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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Realization of the Jambaran Tiung Biru Project Reaches 25%

Pertamina through its subsidiary PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) continues to improve the Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB) project. As a national strategic project, JTB which is located in Bojonegoro, East Java, has entered the Gas Processing Facilities (GPF) construction period. Until the second quarter of 2019, the project has progressed 25% and is in a position faster than the target.

PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC)

"This project is very strategic and a priority of the government so we are committed to accelerating in order to optimize the production of oil and gas reserves, encourage economic growth while increasing the welfare of the community in the operational area," said Pertamina Upstream Director, Dharmawan H. Samsu.

Dharmawan added, the importance of the JTB project also provided benefits during the construction period, one of which was employment. To date, there are more than 2,000 workers involved in the JTB project, with a composition of 70% local and 30% non-local workers, which are divided into three categories of skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled.

In addition, according to Dharmawan, the completion of the Jambaran-Tiung Biru gas field development project is highly anticipated by the industry in Java. With a gas production capacity of 192 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and 2.5 trillion cubic feet (TCF) reserves which will be channeled through the Gresik-Semarang gas pipeline, the JTB project will have a multiplier effect in overcoming the supply deficit for at least 19 industrial sectors in Central and East Java, including the textile, tire, steel, ceramics, and food and beverage industries.


Realisasi Proyek Jambaran Tiung Biru Capai 25%

Pertamina melalui anak usahanya PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) terus meningkatkan proyek Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB). Sebagai proyek strategis nasional, JTB yang berlokasi di Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur ini telah memasuki masa konstruksi Gas Processing Facilities (GPF). Hingga kuartal ke-2 tahun 2019, proyek telah mengalami kemajuan 25% dan dalam posisi lebih cepat dari target.

“Proyek ini sangat strategis dan menjadi prioritas pemerintah sehingga kami berkomitmen untuk melakukan percepatan agar dapat mengoptimalkan produksi cadangan migas, mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi sekaligus meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di wilayah operasi,” kata Direktur Hulu Pertamina, Dharmawan H. Samsu.

Dharmawan menambahkan, nilai penting proyek JTB juga memberikan manfaat dalam masa konstruksi, salah satunya penyerapan tenaga kerja. Hingga saat ini, terdapat lebih dari 2.000 pekerja terlibat dalam proyek JTB, dengan komposisi 70% tenaga kerja lokal dan 30% non-lokal, yang terbagi dalam tiga kategori skilled, semiskilled, dan unskilled. 

Selain itu, menurut Dharmawan, penyelesaian proyek pengembangan lapangan gas unitisasi Jambaran-Tiung Biru ini sangat dinantikan oleh industri di Pulau Jawa. Dengan kapasitas produksi gas sebesar 192 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) dan cadangan 2,5 triliun kaki kubik (TCF) yang akan dialirkan melalui pipa gas Gresik-Semarang, proyek JTB akan memberikan efek pengganda (multiplier effect) dalam mengatasi defisit pasokan bagi setidaknya 19 sektor industri di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur, termasuk industri tekstil, ban, baja, keramik, serta makanan dan minuman.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Nov 15, 2019

Two Oil and Gas Projects Potentially Backward

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) stated that there are two oil and gas projects whose operational schedule (on stream) will go back to next year 2020, namely the Bukit Tua Phase 3 and Buntal Projects. Both were originally operational at the end of 2019.

SKK Migas Deputy for Operations Julius Wiratno said, not all projects planned to operate by the end of this year will be realized. One project, the Buntal-5 Project, is certain to be delayed in operation until 2020. The same thing has the potential to occur for the Bukit Tua Project Phase 3.

"The pufferfish has been delayed because the drilling rig has entered Indonesia from Vietnam. Bukit Tua may be delayed, but we are recovering, "he said.

The Puffer-5 Project is carried out by Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. The project, with an investment value of US $ 33 million, is targeted to produce gas of 45 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd). The project's scope of work includes the installation of a new 8km umbilical subsea, subsea production control system, subsea protection structure, 8 inch flowline of 175 m, modification of existing SCU software, and pigging facilities.

Furthermore, the Bukit Tua Phase 3 Project in the Ketapang Block was worked on by Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd. The project is estimated to produce 3.82 barrels of oil per day (bpd) and 31 mmscfd of gas. 

    The US $ 15 million project includes the construction of a deck extension on the WHP BTJT-A eskisting, installation of four conductors and clamps, modification of the existing IRCD for chemical injection, addition of a new wellhead control panel, and installation of a wet gas flowmeter.

The two projects are planned to start operating the rest of the year along with four other projects. The Buntal-5 project, according to SKK Migas data, was originally operational in November 2019. While the Bukit Tua Project Phase 3 is scheduled to start operating in December 2019. The other four projects will operate on schedule.

"The remaining projects [which will be operational this year] are Kedung Keris, Bison-Iguana-Gajah Putri, Temelat, Harvest, and Big Bamboo," said Julius.

Premiere Oil Natuna Sea BV

The Bison-Iguana-Gajah Putri project with 163 mmscfd gas production was undertaken by Premiere Oil Natuna Sea BV with an investment of US $ 171 million. The project project by PT Medco E&P Indonesia with an estimated production of 10 mmscfd and an investment of US $ 11 million.

the Cepu Block by EMCL

Harvest Project with an estimated production of 2,000 bpd by PetroChina International Jabung Ltd with an investment of US $ 17 million. Finally, the Full Well Stream Kedung Keris Project in the Cepu Block was undertaken by ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) with a production of 3,800 bpd and an investment of US $ 72 million. Regarding the Bamboo Project, Julius said that this was an additional project in 2019.

