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Friday, January 31, 2020

Pertamina is considering buying Chevron's shares in the Rokan Block

PT Pertamina (Persero) is considering buying some of Chevron Indonesia's shares in the Rokan Block. This stock purchase is an option to facilitate the company to invest before the current Rokan Block contract expires in 2021. The Rokan Block is one of the government's mainstays to achieve this year's oil lifting target of 755 thousand barrels per day (BPD).

the Rokan Block by Chevron

Pertamina Corporate Secretary Tajudin Noor said the transition process of the Rokan Block operatorship in which the company could carry out drilling was difficult before the contract ended. The existing rules require the company to have a participating interest in the Rokan Block first.

"Yes [there is a PI purchase plan], but all of our options are elaborated, of course, which does not violate the corridors of rules and regulations both from corporations and others," he said.

According to him, the company has a plan to be able to take strategic steps in order to maintain the level of production at the time of hand over. It's just which option will be implemented depends on the business agreement of the two companies. Tajudin explained, the company wanted to encourage well drilling to maintain the block's oil production when management shifted to Pertamina.

"Once entered, we drive investment because all depend on drilling to look for new potential there, including perhaps improving production facilities so that production levels are still maintained," he said.

He hopes that negotiations with Chevron will be finished soon so that drilling can be done in the near future. This step is considered very important to maintain the level of oil production there. Moreover, the Rokan Block is still a mainstay of national oil and gas production.

In a meeting with Commission VII of the Republic of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR RI), PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia President Director Albert Simanjuntak stated that his party would no longer drill wells in the Rokan Block because the contract would expire in 2021. This policy is likely to last until the contract expires. For this reason, there are three drilling funding schemes offered.

"First, Chevron is funding and drilling. Second, Chevron is drilling and Pertamina is funding. Third, Pertamina is funding and drilling the drill, "he said.

Regarding these three options, Tajudin added, Pertamina was still being considered. It's just that his party will see the whole, both from the legislation and other aspects.

"This is a b-to-b problem if there is a scheme we drill first then not consider it as a replacement and others. we must review the whole issue of GCG (Good Corporate Governance) and other rules because talking about drilling is talking about large funds, "he said.

Previously, Deputy Head of SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman added, the transition to the management of the Rokan Block should have started last year. However, Pertamina and CPI's business to business negotiations are quite complicated because they involve state revenues, so they require more time. SKK Migas will encourage this negotiation to finish in January.

"So drilling 70 wells in 2020 can occur. If Pertamina enters, can it add [Rokan Block production]. If you can, 20 thousand will be enough, "he explained.

The government has appointed Pertamina as the operator of the Rokan Block after its existing contract expires in 2021 in July last year. However, the Rokan Block PSC contract for the period after 2021, has just been signed by Pertamina in May 2020.

The transition process for the management of the Rokan Block has just begun after the new contract was signed. Referring to this new contract, Pertamina has a Certain Work Commitment (KKP) for the first five years in the Rokan Block worth the US $ 500 million or around Rp 7.2 trillion. 

        Some of the activities to be funded by the CTF include an EOR study of US $ 4 million, drilling of 11 exploration wells of US $ 69.8 million, drilling of five Telisa wells of US $ 18.1 million, stage-1 CEOR 7 pattern of US $ 247 million, and stage-1 steam flood Kulin or Rantau Bais US $ 88.6 million.


Pertamina Pertimbangkan Beli Saham Chevron di Blok Rokan

PT Pertamina (Persero) mempertimbangkan membeli sebagian saham Chevron Indonesia di Blok Rokan. Pembelian saham ini salah satu opsi untuk memudahkan perseroan melakukan investasi sebelum kontrak Blok Rokan yang berlaku saat ini berakhir pada 2021. Blok Rokan menjadi salah satu andalan pemerintah untuk mencapai target lifting minyak tahun ini 755 ribu barel per hari (bph).

Sekretaris Perusahaan Pertamina Tajudin Noor menuturkan, proses transisi operatorship Blok Rokan di mana perseroan bisa melakukan pengeboran sulit dilakukan sebelum kontrak berakhir. Aturan yang ada mengharuskan perseroan untuk memiliki saham partisipasi (participating interest) di Blok Rokan terlebih dahulu.

“Ya [ada rencana pembelian PI], tetapi semua opsi kami elaborasi, tentunya yang tidak melanggar koridor aturan dan perundangan baik dari korporasi dan lainnya,” kata dia.

Menurutnya, perseroan memiliki rencana untuk bisa melakukan langkah-langkah strategis dalam rangka mempertahankan tingkat produksi pada saat hand over. Hanya saja opsi mana yang akan dijalankan tergantung kepada kesepakatan bisnis kedua perusahaan. Tajudin menjelaskan, perseroan ingin mendorong pengeboran sumur untuk mempertahankan produksi minyak blok tersebut ketika pengelolaannya beralih ke Pertamina.

“Begitu masuk, kami drive investasi karena semua bergantung pada pengeboran untuk mencari potensi-potensi baru di sana, termasuk mungkin memperbaiki fasilitas produksi supaya tingkat produksi masih terjaga,” ujar dia.

Pihaknya berharap negosiasi dengan Chevron segera selesai, sehingga pengeboran bisa dilakukan dalam waktu dekat. Langkah ini dinilai sangat penting untuk menjaga tingkat produksi minyak di sana. Apalagi Blok Rokan masih jadi andalan produksi migas nasional. 

