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Monday, January 27, 2020

SKK Migas Ensures Oil and Gas Licensing for Only Three Days

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) accelerates and simplifies the upstream oil and gas licensing process to only three days to ensure all oil and gas projects are completed on time. This year, there are 12 oil and gas projects targeted to start operating.

Dwi Soetjipto

Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities require several licenses involving more than one agency. Therefore, with the active support of SKK Migas, he is optimistic that there will be no more constraints on licensing in the upstream oil and gas sector and licensing can be completed sooner. 

    The acceleration of this permit can be realized by the inauguration of the One Door Services Policy (ODSP).

"So that the licensing process can be accelerated from the usual 15 days to only three days," he said after inaugurating the ODSP.

Through ODSP, the entire service contract licensing contract (KKKS) licensing process is carried out in one door and the process is also faster. SKK Migas and KKKS jointly conduct research on the completeness of each licensing requirement from various agencies that exist today. 

    Even more than that, SKK Migas will help the KKKS to be able to fulfill the documents that are required for licensing and assist the licensing arrangements in the relevant agencies.

According to Dwi, with the delay in the completion of the upstream oil and gas project due to the ODSR due to the long and time-consuming process of licensing, this will not happen again. This is important considering that if the project is completed on time, the project costs will also not increase greater than agreed upon and implementation is more efficient.

"Because any delays in the upstream oil and gas project will lead to cost escalation. The impact on the government is that state revenue is delayed and not optimal, "he stressed.

He said the ODSP service completes the operation of the Integrated Operation Center (IOC) conducted by his party at the end of last year. He is optimistic that with these two improvements, the upstream oil and gas target this year can be achieved. Because the operation of the IOC and ODSP can overcome several obstacles, including in the field of licensing and data accuracy.

"We have enough time to make improvements if there are obstacles found during the implementation of the WP&B (work plan and budget). We have data to prevent negative events that could hamper upstream oil and gas operations this year, "Dwi explained.

Going forward, he hopes that ODSP services can provide a real and optimal contribution to improving the national oil and gas investment climate. Thus, Indonesia is able to compete with other countries in the region such as Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, as well as other parts of the world, considering that upstream oil and gas investments are cross-border investments.

"This is the stage we want to build transformation, according to the government's vision and the direction of the Minister (ESDM Minister Arifin Tasrif), we must always improve investment in upstream oil and gas. One of them is to pursue the dream of 1 million BPD (barrels per day), "Dwi said.

Vice President Corporate Services of INPEX Masela Ltd. Nico Muhyiddin and ExxonMobil Indonesia's Vice President of Public and Government Affairs Azi N Alam appreciated SKK Migas's steps in implementing ODSP services. - each company.

Azi N Alam

"As we know licensing so far is something that can slow down the project. This step is very appropriate, we hope the problem will be dealt with quickly and appropriately. We hope that the implementation of this program runs well so that the target can be achieved properly, "said Nico.

12 Projects

Meanwhile, SKK Migas Deputy for Operations Julius Wiratno said there were 12 oil and gas projects planned to start operating this year. One of the biggest is the Merakes Project undertaken by ENI Indonesia.

"Merakes will be operational in the fourth quarter of this year," he said.

In the Merakes Field, ENI plans to drill six underwater wells and build an underwater pipeline system that will be connected to the floating production unit / FPU Jangkrik facility in the Muara Bakau Block.

The peak production of the Merakes Field is estimated to reach 60,305 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd barrels equivalent). In the first quarter, Julius continued, there were four projects targeted to operate. In particular, Bukit Tua Phase-3 with an estimated production of 31.5 million cubic feet per day / mmscfd by Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd, Grati Pressure Lowering 30 mmscfd by Ophir Indonesia (Sampang) Pty Ltd, Buntal-5 45 mmscfd by Medco E&P Natuna Ltd, and the Sembakung Power Plant by PT Pertamina EP.

Furthermore, four projects will operate in the second quarter. In particular, the Scissor Randu Project with an estimated production of 3 mmscfd by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Randu Scissors, a 15 mmscfd Betung Compressor by PT Pertamina EP Malacca Strait Phase-13,000 BPD by EMP Mallacca Strait, and Meliwis 20 mmscfd by Ophir Indonesia (Madura Offshore) Pty Ltd . 

     Finally in the third quarter of 2020 there were three oil and gas projects scheduled to operate. These three projects are the 2.4 mmscfd Beauty Project by PT Sele Raya Belida, the 150 mmscfd LP-MP Compressor by PT Pertamina EP and Peciko 8A 8 mmscfd by PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam.

In 2020, national oil and gas lifting is set at 1.95 million boepd, up slightly from last year's 1.8 million boepd. Specifically, oil production rose to 755 thousand bpd from the realization of 746 thousand bpd, and gas to 1.19 million boepd from the realization of 1.06 million boepd.


SKK Migas Pastikan Perizinan Migas Hanya Tiga Hari

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mempercepat dan mempermudah proses perizinan hulu migas menjadi hanya tiga hari untuk memastikan seluruh proyek migas selesai tepat waktu. Pada tahun ini, terdapat 12 proyek migas yang ditargetkan mulai beroperasi.

Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto menuturkan, kegiatan eksplorasi maupun eksploitasi migas membutuhkan beberapa perizinan yang melibatkan lebih dari satu instansi. Karenanya, dengan dukungan aktif SKK Migas, dia optimistis tidak akan ada lagi kendala perizinan di hulu migas dan perizinan bisa selesai lebih cepat. Percepatan perizinan ini dapat direalisasikan dengan diresmikannya One Door Services Policy (ODSP).