"We are trying to speed up the Big Bamboo Project to increase oil and gas production in 2019," he said. Although he admitted, the oil and gas production produced by this project was not large to replace the delayed production of Buntal-5 and Bukit Tua Phase 3. "Additional oil from the Great Bamboo Field is approximately 2,700-3,000 bpd," he added.

In addition to two potentially delayed projects, SKK Migas also ensured the cancellation of one project that was originally operational in 2019, namely the YY Project undertaken by PT Pertamina Hulu Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ). Because, there was an incident of gas and oil leakage in the project.

PT Pertamina Hulu Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ)

The project was originally planned to produce 4,605 ​​bpd of oil and 25.5 mmscfd of gas. However, Julius had revealed, it was difficult to reach the target of lifting oil and gas in 2019, namely 775 thousand bpd of oil and 7,000 mmscfd of gas. Until the end of October 2019, the realization of oil lifting was recorded at 742.9 thousand bpd and 5,892 mmscfd of gas. 

    In addition to pursuing on-stream projects, his office is also trying to realize a work program in 2019, such as well drilling and well maintenance. It will also drain stock in several terminals which can add 500-600 barrels.

"The end of 2019 Outlook is lifting 746.2 thousand bpd of oil and 5,896 mmscfd of gas. It is very challenging (reaching the target), but we are still trying, "he said.


Dua Proyek Migas Berpotensi Mundur

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menyatakan terdapat dua proyek migas yang jadwal operasinya (on stream) mundur ke tahun depan 2020, yakni Proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3 dan Buntal. Keduanya sedianya beroperasi di akhir tahun 2019.

Deputi Operasi SKK Migas Julius Wiratno menuturkan, tidak semua proyek yang direncanakan beroperasi pada akhir tahun ini akan terealisasi. Salah satu proyek, yakni Proyek Buntal-5 dipastikan akan tertunda operasinya hingga tahun 2020. Hal yang sama berpotensi terjadi untuk Proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3.

“Buntal delayed karena drilling rig-nya telah masuk Indonesia dari Vietnam. Bukit Tua mungkin delay, tetapi sedang kami recovery,” kata dia.

Proyek Buntal-5 dikerjakan oleh Medco E&P Natuna Ltd. Proyek dengan nilai investasi US$ 33 juta ini ditargetkan bisa menghasilkan gas sebesar 45 juta kaki kubik per hari (million standard cubic feet per day/ mmscfd). Lingkup kerja proyek ini mencakup pemasangan new subsea umbilical 8 km, subsea production control system, subsea protection structure, flowline 8 inch sepanjang 175 m, modifikasi eksisting SCU software, dan pigging facilities. 

Selanjutnya, Proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3 di Blok Ketapang digarap oleh Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd. Proyek ini diperkirakan menghasilkan minyak 3.82 barel per hari (bph) dan gas 31 mmscfd. Proyek senilai US$ 15 juta ini mencakup pembangunan deck extention pada esksisting WHP BTJT-A, pemasangan empat buah conductor dan clamp, modifikasi eksisting IRCD untuk chemical injection, penambahan wellhead control panel baru, serta pemasangan wet gas flowmeter.

Kedua proyek ini direncanakan mulai beroperasi pada sisa tahun ini bersama empat proyek lainnya. Proyek Buntal-5, sesuai data SKK Migas, sedianya beroperasi pada November 2019. Sementara Proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3 dijadwalkan mulai beroperasi pada Desember 2019. Empat proyek lainnya akan beroperasi sesuai jadwal.

“Sisa proyek [yang akan operasi tahun ini] adalah Kedung Keris, Bison-Iguana-Gajah Putri, Temelat, Panen, dan Bambu Besar,” tutur Julius.

Proyek Bison-Iguana-Gajah Putri dengan produksi gas 163 mmscfd dikerjakan oleh Premiere Oil Natuna Sea BV dengan nilai investasi US$ 171 juta. Proyek Temelat oleh PT Medco E&P Indonesia dengan perkiraan produksi 10 mmscfd dan nilai investasi US$ 11 juta. 

Proyek Panen dengan estimasi produksi 2.000 bph oleh PetroChina International Jabung Ltd dengan investasi US$ 17 juta. Terakhir, Proyek Full Well Stream Kedung Keris di Blok Cepu dikerjakan oleh ExxonMobil Cepu Limited dengan produksi 3.800 bph dan investasi US$ 72 juta. Terkait Proyek Bambu, Julius menyebutkan bahwa ini merupakan proyek tambahan di 2019. 

“ Proyek Bambu Besar kami coba speed up untuk menambah produksi migas di 2019,” ujarnya. Walaupun diakuinya, produksi migas yang dihasilkan proyek ini tidak besar untuk mengganti produksi yang tertunda dari Buntal-5 dan Bukit Tua Phase 3. “Tambahan minyak dari Lapangan Bambu Besar kira-kira 2.700-3.000 bph,” tambahnya.

Selain dua proyek yang berpotensi tertunda, SKK Migas juga memastikan batalnya satu proyek yang sedianya beroperadi pada tahun 2019, yakni Proyek YY yang dikerjakan oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ). Pasalnya, terjadi insiden kebocoran gas dan minyak di proyek tersebut. 