Dalam rapat dengan Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR RI), Presiden Direktur PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia Albert Simanjuntak menyatakan, pihaknya tidak lagi mengebor sumur di Blok Rokan lantaran kontraknya akan habis pada 2021. Kebijakan ini kemungkinan akan berlangsung sampai kontrak habis. Untuk itu ada tiga skema pendanaan pengeboran yang ditawarkan.

“Pertama adalah Chevron yang mendanai dan melakukan pengeboran. Kedua, Chevron melakukan pengeboran dan Pertamina yang mendanai. Ketiga, Pertamina mendanai dan yang melakukan pengeboran bor,” kata dia.

Terkait ketiga opsi ini, Tajudin menambahkan, juga masih dipertimbangkan oleh Pertamina. Hanya saja pihaknya akan melihat secara keseluruhan, baik dari peraturan perundangan dan aspek-aspek lainnya.

“Ini masalahnya b to b, kalau ada skema kami bor lebih dulu kemudian tidak di-consider sebagai penggantian dan lain-lain. kami harus kaji secara keseluruhan masalah GCG (Good Corporate Governance) dan aturan lainnya karena bicara pengeboran ini bicara dana besar,” ujarnya.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman menambahkan, transisi pengelolaan Blok Rokan seharusnya dimulai pada tahun lalu. Namun, negosiasi bisnis (business to business) Pertamina dan CPI cukup rumit lantaran menyangkut pendapatan negara, sehingga memerlukan waktu lebih lama. SKK Migas akan mendorong negosiasi ini selesai di Januari.

“Jadi pengeboran 70 sumur di 2020 bisa terjadi. Kalau Pertamina masuk, bisa tambah [produksi Blok Rokan]. Kalau bisa, dapat 20 ribu sudah lumayan,” jelasnya.

Pemerintah telah menetapkan Pertamina sebagai operator Blok Rokan pasca kontrak eksistingnya berakhir pada 2021 nanti pada Juli tahun lalu. Namun, kontrak PSC Blok Rokan untuk periode setelah 2021, baru saja ditandatangani oleh Pertamina pada Mei tahun 2020 ini. 

Proses transisi pengelolaan Blok Rokan baru saja dimulai pasca kontrak baru ditandatangani. Mengacu kontrak baru ini, Pertamina memiliki Komitmen Kerja Pasti (KKP) untuk lima tahun pertama di Blok Rokan senilai US$ 500 juta atau sekitar Rp 7,2 triliun. 

      Beberapa kegiatan yang akan didanai dengan KKP ini yakni studi EOR senilai US$ 4 juta, pengeboran 11 sumur eksplorasi US$ 69,8 juta, pengeboran lima sumur Telisa US$ 18,1 juta, stage-1 CEOR 7 pattern US$ 247 juta, dan stage-1 steam flood Kulin atau Rantau Bais US$ 88,6 juta.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Jan 23, 2020

Fluctuating Tough Refinery Production

BP Berau Ltd. faced with technical obstacles in the form of comprehensive maintenance activities (turn around) so that gas production in the Tangguh refinery is fluctuating. 

     BP Indonesia Head of Country Moektianto Soeryo Wibowo admitted the field of operations was still relatively young so reservoir work was still considered good. It's just that in the field technical problems often occur so that BP routinely makes a turnaround.

Moektianto Soeryo Wibowo

He added, on average, nine treatments were carried out annually. Especially this year, the number could be 10 times. This condition causes production to fluctuate because when the turn around is carried out, one train will stop temporarily and only one will operate.

It is important to know, the Tangguh Refinery has begun producing since 2009 through the Tangguh Train Train-1 and Train-2 Train with a total capacity of 7.6 million metric tons per year (mtpa) or 1.4 Bcf of gas. Until early January 2019, cumulative production has reached 1,000 cargoes. In 2019, Tangguh Refinery LNG production has reached 100% of the target work program and budget (WP&B), which is 118 cargoes.

"The highest production in 2018 is 122 cargoes. Incidentally, 2018 was not turned around at all, "he said.

In 2021, the Tangguh refinery is targeted to be able to produce 121 cargoes. Since 2013, BP has supplied domestic gas needs. According to him, the domestic gas supply continues to increase. He is optimistic that the Tangguh Train-3 Refinery project will be operational in August 2021 so that it will increase BP's production by 3.8 million mtpa. This means that with three train units operating in 2021 BP's gas production could reach 11.4 million mtpa.

BP has contracted with the State Electricity Company (PLN) to supply 75% of gas production from the Train-3 Tangguh refinery, while the rest will be exported. PLN will receive 688 cargoes from the Tangguh LNG Plant from 2016 to 2033.


Produksi Kilang Tangguh Fluktuatif

BP Berau Ltd. dihadapkan pada kendala teknis berupa kegiatan perawatan menyeluruh (turn around) sehingga produksi gas di Kilang Tangguh fluktuatif. Head of Country BP Indonesia Moektianto Soeryo Wibowo mengakui lapangan operasi memang masih relatif muda sehingga kerja reservoir masih terhitung bagus. Hanya saja di lapangan sering terjadi kendala teknis sehingga BP rutin melakukan turn around.

Dia menambahkan, rata-rata setiap tahun dilakukan sembilan kali perawatan. Khusus tahun ini, jumlahnya bisa menjadi 10 kali. Kondisi tersebut mengakibatkan produksi akan naik turun karena ketika kegiatan turn around dilakukan, salah satu train akan berhenti sementara dan hanya satu yang beroperasi. 

