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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Maintained Production

Production realization is ready to sell oil in 2018 lower than the target. Production was maintained, even though the field age in Indonesia was getting older.

The Rokan block in Riau

Maintaining domestic oil production is a government priority in the short term. The Rokan block in Riau and the Cepu Block in East Java are relied on to keep production levels from decreasing. Last year, the realization of production was ready to sell (lifting) oil as much as 778,000 barrels per day. 

the Cepu Block in East Java

   This realization is lower than the target of the state budget of 800,000 barrels per day. As for this year, production is ready to sell oil in the state budget targeted at 775,000 barrels per day. While gas production is ready to sell in the APBN 1,250 million barrels of oil equivalent per day.

Production is ready to sell Indonesian oil in the last few years, ranging from 700,000 barrels per day to 800,000 barrels per day. Approximately 75 percent of oil fields in Indonesia are around 25 years to 50 years old. As the field age ages, the field's productivity continues to decline.

"Naturally, if it continues to be drained, yes, it will run out. Our priority is how to maintain production. The Cepu block, for example, is planning to produce 165,000 barrels per day, but until now it has produced 220,000 barrels per day. That is what we will protect, "said Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto.

In addition to the Cepu Block, oil production comes from the Rokan Block, which is currently managed by Chevron Pacific Indonesia. The block produces 200,000 barrels of oil per day. Starting in 2021, the Rokan Block is managed by PT Pertamina (Persero) as the Chevron contract period in the block ends.

"Pertamina will begin to engage in drilling in the block this year. Hopefully the production will be maintained with Pertamina's involvement later, "Djoko said.


According to the lecturer at the Trisakti University Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, in the long run, exploration to find new oil reserves must be increased. Moreover, oil and gas resources in Indonesia are still relatively large. It takes a lot of effort so that these resources are upgraded to proven reserves.

"Pertamina must be encouraged to intensify domestic exploration. Without the discovery of large-scale new reserves, Indonesia will continue to depend on imports. Remember, the oil and gas production we enjoy today comes from large fields that have been producing for a long time, such as the Rokan, Mahakam, Tangguh and Cepu blocks, "said Pri Agung.

Previously, the President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Tumbur Parlindungan said, to increase oil production in the country, the only way to increase exploration. Exploration can be intensified if the investment climate in Indonesia is attractive to investors. The ease of licensing and the fast execution process is needed by investors.

"Investors will always compare the condition of upstream oil and gas investments from a number of destination countries. Countries that are considered the most attractive for investment will be the main target, "said Tumbur.

Upstream oil and gas investment in 2018 rose to 12.5 billion US dollars, compared to the realization in 2017 of 11 billion US dollars. The oil and gas sector non-tax revenues also rose from Rp 88.6 trillion in 2017 to Rp 163.4 trillion in 2018. The increase in oil and gas investment has not been able to increase the production rate of ready-to-sell oil domestically.

In addition, the government budget for seismic surveys in an effort to find new sources of oil and gas reserves is very limited. In 2018, the government budgeted Rp. 96 billion for surveys in two locations. However, there is no budget allocation for the same activities this year.

The survey results are important to strengthen the data on recommendations for determining the oil and gas working areas to be auctioned. The potential for oil and gas in Indonesia is said to be still large.


Produksi Dipertahankan

Realisasi produksi siap jual minyak pada 2018 lebih rendah daripada target. Produksi dipertahankan, meskipun usia lapangan untuk di Indonesia semakin menua.

Mempertahankan produksi minyak dalam negeri menjadi prioritas pemerintah dalam jangka pendek. Blok Rokan di Riau dan Blok Cepu di Jawa Timur diandalkan untuk menjaga tingkat produksi agar tidak semakin menurun. Tahun lalu, realisasi produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak sebanyak 778.000 barel per hari. Realisasi ini lebih rendah daripada target APBN yang sebesar 800.000 barel per hari. Adapun tahun ini, produksi siap jual minyak dalam APBN ditargetkan 775.000 barel per hari. Sementara produksi gas siap jual dalam APBN 1,250 juta barel setara minyak per hari.

Produksi siap jual minyak Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir berkisar 700.000 barel per hari sampai dengan 800.000 barel per hari, Sekitar 75 persen dari lapangan minyak di Indonesia berumur sekitar 25 tahun hingga 50 tahun. Seiring usia lapangan yang menua, produktivitas lapangan tersebut juga terus merosot.

”Secara alamiah, kalau dikuras terus, ya, akan habis. Prioritas kami, bagaimana mempertahankan produksi. Blok Cepu, misalnya, perencanaan awal berproduksi 165.000 barel per hari, tetapi sampai sekarang menghasilkan 220.000 barel per hari. Itu yang akan kami jaga,” kata Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto.

