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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

SKK Migas: Oil Lifting This Year Exceeds Target

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) revealed that oil lifting this year could reach 746.3 thousand barrels per day / BOPD. While oil production is estimated at 745.5 thousand BOPD. The prognosis until the end of the year exceeds the lifting target set in the 2019 State Budget (APBN) of 745 thousand BOPD.

SKK Migas Secretary Murdo Gantoro said the realization of oil lifting would be officially announced on 31 December. Four days towards the end of 2019, SKK Migas carried out the optimization of lifting later this year in six main points namely Sumatra in Dumai Terminal, Java in MGS Balongan, FPSO Gagak Rimang, Siam Maspion and Kalimantan Terminals in Tanjung Santan, and Senipah Terminal.

FPSO Gagak Rimang

"We will continue to monitor until December 31 like what the numbers are. If this is not achieved, we will find out the obstacles and then evaluate them, "Murdo said during a visit to the PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Main Gathering Station in Indramayu.

Murdo said SKK Migas is now directly overseeing the lifting. So far the activity has been carried out by surveyors as third parties. 11 contracted cooperation contracts (KKKS) can be monitored directly (real-time). This is a form of SKK Migas transformation. Because SKK Migas has a vision of creating one million barrels in 2030.

"Of course there is a milestone every year with a work plan. We measure the achievements and evaluate them, "he said.

In the same place, Finance & Business Support Director of PT Pertamina EP Adi Prasetyana revealed, Pertamina EP oil lifting reached 27,197,737 barrels of oil (BBL) and 249,533 MMSCF for gas until November. Projected to the end of the year, Pertamina EP oil lifting can reach 29,939,653 BBL and 272,954 MMSCF gas.

"Lifting at Balongan Terminal reached the agreed target of 4,654,987 BBL for oil until December 25, 2019," he said.

Adi said Pertamina EP Asset 3 recorded a proud performance in 2019. Towards the end of this year, Pertamina EP Asset 3 was able to produce 13,092 BOPD or equivalent to 100.6% of the WP&B target. The gas production reached 262 MMSCFD or 92% of the WP&B target.

"By maintaining the reliability of production facilities, PEP is expected to be able to maintain and increase production according to the target set by the government," he said.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission VII of the People's Representative Council (DPR) Kardaya Warnika revealed Pertamina EP Asset 3 was the backbone of Pertamina. Because the production continues to survive even exceeding the target set. He appreciated the efforts that had been made by Pertamina.

"The third asset region is the most sustainable. This is Pertamina's backbone, "he said.

the Rokan Block Chevron Pacific Indonesia

Rokan Block

Meanwhile, on the previous occasion, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arifin Tasrif, encouraged the transition process of the management of the Rokan Block from Chevron Pacific Indonesia to PT Pertamina (Persero) to be completed soon next year. 

     That way, it will speed up the implementation process of oil and gas drilling in a block located in Riau Province. Arifin explained, the progress of the transfer of management between the two parties continued.

"We have asked Pertamina to be proactive then Chevron can open the door, already. Chevron reports every week. then we will meet with Pertamina, "explained Arifin, as quoted by

Accelerating the transfer of management, continued Arifin, was carried out in order to maintain the level of production of the Rokan Block when the maturity of managing over in 2021. Arifin immediately asked Pertamina to prepare funds for drilling investment.

"Pertamina has prepared, because of this Pertamina must immediately carry out 20 drilling points to be able to maintain, out of 72 targets. Yes, at least 20 can be done, "said Arifin.

Nevertheless, Arifin admitted there were still a number of administrative and other important issues between the two parties that were Business to Business (B to B).

"Indeed there are several matters related to regulations and also administrative contracts that must be completed. But next year it must be finished, "said Arifin.

Beginning in 2019, Rokan Block production will reach 207,000 barrels per day, equivalent to 26% of national production. The 6,220-kilometer block has 96 fields, of which three have the potential to produce very good oil, namely Duri, Minas, and Bekasap. It has been noted, since it began operating in 1971 until 31 December 2017, the total production in the Rokan Block has reached 11.5 billion barrels of oil since the start of the operation.

As is known, the Government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources decided to entrust the management of the Rokan Block to Pertamina on July 31, 2018. This decision was taken on the basis of business and economic considerations after evaluating the submission of Pertamina's proposal which was considered better in managing the block.

The Rokan Block itself is the second-largest oil block in Indonesia. The 6,220-kilometer block has 96 fields with three fields having very good oil potential namely Duri, Minas, and Bekasap. For next year, SKK Migas is targeting production in the Rokan Block to reach 161 thousand BOPD, down from this year's target of 190 thousand BOPD. This is because Chevron no longer invests in any activity in the Rokan Block in 2020.


SKK Migas: Lifting Minyak Tahun Ini Lampaui Target

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mengungkapkan, lifting minyak tahun ini bisa mencapai 746,3 ribu barel per hari/BOPD. Sementara produksi minyak diperkirakan mencapai 745,5 ribu BOPD. Prognosa hingga akhir tahun itu melampaui target lifting yang ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2019 sebesar 745 ribu BOPD.

Sekretaris SKK Migas Murdo Gantoro mengatakan realisasi lifting minyak akan disampaikan secara resmi pada 31 Desember. Empat hari menjelang akhir tahun 2019, SKK Migas melakukan optimalisasi lifting akhir tahun ini di enam titik utama yakni Sumatera di Terminal Dumai, Jawa di MGS Balongan, FPSO Gagak Rimang, Terminal Siam Maspion dan Kalimantan di Tanjung Santan, dan Terminal Senipah.

“Kami akan monitor terus sampai 31 Desember seperti apa angkanya. Apabila tidak tercapai maka kita cari tahu kendalanya kemudian dievaluasi,” kata Murdo dalam kunjungan ke Main Gathering Station PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 di Indramayu.

