will automatically increase the total oil reserves in Banyu Urip, "he said at the Pertamina EP 2018 Media Gathering.

the Rokan Block By Chevron

Based on SKK Migas data, the average production of ready-to-sell oil (lifting) in Banyu Urip until September 2018 was recorded at 207,936 barrels per day (bpd), the second highest in the country after the Rokan Block.

the Rokan Block

The production of oil ready to sell oil in Block Rokan as of September 2018 reached 210,582 bpd and made it the highest oil and gas working area in Indonesia. However, based on the projections of SKK Migas, the average production of ready-to-sell oil from Banyu Urip until the end of this year was 210,811 bpd, while Rokan was 207,802.

Banyu Urip field

Banyu Urip field has the potential to shift the dominance of the Rokan Block as a legendary oil and gas working area in the country. When starting production in 2015, the Banyu Urip Field was able to produce 85,000 bpd of oil. Oil and block production continues to increase.

Based on an analysis of the environmental impact (EIA) proposed by the oil and gas company from the United States to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry at the end of July 2017, ExxonMobil received the blessing to drill oil from Banyu Urip to 220,000 bpd.

Rosneft Refinery

In the Cepu Block, ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd. holding shares of 20.50%, Ampolex 24.50%, PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) 45%, and BUMD 10%. Oil from the Banyu Urip Field is channeled through a 95 kilometer pipeline to the Gagak Rimang floating storage & offloading (FSO) located in the Java Sea.

FSO Gagak Rimang

The original Banyu Urip oil recoverable reserve was only 450 million barrels, then rose to 725 million barrels, and is now increasing to 821 million barrels. The Banyu Urip field also produces natural gas, but is relatively small. The gas is used to fuel gas power plants for electricity needs in the oil and gas working area.

The operating costs in producing oil and the Banyu Urip Field are only US $ 2.40 per barrel, the cheapest in Indonesia. Based on SKK Migas data, the average cost of oil production in the country is around US $ 18 per barrel. Meanwhile, the cost of oil production coupled with depreciation costs at Banyu Urip is also still below US $ 10 per barrel.

Besides Banyu Urip Field, ExxonMobil is still developing other fields in the Cepu Block, such as the Kedung Keris Field, Alas Tua West, Alas Tua East, and Giyanti. The Kedung Keris Field, Cepu Block is estimated to start production in early 2019 with 10,000 bpd. The company from the United States has also spent US $ 100 million to drill a new well on the Keris Field.


Meanwhile, President Director of PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf said that when oil prices fell, the contractor of the cooperation contract suffered losses. However, when oil prices are high, the price of fuel oil will increase. According to him, Indonesia has been a crude oil importer and fuel oil (BBM) since 2004. This has drained the country's foreign exchange.

"Our solution in domestic must increase [oil] production. If we can produce oil the same as consumption needs, the exit of foreign exchange will decrease so that the ability to meet [domestic fuel needs] is no longer an issue [issue]. "

According to him, Pertamina EP has contributed to 10% of the total national oil and gas production. The increase in oil and gas production, he said, could be done if the contractor found new reserves.

"The problem is how we can massive exploration so that there are significant findings that become the backbone of the upstream oil and gas company."

He added that if Pertamina EP only relied on existing oil and gas fields, oil and gas production would decline naturally because the reservoir volume was also limited.

"If production continues, the volume of [oil and gas reserves] will be exhausted."

Manager of Internal Communication PT Pertamina (Persero) Eviyanti Rofraida said that the upstream oil and gas business has high risk characteristics as well as capital and technology. The upstream oil and gas business is also for the long term and the location or source of oil and gas is limited to certain regions.
According to her, Pertamina must be able to maintain a balance between upstream and downstream oil and gas business. Oil prices at around US $ 60 per barrel, he said, are relatively profitable for upstream oil and gas contractors and fuel consumers.

Oil prices that are too high will burden consumers and vice versa when oil prices fall will reduce the performance of upstream oil and gas. Fatar Yani explained that around 79% of upstream oil and gas assets in Indonesia are old. Old field drilling will produce 90% water and only around 10% oil so that production costs become more expensive.

According to him, investors prefer stable crude oil prices so that it is easier to make business plans.

"As long as oil prices are unstable, this will be a challenge."

Oil production is ready to sell in 2008 at 927,000 bpd, but continues to fall until this year in the range of 750,000 bpd to 800,000 bpd. On the other hand, oil fuel consumption continues to grow. Therefore, the fuel supply deficit continues to widen so that the volume of imports of oil and fuel oil continues to increase.


Cadangan Banyu Urip Meningkat

   PT ExxonMobil Cepu Limited operator Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu di Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur, menambah cadangan minyak mentah di wilayah kerja
tersebut sebanyak 92 juta barel.

Dengan penambahan tersebut, total cadangan minyak di Iapangan Banyu Urip meningkat menjadi 821 juta barel dari sebelumnya 729 juta barel. Deputi Operasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Fatar Yani Abdurrahman mengatakan bahwa penambahan cadangan itu diperoleh melalui kegiatan eksplorasi ExxonMobil di wilayah kerja migas tersebut.