Selain Blok Cepu, produksi minyak berasal dari Blok Rokan, yang saat ini masih dikelola Chevron Pasific Indonesia. Blok itu menghasilkan minyak 200.000 barel per hari. Mulai 2021, Blok Rokan dikelola PT Pertamina (Persero) seiring masa kontrak Chevron di blok itu berakhir.

”Pertamina akan mulai terlibat pengeboran di blok tersebut pada tahun ini. Semoga produksi terus terjaga dengan keterlibatan Pertamina nanti,” ujar Djoko. 


Menurut pengajar pada Fakultas Teknologi Kebumian dan Energi Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, dalam jangka panjang, eksplorasi untuk menemukan cadangan minyak baru harus ditingkatkan. Apalagi, sumber daya migas di Indonesia terbilang masih besar. Perlu usaha keras agar sumber daya tersebut dinaikkan statusnya menjadi cadangan terbukti.

”Pertamina harus didorong untuk menggiatkan eksplorasi di dalam negeri. Tanpa penemuan cadangan baru berskala besar, Indonesia akan terus bergantung pada impor. Ingat, produksi migas yang kita nikmati sekarang ini datang dari lapangan besar yang sudah lama berproduksi, seperti blok Rokan, Mahakam, Tangguh, dan Cepu,” kata Pri Agung.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Asosiasi Perminyakan Indonesia (IPA) Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan, untuk menaikkan produksi minyak di dalam negeri, satu-satunya cara dengan meningkatkan eksplorasi. Eksplorasi bisa diintensifkan jika iklim investasi di Indonesia menarik di mata investor. Kemudahan perizinan dan proses eksekusi yang cepat sangat dibutuhkan investor.

”Investor akan selalu membandingkan kondisi investasi hulu migas dari sejumlah negara tujuan. Negara yang dianggap paling menarik untuk investasi akan menjadi target utama,” ujar Tumbur.

Investasi hulu minyak dan gas bumi pada 2018 naik menjadi 12,5 miliar dollar AS, dibandingkan dengan realisasi pada 2017 yang sebesar 11 miliar dollar AS. Penerimaan negara bukan pajak sektor migas juga naik dari Rp 88,6 triliun pada 2017 menjadi Rp 163,4 triliun pada 2018. Kenaikan investasi migas belum mampu meningkatkan angka produksi siap jual minyak di dalam negeri.

Selain itu, anggaran pemerintah untuk survei seismik dalam usaha menemukan sumber cadangan migas yang baru sangat terbatas. Pada 2018, pemerintah menganggarkan Rp 96 miliar untuk survei di dua lokasi. Akan tetapi, belum ada alokasi anggaran untuk kegiatan yang sama pada tahun ini.

Hasil survei tersebut penting untuk memperkuat data rekomendasi penetapan wilayah kerja migas yang hendak dilelang. Potensi migas di Indonesia disebut-sebut masih besar.

Kompas, Page-13, Saturday, Jan 12, 2019

5 Oil and Gas Blocks Approved Early This Year

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will open an oil and gas block auction Phase I / 2019 in five working areas. The five WKs are divided into two ex-production blocks and three exploration blocks. 

     ESDM Ministry Director General of Oil and Gas Djoko Siswanto said, for the first stage five oil and gas blocks were selected to be auctioned. This year, according to him, oil and gas blocks offered to investors reach 10 working areas.

"Gradually, for Phase I / 2019 there are 5 working areas," he said at the Press Conference on the Performance of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources 2018, Friday (11/1).

The ex-production oil and gas blocks are the West Kampar Block and the Long Strait Block. The Kampar Block has actually been auctioned by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on September 19-October 22 2018. However, investors have not been interested in the block that has an estimated reserve of 8.3 MMSTB (oil + condensate).

Oilex Ltd

Initially this block was managed by PT Sumatera Persada Energi (SPE). Then on December 28, 2008, Oilex Ltd purchased management rights of 45% of PSE. However, at the end of December 2016, PSE was in bankruptcy. The contract for the West Kampar Block was signed in October 2005 with a 30-year contract. 

     Termination of the SPE contract as manager of the Kampar Block is realized through a letter from the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources with No. 29 74/2018 signed on 15 August 2018.

Similar to West Kampar, the Long Strait Block, which is located in Riau, will be terminated on September 5, 2021, attempting to be re-auctioned. Because, Petroselat Ltd. who is a subsidiary of PT Sugih Energy Tbk. as the operator has been declared bankrupt. On July 5, 2017, the government again auctioned the oil and gas block.