Perlu diketahui, Kilang Tangguh mulai berproduksi sejak 2009 lewat Kilang Tangguh Train-1 dan Kilang tangguh Train-2 dengan kapasitas total 7,6 juta metrik ton per tahun (mtpa) atau 1,4 Bcf gas. Hingga awal Januari 2019, produksi kumulatif telah mencapai 1.000 kargo. Pada 2019, produksi LNG Kilang Tangguh telah mencapai 100% dari target work program and budget (WP&B), yakni sebanyak 118 kargo.

“Produksi tertinggi 2018, yakni 122 kargo. Kebetulan 2018 tidak di-turn round sama sekali,” katanya.

Pada 2021, Kilang Tangguh ditargetkan mampu memproduksi sebanyak 121 kargo. Adapun sejak 2013, BP sudah memasok keperluan gas domestik. Menurutnya, pasokan gas domestik terus mengalami peningkatan. Dia optimistis proyek Kilang Tangguh Train-3 dapat beroperasi pada Agustus 2021 sehingga akan menambah produksi BP sebanyak 3,8 juta mtpa. Artinya, dengan tiga unit train beroperasi pada 2021 produksi gas BP dapat mencapai 11,4 juta mtpa.

BP telah berkontrak dengan Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) untuk memasok 75% produksi gas dari Kilang Tangguh Train-3, sedangkan sisanya akan diekspor. PLN nantinya akan menerima 688 kargo dari Kilang LNG Tangguh selama 2016 sampai 2033.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-20, Wednesday, Jan 22, 2020

The RDMP of Balikpapan is Accelerated

State-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina (Persero) is accelerating the operation of the East Kalimantan Kalimantan Balikpapan refinery development master plan (RDMP) while waiting for additional financial support from investors.

Monty Girianna

During a working visit to the RDMP Balikpapan construction area, the Deputy for the Coordinating of the Management of Natural Resources Energy and the Environment, the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Monty Girianna, said that the construction of the project had reached around 11.62%.

"The challenge might be to complete the work completed in the time before mid-2023, the refinery must be operational. With greater capacity and higher quality products, "he said.

Monty explained that until now the construction of the refinery is still going according to the initial plan, however there is still a need to accelerate efforts.

"Actually, completing the preparation of regulatory issues, regulatory issues, and land issues. For Balikpapan the land already exists, the infrastructure is already there, only the existing infrastructure is being repaired and then preparing new units, "he explained.

Monty said that compared to work on other refinery projects from Pertamina such as in Bontang, Tuban, and Cilacap, the RDMP Balikpapan progress was among the fastest. 

     From Gresik, Pertamina's Mega Project and Petrochemical Director Ignatius Tallulembang said that by the end of January, the construction of the Balikpapan RDMP was targeted to be a comprehensive 12%. According to him, the progress of Balikpapan refinery construction was due to an acceleration strategy.

For this year, Pertamina has prepared a budget of close to US $ 1 billion for the RDMP Balikpapan construction phase. Meanwhile, the source of investment funds for Balikpapan RDMP construction comes from internal funds.

"We are still able to issue the budget ourselves. The EPC target [engineering, procurement, and construction contracts] is above 25% until the end of 2020."

Mubadala Petroleum

He added that external financial support, one of which is Mubadala Corporation, will still be agreed on next April. Previously, Pertamina and Mubadala, investment companies from the United Arab Emirates signed a principle agreement or Refinery Investment Principle Agreement to further evaluate investment cooperation opportunities in the processing sector.

The agreement will provide a clear structure to ensure cooperation as a pathway to potential joint investment, one of which is to ensure the acceleration of the development of Balikpapan RDMP. 

Nicke Widyawati

    Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati explained, the signing of this agreement was a form of Pertamina and Mubadala's commitment as one of the investors who expressed interest in developing the RDMP Balikpapan.

According to Nicke, currently, Pertamina is still looking for equity investors (capital investment partners) to join in developing RDMP RU V Balikpapan. In November 2019, Pertamina has issued a Preliminary Information Memorandum to selected investors who have expressed their interest and commitment to the RU V Balikpapan RDMP project. The estimated investment needed for the project is around the US $ 5.5 billion.

The Phase I Balikpapan RDMP refinery is targeted to be operational in June 2023. Phase II is targeted to be completed in 2025-2026 and able to process
high sulfur crude oil.


Meanwhile, a subsidiary of Pertamina on the upstream side, Pertamina EP, admitted that in the last two years there has been an increase in production (incline) of oil and gas refineries, but these conditions have not been able to catch up with the natural decline rate. Pertamina EP President Director Nanang Abdul Manaf said that in a year at least the decline rate of blocks managed by Pertamina EP reached 30%. 

Meanwhile, in the last 2 years, there has been an increase in production (incline), from 79,700 barrels per day (BPD) in 2018 to 82,200 BPD in 2019. This means that there has been an increase in production by 2,500 BPD. Production in 2019 should be able to reach even higher, but because of the decline rate, the increase reached only 2,500 BPD. On the other hand, this year's Pertamina EP production target is set at 90,000 BPD.

"If the 90,000 BPD challenge is indeed hard, it's just because it has become a mandate for the constitution to pursue it that way," Nanang said at the hearing.
(RDP) between the House Commission VII and the 10 Cooperation Contractors (KKKS), in Jakarta.