“Cadangan minyak Banyu Urip bertambah 92 juta barel. Ini otomatis menambah total cadangan minyak di Banyu Urip,” katanya dalam acara Media Gathering Pertamina EP 2018.

Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, rerata produksi minyak siap jual (lifting) Banyu Urip hingga September 2018 tercatat 207.936 barel per hari (bph), tertinggi kedua di Tanah Air setelah Blok Rokan.

Produksi minyak siap jual minyak Blok Rokan per September 2018 mencapai 210.582 bph dan menjadikannya sebagai wilayah kerja migas dengan semburan minyak tertinggi di Indonesia. Akan tetapi, berdasarkan proyeksi SKK Migas, rerata produksi minyak siap jual Iapangan Banyu Urip sampai akhir tahun ini sebesar 210.811 bph, sedangkan Rokan 207.802.

Lapangan Banyu Urip berpotensi menggeser dominasi Blok Rokan sebagai wilayah kerja migas legendaris di Tanah Air. Pada saat mulai berproduksi pada 2015, Lapangan Banyu Urip mampu menghasilkan minyak sebanyak 85.000 bph. Produksi minyak dan blok tersebut pun terus meningkat.

Berdasarkan analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (amdal) yang diajukan perusahaan migas dari Amerika Serikat itu kepada Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan pada akhir Juli 2017, ExxonMobil mendapatkan restu untuk mengebor minyak dari Banyu Urip hingga 220.000 bph.

Di Blok Cepu, ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd. memegang saham 20,50%, Ampolex 24,50%, PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) 45%, dan BUMD 10%. Minyak dari Lapangan Banyu Urip disalurkan melalui pipa sepanjang 95 kilometer menuju penyimpanan minyak terapung (floating storage & offloading/ FSO) Gagak Rimang yang terletak di Laut Jawa.

Minyak bumi Banyu Urip yang bisa diangkat (recoverable reserve) awalnya hanya 450 juta barel, kemudian naik menjadi 725 juta barel, dan saat ini bertambah lagi menjadi 821 juta barel. Lapangan Banyu Urip juga menghasilkan gas bumi, tetapi relatif kecil. Gas tersebut digunakan untuk bahan bakar pembangkit listrik tenaga gas untuk kebutuhan listrik di wilayah kerja migas tersebut.

Biaya operasi dalam memproduksi minyak dan Lapangan Banyu Urip hanya US$ 2,40 per barel, termurah di Indonesia. Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, rerata biaya produksi minyak di Tanah Air sekitar US$ 18 per barel. Sementara itu, ongkos produksi minyak ditambah  dengan biaya depresiasi di Banyu Urip juga masih di bawah US$10 per barel.

Selain Lapangan Banyu Urip, ExxonMobil masih mengembangkan lapangan lain di Blok Cepu, seperti Lapangan Kedung Keris, Alas Tua West, Alas Tua East, dan Giyanti. Lapangan Kedung Keris, Blok Cepu diperkirakan mulai produksi pada awal 2019 sebanyak 10.000 bph. Perusahaan dari Amerika Serikat itu pun telah mengeluarkan US$ 100 juta untuk mengebor satu sumur baru di Lapangan Keris.


Sementara itu, Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf mengatakan bahwa saat harga minyak turun, kontraktor kontrak kerja sama menderita kerugian. Namun, pada saat harga minyak tinggi, harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) akan melonjak. Menurutnya, Indonesia sudah menjadi importir minyak mentah dan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) sejak 2004. Hal itu telah menguras devisa negara.

“Solusinya kita di domestik harus menaikkan produksi [minyak]. Kalau kita dapat memproduksi minyak sama dengan kebutuhan konsumsi, keluarnya devisa negara akan berkurang sehingga kemampuan untuk memenuhi [kebutuhan BBM] di dalam negeri tidak lagi menjadi isu [persoalan].”

Menurutnya, Pertamina EP telah berkontribusi terhadap 10% dari total produksi migas nasional. Kenaikan produksi migas, katanya, dapat dilakukan jika kontraktor menemukan cadangan baru.

“Persoalannya bagaimana kita bisa masif melakukan eksplorasi sehingga ada temuan signifikan yang menjadi tulang punggung perusahaan hulu migas.”

Dia menambahkan bahwa jika Pertamina EP hanya mengandalkan lapangan migas yang suda ada, produksi migas akan turun secara alamiah karena volume reservoir juga terbatas. 

“Kalau produksi terus, volume [cadangan migas] itu akan habis.”

Manager Komunikasi Internal PT Pertamina (Persero) Eviyanti Rofraida mengatakan bahwa bisnis hulu migas memiliki ciri berisiko tinggi serta pada modal dan teknologi. Bisnis hulu migas juga untuk jangka panjang dan lokasi atau sumber migas terbatas hanya pada wilayah tertentu.

Menurutnya, Pertamina harus mampu menjaga keseimbangan antara bisnis hulu dan hilir migas. Harga minyak pada kisaran US$ 60 per barel, katanya, relatif menguntungan kontraktor hulu migas dan konsumen BBM.