“Sehingga proses perizinan bisa dipercepat dari biasanya 15 hari menjadi hanya tiga hari,” kata dia usai meresmikan ODSP.

Melalui ODSP, seluruh layanan proses perizinan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) dilaksanakan dalam satu pintu dan prosesnya juga lebih cepat. SKK Migas dan KKKS bersama-sama melakukan penelitian atas kelengkapan untuk setiap persyaratan perizinan dari berbagai instansi yang ada saat ini. Bahkan lebih dari itu, SKK Migas akan membantu KKKS untuk dapat memenuhi dokumen yang menjadi persyaratan perizinan serta mendampingi pengurusan perizinan di instansi terkait.  

Menurut Dwi, dengan adanya ODSR keterlambatan penyelesaian proyek hulu migas karena hambatan proses perizinan yang lama dan menghabiskan waktu, tidak akan terjadi lagi. Hal ini penting mengingat jika proyek selesai tepat waktu, maka biaya proyek juga tidak akan bertambah lebih besar dari yang telah disetujui dan pelaksanaan lebih efisien.

“Karena setiap keterlambatan proyek hulu migas akan menimbulkan ekskalasi biaya. Dampak bagi pemerintah adalah penerimaan negara tertunda dan tidak optimal,” tegas dia.

Layanan ODSP disebutnya melengkapi pengoperasian Integrated Operation Center (IOC) yang dilakukan pihaknya pada akhir tahun lalu. Dia optimis dengan dua perbaikan ini, target hulu migas pada tahun ini dapat tercapai. Pasalnya, beroperasinya IOC dan ODSP dapat menyelesaikan beberapa hambatan, antara lain di bidang perizinan dan akurasi data.

“Kami memiliki cukup waktu untuk melakukan perbaikan jika ada kendala yang ditemukan saat implementasi WP&B (work plan and budget/rencana kerja dan anggaran). Kami memiliki data untuk mencegah kejadian negatif yang dapat menghambat operasional hulu migas di tahun ini,” jelas Dwi.

Ke depannya, pihaknya berharap layanan ODSP dapat memberikan kontribusi yang nyata dan optimal untuk meningkatkan iklim investasi minyak dan gas nasional. Sehingga, Indonesia mampu bersaing dengan negara-negara lain di kawasan seperti Malaysia, Thailand dan Vietnam, maupun belahan dunia lainnya, mengingat investasi hulu minyak dan gas adalah investasi lintas negara.

“Ini tahapan kami ingin membangun transformasi, sesuai visi pemerintah dan arahan Pak Menteri (Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif) , kami harus selalu memperbaiki investasi di hulu migas. Salah satunya untuk mengejar mimpi 1 juta bph (barel per hari) ,” tutur Dwi.

Vice President Corporate Services INPEX Masela Ltd Nico Muhyiddin dan Vice President Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Azi N Alam mengapresiasi langkah SKK Migas menerapkan layanan ODSP Kedua perusahaan ini sudah secara langsung merasakan manfaat ODSP ketika mengurus analisi dampak lingkungan (Amdal) proyek migas yang digarap masing-masing perusahaan.

“Seperti diketahui perizinan selama ini merupakan hal yang dapat memperlambat proyek. Langkah ini sangat tepat, harapan kami permasalahan akan ditangani dengan cepat dan tepat. Kami harapkan implementasi program ini berjalan dengan baik sehingga target yang dituju bisa dicapai dengan benar,” ujar Nico.

12 Proyek

Sementara itu, Deputi Operasi SKK Migas Julius Wiratno mengatakan, terdapat 12 proyek migas yang direncanakan mulai beroperasi pada tahun ini. Salah satu yang paling besar adalah Proyek Merakes yang dikerjakan ENI Indonesia.

“Merakes akan beroperasi pada kuartal keempat tahun ini,” ujarnya.

Di Lapangan Merakes, ENI rencananya akan mengebor enam sumur bawah laut serta membangun sistem pipa bawah laut yang akan terhubung dengan fasilitas floating production unit/FPU Jangkrik di Blok Muara Bakau. 

Puncak produksi Lapangan Merakes diperkirakan bisa mencapai 60.305 barel setara minyak per hari (barrel oil equivalent per day/ boepd). Pada kuartal pertama, Julius melanjutkan, terdapat empat proyek yang ditargetkan beroperasi. 

     Rincinya, Bukit Tua Phase-3 dengan estimasi produksi 31,5 juta kaki kubik per hari/ mmscfd oleh Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd, Grati Pressure Lowering 30 mmscfd oleh Ophir Indonesia (Sampang) Pty Ltd, Buntal-5 45 mmscfd oleh Medco E&P Natuna Ltd, dan Sembakung Power Plant oleh PT Pertamina EP.

Selanjutnya, empat proyek akan beroperasi di kuartal kedua. Rincinya, Proyek Randu Gunting dengan perkiraan produksi 3 mmscfd oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Randu Gunting, Kompresor Betung 15 mmscfd oleh PT Pertamina EP Malacca Strait Phase-13.000 bph oleh EMP Mallacca Strait, serta Meliwis 20 mmscfd oleh Ophir Indonesia (Madura Offshore) Pty Ltd. 

      Terakhir di kuartal ketiga 2020 terdapat tiga proyek migas yang dijadwalkan beroperasi. Ketiga proyek ini adalah Proyek Cantik 2,4 mmscfd oleh PT Sele Raya Belida, Kompresor LP-MP SKG-19 150 mmscfd oleh PT Pertamina ER serta Peciko 8A 8 mmscfd oleh PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam.