Proyek ini awalnya direncanakan menghasilkan minyak 4.605 bph dan gas 25,5 mmscfd. Meski demikian, Julius sempat mengungkapkan, sulit mencapai target lifting migas tahun 2019, yakni minyak 775 ribu bph dan gas 7.000 mmscfd. Hingga akhir Oktober 2019, realisasi lifting minyak tercatat sebesar 742,9 ribu bph dan gas 5.892 mmscfd. 

     Selain mengupayakan proyek on stream, pihaknya juga berusaha merealisasikan program kerja tahun 2019, seperti pengeboran sumur dan perawatan sumur. Pihaknya juga akan melakukan pengurasan stok di beberapa terminal yang bisa menambah 500-600 barel.

“Outlook akhir tahun 2019 ini lifting minyak 746,2 ribu bph dan gas 5.896 mmscfd. Sangat menantang (mencapai target), tetapi tetap kami usahakan,” kata dia.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Nov 15, 2019

Two Upstream Oil and Gas Projects Delayed

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) stated that there are two upstream oil and gas projects whose operating schedule is expected to retreat to the first quarter of 2020, namely the Bukit Tua Phase 3 and Buntal projects. In fact, the two projects are targeted to be operational by the end of this year along with four other oil and gas projects.

SKK Migas Deputy for Operations Julius Wiratno said the setback of the two oil and gas projects affected the performance of oil and gas production ready for sale this year. However, Julius did not explain how deep the impact was on production performance until the end of 2019.

"The Buntal-5 project is definitely backing down because the drilling rig is late entering Indonesia. The Bukit Tua Phase 3 project may also shift to 2020, but we are still recovering, "he said.

The Puffer-5 project was undertaken by Medco E&P Natuna Ltd with an investment of US $ 33 million. The project is targeted to produce 45 million cubic feet of gas per day (MMscfd). The Bukit Tua Phase 3 project in the Ketapang Block, worked on by Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd with an investment of US $ 1,5 million. 


    Bukit Tua Phase 3 is estimated to produce 3.82 barrels of oil per day (bpd) and 31 MMscfd of gas. Previously, according to SKK Migas data the Buntal-5 project was expected to operate in November 2019, while the Bukit Tua Phase 3 project would operate in December 2019.

"The rest of the project will be operational this year," said Julius.

Four other projects, namely the Bison-Iguana-Gajah Putri project, were carried out by Premiere Oil Natuna Sea BV with an investment of US $ 171 million. The project will produce 163 MMscfd of gas. The project project by PT Medco E&P Indonesia is estimated to produce 10 MMscfd. The investment value is US $ 11 million.

PetroChina International Jabung Ltd

The Harvest Project is carried out by PetroChina International Jabung Ltd with an investment of US $ 17 million. Its production is estimated at 2,000 bpd. 

the Cepu Block

    The Full Well Stream Kedung Keris Project in the Cepu Block was undertaken by ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) with a production of 3,800 bpd. the project investment reached US $ 72 million. Even though there are projects that are backing down, Julius said there are also projects that can be accelerated.

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL)

"We are trying to speed up the Big Bamboo Project to increase oil and gas production in 2019. Additional Bamboo Besar oil and gas fields are around 2,700-3,000 bpd," he added.

The smooth running of these projects will affect the realization of upstream oil and gas investment which is still difficult to reach the target. SKK Migas estimates that this year's upstream oil and gas investment will only reach Rp168.97 trillion US $ 12 billion. The figure only rose slightly compared to the realization of 2018 worth US $ 11.98 billion.

This relatively stagnant achievement also makes this year's oil and gas investment target of US $ 14.79 billion difficult to achieve. Based on ESDM Ministry data, the realization of upstream oil and gas investment has indeed been under pressure in the past 4 years. One of the most noticeable decreases in upstream oil and gas investment and exploration.


Dua Proyek Hulu Migas Tertunda

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menyatakan ada dua proyek hulu migas yang jadwal operasinya diperkirakan mundur ke kuartal I/ 2020, yakni proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3 dan Buntal. Padahal, kedua proyek tersebut ditargetkan dapat beroperasi pada akhir tahun ini bersama dengan empat proyek migas lainnya. 

Deputi Operasi SKK Migas Julius Wiratno mengatakan kemunduran dua proyek migas tersebut memengaruhi kinerja produksi siap jual atau lifting migas tahun ini. Namun, Julius tidak menjelaskan sedalam apa dampaknya terhadap kinerja produksi hingga akhir 2019.

“ Proyek Buntal-5 pasti mundur karena drilling rig-nya telat masuk ke Indonesia. Proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3 juga mungkin akan geser ke 2020, tetapi masih sedang kami recovery,” tuturnya.

Proyek Buntal-5 dikerjakan oleh Medco E&P Natuna Ltd dengan nilai investasi US$ 33 juta. Proyek ini ditargetkan menghasilkan gas sebanyak 45 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd). Adapun proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3 di Blok Ketapang, digarap oleh Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd dengan investasi US$1 5 juta. 

    Bukit Tua Phase 3 diperkirakan dapat menghasilkan minyak 3.82 barel per hari (bph) dan gas 31 MMscfd. Sebelumnya, menurut data SKK Migas proyek Buntal-5 diperkirakan beroperasi pada November 2019, sementara proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3 beroperasi pada Desember 2019.