Harga minyak yang terlalu tinggi akan membebani konsumen dan sebaliknya ketika harga minyak turun akan menekan kinerja hulu migas. Fatar Yani menjelaskan bahwa sekitar 79% aset hulu migas di Indonesia sudah berusia tua. Pengeboran lapangan tua akan menghasilkan 90% air dan hanya
sekitar 10% minyak sehingga biaya produksi menjadi lebih mahal.

Menurutnya, investor lebih memilih harga minyak mentah stabil sehingga lebih mudah untuk membuat perencanaan bisnis. 

“Selama harga minyak tidak stabil, ini akan menjadi tantangan.”

Produksi minyak siap jual pada 2008 sebesar 927.000 bph, tetapi terus turun hingga pada tahun ini di kisaran 750.000 bph-800.000 bph. Di sisi lain, konsumsi bahan bakar minyak terus bertumbuh. Oleh karena itu, defisit suplai BBM terus melebar sehingga volume impor minyak dan bahan bakar minyak terus meningkat. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Friday, Nov 30, 2018

Petronas Adds Oil Well in East Java

The Java Bali Nusa Tenggara Special Oil and Gas Work Unit [SKK Migas Jabanusa] targets the East Java Region oil and gas production to increase in 2019. This is due to Petronas' plan to open a new well.

"God willing, 2019 in Petronas will add to the well so that it can increase production. We hope that all licensing matters and other matters can also be completed on time so that East Java Oil and Gas can increase production, "said Ali Masyhar, Head of SKK Migas Jabanusa, in between the East Java provincial government stakeholders at Four Point Hotel Surabaya.

One speaker, Bayu Wahyudiono, Head of Sub-Directorate for Development of Non-Conventional Oil and Gas Working Areas of the Directorate of Upstream Oil and Gas Business Development said East Java in 2018 according to the records of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources experiencing a decline in production but in 2019 East Java will have a gas surplus because some well development will produce.

"East Java is also the only lucky area because besides being rich in natural gas potential, it already has a gas pipeline network so that 100 percent of the natural gas produced by KKKS is different from other regions where the gas is sold out because there is no gas network infrastructure," explained Bayu.

Furthermore, Bayu explained that currently the gas contained in East Java is around 4.66 Trillions of Standard Cubic Feet of gas [TSCF] while the gas that has been exploited is around 628.66 MMCFD.


Petronas Tambah Sumur Minyak di Jatim

Satuan Kerja Khusus Minyak dan Gas Jawa Bali Nusa Tenggara [SKK Migas Jabanusa] mentargetkan produksi migas Wilayah Jatim akan mengalami peningkatan di tahun 2019. Hal ini tidak lepas dari rencana Petronas yang akan membuka sumur baru.

“Insya Allah 2019 di Petronas ini akan menambah Sumur sehingga bisa menambah produksi. Kami berharap semua urusan perizinan maupun urusan yang lainnya juga bisa diselesaikan tepat waktu sehingga Migas Jawa Timur bisa bertambah lagi produksinya," kata Ali Masyhar, Kepala SKK Migas Jabanusa, di sela kegiatan silahturahmi dengan pemangku kepentingan Pemprov Jatim di Hotel Four Point Surabaya.

Salah seorang pembicara, Bayu Wahyudiono, Kepala Subdirektorat Pengembangan Wilayah Kerja Minyak dan Gas Bumi Non Konvensional Direktorat Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi mengatakan Jatim di tahun 2018 ini menurut catatan Kementerian ESDM mengalami penurunan produksi tetapi di tahun 2019 Jatim akan surplus gas karena beberapa pengembangan sumur akan menghasilkan.

"Jatim juga menjadi satu-satunya daerah yang beruntung sebab selain kaya dengan potensi gas bumi. Sebab sudah memiliki jaringan pipa gas sehingga 100 persen hasil gas bumi yang diproduksi KKKS. Berbeda dengan daerah lain yang gasnya dijual keluar karena belum ada infrastruktur jaringan gasnya," jelas Bayu.

Lebih lanjut, Bayu memaparkan saat ini gas yang terkandung di perut bumi Jatim ini sekitar 4,66 Trillions of Standard Cubic Feet of gas [TSCF) sedangkan gas yang sudah di ekploitasi sekitar 628,66 MMCFD.

Surya, Page-3, Friday, Nov 30, 2018

Pertamina EP Chases Lifting Target

PT Pertamina EP will evaluate production patterns, following the lifting target this year. One of them records the well that can be directly explored in early 2019. President Director of PT Pertamina EP, Nanang Abdul Manaf said, the strategy pattern prepared included fulfilling all licensing and exemption processes to record wells that could be drilled immediately in the beginning of the year.

"We want to start drilling on January 1, 201. If other people are still preparing, we will try to work immediately," said Nanang Abdul Manaf.

He explained, the achievement of lifting targets was influenced by several factors. Among them is the gap between strategy and implementation in the field.

"The strategy and implementation in the field is not operating well. There are many problems so that from the beginning of the year the well can produce backward until the second quarter has just produced. "Even wells that have entered Semester II have just been produced," he explained.

He added, the aggressive attitude at the beginning of the year was believed to be a surefire step in realizing the lifting target. Nevertheless, he realized that the costs incurred could be disbursed at the beginning of the year.

