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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Working on the Oil and Gas Block, Pertamina is Looking for Partners

To maximize the development of a number of oil and gas fields, PT Pertamina does not want to be alone, the state-owned oil and gas company is looking for business partners to support the project. Moreover, Pertamina has begun to manage oil and gas blocks that are very strategic, such as the Mahakam Block since early 2018.

By managing the Mahakam Block, Pertamina needs jumbo funding. PT Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said Pertamina was looking for partners for the Mahakam Block.

the Mahakam Block

"The process has not yet begun, but several companies have expressed their wishes," Nicke said.

Nicke Widyawati

Even so, Nicke made sure everything happened internally. Nicke was reluctant to reveal more about the process of finding this strategic partner. Pertamina does need to build a business partnership. Because, until now Pertamina has just partnered with business partners in 30% of the oil and gas blocks that they manage.

Meanwhile, the average global oil and gas company has a partnership for 80% of oil and gas blocks managed. It's just that Pertamina's management has not set a target of what percentage increase in third party investment. Nicke revealed, Pertamina was completing a study for a number of potential work areas (WK) offered to potential investors.

"We hope that by the end of this year the list (block oil and gas) has been released and has begun to invite potential partners," Nicke said.

Nicke Widyawati

At present, Pertamina manages 99 oil and gas assets at home and abroad through a number of subsidiaries. Nicke said the partners they were looking for were companies with experience in implementing proven technologies. In addition, Pertamina also made the financial aspects of potential partners as consideration.

"Partnership also opens up the possibility of Pertamina to enter into a block of global companies abroad," Nicke said.

On the other hand, Pertamina learned from what happened in the Mahakam Block. Since managing the Mahakam Block in 2018, production has tended to decline until now.

"In 2017, only four wells were drilled, so when Pertamina entered, we carried out massive exploration," Nicke said.

Through exploration efforts, the rate of decline that originally reached 57% was successfully suppressed to 25%. Learn from experience "said Nicke.


Garap Blok Migas, Pertamina Mencari Mitra

Demi memaksimalkan pengembangan sejumlah lapangan minyak dan gas (migas), PT Pertamina tidak mau sendirian, Perusahaan migas milik pemerintah ini mencari mitra bisnis untuk mendukung proyek tersebut. Apalagi Pertamina mulai mengelola blok migas yang sangat strategis, seperti Blok Mahakam sejak awal 2018 lalu. 

Dengan mengelola Blok Mahakam, Pertamina membutuhkan pendanaan jumbo. Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati, menyatakan Pertamina sedang mencari mitra untuk Blok Mahakam. 

"Prosesnya belum mulai, namun beberapa perusahaan sudah menyampaikan keinginannya," kata Nicke.

Meskipun demikian, Nicke memastikan semuanya berlangsung secara internal. Nicke enggan mengungkapkan lebih jauh mengenai proses pencarian mitra strategis ini. Pertamina memang perlu membangun kongsi bisnis. Sebab, hingga kini Pertamina baru saja menggandeng mitra bisnis di 30% blok migas yang mereka kelola. 

Sementara, rata-rata perusahaan migas global menjalin kemitraan untuk 80% blok migas yang dikelola. Hanya saja manajemen Pertamina belum memasang target berapa persentase peningkatan investasi pihak ketiga tersebut. Nicke mengungkapkan, Pertamina sedang merampungkan kajian untuk sejumlah wilayah kerja (WK) yang potensial ditawarkan ke calon investor. 

"Kami berharap akhir tahun ini sudah merilis daftar (blok migas) dan mulai mengundang calon mitra," kata Nicke.

Saat ini, Pertamina mengelola 99 aset migas di dalam dan luar negeri melalui sejumlah anak usaha. Nicke bilang, mitra yang mereka cari adalah perusahaan yang sudah berpengalaman dalam mengimplementasikan teknologi yang sudah terbukti. Selain itu, Pertamina turut menjadikan aspek finansial calon mitra sebagai bahan pertimbangan. 

"Partnership juga membuka kemungkinan Pertamina untuk masuk ke dalam blok para perusahaan global di luar negeri," kata Nicke. 

Di sisi lain, Pertamina belajar dari apa yang terjadi di Blok Mahakam. Sejak mangelola Blok Mahakam pada 2018, produksi blok tersebut cenderung menurun hingga kini. 

"Tahun 2017 pengeboran hanya empat sumur, sehingga ketika Pertamina masuk, kami melakukan eksplorasi secara masif," tutur Nicke. 

Melalui upaya eksplorasi, laju penurunan yang semula mencapai 57% berhasil ditekan hingga 25%. Belajar dari pengalaman" kata Nicke.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Nov 27, 2019

2 New Options for Aramco

PT Pertamina (Persero) ensured the submission of two refinery project development options in order to continue its cooperation with Saudi Aromco. Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said that with Saudi Aramco at present the company already has two cooperation options. According to him, the first option is the initial cooperation scheme, as discussed so far at the Cilacap Refinery.

