Asset 4 General Manager of PT Pertamina EP, Agus Amperianto confirmed and committed to the implementation of safety in all operational activities. This was revealed during a field visit or Management Walktrough (MWT) in the Tapen field, Trucuk District, Bojonegoro Regency.
Agus Amperianto
During the visit, the Pertamina EP Asset 4 General Manager along with the Cepu Field management team ensured the achievement of the TPN-01 Gas well monetization project.
"From my observations in the field, the progress of the construction of the EPF is progressing smoothly and will be targeted for completion by the end of January 2020," Agus said.
Furthermore, Agus added, the purpose of this MWT was to ensure output from the TPN-01 monetization well project with a gas production target of 1.8 MMSCFD. With the monetization of gas from the wellhead, it is hoped that it will add revenue directly to Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field.
Blogger : Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Tuban
"Hopefully the spirit and motivation of Cepu Field workers in welcoming the performance targets for the 2020 Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field Work Plan," he said.
Blogger : Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Surabaya
Agus Amperianto said that the target of this plan is expected to be able to optimize the opportunities available to be executed properly, such as the gas monetization project that has been carried out at the Tapen well. Where the success of this project will support the achievement of the 2020 Cepu Field production target of 2,206 BOPD.
Blogger : Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Tuban
Nevertheless, even though they are aggressive in operating, they must ensure that safety aspects are carried out properly and Zero Incident is maintained according to the theme of the Pertamina EP K3 month 2020 "Build Safety Behavior? "As high as our production achievements, if there is a Safety Failure, then it all has no meaning. So let all of us both workers and work partners pay attention to aspects of Safety at work," explained Agus Amperianto.
Meanwhile, Cepu Field Manager, Afwan Daroni admitted, was ready to fully support the direction and targets that have been submitted by GM. He promised to be committed so that in 2020 the achievement of Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field can be better and improved compared to previous years.
"Certainly we at Cepu will also be committed according to the direction of Mr. GM," he explained.
Asset 4 General Manager PT Pertamina EP Tekankan Agresive Production dan Safety Behaviour
Asset 4 General Manager PT Pertamina EP, Agus Amperianto menegaskan dan berkomitmen untuk penerapan safety di segala kegiatan operasi. Hal ini diungkapkan saat melakukan kunjungan lapangan atau Management Walktrough (MWT) di lapangan Tapen, Kecamatan Trucuk, Kabupaten Bojonegoro.
Dalam kunjungan tersebut General Manager Asset 4 Pertamina EP beserta jajaran manajemen Cepu Field memastikan pencapaian progres project Monetisasi sumur Gas TPN-01.
"Dari pengamatan saya di lapangan, secara progress konstruksi pembangunan EPF ini berlangsung lancar dan akan ditargetkan selesai pada akhir bulan Januari 2020," ujar Agus.
Lebih lanjut, Agus menambahkan, tujuan dilakukan MWT ini adalah untuk memastikan Output dari project monetisasi sumur TPN-01 dengan target produksi gas sebesar 1.8 MMSCFD. Dengan monetisasi gas dari kepala sumur ini diharapkan akan menambah revenue secara langsung untuk Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field.
"Semoga semangat dan memotivasi pekerja Cepu Field dalam menyambut target kinerja Rencana Kerja Tahun 2020 Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field," ujarnya.
Agus Amperianto mengatakan target rencana ini diharapkan bisa mengoptimalkan peluang yang ada untuk bisa dieksekusi dengan baik, seperti project monetisasi gas yang sudah dilakukan di sumur Tapen ini. Dimana keberhasilan project ini akan mendukung pencapaian target produksi Field Cepu Tahun 2020 sebesar 2.206 BOPD.
Kendati demikian, meskipun agresif dalam beroperasi tetap harus memastikan aspek safety berlangsung dengan baik dan Zero Incident tetap terjaga sesuai tema bulan K3 Pertamina EP tahun 2020 “Build Safety Behaviour? "Setinggi-tingginya capaian produksi kita, apabila terjadi Safety Failured maka itu semua tidak ada artinya. Maka mari kita semua baik pekerja maupun mitra kerja agar memperhatikan aspek Safety dalam bekerja," beber Agus Amperianto.
Sementara itu, Cepu Field Manager, Afwan Daroni mengaku, siap menyupport penuh arahan dan target yang telah disampaikan GM. Ia berjanji berkomitmen agar tahun 2020 ini pencapaian Kinerja Pertamina EP Asset 4 Cepu Field dapat lebih baik dan meningkat dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya.
"Pastinya kami yang di Cepu juga akan berkomitmen sesuai arahan bapak GM," terangnya.
Harian Bangsa, Page-9, Tuesday, Jan 7, 2020