"That has become our risk because the budget has not yet been decided. But it doesn't matter. What is certain is that we are targeting the Semester I / 2019
the lifting target has been realized at least 60 percent, "he said,

In the same place Fatariani Abdul Rohman, Operations Deputy of the Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Special Task Force, noted that during 2018 six KKKS did not reach the target.

They are Chevron Indonesia, which only reaches 210,839 bpd, and the target is 213,551 bpd. PT Pertamina EP 78,485 bpd, while the target is 85,869 bpd. PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM), amounted to 43,193 bpd, while the target was 48,271 bpd Then, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ Ltd was 29,580 bpd, the target even though 33,000 bpd.

There is also Medco E & P Natuna of 17,017 bpd. Even though the target is 18,600 bpd. Finally, PT Bumi Siak Pusako-Pertamina Hulu's BOB is 10,262 bpd, whereas the target is 10,366 bpd.

"We have warned Pertamina EP to evaluate its performance, one of which is by offering an alternative technology. They want, hopefully in 2019 the lifting target can be achieved, "he said.


Pertamina EP Kejar Target Lifting

PT Pertamina EP akan mengevaluasi pola produksi, menyusul belum terealisasinya target lifting tahun ini. Salah-satunya mendata sumur yang bisa langsung di eksplotasi awal 2019 mendatang. Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina EP, Nanang Abdul Manaf mengatakan, pola strategi yang disiapkan di antaranya memenuhi semua proses perizinan dan pembebasan hingga mendata sumur-sumur yang bisa langsung dibor awal tahun.

"Kami ingin mulai 1 Januari 2019 sudah ngebor. Biar saja orang lain masih prepare, kami upayakan langsung kerja,” kata. Nanang Abdul Manaf.

Dijelaskan, tidak tercapainya target lifting dipengaruhi beberapa faktor. Di antaranya adanya gap antara strategi dan implementasi di lapangan. 
“Strategi dan implementasi di lapangan kurang beroperasi dengan baik. Banyak masalah sehingga dari yang awalnya awal tahun sumur bisa berproduksi mundur hingga kuartal II baru menghasilkan. Bahkan ada sumur yang sudah memasuki Semester II baru saja bisa diproduksi,” jelasnya.

Ditambahkan, sikap agresif di awal tahun, diyakini sebagai langkah jitu dalam merealisasikan target lifting. Kendati demikian dia menyadari biaya yang timbul bisa dicairkan pada awal tahun.

“Itu sudah menjadi resiko kami karena anggaran belum diputuskan. Tapi tidak menjadi masalah. Yang pasti kami mentargetkan pada Semester I/2019
target lifting sudah terealisasi minimal 60 persen,” katanya,

Di tempat yang sama Deputi Operasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), Fatariani Abdul Rohman mencatat, sepanjang 2018 ada enam KKKS tidak mencapai target. 

Mereka adalah Chevron Indonesia yang hanya mencapai 210.839 bph, dan target 213.551 bph. PT Pertamina EP 78.485 bph, sementara targetnya 85.869 bph. PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM), sebesar 43.193 bph, sementara targetnya 48.271 bph Kemudian, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ Ltd sebsar 29.580 bph, targetnya padahal 33.000 bph. 

Ada juga Medco E&P Natuna sebesar 17.017 bph. Padahal targetnya 18.600 bph. Terakhir, BOB PT Bumi Siak Pusako-Pertamina Hulu sebesar 10.262 bph, padahal targetnya 10.366 bph.

“Kami sudah Peringatkan Pertamina EP agar dievaluasi kinerjanya salah satunya dengan menawarkan alternatif teknologi. Mereka mau, semoga tahun 2019 target lifting bisa tercapai,” ujarnya.

Radar Gresik, Page-4, Friday, Nov 30, 2018

Four Gross Split Oil and Gas Scheme Work Areas Signed

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) signed four oil and gas working areas (WK) with a gross split profit sharing scheme scheme. The Head of the Communication and Information Services Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agung Pribadi, said that the signed contract consisted of three Work Area Contracts (WK) extensions and one Exploration WK contract.

"For an extended WK contract with a term of 20 years, the exploration WK has a period of 30 years," he explained at the ESDM Ministry Office."

Agung said, the total estimated investment value from the implementation of definite work commitments and definite commitments (KKP) of the four WKs was US $ 183.1 million. And, a total bonus signature (signature bonus) worth US $ USD 14.4 million. The details, WK Tarakan with PT Medco E & P Tarakan Contractors, are effective January 2022. Estimated investment value of the first five-year KKP is US $ 35 million with a signature bonus of US $ 1.5 million.

Then, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru WK with PT Bumi Siak Pusako Contractor will become effective in August 2022. Estimated investment value from the implementation of the first five-year KKP is US $ 130 million and the signature bonus is US $ 10 million.

   Then, WK Tungkal with Contractor Montd’or Oil Tungkal, Ltd. and Fuel-X Tungkal Ltd, effective August 2022. Where the implementation of the first five-year KKP is US $ 13 million and the signature bonus is US $ 2.45 million. One more, WK Banyumas with PT Contractor Minarak Banyumas Gas, KKP the first three years worth US $ 4 million and a signature bonus of US $ 500,000.


