The Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) will encourage an increase in Indonesia's competitiveness in the world upstream oil and gas industry. Because, even though Indonesia has fixed its investment climate for upstream oil and gas, various countries are also competing to attract investors.
The Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA)
IPA Chairman Tumbur Parlindungan said, next year, his party would expand collaboration with the government, not limited to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). This is to make the national oil and gas investment climate more attractive. In 2018, IPA has coordinated with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Trade.
"In 2019, we expand to other (ministries / institutions) to encourage investors to Indonesia," he said at a press conference in Jakarta.
This is because Indonesia's oil and gas potential is actually still very promising and can continue to be developed as one of the main objectives to support the Indonesian economy. But seeing the still unstable world oil prices and the limited available funds for exploration and investment, investors are very selective in choosing which countries they will invest. With members of oil and gas companies from various countries, IPA can provide input what other countries do to attract investment.
"What is the upstream oil and gas industry in other countries, every country makes it more competitive. We give information to the government, that's what we work with the government, "said Tumbur.
One of the things that will be done by IPA is to ensure that the implementation of new regulations issued by the government can operate properly. One of these rules is Government Regulation Number 27 of 2017 which contains tax provisions and a list of incentives for oil and gas companies
using the scheme of production sharing contracts (PSC) that can be returned (cost recovery). In addition, the implementation of gross split PSC.
"There are some regulations that are still being discussed. "We don't want the government to make a rule for loopholes," said Tumbur.
IPA Director Ronald Gunawan added that the condition of the national upstream oil and gas industry had improved, along with the increase in crude oil prices compared to 2017. This can be seen from the interest of the six oil and gas blocks offered by the government. Then, the government has also determine the fate of the PSC that has expired. Regarding the gross split PSC, he said, the oil and gas industry players did not see this as a problem.
Eni Indonesia
"We in the industry have no problem whether the PSC is gross split or cost recovery. We saw that one of our members, Eni, changed the East Sepinggan PSC to a gross split. That also shows we are moving forward, "he said.
In the past two years, the Government has worked hard in an effort to attract oil and gas investors to invest in Indonesia. The government aggressively offers new working areas and improves regulations related to the oil and gas industry in 2018. Until now there have been as many as 34 oil and gas blocks offered by the Government using gross split schemes.
The IPA records several improvements that have been made, including the improvement of gross split PSC, the existence of joint audits for activities oil and gas, the issuance of exclusion rules for L / C on oil and gas exports, and others. IPA will continue to support the Government's efforts to improve the investment climate in Indonesia and produce giant discoveries.
However, the IPA notes that there are several homeworks that need to be worked on together, such as simplifying licensing, implementing the Government Regulation number 27 of 2017, proper Land Building Tax treatment for oil and gas activities, optimizing the masterlist facility for the import of oil and gas activities and others. In addition, the completion of the new Oil and Gas Bill has become very critical for the oil and gas industry in Indonesia.
"With oil prices getting better, hopefully many will want investment. We expect exploration to increase, because seeing production continues to decline, it can only be closed by exploration. We hope that in 2019 there will be a lot of exploration, "said Tumbur.
IPA Dorong Peningkatan Daya Saing Indonesia
Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) akan mendorong peningkatan daya saing Indonesia di industri hulu migas dunia. Pasalnya, meski Indonesia telah membenahi iklim investasi hulu migasnya, berbagai negara juga sedang berlomba menarik investor.
Ketua IPA Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan, di tahun depan, pihaknya akan memperluas kolaborasi dengan pemerintah, tidak terbatas dengan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Hal ini untuk membuat iklim investasi migas nasional menjadi lebih menarik. Pada 2018 ini, IPA telah melakukan koordinasi dengan Kementerian Keuangan dan Kementerian Perdagangan.
“Di 2019, kami perlebar lagi ke (kementerian/lembaga) lain supaya meng-encourage investor ke Indonesia,” kata dia dalam jumpa pers di Jakarta.
