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Friday, January 24, 2020

Ask Sinopec to Immediately Build Oil Depot, Riau Islands Governor Surati President Jokowi

Acting Governor of Riau Islands (Kepri) Isdianto continues to encourage the development of an oil storage depot (Batam storage) in Batam, Riau Islands to be realized immediately. For this reason, Isdianto also sent a letter to the central government to support the project which has been delayed since 2012. 

the President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)

    In his letter to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dated January 7, 2020, Isdianto said that the construction of the oil depot in the Westpoint Maritime Industrial Park area would encourage job creation and have a positive impact on the economy in the Riau Islands Province, particularly in the city of Batam.

"We hope that the construction of the oil depot which has been delayed can be realized soon. The company has also obtained permits in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations and is one of the Direct Investment Construction Areas (KLIK) that has been determined by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), "Isdianto said in his letter.

As is known, the construction of this oil depot reaches the US $ 841 million or around Rp. 11.77 trillion (exchange rate of Rp. 14,000 / US $). The owner of the oil depot development project is PT West Point Terminal (WPT), a joint venture company between PT Mas Capital Trust and Sinomart KTS Development Limited.

Sinomart, which controls 95 percent of shares in WPT, is a subsidiary of Sinopec, a Chinese state-owned company. Isdianto hopes with the acceleration of oil depot development in Batam can increase investor confidence in the investment climate in Batam and will attract other global investors. Moreover, Batam is one of the parameters of investment in Indonesia.

"The realization of the construction of an oil depot owned by investors such as Sinopec from China will have a wide impact on the interests of other investors. We ask Sinopec to immediately build an abandoned oil depot since 2012, "Isdianto stressed.

The Riau Islands Governor's letter was also addressed to a number of ministers in the advanced cabinet. Among them is the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, the Coordinating Minister for the economy and the Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). 

     Syamsul Bahrum, secretary of the investment acceleration of the regional government of the Riau Islands confirmed the existence of a letter sent by the Governor of Riau Islands to President Jokowi.

According to him, the letter related to the request of central government support was part of the Riau Islands government's effort to complete abandoned investment projects. The Riau Islands government hopes that the support of the president and the central government will encourage investors like Sinopec to immediately implement their investment plans. Moreover, the position of Batam as an investment destination and investment success parameters in Indonesia.

"President Jokowi's support is very important considering that this investment also involves foreign investors. The development of investment in Batam will also be very positive for the national economy, "he said.


Minta Sinopec Segera Bangun Depo Minyak, Gubernur Kepulauan Riau Surati Presiden Jokowi

Pelaksana Tugas Gubernur Kepulauan Riau (Kepri) Isdianto terus mendorong pembangunan depo minyak (oil storage) di Batam, Kepulauan Riau agar segera terwujud. Untuk itu, Isdianto pun mengirimkan surat kepada pemerintah pusat agar mendukung proyek yang sudah tertunda sejak tahun 2012 tersebut. 

    Dalam suratnya kepada Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) tertanggal 7 Januari 2020 itu, Isdianto menyampaikan bahwa pembangunan depo minyak di kawasan Westpoint Maritime Industrial Park itu akan mendorong terciptanya lapangan kerja serta memberikan dampak positif bagi perekonomian di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, khususnya di kota Batam.

“Kami mengharapkan kiranya pembangunan depo minyak yang telah tertunda tersebut dapat segera direalisasikan. Pihak perusahaan juga telah memperoleh izin-izin sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku dan merupakan salah satu Kawasan langsung Investasi Konstruksi (KLIK) yang telah ditetapkan oleh Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM),” ujar Isdianto dalam suratnya.

Seperti diketahui, pembangunan depo minyak ini nilainya mencapai US$ 841 juta atau sekitar Rp 11,77 triliun (kurs Rp 14.000/US$). Pemilik proyek pembangunan depo minyak adalah PT West Point Terminal (WPT), perusahaan joint venture antara PT Mas Capital Trust dan Sinomart KTS Development Limited. 

Sinomart yang menguasai 95 persen saham di WPT, merupakan anak usaha dari Sinopec, perusahaan BUMN berasal Tiongkok. Isdianto berharap dengan percepatan pembangunan depo minyak di Batam dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan investor terhadap iklim investasi di Batam dan akan menarik investor global lainnya. Apalagi Batam adalah salah satu parameter investasi di Indonesia.

“Realisasi pembangunan depo minyak milik investor seperti Sinopec dari Tiongkok itu akan berdampak luas terhadap minat investor lainnya. Kami minta Sinopec segera untuk membangun Depo minyak yg terlantar sejak 2012 “ tegas Isdianto.

Surat Gubernur Kepri ini juga ditujukan ke sejumlah menteri di kabinet maju. Diantaranya Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman dan Investasi, Menteri Koordinator perekonomian dan Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM). Syamsul Bahrum, sekretaris percepatan investasi pemerintah daerah Kepri membenarkan adanya surat yang dikirimkan Gubernur Kepri kepada Presiden Jokowi itu. 

Menurutnya, surat terkait permintaan dukungan pemerintah pusat itu merupakan bagian dari upaya pemerintah Kepri untuk menyelesaikan proyek-proyek investasi yang terbengkalai. Pemerintah Kepri berharap dukungan presiden dan pemerintah pusat akan mendorong investor seperti Sinopec untuk segera menjalankan rencana investasinya. Apalagi posisi Batam sebagai salah satu wilayah tujuan investasi dan parameter keberhasilan investasi di Indonesia.