“Sisa proyek akan beroperasi pada tahun ini,” tutur Julius.

Empat proyek lainnya, yakni proyek Bison-Iguana-Gajah Putri dikerjakan oleh Premiere Oil Natuna Sea BV dengan nilai investasi US$ 171 juta. Proyek tersebut akan memproduksi gas sebanyak 163 MMscfd. Proyek Temelat oleh PT Medco E&P Indonesia diperkirakan dapat berproduksi 10 MMscfd. Nilai investasinya US$11 juta. 

Proyek Panen dikerjakan oleh PetroChina International Jabung Ltd dengan investasi US$17 juta. Produksinya diperkirakan mencapai 2.000 bph. Untuk Proyek Full Well Stream Kedung Keris di Blok Cepu dikerjakan oleh ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) dengan produksi 3.800 bph. investasi proyek tersebut mencapai US$72 juta. Meskipun ada proyek yang mundur, Julius mengatakan ada juga proyek yang dapat dipercepat.

“ Proyek Bambu Besar kami coba speed up untuk menambah produksi migas di 2019. Tambahan lapangan minyak dan gas Bambu Besar kira-kira 2.700-3.000 bph,” tambahnya.

Adapun kelancaran proyek-proyek tersebut akan berpengaruh pada realisasi investasi hulu migas yang masih sulit mencapai target. SKK Migas memperkirakan investasi hulu migas tahun ini hanya mencapai Rp168,97 tiriliun US$12 miliar. Angka tersebut hanya naik sedikit dibandingkan dengan realisasi 2018 senilai US$ 11,98 miliar.

Capaian yang relatif stagnan ini sekaligus membuat target investasi migas tahun ini senilai US$14,79 miliar sulit tercapai. Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, realisasi investasi hulu migas memang berada dalam tekanan dalam 4 tahun terakhir. Salah satu penurunan investasi hulu migas paling terlihat dan sisi eksplorasi.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-20, Friday, Nov 15, 2019

Pertamina Promises to Speed ​​Up Oil Refinery Project

Pertamina and Saudi Aramco are still negotiating related to the development of the Cilacap Refinery

Saudi Aramco

Until now, Indonesia's current account deficit (CAD) has not been resolved. One of the causes is the ever-increasing import of fuel oil (BBM), while the domestic oil and gas production (liffting oil and gas) is decreasing. Regarding this issue, the Coordinating Minister (Menko) Maritime and Investment, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan spoke up. Luhut said that his party conducted an evaluation of all Pertamina refinery projects, in an effort to meet fuel needs and suppress CAD.

Luhut Binsar Panjaitan

At present, there are six refinery projects that are being worked on by Pertamina, consisting of four projects / development or Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) and two new projects or PT Pertamina's Grass Root Refinery (GRR) VP Corporate Communication, Fajriyah Usman, said it will undertake various efforts to accelerate the construction of refineries.

Fajriyah Usman

"With acceleration there will also be efficiency in terms of costs that can be reduced," said Fajriyah in Jakarta.

Fajriyah explained, so far the construction of the refinery has been carried out in parallel. Well, one of the acceleration efforts through dual feed competition is claimed to cut the project time to one year.

"Licensing is also being managed," said Fajriyah.

Regarding the continuation of the joint venture plan with Saudi Aramco at the Cilacap Refinery, Fajriyah stressed, the discussion process was still ongoing so far. Previously, Luhut highlighted the Cilacap RDMP which is still hanging due to the very difficult partnership negotiations with Saudi Aramco. Luhut said there was no agreed final value related to the asset valuation of the Cilacap refinery.

"We evaluate the difference between Aramco and US $ 1.5 billion. If it is correct, we will certainly see other options," said Fajriyah.

According to Fajriyah, if the acquisition mechanism was not successful, Pertamina considered other mechanisms. As for the other schemes such as the provision of process fees aka toll fees. But Fajriyah did not elaborate on the mechanism. What is clear, the new mechanism is one of the topics of discussion,

"The mechanism will be discussed later, until now it is still with Aramco. We will see what December looks like," said Fajriyah.

Some time ago, Pertamina offered a scheme that Pertamina would have its own portion in the development of the Cilacap Refinery, at its own expense. PT Pertamina's Director of Processing and Petrochemical Megaprojects, Ignatius Tallulembang, said 65% -70% of the development funds came from loans, while the rest was from equity. If the development work carried out by Pertamina is completed, Saudi Aramco will be involved in the next stage of refinery development.

"So it's not a spin off anymore, it's not an asset valuation, but maybe it's like an asset we just co-created, a new one," he said.

Ignatius also ensured Pertamina continued to strive to accelerate the refinery project, as an effort to meet the needs of fuel.

"RDMP Balikpapan has entered the construction stage and is currently in the process of procuring all the main equipment," he said.


Pertamina Janji Percepat Proyek Kilang Minyak

Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco masih bernegosiasi terkait pengembangan Kilang Cilacap

Hingga saat ini, defisit transaksi berjalan atau Current Account Deficit (CAD) Indonesia belum juga teratasi. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah impor bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang terus membesar, sedangkan produsi minyak dan gas ( liffting migas) dalam negeri justru menurun. Mengenai persoalan tersebut, Menteri Koordinator (Menko) Maritim dan Investasi, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan angkat bicara. Luhut mengatakan pihaknya melakukan evaluasi pada semua proyek kilang Pertamina, sebagai upaya memenuhi kebutuhan BBM dan menekan CAD.

