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Thursday, January 17, 2019

There is 'Little Texas' in Bojonegoro

Bojonegoro Regency, East Java is one of the second largest crude oil producers in Indonesia. Not surprisingly, in the past, Dutch and Japanese colonists were so eager to control the area.


In Bojonegoro also Dutch and Japanese colonials carried out massive exploitation of oil resources. Traces of oil mining by the Netherlands and Japan still exist today in the form of old oil wells.


In addition to being managed by Pertamina, oil resources in Bojonegoro are traditionally mined by the community. However, over time, the crude oil reserves in Bojonegoro continued to thin out.

Now, to provide economic added value and improve the welfare of the local community, the central government and the District Government (Pemkab) of Bojonegoro conjure up a traditional oil mining center in Wonocolo, Kedewan District, to become a tourist area. The area was named Teksas Wonocolo.

Teksas Wonocolo

Teksas Wonocolo is a geosite that was developed into a geological tour of old oil wells. Teksas Wonocolo is also the location of petroleum education tours. Nama Teksas was inspired by Texas, one of the states in the United States (US) which was also a source of oil from Uncle Sam's country. That's because the landscape in Wonocolo is similar to past oil mining in Texas. Teksas itself stands for Tekad Always Safe and Prosperous.

Geopark Festival

Various activities were carried out by the Bojonegoro Regency Government so that tourists visited Textas Wonocolo. One of them held the 2018 Bojonegoro Geopark Festival which took place last November. The festival presents various interesting events, such as Fun Trips. Also held musical performances and dances, including Thengul Massal Dance, Sinten Remen Orchestra Djadug Febrianto, and Bojonegoro Ethnic Music.

Regina Indonesian Idol

Musicians who enlivened the event included Regina Idol, Sruti Respati feat Indro bassist, and Anjie feat Sruti. The 2018 Bojonegoro Geopark Festival begins with tree planting together at the Texas Wonocolo Tourism object, as a conservative national geopark tourist attraction. On the sidelines of the festival, awards were also given to the management of the tourist attraction of Textas Wonocolo.

"Teksas Wonocolo was chosen as the best tourist village at the 2018 Bojonegoro Geopark Festival," said Head of the Culture and Tourism Office (Disbudpar) of Bojonegoro Regency Amir Sahid in his official statement in Bojonegoro.

The festival was held after the Bojonegoro Geopark area officially obtained a national geopark certificate as a geological reserve area from the Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) in 2017.

Tourist Visits

With an area of ​​23 km2 and inhabited by 1,400 people, the Bojonegoro Geopark area promises natural tourism, especially in the form of oil fields that blend with local culture. In addition there are still tourist destinations scattered in the Bojonegoro Geopark region, including the anticline structure of Kawengan, the top part of the anticline, the right wing part and part of the left wing, all in Kedewan District.

Kayangan Api

Anticline is a geological structure in the form of folds of sedimentary rock or metamorphic rocks which are convex upwards. The middle part of the anticline is called the anticline core. The other geopark is Kayangan Api in Sendangharjo Village (Ngasem District), Dung Lantung in Drenges Village (Sugihwaras District), and the location of fossil findings of ancient shark teeth in Jono Village (Temayang District).

ancient shark teeth

"Besides being visited by many tourists, the Bojonegoro Geopark area is often used as a natural laboratory by universities, ITB and ITS," said Head of Human Resources and Institutional Development for Tourism and Culture at the Disbudpar Bojonegoro Dyah Enggar Rinimukti.

In this region there are a number of frequently visited points, such as oil mining which has been managed for 110 years. The other unique geology is the oil-producing reservoir rock at an average depth of 100 meters below the surface (the depth of the reservoir is above sea level).

This proves that petroleum in Wonocolo is a shallow reservoir in Indonesia, even in the world. There are 700 oil wells where 200 wells are traditionally mined.

The number of tourists visiting Texas Wonocolo continues to increase from year to year. In 2017, the area which is about 50 km from the city center of Bojonegoro was visited by 5,719 tourists. In 2018 the number increased 180% to 16 thousand.

In an effort to anticipate the increase in tourists, Bojonegoro Regency Government also continues to improve access and services at tourist sites. Infrastructure revamping, for example, is targeted to be completed in 2019.

Regency government also prepares support services, such as homestays for tourists. After successfully gaining the status of National Geopark, the Bojonegoro Regency Government targeted the status of International Geopark issued by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Little Texas

The tourist area of ​​Teksas Wonocolo is also known as Little Texas (Texas Minor) on the oil hill with an altitude of 300 meters above sea level. The first oil tourism object in Indonesia that combines more than 100 years of geological tourism and petroleum system has become one of the favorite locations for photography.

tourists in Texas Wonocolo

After adventuring in Texas Wonocolo, tourists can directly see oil mining by entering the museum of traditional oil mining.