Meanwhile, the exploration work areas to be auctioned are the West Ganal Block, West Kaimana Block and Anambas Block. Actually, the West Ganal Block is included in the Makassar Strait area, but is separated. 

     Djoko said the Makassar Strait WK was a production block because of West Seno. With the issuance of West Ganal from Makassar Strait, purely a exploration WK.

"The production facility was issued, the West Seno Block was issued. So, [West Ganal] is exploration, "he said.

For the Makassar Strait Block, there are investors who are interested in managing this working area. In the conventional oil and gas working area Phase II / 2018, Eni Muara Bakau B.V has submitted a proposal. However, the ESDM Ministry rejected the proposal because the KKKS did not meet the requirements provided by the government.

Previously, on Wednesday (2/1), Djoko ensured that the three blocks to be auctioned again had passed the evaluation process, especially related to the Makassar Strait Block. 

    In addition, the Anambas Block has also been offered at Phase III / 2018 Auction, but no investors have been interested. Regarding the auction phase I / 2019 for oil and gas blocks, Djoko did not want to provide certainty. He said the auction will take place this month.

"Yes this month, I just had a meeting with the CoC. There was also a discussion with Pak Wamen, "he added.

Later the five oil and gas blocks auctioned will use gross split contract schemes. So far, there are 36 oil and gas blocks operating using this gross production sharing scheme.


5 Blok Migas DiIelang Awal Tahun Ini

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) akan membuka lelang blok minyak dan gas Tahap I/2019 sebanyak lima wilayah kerja. Lima WK tersebut terbagi atas dua blok eks produksi dan tiga blok eksplorasi. 

     Dirjen Migas Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, untuk tahap pertama dipilih lima blok migas untuk dilelang. Pada tahun ini, menurutnya, blok migas yang ditawarkan ke investor mencapai 10 wilayah kerja.

“Bertahap, untuk Tahap I/2019 ada 5 wilayah kerja,” katanya dalam Konferensi Pers Paparan Kinerja Ditjen Migas Kementerian ESDM 2018, Jumat (11/1).

Blok migas eks produksi adalah Blok West Kampar dan Blok Selat Panjang. Blok Kampar sebenarnya sudah pernah dilelang oleh Kementerian ESDM pada 19 September-22 Oktober 2018. Namun, investor belum tertarik pada blok yang memiliki estimasi cadangan sebesar 8,3 MMSTB (minyak + kondensat).

Awalnya blok ini dikelola oleh PT Sumatera Persada Energi (SPE). Kemudian pada 28 Desember 2008, Oilex Ltd membeli hak kelola sebesar 45% dari PSE. Namun, pada akhir Desember 2016, PSE berada dalam kondisi pailit. 

    Kontrak bagi hasil Blok West Kampar ditandatangani pada Oktober 2005 dengan kontrak selama 30 tahun. Pemutusan kontrak SPE sebagai pengelola Blok Kampar diwujudkan lewat surat Menteri ESDM dengan No 29 74/2018 yang ditandatangani pada 15 Agustus 2018.

Serupa dengan West Kampar, Blok Selat Panjang, yang berlokasi di Riau akan terminasi pada 5 September 2021 berupaya kembali dilelang. Pasalnya, Petroselat Ltd. yang merupakan anak usaha dari PT Sugih Energy Tbk. sebagai operator telah dinyatakan pailit. Pada 5 Juli 2017, pemerintah kembali melelang blok migas tersebut.

Sementara itu, untuk wilayah kerja eksplorasi yang akan dilelang adalah Blok West Ganal, Blok West Kaimana dan Blok Anambas. Sebenarnya, Blok West Ganal masuk dalam wilayah Makassar Strait, tetapi dipisahkan. 

     Djoko mengatakan WK Makassar Strait menjadi blok produksi karena adanya West Seno. Dengan dikeluarkannya West Ganal dari Makassar Strait, murni menjadi WK eksplorasi.

“Fasilitas produksinya dikeluarkan, Blok West Seno yang dikeluarkan. Makanya, [West Ganal] itu eksplorasi,” ujarnya.

Untuk Blok Makassar Strait, ada investor yang tertarik untuk mengelola wilayah kerja ini. Dalam wilayah kerja migas konvensional Tahap II/2018, Eni Muara Bakau B.V telah memasukkan proposal. Namun, Kementerian ESDM menolak proposal karena KKKS tersebut tidak memenuhi persyaratan yang diberikan pemerintah.