According to him, to pursue the target Pertamina EP plans to drill 94 wells.


Pengerjaan RDMP Balikpapan Dipercepat.

BUMN minyak dan gas bumi PT Pertamina (Persero) mempercepat pengerjan proyek pengembangan kilang (refinery development masterplan/ RDMP) Balikpapan Kalimantan Timur sambil menanti dukungan dana tambahan dari investor.

Dalam kunjungan kerja ke wilayah konstruksi RDMP Balikpapan, Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Pengelolaan Energi Sumber Daya Alam, dan Lingkungan Hidup Kementerian Koordinator bidang Perekonomian Monty Girianna mengatakan bahwa pengerjaan pembangunan proyek itu sudah mencapai sekitar 11,62%.

“Tantangannya mungkin menyelesaikan pekerjaan selesai dalam waktu sebelum tahun 2023 pertengahan, kilang harus sudah beroperasi. Dengan kapasitas yang lebih besar dan produk kualitas yang lebih tinggi," katanya.

Monty menjelaskan bahwa sampai saat ini pembangunan kilang masih berlangsung sesuai rencana awal, Akan tetapi masih perlu ada upaya percepatan.

“Sebetulnya menyekesaikan persiapan masalah peraturan, masalah regulasi, dan masalah lahan. Untuk Balikpapan lahan sudah ada, infrastruktur sudah ada, hanya yang diperbaiki eksisting infrastruktur dan kemudian menyiapkan unit-unit yang baru,” jelasnya.

Monty menuturkan bahwa dibandingkan pengerjaan untuk proyek kilang lain dari Pertamina seperti di Bontang, Tuban, dan Cilacap, progres RDMP Balikpapan termasuk yang paling cepat. 

     Dari Gresik, Direktur Mega Proyek dan Petrokimia Pertamina Ignatius Tallulembang mengatakan hingga akhir Januari, konstruksi RDMP Balikpapan ditargetkan menyeluruh 12%. Menurutnya, kemajuan konstruksi kilang Balikpapan terjadi karena adanya strategi percepatan.

Untuk tahun ini, Pertamina menyiapkan anggaran mendekati US$1 miliar untuk tahapan konstruksi RDMP Balikpapan. Adapun, sumber dana investasi untuk konstruksi RDMP Balikpapan berasal dari dana internal.

"Kami masih mampu sendiri mengeluarkan anggaran itu. Adapun target EPC [kontrak rekayasa, pengadaan, dan konstruksi] di atas 25% hingga akhir 2020.”

Dia menambahkan dukungan dana dari eksternal, salah satunya Mubadala Corporation, masih akan disepakati pada April mendatang. Sebelumnya, Pertamina dan Mubadala, perusahaan investasi berasal Uni Emirat Arab menandatangani perjanjian prinsip atau Refinery Investment Principle Agreement untuk mengevaluasi lebih lanjut peluang kerja sama investasi di sektor pengolahan.

Perjanjian tersebut akan memberikan struktur yang jelas untuk memastikan kerja sama sebagai jalur menuju investasi bersama yang potensial, salah satunya dalam rangka memastikan percepatan pengembangan RDMP Balikpapan. 

    Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati menjelaskan, penandatangan perjanjian ini merupakan bentuk komitmen Pertamina dan Mubadala sebagai salah satu investor yang menyatakan minat untuk pengembangan RDMP Balikpapan.

Menurut Nicke, saat ini Pertamina masih mencari equity investor (mitra investasi modal) untuk bergabung dalam mengembangkan RDMP RU V Balikpapan.

     Pada November 2019, Penamina telah mengeluarkan Preliminary Information Memorandum kepada investor terseleksi yang telah menyatakan minat dan komitmennya terhadap proyek RDMP RU V Balikpapan. Estimasi investasi yang diperlukan untuk proyek tersebut sekitar US$ 5,5 miliar.

Kilang RDMP Balikpapan Tahap I ini ditargetkan bisa mulai beroperasi pada Juni 2023. Tahap II ditargetkan selesai pada 2025-2026 dan mampu mengolah
minyak mentah kadar sulfur tinggi.


Sementara itu, anak usaha Pertamina disisi hulu yakni Pertamina EP mengaku dalam dua tahun terakhir telah terjadi peningkatan produksi (incline) kilang migas tetapi kondisi tersebut tidak mampu mengejar laju penurunan alamiah (decline rate). Presiden Direktur Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf menuturkan dalam setahun setidaknya besaran decline rate blok yang dikelola Pertamina EP mencapai 30%. 

    Adapun, dalam 2 tahun terakhir terjadi peningkatan produksi (incline) yakni dari 79.700 barel per hari (bph) pada 2018 menjadi 82,200 bph pada 2019. Artinya, ada kenaikan produksi sebesar 2.500 bph. Produksi pada 2019 seharusnya bisa mencapai lebih tinggi lagi, tetapi karena adanya decline rate, peningkatan yang tercapai hanya 2.500 bph. Di sisi lain, target produksi Pertamina EP tahun ini ditetapkan 90.000 bph.

“Kalau challenge 90.000 bph memang berat, hanya saja karena sudah jadi amanah konstitusi kita kejar ke arah sana,” kata Nanang dalam Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) antara Komisi VII DPR dengan 10 Kontraktor Kontlak Kerja Sama (KKKS), di Jakarta.