Empat Wilayah Kerja Migas Skema Gross Split Ditandatangani

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menandatangani empat Wilayah Kerja (WK) minyak dan gas bumi (migas) dengan skema kontrak bagi hasil gross split. Kepala Biro Komunikasi Layanan Informasi dan Kerjasama Kementerian ESDM Agung Pribadi menyebutkan, bahwa kontrak yang ditandatangani terdiri dari tiga kontrak Wilayah Kerja (WK) perpanjangan dan satu kontrak WK Eksplorasi. 

"Untuk kontrak WK perpanjangan dengan jangka waktu selama 20 tahun, sedangkan WK eksplorasi dengan jangka waktu selama 30 tahun," terangnya di Kantor Kementerian ESDM."

Agung bilang, total perkiraan nilai investasi dari pelaksanaan komitmen kerja pasti dan komitmen pasti (KKP) keempat WK itu seni1aiUS$ 183,1juta. Dan, total bonus tanda tangan (signature bonus) senilai US$ USD 14,4 juta. Rinciannya, WK Tarakan dengan Kontraktor PT Medco E&P Tarakan, berlaku efektif Januari 2022. Perkiraan nilai investasi dari KKP lima tahun pertama sebesar US$ 35 juta dengan bonus tandatangan US$ 1,5 juta. 

Lalu, WK Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru dengan Kontraktor PT Bumi Siak Pusako akan berlaku efektif Agustus 2022. Perkiraan nilai investasi dari pelaksanaan KKP lima tahun pertama sebesar US$ 130 juta dan bonus tanda tangan sebesar US$ 10 juta.

Kemudian, WK Tungkal dengan Kontraktor Montd’or Oil Tungkal, Ltd. dan Fuel-X Tungkal Ltd, berlaku efektif Agustus 2022. Di mana pelaksanaan KKP lima tahun pertama sebesar US$ 13 juta dan bonus tanda tangan sebesar US$ 2,45 juta. Satu lagi, WK Banyumas dengan Kontraktor PT Minarak Banyumas Gas, KKP tiga tahun pertama senilaiUS$ 4 juta dan bonus tandatangan US$ 500.000.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Nov 30, 2018

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Construction of refineries must begin immediately

Maritime Coordinating Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan reminded Pertamina to seriously work on the refinery project of Petroleum (BBM) and petrochemicals. The reason is that President Joko Widodo complained that there was no refinery construction that had begun during his four years in office.

"I ask not to back down again, because I have been pushing for three years in petrochemicals from Taipei," Jokowi said.

As is known, Pertamina is working on six refinery projects at the same time, including new units and increasing capacity and quality of existing refineries. Construction of two new units in Tuban, East Java and in Bontang, East Kalimantan, as well as repairs to four existing refineries in Balongan, West Java; Balikpapan, East Kalimantan: Dumai-Riau and Cilacap, Central Java.

Rosneft Oil Company

So far, Pertamina has formed a joint venture with Rosneft Oil Company to work on the Tuban Refinery and in the process of selecting locations. Pertamina has also cooperated with Saudi Aramco for the Cilacap Refinery project and is in the process of establishing a joint venture. 

Saudi Aramco

   While for Bontang Refinery, the company still has to complete a frame work agreement with its partners, Overseas Oil and Gas LLC (OOG) and Cosmo Oil International Pte Ltd (COI).

Overseas Oil and Gas LLC (OOG)

"For North Sumatra Refinery, we will sign the frame work agreement in December," said Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati.

Nicke Widyawati

The Bontang and Tuban refineries are planned to have a capacity of 300 thousand barrels per day (bpd). Furthermore, to repair and increase the capacity of the Cilacap refinery, the company is still finalizing the refinery. It must immediately begin the establishment of a joint venture. However, continued Nicke, her side continued to work on this project.

"We are doing land clearing in Cilacap," Nicke said.

For Balikpapan Refinery, Director of Investment Planning and Risk Management of Pertamina Heru Setiawan said, his party is now looking for partners to work on this project. Selection of candidates will be carried out with a beauty contest mechanism, in which participants will receive an invitation from the company.

"We have started to deliver the letter to the candidates. There were 70 who sent us the beauty contest invitation letter, still waiting for the response, "he said.

The Balikpapan Refinery Project is carried out in two stages. The first phase of this project is targeted to be completed in 2021, where the capacity will increase from 260 thousand bpd to 350 thousand bpd. Furthermore, the second phase is targeted for completion in 2025, where refineries are able to process sour type oils from previously only medium heavy. The investment value of this project reached US $ 2.6 billion.

"In the middle of next month, we will sign the EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) contract for the Balikpapan Refinery and we will start EPC work next year. Then what we accelerate, refineries and petrochemicals in Tuban. Today the land has been processed, both the Ministry of Environment and residents' land, we also do reclamation, "Nicke explained.

All refinery projects are targeted for completion in 2025. Precisely, the Balikpapan and Balongan Refineries are projected to be completed in 2021, after the Cilacap and Tuban Refineries in 2024, and the Bontang Refinery and Dumai Refinery in 2025. At that time, Pertamina's refinery capacity will increase to 2 million bph.


For Petrochemicals, Pertamina has signed a frame work agreement with China Petroleum Corporation (CPC) Taiwan to build a petrochemical complex worth US $ 6.49 billion.