“Dukungan Presiden Jokowi sangat penting mengingat investasi ini juga melibatkan investor asing. Berkembangnya investasi di Batam tentu juga akan sangat positif bagi ekonomi nasional,” ujarnya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Jan 11, 2020

Trim the Gap 50,000 Bph

The target of oil lifting (lifting) production based on the 2020 APBN is set at 755,000 Barrels Per Day (BPD). The target is very different from the 2020 work plan and financial (WP&B) cooperation contract contractor (KKKS) of 705,000 BPD.

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) is also looking for ways to cut the oil and gas lifting gap in the Year of the Metal Mouse. 

    The period of the natural decline in oil and gas production that has occurred since the end of the 90s has not, it can be stopped. The reason is that no jumbo grade oil field has yet been found.

Dwi Soetjipto

The Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto also agrees that a period of natural decline cannot be avoided before Indonesia gets a significant source of oil reserves.

"For that, we will try to implement efforts so that we can maintain the decline. One thing we can expect in the future and 120 basins in Indonesia, only 20 have and are currently in production, "he said.

This year, the national oil and gas lifting is targeted at 1.95 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd). The oil and gas lifting target is divided into oil production of 755,000 BPD and gas to 1.19 million boepd.

Upstream oil and gas investment is targeted at US $ 15.8 billion. This year's oil and gas lifting target is also seen to rise from the realization of the 2019 lifting of 1.8 million boepd. During 2019, the realization of oil lifting was recorded at 746,000 BPD and natural gas channeling at 1.06 million boepd.

 the Cepu Block

Deputy Head of SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman said that so far the strategy to cut oil lifting came from the Cepu Block. According to him, with the approval of the revision of the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) of the Banyu Urip Field, it could increase oil lifting by 10,000 BPD. In addition, by accelerating the relief well YYA-1 into a production well, it can contribute to increased production as well.

"We devised a long-term strategy so that oil forecasts have a basis. Potential and technical have entered so there is no more debate. So this gap in 2019 and 2020 does not occur in the future, "he said.

In addition, SKK Migas also targets an increase in development well drilling by 395 wells, an increase of 20% -25% compared to the realization of 2019. In addition, it transforms resources into production with Sidayu Field production.



   Fatar also revealed the drilling activity of 70 wells in the Rokan Block will be a savior of the 2020 oil lifting gap. The reason is that since 2018, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) has not conducted drilling so that production has increased significantly.

"Deal to accelerate the transfer of management is getting closer and it is hoped that there will not be a transition soon. So drilling 70 wells this year can happen, "he said.

  The lack of clarity on the early hand over of the Rokan Block from CPI to Pertamina is feared to have the same fate as that of the Mahakam Block. Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said the management transition was important so that production intensity could be maintained.

"We will give input, the block transition process is such that it does not interfere with the optimization of production and lifting. If Pertamina enters then 50,000 BPD gap can be less, "he said.

   Oil lifting performance in the Rokan Block which experienced a higher decline rate and prognosis. Last year, the realization of the Rokan Block lifting amounted to 190,131 BPD or down from 2018 performance of 209,473 BPD. 

     On a different occasion, Pertamina Corporate Secretary Tajudin Noor said the negotiation process continued. He acknowledged that accelerating the transition was an option to ensure investment sustainability and maintain production levels.

"We were aware from the beginning along with problems that might arise when taking over to Pertamina after termination," he said.

   Seeing the complexity of the Rokan Block transition, the government also cannot do much. According to him the government also respects the contracts that have been agreed upon, so that the transition is purely corporate territory.

"Yes, the government still facilitates if necessary," he said.


Memangkas Gap 50.000 Bph

Target produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak berdasarkan APBN 2020 ditetapkan 755.000 barel per hari (BPH). Target tersebut sangat berbeda dari rencana kerja dan keuangan (WP&B) kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) 2020 sebesar 705.000 bph. 

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) pun mencari cara untuk memangkas gap lifting migas di Tahun Tikus Logam ini. Periode penurunan alamiah produksi migas yang sudah terjadi sejak akhir 90-an memang belum, dapat dihentikan. Pasalnya, belum ada lagi lapangan minyak kelas jumbo yang ditemukan. 

Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto pun mengamini bahwa periode natural decline tidak dapat dihindari sebelum Indonesia mendapatkan sumber cadangan minyak yang signifikan.

“Untuk itu kita akan berusaha melaksanakan upaya-upaya agar decline bisa kita pertahankan. Satu hal yang bisa kita harapkan ke depan dan 120 cekungan di Indonesia, baru 20 yang telah dan sedang berproduksi,” katanya.

Tahun ini, lifting migas nasional ditargetkan 1,95 juta barel setara minyak per hari (boepd). Target lifting migas tersebut terbagi atas produksi minyak sebesar 755.000 bph serta serta gas menjadi 1,19 juta boepd. 

Untuk investasi hulu migas ditargetkan sebesar US$ 15,8 miliar. Target lifting migas tahun ini, pun terlihat naik dari realisasi lifting 2019 sebesar 1,8 juta boepd. Sepanjang 2019, realisasi lifting minyak tercatat sebesar 746.000 bph dan salur gas bumi sebesar 1,06 juta boepd.

Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman mengatakan sejauh ini strategi memangkas lifting minyak datang dari Blok Cepu. Menurutnya, dengan disetujuinya revisi Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal) Lapangan Banyu Urip dapat meningkatkan lifting minyak sebesar 10.000 bph. Selain itu, dengan akselerasi relief well YYA-1 menjadi production well dapat berkontribusi menaikkan produksi juga.

“Kami susun strategi jangka panjang supaya forecast minyak ada dasarnya. Potensi dan teknikal sudah masuk sehingga tidak ada lagi debat. Jadi gap di 2019 dan 2020 ini tidak terjadi di masa mendatang,” ujarnya.

Selain itu, SKK Migas juga menargetkan adanya peningkatan pengeboran sumur pengembangan sebanyak 395 sumur atau naik 20%-25% dibandingkan dengan realisasi 2019. Selain itu, melakukan transformasi sumber daya ke produksi dengan produksi Lapangan Sidayu.


Fatar pun mengungkapkan, aktivitas pengeboran 70 sumur di Blok Rokan akan menjadi penyelamat gap lifting minyak 2020. Pasalnya, sejak 2018, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) tidak melakukan pengeboran sehingga produksi pun meningkat signifikan.

“Deal percepatan alih kelola makin dekat dan diharapkan tidak terlalu lama akan ada transisi. Jadi pengeboran 70 sumur tahun ini bisa terjadi,” katanya.

Belum adanya kejelasan early hand over Blok Rokan dari CPI ke Pertamina dikhawatirkan bernasib sama seperti yang terjadi di Blok Mahakam. Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto menyebut transisi pengelolaan menjadi penting agar intensitas produksi dapat terjaga.

“Kami akan beri masukkan, proses peralihan blok ini sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak mengganggu optimasi produksi dan lifting. Kalau Pertamina masuk maka
gap 50.000 bph itu bisa kurang,” katanya. 

Kinerja lifting minyak di Blok Rokan yang mengalami decline rate yang lebih tinggi dan prognosa. Tahun lalu, realisasi lifting Blok Rokan sebesar 190.131 bph atau mengecil dari kinerja 2018 sebesar 209.473 bph. Pada kesempatan berbeda, Sekretaris Perusahaan Pertamina Tajudin Noor mengatakan proses negosiasi terus berlangsung. 

    Dia mengakui bahwa percepatan transisi menjadi opsi agar memastikan kesinambungan investasi dan mempertahankan tingkat produksi.

"Kami  sudah aware sejak awal beserta permasalahan yang mungkin timbul pada saat take over ke Pertamina pasca terminasi,” ujarnya.

Melihat kompleksitas transisi Blok Rokan, pemerintah juga tidak dapat berbuat banyak. Menurutnya pemerintah juga menghormati kontrak yang telah disepakati, sehingga transisi murni wilayah korporasi. 

"Ya pemerintah tetap memfasilitasi jika diperlukan,” ujarnya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-10, Saturday, Jan 11, 2020

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

PHE Jambi Merang Wins Proper Gold for the fourth time

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) through its subsidiary, PHE Jambi Merang won the Gold Award in the Company Performance Rating Program in Environmental Management (Proper) held by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).

The award is a success of PHE synergy with the community and the environment around the Work Area through various excellent programs that produce positive innovation.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in PT. PHE West Madura Offshore (WMO)

Besides PHE Jambi Merang, PHE through PHE West Madura Offshore (WMO); PHE Ogan Komering; PHE-JOB Tomori; and PHE NSO also won the Green PROPER title. The award was given by Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin and KLHK Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar in the PROPER award event at the Vice President's Palace in Jakarta.

Meidawati, President Director of PHE, said that the PROPER award achieved proves PHE's performance by continuing to apply aspects of the green industry that adhere to regulations and the environment.

"In the future PHE will continue to improve its safety performance, and be able to implement work activities in line with the Triple Bottom Line (Profit, People & Planet) in order to create a work environment that supports sustainable development through the PHE community empowerment program," Meidawati said.

Jambi Merang PHE was officially managed 100% by PHE on February 10, 2019. Jambi Merang PHE has two operating fields namely Kenawang River and Pulau Gading which are located in Bayung Lencir District, Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra. The first production in the Jambi Merang Block began in April 2011. Throughout 2019, Jambi Merang's production, including Gelam unitization was 85.42 cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and condensate 4,468 barrels of oil per day (BOPD).

PHE Jambi Merang is committed to supporting an increase in national production. In 2014 the Jambi Merang PHE reached peak production at 129 BBUTD for gas and 6,100 BOPD. Want to repeat the achievements of the PROPER Gold achieved successively from 2016 to 2018, in 2019 PHE Jambi Merang focused on floating IPAL activities, Clean Water ATMs, SAD Filter Swing, Bara Biri, Express Compost, and Smart Watches.

Tribal Child Development In the fields of education, economy and environment also becomes the focus of Jambi Merang's PHE concern for the surrounding environment. In 2019 a number of achievements in the development of the Suku Anak Dalam have been achieved including 16 Family Heads (KK) who have understood the concept of cutting off activities, the development of the SAD Website, four lebung for fish pasture and water availability, participation of Jambi Merang PHE workers through adoption of trees, as many as eight children have received formal education, as well as responsive education in Forest and Land Fires.

For the Lentera Lestari Lestari Lalan Ecoriparian program, in 2019 managed to record the achievement of 100 students getting the socialization of reducing plastic waste at the Lenoir Bayung Elementary School, 50 people received clean river and ecological education, with an additional income of Rp. 175 million per year and the income obtained by SERSAN is Rp. 25 million per year from the management of Lorama Diorama.


