The target of oil lifting (lifting) production based on the 2020 APBN is set at 755,000 Barrels Per Day (BPD). The target is very different from the 2020 work plan and financial (WP&B) cooperation contract contractor (KKKS) of 705,000 BPD.
The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) is also looking for ways to cut the oil and gas lifting gap in the Year of the Metal Mouse.
The period of the natural decline in oil and gas production that has occurred since the end of the 90s has not, it can be stopped. The reason is that no jumbo grade oil field has yet been found.
Dwi Soetjipto
The Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto also agrees that a period of natural decline cannot be avoided before Indonesia gets a significant source of oil reserves.
"For that, we will try to implement efforts so that we can maintain the decline. One thing we can expect in the future and 120 basins in Indonesia, only 20 have and are currently in production, "he said.
This year, the national oil and gas lifting is targeted at 1.95 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd). The oil and gas lifting target is divided into oil production of 755,000 BPD and gas to 1.19 million boepd.
Upstream oil and gas investment is targeted at US $ 15.8 billion. This year's oil and gas lifting target is also seen to rise from the realization of the 2019 lifting of 1.8 million boepd. During 2019, the realization of oil lifting was recorded at 746,000 BPD and natural gas channeling at 1.06 million boepd.
the Cepu Block
Deputy Head of SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman said that so far the strategy to cut oil lifting came from the Cepu Block. According to him, with the approval of the revision of the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) of the Banyu Urip Field, it could increase oil lifting by 10,000 BPD. In addition, by accelerating the relief well YYA-1 into a production well, it can contribute to increased production as well.
"We devised a long-term strategy so that oil forecasts have a basis. Potential and technical have entered so there is no more debate. So this gap in 2019 and 2020 does not occur in the future, "he said.
In addition, SKK Migas also targets an increase in development well drilling by 395 wells, an increase of 20% -25% compared to the realization of 2019. In addition, it transforms resources into production with Sidayu Field production.
Fatar also revealed the drilling activity of 70 wells in the Rokan Block will be a savior of the 2020 oil lifting gap. The reason is that since 2018, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) has not conducted drilling so that production has increased significantly.
"Deal to accelerate the transfer of management is getting closer and it is hoped that there will not be a transition soon. So drilling 70 wells this year can happen, "he said.
The lack of clarity on the early hand over of the Rokan Block from CPI to Pertamina is feared to have the same fate as that of the Mahakam Block. Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said the management transition was important so that production intensity could be maintained.
"We will give input, the block transition process is such that it does not interfere with the optimization of production and lifting. If Pertamina enters then 50,000 BPD gap can be less, "he said.
Oil lifting performance in the Rokan Block which experienced a higher decline rate and prognosis. Last year, the realization of the Rokan Block lifting amounted to 190,131 BPD or down from 2018 performance of 209,473 BPD.
On a different occasion, Pertamina Corporate Secretary Tajudin Noor said the negotiation process continued. He acknowledged that accelerating the transition was an option to ensure investment sustainability and maintain production levels.
"We were aware from the beginning along with problems that might arise when taking over to Pertamina after termination," he said.
Seeing the complexity of the Rokan Block transition, the government also cannot do much. According to him the government also respects the contracts that have been agreed upon, so that the transition is purely corporate territory.
"Yes, the government still facilitates if necessary," he said.
Memangkas Gap 50.000 Bph
Target produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak berdasarkan APBN 2020 ditetapkan 755.000 barel per hari (BPH). Target tersebut sangat berbeda dari rencana kerja dan keuangan (WP&B) kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) 2020 sebesar 705.000 bph.
Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) pun mencari cara untuk memangkas gap lifting migas di Tahun Tikus Logam ini. Periode penurunan alamiah produksi migas yang sudah terjadi sejak akhir 90-an memang belum, dapat dihentikan. Pasalnya, belum ada lagi lapangan minyak kelas jumbo yang ditemukan.
Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto pun mengamini bahwa periode natural decline tidak dapat dihindari sebelum Indonesia mendapatkan sumber cadangan minyak yang signifikan.
“Untuk itu kita akan berusaha melaksanakan upaya-upaya agar decline bisa kita pertahankan. Satu hal yang bisa kita harapkan ke depan dan 120 cekungan di Indonesia, baru 20 yang telah dan sedang berproduksi,” katanya.
Tahun ini, lifting migas nasional ditargetkan 1,95 juta barel setara minyak per hari (boepd). Target lifting migas tersebut terbagi atas produksi minyak sebesar 755.000 bph serta serta gas menjadi 1,19 juta boepd.
Untuk investasi hulu migas ditargetkan sebesar US$ 15,8 miliar. Target lifting migas tahun ini, pun terlihat naik dari realisasi lifting 2019 sebesar 1,8 juta boepd. Sepanjang 2019, realisasi lifting minyak tercatat sebesar 746.000 bph dan salur gas bumi sebesar 1,06 juta boepd.
Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman mengatakan sejauh ini strategi memangkas lifting minyak datang dari Blok Cepu. Menurutnya, dengan disetujuinya revisi Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal) Lapangan Banyu Urip dapat meningkatkan lifting minyak sebesar 10.000 bph. Selain itu, dengan akselerasi relief well YYA-1 menjadi production well dapat berkontribusi menaikkan produksi juga.
“Kami susun strategi jangka panjang supaya forecast minyak ada dasarnya. Potensi dan teknikal sudah masuk sehingga tidak ada lagi debat. Jadi gap di 2019 dan 2020 ini tidak terjadi di masa mendatang,” ujarnya.
Selain itu, SKK Migas juga menargetkan adanya peningkatan pengeboran sumur pengembangan sebanyak 395 sumur atau naik 20%-25% dibandingkan dengan realisasi 2019. Selain itu, melakukan transformasi sumber daya ke produksi dengan produksi Lapangan Sidayu.
Fatar pun mengungkapkan, aktivitas pengeboran 70 sumur di Blok Rokan akan menjadi penyelamat gap lifting minyak 2020. Pasalnya, sejak 2018, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) tidak melakukan pengeboran sehingga produksi pun meningkat signifikan.
“Deal percepatan alih kelola makin dekat dan diharapkan tidak terlalu lama akan ada transisi. Jadi pengeboran 70 sumur tahun ini bisa terjadi,” katanya.
Belum adanya kejelasan early hand over Blok Rokan dari CPI ke Pertamina dikhawatirkan bernasib sama seperti yang terjadi di Blok Mahakam. Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto menyebut transisi pengelolaan menjadi penting agar intensitas produksi dapat terjaga.
“Kami akan beri masukkan, proses peralihan blok ini sedemikian rupa sehingga tidak mengganggu optimasi produksi dan lifting. Kalau Pertamina masuk maka
gap 50.000 bph itu bisa kurang,” katanya.
Kinerja lifting minyak di Blok Rokan yang mengalami decline rate yang lebih tinggi dan prognosa. Tahun lalu, realisasi lifting Blok Rokan sebesar 190.131 bph atau mengecil dari kinerja 2018 sebesar 209.473 bph. Pada kesempatan berbeda, Sekretaris Perusahaan Pertamina Tajudin Noor mengatakan proses negosiasi terus berlangsung.
Dia mengakui bahwa percepatan transisi menjadi opsi agar memastikan kesinambungan investasi dan mempertahankan tingkat produksi.
"Kami sudah aware sejak awal beserta permasalahan yang mungkin timbul pada saat take over ke Pertamina pasca terminasi,” ujarnya.
Melihat kompleksitas transisi Blok Rokan, pemerintah juga tidak dapat berbuat banyak. Menurutnya pemerintah juga menghormati kontrak yang telah disepakati, sehingga transisi murni wilayah korporasi.
"Ya pemerintah tetap memfasilitasi jika diperlukan,” ujarnya.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-10, Saturday, Jan 11, 2020