Murdo mengungkapkan SKK Migas kini secara langsung mengawasi lifting. Selama ini kegiatan tersebut dilakukan oleh surveyor sebagai pihak ketiga. Tercatat 11 kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) dapat dipantau secara langsung (real time). Hal ini merupakan bentuk transformasi SKK Migas. Pasalnya SKK Migas memiliki visi menciptakan satu juta barel di 2030. 

“Tentunya ada milestone tiap tahun dengan rencana kerja. Kita ukur capaiannya dan dievaluasi,” ujarnya.

Di tempat yang sama, Finance & Business Support Director PT Pertamina EP Adi Prasetyana mengungkapkan, lifting minyak Pertamina EP mencapai 27.197.737 barel oil (BBL) dan 249.533 MMSCF untuk gas hingga November kemarin. Diproyeksikan sampai akhir tahun, lifting minyak Pertamina EP dapat mencapai 29.939.653 BBL dan gas 272.954 MMSCF.

“Lifting di Terminal Balongan mencapai target yang disepakati yaitu 4.654.987 BBL untuk minyak hingga 25 Desember 2019,” ujarnya.

Adi menuturkan, Pertamina EP Asset 3 mencatatkan kinerja yang membanggakan di tahun 2019. Menjelang berakhirnya tahun ini, Pertamina EP Asset 3 mampu memproduksi 13,092 BOPD atau setara dengan 100,6% target WP&B. Adapun produksi gas mencapai 262 MMSCFD atau 92% target WP&B. 

“Dengan menjaga kehandalan fasilitas produksi, diharapkan PEP mampu menjaga dan meningkatkan produksi sesuai target yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Anggota Komisi VII Dewan Per wakilan Rakyat (DPR) Kardaya Warnika mengungkapkan Pertamina EP Asset 3 merupakan tulang punggung Pertamina. Pasalnya produksinya terus bertahan bahkan melampaui target yang ditetapkan. Dia mengapresiasi usaha yang telah dilakukan oleh Pertamina. 

“Wilayah asset 3 satu-satunya yang paling sustain. Ini merupakan backbone Pertamina,” ujarnya. 

Blok Rokan

Sementara itu, pada kesempatan sebelumnya, Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Arifin Tasrif mendorong proses transisi alih kelola Blok Rokan dari Chevron Pasific Indonesia ke PT Pertamina (Persero) bisa segera diselesaikan tahun depan. Dengan begitu, akan mempercepat pelaksanaan proses
pengeboran minyak dan gas bumi di blok yang terletak di Provinsi Riau tersebut. Arifin menjelaskan, progress alih kelola anatara kedua belah pihak terus berjalan. 

“Kita sudah minta Pertamina proaktif kemudian Chevron bisa membuka pintu, sudah. Tiap minggu Chevron sudah lapor. kemudian kita pertemukan dengan Pertamina,” jelas Arifin, seperti dikutip

Percepatan alih kelola, sambung Arifin, dilakukan guna mempertahankan tingkat produksi Blok Rokan saat jatuh tempo alih kelola di tahun 2021 nanti. Arifin pun segera meminta kepada Pertamina untuk menyiapkan dana untuk investasi pengeboran.

“Pertamina sudah menyiapkan, karena ini Pertamina harus segera melaksanakan 20 poin pengeboran untuk bisa mempetahankan, dari 72 target. Ya paling tidak 20 itu bisa dilakukan,” ujar Arifin. 

Kendati demikian, Arifin mengakui masih terdapat beberapa persoalan administrasi dan persoalan penting lainnya antar kedua belah pihak yang bersifat Business to Business (B to B). 

“Memang ada beberapa hal yang terkait regulasi dan juga kontrak administratif yang harus diselesaikan. Tapi tahun depan harus selesai,” tegas Arifin.

Awal tahun 2019, produksi Blok Rokan mencapai 207.000 barel per hari atau setara dengan 26% produksi nasional. Blok yang memiliki luas 6.220 kilometer ini memiliki 96 lapangan, dimana tiga lapangan berpotensi menghasilkan minyak sangat baik yaitu Duri, Minas dan Bekasap. Tercatat, sejak beroperasi 1971 hingga 31 Desember 2017, total produksi di Blok Rokan mencapai 11,5 miliar barel minyak sejak awal operasi. 

Sebagaimana diketahui, Pemerintah melalui Kementerian ESDM memutuskan untuk memercayakan pengelolaan Blok Rokan kepada Pertamina pada 31 Juli 2018. Keputusan ini diambil atas dasar pertimbangan bisnis dan ekonomi setelah mengevaluasi pengajuan proposal Pertamina yang dinilai lebih baik dalam mengelola blok tersebut.

Blok Rokan sendiri merupakan blok minyak terbesar kedua di Indonesia. Blok seluas 6.220 kilometer ini memiliki 96 lapangan dengan tiga lapangan memiliki potensi minyak yang sangat baik yaitu Duri, Minas dan Bekasap. Untuk tahun depan, SKK Migas menargetkan produksi di Blok Rokan bisa mencapai 161 ribu BOPD atau turun dibanding target tahun ini yang sebesar 190 ribu BOPD. Ini lantaran Chevron tidak lagi berinvestasi untuk aktivitas apapun di Blok Rokan pada tahun 2020.

Investor Daily, Page-14, Saturday, Dec 28, 2019

Pertamina Prepares 23 Drilling

PT Pertamina (Persero) is planning exploration drilling. as many as 23 wells in all working areas including those outside the country at 2020 to increase oil and gas reserves. 

Fajriyah Usman

    Pertamina Corporate Communication Vice President Fajriyah Usman said exploration drilling was also carried out by PT Pertamina International EP (PIEP) in one well. On the other hand, Fajriyah explained that development drilling is planned for 388 wells.

"We plan to explore 23 drilling wells, including one overseas well. The total development wells are 388 wells, including 54 overseas wells, "he said.