Pada 2020, lifting migas nasional ditetapkan 1,95 juta boepd, naik sedikit dari realisasi tahun lalu 1,8 juta boepd. Rincinya, produksi minyak naik menjadi 755 ribu bph dari realisasi 746 ribu bph, serta gas menjadi 1,19 juta boepd dari realisasi 1,06 juta boepd.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Jan 16, 2020

The Government is Ready to Bite the Oil and Gas Mafia

      Adjustment of gas prices for industries is needed to encourage Indonesia's competitiveness from products produced to attract investors. The government is preparing a strategy to eradicate the mafia of the oil and gas sector which causes high prices.

Presidential Chief of Staff General Moeldoko

"The president always said that the oil and gas business must really be able to operate properly. He has often said such strong words, I don't think it should reach the President, if necessary 'bite', yes I will bite first, "said Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko at the Bina Graha Building, Jakarta.

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama

Moeldoko has invited PT Pertamina's chief commissioner Basuki Tjahaja Purnama to discuss a number of issues in the oil and gas sector. He expressed the direction of President Joko Widodo in the context of improving the oil and gas sector. One of them, namely the reduction in industrial gas prices that must be done. Moeldoko stressed he would oversee Jokowi's policy to reduce oil and gas prices.

Two issues discussed by Moeldoko with Ahok, greeting Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, were the matter of the President's directives to reduce the price of industrial gas and the management of strategy at PT Pertamina.

"The point is that all the President's policies in the context of oil and gas must be able to run as well as possible and there is not a single thing that can block it," said Moeldoko.

Adjustment of gas prices for the industry is needed to encourage Indonesia's competitiveness, both from products produced and attracting investors into the country. Meanwhile, Basuki said that Moeldoko had been trusted to carry out the President's direction, the company's strategic policy had been prepared and ready to be implemented immediately.

"We already have the formula. Later you will ask questions to the president director, "said Basuki.

To be sure Pertamina is confident that their steps will be supported by the government.

the oil and gas mafia

Seriously Fix

Energy observer Fahmy Radhi told Media Indonesia that the current government really often handles oil and gas mafia issues.

"Starting with Mr. Jokowi, he was angry at someone who was happy to import, even biting like that. Then also, Jokowi ordered the Head of the Criminal Investigation Section to oversee the construction of the refinery. Then also, I thought that the appointment of Ahok was also intended to eradicate the oil and gas mafia in Pertamina, "he said.

Fahmy revealed the oil and gas mafia used two weaknesses. "First, the weakness of decision making. That one can be bribed, can be controlled. It could be within the scope of government and also Pertamina "Fahmi said.

The second is to take advantage of governance that is not transparent or made transparent.

"That can be easily exploited by the oil and gas mafia earlier. Can be manipulated, "he continued.

To overcome this, Fahmy added, the government needed to work extra. Leaders or decision-makers must be people who have integrity. 

   In addition, it is also necessary to improve the governance of companies involved such as Pertamina because according to him, the oil and gas mafia in companies or government agencies is related to the wider oil and gas mafia.

"Inside, Pertamina is related to mafias, also those outside Pertamina. Like that systematically, "he said.

Media Indonesia, Page-13, Wednesday, Jan 15, 2020

Ahok: the Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Supports Pertamina to Improve Strategy

PT Pertamina (Persero) Chief Commissioner Basuki Tjahaja Purnama said the government supported the BUMN's move to improve its strategy.

Basuki Tjahaja Purnama aka Ahok

"The point is that the Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) will fully support me so that all the goals of the President are achieved," said Ahok, Basuki's nickname, at the Bina Graha Building in Jakarta.

Presidential Chief of Staff General Moeldoko

Ahok has met with Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko to discuss a number of issues including efforts at the direction of the President to reduce the price of industrial gas, as well as managing strategies at PT Pertamina.

Regarding high gas prices for industries, Ahok explained that the government already knew of inefficient parties in managing gas distribution. To eradicate the oil and gas mafia to reduce the price of industrial gas, Ahok handed it over to the government.

the oil and gas mafia

     Meanwhile, Moeldoko said legal efforts to overcome the oil and gas mafia would be considered.

"The point is that all of the President's policies in the context of oil and gas must be able to run as well as possible and there is nothing that can block them," said Moeldoko.

President Joko Widodo said Moeldoko, often emphasized the improvement of the oil and gas sector so as to reduce the price of industrial gas. This is needed so that the competitiveness of the domestic industry increases and can provide efficiency on the production line.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan 15, 2020

ESDM: Indonesian Upstream Oil and Gas Investment Still Promising For Global Investors

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) considers that upstream oil and gas investment in Indonesia is still very promising for global investors.

the West Ganal Block

"Right now international companies are starting to enter Indonesia, one of which is Neptune Energy in the West Ganal oil and gas block (off the coast of the Makassar Strait)," said Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Business Development at the ESDM Ministry Mustafid Gunawan in Jakarta.

Eni Indonesia Limited

As is known, the Consortium Eni Indonesia Limited - PT Pertamina (Persero) - Neptune Energy West Ganal B.V. became the winner of the auction on the West Ganal block. He added, British Petroleum (BP) would also conduct exploration activities in open areas.

"BP is discussing discussions to conduct a survey outside the CoW, transfer of commitments is still being processed. The funds are very large, "he said.