The museum, which was inaugurated on April 27, 2016, is an information center for the history of oil mining. The collection is diverse, from fossils, mining mockups, stratitigation or soil layers, photos, to traditional mining videos from the 60 ~ 80s era.

Stegodorz Trigonocephalus

Ancient animal fossils on display include fossils of ancient elephants (Stegodorz Trigonocephalus) as well as ancient deer and rhinos (Rhirzocerotidae). These ancient animals are estimated to have lived 2.6 million to 10 million years ago. This fossil that is commonly found around Bengawan Solo is the source of oil and gas for Bojonegoro.

Favehotel Sudirman Bojonegoro

Hotel Accommodation

Regarding lodging, tourists visiting the Wonocolo National Park need not worry because there are many star-rated hotel hotels in the area. Call it Favehotel Sudirman Bojonegoro or Aston Bojonegoro City Hotel on Jl MH Thamrin Iedok Kulon Tiga, Bojonegoro.

Aston Bojonegoro City Hotel


Ada ‘Little Texas’ di Bojonegoro

Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur merupakan salah satu penghasil minyak mentah terbesar ke dua di Indonesia. Tidak mengherankan jika pada masa lalu, penjajah Belanda dan Jepang begitu bernafsu menguasai daerah tersebut.

Di Bojonegoro pula kolonial Belanda dan Jepang melakukan eksploitasi besar-besaran terhadap sumber-sumber minyak. Jejak-jejak penambangan minyak oleh Belanda dan Jepang masih ada hingga kini berupa sumur-sumur minyak tua.

Selain dikelola Pertamina, sumber minyak di Bojonegoro ditambang masyarakat secara tradisional. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, cadangan minyak mentah di dalam bumi Bojonegoro terus menipis.

Nah, untuk memberikan nilai tambah ekonomi dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat setempat, pemerintah pusat dan Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Bojonegoro menyulap pusat pertambangan minyak tradisional di Wonocolo, Kecamatan Kedewan, menjadi kawasan wisata. Kawasan itu diberi nama Teksas Wonocolo.

Teksas Wonocolo merupakan geosite yang dikembangkan menjadi wisata geologi sumur minyak tua. Teksas Wonocolo juga menjadi lokasi wisata edukasi perminyakan. Nama Teksas memang terinspirasi oleh Texas, salah satu negara bagian di Amerika Serikat (AS) yang juga menjadi sumber minyak Negeri Paman Sam. Itu karena lanskap di Wonocolo mirip dengan penambangan minyak masa lalu di Texas. Teksas sendiri merupakan singkatan dari Tekad Selalu Aman dan Sejahtera. 

Festival Geopark

Berbagai kegiatan dilakukan Pemkab Bojonegoro agar wisatawan berkunjung ke Teksas Wonocolo. Salah satunya menggelar Festival Geopark Bojonegoro 2018 yang berlangsung pada November lalu. Festival tersebut mempersembahkan berbagai acara menarik, seperti Fun Trips. Juga menggelar pentas musik dan tari-tarian, di antaranya Tari Thengul Massal, Orkes Sinten Remen Djadug Febrianto, dan Musik Etnik Bojonegoro.

Musisi yang memeriahkan acara tersebut antara lain Regina Idol, Sruti Respati feat bassist Indro, dan Anjie feat Sruti. Festival Geopark Bojonegoro 2018 diawali dengan penanaman pohon bersama di objek Wisata Teksas Wonocolo, sebagai usaha konservsi objek wisata geopark nasional. Di sela-sela festival itu juga dilakukan penyerahan penghargaan kepada pengelola objek Wisata Teksas Wonocolo.

“Teksas Wonocolo terpilih sebagai desa wisata terbaik pada Festival Geopark Bojonegoro 2018,” ujar Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Disbudpar) Kabupaten Bojonegoro Amir Sahid dalam keterangan resminya di Bojonegoro.

Festival itu digelar setelah kawasan Geopark Bojonegoro resmi memperoleh sertifikat geopark nasional sebagai kawasan cagar alam geologi dari Badan Geologi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) pada 2017.

Kunjungan Turis

Dengan areal seluas 23 km2 dan dihuni 1.400 jiwa, kawasan Geopark Bojonegoro menjanjikan wisata alam, khususnya berupa hamparan minyak yang menyatu dengan kebudayaan setempat. Selain itu masih ada destinasi wisata yang tersebar di kawasan Geopark Bojonegoro, di antaranya struktur antiklin Kawengan bagian puncak antiklin, bagian sayap kanan dan sebagian sayap kiri, semuanya di Kecamatan Kedewan.