China Petroleum Corporation (CPC) Taiwan

The facilities built are the Naphta cracker plant and the global scale Petrochemical downstream sector development unit in Indonesia. The project will be carried out with a Joint Venture scheme between Pertamina, CPC Taiwan, and several other potential downstream partners. The naphtha cracker plant is expected to produce at least one million tons of ethylene per year.

In addition, both of them will also build downstream units that will produce other refinery derivative products to meet industrial needs in Indonesia.

Ignatius Talulembang, Megaproject Processing and Petrochemical Director, explained that his party had already had initial discussions with CPC. At the stage first, it will prepare the land which is the location of this petrochemical project. So far, there are three location options, which are possible options near the West Java Balongan Refinery.

"After the land, our parallel will be FS (Feasibility study / feasibility study) to configure the petrochemical refinery, any products, with partners," he said

Furthermore, it will also form a joint venture with CPC. However, his side still has to discuss this with the CPC, including the matter of the amount of Pertamina's share ownership. It hopes to become a majority shareholder.

"Because we are in the country, the market is in us, so we are expected to have a bigger share," Tallulembang said.


Pembangunan Kilang Harus Segera Dimulai

Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengingatkan Pertamina untuk serius mengerjakan proyek kilang Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) dan petrokimia. Pasalnya, Presiden Joko Widodo mengeluhkan bahwa tidak ada pembangunan kilang yang dimulai selama menjabat dalam empat tahun ini.

“Saya minta jangan mundur lagi, karena saya sudah tiga tahun mendorong petrokimia dari Taipei tidak segera dimulai,” kata Jokowi. 

Seperti diketahui, Pertamina mengerjakan enam proyek kilang sekaligus, meliputi unit baru maupun peningkatan kapasitas dan kualitas dari kilang yang ada. Pembangunan dua unit baru di Tuban, Jawa Timur dan di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur, serta perbaikan empat kilang eksisting yang tersebar di Balongan, Jawa Barat; Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur: Dumai-Riau  serta Cilacap, Jawa Tengah.

Sejauh ini, Pertamina telah membentuk perusahaan patungan dengan Rosneft Oil Company untuk menggarap KilangTuban dan dalam proses pemilihan lokasi. Pertamina juga telah menggandeng Saudi Aramco untuk proyek Kilang Cilacap dan sedang memproses pembentukan perusahaan patungan. Sementara untuk Kilang Bontang, perseroan masih harus merampungkan frame work agreement dengan mitranya, Overseas Oil and Gas LLC (OOG) dan Cosmo Oil Internastional Pte Ltd (COI).

“Untuk Kilang ontang, kami akan lakukan tanda tangan frame work agreement di Desember,” kata Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati. 

Kilang Bontang dan Tuban direncanakan memiliki kapasitas 300 ribu barel per hari (bph). Selanjutnya untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan kapasitas Kilang Cilacap, perseroan masih melakukan finalisasi Kilang harus segera dimulai pembentukan perusahaan patungan (joint venture). Namun, lanjut Nicke, pihaknya terus mengerjakan proyek ini. 

“Kami lakukan land clearing di Cilacap,” ujar Nicke.

Untuk Kilang Balikpapan, Direktur Perencanaan Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko Pertamina Heru Setiawan menuturkan, pihaknya kini sedang mencari mitra untuk mengerjakan proyek ini. Seleksi calon akan dilakukan dengan mekanisme beauty contest, di mana pesertanya akan menerima undangan dari perseroan. 

“Kami sudah mulai sampaikan suratnya ke calon-calon. Ada 70 yang kami kirimi surat undangan beauty contest, masih tunggu responnya,” kata dia.

Proyek Kilang Balikpapan dikerjakan dalam dua tahap. Tahap pertama proyek ini ditargetkan rampung pada 2021, di mana kapasitasnya akan naik dari 260 ribu bph menjadi 350 ribu bph. Selanjutnya, tahap kedua ditargetkan selesai pada 2025, di mana kilang menjadi mampu mengolah minyak jenis sour dari sebelumnya hanya medium heavy. Nilai Investasi proyek ini mencapai US$ 2,6 miliar.

“Pertengahan bulan depan kami tanda tangan EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) contract Kilang Balikpapan dan kami mulai pekerjaan EPC tahun depan. Lalu yang kami percepat, kilang dan petrokimia di Tuban. Hari ini sudah proses lahan, baik lahan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup maupun warga, kami juga lakukan reklamasi,” jelas Nicke.

Seluruh proyek kilang ditargetkan selesai pada 2025. Tepatnya, Kilang Balikpapan dan Balongan diproyeksikan akan selesai pada 2021, setelah itu Kilang Cilacap dan Tuban pada 2024, serta Kilang Bontang dan Kilang Dumai pada 2025. Pada saat itu, kapasitas kilang Pertamina akan naik menjadi 2 juta bph.

Untuk Petrokimia, Pertamina telah menandatangani frame work agreement dengan China Petroleum Corporation (CPC) Taiwan membangun komplek petrokimia senilai US$ 6,49 miliar. 