     Menurutnya, untuk mengejar target tersebut Pertamina EP berencana melakukan pengeboran 94 sumur.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-20, Wednesday, Jan 22, 2020

ONWJ Block Investigation Has Not Ended

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) ensures that the investigation process of gas leaks and oil spills in the YYA-1 Well owned by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North Westjava (ONWJ) is still ongoing. 

Oil spills in the YYA-1 Well PHE-ONWJ

      Director of Engineering and Environment of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Adhi Wibowo said the investigation was ongoing after the cessation of gas bursts and well closures.

"This oil and gas investigation is still ongoing. "Yesterday the concentration was to help out how to keep the oil from coming out again," Adhi explained.

The investigation team consists of a combination of independent teams, academics, practitioners, and industry players. Just information. 

This incident occurred on July 12, 2019, at around 01.30 West Indonesia Time during a perforation or perforation of the well wall. Then a gas bubble emerged at the YYA Pavilion from the Ensco-67 rig located in the ONWJ offshore operational area.

the Ensco-67 Blow Out

Meanwhile, the YYA-1 Well is an ex YYA-4 exploration well that was drilled in 2011. This well is the leak. On July 17, 2019, oil spills began to appear around the bridge. The day after that the oil spill reached the coast to the west. The distance between the bridge and the Karawang coastline is about 2 kilometers (km). 

the oil spill PHE ONWJ

    Through intensive treatment on 21 September 2019, PHE ONWJ conducted an intercept process in which the Relief Well well was successfully connected to the YYA -1 Well. Relief Well is the process of shutting down the YYA-1 well by drilling from the side carried out from the Soehanah rig which is 1 km from the YYA-1 well.

The connection process between the wells was successfully carried out well and was faster than the estimated planned time schedule, which was the end of September 2019. Adhi explained, it was in December 2019 and ensured a premature explosion occurred at a depth of 6,600 feet. Nevertheless, Adhi could not confirm the cause of the explosion because it was still waiting for the results of the investigation to come out.

"The explosion may have been caused by a pressure that caused the drill pipe to be damaged and the platform to tilt," he said.


Investigasi Blok ONWJ Belum Selesai

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memastikan proses investigasi kebocoran gas dan tumpahan minyak di Sumur YYA-1 milik PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North Westjava (ONWJ) masih terus berlangsung. 

     Direktur Teknik dan Lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM Adhi Wibowo mengatakan investigasi masih berlangsung pasca penghentian semburan gas dan penutupan sumur.

'Ini investigasi migas masih berlangsung. Kemarin-kemarin konsentrasinya untuk membantu bagaimana agar tidak keluar lagi minyaknya," jelas Adhi.

Adapun tim investigasi ini terdiri dari gabungan tim independen, akademisi, praktisi, dan pelaku industri. Sekedar informasi. peristiwa ini terjadi pada 12 Juli 2019 sekitar pukul 01.30 WIB saat melakukan perforasi atau proses pelubangan dinding sumur. Lalu muncul gelembung gas di Anjungan YYA dari rig Ensco-67 yang terletak di wilayah operasional offshore ONWJ.

Adapun, Sumur YYA-1 merupakan sumur eks eksplorasi YYA-4 yang dibor pada tahun 2011. Sumur inilah yang mengalami kebocoran. Pada 17 Juli 2019, tumpahan minyak mulai terlihat di sekitar anjungan. Sehari setelahnya tumpahan minyak mencapai pantai ke arah barat. Posisi jarak anjungan dengan garis pantai Karawang sekitar 2 kilometer (km). 

    Melalui penanganan intensif pada 21 September 2019, PHE ONWJ melakukan proses intercept yang mana sumur Relief Well berhasil terkoneksi dengan Sumur YYA -1. Relief Well adalah proses mematikan sumur YYA-1 dengan pengeboran dari samping yang dilakukan dari rig Soehanah yang berjarak 1 km dari sumur YYA-1.

Proses koneksi antar sumur ini berhasil dilakukan dengan baik dan lebih cepat dibandingkan estimasi jadwal waktu yang direncanakan, yaitu akhir September 2019. Adhi menjelaskan, pihaknya pada Desember 2019 lalu memastikan terjadi ledakan prematur di kedalaman 6.600 feet. Kendati demikian, Adhi belum bisa memastikan penyebab ledakan karena masih menanti hasil investigasi keluar.

"Ledakan mungkin terjadi akibat dipicu tekanan yang membuat pipa bor rusak dan platform menjadi miring,” ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Jan 22, 2020

Exxon Coordinates with SKK Migas

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) claimed to be coordinating with the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) to take care of submitting the revised Environmental Impact Analysis (Amdal) of the Banyu Urip Field in the Cepu Block to the Bojonegoro District Government.

the Banyu Urip Field in the Cepu Block

Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited Senior Vice President Muhammad Nurdin said the Amdal revision was related to an increase in production capacity from 220,000 barrels per day to 235,000 BPD. This capacity has been based on a series of tests by adjusting environmental and emissions aspects. The amount also adjusts to the capacity of the production capacity.

It's just that he did not discuss details about the problems experienced by Exxon with the Bojonegoro District Government so that the Amdal revision was not immediately approved. Even when Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives alluded to the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities that were considered to be a trouble maker, Exxon did not give a firm answer.

"A high rate test has been carried out and submitted as a revised EIA document," he said at a hearing (RDP) between Commission VII and 10 Contractors Cooperation Contract (KKKS).

