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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Lifting Oil and Gas Reaches 95% of Target

Production ready to sell national oil and gas is 1.91 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD) or reaches 95% of the 2018 state budget target. On the other hand, production is ready to sell (lifting) oil at 762,000 barrels per day (bpd), and natural gas 1.14 million BOEPD.

Spokesperson for the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Wisnu Prabawa Taher hopes that until the end of the year oil and gas production can be maximized. Regarding production performance, he said that the influence of new well performance was not in line with expectations, coupled with the decline in the rate of existing wells that were getting bigger.

There are several operating and instrument constraints but they can be overcome. Then there are several development programs that are retreating to next year, "he said.

In order to develop the upstream oil and gas field and maintain production optimization, he added, SKK Migas said that it had drilled the development of 251 wells and targeted 289 wells. Meanwhile, the work program for the S54 wells is reset or from the target of 636 wells. Gradually, Wisnu stated that his party still strives to achieve maximum results.

Reflecting on the investment realization up to 31 October 2018 worth US $ 8.7 billion or 61% of this year's target, SKK Migas said that there is not much potential for the future.

According to him, one of the causes of the low realization of oil and gas investment in 2018 was because the exploration and exploitation drilling was canceled. However, he considered the realization would be done next year. Although not the only inhibiting factor, Wisnu stated, the drilling shift has a significant impact. In the future, SKK Migas claims that it will be more committed to guarding the realization of exploration.

the Gajah Puteri Bison Iguana Block

In 2019, the main upstream oil and gas project which was planned to produce only came from the Gajah Puteri Bison Iguana Block. Production from the oil and gas field located in Riau Islands will be carried out in the third / 2019 quarter.

Tangguh Train-3 Block Papua

If next year oil and gas investment is relatively stagnant, he assessed, the investment plan in 2020 will be more attractive. The reason is that there are four oil and gas blocks that will start production. He explained, the Badik and West Badik Blocks will operate in the third quarter of 2020 which is now in the development of the FEED tender, Tangguh Train-3 Block (quarter III / 2020) which is in the construction phase, Wasambo Block (quarter IV / 2020) in the FEED process, and the MDA and MBH Blocks for HCML working areas which are planned to produce in the third quarter of 2020.

the MDA and MBH Blocks by HCML

In terms of state revenues, Wisnu said that until November 2018 at least the realization reached US $ 15.9 billion or 133% of the state budget target. According to him, the figure can change until it is waiting for realization until the end of the year. With the increase in world oil prices, he projects there is a potential for increased state revenues.

In terms of cost recovery realization until the end of November this year, Wisnu stated that it had reached US $ 10.9 billion or had exceeded the target of the 2018 State Budget (APBN) of US $ 10.1 billion.

"That's an unaudited number," he said.

Previously, SKK Migas projected the realization of the return on operating costs to reach US $ 11.7 billion or 112% of the 2018 State Budget target. SKK Migas has a strategy so that the return on operating costs can be in line with the APBN target, especially in the 2019 Draft State Budget.

Wisnu added that his party would see the details of the compensation component by using cost benchmarking, so that the estimated cost in 2019 could be obtained which was more accurate and economical. In addition, the use of shared assets can be more optimal in operating costs.

"Optimizing time in carrying out activities in the field, especially in drilling activities, reworking wells and maintenance," he added.


On the other hand, President Director of PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf projects oil production by the end of the year to reach 79,000 barrels per day (bpd) or 96% of the 2018 target, while gas production will be realized at 1,019 MMSCFD or 103% of the 2018 target.

According to him, oil production did not reach the target due to finalization of drilling for wells this year is still ongoing and cannot yet produce
"Because the wells targeted are finished 90, the realization is still 74 and 14 are still on going," he said.

Oil lifiting was recorded at 78,120 bpd or 98% of this year's target. Gas lifting is recorded at 815 MMSCFD or 105% of this year's target. From the prognosis to the end of the year, Nanang said the realization of the achievement of profit could exceed the target.

"Because it is helped by oil prices above the previous forecast," he said.

Pendopo Field Plaju-Palembang

Obstacles meet the target due to non-fulfillment of drilling, covered with the performance of several fields managed by Pertamina EP such as the performance of Pendopo Field. As one of the production backbone in Pertamina EP, He explained Pendopo Field contributed gas amounting to 261.04 MMSCFD or 110.2% of the 243.16 MMSCFD target.


Lifting Migas Capai 95% dari Target

Produksi siap jual minyak dan gas nasional tercatat 1,91 juta barrel oil equivalent per day (BOEPD) atau mencapai 95% dari target APBN 2018. Di sisi lain, produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak bumi sebesar 762.000 barel per hari (bph), dan gas bumi 1,14 juta BOEPD.

Juru Bicara Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Wisnu Prabawa Taher berharap hingga akhir tahun produksi migas dapat lebih maksimal. Terkait dengan performa produksi, dia mengatakan bahwa pengaruh kinerja sumur yang baru belum sesuai dengan ekspektasi, ditambah dengan decline rate dari sumur eksis yang semakin besar.