There is one more option, if there is no agreement on the valuation price. There is a similar scheme as in Balikpapan. So the existing refineries are not spin off, so the scheme will only build the facilities, "he said at the 2019 Pertamina Energy Forum press conference.

For the second option, Pertamina and Aramco do not need to spin off or not enter the valuation of existing refineries. Under this scheme, cooperation with Saudi Aramco is limited to new units. However, Pertamina and Saudi Aramco are continuing negotiations on the work on the Cilacap Refinery Project, mainly about valuation.

"We hope that with these two options, an agreement with Aramco can happen immediately before the end of 2019.

Ignatius Tallulembang, Director of the Pertamina Processing and Petrochemical Megaproject, said Aramco was still focused on completing the asset valuation process at the Cilacap Refinery. Later, with this new scheme the two companies will form a joint venture to build a new refinery facility in Cilacap without including Pertamina's existing assets.

Pertamina still wants to be the majority owner of the Cilacap RDMP project. In the Cilacap Refinery project Pertamina has a 55% majority stake and Saudi Aramco 45%. The division is in accordance with the agreement of the two companies in the head of agreement signed at the end of 2015. According to the notes, the finding of an agreement on the asset valuation of the Cilacap refinery did not immediately open up new partnership opportunities in the development plan of one of the national strategic projects.

Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan

Because of the nearly three-year agreement establishing a Pertamina-Aramco joint venture in the Cilacap Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) project, the future of this oil and gas cooperation is still a big question mark. Maritime and Investment Coordinating Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the government was still awaiting the results of the valuation of Pertamina refinery assets by international financial consultants. However, based on provisional estimates, Luhut said there are still differences in asset valuations of around US $ 1.5 billion.

"(With) Aramco we are evaluating because the difference is still US $ 1.5 billion. So let's see, "he said.

Erick Thohir

Signs of the search for new partners were planned by SOE Minister Erick Thohir on October 29 after attending a coordination meeting with the Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment.


2 Opsi Baru untuk Aramco

PT Pertamina (Persero) memastikan pengajuan dua opsi pengembangan proyek kilang demi melanjutkan kerja samanya dengan Saudi Aromco. Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati mengatakan dengan Saudi Aramco saat ini pihaknya sudah memiliki dua opsi kerja sama. Menurutnya, opsi pertama adalah skema kerja sama awal, seperti yang sudah dibahas selama ini di Kilang Cilacap. 

Ada satu opsi lagi, jika tidak ada kesepakatan di harga  valuasi. Ada skema yang sama seperti di Balikpapan. Jadi eksisting kilangnya tidak di spin off, jadi skemanya nanti hanya membangun fasilitasnya saja, “ ujarnya dalam konferensi pers Pertamina Energy Forum 2019.

Untuk opsi kedua, Pertamina dan Aramco tidak perlu melakukan spin off atau tidak memasukkan valuasi kilang eksisting. Dalam skema ini, kerja sama dengan Saudi Aramco hanya sebatas untuk unit baru. Namun Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco masih melanjutkan negosiasi kerja sama pengerjaan Proyek Kilang Cilacap, utamanya soal valuasi. 

“Kita harapkan dengan adanya dua opsi ini kesepakatan dengan Aramco bisa segera terjadi sebelum akhir tahun 2019. 

Ignatius Tallulembang, Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina, mengatakan Aramco masih fokus untuk menyelesaikan proses valuasi aset di Kilang Cilacap. Nantinya, dengan skema baru ini kedua perusahaan membentuk perusahaan patungan untuk membangun fasilitas kilang baru di Cilacap tanpa memasukan perhitungan aset eksisting milik Pertamina. 

Pertamina tetap berkeinginan menjadi pemilik mayoritas proyek RDMP Cilacap. Pada proyek Kilang Cilacap Pertamina memiliki saham mayoritas 55% dan Saudi Aramco 45%. Pembagian tersebut sudah sesuai dengan kesepakatan kedua perusahaan dalam head of agreement yang ditandatangani akhir 2015. Menurut catatan, tidak segera ditemukannya kesepakatan pada valuasi aset kilang Cilacap membuka peluang kemitraan baru dalam rencana pengembangan salah satu proyek strategis nasional itu. 

Karena Hampir tiga tahun perjanjian pembentukan perusahaan patungan Pertamina-Aramco dalam proyek Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) Kilang Cilacap, masa depan kerja sama migas ini masih menjadi tanda tanya besar. Menteri Koordinator Maritim dan Investasi Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengatakan pemerintah masih menunggu hasil valuasi aset Kilang Pertamina oleh konsultan keuangan internasional. Hanya saja, berdasarkan perkiraan sementara, Luhut menyebut masih ada perbedaan valuasi aset sekitar US$1,5 miliar. 

“(Dengan) Aramco kami sedang evaluasi karena selisihnya masih ada US$1,5  miliar. Jadi mari kita lihat,” tuturnya.