Sebelumnya, pada Rabu (2/1), Djoko memastikan tiga blok yang akan dilelang ulang sudah melewati proses evaluasi, khususnya terkait Blok Makassar Strait. Selain itu, untuk Blok Anambas, juga sudah pernah ditawarkan pada Lelang Tahap III/2018, tetapi belum ada investor yang tertarik. 

    Terkait dengan waktu lelang blok migas Tahap I/2019, Djoko belum mau memberikan kepastian. Dia mengatakan lelang akan berlangsung pada bulan ini.

“Ya bulan ini, tadi baru saja rapat TnCnya. Tadi sudah diskusi juga dengan Pak Wamen," tambahnya.

Nantinya kelima blok migas yang dilelang akan menggunakan skema kontrak gross split. Sejauh ini, sudah ada 36 blok migas yang beroperasi dengan menggunakan skema bagi hasil produksi kotor ini.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-9, Saturday, Jan 12, 2019

National Oil and Gas Lifting Target Increases to 2.02 Million BOEPD

Lifting oil and gas (oil and gas) this year is targeted to increase to 2.02 million barrels of barrel oil equivalent per day (BOEPD), from the 2018 realization of 1.9 million BOEPD. The addition of production is one of the 13 oil and gas projects planned to start operating this year. 

     Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soecipto said, oil lifting in 2019 is targeted at 775 thousand barrels per day (BPD), where last year's realization was 778 thousand BPD. While the gas lifting target is set at 1.25 million BOEPD, up from last year's 1.13 million BOEPD.

"So that oil and gas lifting in 2019 is 2.02 million BOEPD, from the 2018 realization of 1.92 million BOEPD," he said at a hearing at the House of Representatives Commission VII (DPR).

2D & 3D Seismic

To achieve this target, his party has compiled a work program that will be carried out in the exploration block and in the exploitation block. According to him, the exploration block is planned to carry out 4,328 kilometers (km) of 2D seismic, 3D seismic area of ​​4,693 square kilometers (km2), and 57 wells of exploration well drilling.

While in the exploitation block, exploration activities will be carried out in the form of 3,814 km of 2D seismic, 3D seismic area of ​​1,747 km2, and drilling of wildcat wells or delineation of 40 wells.

"Then there will be workover of 969 wells, 29,256 well service activities, and drilling wells for the development of 345 wells," he explained.

In addition, SKK Migas also plans to have 13 oil and gas projects that will be operational this year. In the first quarter, there were two projects planned to start on stream, the Betara Complex Project with the production of 12 million cubic feet per day (million standard cubic feet per day / MMSCFD) by Petrochina International Jabung Ltd. and Terang Sirasun Batur Phase 2 of 200 MMSCFD by Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd.

Furthermore, in the second quarter, the project which began operations was Ario Damar-Sriwijaya Phase 2 with production of 20 MMSCFD by PT Tropik Energi Pandan, Temalat gas flow to South Kembang Mountain 10 MMSCFD by PT Medco E & P Indonesia, and Bukit Tua Phase-3 31.5 mmscfd by Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd.

Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd.

In the third quarter, there were eight projects that would start flowing oil and gas. In particular, Kedung Keris Full Well Stream Project with production of 3,800 BPH by Exxon Mobil Cepu Ltd, Buntal-5 45 mmscfd by Medco E & P Natuna Ltd, Bison-Iguana-Gajah Putri 163 MMSCFD by Premiere Oil Natuna Sea BY and Suban Compression 780 MMSCFD by ConocoPhilips (Grissik) Ltd.

ConocoPhilips (Grissik) Ltd.

Next, the project operating in the last quarter of this year was the installation of 15 MMSCFD Betung Compressors by PT Pertamina EP Bayan Gas Production Facilities which produced 15 MMSCFD gas and 250 BPH oil by Manhattan Kalimantan Investment Pte Ltd, YY with production. oil 4,605 ​​BPH and 25.5 MMSCFD by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), as well as Calling 20 MMSCFD by Santos (Madura Offshore) Pty Ltd.

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (ONWJ)

"So the total production estimate is 240 thousand BOEPD, which is 1,300 MMSCFD gas and 8,600 BPH oil. "The estimated total investment value is US $ 702 million," Dwi said.

To achieve this year's lifting target, SKK Migas recorded five of the biggest oil producers, namely Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited 216 thousand BPH, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia 190 thousand BPD, PT Pertamina EP 85 thousand BPD, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam 50 thousand BPH, and PT Pertamina Hulu Energi OSES 32 thousand BPH.