Ada beberapa kendala operasi dan instrumen namun sudah dapat diatasi. Kemudian ada beberapa program pengembangan yang mundur ke tahun depan,” katanya.

Dalam rangka mengembangkan lapangan hulu migas dan menjaga optimasi produksi, imbuhnya, SKK Migas menyatakan telah melakukan pengeboran pengembangan 251 sumur dan target 289 sumur. Sementara itu, program kerja ulang atau workouer S54 sumur dari target 636 sumur. Secara bertahap, Wisnu menyatakan pihaknya tetap mengupayakan pencapaian bisa maksimal.

Berkaca dari realisasi investasi hingga 31 Oktober 2018 senilai US$ 8,7 miliar atau 61% dari target tahun ini, SKK Migas menyebutkan potensi ke depan tidak banyak perubahan.

Menurutnya, salah satu penyebab rendahnya realisasi investasi migas pada 2018 karena pergesaran pengeboran ekplorasi dan eksploitasi yang batal dilaksanakan. Namun, dia menilai realisasinya akan dilakukan tahun depan. Walaupun bukan satu-satunya faktor penghambat, Wisnu menyatakan,
pergeseran pengeboran berdampak signifikan. Pada masa mendatang, SKK Migas mengaku akan lebih berkomitmen untuk mengawal realiasi ekplorasi.

Pada 2019, proyek utama hulu migas yang rencananya berproduksi hanya datang dari Blok Bison Iguana Gajah Puteri. Produksi dari lapangan migas yang terletak di Kepulauan Riau ini akan dilaksanakan pada kuartal III/2019.

Apabila pada tahun depan investasi migas relatif stagnan, dia menilai, rencana penanaman modal pada 2020 akan lebih menarik. Alasannya, ada empat blok migas yang akan mulai berproduksi. Dia memaparkan, Blok Badik dan West Badik akan beroperasi kuartal III/2020 yang kini dalam perkembangan tender FEED, Blok Tangguh Train-3 (kuartal III/2020) yang berada pada tahap konstruksi, Blok Wasambo (kuartal IV/2020) dalam proses FEED, serta Blok MDA dan MBH wilayah kerja HCML yang rencananya berproduksi pada kuartal III/2020. 

Dari sisi penerimaan negara, Wisnu mengatakan hingga November 2018 setidaknya realisasinya mencapai US$ 15,9 miliar atau 133% dari target APBN. Menurutnya, angka tersebut dapat berubah sampai menunggu realisasi hingga akhir tahun. Dengan meningkatnya harga minyak dunia, dia memproyeksikan ada potensi peningkatan penerimaan negara.

Dari sisi realisasi cost recovery hingga akhir November tahun ini, Wisnu menyatakan telah mencapai US$ 10,9 miliar atau sudah melebihi target Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2018 sebesar US$10,1 miliar. 

“Itu angka unaudited," katanya.

Sebelumnya, SKK Migas memproyeksi realisasi pengembalian biaya operasi akan mencapai US$ 11,7 miliar atau 112% dari target APBN 2018. SKK Migas memiliki strategi agar pengembalian biaya operasi bisa sesuai dengan target APBN, khususnya dalam Rancangan APBN 2019.

Wisnu menambahkan pihaknya akan melihat detail kompenen biaya dengan penggunaan cost benchmarking, sehingga dapat diperoleh estimasi biaya pada 2019 yang lebih akurat dan ekonomis. Selain itu, pemanfaatan aset bersama bisa lebih optimal dalam biaya operasi.

"Optimalisasi waktu dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan di lapangan, terutama dalam kegiatan pemboran, kerja ulang sumur dan maintanance,” tambahnya.


Di pihak lain, Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf memproyeksikan produksi minyak hingga akhir tahun mencapai 79.000 barel per hari (bph) atau 96% dari target 2018, sedangkan produksi gas akan terealisasi sebesar 1.019 MMSCFD atau 103% dari target 2018.

Menurutnya, produksi minyak tidak mencapai target akibat finalisasi pengeboran sumur tahun ini masih berlangsung dan belum dapat berproduksi
“Karena sumur yang ditargetkan selesai 90, realisasinya masih 74 dan 14 masih on going,” katanya.

Untuk lifiting minyak tercatat sebesar 78.120 bph atau 98% dari target tahun ini. Untuk lifting gas tercatat 815 MMSCFD atau 105% dari target tahun ini. Dari prognosa hingga akhir tahun, Nanang menyatakan realisasi pencapaian laba dapat melebihi target. 

“Karena dibantu harga minyak di atas forecast sebelumnya" katanya.