Tanda-tanda pencarian mitra baru pun telah direncanakan oleh Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir pada 29 Oktober lalu  seusai mengikut rapat koordinasi dengan Menteri Koordinator Maritim dan Investasi. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-3, Wednesday, Nov 27, 2019

Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) Field Wins Award

PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), carved an achievement in the Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating 2019. Through the Cepu Field Asset 4, Pertamina EP won a Gold rating at the event organized by the National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR) in Badung, Bali. This is the 15th year award by NCSR.

National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR)

Until 2017 it is called the Sustainability Reporting Awards, and last year in 2018 the system was changed from award to rating. The NCSR holds a fourth year sustainability practitioner conference. The activity was attended by 50 domestic and foreign companies, especially Asia. The participants consisted of 41 Indonesian companies / organizations, two Bangladesh companies, three Malaysian companies, two Singapore companies, and two Philippine companies.

Field Manager of Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field Afwan Daroni said, one of the manifestations of the company's commitment and initiative in implementing the Triple Bottom Line 3P (Profit, People, Planet) principle is to communicate various activities and investment of the company to support the balanced performance of financial, social aspects, and the environment through the Sustainability Report in accordance with the provisions in presenting the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard. 

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

    Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field has compiled the SR Report annually and in 2019 was nominated by NCSR for competing with other Asian countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia and Bangladesh in the Asia Sustainability Report Rating (ASRR) event.

"Alhamdulillah, this is the second time we have received an award at Sustainability Reporting at the international level," Afwan said.

Agus Amperianto

Agus Amperianto, General Manager of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4, expressed his pride in the Cepu Field. "A proud achievement, hopefully, it can be maintained and enhanced by its ongoing performance and reporting system," he said.

This year the report assessment process was carried out by 50 assessors who are lecturers from various universities in Indonesia who have competency as assessors because they already have a specialist certificate of ongoing reports issued by NCSR. 

Bambang Brodjonegoro

     Minister of Research and Technology Bambang Brodjonegoro in his remarks at the event said that innovation does not have to always be in the form of extraordinary findings, but innovation must also be able to facilitate and be used by the wider community.

"Innovation does not have to be an extraordinary finding that can win awards, it can also be innovations that can help people in general," Bambang said.

The holding of the conference in collaboration with the Certified Sustainable Practitioners Association, begins with the awarding of the 2019 Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating trophy to the best companies that have successfully communicated sustainability performance to stakeholders through sustainability reports.

"There are at least three signals that can be captured from ongoing reports, first is the triple bottom line (economic, environmental and social) performance of the company. The second is the environmental and social impact of the company's activities, the third is the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), "said Ali Darwin, Chair of the NCSR.

Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) Field is one of the fields under the supervision of Asset 4. Currently Cepu Field produces 2,178 BOPD of oil and gas at 68.32 MMSCFD.


Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) Field Raih Penghargaan

PT Pertamina EP, anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero), menorehkan prestasi dalam ajang Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating 2019. Melalui Asset 4 Cepu Field, Pertamina EP meraih peringkat Gold pada ajang yang diselenggarakan National Centre Sustainability Reporting (NCSR) di Badung, Bali. Ini adalah penghargaan tahun ke-15 yang dilakukan oleh NCSR. 

Hingga 2017 disebut sebagai Sustainability Reporting Awards, dan tahun lalu pada 2018 sistem diubah dari award menjadi rating. NCSR menyelenggarakan konferensi praktisi keberlanjutan (sustainability practitioner conference) tahun keempat. Kegiatan tersebut di ikuti oleh 50 perusahaan-perusahaan dalam dan luar negeri, khususnya Asia. Para peserta terdiri dari 41 perusahaan/organisasi Indonesia, dua perusahaan Bangladesh, tiga perusahaan Malaysia, dua perusahaan Singapura, dan dua perusahaan Filipina.

Field Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field Afwan Daroni mengatakan, salah satu wujud komitmen dan inisiatif perusahaan dalam penerapan prinsip Triple Bottom Line 3P (Profit, People, Planet) adalah dengan mengomunikasikan berbagai kegiatan dan investasi perusahaan untuk mendukung keseimbangan kinerja aspek keuangan, sosial, dan lingkungan melalui Sustainability Report (Laporan Keberlanjutan) sesuai dengan ketentuan penyajian Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard. 

    Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field telah melakukan penyusunan Laporan SR setiap tahunnya dan pada 2019 dinominasikan oleh NCSR untuk berkompetisi dengan negara Asia lainnya seperti Filipina, Malaysia, dan Bangladesh dalam event Asia Sustainability Report Rating (ASRR).

“Alhamdulillah ini kali kedua kami mendapatkan penghargaan terhadap Sustainability Reporting tingkat internasional, “ujar Afwan.

Agus Amperianto, General Manager PT Pertamina EP Asset 4, mengungkapkan kebanggaannya terhadap Field Cepu. “Suatu prestasi yang membanggakan, semoga dapat dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan lagi kinerja yang berkelanjutan dan sistem pelaporannya, “ ujarnya.