Fasilitas yang dibangun yakni pabrik naphta cracker dan unit pengembangan sektor hilir Petrokimia berskala global di Indonesia. Proyek akan dikerjakan dengan skema Joint Venture antara Pertamina, CPC Taiwan, dan beberapa mitra hilir potensial lainnya. Pabrik naphtha cracker diharapkan akan memproduksi paling sedikit satu juta ton ethylene per tahun. 

Selain itu, keduanya juga akan membangun unit hilir yang akan memproduksi produk turunan kilang lainya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan industri di Indonesia. 

Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Ignasius Talulembang menjelaskan, pihaknya sudah ada diskusi awal dengan CPC. Pada tahap
pertama, pihaknya akan menyiapkan lahan yang menjadi lokasi proyek petrokimia ini. Sejauh ini, ada tiga opsi lokasi, di mana opsi yang memungkinkan yakni di dekat Kilang Balongan Jawa Barat.

“Setelah lahan, paralel kami akan lakukan FS (Feasibility study/kajian kelayakan) untuk membuat konfigurasi kilang petrokimia, produk-produknya apa saja, bersama partner,” tutur dia 

Selanjutnya, pihaknya juga akan membentuk perusahaan patungan dengan CPC. Namun, pihaknya masih harus mendiskusikan hal ini bersama CPC, termasuk soal besaran kepemilikan saham Pertamina. Pihaknya berharap bisa menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas. 

“Karena kita di dalam negeri, pasarnya ada pada kita, jadi diharapkan kami yang lebih besar share-nya,” ujar Tallulembang. 

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Nov 30, 2018

Monday, November 19, 2018

There is a Potential for New Oil Reserves in the Cepu Block

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) noted that there were new oil reserves at the Banyu Urip Field, Cepu Block, which ExxonMobil currently manages. 

    Head of SKK Migas, Amien Sunaryadi, said that there is the potential for additional crude oil from the clastic rock layers in Banyu Urip. If proven, the reserve has the potential to increase the life span of the field which is currently projected to only be for the next seven years.

the Banyu Urip Field, Cepu by Exxonmobil

"That, right, in Banyu Urip, yes, on top of that there is a clastic layer. Now, this is being studied and it turns out there is oil as well. This has not been put into reserve. If there is sufficient time, there will be another exploration drilling in the working area not widespread, but inter-layer, "said Amien.

However, Amien has not explained in more detail. One thing is certain, next year, SKK Migas is optimistic that the production of Banyu Urip can increase from the current of 208,000 barrels per day (bpd) to 209,000 bpd to 212,000 bpd.


"It should be bigger. But the storage facility for the Crow Rimang is not enough to accommodate more oil," he said.

Therefore, according to Amien, the concern at this time is the shelter facilities, not subsurface data anymore.

"It used to be afraid of subsurface, reserves of 475 million barrels and after being tested for more than a year, it was concluded that reserves of 700 million barrels, reserves are not a problem," he concluded.


Ada Potensi Cadangan Minyak Baru di Blok Cepu

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas (SKK Migas) mencatat ada temuan cadangan minyak baru di Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu, yang saat ini dikelola ExxonMobil. 

     Kepala SKK Migas, Amien Sunaryadi, mengatakan, ada potensi tambahan minyak mentah dari lapisan batuan klastik di Banyu Urip. Jika terbukti, cadangan tersebut berpotensi menambah umur lapangan tersebut yang saat ini diproyeksikan hanya sampai tujuh tahun ke depan.

"Itu, kan, di Banyu Urip, ya, di atasnya ada lapisan klastik. Nah, hal tersebut sedang dipelajari dan ternyata ada minyaknya juga. Ini belum dimasukkan ke cadangan. Apabila ada waktu yang cukup, akan ada pengeboran lagi Ekplorasi di wilayah kerja tersebut bukan meluas, namun antar-lapisan," ungkap Amien.

Namun, Amien belum menjelaskan lebih rinci. Satu hal yang pasti, pada tahun depan, SKK Migas optimistis produksi Banyu Urip bisa meningkat dari saat ini yang sebesar 208.000 barel per hari (bph) menjadi 209.000 bph hingga 212.000 bph. 

"Seharusnya bisa lebih besar. Tapi fasilitas penyimpanan mjnyak Gagak Rimang tidak cukup untuk menampung minyak lebih besar," ucap dia.

Oleh karena itu, menurut Amien, yang menjadi concern saat ini adalah fasilitas penampungan, bukan lagi data di bawah permukaan (subsurface). 

"Dulu takut subsurface, cadangan 475 juta barel dan setelah diuji setahun lebih, disimpulkan cadangan 700 juta barel, cadangan tidak masalah," pungkas dia.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Nov 19, 2018

Revision of PoD I Masela Block Completed Next Year

SKK Migas targets the revision of the plan to develop the Abadi Field, Masela Block by Inpex Corporation completed in early 2019. Amien Sunaryadi, Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), said the Masela Block project was in the finalization stage of the revised development plan ( first stage plan of development / POD.