He believes that the high interest of global investors in investing in upstream oil and gas, according to him, is not without reason. Currently, the oil and gas data has been transparent as the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 7 of 2019 was issued concerning the Management and Utilization of Oil and Gas Data. 

     Mustafid said oil and gas investors can access and process data in accordance with Ministerial Regulations. To access the oil and gas data, oil and gas investors must register themselves as members and pay contributions.

"The fee is being determined. Throughout being a member, get data. If not, only get basic data. Many investors are hoping for data, "he said.

In 2020, Mustafid said, his party would auction 12 work areas (WK) or oil and gas blocks.

"2020, we prepare a WK auction from a technical standpoint, whether cost recovery or gross split, is applied openly depending on evaluation," he said.

He said the work area to be auctioned consisted of 10 conventional oil and gas blocks, and the rest were non-conventional. Previously, the Head of the Communication Bureau, Public Information Services and Cooperation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Agung said the Government was optimistic that the Ministerial Regulation could invite the maximum investment in upstream oil and gas.

The government provides data access to all parties who need it with maximum access for those who are registered as members. He said being a member was entitled to get access to a data package in the Work Area offering for free as well as getting a free data package for auction winners.

"As for non-members, data access is limited to general data, basic data, processed data and interpretation data that have passed the confidentiality period.

Yesterday when this application was presented to oil and gas contractors, they recognized that the application of oil and gas data was very helpful in managing oil and gas data, "Agung said.


ESDM: Invostasi Hulu Migas Indonesia Masih Menjanjikan bagi Investor Global

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menilai bahwa investasi hulu migas di Indonesia masih sangat menjanjikan bagi investor global.

“Sekarang ini perusahaan internasional mulai masuk ke Indonesia, salah satunya Neptune Energy di blok migas West Ganal (lepas pantai Selat Makasar),” ujar Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM Mustafid Gunawan di Jakarta.

Sebagaimana diketahui, Konsorsium Eni Indonesia Limited - PT Pertamina (Persero) - Neptune Energy West Ganal B.V. menjadi pemenang lelang di blok West Ganal itu. Ia menambahkan, British Petroleum (BP) juga bakal melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi di wilayah terbuka.

“BP sedang berdiskusi pembahasan untuk lakukan survey di luar WK, pengalihan komitmen masih diproses. Dana sangat besar sekali,” ucapnya.

Keyakinan tingginya minat investor global berinvestasi hulu migas, menurut dia, bukan tanpa alasan. Saat ini data migas telah transparan seiring telah diterbitkannya Peraturan Menteri  ESDM Nomor 7 Tahun 2019 Tentang Pengelolaan dan Pemanfaatan Data Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Mustafid mengemukakan investor migas dapat mengakses dan mengolah data sesuai ketentuan Peraturan Menteri. Untuk mengakses data migas itu, investor migas wajib mendaftarkan diri sebagai anggota dan membayar iuran.

“Sedang ditetapkan biaya iurannya. Sepanjang menjadi anggota, mendapat data. Kalau tidak, hanya mendapat data dasar. Banyak investor yang berharap data,” ucapnya.

Pada 2020, Mustafid mengatakan, pihaknya bakal melelang 12 wilayah kerja (WK) atau blok migas.

“2020, lelang WK kita siapkan skema dari sisi teknis, apakah cost recovery atau gross split, diterapkan terbuka tergatung evaluasi,” ujarnya.

Ia mengemukakan wilayah kerja yang akan dilelang itu terdiri dari 10 blok migas konvensional, dan sisanya non konvensional. Sebelumnya, Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Agung Pribadi mengatakan Pemerintah optimistis dengan Peraturan Menteri itu dapat mengundang sebesar-besarnya investasi di hulu migas. 

Pemerintah memberikan akses data kepada semua pihak yang membutuhkannya dengan akses yang sebesar-besarnya bagi pihak yang terdaftar menjadi anggota. Dia mengatakan menjadi anggota berhak mendapatkan akses paket data pada penawaran Wilayah Kerja secara gratis serta mendapatkan paket data  gratis untuk pemenang lelang.

“Sedangkan bagi bukan anggota, akses data diberikan terbatas hanya untuk data umum, data dasar, data olahan dan data interpretasi yang telah melewati masa kerahasiaan.

Kemarin saat aplikasi ini dipresentasikan kepada kontraktor migas, mereka mengakui bahwa aplikasi data migas ini sangat membantu dalam melakukan pengelolaan data migas,” ujar Agung.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan 15, 2020

The Government Cuts Pertamina's Crude Oil Import Ration

The government reduced the allocation of crude oil imports proposed by PT Pertamina (Persero) to only around 50 million barrels this year. With this, Pertamina is encouraged to optimize the absorption of domestic oil production.

Acting Director-General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto said that the purchase of domestic crude oil must be continued by Pertamina. Therefore, it reduces the volume of Pertamina's crude oil imports.

"I reduced the import of Pertamina's crude oil by 8,000 barrels per day (BPD) during 2020. Around 30 million barrels a year [decreasing]," he said.

According to him, Pertamina initially proposed a volume of crude oil imports of around 80 million barrels by 2020. However, it only agreed to import about 50 million barrels of crude oil this year. The rest, Pertamina must buy domestic crude oil to cover its needs.

"Still [domestic oil purchases]. So from around 200 thousand BPD, 120 thousand BPD were bought by [Pertamina]. Around 80 thousand BPD have not been successfully purchased, "said Djoko.

Pertamina Corporate Secretary Tajudin Noor confirmed that the government encouraged the company to further maximize the use of domestic crude oil.