Tahun ini proses penilaian laporan dilakukan oleh 50 assesor yang merupakan dosen dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang memiliki kompetensi sebagai assesor karena telah memiliki sertifikat spesialis laporan berkelanjutan yang dikeluarkan oleh NCSR. Menteri Riset dan Teknologi Bambang Brodjonegoro dalam sambutannya di acara tersebut mengatakan inovasi tidak harus selalu dalam bentuk temuan yang luar biasa, namun inovasi juga harus dapat memudahkan dan digunakan oleh masyarakat luas. 

“Inovasi tidak harus merupakan temuan luar biasa yang dapat memenangkan penghargaan, bisa juga inovasi yang dapat membantu orangorang secara umum,” ujar Bambang. 

Penyelenggaraan konferensi yang berkolaborasi dengan Ikatan Praktisi Berkelanjutan Bersertifikat ini, diawali dengan penyerahan trofi Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating 2019 kepada perusahaan-perusahaan terbaik yang telah berhasil mengkomunikasikan kinerja keberlanjutan kepada pemangku kepentingan melalui laporan keberlanjutan.

“Paling tidak ada tiga sinyal yang dapat ditangkap dari laporan berkelanjutan, pertama kinerja triple bottom line (ekonomi, lingkungan, dan sosial) perusahaan. Kedua dampak lingkungan dan sosial dari aktivitas perusahaan, ketiga pencapaian tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development Goals / SDGs), “ujar Ali Darwin, Ketua NCSR.

Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) Field merupakan salah satu lapangan yang berada di bawah pengawasan Asset 4. Saat ini Cepu Field memproduksikan minyak sebesar 2.178 BOPD dan gas sebesar 68.32 MMSCFD.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Nov 26, 2019

The Largest City Gas Connection Supply Pertamina EP saves Rp 35 Billion

PT Pertamina EP Asset 2 supplies the largest city gas connection in Indonesia in the Prabumulih The Real Full City Gas program. Until now, the company supplies gas to 42,650 households (KK) or 93 percent of the total households in the City of Prabumulih, South Sumatra (South Sumatra) and saves the state budget of Rp 35 billion per year.

"Since 2013 PT Pertamina EP Asset 2 Prabumulih Field has been supplying natural gas to the community for the use of households and small industries / Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)," said Prabumulih Field Manager of PT Pertamina EP Asset 2, Ndirga Andri Sisworo.

Ndirga explained, inaugurated on July 20, 2013, the Prabumulih city gas program first connected as many as 4,650 households spread across six villages  and in two districts of West and North Prabumulih. He said the use of flared gas into city gas is one of the solutions designed by Pertamina EP in line with the Prabumulih City Government program.

"This program is a company's effort to help reduce combustion emissions," said Ndirga Andri Sisworo.

He explained that the purpose of the Prabumulih The Real Full City Gas program is not only to reduce CO2 emissions, but to help fulfill city gas as an energy source in households and MSMEs, save energy, reduce government subsidy costs and increase Prabumulih City Government revenue.

"Compared to the use of ordinary gas cylinders, this city gas network can save the state budget Rp 35 billion per year," said Ndirga Andri Sisworo.

He said, so far the city gas network connection in the City of Prabumulih has been found in 23 villages / kelurahan with a total of 42,650 households or 93 percent of the total households in the City of Prabumulih. The construction of the Household Connection installation (SR) originates from the Prabumulih City Regional Budget and Pertamina's investment development. The state budget used for the construction of the Prabumulih gas network is managed through the affiliation of Petro Prabu.

"City gas supplied by Pertamina EP Prabumulih Field is managed directly by Petro Prabu as an affiliate of the Prabumulih City Government," said Ndirga Andri Sisworo.

The community gas users are charged by Petro Prabu including the cost of pipeline maintenance services. However, the costs imposed by the City Government of Prabumulih are far more economical than the cost of using LPG gas in a cylinder.

"With the Prabumulih The Real Full City Gas program, the company hopes to make a real contribution in improving the environment, as well as helping increase the growth and development of the City of Prabumulih. The benefit of this program is also expected to create synergy with the community and government, "said Ndirga Andri Sisworo.


Suplai Sambungan Gas Kota Terbesar Pertamina EP Hemat Rp 35 Miliar

PT Pertamina EP Asset 2 memasok sambungan gas kota terbesar di Indonesia dalam program Prabumulih The Real Full City Gas. Hingga kini, perseroan menyuplai gas kepada 42.650 kepala keluarga (KK) atau 93 persen dari total seluruh KK di Kota Prabumulih, Sumatera Selatan (Sumsel) dan menghemat anggaran negara Rp 35 miliar per tahun.

“Sejak 2013 PT Pertamina EP Asset 2 Prabumulih Field telah mensuplai gas alam ke masyarakat untuk kepentingan penggunaan rumah tangga dan industri kecil/Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM),” kata Prabumulih Field Manager PT Pertamina EP Asset 2, Ndirga Andri Sisworo.