Hambatan memenuhi target akibat tidak terpenuhinya pengeboran, tertutupi dengan kinerja beberapa lapangan yang dikelola Pertamina EP seperti kinerja dari Pendopo Field. Sebagai salah satu backbone produksi di Pertamina EP, Dia menjelaskan Pendopo Field memberikan kontribusi gas sebesar 261,04 MMSCFD atau 110,2% dari target 243,16 MMSCFD. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Friday, Dec 14, 2018

Gas Region Auction 2019

The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency or BPH Migas will open a Gas Pipeline Distribution Area (GPDA/WJD) auction in April 2019. BPH Migas Jugi Prajogio Committee members explain the area to be auctioned into the distribution network area of ​​West Java, East Java, Central Java, and North Sumatra.

"We have pre-auctioned two weeks ago in Bekasi, West Java. Of the 34 business entities in Indonesia, as many as 13 business entities have expressed interest before pre-auction, "he explained on the sidelines of an event entitled Socialization of Joint Supervision of Handling Transportation and Commercial Business Activities of Natural Gas through Pipes.

He explained that this auction is a follow-up to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Regulation Number 4 of 2018 concerning the Exploitation of Natural Gas in Downstream Oil and Gas (Oil and Gas) Activities.

In this regulation, WJD is a certain area of ​​the natural gas distribution network which is part of the Master Plan of the National Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Network to carry out natural gas transportation business activities through distribution pipes.

The determination of WJD is based on the administrative area of ​​the district / city that is ready to be auctioned into WJD because of the availability of pipeline infrastructure, gas allocation, and also consumers to their financial capabilities.

"Right now business entities are competing to submit proposals including preparing a [FS] feasibility study.

God willing, if there is no obstacle in April or May next year we open an auction because to make FS takes 3-4 months, "Jugi explained.

He explained, the potential that can be owned by the business entity that won the auction was being able to carry out oil and gas transportation and commercial activities calmly without any interference. BPH Migas will provide commercial concessions for 15 years for the existing region and 30 years for new areas for WJD auction winners in Certain Trade Areas (CTA/WNT).

"So now it is still free competition, but we will manage it in the future. A business entity will control a certain area. So they will be calm for 15 years or 30 years, no one is disturbing, "he explained.

Based on data from the East Java ESDM Office, the East Java region has large oil and gas potential, namely 12 exploration blocks and 18 exploitation blocks of which 5 are worked on by Pertamina EP contractors.

In 2017, oil production recorded in East Java reached 89.6 million barrels per day (barrels of oil per day / BOPD) or increased compared to 2016 which was only 77.3 million BOPD. The gas production in 2017 was 255,580 Standard standard cubic feet (mmscf), a slight decrease compared to 2016 which reached 257,822 mmscf.

Meanwhile, fuel consumption, both oil, gas, coal and renewable energy in East Java in 2018 reached 132 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE). This number increased compared to consumption in 2017, namely 125 million BOE, and 2016 only 119 million BOE.


In the socialization activities in Surabaya, BPH Migas will carry out an MOU with the East Java Regional Police to anticipate violations or crimes in the distribution of oil and gas in East Java. Jugi revealed, from 34 oil and gas business entities in Indonesia, there were at least 3-5 business entities that often violated. The violation that has occurred so far is to avoid paying contributions by reason of forgetting to take notes.

"In our opinion, they intentionally avoid avoiding late payments and interest. We usually talk to the first stage and coaching first as an administrative sanction, "he explained.

Jugi explained that in East Java there are three fields in the oil and gas business, namely transmission pipes, distribution pipes and city gas networks. Of the three fields that often violate the administration are distribution pipes, while the city gas network has not been found to be a potential violation. So far, he continued, there has been no hardest violation, such as selling gas to a particular industry at a higher price.


Wilayah Gas Dilelang 2019

Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi atau BPH Migas akan membuka lelang wilayah jaringan distribusi (WJD) gas pipa pada April 2019. Anggota Komite BPH Migas Jugi Prajogio menjelaskan daerah yang akan dilelang menjadi wilayah jaringan distribusi adalah Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, dan Sumatra Utara.

“Kami sudah melakukan pra-lelang pada 2 minggu lalu di Bekasi Jawa Barat. Dari 34 badan usaha yang ada di Indonesia, sebanyak 13 badan usaha sudah menyatakan minat pada saat sebelum pra-lelang,” jelasnya di sela-sela acara bertajuk Sosialisasi Pengawasan Bersama Penanganan Kegiatan Usaha Pengangkutan dan Niaga Gas Bumi Melalui Pipa.

Dia menjelaskan lelang ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Nomor 4 Tahun 2018 lentang Pengusahaan Gas Bumi Pada Kegiatan Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (migas).

Dalam aturan itu, WJD adalah wilayah tertentu dari jaringan distribusi gas bumi yang merupakan bagian dari Rencana Induk Jaringan Transmisi dan Distribusi Gas Bumi Nasional untuk melaksanakan kegiatan usaha pengangkutan gas bumi melalui pipa distribusi.