In addition, 2D seismic activity is planned along 1,559 kilometers and the 3D seismic area is 1,020 km2. According to him, 2020 upstream oil and gas activities are carried out in order to support the oil and gas production target of 923,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) or increase 1,000 boepd compared to this year's target.

"To work again [work-over] 823 wells, 716 in the country, and 107 wells abroad," he added.

Previously, Pertamina Upstream Director Dharmawan H. Samsu said the 2020 oil and gas production target was so challenging. According to him, technical issues related to rig procurement and logistics are expected not to become obstacles to future production.

the Sanga-Sanga Block

"2020 is hard because we have to make sure drilling is not allowed to be late. In 2019 yesterday we were late because there were no rigs, especially the offshore rig [PHE], and the land rig was late in the Sanga-Sanga Block because of mobility, "he said.

As an evaluation material for the 2020 production target, Dharmawan also explained the production constraints this year. In addition to the Rig issue, Pertamina 2019 oil and gas production constraints also come from Pertamina International EP. Dharmawan explained that in one of the PIEP assets in Algeria there were compressor constraints that caused disrupted production.

"It's just that friends have developed a redundant system so that in the future can anticipate if such problems occur again," he added.

the MLN Field oil and gas block in Algeria

Specifically for asset development in Algeria, Pertamina is working to complete the development of the MLN Field oil and gas block in Algeria in an effort to increase oil production from abroad.


Pertamina Siapkan 23 Pengeboran

PT Pertamina (Persero) merencanakan pengeboran eksplorasi. sebanyak 23 sumur di seluruh wilayah kerjanya termasuk yang berada di luar negeri pada
2020 untuk meningkatkan cadangan minyak dan gas bumi. 

     Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina Fajriyah Usman mengatakan pengeboran eksplorasi juga dilakukan oleh PT Pertamina Internasional EP (PIEP) sebanyak satu sumur. Di sisi lain, Fajriyah menjelaskan pengeboran pengembangan direncanakan sebanyak 388 sumur.

“Kami rencanakan pengeboran eksplorasi sebanyak 23 sumur, termasuk satu sumur yang di luar negeri. Untuk sumur pengembangan totalnya 388 sumur, termasuk 54 sumur di luar negeri,” katanya.

Selain itu, untuk aktivitas seismik 2D direncakanan sepanjang 1.559 kilometer dan seismik 3D seluas 1.020 km2. Menurutnya, aktivitas hulu migas 2020 dilakukan agar dapat mendukung target produksi minyak dan gas bumi sebesar 923.000 barrel oil equivalen per day (boepd) atau meningkat 1.000 boepd dibandingkan dengan target tahun ini.

“Untuk kerja ulang [work-over] 823 sumur, 716 di dalam negeri, dan 107 sumur di luar negeri,” tambahnya.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Dharmawan H. Samsu mengatakan target produksi migas 2020 begitu menantang. Menurutnya, persoalan teknis terkait pengadaan rig dan logistik diharapkan tidak menjadi isu penghambat produksi mendatang.

“Tahun 2020 terasa berat, karena kami harus pastikan drilling tidak boleh telat. Tahun 2019 kemarin kami telat karena rig tidak ada, terutama rig offshore [PHE], terus rig land sempat telat di Blok Sanga-Sanga itu karena mobilitas,” katanya.

Sebagai bahan evaluasi target produksi 2020, Dharmawan pun menjelaskan kendala produksi tahun ini. Selain persoalan rig, kendala produksi migas Pertamina 2019 juga datang dari Pertamina Internasional EP. Dharmawan menjelaskan di salah satu aset PIEP di Aljazair ada kendala kompresor yang mengakibatkan produksi terganggu. 

“Hanya saja teman-teman telah menyusun redundant system agar ke depan dapat mengantisipasi bila terjadi permasalahan seperti itu lagi,” tambahnya.

Khusus pengembangan aset di Aljazair, Pertamina sedang berupaya menyelesaikan pengembangan blok migas Lapangan MLN di Aljazair sebagai upaya untuk memperbesar produksi minyak dari luar negeri.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-19, Friday, Dec 27, 2019

Immediately Take Over Rokan Block

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Asks Pertamina to Prepare Transition Funds from Chevron targeted for completion in 2020

the Rokan Block property of Chevron

To maintain the pace of production, the transition process for the management of the Rokan Block became one of the government's focuses in 2020. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources [ESDM] Arifin Tasrif stressed that the transition process from Chevron Pacific Indonesia to PT Pertamina [Persero) be completed in 2020.

Arifin Tasrif

Arifin said that his party had encouraged the acceleration of the implementation of the oil and gas drilling process in the block located in Riau Province. At this time Arifin said, the progress of management transfer between the two parties continued.

"We have asked Pertamina to be proactive then Chevron can open the door, already. Every week Chevron has reported, then we will meet with Pertamina," Arifin said through a written statement.

Arifin revealed the accelerated transfer of management was carried out to maintain the BlockRokan production level when the maturity of managing over in 2021 later. Arifin also asked Pertamina to immediately prepare funds for drilling investment. Arifin said from the drilling target of 72 wells in the Rokan Block next year, at least Pertamina could have done 20 drillings.

"Pertamina has prepared, because of this Pertamina must immediately carry out 20 drilling points to be able to maintain production levels, and, 72 targets.

At least 20 can be done, "explained Arifin. It's just that, Arifin admitted there are still a number of" administrative issues and other important issues between the two parties that are Business to Business (B to B).

"There are indeed a number of matters relating to regulations and also administrative contracts that must be completed. But next year it must be finished," said Arifin, without elaborating on the problems in question.

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, in early 2019 the production of Rokan Block reached 207,000 barrels per day, equivalent to 26% of national production. With this level of production, the Rokan Block is the backbone of national oil production as the biggest contributor. However, the production rate in the Rokan Block continues to decline.