Ndirga menjelaskan, diresmikan pada 20 Juli 2013, program gas kota Prabumulih pertama kali menyambungkan sebanyak 4.650 KK yang tersebar di enam desa/kelurahan dan di dua kecamatan Prabumulih Barat dan Utara. Dia mengatakan, pemanfaatan flared gas menjadi gas kota merupakan salah satu solusi yang dirancang Pertamina EP selaras dengan program Pemerintah Kota Prabumulih. 

“Program ini merupakan upaya perusahaan dalam membantu mengurangi gas emisi hasil pembakaran,” kata Ndirga Andri Sisworo.

Dia menjelaskan tujuan program Prabumulih The Real Full City Gas tidak hanya menurunkan emisi CO2, tetapi membantu pemenuhan gas kota sebagai sumber energi di rumah tangga dan UMKM, penghematan energi, penurunan biaya subsidi pemerintah dan peningkatan pendapatan Pemerintah Kota Prabumulih. 

“Dibandingkan dengan penggunaan tabung gas biasa, jaringan gas kota ini bisa menghemat anggaran negara Rp 35 miliar per tahun,” kata Ndirga Andri Sisworo.

Dia mengatakan, sampai saat ini sambungan jaringan gas kota di Kota Prabumulih sudah terdapat di 23 desa/kelurahan dengan jumlah sambungan sebanyak 42.650 KK atau sebesar 93 persen dari total seluruh KK di Kota Prabumulih. Pembangunan instalasi Sambungan Rumah Tangga (SR) berasal dari APBD Kota Prabumulih dan pengembangan investasi Pertamina. APBN yang digunakan untuk pembangunan jaringan gas Prabumulih dikelola melalui afiliasi Petro Prabu.

“Gas kota yang disalurkan oleh Pertamina EP Prabumulih Field dikelola langsung oleh Petro Prabu sebagai afiliasi dari Pemerintah Kota Prabumulih,” kata Ndirga Andri Sisworo. 

Masyarakat pengguna gas kota dikenakan biaya oleh Petro Prabu termasuk biaya jasa maintenance/pemeliharaan pipa. Namun biaya yang dikenakan oleh Pemerintah Kota Prabumulih jauh lebih ekonomis dari pada biaya penggunaan gas LPG dalam tabung.

“Dengan adanya program Prabumulih The Real Full City Gas ini, perusahaan berharap dapat memberikan sumbangsih nyata dalam perbaikan lingkungan, serta membantu peningkatan pertumbuhan dan pembangunan Kota Prabumulih. Kebermanfaatan Program ini juga diharapkan menciptakan sinergi dengan masyarakat dan pemerintah,” kata Ndirga Andri Sisworo.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Nov 25, 2019

Gas Supply Still Safe

PT Pertamina EP Asset 2 ensures that gas supplies for Palembang and Java remain secure even though there will be an increase in the number of gas network connections (jargas) in Prabumulih, South Sumatra. At present there are 42,650 jargas connections to Prabumulih with a total gas supply of 1 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd). The connection is targeted to increase to 50,000 by 2020.

Prabumulih Field's Northern Area Gas Production Senior Supervisor Siswanto said that if there had been 50,000 jargas connections, gas demand would increase to approximately 1.2 MMscfd. Aside from the small additional demand, gas supply to Prabumulih is also abundant so it is still safe to meet the needs of other constituents.

According to him, the distribution of gas to Palembang, South Sumatra and Java is managed through the Gas Compressor Station (SKG) X Prabumulih Barat (PMB). The supply of gas managed by SKG X PMB is currently supplied from two fields, namely Pendopo and Prabumulih. 

     The two fields supply 270 MMscfd of gas. Palembang received 160 MMscfd and 110 MMscfd was distributed to Java. Jargas in Palembang is not only used by local residents, but also for the needs of fertilizer companies, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. (PGN), to Electricity.

As for the gas that is supplied to Java, the management is handed over to PGN. Later, SKG X PMB will also get an additional supply of gas from the Lembak Gas Collection Station (SPG) to Palembang for approximately 50 MMscfd.

In addition, gas supply to PGN in Java is also supplied from Pagar Dewa metering, namely from the Paku Gajah Field, Kuang, Merbau, and SP1 Pagar Dewa for approximately 65 MMscfd.

"So our gas supply is still safe both to Palembang and to Java," he said.

In addition, Pertamina EP Asset 2 will also start operating a new well, namely Talang Jimar (TLI) 258. The well is targeted to produce 175-500 barrels of oil per day (bpd) with associated gas of 0.5 MMScfd.


Pasokan Gas Masih Aman 

PT Pertamina EP Asset 2 memastikan pasokan gas untuk wilayah Palembang dan Jawa tetap aman meskipun akan ada peningkatan jumlah sambungan jaringan gas (jargas) di Prabumulih, Sumatra Selatan. Saat ini terdapat 42.650 sambungan jargas ke Prabumulih dengan pasokan gas total sebanyak 1 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd) Sambungan tersebut ditargetkan bertambah jadi 50.000 pada 2020. 