Furthermore, the five largest gas producers are PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam 196 thousand BOEPD, BP Berau Ltd 188 thousand BOEPD, ConocoPhilips (Grissik) Ltd 145 thousand BOEPD, PT Pertamina EP 145 thousand BOEPD, and Eni Muara Bakau 115 thousand BOEPD.

Press Cost Recovery

"Meanwhile, Dwi added, this year's upstream oil and gas investment is targeted at the US $ 14.79 billion, up from last year's US $ 11.99 billion. Next, the target of state revenue from the upstream oil and gas sector is set at the US $ 17.51 ​​billion, not unlike the realization of 2018 of US $ 17.5 billion.

For cost recovery, this year it is targeted to reach the US $ 10.22 billion. This figure is lower than last year's realization of US $ 11.7 billion. According to Dwi, his party is indeed trying to control this cost recovery amount. According to Dwi, one of the ways to reduce cost recovery is the synergy between the contractors (KKKS).

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Jan 11, 2019

13 Oil and Gas Projects Operate

This year, the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) projects that 13 oil and gas (oil and gas) projects will operate and produce (onstream).

Dwi Soetjipto

Head of SKK Migas, Dwi Soetjipto predicts that from the 13 projects there will be an additional peak production of 240,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd).

"The total investment value reaches US $ 702 million," he said when met at the House of Representatives (DPR) Building.

The 13 projects are the Betara Complex project, the Terang Sirasun Batur Phase 2 project, Ario Damar-Sriwijaya Phase 2, the Terminal gas drainage project to Gunung Kembang Selatan. Then the Bukit Tua Phase 3 project, Kedung Keris Full Well Steam, Buntal 5, Gajah Putri Bison-Iguana, Suban Compression. Next is the installation of the Betung Compressor, the Bayan Gas Production Facilities project, the YY project and the Mellwis project.

"While in 2018, there were six onstream projects with an estimated peak production of 34,000 boepd. The total investment value of the six projects reached US $ 345 million. But this is an estimate, we are still waiting for the audit results," Dwi said.


13 Proyek Migas Beroperasi

Tahun ini, Satuan Kerja Khusus Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) memproyeksikan sebanyak 13 proyek minyak dan gas bumi (migas) bakal beroperasi dan berproduksi (onstream).

Kepala SKK Migas, Dwi Soetjipto memprediksikan dari 13 proyek itu akan ada tambahan produksi puncak sebesar 240.000 barrel oil equivalen per day (boepd). 

"Total nilai investasinya mencapai US$ 702 juta," ungkap dia saat ditemui di Gedung Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR).

Adapun ke-13 proyek tersebut adalah proyek Kompleks Betara, proyek Terang Sirasun Batur Phase 2, Ario Damar-Sriwijaya Phase 2, proyek pengaliran gas Terminal ke Gunung Kembang Selatan. Kemudian proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3, Full Well Steam Kedung Keris, Buntal 5, Bison-Iguana-Gajah Putri, Suban Compression. Selanjutnya pemasangan Kompresor Betung, proyek Bayan Gas Production Facilities, proyek YY serta proyek Mellwis.

"Sementara pada tahun 2018, realisasinya ada enam proyek onstream dengan estimasi puncak produksi sebesar 34.000 boepd. Total nilai investasi enam proyek tersebut mencapai US$ 345 juta. Tapi ini estimasi, kami masih menunggu hasil audit," ungkap Dwi.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Jan 11, 2019

Pumping Oil and Gas Lifting in 2019

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) targets to be able to hoist oil and gas (oil and gas) lifting this year by 2.04 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd). The projection is 7.37% higher than last year's oil and gas lifting which amounted to 1.9 million boepd. 

     Lifting of petroleum will be pumped at 784,520 barrels per day. The target is higher than the realization of oil lifting last year which reached 777,330 barrels of oil per day (bopd). The projection is also higher than the 2018 State Budget target of 775,000 bopd.

As for the estimation of 2019 natural gas lifting, SKK Migas targets to reach 1.26 million boepd or increase from last year's 1.13 boepd gas lifting. The projected figure is also greater than the 2018 State Budget target of 1.25 million boepd.

Head of SKK Migas, Dwi Soetjipto, said that according to the Work Program and Budget (WP&B) this year, oil lifting is targeted to reach 784,520 bopd. The increase in oil lifting this year is projected to be driven by the lifting of Mobil Cepu Ltd in the Cepu Block.

the Cepu Block.

"In 2019, there is an expected shift from Mobil Cepu, which rose 216,000 bopd," he said at the RDP Meeting with Commission VII of the Rakat House of Representatives (DPR). Last year, the Cepu Block only produced 208,730 bopd of petroleum .

