PT Pertamina (Persero) through its subsidiary, PT Pertamina Power Indonesia (PPI), has obtained approval from the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) to build a 1,200 Megawatt (WM) steam gas power plant in the country.
PT Pertamina Power Indonesia (PPI)
PPI President Director Ginanjar said, the next stage, his party was awaiting approval from the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the project the power plant. After that, his party made a written agreement with BPDB.
"It is awaiting the Prime Minister's approval, approval for Lol (letter of intent) and this is binding on both parties," he said in Jakarta.
He explained, this PLTGU project in Bangladesh would have the same concept as the Java-1 PLTGU. The project will later be connected with a liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility, which consists of a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU), mooring and off loading infrastructure, as well as gas pipelines, both subsea and onshore.
Later, after the LoI, it targets to be able to complete the financial close / FC of the 1,200 MW PLTGU project by the end of next year. Next, the construction of the power plant project is planned to be carried out in 2020.
"Then the project's operating target is in 2022," Ginanjar said. While BPDB will act as a buyer of electricity produced by the integrated facility.
In working on the project in Bangladesh, Ginanjar revealed that he would partner with partners. Unfortunately, Ginanjar admitted that he had not been able to name the company to be invited to cooperate with. The reason is, there is still the potential that potential partners will change.
"From all PPI projects, we always collaborate in partnerships," he said.
Bangladesh itself was chosen as the first country in which Pertamina expanded its electricity business due to several factors. First, with economic growth over the past 10 years stabilizing above 7%, it sees Bangladesh as a potential market. In addition, Bangladesh is also a developing country that needs an environmentally friendly future energy source.
"This project is a realization of the Memorandum of Understanding of G to G between PT Pertamina (Persero) and BPDB which was signed before the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the Prime Minister of Bangladesh," Ginanjar explained.
This collaboration is a follow-up of the previous memorandum of understanding in the energy sector signed by the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) with the Ministry of Electricity, Energy and Mineral Resources of Bangladesh on September 15, 2017. At that time, the Minister of Electricity, Energy and Mineral Resources of Bangladesh Nasrul Hamid offered electricity cooperation to Indonesia.
Previously, Minister Nasrul explained, his party targets to increase the installed capacity of its power plants to 24 thousand MW by 2021 and reach 40 thousand MW in 2031. Not only adding capacity, the country also has a policy to use LNG in power plants. This is because LNG is considered very competitive with coal in terms of price and is more environmentally friendly.
"What we are looking for is competitive prices. We are very happy if Pertamina wants to build a gas infrastructure while generating electricity and gas, "said Nasrul.
PPI has recently begun the construction phase of an integrated Java-1 PLTGU project with a capacity of 1,760 MW and a holding facility and 170 thousand cubic meters of FSRU. The first integrated project from liquefied natural gas to electricity in Asia and one of the largest in Southeast Asia is targeted to operate in 2021.
Marubeni Corporation
In this project, PPI is a lead consortium consisting of Marubeni Corporation, Sojitz Corporation, and other companies. PPI is also a holding of PT Jawa Satu Power that operates the Java-1 PLTGU and PT Jawa Satu Regas which manages the FSRU.
Sojitz Corporation
Targeting a number of Projects In the future, Ginanjar said, his party will work on several similar Java-1 power plant and power plant projects in Bangladesh. However, his party has not been able to specify the projects because they are still in the initial stages and the selection of partners.
"There are at least 2-3 gas / fired to (electricity) projects that we will work on," he said.
In addition to the gas-fired power plant project, PPI is also working on a renewable energy power plant project. Currently, PPI is running a 1 MW rhino and 3 MW rhino power plant. Then, PPI also works on the potential of the Cilacap 4 MW PLTS, and PTPN-3 Sei Mangkei 5 MW.
Later, the PPI also works on a biogas power plant (PLTBG ) PTPN-3 Sei Mangkei 2.4 MW and PTPN-13 6 MW PPI will also participate in the operation and maintenance of the PPPN PTPN-2 2 MW PLTBG as an effort to expand the gas value chain business as well as pioneering the development of Pertamina's new and renewable energy. In the future, it targets PPI to become a leading green energy company, both in Indonesia and internationally.
Pertamina Bangun PLTGU 1.200 MW di Bangladesh
PT Pertamina (Persero) melalui anak usahanya, PT Pertamina Power Indonesia (PPI), telan memperoleh persetujuan dari Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) untuk membangun pembangkit listrik tenaga gas uap (PLTGU) 1.200 Megawatt (WM) di negara tersebut.
Presiden Direktur PPI Ginanjar mengatakan, tahap berikutnya, pihaknya menunggu persetujuan dari Perdana Menteri Bangladesh untuk proyek
pembangkit listrik tersebut. Setelah itu pihaknya membuat kesepakatan tertulis dengan BPDB.
“Sedang menunggu approval Perdana Menteri, approval untuk Lol (letter of intent) dan ini bersifat mengikat kedua pihak,” kata dia di Jakarta.