Meanwhile, the age of the Cepu Block will also be longer because of the discovery of proven reserves that are almost twice the previous estimate. The Banyu Urip field oil and gas reserves in the Plan of Development (POD) were 325 million barrels. At present, the proven field reserve is 940 million barrels.

"This means the peak of the field will be longer than the Banyu Urip Field prediction during the POD," said Nurdin.

Dwi Soetjipto

Previously, SKK Migas Head Dwi Soetjipto said that in accordance with the results of the high rate test (HRT), the Banyu Urip Field was able to produce oil so 235,000 BPD safely. Dwi did not mention the specific target of the Amdal Banyu Urip Field revision was completed, but he hoped that all licensing processes could be completed quickly.


Exxon Koordinasi Dengan SKK Migas

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) mengaku sedang berkoordinasi dengan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) untuk mengurus pengajuan revisi Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal) Lapangan Banyu Urip di Blok Cepu ke Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro. 

Senior Vice President Exxon Mobil Cepu Limited Muhammad Nurdin mengatakan revisi Amdal tersebut berkaitan dengan peningkatan kapasitas produksi dari sebesar 220.000 barel per hari menjadi 235.000 bph. Kapasitas tersebut sudah berdasarkan serangkaian pengujian dengan menyesuaikan aspek lingkungan dan emisi. Besaran tersebut juga menyesuaikan dengan kemampuan kapasitas produksi.

Hanya saja dia tidak membahas detail mengenai permasalahan yang dialami antara Exxon dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro sehingga revisi Amdal tidak segera disetujui. Bahkan ketika Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Indonesia menyinggung soal kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yang dinilai menjadi trouble maker, Exxon tidak memberikan jawaban tegas.

“Sudah dilakukan high rate test dan diajukan sebagai dokumen Amdal revisi,” katanya dalam Rapat Dengar Pendapat (RDP) antara Komisi VII dengan 10 Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS).

Sementara itu umur Blok Cepu juga akan lebih lama karena adanya penemuan cadangan terbukti yang besarnya hampir dua kali lipat dari perkiraan sebelumnya. Adapun cadangan migas lapangan Banyu Urip dalam Plan Of Development (POD) sebelumnya adalah sebanyak 325 juta barel. Saat ini, cadangan terbukti lapangan tersebut adalah sebesar 940 juta barel.

“Ini artinya peak lapangan akan lebih lama dari prediksi Lapangan Banyu Urip saat POD dulu,” kata Nurdin.

Sebelumnya, Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan sesuai dengan hasil high rate test (HRT), Lapangan Banyu Urip mampu memproduksi minyak sehingga 235.000 bph dengan aman. Dwi tidak menyebut target khusus revisi Amdal Lapangan Banyu Urip rampung, tetapi dia berharap semua proses perizinan dapat diselesaikan dengan cepat.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-20, Tuesday, Jan 21, 2020

Lifting Block Rokan 2019 Exceeds Target

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) revealed, the realization of the Rokan Block oil lifting in 2019 exceeded the Work Plan and Budget (WP&B) targets agreed with the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas).

The realization of oil lifting in the Rokan Block reached 190 thousand barrels per day (BPD). While the oil lifting target in WP&B 2019 is set at 185,300 BPD.

the Rokan Block

CPI President Director Albert Simanjuntak said the lifting realization came from reparations or well services by utilizing new technology so that production in the Rokan block could still be optimal.

"In 2019, we will focus on doing workovers by using digital technology, which is choosing well candidates to work on and minimizing our downtime. We are very grateful that the approach taken by Alhamdulillah was able to exceed the plan approved by 102.5% of WPNB, "Albert said in a Hearing Meeting with the House of Representatives Commission VII in Jakarta.

Albert revealed that throughout 2019 yesterday there was no drilling. Because the CPI contract will expire soon on August 8, 2021. He said the last drilling was done in 2018 and then there were 89 wells.

With the expiration of the contract in 2021, drilling in Rokan will no longer be economical. After more than 50 years of managing the Rokan Block, CPI has drilled more than 100 oil and gas fields in the Rokan Block.

He said without drilling investment, this year's WPNB lifting target is lower than 2019 yesterday. Optimization of well injection is done to prevent a too drastic reduction in production.

"We did not drill, the investment return time was not enough, the WP&B 2020 target was 161 thousand BPD," he said.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR) Maman Abdurrahman asked for an explanation of the transition period for the management of the Rokan Block from CPI to Pertamina. He highlighted efforts made so that production does not drop dramatically during the transition period and when Pertamina takes over in 2021.

"How to maintain production. Who is drilling? Chevron issued the funds first or what? I'm sure Chevron doesn't want to spend money, "he said.

Albert said that he had coordinated with SKK Migas and Pertamina regarding the transition period since 2019 yesterday. He said there were three options, namely CPI which funded and conducted drilling. The second option is Pertamina to fund and drill. While the last option is funding from Pertamina and CPI that are drilling. But until now the discussion is still ongoing because the Rokan Block uses a cost recovery contract scheme.

"Our reputation in the future keeps Rokan production from dropping. We are interested in cooperation with the government and Pertamina so that the drop is prevented from going too far, "he said.

Albert further revealed that CPI suffered a loss of Rp 23 billion during 2019 due to oil theft. The theft mode is carried out by making underground tunnels (tunnels) connected to oil distribution pipes. This mode is commonly known as illegal tapping. During 2019 yesterday there were 72 illegal tapping cases. Of these 55 cases were intervened successfully. The meaning of illegal tapping has not succeeded in stealing oil.