Antiklin merupakan struktur geologi berupa lipatan lapisan batuan sedimen atau batuan metamorfosis yang cembung ke atas. Bagian tengah antiklin disebut inti antiklin. Geopark lainnya adalah Kayangan Api di Desa Sendangharjo (Kecamatan Ngasem), Dung Lantung di Desa Drenges (Kecamatan Sugihwaras), dan lokasi temuan fosil gigi hiu purba di Desa Jono (Kecamatan Temayang).

“Selain banyak dikunjungi wisatawan, kawasan Geopark Bojonegoro sering dijadikan laboratorium alam oleh perguruan tinggi, ITB dan ITS,” tutur Kepala Bidang Pengembangan SDM dan Kelembagaan Pariwisata dan Budaya Disbudpar Bojonegoro Dyah Enggar Rinimukti.

Di kawasan ini terdapat sejumlah titik yang kerap dikunjungi, seperti pertambangan minyak yang telah dikelola selama 110 tahun. Keunikan geologi lainnya adalah batuan reservoar penghasil minyak bumi pada kedalaman rata-rata 100 meter di bawah permukaan tanah (kedalaman reservoir berada di atas permukaan air laut).

Ini membuktikan bahwa minyak bumi di Wonocolo merupakan reservoir terdangkal di Indonesia, bahkan di dunia. Di sana terdapat 700 sumur minyak dimana 200 sumur di antaranya ditambang secara tradisional.

Jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Teksas Wonocolo dari tahun ke tahun terus meningkat. Pada 2017, kawasan yang berjarak sekitar 50 km dari pusat Kota Bojonegoro ini dikunjungi 5.719 wisatawan. Pada 2018 jumlahnya meningkat 180% menjadi 16 ribu.

Dalam upaya mengantisipasi peningkatan wisatawan tersebut, Pemkab Bojonegoro juga terus meningkatkan akses maupun layanan di lokasi wisata. Pembenahan infrastruktur, misalnya, ditargetkan rampung pada 2019.

Pemkab juga menyiapkan layanan pendukung, seperti homestay bagi wisatawan. Setelah sukses meraih status Geopark Nasional, Pemkab Bojonegoro menargetkan status Geopark Internasional yang diterbitkan United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Little Texas 

Kawasan wisata Teksas Wonocolo dikenal juga sebagai Little Texas (Texas Kecil) di bukit minyak dengan ketinggian 300 mdpl. Objek wisata minyak pertama di Indonesia yang memadukan wisata geologi dan petroleum system berusia lebih dari 100 tahun ini menjadi salah satu lokasi favorit untuk berswafoto.

Setelah berpetualang di Teksas Wonocolo, wisatawan bisa melihat secara langsung penambangan minyak dengan masuk ke museum penambangan minyak tradisional.

Museum yang diresmikan pada 27 April 2016 itu merupakan pusat informasi sejarah pertambangan minyak. Koleksinya beragam, mulai fosil, maket penambangan, stratitigasi atau lapisan tanah, foto, hingga video pertambangan tradisional era 60~80an.

Fosil hewan purba yang dipamerkan antara lain fosil gajah purba (Stegodorz Trigonocephalus) serta rusa dan badak purba (Rhirzocerotidae). Hewan-hewan purba itu diperkirakan hidup 2,6 juta hingga 10 juta tahun lalu. Fosil yang banyak ditemukan di sekitar Bengawan Solo inilah yang menjadi sumber migas bagi Bojonegoro.

Akomodasi Hotel

Tentang penginapan, wisatawan yang berkunjung ke T eksas Wonocolo tidak perlu kawatir karena sudah banyak hotel hotel berbintang hadir di kawasan tersebut. Sebut saja Favehotel Sudirman Bojonegoro atau Aston Bojonegoro City Hotel di Jl MH Thamrin Iedok Kulon Tiga, Bojonegoro.

Investor Daily, Page-13, Saturday, Jan 5, 2019

Upstream Oil and Gas Investment is Targeted at US $ 14.79 M

The government targets national upstream oil and gas investment of US $ 14.79 billion this year, up 24.28 percent from last year's realization of US $ 11.9 billion. Increased investment is driven by the presence of several large oil and gas projects that are now under construction.

Dwi Soetjipto

Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto said, this year, the national oil and gas lifting target is set at 2.25 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. In particular, oil production is targeted at 775 thousand barrels per day (bpd) and gas 1.25 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. To realize this target, the company set a target for oil and gas investment this year of US $ 14.79 billion.

"The investment plan for 2019 is US $ 14.79 billion, from the 2018 realization of US $ 11.9 billion," he said.

Dwi added, one of the strategies was carried out so that oil and gas lifting was in accordance with the target by ensuring that the investment went according to plan. Primarily, it will encourage investment in oil and gas projects that are still under development.

"So the steps are how to increase monitoring and control of these projects," he said.