Segera Ambil Alih Blok Rokan

   Menteri ESDM Minta Pertamina Siapkan Dana Transisi dari Chevron ditarget selesai 2020

Untuk menjaga laju produksi, proses transisi alih kelola Blok Rokan menjadi salah satu fokus pemerintah di tahun 2020. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral [ESDM] Arifin Tasrif menekankan agar proses transisi dari Chevron Pasific ndonesia ke PT Pertamina [Persero) segera diselesaikan di tahun 2020.

Arifin mengatakan, pihaknya mendorong percepatan pelaksanaan proses pengeboran minyak dan gas bumi di blok yang terletak di Provinsi Riau tersebut. Saat ini kata Arifin, progres alih kelola antara kedua belah pihak terus berlangsung.

"Kita sudah minta Pertamina proaktif kemudian Chevron bisa membuka pintu, sudah. Tiap minggu Chevron sudah lapor, kemudian kita pertemukan dengan Pertamina" kata Arifin melalui keterangan tertulis.

Arifin mengungkapkan, percepatan alih kelola ini dilakukan untuk mempertahankan tingkat produksi BlokRokan saat jatuh tempo alih kelola di tahun 2021 nanti. Arifin pun meminta kepada Pertamina untuk segera menyiapkan dana untuk investasi pengeboran. Arifin mengatkan dari target pengeboran 72 sumur di Blok Rokan pada tahun depan, paling tidak Pertamina sudah bisa melakukan 20 pengeboran. 

“Pertamina sudah menyiapkan, karena ini Pertamina harus segera melaksanakan 20 poin pengeboran untuk bisa mempertahankan tingkat produksi, dan, 72 target. 

Paling tidak 20 itu bisa dilakukan,"jelas Arifin. Hanya saja, Arifin mengakui masih terdapat beberapa "persoalan administrasi dan persoalan penting lainnya antar kedua belah pihak yang bersifat Business to Business (B to B). 

"Memang ada beberapa hal yang terkait regulasi dan juga kontrak administratif yang harus diselesaikan. Tapi tahun depan harus selesai," tegas Arifin, tanpa menguraikan sejumlah persoalan yang dimaksud.

Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, pada awal tahun 2019 produksi Blok Rokan mencapai 207.000 barel per hari atau setara dengan 26% produksi nasional. Dengan tingkat produksi itu, Blok Rokan menjadi tulang punggung produksi minyak nasional sebagai kontributor terbesar. Namun, laju produksi di Blok Rokan terus mengalami penurunan.

Surya, Page-7, Thursday, Dec 26, 2019

Transfer of Manage Rokan Block is Targeted to Finish 2020

The government is very interested in maintaining the pace of production and the process of transition over the management of the Rokan Block. This will be one of the focuses of the government in 2020.

Arifin Tasrif

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif stressed that the transition process from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia to PT Pertamina could be completed in 2020, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources also encouraged the acceleration of the implementation of oil and gas drilling processes in the block located in Riau Province. According to Minister Arifin, the process of transfer of management between the two parties continued.

the Rokan Block Property of Chevron

"We have asked Pertamina to be proactive, then Chevron can open the door. Every week, Chevron has reported it. Then, Pertamina will meet it," he said.

The acceleration of management transfer is to maintain the production level of the Rokan Block. The maturity of the transfer of management is 2021. Therefore, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources asks Pertamina to immediately prepare investment funds for drilling. From the target of drilling 72 wells in the Rokan Block next year, Arifin hopes, at least Pertamina will be able to drill 20 wells.

However, Arifin admitted that there were still some administrative obstacles and other important issues between the two parties that were business to business (B to B).

"Indeed there are several matters relating to regulations and administrative contracts that must be resolved. But next year it must be completed," Arifin said without elaborating on the number of issues in question.


Alih Kelola Blok Rokan Ditargetkan Selasai 2020

Pemerintah sangat berkepentingan dalam menjaga laju produksi dan proses transisi alih kelola Blok Rokan. Hal ini akan menjadi salah satu fokus pemerintah pada tahun 2020. 

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif menekankan agar proses transisi dari PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia kepada PT Pertamina bisa selesai pada tahun 2020, Kementerian ESDM juga mendorong percepatan pelaksanaan proses pengeboran minyak dan gas bumi di blok yang berlokasi di Provinsi Riau tersebut. Menurut Menteri Arifin, proses alih kelola antara kedua belah pihak terus berlangsung.

"Kami sudah minta Pertamina proaktif, kemudian Chevron bisa membuka pintu. Setiap minggu, Chevron sudah lapor. Kemudian dipertemukan dengan Pertamina," kata dia.

Percepatan alih kelola ini untuk mempertahankan tingkat produksi Blok Rokan. Adapun jatuh tempo alih kelola adalah tahun 2021. Oleh sebab itu, Kementerian ESDM meminta Pertamina segera menyiapkan dana investasi untuk pengeboran. Dari target pengeboran 72 sumur di Blok Rokan pada tahun depan, Arifin berharap, paling tidak Pertamina sudah bisa mengebor 20 sumur. 

Namun Arifin mengakui masih terdapat beberapa kendala administrasi dan persoalan penting lainnya di antara kedua belah pihak yang bersifat business to business (B to B). 

"Memang ada beberapa hal yang terkait regulasi dan kontrak administratif yang harus diselesaikan. Namun tahun depan harus selesai," kata Arifin tanpa menguraikan sejumlah persoalan yang dimaksud.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Dec 26, 2019

Monday, January 20, 2020

Petronas Subsidiary Officially Acquires Andaman Block

Petronas subsidiary, Petronas Andaman III Indonesia BV has completed the acquisition of 49% participating interest in the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Block of Andaman III from Talisman Andaman BV.

Block of Andaman III

Talisman Andaman is a subsidiary of Repsol. The signing of the Joint Operations Agreement (JOA) marks the completion of the acquisition. Petronas acquisition action aims to support long-term growth plans in Indonesia.

"And is a testimony of our commitment to support the development of the oil and gas industry in Indonesia," said Mohd Nazlee Rasol, Director of Petronas Andaman III Indonesia BV.