Northern Area Gas Production Senior Supervisor Prabumulih Field Siswanto mengatakan apabila telah mencapai 50.000 sambungan jargas, kebutuhan gas akan meningkat menjadi kurang lebih 1,2 MMscfd. Selain karena penambahan kebutuhan yang kecil, pasokan gas ke Prabumulih juga masih melimpah sehingga masih aman untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konstunen lainnya.

Menurutnya, penyaluran gas ke Palembang, Sumatera Selatan maupun Jawa dikelola melalui Stasiun Kompresor Gas (SKG) X Prabumulih Barat (PMB). Pasokan gas gas yang dikelola SKG X PMB saat ini dipasok dari dua lapangan, yakni Pendopo dan Prabumulih. Kedua lapangan tersebut memasok gas sebanyak 270 MMscfd. 

     Palembang mendapatkan jatah 160 MMscfd dan sisanya sebanyak 110 MMscfd dialirkan ke Jawa. Jargas di Palembang tidak hanya digunakan oleh warga setempat, melainkan juga untuk kebutuhan perusahaan pupuk, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. (PGN), hingga Kelistrikan. 

Adapun gas yang dipasok ke Jawa diserahkan pengelolaannya ke PGN. Nantinya, SKG X PMB juga mendapat tambahan suplai gas dari Stasiun Pengumpul Gas (SPG) Lembak ke Palembang sebanyak kurang lebih 50 MMscfd.

Selain itu, suplai gas ke PGN di Jawa juga dipasok dari metering daerah Pagar Dewa, yakni dari Lapangan Paku Gajah, Kuang, Merbau, dan SP1 Pagar Dewa sebanyak kurang lebih 65 MMscfd. 

“Jadi masih aman suplai gas kami baik ke Palembang maupun yang ke Jawa,” katanya.

Selain itu, Pertamina EP Asset 2 juga akan mulai mengoperasikan satu sumur baru, yakni Talang Jimar (TLI) 258. Sumur ini ditargetkan mampu memproduksi minyak sebanyak 175-500 barel per hari (bph) dengan gas yang terasosiasi sebanyak 0,5 MMScfd.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Monday, Nov 25, 2019

Four New Oil and Gas Fields, East Java to be Oil and Gas Fields

SKK Migas expects that four large upstream oil and gas sector projects in the Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa) regions will be completed on schedule. Thus, the four projects can immediately support the national oil and gas lifting target. Also able to restore East Java (East Java) as oil and gas fields in Indonesia.

ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd (EMCL) Field

Head of SKK Migas Jabanusa Nur Wahidi said that the four upstream oil and gas strategic projects were in Bojonegoro and Madura. Exactly, the Kedung Keris project, Bojonegoro, operated by ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd (EMCL), the Jambaran Tiung Biru project in Bojonegoro with the Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) operator, the Bukit Tua Phase 3 project in Sampang, which was carried out by Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd, and the TSB project in Bojonegoro with the Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) operator, the Bukit Tua Phase 3 project in Sampang, which was carried out by Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd. Phase 2 in Sumenep with operator Kangean Energi Indonesia (KEI).


"Completion of the project on schedule has a positive effect on achieving the lifting target set by the government," Nur said during the Media Workshop on Period III SKK Migas Jabanusa-KKKS with the leaders of the East Java and Central Java mass media.

the Jambaran Tiung Biru project

Until now, the work on the Jambaran Tiung Biru project has reached 37.72 percent. The target is that in June 2021 the project will be finished and can start production.

"From this project, the maximum target for gas sales can increase 10 percent nationally or equivalent to 192 million cubic feet per day," he explained.

Komaidi Reforminer Executive Director added that upstream oil and gas investment requires 73 supporting sectors and 45 user sectors. A total of 73 supporting sectors were able to contribute 55.99 percent of GDP. Meanwhile, the workforce that can be employed reaches 61.53 percent.


Empat Ladang Migas Baru, Jawa Timur menjadi Ladang Minyak dan Gas

SKK Migas mengharapkan empat proyek besar sektor hulu migas di kawasan  Jawa, Bali, dan Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa) selesai sesuai dengan jadwal. Dengan demikian, empat proyek tersebut bisa segera mendukung target capaian lifting migas nasional. Juga mampu mengembalikan Jawa Timur (Jatim) sebagai ladang migas di Indonesia. 

Kepala SKK Migas Jabanusa Nur Wahidi mengatakan bahwa keempat proyek strategis hulu migas itu berada di Bojonegoro dan Madura. Tepatnya, proyek Kedung Keris, Bojonegoro, yang dioperatori ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd (EMCL), proyek Jambaran Tiung Biru di Bojonegoro dengan operator Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC), proyek Bukit Tua Phase 3 di Sampang yang dikerjakan Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd, dan proyek TSB Phase 2 di Sumenep dengan operator Kangean Energi Indonesia (KEI).