The same thing was also expressed by the Director General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto. It is also optimistic that this year's oil and gas investment will improve, considering there are several large oil and gas projects that are still under construction.

Eni Indonesia

"Optimistic because this year Eni Indonesia has set Merakes (investment) of US $ 1.3 billion, Train-3 Tangguh is still on the road, and JTB (Jambaran Tiung Biru) is US $ 1.6 billion. Of those three, it has been large (investment), "he explained.

This year, Eni Indonesia began working on the development of the Merakes Field, Sepinggan East Block. The project with a total investment of US $ 1.3 billion is targeted to be completed by 2021. 

PT Pertamina EP Cepu

    Furthermore, since the end of last year, PT Pertamina EP Cepu began working on the JTB Project worth US $ 1.55 billion with a target of completion in 2021. 

BP Indonesia

    Then, BP Indonesia is now is working on Train-3 of Tangguh's US $ 8 billion liquefied natural gas (LNG) refinery. The project, which was carried out by a company from England since 2016, is targeted to be completed by 2020

Not only from the new project, Dwi said, efforts to achieve the lifting target will also be sought from enhanced oil recovery / EOR.

"We will ensure the preparation of EOR projects. Then it can work better with KKKS (cooperation contract contractors / KKKS) to help them increase their lifting, "he said.

Referring to data from the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), by 2030, oil production is projected to only amount to 281 thousand bpd. However, if EOR is successfully implemented, oil production can be increased to 520 thousand bpd by 2030. In SKK Migas data, additional production from activities, EOR is projected to enter in 2025.

Not Reaching Target

In 2018, the realization of national oil and gas lifting is still below the target of 2 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, which is 1.91 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. In detail. the realization of oil lifting is 778 thousand bpd from the target of 800 thousand bpd. While the realization of gas lifting is 1.13 million barrels of oil equivalent per day from the target of 1.2 million barrels of oil equivalent per day.

Compared to 2017 realization, last year's oil and gas lifting was lower. In 2017, the realization of oil and gas lifting reached 1.94 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. However, last year's realization of upstream oil and gas investment was US $ 11.9 billion, higher and 2017 which was US $ 9.33 billion.

According to Djoko, the increase in investment does not mean an increase in oil and gas lifting because the oil and gas project is long-term.

"Even though lifting is down, a big investment is due to issuing costs now," he said.

In addition, investment is needed to keep national oil and gas production from being cut significantly. Because, without investment and activities, the rate of decline in oil and gas production can reach more than 11%.

"In order not to become a decline, development is used. The existing [oil and gas block] also develops so that it does not go down [production] by 11%, "he explained.

Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited for the Cepu

Dwi explained, the three biggest oil producers in 2018 were PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia for the Rokan Block 213 thousand bpd, Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited for the Cepu Block 209,314 bpd, and Pertamina EP 79,910 bpd.

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia


Investasi Hulu Migas Ditargetkan US$ 14,79 M

Pemerintah menargetkan investasi hulu migas nasional sebesar US$ 14,79 miliar pada tahun ini, naik 24,28% dari realisasi tahun lalu sebesar US$ 11,9 miliar. Peningkatan investasi didorong adanya beberapa proyek migas besar yang kini dalam pengerjaan.

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto menuturkan, pada tahun ini, target lifting migas nasional ditetapkan sebesar 2,25 juta barel setara minyak per hari. Rincinya, produksi minyak ditargetkan sebesar 775 ribu barel per hari (bph) dan gas 1,25 juta barel setara minyak per hari. Untuk merealisasikan target tersebut, pihaknya menetapkan target investasi migas tahun ini US$ 14,79 miliar. 

“Rencana investasi tahun 2019 adalah US$ 14,79 miliar, dari realisasi 2018 sebesar US$ 11,9 miliar,” katanya.

Dwi menambahkan, salah satu strategi yang dilakukan agar lifting migas sesuai target yakni dengan memastikan investasi berjalan sesuai rencana. Utamanya, pihaknya akan mendorong investasi pada proyek-proyek migas yang masih dalam tahap pengembangan. 

“Jadi langkahnya bagaimana tingkatkan monitoring dan control proyek-proyek ini,” ujarnya.

Hal senada juga diungkapkan oleh Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto. Pihaknya pihaknya juga optimistis investasi migas tahun ini akan membaik, mengingat ada beberapa proyek migas besar yang masih dalam pengerjaan.

“Optimis karena tahun ini Eni Indonesia sudah tetapkan Merakes (investasi) US$ 1,3 miliar, Train-3 Tangguh masih jalan, dan JTB (Jambaran Tiung Biru) US$ 1,6 miliar. Dari tiga itu saja, sudah besar (investasi),”jelas dia. 