The Andaman III Working Area (WK) is located off the coast of Aceh and is operated by Repsol with 51% participating rights. The WK covers an area of ​​8,517 square kilometers (km2) and is located in water depths of up to 1,300 meters.

Petronas manages a number of oil and gas assets in Indonesia. Petronas through Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd (PCML), for example, is the operator of 80% of the participation rights of Wuri Muriah. The remaining 20% ​​participating rights belong to Saka Energi Muriah Ltd (SEML) which is a subsidiary of PT Saka Energi Indonesia.

Until mid-December 2019, PCML and Saka Energi were still discussing after the gas production and distribution stopped from Kepodang Field, Muriah Block on September 23, 2019 ago. Gas reserves that can be produced in the Muriah Block are 25 mmscfd.


Anak Usaha Petronas Resmi Akuisisi Blok Andaman

Anak usaha Petronas yakni Petronas Andaman III Indonesia BV telah menyelesaikan akuisisi 49% hak partisipasi kontrak bagi hasil (PSC) Blok Andaman III dari Talisman Andaman BV. 

Talisman Andaman merupakan anak usaha Repsol. Penandatanganan Perjanjian Operasi Bersama (JOA) menandai penyelesaian akuisisi itu. Aksi akuisisi Petronas bertujuan untuk mendukung rencana pertumbuhan jangka panjang di Indonesia. 

"Dan merupakan kesaksian dari komitmen kami untuk mendukung pengembangan industri minyak dan gas di Indonesia, " kata Mohd Nazlee Rasol, Direktur Petronas Andaman III Indonesia BV.

Wilayah Kerja (WK) Andaman III terletak di lepas Pantai Aceh dan dioperasikan oleh Repsol dengan hak partisipasi sebesar 51%. WK tersebut mencakup area seluas 8,517 kilometer persegi (km2) dan terletak di kedalaman air hingga 1.300 meter. 

Petronas mengelola sejunlah aset minyak dan gas di Indonesia. Petronas melalui Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd (PCML) misalnya, menjadi operator 80% hak partisipasi WK Muriah. Sisa 20% hak partisipasi milik Saka Energi Muriah Ltd (SEML) yang merupakan anak usaha PT Saka Energi Indonesia.

Hingga pertengahan Desember 2019, PCML dan Saka Energi masih berdiskusi pasca terjadi penghentian produksi dan penyaluran gas dari Lapangan Kepodang, Blok Muriah pada 23 September 2019 silam. Cadangan gas yang bisa diproduksi di Blok Muriah sebesar 25 mmscfd.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Dec 24, 2019

3 Months, Refinery Land Conflict Ends!

The working visit of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to the area of ​​the grass-root refinery (GRR) oil refinery in Tuban, last Saturday (21/12), was also a warning to Pertamina.

the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo

Jokowi stressed that conflicts that still occur between residents of landowners and refineries in the villages of Wadung, Kaliuntu and Sumur Geneng, Jenu District must be resolved immediately. 

     Jokowi gave attention to the conflict and ordered Pertamina to resolve it within three months. The location of the oil refinery involving Pertamina and Rosneft from Russia has not yet been finalized in relation to land acquisition for the refinery.

"For the problem of unfinished land, I give three months," said Jokowi while reviewing the TPPI refinery project in Tuban.

Jokowi explained that the refinery field problem had to be solved so that the construction would be carried out immediately. Therefore he asked Pertamina to immediately execute the land.

"I give three months to settle. If you can, you have to talk, can't, also have to talk," he concluded.

Just to note, the land needed for TPPI oil refineries reaches 821 hectares. The details are 384 hectares of residents' land, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) 328 hectares, and 109 hectares of Perhutani land. But there are still some people who are reluctant to sell their land.


3 Bulan, Konflik Lahan Kilang Selesai!

Kunjungan kerja Presiden Republik Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ke kawasan kilang minyak grass root refinery [GRR) di Tuban, Sabtu (21/12) lalu, juga menjadi peringatan kepada Pertamina. 

Jokowi menegaskan bahwa konflik yang masih terjadi antara warga pemilik lahan dengan kilang di Desa Wadung, Kaliuntu dan Sumur geneng, Kecamatan Jenu harus segera dituntaskan. Jokowi memberi atensi pada konflik itu, dan memerintahkan Pertamina menyelesaikannya dalam waktu tiga bulan. Lokasi kilang minyak yang melibatkan Pertamina dan Rosneft dari Rusia itu belum selesai terkait pengadaan lahan untuk kilang.

"Untuk masalah lahan yang belum selesai, saya beri waktu tiga bulan," tegas Jokowi saat meninjau proyek kilang TPPI di Tuban.
Jokowi menjelaskan, permasalahan lahan kilang memang harus diselesaikan agar pembangunannya segera dikerjakan. Karena itu ia meminta Pertamina segera mengeksekusi lahan. 

"Saya beri waktu tiga bulan untuk membereskan. Kalau sanggup, harus ngomong, tidak sanggup, juga harus ngomong," pungkasnya.

Sekadar diketahui, lahan yang dibutuhkan untuk kilang minyak TPPI mencapai 821 hektare. Rinciannya lahan warga 384 hektare, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) 328 hektare, dan lahan Perhutani 109 hektare. Namun masih ada sebagian warga yang enggan menjual tanahnya.

Surya, Page-4, Monday, Dec 23, 2019

If Production is Maximum, TPPI Tuban Can Save Foreign Exchange IDR 56 Trillion

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana Jokowi visited the Indotama Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Refinery (TPPI) located in Jenu District, Tuban Regency, Saturday (21/12). During the visit, Jokowi with his wife were also accompanied by East Java Governor Khoflfah Indar Parawansa.

Nicke Widyawati

Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati explained the structure of Tuban Petro including the TPPI Tuban in it, the share of state-owned shares was 98 percent, while 2 percent were privately owned. While 98 percent of the shares are owned 51 percent by PT Pertamina (Persero) and 47 percent by the Ministry of Finance.