PHE Jambi Merang Raih Proper Emas untuk keempat Kali 

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) melalui anak usahanya, PHE Jambi Merang memenangkan Predikat Emas dalam Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan (Proper) yang digelar Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK). 

Penghargaan tersebut merupakan keberhasilan sinergi PHE dengan masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitar Wilayah Kerja melalui beragam program unggulan yang menghasilkan inovasi positif. 
Selain PHE Jambi Merang, PHE melalui PHE West Madura Offshore (WMO); PHE Ogan Komering; PHE-JOB Tomori; dan PHE NSO juga berhasil mendapatkan predikat PROPER Hijau. Penghargaan diberikan Wakil Presiden KH Ma’ruf Amin dan Menteri KLHK Siti Nurbaya Bakar dalam ajang penghargaan PROPER di Istana Wakil Presiden Jakarta.

Meidawati, Direktur Utama PHE, mengatakan penghargaan PROPER yang diraih membuktikan kinerja PHE dengan terus menerapkan aspek green industry yang taat pada peraturan dan lingkungan.

“Di masa yang akan datang PHE akan terus meningkatkan kinerja amannya, serta mampu menerapkan kegiatan kerja sejalan dengan Triple Bottom Line (Profit, People & Planet) agar tercipta lingkungan kerja yang mendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan melalui program pemberdayaan masyarakat PHE,” ujar Meidawati.

PHE Jambi Merang resmi dikelola 100% oleh PHE pada 10 Februari 2019. PHE Jambi Merang memiliki dua lapangan operasi yakni Sungai Kenawang dan Pulau Gading yang terletak di Kecamatan Bayung Lencir, Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin Sumatera Selatan. Produksi pertama di Blok Jambi Merang dimulai pada April 2011. Sepanjang 2019, produksi Jambi Merang, termasuk unitisasi Gelam sebesar 85,42 kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) dan, kondensat 4.468 barrel oil per day (BOPD).

PHE Jambi Merang berkomitmen untuk mendukung peningkatan produksi nasional. Pada 2014 PHE Jambi Merang berhasil mencapai puncak produksi pada 129 BBUTD untuk gas dan 6.100 BOPD. lngin mengulang prestasi PROPER Emas yang diraih berturut-turut sejak 2016 hingga 2018, pada 2019 PHE Jambi Merang memfokuskan pada kegiatan IPAL Apung, ATM Air Bersih, Ayunan Filter SAD, Bara Biri, Kompos Ekspres, dan Jam Cerdas. 

Pengembangan Suku Anak Dalam di bidang pendidikan, ekonomi dan lingkungan pun menjadi fokus kepedulian PHE Jambi Merang terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Pada 2019 sejumlah capaian dalam pengembangan Suku Anak Dalam telah diraih antara lain sebanyak 16 Kepala Keluarga (KK) telah memahami konsep mengenai kegiatan tunda tebang, pengembangan Website SAD, empat lebung untuk kelesterian ikan dan ketersediaan air, partisipasi pekerja PHE Jambi Merang melalui adopsi pohon, sebanyak delapan anak telah memperoleh pendidikan formal, serta pendidikan tanggap Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan.

Untuk program Ekoriparian Lentera Lestari Lalan, pada 2019 berhasil mencatat capaian berupa 100 siswa mendapatkan sosialisasi pengurangan sampah plastik di Sekolah Dasar Bayung Lenoir, 50 orang mendapatkan edukasi bersih sungai dan ekoriparian, pendapatan tambahan masyarakat sebesar Rp. 175 juta per tahun, dan pendapatan yang diperoleh SERSAN sebesar Rp. 25 juta per tahun dari pengelolaan Diorama Lalan.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Jan 10, 2020

Increase Production Acceleration, Pertamina EP Aggressive Drilling Well

PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), projects oil production this year to reach 85,000 barrels per day (BOPD) and 932 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMSCFD). 

    To support the achievement of the targets set, Pertamina EP seeks to carry out the strategy by drilling wells included in the 2020 work plan since the end of 2019.

Pertamina EP President Director Nanang Abdul Manaf said, in the last two years, Pertamina EP oil production continued to rise. In 2019 there were 82,361 BOPD and 2018 amounted to 79,445 BOPD.

For gas production, according to the company's work plan, from 1,017 MMSCFD in 2018 to 959.24 MMSCFD. From the financial side, Pertamina EP targets revenues of the US $ 3.1 billion or Rp 44.64 trillion, assuming the rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar is Rp. 14,400, with a net profit target of US $ 680 million.

Sanga-Sanga Field

Some drilling activities have been carried out in several Pertamina EP fields towards the end of last year, namely in the Rantau Field, Sanga-Sanga Field, Bunyu Field, and Subang Field.

"We also have activities to drill the waterflood well project in Jirak Village and explore the Kusuma Arum (KUM) -001 exploration well, both in South Sumatra," Nanang said in Jakarta.

In Rantau Field, drilling was carried out at KSB A-11 well located in Kualasimpang Barat structure, Aceh Tamiang Regency. Previously, in the same structure, the location of the KSB-59 well (KSB A-10) supported 44 BOPD in the total Overseas Field production in 2019. The KSB A-11 well was one of the programs to accelerate the increase in Overseas Field production.