Pada tahun ini, Eni Indonesia mulai mengerjakan pengembangan Lapangan Merakes, Blok East Sepinggan. Proyek dengan nilai investasi total US$ 1,3 miliar ini ditargetkan rampung pada 2021. Selanjutnya, sejak akhir tahun lalu, PT Pertamina EP Cepu mulai menggarap Proyek JTB senilai US$ 1,55 miliar dengan target penyelesaian pada 2021. 

    Kemudian, BP Indonesia kini sedang mengerjakan Train-3 kilang gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/LNG) Tangguh senilai US$ 8 miliar. Proyek yang dikerjakan perusahaan dari Inggris sejak 2016 lalu itu ditargetkan rampung pada 2020

Tidak hanya dari proyek baru, Dwi menuturkan, upaya pencapaian target lifting juga akan diupayakan dari kegiatan pengurasan minyak tahap lanjut (enhanced oil recovery/EOR). 

“Kami akan memastikan persiapan proyek-proyek EOR. Kemudian bisa kerja sama lebih bagus dengan KKKS (kontraktor kontrak kerja sama/KKKS) untuk membantu mereka tingkatkan lifting,” kata dia.

Mengacu data Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), pada 2030, produksi minyak diproyeksikan hanya akan sebesar 281 ribu bph. Namun, jika EOR berhasil dilaksanakan, produksi minyak dapat ditingkatkan menjadi 520 ribu bph pada 2030. Dalam data SKK Migas, tambahan produksi dari kegiatan, EOR diproyeksikan akan masuk pada 2025.

Tidak Mencapai Target

Pada 2018, realisasi lifting migas nasional tercatat masih di bawah target 2 juta barel setara minyak per hari, yakni sebesar 1,91 juta barel setara minyak per hari. Rincinya. realisasi lifting minyak sebesar 778 ribu bph dari target 800 ribu bph. Sementara realisasi lifting gas sebesar 1,13 juta barel setara minyak per hari dari target 1,2 juta barel setara minyak per hari.

Jika dibandingkan realisasi 2017, lifting migas tahun lalu tercatat lebih rendah. Pada 2017, realisasi lifting migas mencapai 1,94 juta barel setara minyak per hari. Meski demikian, realisasi investasi hulu migas tahun lalu sebesar US$ 11,9 miliar, justru lebih tinggi dan 2017 yang sebesar US$ 9,33 miliar.

Menurut Djoko, kenaikan investasi bukan berarti peningkatan lifting migas karena proyek migas bersifat jangka panjang.

“Meskipun lifting turun, investasi besar karena mengeluarkan biayanya sekarang,” ujarnya.

Selain itu, investasi diperlukan untuk menjaga produksi migas nasional tidak terpotong secara signifikan. Pasalnya, tanpa ada investasi dan kegiatan, maka laju penurunan produksi migas bisa mencapai lebih dari 11%. 

“Supaya tidak jadi penurunan inilah yang dipakai development. [Blok migas] eksisting itu juga melakukan development agar tidak turun [produksinya] 11%,” jelas dia.

Dwi memaparkan, tiga produsen minyak terbesar di 2018 yakni PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia untuk Blok Rokan 213 ribu bph, Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited untuk Blok Cepu 209.314 bph, dan Pertamina EP 79.910 bph.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Jan 5, 2019

Pertamina EP Cepu Performs EPC I Prime Placement

PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) conducted a premiere of the EPC Gas Processing Facilitation (GPF) project to develop the Jambaran - Tiung Biru (JTB) unitization gas field in Bojonegoro - East Java - Indonesia.

The event was attended by Upstream Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Dharmawan H. Samsu, SKK Migas Deputy Operation Fatar Yani Abdurrahman, and Chairman of the Bojonegero Regional Representative Council (DPRD) Sigit Kusharijanto. The Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) project managed by PEPC is one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) set by the Committee for the Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Provision (KPPIP).

Upstream Director of Pertamina Dharmawan H. Samsu said the establishment of the Prime EPC Gas Processing Facility was one of the important momentum of the JTB project.

"The GPF EPC project functions to produce gas and condensate from the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Unitization Field with an average raw gas production of 315 MMSCFD and onstream / commercial gas targets in 2021 with gas sales of 192 MMSCFD. GPF will be built using technology and designed to get operational reliability and be environmentally friendly to produce for 25 years, "explained Dharmawan.

While PEPC's Managing Director, Jamsaton Nababan, explained that currently, the progress of the EPC GPF has reached 12% and it is expected that progress will progress further in accordance with the S-Curve agreed between PEPC and the RJJ consortium as the executor of the work.

"This work is carried out in parallel and simultaneously from the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction work so that the Commissioning and Project Completion EPC GPF can be implemented in 2021," said Jamsaton.