Saat ini, ada enam proyek kilang yang sedang digarap Pertamina, terdiri dari empat proyek /pengembangan atau Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) dan dua proyek baru atau Grass Root Refinery (GRR) VP Covporate Communication PT Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, menyatakan pihaknya akan melakukan berbagai upaya demi mempercepat pembangunan kilang. 

"Dengan percepatan juga akan ada efisiensi dari sisi biaya yang bisa ditekan," ujar Fajriyah di Jakarta.

Fajriyah menjelaskan, selama ini pembangunan kilang telah dilakukan secara paralel. Nah, salah satu upaya percepatan melalui dual  feed competition yang diklaim memangkas waktu proyek menjadi satu tahun. 

"Perizinan juga terus diurus," kata Fajriyah.

Tentang kelanjutan rencana kongsi dengan Saudi Aramco di Kilang Cilacap, Fajriyah menegaskan, proses diskusi masih berlangsung sejauh ini. Sebelumnya, Luhut menyoroti RDMP Cilacap yang masih menggantung akibat sangat sulit negosiasi kemitraan dengan Saudi Aramco. Luhut menyebutkan belum ada nilai akhir yang disepakati terkait valuasi aset kilang Cilacap. 

"Aramco kami evaluasi selisihnya masih ada US$ 1,5 miliar. Kalau betul tetap seperti itu, tentu kami lihat pilihan lain," kata Fajriyah.

Menurut Fajriyah, jika mekanisme akuisisi tidak berhasil, maka Pertamina mempertimbangkan mekanisme lain. Adapun skema lain tersebut seperti pemberian biaya proses alias toll fee. Namun Fajriyah tidak memerinci seputar mekanisme tersebut. Yang jelas, mekanisme baru merupakan salah satu yang menjadi topik diskusi, 

"Nanti mau dibicarakan mekanismenya, sampai saat ini masih dengan Aramco. Kita lihat Desember seperti apa," kata Fajriyah.

Beberapa Waktu lalu, Pertamina menawarkan skema yakni Pertamina akan memiliki porsi sendiri dalam pengembangan Kilang Cilacap, dengan tanggungan biaya sendiri. Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia PT Pertamina, Ignatius Tallulembang, menyebutkan 65%-70% dana pengembangan itu berasal dari pinjaman, sementara sisanya dari ekuitas. Jika bagian pengerjaan pengembangan yang dilakukan Pertamina selesai, Saudi Aramco ikut terlibat dalam pengembangan kilang tahap selanjutnya. 

"Jadi bukan spin off lagi, bukan valuasi aset, tapi mungkin seperti aset baru saja kita kerjasama bikin yang baru," ungkap dia.

Ignatius juga memastikan Pertamina terus mengupayakan percepatan proyek kilang, sebagai upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan BBM. 

"RDMP Balikpapan sudah masuk tahap konstruksi dan saat ini proses pengadaan seluruh peralatan utama," ungkap dia.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Nov 14, 2019

Exxon and Copi Expand Exploration

ExxonMobil don Conocohillips (Copi) plans to conduct exploration outside its operations area. This opens the contractor's opportunity to get additional new reserves.

Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto said the two cooperation contract contractors (KKKS) from the United States had stated the plan. According to him, the KKKS choice to conduct exploration outside its working area has considered the potential for additional oil and gas reserves. This is considered positive.

Dwi Soetjipto

 "That means a lot of potential for the country, rather than drilling in existing areas where additional production and reserves are not too large," he said.

Dwi added that currently the funds collected from the defined work commitment (KKP) for exploration have reached US $ 2.5 billion. The funds are obtained from gross profit sharing contracts. One of the KKKS that have conducted exploration activities from the KKP fund is PT Penamina Hulu Energi Jambi Merang (PHE Jambi Merang) in the form of a 2D seismic survey with a track length of 30,000 kilometers. Cumulatively, an additional investment of the Jambi Merang MPA is up to US $ 239.3 million for exploration and exploitation activities.

"What the Jambi Merang PHE has done with its KKP does not have a better meaning if it is [only] done in Jambi Merang. So [they] were given the opportunity to use the KKP in other areas, "he added.

SKK Migas also encouraged Pertamina and Medco as a local oil and gas company to boost exploration to keep up with Repsol's success in the Top 10 Discovery 2019. Pertamina and Medco have the largest areas number 1 and 3 in the same basin. To encourage investors to explore, SKK Migas claims to have conducted a roadshow to introduce oil and gas basins in the country.

The reason is the success ratio of exploration well discovery in Indonesia is higher and the global average. Referring to the SKK Migas data, until the third quarter of 2019 exploration success ratio was 45%, while in the world in the last 2 years it was 35%. From the latest exploration findings, there are at least an additional 880 million barrel oil equivalent (MMboe) and 230 MMbo from 13 work areas.

Azi N. Alam

Regarding exploration plans in open areas, ExxonMobil agrees to the possibility. Vice President of Public and Government Affairs of ExxonMobil Indonesia Azi N. Alam said that the company remained committed to Indonesia and continued to look for other opportunities.

the Cepu Block in East Java Indonesia

"Both in the Cepu Block and throughout Indonesia, as part of our long-term commitment in Indonesia," he said.