"The well actually entered into the 2020 Work Plan which accelerated its work by the end of 2019 from a total of 11 drilling wells in Rantau Field this year. With a depth of approximately 1,317 meters, it is expected that the KSB A-11 well can contribute 200 BOPD for Rantau Field production, "explained Chalid Said Salim's Director of Operations and Production who was immediately present to inspect the location.

Still in the Asset 1 region, Jambi Field incised the achievement of increased production with the successful drilling of the SGC-27 oil well in Talang Belido Village, Sungai Gelam District, Jambi City with 280 BOPD results since 16 December 2019.

Following the production of SGC-27, Jambi Field was able to repair SGC-23 wells with crude oil production of 208 BOPD since 28 December 2019. With the addition of production from both wells, Pertamina EP Jambi Field's production increased from 2,792 BOPD in January 2019 became 3,105 BOPD at the end of 2019.

In Sangasanga Field, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan, Pertamina EP drilled the Louise-1119 (LSE-1119) well at LSE-P1704. The well was drilled by Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia (PDSI) using a 700 M OW rig. The LSE-1119 well was drilled to the final depth of 1,500 meters.

"This well began to be drilled last Monday (30 / Dec 2019) and is targeted to be completed within 23 days and is predicted to increase 144 BOPD oil production," explained Nanang who was also present in the series of plows at the end of the year at the Asset 5 location. took place at the B-1830B drilling well at Bunyu Field in Bulungan District, North Kalimantan last December 2019.

The B-1803B well was drilled by PDSI using a PDSI rig, N110 M (1500 HP). The target depth of drilling is 3,300 meters deep and the completion time is 60 days. Hydrocarbons from these wells are predicted to contribute to Pertamina EP of 350 BOPD in the form of oil and gas of 1.50 MMSCFD.

Well drilling is also carried out in Subang Field. As a form of commitment to increasing the production of Pertamina EP Asset 3 conducted a JST-A2 well in Kalentambo Village, Pusakagara District, Subang Regency, West Java in the last week of December 2019. The invoice was formalized by Pertamina EP Director of Finance & Business Support Adi Prasetyana.

Through a trowel using the PDSI rig # 31.3 / D1550E, it is expected to increase Pertamina EP Asset 3 oil production by 300 BOPD and gas by 2.4 MMSCFD.

Blogger-: Agus Purnomo at Pertamina EP Sukowati Field

In Asset 4, Pertamina EP through Sukowati Field conducted an i-003 PAD B. well. The well was an injection well and became a priority program for Asset 4 Sukowati Field in 2019.

Blogger-: Agus Purnomo at Pertamina EP Sukowati Field

The injection wells aim to inject water with an underground maintenance process so as to increase production. In the South Sumatra region, Pertamina EP conducted a JRK-P3 well in the Jirak Village, Musi Banyuasin Regency.

According to Pertamina EP Development Director John Hisar Simamora, the JKR-P3 well was originally planned for drilling in 2020 but accelerated in 2019 with hopes of faster hydrocarbons.

"This is according to the instructions of the President who was assigned to Pertamina, that Pertamina must provide resilience to the national oil and gas industry, in addition to reducing imports, by increasing production to reduce imports," he said.

Exploration well drilling activities were also carried out by Pertamina EP at Kusuma Arum (KUM) -001 well. Located in Batanghari Village, Semidang Aji District, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. This well drilling is projected for 98 days with a target depth of 2,304 meters with a production target of 5 MMSCFD and a resource or reserve target of 59.6 BCFG.

Nanang Abdul Manaf hopes that by accelerating well-drilling activities from 2020 to the end of 2019, this year's Pertamina EP production target can be achieved. Moreover, the company has allocated capital expenditure this year of US $ 784 million and operational expenditure of US $ 1.24 billion.


Tingkatkan Percepatan Produksi, Pertamina EP Agresif Bor Sumur

PT Pertamina EP, anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero), memproyeksikan produksi minyak tahun ini sebesar 85.000 barel per hari (BOPD) dan gas 932 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). Untuk mendukung pencapaian target yang telah ditetapkan, Pertamina EP berupaya menjalankan strategi dengan melakukan pemboran sumur-sumur yang masuk dalam rencana kerja 2020 sejak akhir 2019.

Presiden Direktur Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf mengatakan, dalam dua tahun terakhir, produksi minyak Pertamina EP terus naik. Pada 2019 tercatat 82.361 BOPD dan 2018 sebesar 79.445 BOPD. 

Untuk produksi gas, sesuai rencana kerja perusahaan, dari 1.017 MMSCFD pada 2018 menjadi 959,24 MMSCFD. Dari sisi finansial, Pertamina EP menargetkan pendapatan sebesar US$ 3,1 miliar atau Rp 44,64 triliun dengan asumsi kurs rupiah terhadap dolar AS sebesar Rp14.400, dengan target laba bersih US$ 680 juta. 

Beberapa kegiatan pemboran telah dilakukan di beberapa lapangan Pertamina EP menjelang akhir tahun lalu, yaitu di Rantau Field, Sanga-sanga Field, Bunyu Field, dan Subang Field.

“Kami juga ada kegiatan mengebor sumur waterflood project di Desa Jirak dan tajak sumur eksplorasi Kusuma Arum (KUM)-001, keduanya di Sumatra Selatan,” ujar Nanang di Jakarta. 