The gas production of 192 MMSCFD will later be channeled through the Gresik-Semarang transmission pipeline. With JTB gas reserves of 2.5 trillion cubic feet (TCF), JTB is expected to provide a multiplier effect, especially to overcome the gas supply deficit in Central and East Java.

Chairman of the Bojonegoro DPRD Sigit Kusharijanto expressed his support for the JTB project which could provide a multiplier effect for the Bojonegoro community. Furthermore, Sigit also appreciated PEPC's efforts to implement the Corporate Social Responsibility (SCR) program in the Bojonegoro region.


Pertamina EP Cepu Lakukan Pemancangan Perdana EPC I

PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) lakukan pemancangan Perdana EPC Gas Processing Facisilty (GPF) proyek pengembangan lapangan gas unitisasi Jambaran - Tiung Biru (JTB) di Bojonegoro - Jawa timur - Indonesia.

Acara tersebut di hadiri Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina (Persero) Dharmawan H Samsu, Deputi Operasi SKK MIGAS Fatar Yani Abdurrahman, dan Ketua Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Bojonegero Sigit Kusharijanto. Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) yang dikelola oleh PEPC merupakan salah satu Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN) yang telah ditetapkan oleh Komite Percepatan Penyediaan Infrastruktur Prioritas (KPPIP).

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Dharmawan H Samsu mengatakan pemancangan Perdana EPC Gas Processing Facility merupakan salah satu momentum penting dari proyek JTB. 

“Proyek EPC GPF berfungsi memproduksi gas dan kondensat dari Lapangan Unitisasi Jambaran-Tiung Biru dengan produksi rata-rata raw gas sebesar 315 MMSCFD dan target gas onstream/komersil pada 2021 dengan sales gas sebesar 192 MMSCFD. GPF yang akan dibangun menggunakan teknologi dan dirancang untuk mendapatkan keandalan operasi dan ramah lingkungan untuk berproduksi selama 25 tahun,” jelas Dharmawan.

Sementara Direktur Utama PEPC, Jamsaton Nababan, menjelaskan bahwa saat ini, progress EPC GPF telah mencapai 12% dan diharapkan progress akan bertambah maju sesuai dengan S-Curve yang telah disepakati antara PEPC dengan konsorsium RJJ selaku pelaksana pekerjaan. 

“Pekerjaan ini dilakukan secara paralel dan simultan dari pekerjaan Engineering, Procurement, and Construction sehingga dapat dilaksanakan Commissioning dan Project Completion EPC GPF pada tahun 2021,” kata Jamsaton.

Produksi gas sebesar 192 MMSCFD tersebut nantinya akan dialirkan melalui pipa transmisi Gresik-Semarang. Dengan cadangan gas JTB sebesar 2,5 triliun kaki kubik (TCF), JTB diharapkan dapat memberikan multiplier effect, khususnya untuk mengatasi defisit pasokan gas di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur.

Ketua DPRD Bojonegoro Sigit Kusharijanto menyampaikan dukungannya terhadap proyek JTB yang dapat memberikan multiplier effect bagi masyarakat Bojonegoro. Lebih lanjut, Sigit juga mengapresiasi upaya PEPC untuk mengimplementasikan program Corporate Social Responsibility (SCR) di wilayah Bojonegoro.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Jan 5, 2019

PEP Performs JTB Gas Development

PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) conducted the inauguration of the inaugural EPC Gas Processing Facilitation / GPF project for the development of the Jambaran - Tiung Biru unitization gas field in Bojonegoro Regency.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Dharmawan Samsu said that the inaugural erection of the EPC Gas Processing Facility was one of the important momentum of the JTB unitization gas field development project.

Jambaran Tiung Biru Gas Field

"The GPF EPC project functions to produce gas and condensate from the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Unitization Field with an average raw gas production of 315 MMSCFD and onstream/commercial gas targets in 2021 with gas sales of 192 MMSCFD," he said.

According to him, the GPF will be built using technology and is designed to get operational reliability and be environmentally friendly to produce for 25 years. PEPC President Director Jamsaton Nababan explained that currently, the EPC GPF progress has reached 12 percent. It is expected that progress will progress further in accordance with the "S-Curve" agreed upon between PEPC and the RJJ consortium as the executor of the work.

"This work is carried out in parallel and simultaneously from the engineering, procurement, and construction work so that the Commissioning and Project Completion EPC GPF can be implemented in 2021," Jamsaton added.

Gas production of 192 MMSCFD will be channeled through the Gresik-Semarang transmission pipeline. With JTB gas reserves of 2.5 trillion cubic feet (TCF), JTB is expected to provide a multiplier effect, especially to overcome the gas supply deficit in Central and East Java.

On that occasion, Chairman of the Bojonegoro Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) Sigit Kusharijanto expressed his support for the JTB project which can provide a multiplier effect and the implementation of a CSR program that has been ongoing for the Bojonegoro community. 