When the production of the Cepu Block is projected to start increasing, at the same time Block Rokan's contribution this year is predicted to decline to 190,000 bopd from last year's realization of 209,470 bopd.

For total gas lifting, Dwi said there would be a target increase from the previous 1.13 million boepd to 1.26 million boepd. The projection will be supported by BP Berau in Berau Block (Tangguh) of 188,000 boepd.

BP Berau's gas lifting target fell slightly from the realization in 2018 of 192,000 boepd. In addition, there is also the contribution of gas lifting from the Mahakam Block which is targeted to increase to 196,000 boepd from last year's realization of 149,000 boepd.

the Mahakam Block

"That way, this year's total oil and gas lifting can reach 2,045 boepd," Dwi said.

As for oil and gas investment this year, SKK Migas targets US $ 14.79 billion, an increase of 23% from last year's realization of US $ 11.99 billion.

"We hope that the growth target can be achieved," Dwi said.

2D  adn 3D Seismic Survey

The investment fund will be used for exploration activities in the form of 2D seismic 2D area of ​​4,328 kilometers (km), 3D seismic surveys covering 4,693 km2, as well as 57 wells of exploration drilling.


Memompa Lifting Migas di Tahun 2019

Satuan Kerja Khusus Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menargetkan bisa mengerek lifting minyak dan gas bumi (migas) pada tahun ini sebesar 2,04 juta barrel oil equivalent per day (boepd). Proyeksi tersebut 7,37% lebih tinggi dari realisasi lifting migas tahun lalu yang sebesar 1,9 juta boepd. Lifting minyak bumi akan dipompa sebesar 784.520 barel per hari. 

     Target tersebut lebih tinggi daripada realisasi lifting minyak bumi pada tahun lalu yang mencapai 777.330 barrel oil per day (bopd). Proyeksi itu juga lebih tinggi dari target APBN 2018 sebesar 775.000 bopd.

Adapun estimasi lifting gas bumi 2019, SKK Migas menargetkan bisa mencapai angka 1,26 juta boepd atau meningkat dari realisasi lifting gas tahun lalu yang mencapai 1,13 boepd. Angka proyeksi itu juga lebih besar dari target APBN 2018 yang mencapai 1,25 juta boepd.

Kepala SKK Migas, Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan, sesuai Work Program and Budget (WP&B) pada tahun ini, lifting minyak ditargetkan mencapai 784.520 bopd. Peningkatan lifting minyak tahun ini diproyeksikan terdorong oleh lifting Mobil Cepu Ltd di Blok Cepu. 

"Tahun 2019, ada pergeseran yang diharapkan dari Mobil Cepu, di mana naik 216.000 bopd," ujar dia dalam Rapat Dengan Pendapat (RDP) dengan komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakat (DPR), Tahun lalu, Blok Cepu hanya menghasilkan minyak bumi sebesar 208.730 bopd.

Ketika produksi Blok Cepu diproyeksikan mulai meningkat, di saat yang sama kontribusi Blok Rokan pada tahun ini malah diprediksikan menurun menjadi 190.000 bopd dari realisasi tahun lalu sebesar 209.470 bopd.

Untuk lifting gas secara total, Dwi bilang akan ada kenaikan target dari sebelumnya 1,13 juta boepd menjadi 1,26 juta boepd. Proyeksi tersebut akan ditopang BP Berau di Blok Berau (Tangguh) sebesar 188.000 boepd.

Target lifting gas BP Berau ini turun sedikit dari realisasi tahun 2018 sebesar 192.000 boepd. Selain itu, ada pula kontribusi lifting gas dari Blok Mahakam yang ditargetkan meningkat menjadi 196.000 boepd dari realisasi tahun lalu sebesar 149.000 boepd. 

"Dengan begitu, total lifting migas tahun ini bisa mencapai 2,045 boepd," ungkap Dwi.

Sedangkan untuk investasi migas tahun ini, SKK Migas menargetkan sebesar US$ 14,79 miliar, atau meningkat 23% dari realisasi sepanjang tahun lalu sebesar US$ 11,99 miliar. 

"Kami berharap target pertumbuhan tersebut bisa tercapai," tutur Dwi.

Dana investasi tersebut akan digunakan untuk kegiatan eksplorasi berupa suryei seismik 2D seluas 4.328 kilometer (km), survei seismik 3D seluas 4.693 km2, serta pengeboran eksplorasi sebanyak 57 sumur.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Jan 11, 2019

Exxon Slides Chevron Domination This Year

ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd.'s performance, operator of the Banyu Urip Field, Cepu Block in Bojonegoro, East Java, is projected to overtake PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, which operates the Rokan Block in Riau this year.