"Selesainya proyek sesuai jadwal berpengaruh positif terhadap pencapaian target lifting yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah," ujar Nur saat Lokakarya Media Periode III SKK Migas Jabanusa-KKKS dengan para pemimpin media massa Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah.

Hingga saat ini, pengerjaan proyek Jambaran Tiung Biru mencapai 37,72 persen. Targetnya, Juni 2021 proyek tersebut sudah selasai dan bisa mulai berproduksi. 

"Dari proyek ini, target maksimum sales gas bisa meningkat 10 persen secara nasional atau setara 192 juta kaki kubik per hari,” terangnya.

Direktur Eksekutif Reforminer Institute Komaidi menambahkan bahwa investasi hulu migas membutuhkan 73 sektor pendukung dan 45 sektor pengguna.
Sebanyak 73 sektor pendukung itu mampu berkontribusi 55,99 persen terhadap PDB. Sementara itu,  tenaga kerja yang bisa dipekerjakan mencapai 61,53 persen.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Saturday, Nov 23, 2019

PHE Continues to Ensure the Smooth Operation of Oil and Gas in NSB

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) through its subsidiary PT Pertamina Hulu Energi NSB (PHE NSB) ensures the smooth operation of Block B North Aceh during the contract extension period for one year.

Block B North Aceh

"In this period of extension, of course PHE NSB will continue to ensure smooth operations in Block" B ", while continuing to maintain production in accordance with the target in order to support the national oil and gas needs," said PHE Managing Director Meidawati in Jakarta.

Block B North Aceh

Previously, PHE obtained temporary management rights of Block "B" in North Aceh from the Government for one year from 18 November 2019. The decision on the extension referred to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Letter No. 512/13 / MEM.M / 2019 dated November 15, 2019 Regarding Regional Temporary Management Work "B" after 17 November 2019.

PHE President Director Meidawati explained that the "B" Block Contract had expired on October 3, 2018. Then there were two extensions with a period of 6 months and one extension with a period of 45 days until ending November 17, 2019. The Aceh Regional Government through the Aceh Oil and Gas Management Agency (BPMA) proposes the management of the "B" Block by using a Cost Recovery contract scheme in accordance with Government Regulation Number 23 of 2015 concerning Joint Management of Upstream Oil and Gas Aceh, while the Government is guided by Ministerial Regulation Number 8/2017 and Ministerial Regulation Number 52/2017 which states the scheme Gross Split contract.

"The Central Government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will certainly decide the best for the management of this" B "Block going forward, PHE is in a position to wait while carrying out the best operations possible," Meidawati said.

While the contract extension period of 1 year will be used as well as possible between the two parties to work together to wait for the next government decision regarding the management of Block B.


PHE Terus Pastikan Kelancaran Operasi Migas di NSB

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) melalui anak usahanya PT Pertamina Hulu Energi NSB (PHE NSB) memastikan kelancaran operasi di Blok B Aceh Utara dalam masa perpanjangan kontrak selama satu tahun. 

“Dalam masa perpajangan ini, tentu PHE NSB akan tetap memastikan kelancaran operasi di Blok “B”, juga tetap berupaya menjaga produksi sesuai dengan target dalam rangka menunjang kebutuhan migas nasional,” ujar Direktur Utama PHE Meidawati di Jakarta.

Sebelumnya, PHE mendapatkan hak pengelolaan sementara Blok “B” di Aceh Utara dari Pemerintah selama satu tahun terhitung 18 November 2019. Putusan perpanjangan tersebut mengacu pada surat kementrian ESDM Nomor 512/13/MEM.M/2019 tanggal 15 November 2019 Perihal Pengelolaan Sementara Wilayah Kerja “B” pasca 17 November 2019.

Direktur Utama PHE Meidawati menjelaskan Kontrak Blok “B” telah habis masa berlakunya pada 3 Oktober 2018. Lalu dilakukan dua kali perpanjangan dengan periode 6 bulan dan satu kali perpanjangan dengan periode 45 hari hingga berakhir 17 November 2019. Pemerintah Daerah Aceh melalui Badan Pengelola Migas Aceh (BPMA) mengusulkan pengelolaan Blok “B” dengan menggunakan skema kontrak Cost Recovery sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 23 tahun 2015 tentang Pengelolaan Bersama Hulu Migas Aceh, sementara Pemerintah berpedoman kepada Peraturan Menteri Nomor 8/2017 dan Peraturan Menteri Nomor 52/2017 yang menyatakan skema kontrak Gross Split.

“Pemerintah Pusat melalui kementerian ESDM tentu akan memutuskan yang terbaik untuk pengelolaan Blok “B” ini kedepan, PHE dalam posisi menunggu sambil menjalankan operasi sebaik mungkin,” kata Meidawati. 