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    SKK Migas Deputy Operation Fatar Yani Abdurrahman added that the JTB project was a large project full of challenges and also part of the National Strategic Project.

"We really appreciate PEPC and the RH Consortium, good cooperation, and high professionalism is needed so that the project will be carried out according to plan," he said.

PT Pertamina (Persero) is optimistic that PEPC, which has previously supported 25 percent of national crude oil production through the Banyu Urip Field, will show its commitment to guarding the JTB project so that it is finished on target. The JTB project is projected to increase state revenues from USD 3.61 billion during production sharing contracts (PSC).

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Saturday, Jan 5, 2019

Pertamina signs Crude oil contracts

State-owned oil and gas holding company Pertamina's wish to reduce crude imports is likely to be granted after it signed crude oil supplycontracts with 11 oil and gas contractors operating in indonesia (KKKS). The contract agreements were based on Energy and Mineral Resources Ministerial Regulation No. 42/2018 on domestic utilization priority of crude oil produced in the country.

Pertamina media communications manager Arya Dwi Paramita said the company, which was appointed by the government to buy crude oil produced in Indonesia, was ready to absorb the crude oil sold by the oil companies.

"It is important to reduce imports and meet domestic demand," Arya said in Jakarta 

He, however, did not explain the details ofthe contracts, including the sclheme’s value. Arya said the volume of the contracts were different for each oil company, depending on the bilateral agreement. He stressed that Pertamina respected the business aspect of each company, adding that it wanted to buy as much crude oil as possible from them.

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia

The ministry's oil and gas director general, Djoko Siswanto, also declined to elaborate, but he stressed that the volume ot contracts was very high, adding that Pertamina would, for example, buy 90,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia. If all the companies sold their crude oil to Pertamina, the company could reduce imports by 225,000 bopd, Djoko said.

Jakarta Post, Friday, Jan 4, 2019

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

These are 11 Contractors who Supply Oil to Pertamina

PT Pertamina (Persero) has secured an agreement with 11 oil and gas contractors aka the Sania Contract of Work Contractors (KKKS) which will sell domestic-produced crude oil. Negotiations with contractors have reached a contract agreement. Media Communication Manager of PT Pertamina, Arya Dwi Paramita, said that as a party that has the mandate to suppress oil imports, Pertamina is ready to buy crude oil from oil and gas contractors.

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia

Until now, Pertamina has agreed on an oil purchase contract with 11 contractors. They are RH Petrogas Limited, PT SPR Langgak, PetroChina International Jabung Ltd, PT Bumi Siak Pusako, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, SAKA Pangkah Indonesia Ltd, PT Energi Mega Persada Tonga, Petronas Carigali Ketapang I Ltd, Husky CNOOC Madura Ltd, PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk and PetroChina International (Bermuda) Ltd.

Petro China

Petronas Carigali Ketapang I Ltd

Arya stated that by buying crude oil from the 11 oil and gas contractors, Pertamina could supply the needs of crude oil to be processed at domestic refineries.

Husky CNOOC Madura Ltd

"This is important to reduce the burden of imports, which is one of the efforts to meet domestic needs," he said.

But Arya did not want to reveal how the contract of sale and purchase contract to the 11 KKKS, including the contract value and the volume of oil supplied. One thing is certain, the contract volume of crude oil sales between Pertamina and oil and gas contractors varies, according to the agreement and production of each company.


Inilah 11 Kontraktor yang Pasok Minyak ke Pertamina

PT Pertamina (Persero) telah mengantongi kesepakatan dengan 11 kontraktor migas alias Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sania (KKKS) yang akan menjual minyak mentah hasil produksi dalam negeri. Negosiasi dengan para kontraktor sudah mencapai kesepakatan kontrak. Media Communication Manager PT Pertamina, Arya Dwi Paramita, mengatakan sebagai pihak yang mendapatkan amanah untuk menekan impor minyak, Pertamina siap membeli minyak mentah dari kontraktor migas. 

Hingga saat ini Pertamina sudah menyepakati kontrak jual beli minyak dengan 11 kontraktor. Mereka adalah RH Petrogas Limited, PT SPR Langgak, PetroChina International Jabung Ltd, PT Bumi Siak Pusako, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, SAKA Pangkah Indonesia Ltd, PT Energi Mega Persada Tonga, Petronas Carigali Ketapang I Ltd, Husky CNOOC Madura Ltd, PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk serta PetroChina International (Bermuda) Ltd. 

Arya mengemukakan, dengan membeli minyak mentah dari 11 kontraktor migas tadi, maka Pertamina bisa menyuplai kebutuhan minyak mentah yang akan diolah di kilang-kilang dalam negeri. 