Penentuan WJD tersebut didasarkan pada wilayah administrasi kabupaten/kota yang siap untuk dilelang menjadi WJD karena sudah tersedianya infrastruktur pipa, alokasi gas, dan juga konsumen hingga kemampuan finansialnya.

“Sekarang ini para badan usaha berlomba-lomba untuk mengajukan usulan termasuk menyiapkan feasibdity study [FS].

InsyaAllah kalau tidak ada halangan pada April atau Mei tahun depan kami buka lelang karena untuk membuat FS perlu waktu 3-4 bulan," jelas Jugi.

Dia menerangkan, potensi yang bisa dimiliki badan usaha yang memenangkan lelang tersebut yakni bisa melakukan kegiatan angkutan dan niaga migas dengan tenang tanpa ada gangguan. Adapun BPH Migas akan memberi konsesi niaga selama 15 tahun untuk wilayah existing dan 30 tahun untuk daerah baru bagi pemenang lelang WJD pada wilayah niaga tertentu (WNT).

“Jadi sekarang ini sifatnya masih free competition, tetapi ke depan akan kita atur. Satu badan usaha akan mengontrol daerah tertentu. Jadi mereka akan tenang selama 15 tahun atau 30 tahun tidak ada yang mengganggu,” jelasnya.

Berdasarkan data Dinas ESDM Jatim, di wilayah Jatim memiliki potensi migas yang besar, yakni terdapat 12 blok eksplorasi dan 18 blok eksploitasi yang 5 di antaranya digarap oleh kontraktor Pertamina EP.

Pada 2017, tercatat produksi minyak di Jatim mencapai 89,6 juta barel per hari (barrels of oil per day/BOPD) atau meningkat dibandingkan 2016 yang hanya 77,3 juta BOPD. Adapun produksi gas pada 2017 yakni 255.580 Standart standard cubic feet (mmscf), sedikit menurun jika dibandingkan dengan 2016 yang mencapai 257.822 mmscf.

Sementara itu, konsumsi bahan bakar, baik minyak, gas, batu bara dan energi terbarukan di Jatim pada 2018 mencapai 132 juta barrels oil equivalent (BOE). Jumlah tersebut meningkat dibandingkan konsumsi 2017 yakni 125 juta BOE, dan 2016 hanya 119 juta BOE.


Dalam kegiatan sosialisasi di Surabaya itu, BPH Migas akan melakukan MOU dengan Polda Jatim untuk mengantisipasi adanya pelanggaran atau kejahatan dalam distribusi migas di Jatim. Jugi mengungkapkan, dari 34 badan usaha migas di Indonesia, sedikitnya ada 3-5 badan usaha yang sering melanggar. Pelanggaran yang selama ini terjadi adalah menghindar dari pembayaran iuran dengan alasan lupa mencatat.

“Menurut kami memang mereka sengaja menghindar agar tidak membayar keterlambatan dan bunga. Biasanya tahap awal kami ajak bicara dan coaching dulu sebagai sanksi administratif,” jelasnya.

Jugi memaparkan di Jatim ada tiga bidang dalam usaha migas yakni pipa transmisi, pipa distribusi dan jaringan gas kota. Dari ketiga bidang tersebut yang kerap melanggar administrasi adalah pipa distribusi, sedangkan jaringan gas kota belum ditemukan potensi pelanggaran. Sejauh ini, lanjutnya, belum ada pelanggaran yang terberat seperti menjual gas kepada satu industri tertentu dengan harga yang lebih tinggi.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-9, Friday, Dec 14, 2018

The Gross Split Scheme Attracts Investors

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said that the gross split scheme is still attractive to investors. This was marked by the signing of the Sengkang and East Sepinggan work area contracts (WK) which used the gross split scheme from the beginning with the cost recovery scheme.

"This is one proof that investors or contract contractors (KKKS) regard gross split as attractive and profitable," said ESDM Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar to the press after witnessing the signing of the Sengkang and East Sepinggan WK contracts, at the Ministry Office ESDM, Jakarta.

Arcandra said that until now more than 30 KKKS have used gross split schemes to run their businesses.

ENI Italy

"Italian companies and Pertamina have moved from cost recovery to gross split. Gross split makes the process simpler and more effective, "explained Arcandra.

He continued, although from the perspective of the government the gross split scheme was very attractive, the government remained open to input from contractors.

Arcandra Tahar

"The government accepts all inputs and criticisms of the gross split concept," said Arcandra.

ESDM Ministry Director General of Oil and Gas Djoko Siswanto said that the Sengkang WK ​​profit sharing contract is an extension contract with 100% of the holders of Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty Ltd participation. The Sengkang WK ​​profit sharing contract will be valid for 20 years, effective from October 24, 2022.

Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty Ltd

Estimated investment value from implementing the first five-year definite work commitment (KKP) of US $ 88 million and a signature bonus of US $ 12 million. The interest participation owned by Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) includes 10% interest participation that will be offered to regional-owned enterprises (BUMD).