"Our losses are in the form of stolen oil, repairing holes in the holes and cleaning up oil spills," he said.

Albert said that his side had collaborated with the TNI-Polri in preventing oil theft activities. He explained that cooperation with the security forces had been going on all this time and was being renewed every year.

"We made a cooperative agreement with the TNI-Polri because illegal tapping is becoming more sophisticated," he said.

Cepu Block Environmental Impact Analysis

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives Commission VII also highlighted the problem of Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) in the Cepu Block, Central Java. The Amdal permit has not yet been issued by the Bojonegoro Regency Government. 

the Cepu Block  Field

     However, the management of Exxon Mobile Cepu Limited has yet to disclose issues related to the slow licensing process. This was raised in the DPR Commission VII Hearing Meeting with 10 Cooperation Contract Contractors (K3S).

the Cepu Block

Chairperson of DPR's Commission VII Chairperson of DPR's Commission VII Sugeng Suparwoto said the Cepu Block has a unique character because it continues to be able to increase proven reserves. Even now the Cepu Block is the national oil lifting platform.

"Uniquely the Cepu Block, from the Dutch Age has only just been met by continuously increasing its proven reserve to 900 million barrels, which is extraordinary," Sugeng said in Jakarta.

Exxon Mobil's Senior Vice President Cepu Muhammad Nurdin explained, the EIA problem was still coordinated with the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas). He was reluctant to expose the problems that made the permit process uncertain. It only explains that they have fulfilled the requirements needed in the submission of an EIA.

"High rate tests have been carried out and submitted as revised EIA documents," he said.

Muhammad explained that the Amdal revision was carried out because the factory's capacity had increased to 235 thousand barrels per day (BPD). In the previous Amdal, the production capacity was only 220 thousand BPD.

He emphasized that capacity building was based on a series of tests. Even the Environmental Impact Assessment documents have been attached aspects of the environment and emissions. During the meeting, Muhammad revealed that the increase in reserves proved to be more than double from before. The proven reserve reaches 940 million barrels. While previously in the Plan of Development (POD) revealed oil and gas reserves of 325 million barrels.

"This means that the peak field will be longer than the Banyu Urip field prediction during the PoD first," he said.

ESDM Minister Arifin Tasrif

The slow EIA of the Cepu Block has also been known by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif. He immediately communicated with the Bojonegoro Regional Government.

"We hope that this EIA will be issued soon. For this reason, we will communicate with the local government, "he said last weekend.

Arifin said that the Cepu Block has an important role in increasing national oil lifting production. Moreover, President Joko Widodo has assigned to boost national oil and gas lifting production. Therefore the EIA approval process is a door for hoisting the national oil lifting production. 

     Because the Cepu Block accounts for 30% of the national lifting. The point is this, how can we increase the lifting from the current one to go up a little more. To ride it does have to change the EIA again. So indeed for this EIA issue, we are asking the regions to be flexible, "he said.


Lifting Blok Rokan 2019 Lampaui Target

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) mengungkapkan, realisasi lifting minyak Blok Rokan di 2019 melampaui target Work Plan and Budget (WP&B) yang disepakati bersama Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). 

Adapun realisasi lifting minyak di Blok Rokan mencapai 190 ribu barel per hari (bph). Sementara target lifting minyak dalam WP&B 2019 ditetapkan sebesar 185.300 bph. 

Presiden Direktur CPI Albert Simanjuntak mengatakan realisasi lifting itu berasal dari reparasi atau well service dengan memanfaatkan teknologi baru sehingga produksi di blok Rokan tetap bisa optimal.

“2019 kami fokus lakukan workover dengan gunakan digital teknologi yaitu memilih kandidat-kandidat sumur yang dikerjakan dan meminimalisir downtime kita. Kami sangat bersyukur pendekatan yang dilakukan Alhamdulillah mampu melampaui rencana yang disetujui 102,5% dari WPNB,” kata Albert dalam Rapat Dengar Pendapat dengan Komisi VII DPR di Jakarta.

Albert mengungkapkan sepanjang 2019 kemarin tidak melakukan pengeboran. Pasalnya kontrak CPI segera berakhir pada 8 Agustus 2021 mendatang. Dia menuturkan pengeboran terakhir kali dilakukan pada 2018 lalu sebanyak 89 sumur. 

Dengan berakhirnya kontrak pada 2021 mendatang maka pengeboran di Rokan dinilai tidak lagi ekonomis. Setelah lebih dari 50 tahun mengelola Blok Rokan, CPI telah mengebor lebih dari 100 lapangan minyak dan gas di Blok Rokan. 

Dikatakannya tanpa investasi pengeboran membuat target lifting WPNB di tahun ini lebih rendah dibandingkan 2019 kemarin. Optimalisasi injeksi sumur dilakukan untuk mencegah penurunan produksi terlalu drastis.

“Kami tidak melakukan pengeboran, waktu pengembalian investasi tidak cukup, target WP&B 2020 sebesar 161 ribu bph,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu Anggota Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Maman Abdurrahman meminta penjelasan mengenai masa transisi pengelolaan Blok Rokan dari CPI ke Pertamina. Dia menyoroti upaya yang dilakukan agar produksi tidak turun drastis selama masa transisi serta ketika Pertamina mengambil alih di 2021 nanti.

“Bagaimana menjaga produksi. Siapa yang mengebor? Chevron mengeluarkan dana dulu atau bagaimana? Saya yakin Chevron tidak mau mengeluarkan duit,” ujarnya.