Hal ini mengingat potensi migas Indonesia sebenarnya masih sangat menjanjkan dan dapat terus dikembangkan sebagai salah satu tujuan utama untuk mendukung perekonomian Indonesia. Namun melihat masih belum stabilnya harga minyak dunia dan terbatasnya dana yang tersedia untuk melakukan eksplorasi dan investasi, investor sangat selektif untuk memilih di negara mana mereka akan melakukan investasi. Dengan anggota perusahaan migas dari berbagai negara, IPA bisa memberikan masukan apa saja yang dilakukan negara lain untuk menarik investasi.
“Seperti apa industri hulu migas di negara lain, setiap negara menjadikan lebih kompetitif. Kami kasih informasi ke pemerintah, itu yang kami kerja sama dengan pemerintah,” ujar Tumbur.
Salah satunya yang akan dilakukan IPA, yakni memastikan implementasi dari Regulasi baru yang dikeluarkan pemerintah bisa beroperasi dengan baik. Salah satu aturan ini yakni Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27 Tahun 2017 berisi ketentuan perpajakan dan daftar insentif bagi perusahaan migas yang menggunakan skema kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/ PSC) biaya investasi yang dapat dikembalikan (cost recovery). Selain itu juga implementasi dari PSC gross split.
“Ada implementasi beberapa peraturan yang masih didiskusikan. Kami tidak mau pemerintah membuat aturan ada loophole,” ujar Tumbur.
Direktur IPA Ronald Gunawan menambahkan, kondisi industri hulu migas nasional sudah membaik, seiring dengan meningkatnya harga minyak mentah dibandingkan 2017 lalu. Hal ini terlihat dari diminati-nya enam blok migas yang ditawarkan oleh pemerintah. Kemudian, pemerintah juga telah menetapkan nasib PSC yang selesai masa berlakunya. Terkait PSC bagi hasil kotor (gross split), dikatakannya bahwa pelaku industri migas tidak melihat hal ini sebagai masalah.
“Kami di industri tidak masalah apakah PSC gross split atau cost recovery. Kami melihat bahwa salah satu member kami, Eni, mengubah PSC East Sepinggan ke gross split. Itu juga menunjukkan kami move forward,” kata dia.
Dalam dua tahun terakhir ini, Pemerintah telah bekerja keras dalam upaya untuk menarik investor migas menanamkan modalnya di Indonesia. Pemerintah secara agresif menawarkan wilayah-wilayah kerja baru dan memperbaiki peraturan-peraturan terkait industri migas tahun 2018. Hingga saat ini tercatat ada sebanyak 34 blok migas yang ditawarkan Pemerintah dengan menggunakan skema gross split.
IPA mencatat beberapa hal perbaikan yang telah dilakukan, di antaranya melakukan perbaikan PSC gross split, adanya joint audit untuk kegiatan
migas, terbitnya aturan pengecualian L/C pada ekspor migas, dan lainnya. IPA akan terus mendukung upaya-upaya Pemerintah untuk meningkatkan iklim investasi di Indonesia dan menghasilkan penemuan cadangan raksasa (giant discovery).
Namun, IPA mencatat ada beberapa pekerjaan rumah yang perlu dikerjakan bersama, seperti penyederhanaan perizinan, aturan pelaksanaan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 27 tahun 2017, perlakuan Pajak Bumi Bangunan yang wajar pada kegiatan migas, optimalisasi fasilitas masterlist untuk impor barang penunjang kegiatan migas dan lainnya. Selain itu, penyelesaian Rancangan Undang-Undang Migas yang baru menjadi sangat kritikal bagi industri migas di Indonesia.
“Dengan harga minyak makin baik, semoga banyak yang mau investasi. Kami targertkan eksplorasi meningkat, karena dengan melihat produksi terus turun, hanya bisa (ditutup) dengan eksplorasi. Kami berharap di 2019 banyak yang eksplorasi,” kata Tumbur.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Dec 6, 2018