Until 2018, Chevron is still the largest crude oil producer in Indonesia, which is 209,476 barrels per day (bpd), while ExxonMobil is in second place with 208,732 bpd. However, the condition will turn around. Chevron Pacific Indonesia targets production of ready to sell (lifting) oil as much as 190,000 bpd this year, down from 2018 realization.

ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd.'s

ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd. set the oil lifting target in 2019 at 216,000 bpd or up compared to last year's 208,732 bpd realization. The target is based on 2019 work and budget program (work program and budget / WP & B) submitted by contractors to SKK Migas.

Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto said that the composition of the order of contributors to national oil and gas production this year will change compared to 2018.

"As seen in the 2019 target, there is a shift that is expected by ExxonMobil Cepu to increase by 216,000 bopd [barrel oil per day], in addition the order [oil production ranking] is the same [2018]," he said at a hearing with Commission VII of the House of Representatives.

In addition, the oil and gas target based on this year's WP & B was set at 784,547 bpd and natural gas for 1.26 million barrels of oil equivalent per barrel (boepd).

The oil and gas lifting target is still above the figures included in the 2019 APBN macro assumption which amounted to 775,000 bpd for petroleum and 1.25 million boepd for natural gas. The BP Berau gas lifting target, the operator of Tangguh Field, is 188 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd), down from the 2018 target of 192 MMscfd.

the Mahakam Block

In contrast, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, operator of the Mahakam Block, actually raised the gas lifting target in 2019 to 196 MMscfd compared to last year's 149 MMscfd. Dwi assessed that the achievement of oil and gas production in 2019 was supported by the main activities in the upstream oil and gas sector, namely 4,328 kilometers of 2D seismic survey, 4,693 km2 of 3D seismic, and 57 wells of exploration drilling. Oil and gas exploitation activities this year consist of 969 wells, repairs of 29,256 wells, and development of 345 wells.

2D & 3D seismic survey

In addition, SKK Migas targets 13 operational projects, namely the Betara Complex by PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. in the I / 2019 quarter, Terang Sirasun Batur Phase 2 by Kangean Energy Indonesia in the first quarter / 2019, Ario Damar-Sriwijaya Phase 2 by PT Tropik Energi Pandan in quarter II / 2019, and Temelat Gas Flow to Gunung Kembang Selatan by PT Medco E & P Indonesia in quarter II / 2019.

Furthermore, the Bukit Tua Phase 3 project by Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Limited in quarter II / 2019, Kedung Keris Fun Well Steam by Exxon Cepu Limited in quan III / 2019, Buntal 5 by Medco E & P Natuna Ltd. in quanal III / 2019, Gajah Putri Bison-Iguana by Premier Oil Natuan Sea BV in the III / 2019 quarter.


Vice President Public and Government Affair, Exxon Mobil Indonesia, Erwin Maryoto, said that oil lifting from the Cepu Block is based on the optimal capacity in the environmental impact analysis (Amdal) with a maximum of 220,000 bpd. However, oil production in stable conditions is above 210,000 bpd.

"Indeed, it can now be 220,000 bpd, but sometimes there are shutdowns and all kinds of shutdowns," he said. Besides relying on Banyu Urip, ExxonMobil is also preparing to operate the Kedung Keris field in the third / 2019 quarter. "

Erwin explained, currently the development of Kedung Keris is still completing the installation of the pipeline, while the well drilling is ready. He is optimistic that the Kedung Keris Field will be operational by the end of the year.

Erwin said, a combination between Banyu Urip and Kedung Keris was carried out to keep the pace of production down. President of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Tumbur Parlindungan said the government must ensure that there are new oil and gas fields operating this year to support the lifting target. According to him, if it relies on existing fields, 2019 oil and gas lifting is difficult to rise.

"IPA members do not report on their work plans, so numbers are uncertain and where performance targets are obtained. To be sure, there must be a new field to encourage national oil and gas lifting. "


Exxon Geser Dominasi Chevron Tahun Ini

Kinerja ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd., operator Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu di Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur, diproyeksikan menyalip PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia yang mengoperasikan Blok Rokan di Riau pada tahun ini.

Hingga 2018, Chevron masih menjadi produsen minyak mentah terbesar di Indonesia, yaitu 209.476 barel per hari (bph), sedangkan ExxonMobil di posisi kedua sebesar 208.732 bph. Namun, kondisi itu akan berbalik. Chevron Pacific Indonesia menargetkan produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak sebanyak 190.000 bph pada tahun ini atau turun dari realisasi 2018.

ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd. menetapkan target lifting minyak pada 2019 sebesar 216.000 bph atau naik dibandingkan dengan realisasi tahun lalu 208.732 bph. Target tersebut berdasarkan program kerja dan anggaran (work program and budget/WP&B) 2019 yang diajukan para kontraktor ke SKK Migas.

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan bahwa komposisi urutan penyumbang produksi migas nasional pada tahun ini akan berubah dibandingkan dengan 2018.

“Terlihat pada target 2019, ada pergeseran yang diharapkan ExxonMobil Cepu naik 216.000 bopd [barrel oil per day], selain itu urutannya [peringkat produksi minyak] sama [dengan 2018],” katanya dalam rapat dengar pendapat dengan Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat.

Selain itu, target lifiing minyak berdasarkan WP&B pada tahun ini diettapkan 784.547 bph dan gas bumi 1,26 juta barel setara minyak per hari (barrel oil equivalent per day/boepd).

Target lifting migas tersebut masih berada di atas angka yang dimasukkan dalam asumsi makro APBN 2019 yang masing-masing sebesar 775.000 bph untuk minyak bumi dan 1,25 juta boepd untuk gas bumi. Target lifting gas BP Berau, operator Iapangan Tangguh, sebesar 188 juta kaki kubik per hari  (MMscfd) atau turun dibandingkan dengan target 2018 sebesar 192 MMscfd.

Sebaliknya, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, operator Blok Mahakam, justru menaikkan target lifting gas pada 2019 menjadi 196 MMscfd dibandingkan dengan realisasi tahun lalu 149 MMscfd. Dwi menilai bahwa capaian produksi migas pada 2019 didukung dengan kegiatan utama di sektor hulu migas, yakni survei seismik 2D sepanjang 4.328 kilometer, seismik 3D seluas 4.693 km2, dan pengeboran eksplorasi sebanyak 57 sumur. Kegiatan eksploitasi migas pada tahun ini terdiri dari sumur kerja ulang sebanyak 969 sumur, perbaikan sumur 29.256 kegiatan, dan pengembangan sumur migas sebanyak 345 sumur.

Selain itu, SKK Migas menargetkan 13 proyek beroperasi, yakni Kompleks Betara oleh PetroChina International Jabung Ltd. pada kuartal I/2019, Terang Sirasun Batur Phase 2 oleh Kangean Energy Indonesia pada kuartal I/2019, Ario Damar-Sriwijaya Phase 2 oleh PT Tropik Energi Pandan pada kuartal II/2019, dan Pengaliran Gas Temelat ke Gunung Kembang Selatan oleh PT Medco E&P Indonesia pada kuartal II/2019. 

Selanjutnya, proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3 oleh Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Limited pada kuartal II/2019, Fun Well Steam Kedung Keris oleh Exxon Cepu Limited pada kuanal III/2019, Buntal 5 oleh Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. pada kuanal III/2019, Bison-Iguana-Gajah Putri oleh Premier Oil Natuan Sea BV pada kuartal III/2019.


Vice President Public and Govemment Affair Exxon Mobil Indonesia Erwin Maryoto mengatakan, lifting minyak dari Blok Cepu berdasarkan kapasitas optimal dalam analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (amdal) maksimal sebesar 220.000 bph. Namun, produksi minyak dalam kondisi stabil berada di atas 210.000 bph. 

“Memang sekarang bisa 220.000 bph, tetapi terkadang ada shutdown [penghentian operasi fasilitas produksi] dan segala macam,” katanya. Selain mengandalkan Banyu Urip, ExxonMobil juga bersiap untuk mengoperasikan lapangan Kedung Keris pada kuartal III/2019.” 

Erwin menjelaskan, saat ini pengembangan Kedung Keris masih menyelesaikan pemasangan pipa, sedangkan pengeboran sumur sudah siap. Dia optimistis, Lapangan Kedung Keris sudah bisa beroperasi pada akhir tahun.

Erwin mengatakan, kombinasi antara Banyu Urip dan Kedung Keris dilakukan untuk menahan laju penurunan produksi. Presiden Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan, pemerintah harus memastikan ada lapangan migas baru yang beroperasi pada tahun ini untuk mendukung target lifting. Menurutnya, jika mengandalkan lapangan yang sudah ada, lifting migas 2019 sulit naik.

“Anggota IPA tidak melaporkan rencana kerja mereka, jadi secara angka belum tahu pasti dan mana target kinerja didapatkan. Yang pasti, harus ada lapangan baru untuk mendorong lifting migas nasional.” 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Friday, Jan 11, 2019