"And we have agreed with several companies to buy their entitlement (ration of oil)," he said.

Pertamina buys crude oil allotment in the cooperation contract contractor (KKKS) in the country after the issuance of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 42 of 2018 concerning the priority of utilizing petroleum to meet domestic needs.

Until the beginning of August 2019, the total volume of crude oil the company had purchased reached 123.6 thousand BPD from 39 KKKS. The largest oil supply comes from the Rokan Block which is managed by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia. The last time, Pertamina bought 650 thousand barrels of oil from ExxonMobil for the September 2019 period.

Previously, Pertamina Senior Vice President for Integrated Supply Chain Hasto Wibowo revealed that Pertamina's crude oil imports had reached 11 million barrels per month. However, after the domestic crude oil purchasing policy, the company's crude oil imports are now around 6-7 million barrels per month.

This year, the same as in 2019, the company's crude oil imports are projected to be around 6-7 million barrels per month. Most of this crude oil is imported from the Middle East because the company needs Arabian Light Crude oil, which is around 3 million barrels per month. The rest, the company is looking for light crude and medium crude oil from various sources.

Finally, at the end of last year, Pertamina imported 950 thousand barrels of crude oil per month from the United States for the February-June 2020 period. In 2019, the company has imported oil from Uncle Sam's country twice each, amounting to 650 thousand barrels per month. month in June and November.


Pemerintah Pangkas Jatah Impor Minyak Mentah Pertamina

Pemerintah mengurangi alokasi impor minyak mentah yang diusulkan oleh PT Pertamina (Persero) menjadi hanya sekitar 50 juta barel pada tahun ini. Dengan ini, Pertamina didorong untuk mengoptimalkan penyerapan produksi minyak dalam negeri. 

Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, pembelian minyak mentah dalam negeri harus dilanjutkan oleh Pertamina. Karenanya, pihaknya mengurangi volume impor minyak mentah Pertamina.

“Impor crude-nya Pertamina saya kurangi 8.000 barel per hari (bph) selama 2020. Sekitar 30 juta barel setahun [berkurangnya],” katanya.

Menurutnya, awalnya Pertamina mengusulkan volume impor minyak mentah sekitar 80 juta barel pada 2020 ini. Namun, pihaknya hanya menyetujui impor minyak mentah sekitar 50 juta barel untuk tahun ini. Sisanya, Pertamina harus membeli minyak mentah domestik untuk menutup kebutuhannya.

“Masih lanjut [pembelian minyak dalam negeri]. Jadi dari sekitar 200 ribu bph, sudah 120 ribu bph yang dibeli [Pertamina]. Sekitar 80 ribu bph belum berhasil dibeli,” tutur Djoko.

Sekretaris Perusahaan Pertamina Tajudin Noor membenarkan bahwa pemerintah mendorong perseroan untuk lebih memaksimalkan pemakaian minyak mentah dalam negeri.

“Dan kami sudah bersepakat dengan beberapa perusahaan untuk membeli entitlement (jatah minyak) mereka,” ujar dia.

Pertamina membeli minyak mentah jatah kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) di dalam negeri setelah tebitnya Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 42 Tahun 2018 tentang prioritas pemanfaatan minyak bumi untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan dalam negeri. 

Hingga awal Agustus 2019 lalu, total volume minyak mentah yang telah dibeli perseroan mencapai 123,6 ribu bph dari 39 KKKS. Pasokan minyak terbesar berasal dari Blok Rokan yang dikelola PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia. Terakhir kalinya, Pertamina membeli minyak dari Exxon Mobil sebesar 650 ribu barel untuk periode September 2019. 

Sebelumnya, Senior Vice President Integrated Supply Chain Pertamina Hasto Wibowo mengungkapkan, impor minyak mentah Pertamina pernah mencapai 11 juta barel per bulan. Namun, setelah adanya kebijakan pembelian minyak mentah dalam negeri, impor minyak mentah perseroan kini sekitar 6-7 juta barel per bulan.

Pada tahun ini, sama dengan 2019 lalu, impor minyak mentah perseroan diproyeksikan sekitar 6-7 juta barel per bulan. Sebagian besar minyak mentah ini diimpor dari Timur Tengah lantaran perseroan membutuhkan minyak jenis Arabian Light Crude, yakni sekitar 3 juta barel per bulan. Sisanya, perseroan mencari minyak jenis light crude dan medium crude dari berbagai sumber. 

Terakhir, di akhir tahun lalu, Pertamina mengimpor minyak mentah sebesar 950 ribu barel per bulan dari Amerika Serikat untuk periode Februari-Juni 2020. Di tahun 2019, perseroan telah dua kali mengimpor minyak dari Negeri Paman Sam ini masing-masing sebesar 650 ribu barel per bulan pada Juni dan November.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan 15, 2020

Abu Dhabi Aims for Energy Sector Investment in Indonesia

Indonesia strengthens relations with the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The two countries agreed on a number of cooperation and investments. Of the 16 agreements, Indonesia and the UAE agreed on five agreements in the fields of religion, education, agriculture, health, and counter-terrorism. While there are 11 business agreements signed by the two countries, covering the fields of energy, oil, and gas, petrochemicals, ports, telecommunications, and research. The total estimated investment value obtained from these 11 agreements reached Rp 314.9 trillion or the US $ 22.89 billion.

The UAE has high confidence in the development of the energy sector business in Indonesia. A total of 11 business agreements have been signed-in part for the energy business, said the Head of the Public Information Services and Cooperation Biro Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agung Pribadi.

PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali investment (PJBI)

One of the agreements in the business sector is the construction of a floating solar power plant in Cirata Reservoir, West Java. Later, the Masdar renewable energy company (EBT) based in Abu Dhabi UAE, will partner with PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali investment (PJBI) to build Cirata Floating PLTS with a capacity of 145 megawatt peak (MWp).

The investment value in the plant is estimated to reach Rp 1.8 trillion. Cirata Floating PLTS will break the record of the largest solar power plant in the ASEAN region after PLTS in the Philippines, Cadiz Solar Powerplant of 132.5 MW.

In addition to developing EBT-based electricity, Indonesia and the UAE agreed on a number of oil and gas projects such as the development of the Balikpapan RUV V Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) between Pertamina and Mubadala.

Later, RDMP RU V Balikpapan will increase refinery processing capacity from 260,000 barrels per day (BPD) to 360,000 BPD and improve product quality from fuel equivalent to Euro II to Euro V. The other agreed cooperation is about developing the potential of crude oil in Balongan between Pertamina and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), to the supply of liquified natural gas (LPG) between the two companies.

In the mineral subsector, Indonesia and the UAE signed a collaboration involving Emirates Global Aluminum (EGA) and PT Indonesia Mahan Aluminum (Mind Id) in the context of increasing the production of ingot alloys and billets.

During the test period (oba, planned additional production is around 20,000 tons with a current normal production capacity of 250,000 tons. In fact, the Middle East investment record in Indonesia is less encouraging and the value is not significant.

For example, the promise of Saudi Aramco, the Saudi oil and gas giant to build a refinery in Cilacap, Central Java, with Pertamina. The plan is not clear because an agreement has not been established. The negotiations between Pertamina and Aramco began in 2014, or have been in vain for six years.

Then there was the Food and Energy Estate project in Merauke (MIFEE) in Papua in 2010. This 2.5 million hectare project is predicted to save IDR 4.7 trillion in foreign exchange through reducing food imports.

Saudi Binladin Group

Saudi Binladin Group, a construction conglomerate from Saudi Arabia, expressed interest in entering the project. There is even a mention of US $ 4 billion worth of investment interest. But until now there has been no continuation of the Bin Ladin Group investment plan.

During President Joko Widodo's visit to Saudi Arabia on 14 ~ 15 April 2019, Prince Muhammad bin Salman expressed interest in a $ 6 billion investment in the oil and gas sector and tourism in Indonesia. But until now there is also no clarity. 

       Previously, during the state visit of Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdul Aziz AL Saud to Indonesia in 2017, the investment was the only US $ 6 billion or Rp 89 trillion. This figure is far from the value of Saudi Arabia's investment in China which reached the US $ 65 billion or Rp870 trillion.


Abu Dhabi Incar Investasi Sektor Energi di Indonesia

Indonesia mempererat hubungan dengan Uni Emirat Arab (UEA). Kedua negara menyepakati sejumlah kerjasama dan Investasi dengan. Dari 16 perjanjian, Indonesia dan UEA menyepakati lima perjanjian di bidang keagamaan, pendidikan, pertanian, kesehatan dan penanggulangan terorisme. Sementara ada 11 perjanjian bisnis yang ditandatangani oleh kedua negara, meliputi bidang energi, minyak dan gas, petrokimia, pelabuhan, telekomunikasi dan riset. Total estimasi nilai investasi yang diperoleh dari 11 perjanjian ini mencapai Rp 314,9 triliun atau US$ 22,89 miliar.

UEA menaruh kepercayaan tinggi terhadap pengembangan bisnis sektor energi di Indonesia. Sebanyak 11 perjanjian bisnis yang berhasil ditandatangani  sebagian untuk bisnis energi, kata Kepala Blro Komunkasi Layanan Informasi Publik dan Kerjasama Kementerian ESDM, Agung Pribadi.

Dari sejumlah kesepakatan di sektor bisnis itu salah satunya adalah pembangunan pembangkit Iistrik tenaga surya (PLTS) Terapung dl Waduk Cirata, Jawa Barat. Kelak, perusahaan energi baru terbarukan (EBT) Masdar yang berbasis di Abu Dhabi UEA, akan bermitra dengan PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali investasi (PJBI) membangun PLTS Terapung Cirata dengan kapasitas 145 mega watt peak (MWp).

Nilai investasi di pembangkit tersebut diperkirakan mencapai Rp 1,8 triliun. PLTS Terapung Cirata bakal memecahkan rekor pembangkit tenaga surya terbesar di kawasan ASEAN setelah PLTS di Filipina, Cadiz Solar Powerplant sebesar 132,5 MW.

Selain pengembangan listrik berbasis EBT, Indonesia dan UEA menyepakati sejumlah proyek migas seperti pengembangan Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) RU V Balikpapan antara Pertamina dan Mubadala. 

Kelak, RDMP RU V Balikpapan akan meningkatkan kapasitas pengolahan kilang dari 260.000 barel per hari (bph) menjadi 360.000 bph serta meningkatkan kualitas produk dari BBM setara Euro II menjadi setara Euro V. Adapun kerjasama Iainnya yang disepakati adalah mengenai pengembangan potensi minyak mentah di Balongan antara Pertamina dan Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), hingga penyediaan liquified natural gas (LPG) antara kedua perusahaan.

Pada subsektor mineral, Indonesia dan UEA menandatangani kerjasama yang melibatkan Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) dan PT Indonesia Mahan Aluminium (Mind Id) dalam rangka penambahan produksi ingot alloy dan billet. 