Di Rantau Field, pemboran dilakukan di sumur KSB A-11 yang berada di struktur Kualasimpang Barat, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. Sebelumnya, di struktur yang sama lokasi sumur KSB-59 (KSB A-10) menopang 44 BOPD pada total produksi Rantau Field pada 2019. Sumur KSB A-11 merupakan salah satu program percepatan peningkatan produksi Rantau Field.

“Sumur tersebut sebenarnya masuk ke Rencana Kerja 2020 yang dipercepat pengerjaannya pada akhir 2019 dari total 11 sumur pengeboran di Rantau Field tahun ini. 
Dengan kedalaman kurang lebih 1.317 meter diharapkan sumur KSB A-11 dapat berkontribusi sebesar 200 BOPD untuk produksi Rantau Field,” terang Direktur Operasi dan Produksi Chalid Said Salim yang hadir langsung untuk meninjau lokasi.

Masih dalam wilayah Asset 1, Jambi Field menorehkan prestasi peningkatan produksi dengan keberhasilan pemboran sumur minyak SGC-27 di Desa Talang Belido, Kecamatan Sungai Gelam, Kota Jambi dengan hasil 280 BOPD sejak 16 Desember 2019. 

Menyusul produksi SGC-27, Jambi Field pun berhasil melakukan reparasi sumur SGC-23 dengan produksi crude oil sebesar 208 BOPD sejak 28 Desember 2019. Dengan adanya penambahan produksi dari kedua sumur tersebut, produksi Pertamina EP Jambi Field mengalami peningkatan dari 2.792 BOPD di bulan Januari 2019 menjadi 3.105 BOPD pada akhir tahun 2019. 

Di Sangasanga Field Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur, Pertamina EP mengebor sumur Louise-1119 (LSE-1119) di lokasi LSE-P1704. Sumur tersebut dibor oleh Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia (PDSI) menggunakan rig OW 700 M. Sumur LSE-1119 dibor hingga kedalaman akhir 1.500 meter.

“Sumur ini mulai dibor pada Senin (30/Des 2019) lalu dan ditargetkan selesai dalam waktu 23 hari dan diprediksi menambah produksi minyak 144 BOPD,” terang Nanang yang turut hadir dalam rangkaian tajak di akhir tahun pada lokasi Asset 5. Kegiatan tajak sumur juga berlangsung di sumur pengeboran B-1830B di Bunyu Field di Kabupaten Bulungan, Kalimantan Utara Desember 2019 lalu.

Sumur B-1803B dibor oleh PDSI dengan menggunakan rig PDSI, N110 M (1500 HP). Target kedalaman pengeboran sedalam 3.300 meter dan waktu penyelesaian selama 60 hari. Hidrokarbon dari sumur ini diprediksi memberikan sumbangsih bagi Pertamina EP sebesar 350 BOPD berupa minyak dan gas sebesar 1,50 MMSCFD. 

Pengeboran sumur juga dilaksanakan di Subang Field. Sebagai bentuk komitmen peningkatan produksi Pertamina EP Asset 3 melakukan tajak sumur JST-A2 yang berada di Desa Kalentambo, Kecamatan Pusakanagara, Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat di pekan terakhir Desember 2019. Tajak diresmikan oleh Direktur Finance & Business Support Pertamina EP Adi Prasetyana.

Melalui tajak yang menggunakan rig PDSI #31.3/D1550E diharapkan menambah produksi minyak Pertamina EP Asset 3 sebesar 300 BOPD dan gas sebesar 2,4 MMSCFD. 

Di Asset 4, Pertamina EP melalui Sukowati Field melakukan tajak sumur i-003 PAD B. Sumur tersebut merupakan sumur injeksi dan menjadi program prioritas Asset 4 Sukowati Field tahun 2019. 

Sumur injeksi ini bertujuan untuk menginjeksikan air dengan proses maintenance dibawah tanah sehingga dapat meningkatkan produksi. Di kawasan Sumatera Selatan, Pertamina EP melakukan tajak sumur JRK-P3 di Desa Jirak, Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin. 

Menurut Direktur Pengembangan Pertamina EP John Hisar Simamora, sumur JKR-P3 awalnya direncanakan pengeborannya pada 2020 namun di percepat tahun 2019 dengan harapan dapat hidrokarbon lebih cepat.

“Ini sesuai instruksi Bapak Presiden yang ditugaskan ke Pertamina, bahwa Pertamina harus menyediakan ketahanan industri migas nasional, selain kita mengurangi impor, dengan memperbanyak produksi untuk mengurangi impor tersebut,” ujarnya.

Kegiatan pengeboran sumur eksplorasi juga dilakukan Pertamina EP di sumur Kusuma Arum (KUM)-001. Berlokasi di Desa Batanghari, Kecamatan Semidang Aji, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu. Pemboran sumur ini diproyeksikan selama 98 hari dengan target kedalaman 2.304 meter dengan target produksi 5 MMSCFD dan target sumber daya atau cadangan sebesar 59,6 BCFG. 

Nanang Abdul Manaf berharap dengan percepatan kegiatan pengeboran sumur dari 2020 ke akhir 2019, target produksi Pertamina EP tahun ini bisa tercapai. Apalagi perusahaan telah mengalokasikan belanja modal (capital expenditure) tahun ini sebesar US$ 784 juta dan belanja operasi (operational expenditure) sebesar US$ 1,24 miliar.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Jan 9, 2020

Pertamina Looking for Partners to Manage East Natuna Oil and Gas Block

PT Pertamina (Persero) is looking for partners managing the East Natuna Block. Pertamina Upstream Director Dharmawan Samsu said, there was the great potential that could increase reserves and production from the oil and gas block.