At present, ExxonMobil is the largest oil-producing KKKS in Indonesia, passing Chevron Pacific Indonesia. As of September 2019, ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd recorded a production of ready to sell or lifting of 216,011 barrels per day (bpd) or exceeding the target set at 216,000 bpd. On the other hand, ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd also recorded a brilliant performance in terms of lifting. The Corridor Block operator successfully recorded 833 MMscfd of gas lifting as of September 2019 or 102.8% of the target set by the 2019 APBN.

Meanwhile, Vice President of Commercial and Business Development at ConocoPhillips Taufik Ahmad said that his party always evaluates open areas as a routine part of the search for potential new oil and gas reserves. Moreover, with the extension of the Corridor Block, the activity will continue, "he said.

Meanwhile, the government gave ConocoPhillips the management of Corridor Block 46% (operator), PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Corridor 30%, and Talisman (Corridor) Ltd. 24%. The Corridor Block production sharing contract will be valid for 20 years, effective from December 20, 2023. The estimated investment value from the implementation of the first 5 year KKP is US $ 250 million and a signature bonus of US $ 250 million.

Participation rights owned by the contractor include a 10% participation right that will be offered to Regionally Owned Enterprises according to ESDM Regulation No. 37/2016. Existing work commitments are directed to work on six work packages that include Lower Palembang Paddles, Lower Palembang Suban, Telisa Well Suban Far East, and Suban Far East (continued prospects).

The Corridor Block is one of the oil and gas blocks of strategic value considering the amount of gas production around 1,100 MMscf or equivalent to 12% of the total national natural gas production at this time. In addition, oil and condensate production reached 6,600 bopd.


In other developments, Chevron Pacific Indonesia needs partners to share the risk of developing a deep sea project or Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) phase II. Acting Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Djoko Siswanto agrees that Chevron is looking for partners before submitting a revised phase II development plan (POD). They ask for time until 2020, "he said.

Previously, the approval of the development plan (POD) had the potential to be delayed due to the possibility of a change in the consortium of companies working on the IDD project. Deputy Head of SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman said that he did not yet know Chevron's future in developing the IDD Project. However, there will be a change in the consortium and waiting for the entry of new partners.

"Still waiting. I don't know whether Chevron is coming out or not, but the consortium has changed. He [Chevron] did not say to leave, but he was definitely looking for [partners] to develop. ”

In the IDD Project, Chevron is recorded as a project operator with 62% participating rights. Based on SKK Migas's explanation, the IDD Gendalo-Gehem Project is targeted to start production in the first quarter of 2024. The project is now in the stage of drafting detailed design auction documents (FEED), contract awarding, and submission of expenditure approvals (AFE) for surveys.

     With the potential change in the consortium, continued Fatar, the preparation and approval of the IDD Project POD was delayed again. SKK Migas is waiting for a new consortium report before discussing POD.

"Maybe if he deals in January, after he reports to us. Well, partner or what is the point, this is our final [POD material] proposal, "he said.

He added that there was no specific deadline for determining new partners in the development of the IDD project. Fatar claimed that he could not force the development of the project without looking at the economics of the project considered by KKKS.


Exxon dan Copi Perluas Eksplorasi

ExxonMobil don Conocohillips (Copi) berencana melakuakn eksplorasi di luar area operasinya. Hal tersebut membuka peluang kontraktor untuk mendapatkan tambahan cadangan baru.

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan kedua kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) asal Amerika Serikat itu telah menyatakan rencananya tersebut. Menurutnya, pilihan KKKS untuk melakukan eksplorasi di luar wilayah kerjanya telah mempertimbangkan potensi tambahan cadangan minyak dan gas bumi (migas). Hal tersebut dinilai positif.

 “Itu potensi berarti buat negara, daripada mereka ngebor di wilayah existing yang tambahan produksinya dan cadangannya gak terlalu besar," ujarnya.

Dwi menambahkan saat ini dana yang dihimpun dari komitmen kerja pasti (KKP) untuk eksplorasi sudah mencapai US$2,5 miliar. Dana tersebut didapatkan dari kontrak bagi hasil kotor atau gross split. Salah satu KKKS yang telah melakukan aktivitas eksplorasi dari dana KKP adalah PT Penamina Hulu Energi Jambi Merang (PHE Jambi Merang) berupa survei seismik 2D dengan panjang lintasan 30.000 kilometer. Secara kumulatif, tambahan investasi KKP Jambi Merang hingga 2024 senilai US$239,3 juta untuk kegiatan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi.

“Yang dilakukan PHE Jambi Merang dengan KKP-nya tidak memiliki arti yang lebih bagus kalau [hanya] dilakukan di Jambi Merang saja. Jadi [mereka] diberi kesempatan menggunakan KKP-nya di area lain,” tambahnya.

SKK Migas juga mendorong Pertamina dan Medco sebagai perusahaan migas lokal untuk menggenjot eksplorasi guna mengikuti kesuksesan Repsol yang masuk Top 10 Discovery 2019. Adapun Pertamina dan Medco memiliki area terluas nomor 1 dan 3 di cekungan yang sama. Untuk mendorong ketertarikan investor melakukan eksplorasi, SKK Migas mengklaim telah melakukan roadshow untuk memperkenalkan cekungan-cekungan migas yang ada di Tanah Air. 

Pasalnya, success ratio penemuan sumur eksplorasi di Indonesia lebih tinggi dan rata-rata global. Merujuk data SKK Migas, hingga kuartal III/2019 success ratio eksplorasi sebesar 45%, sementara di dunia dalam 2 tahun terakhir sebesar 35%. Dari sisi penemuan eksplorasi terkini, setidaknya sudah ada tambahan 880 million barrel oil equivalent (MMboe) dan 230 MMbo dari 13 area kerja.