Meanwhile, the East Sepinggan WK profit sharing contract was the first cost recovery scheme to be converted into a gross split schemma contract in accordance with the proposal of the contractor, one of the considerations being the effectiveness of the development of the East Sepinggan WK.

Eni East Sepinggan Limited

"The holders of the participation of WK East Sepinggan are 85% Eni East Sepinggan Limited and 15% PT Pertamina Hulu Energi East Sepinggan with Eni East Sepinggan Limited will act as operators," Djoko concluded.


Skema Gross Split Menarik bagi Investor

Kementerian Energi dan Summber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyampaikan skema bagi hasil (gross split) masih menarik bagi investor. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan penandatanganan kontrak wilayah kerja (WK) Sengkang dan East Sepinggan yang menggunakan skema gross split dari semula dengan skema cost  recovery.

“Ini merupakan salah satu bukti bahwa investor atau kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) menganggap gross split menarik serta menguntungkan,” ujar Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar kepada pers seusai menyaksikan penandatanganan kontrak WK Sengkang dan East Sepinggan, di Kantor Kementerian
ESDM, Jakarta. 

Arcandra menyebutkan hingga saat ini sudah 30 lebih KKKS menggunakan skema gross split untuk menjalankan bisnisnya. 

“Perusahaan Italia dan Pertamina telah pindah dari cost recovery ke gross split. Gross split membuat proses lebih simpel dan efektif,” terang Arcandra.

Dia melanjutkan meski dari perspektif pemerintah skema gross split ini sangat atraktif, pemerintah tetap terbuka terhadap masukan dari para kontraktor. 

“Pemerintah menerima semua masukan dan kritik terhadap konsep gross split,” tegas Arcandra.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto menyampaikan kontrak bagi hasil WK Sengkang merupakan kontrak perpanjangan dengan pemegang partisipasi interes Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty Ltd sebesar 100%. Kontrak bagi hasil WK Sengkang akan berlaku untuk 20 tahun, efektif sejak 24 Oktober 2022.

Perkiraan nilai investasi dari pelaksanaan komitmen kerja pasti (KKP) lima tahun pertama sebesar US$ 88 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 12 juta. Partisipasi interes yang dimiliki Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) tersebut termasuk partisipasi interes 10% yang akan ditawarkan kepada badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD).

Sementara itu, kontrak bagi hasil WK East Sepinggan ialah kontrak skema cost recovery pertama yang beralih menjadi kontrak skemma gross split sesuai dengan usul kontraktor, yang salah satu pertimbangannya ialah efektifitas pengembangan WK East Sepinggan.

“Pemegang partisipasi interes WK East Sepinggan ialah Eni East Sepinggan Limited sebesar 85% serta PT Pertamina Hulu Energi East Sepinggan sebesar 15% dengan Eni East Sepinggan Limited akan bertindak sebagai operator,” pungkas Djoko.

Media Indonesia, Page-14, Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018

Pertamina Builds 1,200 MW of PLTG in Bangladesh

PT Pertamina (Persero) through its subsidiary, PT Pertamina Power Indonesia (PPI), has obtained approval from the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) to build a 1,200 Megawatt (WM) steam gas power plant in the country.

PT Pertamina Power Indonesia (PPI)

PPI President Director Ginanjar said, the next stage, his party was awaiting approval from the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the project the power plant. After that, his party made a written agreement with BPDB.

"It is awaiting the Prime Minister's approval, approval for Lol (letter of intent) and this is binding on both parties," he said in Jakarta.

He explained, this PLTGU project in Bangladesh would have the same concept as the Java-1 PLTGU. The project will later be connected with a liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility, which consists of a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU), mooring and off loading infrastructure, as well as gas pipelines, both subsea and onshore.

Later, after the LoI, it targets to be able to complete the financial close / FC of the 1,200 MW PLTGU project by the end of next year. Next, the construction of the power plant project is planned to be carried out in 2020.

"Then the project's operating target is in 2022," Ginanjar said. While BPDB will act as a buyer of electricity produced by the integrated facility.

In working on the project in Bangladesh, Ginanjar revealed that he would partner with partners. Unfortunately, Ginanjar admitted that he had not been able to name the company to be invited to cooperate with. The reason is, there is still the potential that potential partners will change.

"From all PPI projects, we always collaborate in partnerships," he said.

Bangladesh itself was chosen as the first country in which Pertamina expanded its electricity business due to several factors. First, with economic growth over the past 10 years stabilizing above 7%, it sees Bangladesh as a potential market. In addition, Bangladesh is also a developing country that needs an environmentally friendly future energy source.

"This project is a realization of the Memorandum of Understanding of G to G between PT Pertamina (Persero) and BPDB which was signed before the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the Prime Minister of Bangladesh," Ginanjar explained.

This collaboration is a follow-up of the previous memorandum of understanding in the energy sector signed by the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) with the Ministry of Electricity, Energy and Mineral Resources of Bangladesh on September 15, 2017. At that time, the Minister of Electricity, Energy and Mineral Resources of Bangladesh Nasrul Hamid offered electricity cooperation to Indonesia.