"The development plans to be carried out by TPPI include revamping plate-former, aromatic revamping, LPG Unit construction, and olefin complex. It is estimated that in 2023 it will be completed, "Nicke said.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi said, TPPI Tuban is one of the largest oil outlets in Indonesia. TPPI is able to produce aromatic products such as paraxylene, orthoxylene, benzene, and toluene. In addition, it also produces premium fuel, Pertamax, LPG, and diesel fuel.

"This can be for everyone. Therefore, I conveyed to the SOE Minister, Pertamina's Managing Director, Pertamina's Commut, not more than three years had to be completed. There are choices that can be decided soon, "he stressed while asking for January 2020 that there was already clarity regarding development.

According to President Jokowi if the maximum production results can save foreign exchange up to USD 4.9 billion or around Rp 56 trillion. Such petrochemical products are substitutes for imported products.


Jika Produksi Maksimal, TPPI Tuban Bisa Hemat Devisa Rp 56 Triliun

Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dan Ibu Negara Iriana Jokowi mengunjungi Kilang Minyak Trans-Pasific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) yang terletak di Kecamatan Jenu, Kabupaten Tuban, Sabtu (21/12). Dalam kunjungan tersebut, Jokowi bersama istri juga didampingi Gubernur Jatim Khoflfah Indar Parawansa.

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati menjelaskan, struktur Tuban Petro termasuk TPPI Tuban di dalamnya, kepemilikan saham yang dimiliki negara sebanyak 98 persen, sedangkan 2 persennya dimiliki swasta. Sedangkan 98 persen saham dimiliki tersebut 51 persen PT Pertamina (Persero) dan 47 persen Kementerian Keuangan.

“Rencana pengembangan yang akan dilakukan TPPI antara lain revamping plat-former, revamping aromatic, pembangunan LPG Unit, dan olefin complex. Diperkirakan tahun 2023 akan selesai dikembangkan,” kata Nicke.

Sementara itu, Presiden Jokowi mengatakan, TPPI Tuban merupakan salah satu kiIang minyak yang terbesar di Indonesia. TPPI mampu menghasilkan produk aromatik seperti paraxylene, orthoxylene, benzene,dan toluene. Selain itu juga penghasil BBM premium, pertamax, elpiji, dan solar. 

“Ini bisa untuk semuanya. Oleh sebab itu saya menyampaikan kepada Menteri BUMN, Dirut Pertamina, Komut Pertamina, tidak Iebih dari tiga tahun harus rampung semuanya. Ada pilihan-pilhan yang bisa diputuskan segera,” tegasnya sambil meminta Januari 2020 sudah ada kejelasan mengenai pengembangan.

Menurut Presiden Jokowi  jika hasil produksinya maksimal bisa menghemat devisa hingga USD 4,9 miliar atau sekitar Rp 56 triliun. Produk petrokimia seperti ini merupakan subtitusi produk impor.

Radar Surabaya, Page-6, Monday, Dec 23, 2019

Cepu Block Needs 'Dipper' Greater

During a natural decline in national oil production, an anomaly occurred in the Cepu Block. License for Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) in the region the work managed by ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) and Pertamina EP Cepu even need to be revised to optimize the potential for additional production.

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL)

Currently, the largest oil production comes from the Cepu block of 216,000 barrels per day (BPD) and outperformed the production performance of the Rokan Block, Riau, which was set at 190,000 BPD in 2019. The oil production results from the Cepu Block were obtained from EMCL's performance at the Banyu Urip Field, with an Amdal based production capacity of 220,000 BPD.

the Cepu Block

Besides Banyu Urip, actually last week ExxonMobil had operated oil production from the Kedung Keris Field with a capacity of 10,000 BPD. However, because the Amdal revision to produce oil up to 230,000 BPD has not yet come out, the performance of Banyu Urip and Kedung Keris needs to be adjusted.

"We will balance [the production] between the two oil and gas fields," said ExxonMobil Indonesia President Louise McKenzie.

With the operation of the Kedung Keris field, it has further strengthened the overall production of the Cepu Block, which currently supports more than 25% of Indonesia's oil production. 

    ExxonMobil Indonesia's brilliant performance in Cepu also increased after as of 30 November, the cumulative production from Banyu Urip reached 357 million barrels of oil. With the achievements of ExxonMobil Indonesia, it has fulfilled the commitments of produced reserves from the initial development plan (POD), in less than half the period of the Cooperation Contract.

Based on company information, ExxonMobil Indonesia had previously found around 450 million barrels of oil reserves in the Banyu Urip Field, Cepu Block, precisely in 2001. EMCL signed a Cost Recovery (PSC) production sharing contract on 17 September 2005 and lasted until 2035. In addition to fulfilling its production commitments reserves, EMCL also succeeded in revising the amount of Banyu Urip's 450 million barrels of oil at the time of full funding, and again increased to 823 million barrels of oil.

In the initial POD, the commitment of produced reserves from Banyu Urip was recorded at 357 million BPD and was fulfilled. Seeing the achievements of Louise also claimed to continue to hope to be able to meet more than double the volume commitment of the initial development plan. Referring to SKK Migas data, the production of Cepu Block oil lifting is targeted at 216,000 BPD in 2019.

Until September 2019, the realization of Cepu Block oil lifting was recorded to have exceeded the target of 216,011 BPD. Deputy of Operations of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Julis Wiratno explained that so far the production from Banyu Urip is still purely contained in oil and no water has been produced which is part of very good reservoir management. "

Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA)

Actually, with the increase in oil reserves and the Banyu Urip Field, production volumes can be increased. However, the completion of the Amdal permit revision has not yet been completed. Regarding the EIA process, Louise said there were several stages that must be passed, without mentioning what the phases were.

"We are making progress, and hopefully [the Amdal permit] will come out in a month or two," he said.