Terkait rencana eksplorasi di area terbuka, ExxonMobil mengamini adanya kemungkinan tersebut. Vice President Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Azi N. Alam mengatakan pihaknya tetap berkomitmen kepada Indonesia dan terus mencari peluang lain.

“Baik di Blok Cepu maupun di seluruh Indonesia, sebagai bagian dari komitmen jangka panjang kami di Indonesia,” katanya.

Saat ini, ExxonMobil merupakan KKKS penghasil minyak terbesar di Indonesia melewati Chevron Pacific Indonesia. Per September 2019, ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd mencatatkan produksi siap jual atau lifting sebanyak 216.011 barel per hari (bph) atau melebihi target yang ditetapkan sebanyak 216.000 bph. Di sisi lain, ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd pun mencatatkan kinerja cemerlang dalam segi lifting. Operator Blok Corridor ini berhasil mencatatkan lifting gas sebanyak 833 MMscfd per September 2019 atau 102,8% dari target yang ditetapkan APBN 2019.

Sementara itu, Vice President Commercial and Business Development ConocoPhillips Taufik Ahmad mengatakan pihaknya selalu melakukan evaluasi atas area terbuka sebagai bagian rutin pencarian potensi cadangan migas baru. Apalagi, dengan adanya perpanjangan Blok Corridor, kegiatan tersebut akan diteruskan,” katanya.

Adapun, pemerintah memberikan kewenangan pengelolaan Blok Corridor kepada ConocoPhillips sebesar 46% (operator), PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Corridor 30%, dan Talisman (Corridor) Ltd. 24%. Kontrak bagi hasil Blok Coridor akan berlaku untuk 20 tahun, efektif sejak 20 Desember 2023. Perkiraan nilai investasi dari pelaksanaan KKP 5 tahun pertama senilai US$250 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 250 juta. 

Hak partisipasi yang dimiliki oleh kontraktor tersebut termasuk hak partisipasi 10% yang akan ditawarkan kepada Badan Usaha Milik Daerah sesuai Permen ESDM No. 37/2016. Komitmen kerja pasti yang ada diarahkan untuk mengerjakan enam paket pekerjaan yang mencakup Dayung Lower Palembang, Suban Lower Palembang, Telisa Well Suban Far East, Serta Suban Far East (prospek lanjutan).

Adapun Blok Corridor merupakan salah satu blok migas yang bernilai strategis mengingat besarnya produksi gas sekitar 1.100 MMscf atau setara dengan 12% dari total produksi gas bumi nasional saat ini. Selain itu, produksi minyak dan kondensat mencapai 6.600 bopd.


Pada perkembangan lain, Chevron Pacific lndonesia membutuhkan mitra untuk berbagi risiko pengembangan proyek laut dalam atau Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) tahap II. Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengamini bahwa Chevron sedang mencari mitra sebelum mengajukan revisi rencana pengembangan (POD) IDD tahap II. Mereka minta waktu sampai 2020,” tuturnya.

Sebelummya, pengesahan rencana pengembangan (POD) berpotensi molor akibat kemungkinan perubahan konsorsium perusahaan yang menggarap proyek IDD muncul. Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman mengatakan belum mengetahui masa depan Chevron dalam pengembangan Proyek IDD. Hanya saja, akan ada perubahan konsorsium dan menunggu masuknya mitra baru.

“Masih menunggu. Saya enggak tahu Chevron keluar atau tidak, tapi konsorsium berubah. Dia [Chevron] tidak bilang keluar, tapi yang jelas Iagi cari [mitra] agar bisa dikembangkan.”

Di Proyek IDD, Chevron tercatat sebagai operator proyek dengan hak partisipasi sebesar 62%. Berdasarkan paparan SKK Migas, Proyek IDD Gendalo-Gehem ditargetkan mulai produksi pada kuartal I/2024. Proyek ini kini masuk tahap penyusunan dokumen lelang desain rinci (FEED), contract awarding, dan pengajuan persetujuan pengeluaran (AFE) untuk survei. 

     Dengan adanya potensi perubahan konsorsium itu, lanjut Fatar, maka penyusunan dan persetujuan POD Proyek IDD kembali tertunda. SKK Migas menunggu laporan konsorsium baru terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan pembahasan POD.

“Mungkin kalau dia deal pada Januari, setelah dia laporkan ke kami. Nah, mitra atau apa pokoknya ini proposal [bahan POD] terakhir kami,” tuturnya.

Dia menambahkan tidak ada tenggat waktu tertentu untuk menentukan mitra baru dalam pengembangan proyek IDD. Fatar mengaku tidak bisa memaksakan pengembangan proyek tanpa melihat keekonomian proyek yang dipertimbangkan KKKS. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Thursday, Nov 14, 2019

Pertamina speeds up the construction of the Tiung Biru Jambaran

Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB) as Pertamina's national strategic infrastructure project is moving forward. The Unitization Gas Field development project will be an economic driver by responding to the need for gas supply for the industry. 

      The project, which is carried out by Pertamina's upstream subsidiary PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC), has entered the Gas Processing Facility (GPF) construction period. Until the second quarter / 2019, the project has progressed 25% and is faster than the target. At present JTB has employed 2,000 workers with 70% local workforce.

PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC)

"This project is very important and strategic to drive the national economy. PEPC continues to accelerate as Pertamina's commitment to optimize oil and gas production and reserves while increasing the welfare of the community in the operational area, "said Dharmawan H. Samsu, Upstream Director of Pertamina Natural gas is an alternative energy source and fossil fuels that are environmentally friendly and economical.

"With sufficient gas supply, the domestic industry will be able to operate more efficiently by up to 30%," he continued.

With a gas production capacity of 192 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and 2.5 trillion cubic feet (TCF) reserves which will be channeled through the Gresik-Semarang gas pipeline, the JTB project will provide a multiplier effect in addressing the supply deficit for 19 industrial sectors in Central Java and East Java. 

     Not only does it have an impact on society and the future of the industry, PEPC has also succeeded in making capital expenditure efficiencies of US $ 509 million so that gas prices are cheaper and revenue for the state and contractor part increases.

The project, which is projected to be completed in the second quarter of 2021, will also contribute to increasing state revenues to US $ 3.61. Prudent planning management with efficient implementation made the JTB project successful in obtaining funding of US $ 1.85 billion from a consortium of 12 national and international financial institutions. 

    Dharmawan explained, "The success of project financing proves that PEPC uses world-class standards in managing Pertamina's upstream assets so that it is in good standing with international financial institutions."

Funding consists of 95% conventional and 5% sharia, which is a new achievement in the national oil and gas sector. In June, PEPC completed the financial close and first drawdown stages of creditors a month later. 

     Another success of PEPC is the technological change in the GPF unit so that the own use of gas as fuel (fuel gas) is reduced and results in an additional potential production of up to 20 MMSCFD, as well as an increase in oil and gas sales from 172 to 192 MMSCFD.

JTB is also projected to produce sulfuric acid up to 382 tons / day which supports the fulfillment of national needs while reducing imports. Sulfuric acid is needed by various industrial sectors, such as vehicle batteries, fertilizers, metal processing and clean water.


Pertamina Kebut Pengerjaan Jambaran Tiung Biru

Jambaran Tiung Biru (ITB) sebagai proyek infrastruktur strategis nasional Pertamina melaju pasti. Proyek pengembangan Lapangan Gas Unitisasi ini akan menjadi penggerak penekonomian dengan menjawab kebutuhan pasokan gas bagi industri. 

     Proyek yang dikerjakan anak perusahaan hulu Pertamina PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) ini telah memasuki masa konstruksi Gas Processing Facility (GPF). Hingga kuartal II/2019, proyek telah mengalami kemajuan 25 % dan lebih cepat dari target. Saat ini JTB telah mempekerjakan 2.000 pekerja dengan 70% tenaga kerja lokal.

“Proyek ini amat penting dan strategis untuk menggerakkan perekonomian nasional. PEPC terus melakukan percepatan sebagai komitmen Pertamina mengoptimalkan produksi dan cadangan migas sekaligus meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di wilayah operasi,” kata Dharmawan H. Samsu, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Gas alam merupakan sumber energi alternatif dan bahan bakar fosil yang ramah lingkungan dan ekonomis. 

"Dengan pasokan gas yang cukup, kelak industri dalam negeri dapat beroperasi lebih efisien hingga 3O%," lanjutnya.

Dengan kapasitas produksi gas sebesar 192 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) dan cadangan 2,5 triliun kaki kubik (TCF) yang akan dialirkan melalui pipa gas Gresik-Semarang, proyek JTB akan memberikan multiplier effeck dalam mengatasi defisit pasokan bagi 19 sektor industri di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. 

      Tidak hanya berdampak pada masyarakat dan masa depan industri, PEPC juga berhasil melakukan efisiensi belanja modal sebesar US$ 509 juta sehingga harga jual gas lebih murah serta penerimaan bagian negara dan kontraktor meningkat.

Proyek yang diproyeksikan selesai pada kuartal II/2021 itu juga berkontribusi meningkatkan pendapatan negara hingga US$ 3,61. Pengelolaan perencanaan yang prudent dengan pelaksanaan yang efisien membuat proyek JTB sukses memperoleh pendanaan US$ 1,85 miliar dari konsorsium 12 lembaga keuangan nasional dan internasional. 

     Dharmawan menjelaskan, “Keberhasilan project financing membuktikan PEPC menggunakan standar kelas dunia dalam mengelola aset hulu Pertamina sehingga bereputasi baik di mana institusi keuangan internasional.”

Pendanaan terdiri atas 95% konvensional dan 5% syariah, yang merupakan prestasi baru di sektor migas nasional. Pada Juni lalu, PEPC telah menuntaskan tahapan Financial close dan drawdown pertama dari kreditor sebulan setelahnya. 

     Keberhasilan lain PEPC adalah perubahan teknologi pada unit GPF sehingga own use penggunaan gas sebagai bahan bakar (fuel gas) berkurang dan menghasilkan potensi tambahan produksi hingga 20 MMSCFD, serta kenaikan penjualan migas dari 172 menjadi 192 MMSCFD.

JTB juga diproyeksikan memproduksi asam sulfat hingga 382 ton/hari yang mendukung pemenuhan kebutuhan nasional sekaligus pengurangan impor. Asam sulfat amat dibutuhkan beragam sektor industri, seperti baterai kendaraan, pupuk, pengolahan logam dan air bersih.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Thursday, Nov 14, 2019