Inpex Corporation - Japan

According to him, the revision of the Masela Block POD I was accepted by SKK Migas at the end of this month. The document was then handed over to ESDM Minister Ignasius Jonan in mid-December 2018 so that the approval for the development of Masela could be signed by the end of this year.

the Abadi Field, Masela Block

"The Masela was previously launched for offshore [the offshore LNG refinery] which was later converted to onshore [land LNG refinery]. Now, on that change, lnpex then made a pre-FEED [initial design review of Masela]. Well the pre-FEED has just finished October 2018. The pre-FEED data is then the basis for the preparation of the POD 1. They [Inpex] are finalizing it, so it takes a long time, "he said.

Inpex plans to apply for an extension of the offshore oil and gas block contract in the Arafura Sea, Maluku. The Masela Block contract will expire November 2028. The contractor can apply for an oil and gas block contract extension no later than 10 years before the contract expires.

Inpex Corporation's Senior Media Relations Specialist Moch. Nunung Kurniawan confirmed that his party had indeed held talks with the ESDM Ministry regarding the extension of the block contract. However, he said, Inpex has not formally submitted an extension to the block contract.

"We are still discussing with the Indonesian Government about the Eternal LNG project. We cannot comment further for now, "said Iwan.

On the other hand, the ESDM Ministry stated that the government had approved the extension of the Masela Block contract for the next 20 years. Director General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Djoko Siswanto said that in principle the government agreed to the extension of the Masela Block even though the Japanese oil and gas company had not yet formally submitted a contract extension.

"Later November 28 [2028] ends. So November 2018, Inpex can already apply for a contract extension. There is talk, the administration will be November 28 2018, the principle is we are okay. "

He said, in the visit of ESDM Minister Jonasius Jonan to Japan some time ago, the government had asked lnpex to immediately complete the first phase of the POD revision.

"This year the approval. The government asks Inpex to quickly submit POD. "

Shell Up-stream Overseas Services Ltd.

Concerning incentives, he said, this would be discussed after discussions about costs were completed in full. The Masela block project is managed by Inpex Masela Limited with a composition of 65% participating shares and Shell Up-stream Overseas Services Ltd. 35%.


Revisi PoD I Blok Masela Selesai Tahun Depan

SKK Migas menargetkan pengajuan revisi rencana pengembangan Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela oleh Inpex Corporation rampung pada awal 2019. Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, proyek Blok Masela dalam tahap finalisasi revisi rencana pengembangan (plan of development/ POD) tahap pertama.

Menurutnya, revisi POD I Blok Masela diterima oleh pihak SKK Migas pada akhir bulan ini. Dokumen tersebut kemudian diserahkan kepada Menteri ESDM lgnasius Jonan pada pertengahan Desember 2018 sehingga persetujuan pengembangan Masela dapat ditandatangani pada akhir tahun ini.

“Masela itu dulu sudah diusulakan untuk offshore [kilang LNG lepas pantai] kemudian diubah menjadi onshore [kilang LNG darat]. Nah, pada perubahan itu, lnpex kemudian membuat pre-FEED [kajian awal desain awal Masela]. Nah pre-FEED baru saja selesai Oktober 2018. Data pre-FEED kemudian menjadi dasar penyusunan POD 1. Mereka [Inpex] sedang finalisasi itu, jadi perlu waktu lama,” katanya.

Inpex berencana mengajukan perpanjangan kontrak blok migas lepas pantai di Laut Arafura, Maluku tersebut. Kontrak “Blok Masela akan berakhir November 2028. Kontraktor dapat mengajukan perpanjangan kontrak blok migas paling cepat 10 tahun sebelum kontrak berakhir.

Senior Specialist Media Relations Inpex Corporation Moch. Nunung Kurniawan membenarkan bahwa pihaknya memang sudah melakukan pembicaraan dengan Kementerian ESDM terkait dengan perpanjangan kontrak blok tersebut. Namun, katanya, pihak Inpex belum mengajukan secara resmi perpanjangan kontrak blok tersebut. 

“Kami masih terus berdiskusi dengan Pemerintah Indonesia tentang proyek LNG Abadi. Kami belum bisa berkomentar lebih jauh untuk saat ini,” kata Iwan. 

Disisi lain, Kementerian ESDM menyatakan bahwa pemerintah telah menyetujui perpanjangan kontrak Blok Masela hingga 20 tahun ke depan. Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto menyebut bahwa pada prinsipnya pemerintah sepakat dengan perpanjangan Blok Masela meskipun perusahaan migas dari Jepang tersebut belum mengajukan perpanjangan kontrak secara resmi.

“Nanti 28 November [2028] berakhir. Jadi November 2018, Inpex sudah bisa mengajukan perpanjangan kontrak. Sudah ada pembicaraannya, nanti administrasi-nya 28 November 2018, prinsipnya kita oke."

Dia mengatakan, dalam lawatan Menteri ESDM lgnasius Jonan ke Jepang beberapa waktu lalu, pemerintah telah meminta lnpex untuk segera menyelesaikan revisi POD tahap pertama. 

“Tahun ini approval-nya. Pemerintah minta lnpex biar cepat mengajukan POD.”

Soal insentif, dia mengatakan, hal itu akan dibahas setelah pembahasan mengenai biaya rampung seluruhnya. Proyek blok Masela dikelola oleh Inpex Masela Limited dengan komposisi saham partisipasi 65% dan Shell Up-stream Overseas Services Ltd. sebesar 35%.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Monday, Nov 19, 2018