Previously, Minister Nasrul explained, his party targets to increase the installed capacity of its power plants to 24 thousand MW by 2021 and reach 40 thousand MW in 2031. Not only adding capacity, the country also has a policy to use LNG in power plants. This is because LNG is considered very competitive with coal in terms of price and is more environmentally friendly.

"What we are looking for is competitive prices. We are very happy if Pertamina wants to build a gas infrastructure while generating electricity and gas, "said Nasrul.

PPI has recently begun the construction phase of an integrated Java-1 PLTGU project with a capacity of 1,760 MW and a holding facility and 170 thousand cubic meters of FSRU. The first integrated project from liquefied natural gas to electricity in Asia and one of the largest in Southeast Asia is targeted to operate in 2021.

Marubeni Corporation

In this project, PPI is a lead consortium consisting of Marubeni Corporation, Sojitz Corporation, and other companies. PPI is also a holding of PT Jawa Satu Power that operates the Java-1 PLTGU and PT Jawa Satu Regas which manages the FSRU. 

Sojitz Corporation

    Targeting a number of Projects In the future, Ginanjar said, his party will work on several similar Java-1 power plant and power plant projects in Bangladesh. However, his party has not been able to specify the projects because they are still in the initial stages and the selection of partners.

"There are at least 2-3 gas / fired to (electricity) projects that we will work on," he said.

In addition to the gas-fired power plant project, PPI is also working on a renewable energy power plant project. Currently, PPI is running a 1 MW rhino and 3 MW rhino power plant. Then, PPI also works on the potential of the Cilacap 4 MW PLTS, and PTPN-3 Sei Mangkei 5 MW. 

     Later, the PPI also works on a biogas power plant (PLTBG ) PTPN-3 Sei Mangkei 2.4 MW and PTPN-13 6 MW PPI will also participate in the operation and maintenance of the PPPN PTPN-2 2 MW PLTBG as an effort to expand the gas value chain business as well as pioneering the development of Pertamina's new and renewable energy. In the future, it targets PPI to become a leading green energy company, both in Indonesia and internationally.


Pertamina Bangun PLTGU 1.200 MW di Bangladesh

PT Pertamina (Persero) melalui anak usahanya, PT Pertamina Power Indonesia (PPI), telan memperoleh persetujuan dari Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) untuk membangun pembangkit listrik tenaga gas uap (PLTGU) 1.200 Megawatt (WM) di negara tersebut.

Presiden Direktur PPI Ginanjar mengatakan, tahap berikutnya, pihaknya menunggu persetujuan dari Perdana Menteri Bangladesh untuk proyek
pembangkit listrik tersebut. Setelah itu pihaknya membuat kesepakatan tertulis dengan BPDB. 

“Sedang menunggu approval Perdana Menteri, approval untuk Lol (letter of intent) dan ini bersifat mengikat kedua pihak,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Dia menjelaskan, Proyek PLTGU di Bangladesh ini akan memiliki konsep yang sama dengan PLTGU Jawa-1. Proyek ini nantinya akan terhubung dengan fasilitas penerima gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/ LNG), yang terdiri dari unit penampungan dan regasilikasi terapung (Floating Storage and Regasification Unit/FSRU), infrastruktur mooring dan off loading, serta jalur pipa gas baik subsea maupun onshore.

Nantinya, setelah adanya LoI, pihaknya menargetkan dapat merampungkan pendanaan (financial close/FC) Proyek PLTGU 1.200 MW itu pada akhir tahun depan. Berikutnya, konstruksi proyek pembangkit listrik ini direncanakan bisa dilakukan pada 2020. 

“Kemudian target operasi proyek pada 2022,” tutur Ginanjar. Sementara BPDB akan bertindak sebagai pembeli listrik yang dihasilkan oleh fasilitas terintegrasi tersebut.

Dalam menggarap proyek di Bangladesh itu, Ginanjar mengungkapkan bahwa pihaknya akan menggandeng mitra. Sayangnya, Ginanjar mengaku belum dapat menyebutkan nama perusahaan yang akan diajak kerja sama itu. Pasalnya, masih ada potensi bahwa calon mitra ini akan berubah. 

“Dari semua proyek-proyek PPI, kami selalu berkolaborasi dalam partnership,” ujarnya.

Bangladesh sendiri dipilih sebagai negara pertama di mana Pertamina melakukan ekspansi bisnis kelistrikan karena beberapa faktor. Pertama, dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi selama 10 tahun ini stabil di atas 7%, pihaknya melihat Bangladesh sebagai pasar potensial. Selain itu, Bangladesh juga merupakan negara berkembang yang membutuhkan sumber energi masa depan yang ramah lingkungan.