"I think the potential is very good, but we will discuss again with the government about the most appropriate way to carry out activities in East Natuna," Dharmawan said.

East Natuna Block

Dharmawan said Pertamina was open to choosing partners in managing the field. Dharmawan explained the development costs in the field are relatively very large because it requires technology to separate the carbon dioxide.

Dharmawan assessed that the process of finding partners and developing the East Natuna Block can be done simultaneously. So potential partners can see directly the data if needed. But the partners Pertamina is looking for need to have the latest technology and strong financial capabilities.

"We can do data sharing from what we already have, every time we do a joint study. But, we will only consider it seriously," said

Arifin Tasrif

The government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is helping Pertamina to get partners. ESDM Minister Arifin Tasrif said that the government was currently in discussions with Pertamina to find a solution in the management of the East Natuna Block. The block, which is predicted to have reserves of up to 46 TCF, has not yet been worked out to be explored and produced.

"We are helping to find a partner," Arifin said.

The Director-General of Oil and Gas at the ESDM Ministry, Djoko Siswanto, detailed that the East Natuna Block has two fields that have oil and gas reserves. But for a field that is predicted to have large gas reserves also contains carbon dioxide with a relatively very high amount. This will complicate the gas production process.

"Natuna has gas, there is oil. The oil is to be developed. For gas, the carbon dioxide content is more than 70 percent. Therefore, we want to develop it one by one," said Djoko.

In addition to looking for partners, the government proposes Pertamina to first conduct exploration in the East Natuna region. According to Djoko, this was more efficient and could invite the interests of partners sought by Pertamina.

"In parallel, looking for partners can be done. But it is important that Pertamina conduct exploration first. Just explore the oil field first," said Djoko.


Pertamina Cari Mitra Kelola Blok Migas East Natuna

PT Pertamina (Persero) sedang mencari mitra pengelolaan Blok East Natuna. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Dharmawan Samsu menyampaikan, terdapat potensi besar yang bisa menambah cadangan dan produksi dari blok migas tersebut.

"Saya rasa potensi sangat bagus, tapi kita akan berdiskusi lagi dengan pemerintah mengenai cara yang paling tepat untuk melakukan aktivitas di East Natuna," ujar Dharmawan.

Dharmawan mengatakan Pertamina membuka diri untuk memilih mitra dalam pengelolaan lapangan tersebut. Dharmawan menjelaskan biaya pengembangan di lapangan tersebut relatif sangat besar karena perlu teknologi untuk memisahkan karbondioksida. 

Dharmawan menilai, proses pencarian mitra dan pengembangan Blok East Natuna dapat dilakukan secara bersamaan. Sehingga calon mitra bisa melihat secara langsung data yang sekiranya dibutuhkan. Namun mitra yang dicari Pertamina perlu memiliki teknologi yang mutakhir dan kemampuan finansial yang kuat. 

"Kami bisa melakukan data sharing dari apa yang kami sudah miliki, setiap melakukan joint study. Tapi, kami hanya akan mempertimbangkan yang serius," ujar Dharmawan.

Pemerintah melalui Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sedang membantu Pertamina untuk mendapatkan mitra. Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif mengatakan, saat ini pemerintah terus melakukan diskusi kepada Pertamina untuk bisa mencari solusi dalam pengelolaan Blok East Natuna. Blok yang diprediksi memiliki cadangan hingga 46 TCF ini belum dikerjakan untuk dieksplorasi dan diproduksi.

"Kita sedang membantu untuk cari partner,” kata Arifin.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto memerinci, Blok East Natuna memiliki dua lapangan yang memiliki cadangan minyak dan gas. Namun untuk lapangan yang diprediksi memiliki cadangan gas besar juga mengandung karbon dioksida dengan jumlah relatif sangat tinggi. Hal ini, akan mempersulit proses produksi gas.

"Natuna itu ada gas, ada minyak. Minyak itu yang mau dikembangkan. Untuk gas, kandungan karbon dioksidanya lebih dari 70 persen. Makanya, kita mau kembangkan satu per satu," ujar Djoko.

Selain mencari mitra, pemerintah mengusulkan kepada Pertamina untuk lebih dulu melakukan eksplorasi di kawasan East Natuna. Menurut Djoko, hal ini lebih efisien dan bisa mengundang minat mitra yang dicari Pertamina. 

"Secara paralel mencari partner bisa dilakukan. Tapi yang panting Pertamina melakukan eksplorasi dulu. Eksplorasi saja dulu yang lapangan minyak," ujar Djoko.

Republika, Page-15, Tuesday, Jan 7, 2020

Pertamina is looking for partners to develop the East Natuna Block

The government stated that PT Pertamina (Persero) is looking for partners to develop the East Natuna Block north of Natuna Island which is in dispute with China. The development of the gas block with reserves of 2 trillion cubic feet has not been developed since Pertamina was appointed to work on this block in 2008.

Arifin Tasrif

Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Minister Arifin Tasrif said that his party was still preparing the development of the East Natuna Block with Pertamina. One of them is related to partners that Pertamina will collaborate within working on this oil and gas block.

"That's the partner we're looking for," he said in Jakarta.

However, Acting Director-General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, added that the development of the East Natuna Block did not have to wait for Pertamina to complete the process of finding partners. According to him, this oil and gas block can be developed in stages because this block also has oil reserves, not only gas.