Albert menuturkan pihaknya berkoordinasi dengan SKK Migas dan Pertamina terkait masa transisi sejak 2019 kemarin. Dia menyebut ada tiga opsi yakni CPI yang mendanai serta melakukan pengeboran. Opsi kedua Pertamina yang mendanai serta melakukan pengeboran. Sedangkan opsi terakhir yakni dana dari Pertamina dan CPI yang mengebor. Namun hingga kini masih terus dilakukan pembahasan lantaran Blok Rokan menggunakan skema kontrak cost recovery.

“Reputasi kita ke depan menjaga agar produksi Rokan jangan sampai drop. Kami berkepentingan kerjasama degan pemerintah dan Pertamina sehingga drop dicegah jangan terlalu jauh,” ujarnya.

Lebih lanjut Albert mengungkapkan CPI mengalami kerugian mencapai Rp 23 miliar sepanjang 2019 lalu akibat aksi pencurian minyak. Modus pencurian dilakukan dengan cara membuat terowongan bawah tanah (tunnel) yang terhubung dengan pipa distribusi minyak. Modus ini biasa dikenal dengan ilegal tapping. Sepanjang 2019 kemarin tercatat 72 kasus ilegal tapping. Dari jumlah tersebut 55 kasus diantaranya berhasil diintervensi. Artianya pelaku ilegal tapping belum berhasil mencuri minyak.

“Kerugian kami berupa minyak yang dicuri, memperbaiki pipa yang dilubangi serta membersihkan tumpahan minyak, ujarnya.

Albert menuturkan pihaknya menjalin kerjasama dengan TNI-Polri dalam mencegah kegiatan pencurian minyak. Dia menjelaskan kerjasama dengan aparat keamanan itu sudah berlangsung selama ini dan terus diperbaharui setiap tahunnya.

“Perjanjian kerjasama kami lakukan dengan TNI-Polri karena pelaku ilegal tapping makin canggih,” tuturnya.

Analisis Dampak Lingkungan Blok Cepu

Sementara itu, Komisi VII DPR RI juga menyoroti permasalahan Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal) di Blok Cepu, Jawa Tengah. Izin Amdal itu hingga kini belum diterbitkan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro. 

     Namun jajaran Manajemen Exxon Mobile Cepu Limited belum mau membeberkan permasalahan terkait lambannya proses perizinan. Hal ini mengemuka dalam Rapat Dengar Pendapat Komisi VII DPR dengan 10 Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (K3S).

Ketua Komisi VII DPR Ketua Komisi VII DPR Sugeng Suparwoto mengatakan Blok Cepu memiliki karakter unik lantaran terus mampu meningkatkan cadangan terbukti. Bahkan saat ini Blok Cepu menjadi tumpuan lifting minyak nasional.

“Unik Blok Cepu, dari Jaman Belanda baru saja  ketemu dengan terus menerus naik proven reserve menjadi 900 juta barel, luar biasa,” kata Sugeng di Jakarta.

Senior Vice President Exxon Mobil Cepu Muhammad Nurdin menerangkan, permasalahan Amdal masih dikoordinasikan dengan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). Dia enggan membeberkan permasalahan yang membuat proses perizinan terkatung-katung. Hanya menjelaskan telah memenuhi persyaratan yang dibutuhkan dalam pengajuan Amdal.

“ Sudah dilakukan high rate test dan diajukan sebagai dokumen Amdal revisi,” ujarnya.

Muhammad menerangkan revisi Amdal dilakukan lantaran kapasitas pabrik meningkat menjadi 235 ribu barel per hari (bph). Dalam Amdal sebelumnya kapasitas produksi hanya sebesar 220 ribu bph. 

Dia menegaskan peningkatan kapasitas itu berdasarkan serangkaian pengujian. Bahkan dalam dokumen Amdal pun telah dilampirkan aspek lingkungan dan emisi. Dalam rapat tersebut Muhammad mengungkapkan peningkatan cadangan terbukti lebih dari dua kali lipat dari sebelumnya. Cadangan terbukti itu mencapai 940 juta barel. Sementara sebelumnya dalam Plan Of Development (POD) terungkap cadangan migas sebesar 325 juta barel.

“Ini artinya peak lapangan akan lebih lama dari prediksi lapangan Banyu Urip saat PoD dulu,” ujarnya.

Lambannya Amdal Blok Cepu sudah diketahui juga oleh Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif. Pihaknya segera berkomunikasi dengan Pemerintah Daerah Bojonegoro.

“Kami harapkan Amdal ini segera dikeluarkan. Untuk itu kami akan melakukan komunikasi dengan Pemda,” ujarnya akhir pekan lalu.

Arifin menuturkan Blok Cepu memiliki peran penting dalam peningkatan produksi lifting minyak nasional. Apalagi Presiden Joko Widodo menugaskan untuk menggenjot produksi lifting migas nasional. Oleh sebab itu proses persetujuan Amdal menjadi pintu untuk mengerek produksi lifting minyak nasional. Pasalnya Blok Cepu menyumbang 30% dari lifting nasional. 

    Intinya kan ini bagaimana kita bisa meningkatkan lifting dari yang sekarang ada untuk naik sedikit lagi. Untuk naik itu memang harus merubah lagi Amdal. Jadi memang untuk isu Amdal ini, kita sedang minta daerah untuk bisa fleksibilitas,” tuturnya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Jan 21, 2020