“HaI ini penting untuk mengurangi beban impor, yang merupakan salah satu upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri,” ungkap dia.

     Namun Arya belum mau mengungkapkan bagaimana skema kontrak jual beli kepada 11 KKKS tersebut, termasuk nilai kontrak dan volume minyak yang disuplai. Satu hal yang pasti, volume kontrak penjualan minyak mentah antara Pertamina dan kontraktor migas bervariasi, sesuai kesepakatan dan produksi masing-masing perusahaan.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Jan 4, 2019

Block Rokan Contract will be signed soon

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and PT Pertamina will sign a contract for managing the Rokan Block oil and gas (oil and gas) block, Riau. Actually, this contract was signed no later than the end of December 2018.

ESDM Director General of Oil and Gas (Dirjen Migas) Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Djoko Siswanto said that the delay in signing the Rokan Block management contract was due to the government and Pertamina still preparing the draft contract.

"His contract is being prepared. "It should be read by each legal section, then circulated first," he explained.

the Rokan Block

Djoko could not confirm when the new contract for managing the Rokan Block was signed by the government and Pertamina. He just stated, "Immediately".

Beginning in August 2018, the government set Pertamina as the 100% manager of the Rokan Block in Riau. The transfer process will take place starting August 8, 2021. At present, the block is managed by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia. To get the management rights of the Block Rokan, Pertamina issued a signature bonus of US $ 784 million or around Rp. 11.3 trillion.

Pertamina also agreed to pay a certain five-year commitment of US $ 500 million or Rp. 7.2 trillion in carrying out oil and gas exploitation activities. Pertamina's definite five-year commitment of US $ 500 million will not only be used for the development of the Rokan Block, but also the development of a number of other oil and gas fields that have not yet been explored.

Rokan Block's oil and gas production supports 26% of total national production. This block has 96 fields. Three fields between producing good quality oil are Duri, Minas and Bekasap fields. It has been recorded since 1971 until December 31, 2017, the total production of Block Rokan oil and gas has reached 11.5 billion barrels. Pertamina is also preparing a new subsidiary to sign the oil and gas block contract and manage the Rokan Block.

"So for signing through a new company. Because the Rokan Block is large, it must be managed by a unit that focuses on handling it," said Syahrial Mukhtar, Pertamina's Corporate Secretary.


Kontrak Blok Rokan Segera Diteken  

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) dan PT Pertamina akan meneken kontrak pengelolaan blok minyak dan gas bumi (migas) Blok Rokan, Riau. Sebenarnya, kontrak ini ditandatangani paling lambat akhir Desember 2018.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Dirjen Migas) Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto menyatakan, penundaan penandatanganan kontrak pengelolaan Blok Rokan itu akibat pemerintah dan Pertamina masih menyiapkan rancangan kontrak tersebut.

“Sedang disiapkan kontraknya. Seharusnya dibaca oleh bagian hukum masing-masing, kemudian diedarkan dulu," terang dia.

Djoko belum bisa memastikan kapan kontrak baru pengelolaan Blok Rokan ditandatangani oleh pemerintah dan Pertamina. Dia hanya menyatakan,  "Secepatnya".

Awal Agustus 2018, pemerintah menetapkan Pertamina sebagai pengelola 100% Blok Rokan di Riau. Proses pengalihannya akan berlangsung mulai 8 Agustus 2021. Saat ini, blok tersebut dikelola oleh PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia. Untuk mendapatkan hak pengelolaan Blok Rokan, Pertamina mengeluarkan bonus tanda tangan sebesar US$ 784 juta atau sekitar Rp 11,3 triliun. 

Pertamina juga setuju membayar komitmen pasti lima tahun sebesar US$ 500 juta atau Rp 7,2 triliun dalam menjalankan aktivitas eksploitasi migas. Komitmen pasti lima tahun sebesar US$ 500 juta yang diajukan Pertamina tidak hanya akan digunakan untuk pengembangan Blok Rokan, melainkan juga pengembangan sejumlah lapangan migas lainnya yang belum dieksplorasi.

Produksi migas Blok Rokan mendukung 26% dari total produksi nasional. Blok ini memiliki 96 lapangan. Tiga lapangan di antara menghasilkan minyak kualitas bagus yaitu lapangan Duri, Minas dan Bekasap. Tercatat sejak beroperasi 1971 hingga 31 Desember 2017, total produksi migas Blok Rokan mencapai 11,5 miliar barel. Pertamina juga sedang menyiapkan anak usaha baru untuk menandatangani kontrak blok migas ini serta mengelola Blok Rokan. 

"Jadi untuk signing melalui perusahaan baru. Karena Blok Rokan besar, jadi harus dikelola oleh satu unit yang fokus menanganinya,” kata Syahrial Mukhtar, Corporate Secretary Pertamina.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Jan 4, 2019