On the other hand, Head of the East Java Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Office Setiadjit said investors were asked to be active in addressing permit and Amdal difficulties so that his party could facilitate. Regarding the revision of the Amdal of the Banyu Urip Field, Setiadjit acknowledged that the Bojonegoro Regency Government had not submitted a proposed change.

"Now the Bojonegoro Regency Government needs to be encouraged. If necessary, I visit the Bojonegoro Regent about this [Amdal revision], "he said.

It is very ironic if the efforts of the Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) together with SKK Migas to increase production are hampered by licensing matters. Implicitly, SKK Migas also wants the Amdal revision to be completed soon. Moreover, according to the Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said that in accordance with the High Rate Test (HRT) of the Banyu Urip Field, it is capable of producing oil of 235,000 BPD safely.

Dwi also hopes that all licensing processes can be completed quickly. Because with the Amdal revision being hampered, increased production from the Cepu Block has also been hampered. Like an increase in oil such as the volume of water in a bucket but can not be taken more, because the 'dipper' or EIA permit is not revised.


Cepu Perlu ‘Gayung’ Lebih Besar

Di saat penurunan alamiah produksi minyak bumi nasional, anomali terjadi di Blok Cepu. lzin Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal) di wilayah kerja yang dikelola oleh ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) dan Pertamina EP Cepu itu bahkan perlu direvisi demi mengoptimalkan potensi tambaban produksi.

Saat ini, produksi minyak terbesar berasal dari blok Cepu sebesar 216.000 barel per hari (bph) dan mengungguli kinerja produksi Blok Rokan, Riau, yang ditetapkan sebesar 190.000 bph pada 2019. Hasil produksi minyak dari Blok Cepu didapatkan dari kinerja EMCL di Lapangan Banyu Urip, dengan kapasitas produksi berdasarkan Amdal sebesar 220.000 bph. 
Selain Banyu Urip, sebenarnya pekan lalu ExxonMobil telah mengoperasikan produksi minyak dari Lapangan Kedung Keris dengan kapasitas 10.000 bph. Hanya saja, karena revisi Amdal untuk dapat memproduksi minyak hingga 230.000 bph belum keluar, kinerja dari Banyu Urip dan Kedung Keris perlu disesuaikan.

“Kami akan menyeimbangkan [produksi] antara dua lapangan migas tersebut,” tutur President ExxonMobil Indonesia Louise McKenzie.

Dengan beroperasinya Iapangan Kedung Keris, semakin mengukuhkan keseluruhan produksi Blok Cepu, yang saat ini menopang lebih dari 25% produksi minyak Indonesia. Kinerja cemerlang ExxonMobil Indonesia di Cepu pun bertambah setelah per 30 November lalu, produksi kumulatif dari Banyu Urip mencapai 357 juta barel minyak. Dengan capaian   ExxonMobil Indonesia telah memenuhi komitmen cadangan terproduksikan dari rencana pengembangan (POD) awal, dalam waktu kurang dari setengah periode Kontrak Kerja Sama.

Berdasarkan informasi perusahaan, ExxonMobil Indonesia sebelumnya telah menemukan cadangan minyak sekitar 450 juta barel di Lapangan Banyu Urip, Blok Cepu, tepatnya pada 2001. EMCL menandatangani kontrak bagi hasil (PSC) Cost Recovery pada 17 September 2005 dan berlangsung hingga 2035. Selain memenuhi komitmen memproduksi cadangan, EMCL juga berhasil merevisi jumlah cadangan Banyu Urip 450 juta barel minyak pada saat pendanaan penuh (full funding), dan kembali meningkat menjadi 823 juta barel minyak.

Dalam POD awal, komitmen cadangan terproduksikan dari Banyu Urip tercatat 357 juta bph dan telah terpenuhi. Melihat capaian Louise pun mengaku terus berharap untuk dapat memenuhi Iebih dari dua kali lipat komitmen volume rencana pengembangan awal. Mengacu data SKK Migas, produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak Blok Cepu ditargetkan 216.000 bph pada 2019. 

Hingga September 2019 lalu, realisasi lifting minyak Blok Cepu tercatat telah melampaui target, yakni sebesar 216.011 bph. Deputi Operasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Julis Wiratno menjelaskan sejauh ini produksi dari Banyu Urip masih murni berisi kandungan minyak dan belum ada air yang ikut terproduksi bagian dari reservoir management yang sangat bagus.”

Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal)

Sebenarnya, dengan meningkatnya cadangan minyak dan Lapangan Banyu Urip, volume produksi dapat ditingkatkan. Namun,belum rampungnya pengurusan revisi izin Amdal masih menjadi hambatan. Terkait proses Amdal, Louise mengatakan ada beberapa tahapan yang harus dilalui, tanpa menyebut apa saja fase tersebut. 

“Kami mengalami kemajuan, dan mudah-mudahan [izin Amdal] akan keluar dalam satu-dua bulan,” katanya.

Di sisi lain, Kepala Dinas Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Jawa Timur Setiadjit mengatakan investor diminta aktif untuk menyampaikan kesulitan perizinan dan Amdal, sehingga pihaknya dapat memfasilitasi. Terkait dengan revisi Amdal Lapangan Banyu Urip, Setiadjit mengakui pihak Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro belum menyampaikan usulan perubahan. 

“Sekarang ini yang dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro perlu didorong. Kalau perlu saya berkunjung ke Bupati Bojonegoro tentang ini [revisi Amdal],” tuturnya.

Sangat ironis sebenarnya apabila upaya Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) bersama SKK Migas untuk meningkatkan produksi terhambat urusan perizinan. Secara implisit, SKK Migas pun menginginkan revisi Amdal segera rampung. Apalagi, menurut Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan sesuai dengan High Rate Test (HRT) Lapangan Banyu Urip mampu memproduksi minyak sebesar 235.000 bph dengan aman.