Dia menjelaskan, Proyek PLTGU di Bangladesh ini akan memiliki konsep yang sama dengan PLTGU Jawa-1. Proyek ini nantinya akan terhubung dengan fasilitas penerima gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/ LNG), yang terdiri dari unit penampungan dan regasilikasi terapung (Floating Storage and Regasification Unit/FSRU), infrastruktur mooring dan off loading, serta jalur pipa gas baik subsea maupun onshore.
Nantinya, setelah adanya LoI, pihaknya menargetkan dapat merampungkan pendanaan (financial close/FC) Proyek PLTGU 1.200 MW itu pada akhir tahun depan. Berikutnya, konstruksi proyek pembangkit listrik ini direncanakan bisa dilakukan pada 2020.
“Kemudian target operasi proyek pada 2022,” tutur Ginanjar. Sementara BPDB akan bertindak sebagai pembeli listrik yang dihasilkan oleh fasilitas terintegrasi tersebut.
Dalam menggarap proyek di Bangladesh itu, Ginanjar mengungkapkan bahwa pihaknya akan menggandeng mitra. Sayangnya, Ginanjar mengaku belum dapat menyebutkan nama perusahaan yang akan diajak kerja sama itu. Pasalnya, masih ada potensi bahwa calon mitra ini akan berubah.
“Dari semua proyek-proyek PPI, kami selalu berkolaborasi dalam partnership,” ujarnya.
Bangladesh sendiri dipilih sebagai negara pertama di mana Pertamina melakukan ekspansi bisnis kelistrikan karena beberapa faktor. Pertama, dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi selama 10 tahun ini stabil di atas 7%, pihaknya melihat Bangladesh sebagai pasar potensial. Selain itu, Bangladesh juga merupakan negara berkembang yang membutuhkan sumber energi masa depan yang ramah lingkungan.
“Proyek ini merupakan realisasi dari Memorandum of Understanding G to G antara PT Pertamina (Persero) dan BPDB yang telah ditandatangani di hadapan Presiden Republik Indonesia dan Perdana Menteri Bangladesh," jelas Ginanjar.
Kerja sama ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari nota kesepahaman sebelumnya di sektor energi yang ditandatangani Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Indonesia dengan Kementerian Listrik, Energi, dan Sumber Daya Mineral Bangladesh pada 15 September 2017 lalu. Pada saat itu, Menteri Listrik, Energi, dan Sumber Daya Mineral Bangladesh Nasrul Hamid menawarkan kerja sama kelistrikan kepada Indonesia.
Sebelumnya, Menteri Nasrul menjelaskan, pihaknya menargetkan dapat meningkatkan kapasitas terpasang pembangkit listriknya menjadi 24 ribu MW pada 2021 dan mencapai 40 ribu MW pada 2031. Tidak sekedar menambah kapasitas, negaranya juga memiliki kebijakan untuk menggunakan LNG di pembangkit listrik. Hal ini karena LNG dinilai sangat bersaing dengan batubara dari sisi harga dan lebih ramah lingkungan.
“Yang kami cari adalah harga yang kompetitif. Kami sangat senang jika Pertamina mau membangun infrastruktur gas sekaligus pembangkit listrik dan gas,” ujar Nasrul.
PPI belum lama ini telah memulai tahap konstruksi proyek terintegrasi PLTGU Jawa-1 berkapasitas 1.760 MW dan fasilitas penampungan dan FSRU 170 ribu meter kubik. Proyek terintegrasi dari gas alam cair ke listrik pertama di Asia dan salah satu terbesar di Asia Tenggara ini ditargetkan beroperasi pada 2021.
Dalam proyek ini, PPI sebagai lead consortium yang beranggotakan Marubeni Corporation, Sojitz Corporation, dan perusahaan lainnya. PPI juga merupakan holding dari PT Jawa Satu Power yang mengoperasikan PLTGU Jawa-1 dan PT Jawa Satu Regas yang mengelola FSRU.
Mentargetkan sejumlah Proyek Ke depannya, Ginanjar mengatakan, pihaknya akan menggarap beberapa proyek pembangkit listrik sejenis PLTGU Jawa-1 dan PLTGU di Bangladesh. Namun, pihaknya belum dapat merinci proyek-proyek tersebut lantaran masih dalam tahap awal dan pemilihan mitra.
“Paling tidak ada 2-3 proyek gas/LNG to fired (listrik) yang akan kami garap,” tutur dia.
Selain proyek pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar gas, PPI juga menggarap proyek pembangkit listrik energi terbarukan. Saat ini, PPI sedang menjalankan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS) Badak 1 MW dan Badak 3 MW Kemudian, PPI juga mengerjakan potensi PLTS Cilacap 4 MW, dan PTPN-3 Sei Mangkei 5 MW Kemudian, PPI juga mengerjakan pembangkit listrik tenaga biogas (PLTBG) PTPN-3 Sei Mangkei 2,4 MW dan PTPN-13 6 MW PPI juga akan turut serta dalam pengoperasian dan perawatan PLTBG PTPN-2 2 MW PPI dibentuk sebagai upaya ekspansi value chain bisnis gas serta sebagai perintis pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan Pertamina. Ke depannya, pihaknya menargetkan PPI dapat menjadi leading green energy company, baik di Indonesia maupun internasional.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018