Pada masa uji (oba, penambahan produksi direncanakan sekitar 20.000 ton dengan kapasitas produksi normal saat ini 250.000 ton. Sejatinya, catatan investasi TimurTengah di Indonesia kurang begitu menggembirakan dan nilainya belum signifikan. 

Contohnya janji Saudi Aramco, raksasa migas Arab Saudi untuk membangun kilang di CiIacap, Jawa Tengah, bersama Pertamina. Rencana tersebut tidak jelas karena belum terjalin kesepakatan. Negosiasi Pertamina dan Aramco dimulai sejak tahun 2014 alias sudah enam tahun Ialu sia-sia.

Kemudian ada proyek Food and Energy Estate di Merauke (MIFEE) Papua pada tahun 2010 silam. Proyek seluas 2,5 juta hektare ini digadang-gadang bisa menghemat devisa Rp 4,7 triliun melalui Pengurangan impor pangan. 

Saudi Binladin Group, konglomerasi konstruksi asal Arab Saudi, sempat menyatakan ketertarikan untuk masuk ke proyek ini. Bahkan disebut-sebut ada minat Investasi senilai US$ 4 miliar. Tapi hingga kini tidak ada kelanjutan atas rencana investasi Bin ladin Group tersebut. 

Dalam kunjungan Presiden Joko Widodo ke Arab Saudi pada 14~15 April 2019, Pangeran Muhammad bin Salman menyatakan minat Investasi senilal US$ 6 miliar di bidang minyak dan gas serta pariwisata di Indonesia. Namun hingga kini juga belum ada kejelasan. 

King Salman and Jokowi

    Sebelumnya, dalam lawatan kenegaraan Raja Arab Saudi Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud ke Indonesia pada 2017, investasi yang masuk hanya USS 6 miliar atau Rp 89 triliun. Angka ini terpaut jauh dari nilai investasi Arab Saudi ke China yang mencapai US$ 65 miliar atau Rp 870 triliun.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Jan 14, 2020

Java FSRU 1 Ship Construction Progress Reaches 65%

The progress of the construction of the floating storage Regasification unit (FSRU) as part of the Java 1 Steam Gas Power Plant project has reached 62.5%. Upstream Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Dharmawan H Samsu welcomed positively and appreciated all those who had contributed to the construction process of the Java 1 FSRU project, including the shipbuilding contractor, Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI).
This release is an important stage for completing the scope of the Java project 1. We hope that the success of the achievement can continue so that the entire project is completed on target, "he said.

The release of the Java 1 FSRU Ship took place at the SHI shipyard in Geoje-si, South Korea, last Saturday (11/1).

Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU)

Dharmawan revealed, Pertamina hopes that SHI can complete the construction of the Java 1 FSRU ship on time, on quality, on budget and according to requirements. Later, the FSRU will become the main supporting facility for Java PLTGU 1. The construction of the Java 1 FSRU ship is projected to be completed in November 2020 and enter Indonesian waters in mid-January 2021.

The commissioning of FSRU vessel regasification is targeted for March 2021. The FSRU will rationalize the LNG, which originates from BP Tangguh, Papua, then supplies the gas produced to the Java 1 PLTGU plant. Meanwhile, the PLTGU's commercial operation target is December 2021.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Jan 14, 2020

Upstream situation is increasingly critical

In addition to production which continues to fall, upstream oil and gas investment has also not been able to answer the production problem. Investors need contract certainty for investment stability.

The situation in the upstream oil and gas sector in Indonesia is considered increasingly critical. Because production is ready to sell or [lifting both types of primary energy sources continues to fall from year to year. Therefore, improvements need to be made as soon as possible to increase production and attract maximum investment in the country.

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, [oil lifting in 2019 recorded 746,000 barrels per day or below the target of 775,000 barrels per day. The realization of lifting natural gas is only 1,060 barrels of oil equivalent per day and still below the target of 1,250 barrels of oil equivalent per day. The decline in oil lifting has occurred since 2016, while natural gas lifting has continued to decline since 2014.

According to Pri Agung Rakhmanto, a lecturer at the Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology at Trisakti University, Jakarta, the upstream oil and gas situation in Indonesia can be said to be in crisis. In addition to declining production, upstream oil and gas investment in Indonesia is also in a crisis situation. If the situation is not improved enough, the condition of Indonesia's upstream oil and gas will sink even deeper.

"Crisis and critical. That is the condition of upstream oil and gas in Indonesia. Called a crisis because existing investments have not been able to answer the problem of production which continues to decline. It is called critical if this situation continues, "said Pri Agung.

In terms of upstream oil and gas investment, during 2019 it collected 12.5 billion US dollars or lower than the target set, which was 13.4 billion US dollars. In 2018 the realization of upstream oil and gas investment will reach 12.6 billion US dollars. In the last five years, the highest investment was recorded in 2015, amounting to 17.9 billion US dollars.

"Indonesia has not been able to attract enough investment from world-class upstream oil and gas actors, both for new oil and gas reserve discovery projects and development projects to increase production. Upstream oil and gas investment has been around 60-70 percent, only for existing routine operational costs, "Said Pri Agung.

Not a Commodity

Pri Agung added, improvements in upstream oil and gas investment should start from the perspective of the state managing its natural resources. According to him, oil and gas resources should be used as capital for development in the country, not as an export commodity to collect foreign exchange In addition, policy improvements in taxation, fiscal and oil and gas revenue sharing are also urgent. Indonesia's oil and gas production has not been able to meet domestic needs.