Dwi pun berharap semua proses perizinan dapat diselesaikan dengan cepat. Karena dengan terhambatnya revisi Amdal, peningkatan produksi dari Blok Cepu pun ikut terhambat. Ibarat bertambahnya minyak seperti volume air dalam ember tetapi tidak dapat diambil lebih banyak, karena ‘gayung’ atau izin Amdal tidak direvisi. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-9, Monday, Dec 23, 2019

Review TPPI Tuban Refinery, President of the Three-Year Deadline Completion

The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, together with First Lady Iriana Jokowi, visited the Transama-Pacific Petrochemical Refinery (TPPI), which is located in Jenu District, Tuban Regency. 

Khofifah Indar Parawansa

     Accompanied by East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa and the ministers, Jokowi reiterated his hopes that the refinery could start operating immediately.President Jokowi
President Jokowi

President Jokowi said, TPPI Tuban is one of the largest oil refineries in Indonesia. TPPI is able to produce aromatic products such as paraxylene, orthoxylene, benzene, toluene. In addition, it also produces premium fuel, Pertamax, LPG, Solar/Diesel Oil.

TPPI Tuban

"This works for everyone. Because of that, I would like to convey to the Minister of BUMN, Pertamina's Managing Director, Pertamina's Chief Commissioner, that no more than three years must be completed.

There are choices that can be decided immediately, "he stressed while asking for January 2020 that there was already clarity regarding development. According to him, if the maximum production results can save foreign exchange up to USD 4.9 billion or around Rp. 56 trillion. Such petrochemical products are substitutes for imported products.

"This is a substitution. Because every year we import, import, import even though we can make it ourselves. But we don't, "said President Jokowi.

On that occasion, also present accompanied President Jokowi, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir, Military Secretary to President Major General Suharyanto, Commander of Paspampres Maj. Gen. Maruli Simanjuntak, Deputy for Protocol, Press, and Media Secretariat of President Bey Machmudin, Special Staff to President Arif Budimanta, President Director of PT. Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati, President Commissioner of PT. Pertamina (Persero) Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.

Nicke Widyawati

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT. Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati said, the structure of Tuban Petro including the Tuban TPPI in it. The share ownership owned by the state is 98 percent, while 2 percent is owned by the private sector. The 98 percent shares are owned by 51 percent of PT. Pertamina (Persero) and 47 percent of the Ministry of Finance.

Regarding the existing production capacity, TPPI Tuban for Paraxylene 600 KTPA, Benzene 300 KTPA, Orthoxylene 120 KTPA, Toluene 100 KTPA. From this capacity, foreign exchange savings amounted to USD 1.4 billion. The development plans to be carried out by TPPI include Revamping Platformer, Revamping Aromatic, LPG Unit Development, and Olefin Complex. It is estimated that in 2023 it will be completed.


Tinjau Kilang TPPI Tuban, Presiden Deadline Tuntas Tiga Tahun

Presiden Republik lndonesia Joko Widodo bersama Ibu Negara lriana Jokowi mengunjungi Kilang Minyak Trans - Pasific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI), yang terletak di Kecamatan Jenu, Kabupaten Tuban. Didampingi Gubernur Jatim Khofifah Indar Parawansa dan para menteri, Jokowi menegaskan harapannya agar kilang tersebut dapat segera beroperasi. 

Presiden Jokowi mengatakan, TPPI Tuban merupakan salah satu kilang minyak yang terbesar di Indonesia. TPPI mampu menghasilkan produk aromatic seperti paraxylene, orthoxylene, benzene, toluene. Selain itu juga penghasil BBM Premium, Pertamax, Elpiji, Solar/Minyak Diesel.

“lni bisa untuk semuanya. Oleh sebab iyu saya menyampaikan kepada Menteri BUMN, Dirut Pertamina, Komisaris Utama Pertamina, tidak lebih dari tiga tahun harus rampung semuanya.

Ada pilihan-pilihan yang bisa diputuskan segera,” tegasnya sambil meminta Januari 2020 sudah ada kejelasan mengenai pengembangan. Menurutnya jika hasil produksinya maksimal bisa menghemat devisa hingga USD 4,9 miliar atau sekitar Rp. 56 triliun. Produk petrokimia seperti ini merupakan substitusi produk impor. 

“Ini merupakan substitusi. Karena setiap tahun kita impor, impor, impor padahal kita bisa membuat sendiri. Tapi tidak kita lakukan,” ujar Presiden Jokowi.

Dalam kesempatan itu, juga hadir mendampingi Presiden Jokowi , Menteri Sekretaris Negara Pratikno, Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Erick Thohir, Sekretaris Militer Presiden Mayjen TNI Suharyanto, Komandan Paspampres Mayjen TNI Maruli Simanjuntak, Deputi Bidang Protokol, Pers, dan Media Sekretariat Presiden Bey Machmudin, Staf Khusus Presiden Arif Budimanta, Direktur Utama PT. Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati, Komisaris Utama PT. Pertamina (Persero) Basuki Tjahaja Purnama. 

Sementara itu, Direktur Utama PT. Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati menuturkan, struktur Tuban Petro termasuk TPPI Tuban didalamnya. Kepemilikan saham yang dimiliki negara sebanyak 98 persen, sedangkan 2 persennya dimiliki swasta. Adapun 98 persen saham tersebut dimiliki 51 persen PT. Pertamina (Persero) dan 47 persen Kementerian Keuangan. 

Mengenai kapasitas produksi (eksisting), TPPI Tuban untuk Paraxylene 600 KTPA, Benzene 300 KTPA, Orthoxylene 120 KTPA, Toluene 100 KTPA. Dari kapasitas tersebut menghasilkan penghematan devisa sebesar USD 1,4 Miliar. Rencana pengembangan yang akan dilakukan TPPI antara lain Revamping Platformer, Revamping Aromatic, Pembangunan LPG Unit, dan Olefin Complex. Diperkirakan tahun 2023 akan selesai dikembangkan.

Bhirawa, Page-1, Monday, Dec 23, 2019