“Proyek ini merupakan realisasi dari Memorandum of Understanding G to G antara PT Pertamina (Persero) dan BPDB yang telah ditandatangani di hadapan Presiden Republik Indonesia dan Perdana Menteri Bangladesh," jelas Ginanjar.

Kerja sama ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari nota kesepahaman sebelumnya di sektor energi yang ditandatangani Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Indonesia dengan Kementerian Listrik, Energi, dan Sumber Daya Mineral Bangladesh pada 15 September 2017 lalu. Pada saat itu, Menteri Listrik, Energi, dan Sumber Daya Mineral Bangladesh Nasrul Hamid menawarkan kerja sama kelistrikan kepada Indonesia.

Sebelumnya, Menteri Nasrul menjelaskan, pihaknya menargetkan dapat meningkatkan kapasitas terpasang pembangkit listriknya menjadi 24 ribu MW pada 2021 dan mencapai 40 ribu MW pada 2031. Tidak sekedar menambah kapasitas, negaranya juga memiliki kebijakan untuk menggunakan LNG di pembangkit listrik. Hal ini karena LNG dinilai sangat bersaing dengan batubara dari sisi harga dan lebih ramah lingkungan.

“Yang kami cari adalah harga yang kompetitif. Kami sangat senang jika Pertamina mau membangun infrastruktur gas sekaligus pembangkit listrik dan gas,” ujar Nasrul.

PPI belum lama ini telah memulai tahap konstruksi proyek terintegrasi PLTGU Jawa-1 berkapasitas 1.760 MW dan fasilitas penampungan dan FSRU 170 ribu meter kubik. Proyek terintegrasi dari gas alam cair ke listrik pertama di Asia dan salah satu terbesar di Asia Tenggara ini ditargetkan beroperasi pada 2021. 

Dalam proyek ini, PPI sebagai lead consortium yang beranggotakan Marubeni Corporation, Sojitz Corporation, dan perusahaan lainnya. PPI juga merupakan holding dari PT Jawa Satu Power yang mengoperasikan PLTGU Jawa-1 dan PT Jawa Satu Regas yang mengelola FSRU. 

     Mentargetkan sejumlah Proyek Ke depannya, Ginanjar mengatakan, pihaknya akan menggarap beberapa proyek pembangkit listrik sejenis PLTGU Jawa-1 dan PLTGU di Bangladesh. Namun, pihaknya belum dapat merinci proyek-proyek tersebut lantaran masih dalam tahap awal dan pemilihan mitra.

“Paling tidak ada 2-3 proyek gas/LNG to fired (listrik) yang akan kami garap,” tutur dia.

Selain proyek pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar gas, PPI juga menggarap proyek pembangkit listrik energi terbarukan. Saat ini, PPI sedang menjalankan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS) Badak 1 MW dan Badak 3 MW Kemudian, PPI juga mengerjakan potensi PLTS Cilacap 4 MW, dan PTPN-3 Sei Mangkei 5 MW Kemudian, PPI juga mengerjakan pembangkit listrik tenaga biogas (PLTBG) PTPN-3 Sei Mangkei 2,4 MW dan PTPN-13 6 MW PPI juga akan turut serta dalam pengoperasian dan perawatan PLTBG PTPN-2 2 MW PPI dibentuk sebagai upaya ekspansi value chain bisnis gas serta sebagai perintis pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan Pertamina. Ke depannya, pihaknya menargetkan PPI dapat menjadi leading green energy company, baik di Indonesia maupun internasional.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018

Government Signs Gross Split Contract

The government continues to boost gross split schemes to replace cost recovery in the management of national oil and gas (oil and gas). The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) yesterday signed two oil and gas block contracts using gross split scheme.

Energy Equity Epic Sengkang

First, the contract extension of the Sengkang Block managed by Energy Equity Epic Sengkang. This block contract is extended for 20 years, starting from 2022 later.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said that Equity Epic Sengkang will get 100% participation rights with the obligation to submit 10% of the participating rights to the Regional Owned Enterprise Fund (BUMD). Well, Energy Equity is obliged to pay a signature bonus of US $ 12 million and a 10% executive guarantee of a defined work commitment (KKP) of US $ 88 million.
Djoko said, Energy Equity has paid for all of these obligations. President of Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty Ltd, Andi Riyanto, said the Sengkang Block still has gas reserves of 3 to 4 trillion cubic feet (TCF).

"We will conduct a joint study in the Karaeng Block and exploration activities in the first five years," he explained.

The exploration activities in question are seismic surveys and drilling of two wells. Andi said, the production of the Sengkang Block could increase to 100-200 MMSCFD in stages over five years, starting in 2022. At present, the production of the Sengkang Block is 60 mmscfd.

In addition to the Sengkang Block, the ESDM Ministry yesterday has amended the Sepinggan Block contract from the production sharing contract (PSC) cost recovery to gross split PSC.

 ENI - Italy

      Holders of the participation rights of WK East Sepinggan are 85% of Eni East Sepinggan Limited and 15% of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi East Sepinggan. Eni East Sepinggan acts as the operator.