The consumption of national oil will reach 1.5 million barrels per day, while domestic oil production is less than 800,000 barrels per day. LPG consumption is around 7 million tons per year, half of which must be imported. This condition causes Indonesia to often experience a deficit in its oil and gas trade balance.

Last weekend, in Jakarta, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif said the government would no longer require gross profit-sharing schemes in the auction of new oil and gas working areas.

The contractor is given freedom of choice, namely a gross split and cost recovery that can be recovered (cost recovery). Previously, for new oil and gas working areas, the revenue sharing that the government imposed on contractors was gross split.

"There are already two schemes (gross split or cost recovery), but the cost recovery scheme will be fixed first," Arifin said when asked for a profit-sharing scheme at the upcoming oil and gas working area auction.

Previously, at the annual general meeting of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), IPA Vice President Ronald Gunawan alluded that investors needed contract certainty for investment stability. Because upstream oil and gas investment is a capital-intensive and high-risk investment. The stability of the contract is believed to increase the attractiveness of Indonesia's upstream oil and gas investment in the eyes of investors.

"To simplify the bureaucracy, in the last two or three years there have been positive signals. We hope that there will be continuous improvements in the future, "said Ronald.

Kompas, Page-13, Tuesday, Jan 14, 2020

2020, Gas Marketing will be More Aggressive

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) said it would be more proactive in marketing national gas, both to the domestic and foreign markets.

Referring to the data of SKK Migas, lifting or gas distribution last year was recorded at 5,934 million cubic feet per day / mmscfd, below the target set in the 7,000 mmscd state budget. One of the causes of low gas lifting is the reduction in gas production following the cancellation of liquid / LNG natural gas supply by the buyer.

In 2020, Deputy Finance and Monetization of SKK Migas Arief S Handoko, his party does not want the gas production reduction or curtailment to happen again. For this reason, he will be more proactive in marketing domestic LNG production.

"Try to avoid curtail and try to sell as soon as possible," he said.

However, it will not necessarily sell LNG production to the spot market. He said he would still aim for a mid-term LNG purchase contract to obtain a very good price. This is to ensure that state revenues from LNG sales remain high. Therefore, the export market is not the only target of SKK Migas.

"If it cannot be sold abroad, it is offered to domestic partners, such as PT PGN Tbk and PT PLN (Persero)," explained Arief.

So far, all planned LNG production volumes have been contracted, aka no remaining cargo (uncommitted cargo). However, the projected amount of LNG production still has the potential to rise so that the possibility of uncommitted cargo in 2020 is still present.

This follows the plan of PT Pertamina (Persero) to boost gas production in the Mahakam Block. This oil and gas block is a supplier of the Bontang LNG Plant. Because when making the annual LNG delivery plan (annual delivery program), it does not accommodate the increased production from the Mahakam Block.

the Mahakam Block

"What is uncommitted is that there are about five cargoes because Mahakam has more production and has not entered the plan, because they [Pertamina] are also not confident," explained Arief.

In 2020, the company targets LNG production to reach 211.9 cargo standards, namely from Tangguh Refinery 122.3 cargo standards and Bontang 89.6 cargo standards. This production target is lower than last year which reached 252 cargo standards, of which Tangguh Refinery 120 cargo standards and 132 Bontang cargo standards.

Unfortunately, due to the fall in LNG prices on the spot market that pushed buyers to cancel cargo orders, the purchase of LNG in 2019 did not reach the target. As of December, LNG purchases were recorded at only 229.1 cargo standards, with details from the 117.4 Tangguh cargo standard and 111.4 cargo standard Bontang.

This LNG distribution did not reach the target either for domestic or export. In 2019, the target for LNG distribution into the country is 67 cargo standards and 185 cargo exports. While the distribution realization for the domestic market is only 60.5 cargo standards and 168.6 cargo exports. 

    Not only LNG, Arief added, his party would also strive for pipeline gas distribution according to the contract. The reason is, although domestic gas distribution is increasing, some of them are still under contract.

"If there is an allocation but a little absorption, it will be relocated to another buyer," he said.

Western Buyer

According to Arief, he also must find a buyer to replace the Western Buyer Extension (WBX). This is because the LNG buyer on Japan's west coast will probably not renew his LNG purchase contract from the Bontang refinery, which expires at the end of 2020. 

     He explained that negotiations with the WBX had been going on since 2019 and had not yet reached an agreement. Because the contract expires in late 2020, it will also look for other buyers.

"We are looking for a replacement for WBX if it is not renewed. WBX does not want to extend, but we are trying to find other buyers, "he said.

However, in 2020, he will still open negotiations with the WBX. Although he admitted, not all WBX members would agree to extend their contracts with Indonesia. Negotiations carried out last year were stopped because of the LNG price problem.

"We are still trying to be extended. Although not all members of the consortium will extend the contract. At this time, we will start renegotiating after getting the price reference from the sale at the end of 2019 yesterday, "explained Arif.

One option is that LNG, which is usually sold to WBX, can be sold to domestic buyers even at low prices. This is considered far better than selling the LNG to the international spot market at a low price.

For information, this LNG sales contract to Japan is with five companies on Japan's west coast or commonly called Western Buyers. This LNG supply is brought from the Bontang LNG Plant which is operated by Badak LNG. These five companies are Chubu Electric Co., Kansai Electric Power Co, Kyushu Electric Power Co, Nippon Steel Corp dan Osaka Gas Co Ltd

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Jan 14, 2020