Sambil berlangsung perpanjangan masa kontrak 1 tahun akan digunakan sebaik-baiknya antara kedua belah pihak untuk bersinergi sampai menunggu keputusan pemerintah selanjutnya mengenai pengelolaan Blok B.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Nov 23, 2019

Monday, January 13, 2020

KrisEnergy Departs from the Andaman II Block

KrisEnergy Ltd sold all of its shares in the Andaman II Block by 30% to BP Exploration Operating Company Limited. KrisEnergy together with partners won the Andaman II Block at the 2017 oil and gas block auction.

BP Exploration Operating Company Limited

In its official statement, KrisEnergy states, it has signed a conditional sale and purchase agreement with BP Exploration Operating Company Limited for the sale of its shares in the Andaman II Block. The buying and selling of participatory interests (PIs) is still awaiting approval, including from the Government of Indonesia.

"The sale of these assets has taken into account the future exploration costs and risks associated with deep sea activities. The board of directors believes that it is prudent to allocate limited KrisEnergy capital to fund short-term development, "it said in its official statement.

However, KrisEnergy revealed, there is no certainty or guarantee that the release of this asset will be completed. In the Andaman II Block, KrisEnergy is only a 30% PI holder, not an operator. BP Indonesia Head of Country Moektianto Soeryowibowo confirmed that his party has signed an agreement with KrisEnergy.

"The transfer of participating interests is still awaiting several approvals, including from the Indonesian government," he said.

Deputy for Operations of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Julius Wiratno admitted that he did not yet know about the KrisEnergy corporate action in releasing its share ownership in the Andaman II Block. But he said, the transfer of shares could affect exploration activities in the block.

"Maybe it can also influence [exploration activities]," said Julius.

The Andaman II Block was won by the Consortium of Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Kris Energy (Andaman II) BV, and Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd in 2017. Furthermore, this block of production sharing contract (PSC) was just signed last year with a gross split scheme.

Mubadala Petroleum

The share ownership in the oil and gas block is 40% Premiere Oil, 30% Mubadala Petroleum, and 30% KrisEnergy. The Consortium of Premier Oil Far East Ltd, KrisEnergy (Andaman II) BV, and Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd promised a definite commitment for the first three years of G&G and 3D seismic activities totaling 1,850 square kilometers (km2) worth US $ 7.55 million. While the signature bonus given is US $ 1 million.


KrisEnergy Hengkang dari Blok Andaman II

KrisEnergy Ltd menjual seluruh sahamnya di Blok Andaman II sebesar 30% kepada BP Exploration Operating Company Limited. KrisEnergy bersama mitra memenangkan Blok Andaman II ini pada lelang blok migas 2017 lalu. 

Dalam keterangan resminya, KrisEnergy menyatakan, telah menandatangani perjanjian jual beli bersyarat (conditional sale and purchase agreement) dengan BP Exploration Operating Company Limited untuk penjualan sahamnya di Blok Andaman II tersebut. Jual beli bagian partisipasi (participating interest/PI) ini masih menunggu persetujuan persetujuan, termasuk dari Pemerintah Indonesia.

“Penjualan aset ini telah mempertimbangkan biaya eksplorasi di masa mendatang dan risiko-risiko terkait kegiatan di laut dalam. Jajaran direksi percaya bahwa lebih bijaksana mengalokasikan modal KrisEnergy yang terbatas untuk mendanai pengembangan jangka pendek,” demikian tertulis dalam keterangan resminya.

Meski demikian, KrisEnergy mengungkapkan, tidak ada kepastian ataupun jaminan pelepasan aset ini akan diselesaikan. Di Blok Andaman II, KrisEnergy hanya sebagai pemegang PI dengan besaran 30%, bukan operator. Head of Country BP Indonesia Moektianto Soeryowibowo membenarkan bahwa pihaknya
telah menandatangani perjanjian dengan KrisEnergy. 

“Pengalihan participating interest masih menunggu beberapa persetujuan, termasuk dari pemerintah Indonesia,” tuturnya.

Deputi Operasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Julius Wiratno mengakui belum mengetahui soal aksi korporasi KrisEnergy melepas kepemilikan sahamnya di Blok Andaman II. Namun dikatakanya, pengalihan saham ini bisa berpengaruh pada kegiatan eksplorasi di blok tersebut. 

“Mungkin bisa berpengaruh juga [kegiatan eksplorasi],” kata Julius.

Blok Andaman II dimenangkan oleh Konsorsium Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Kris Energy (Andaman II) BV, dan Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd pada 2017 lalu. Selanjutnya, kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) blok ini baru diteken pada tahun lalu dengan skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split).

Kepemilikan saham di blok migas ini yakni Premiere Oil 40%, Mubadala Petroleum 30%, dan KrisEnergy 30%. Konsorsium Premier Oil Far East Ltd, KrisEnergy (Andaman II) BV, dan Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd menjanjikan komitmen pasti tiga tahun pertama berupa kegiatan G&G dan seismik 3D seluas 1.850 kilometer persegi (km2) senilai US$ 7,55 juta. Sementara bonus tanda tangan yang diberikan US$ 1 juta.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Nov 22, 2019