Arcandra Tahar

Deputy Minister of ESDM Arcandra Tahar said Eni and PHE voluntarily replaced the contract to gross split. The reason is that there is a long debate between the government and Eni about the costs so that the Sepinggan Block project is a year late.

"Now the project is becoming more certain," he said.


Pemerintah Teken Kontrak Gross Split

Pemerintah terus menggenjot skema gross split menggantikan cost recovery dalam tata kelola minyak dan gas (migas) nasional. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) kemarin menandatangani dua kontrak blok migas dengan menggunakan skema gross split.

Pertama, perpanjangan kontrak Blok Sengkang yang dikelola Energy Equity Epic Sengkang. Kontrak blok ini diperpanjang selama 20 tahun, terhitung mulai 2022 nanti.

Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM, Djoko Siswanto, menyebutkan Equity Epic Sengkang akan mendapatkan 100% hak partisipasi dengan kewajiban menyerahkan 10% hak partisipasi kepada Dana Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD). Nah, Energy Equity berkewajiban membayar bonus tanda tangan sebesar US$ 12 juta dan jaminan pelaksana 10% dari komitmen kerja pasti (KKP) sebesar US$ 88 juta.

Djoko bilang, Energy Equity telah membayar seluruh kewajiban tersebut. President Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty Ltd, Andi Riyanto, mengatakan Blok Sengkang masih memiliki cadangan gas sebesar 3 hingga 4 triliun kaki kubik (TCF). 

"Kami akan melakukan join study di Blok Karaeng dan kegiatan eksplorasi dalam lima tahun pertama," terang dia.

Kegiatan eksplorasi yang dimaksud adalah survei seismik dan pengeboran dua sumur. Andi bilang, produksi Blok Sengkang bisa meningkat hingga 100-200 mmscfd secara bertahap selama lima tahun, mulai tahun 2022. Saat ini, produksi Blok Sengkang sebesar 60 mmscfd.

Selain Blok Sengkang, Kementerian ESDM kemarin telah mengamendemen kontrak Blok Sepinggan dari production sharing contract (PSC) cost recovery menjadi PSC gross split. Pemegang hak partisipasi WK East Sepinggan adalah Eni East Sepinggan Limited sebesar 85% dan PT Pertamina Hulu Energi East Sepinggan sebesar 15%. Eni East Sepinggan bertindak sebagai operator.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar bilang Eni dan PHE secara sukarela mengganti kontrak ke gross split. Alasannya, ada perdebatan panjang antara pemerintah dan Eni tentang  biaya sehingga proyek Blok Sepinggan terlambat setahun. 

"Kini proyek menjadi lebih pasti," kata dia. 

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018

Inpex Already Proposed Revision of Masela Block POD

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) has accepted the revision of the Masela Block plan of development (POD). As a result, the proposed block development plan is certain to come out next week. 

Dwi Soetjipto

    Head of SKK Migas, Dwi Soetjipto, explained Inpex Corporation has submitted a proposal to revise the Masela Block POD I. SKK Migas is reviewing the proposal.

Inpex Corporation

"We are still reviewing," Dwi said. He hopes the review of the Masela Block POD I revision will be completed in the near future. So that in January 2019 there will be a decision regarding the POD of the Masela Block.

the Masela Block by Inpex Corp.

"Hopefully the second week of this month will come out from the Head of SKK Migas. Then recommend to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. Yes, maybe January will be finished, it should be possible," added Deputy Head of SKK Migas, Sukandar.

One of the things that was reviewed by SKK Migas regarding the revision of the Masela Block POD was the project's economic level, including the internal rate of return (IRR). The average IRR expected by investors reaches 15%.


Inpex Sudah Mengajukan Revisi POD Blok Masela

Satuan Kerja Khusus Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas} sudah menerima revisi rencana pengembangan atau plan of development (POD) Blok Masela. Alhasil, rekomendasi rencana pengembangan blok tambang itu dipastikan akan keluar pada pekan depan. Kepala SKK Migas, Dwi Soetjipto, menjelaskan Inpex Corporation sudah memasukkan proposal revisi POD I Blok Masela. SKK Migas sedang mengkaji proposal itu.

"Kami masih review," kata Dwi. Dia berharap kajian revisi POD I Blok Masela selesai dalam waktu dekat. Sehingga pada Januari 2019 mendatang sudah ada keputusan terkait POD Blok Masela.

"Semoga minggu kedua bulan ini keluar dari Kepala SKK Migas. Kemudian merekomendasikan ke Menteri ESDM. Ya, mungkin Januari selesai, harus bisa," tambah Wakil Kepala SKK Migas, Sukandar.

Salah satu yang dikaji SKK Migas terkait revisi POD Blok Masela adalah tingkat keekonomian proyek itu, termasuk internal rate of return (IRR). Rata-rata IRR yang diharapkan investor mencapai 15%.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Dec 12, 2018