"It's only parallel [development and search for partners]. There is no obligation to carry out exploration, well this is from gas transferred to oil exploration. So this process, "he said.

Changes to this exploration obligation will be reported and asked for approval from his side to President Joko Widodo. Related to the method of development, it can be done in stages. 

    The East Natuna Block gas reserves, which have a carbon dioxide content of up to 70%, can be developed later, given the very difficult work. While this block's oil reserves in two fields can be done first.

"The gas is difficult because of high carbon dioxide, so oil [which was developed first]. If the oil is definitely sold, "he said.

Previously, Pertamina Upstream Director Dharmawan H Samsu revealed, his party continued to coordinate with the government regarding the development of the East Natuna Block. One of them is including the most appropriate way to carry out oil and gas operations in the oil and gas block. 

    Moreover, the potential of the East Natuna Block oil and gas is very good. Given the large size of the oil and gas block, it needs partners in its development. In 2020, he has also planned to start looking for partners.

"What is clear, [2020] is to find partners if possible," he said.

the East Natuna Block

He explained, although the development of the East Natuna Block was carried out in stages, partnerships were still needed to make this block more manageable. He said he opened opportunities for national and multinational oil and gas companies to become state partners. What is clear, it requires potential partners seriously interested in working on the East Natuna Block with Pertamina.

"[Partners] who have the ability, in terms of technology and financial and human capital," explained Dharmawan.

the Natuna D Alpha

He added, there are already oil and gas companies that are interested in becoming partners. Unfortunately, he was reluctant to specify the name of this oil and gas company. The government for the first time officially appointed Pertamina to develop the Natuna D-Alpha Block in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 3588/11 / MEM / 2008 dated June 2, 2008 concerning the Status of the Natuna D Alpha Gas (before changing to East Natuna).


Pertamina Cari Mitra Kembangkan Blok East Natuna

Pemerintah menyatakan PT Pertamina (Persero) sedang mencari mitra untuk mengembangkan Blok East Natuna di utara Kepulau Natuna yang menjadi sengketa dengan Tiongkok. Pengembangan blok gas dengan cadangan 2 triliun kaki kubik ini belum ada perkembangan sejak Pertamina ditunjuk untuk menggarap blok ini pada 2008 lalu. 

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif mengatakan, pihaknya masih menyiapkan pengembangan Blok East Natuna bersama Pertamina. Salah satunya terkait mitra yang akan digandeng Pertamina dalam menggarap blok migas ini. 

“Itu mitra yang sedang kami cari,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Meski demikian, Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto menambahkan, pengembangan Blok East Natuna tidak harus menunggu Pertamina merampungkan proses pencarian mitra. Menurutnya, blok migas ini bisa dikembangkan secara bertahap lantaran blok ini juga memiliki cadangan minyak, tidak hanya gas. 

“Paralel saja kan [pengembangan dan pencarian mitra]. Kan ada kewajiban untuk melakukan eksplorasi, nah ini yang dari gas dipindahkan ke eksplorasi minyak. Jadi proses ini,” tuturnya.

Perubahan kewajiban eksplorasi ini-lah yang akan dilaporkan dan dimintakan persetujuan pihaknya kepada Presiden Joko Widodo. Terkait metode pengembangannya, bisa dilakukan secara bertahap. 

    Cadangan gas Blok East Natuna yang memiliki kandungan karbondioksida hingga 70% bisa dikembangkan belakangan mengingat pengerjaannya sangat susah. Sementara cadangan minyak blok ini yang berada di dua lapangan bisa dilakukan terlebih dahulu.

“Gasnya susah karena karbondioksida tinggi, makanya minyak [yang dikembangkan dulu]. Kalau minyak pasti laku lah dijual,” ujar dia.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Dharmawan H Samsu mengungkapkan, pihaknya terus berkoordinasi dengan pemerintah terkait pengembangan Blok East Natuna. Salah satunya termasuk bagaimana cara paling tepat untuk melakukan kegiatan operasi migas di blok migas tersebut. 

     Apalagi, potensi migas Blok East Natuna sangat bagus. Mengingat besarnya ukuran blok migas tersebut, pihaknya membutuhkan mitra dalam pengembangannya. Pada 2020 ini, pihaknya juga telah berencana mulai mencari mitra. 

“Yang jelas, [tahun 2020 ini] mencari mitra kalau bisa,” kata dia. 

Dia menjelaskan, meski pengembangan Blok East Natuna dilakukan bertahap, kemitraan tetap dibutuhkan agar blok ini lebih mudah dikelola. Pihaknya membuka peluang bagi perusahaan migas nasional maupun multinasional untuk menjadi mitra persero. Yang jelas, pihaknya mensyaratkan calon mitra serius berminat menggarap Blok East Natuna bersama Pertamina.

“[Mitra] yang punya kemampuan, dari sisi teknologi maupun finansial dan human capital,” jelas Dharmawan. 

Ditambahkannya, sudah ada perusahaan migas yang berminat menjadi mitra. Sayangnya, dia enggan merinci nama perusahaan migas ini. Pemerintah pertama kalinya secara resmi menunjuk Pertamina untuk mengembangkan Blok Natuna D-Alpha dalam Surat Menteri ESDM Nomor 3588/11/MEM/2008 tertanggal 2 Juni 2008 tentang Status Gas Natuna D Alpha (sebelum berganti menjadi East Natuna).

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Jan 7, 2020