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Friday, January 31, 2020

The transition of Managing Block Rokan Efforts Sealed Smoothly

PT Pertamina (Persero) continues to make the transition process for the management of the Rokan Block take place smoothly in order to maintain the level of production when the transfer of management began in August 2021.

Fajriyah Usman

Pertamina Corporate Communication VP Fajriyah Usman explained that in July 2018 Ialu, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) decided to entrust the management of the Rokan Block to Pertamina.

the Rokan Block by Chevron

The management of the Rokan Block by Pertamina after August 2021 was included in the production sharing contract signed by Pertamina's subsidiary, PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan with SKK Migas in May 2019.

We won the Rokan Block auction so that Pertamina has legitimately gained participating interest or management shares as well as being the operator of the Block for the next 20 years, from August 2021 to 2041, "said Fajriyah.

To ensure that production continues well during the transition period, Pertamina has also prepared investments to conduct drilling in 2020. As an initial assumption, Fajriyah said that in order to be able to withstand the decline in natural production, Pertamina is targeting around 20 wells to be drilled this year.

     To realize the drilling program, Pertamina continues to hold intensive discussions with Chevron Pacific Indonesia, as the owner of the current participating interest, as well as communicating with the government.

"We encourage the transition to the management of the Rokan Block to be completed this year," hoped Fajriyah.


Transisi Alih Kelola Blok Rokan Diupayakan Lancar 

PT Pertamina (Persero) terus mengupayakan proses transisi pengelolaan Blok Rokan berlangsung dengan lancar demi mempertahankan tingkat produksi saat alih kelola yang dimulai pada Agustus 2021. 

VP Corporate Communication Pertamina Fajriyah Usman menjelaskan pada Juli 2018 Ialu, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memutuskan untuk mempercayakan pengelolaan Blok Rokan kepada Pertamina.

Adapun pengelolaan Blok Rokan oleh Pertamina setelah Agustus 2021 telah dimasukkan dalam kontrak bagi hasil yang ditandatangani oleh anak perusahaan Pertamina yaitu PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan dengan SKK Migas pada Mei 2019. 

Kami memenangkan lelang Blok Rokan sehingga Pertamina telah sah mendapatkan participating interest atau saham pengelolaan sekaligus menjadi operator Blok tersebut selama 20 tahun ke depan, yakni sejak Agustus 2021 sampai 2041 ,“ kata Fajriyah.

Untuk memastikan produksi terus berlangsung baik selama masa transisi, Pertamina pun telah menyiapkan investasi untuk melakukan pemboran di tahun 2020 ini. Sebagai asumsi awal, Fajriyah bilang agar dapat menahan Iaju penurunan produlsi alamiah, Pertamina menargetkan sekitar 20 sumur bisa dibor tahun ini. 
Untuk merealisasikan program pemboran tersebut, Pertamina terus melakukan diskusi intensif dengan Chevron Pacific Indonesia , selaku pemilik participating interest saat ini, sekaligus mengkomunikasikannya dengan pemerintah. 

"Kami mendorong transisi alih kelola Blok Rokan selesai di tahun ini," harap Fajriyah.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Jan 28, 2020

Mubadala Released 20% of Shares in Andaman

Mubadala Petroleum completed the participating interest / PI sale of 20% in the Andaman I Block and South Andaman to PremierOil on January 21, 2020. After releasing shares in the Andaman I and South Andaman Blocks, the oil and gas company originating from the United Arab Emirates holds each PI amounting to respectively 80% in Andaman I and South Andaman II, while PremierOil has 20% in each of the oil and gas blocks.
Mubadala Petroleum

Mubadala Petroleum has obtained the approval of the Government of Indonesia related to the sale of these shares. The Andaman I Block contract scheme uses Cost Recovery while the South Andaman Block uses a Gross Split Profit Sharing Scheme.

Dr. Bakheet Al Katheeri

Director of Mubadala Petroleum Dr. Bakheet Al Katheeri said the release of shares in the two oil and gas blocks was an important step for the company.

"The sale of these shares is an important step for the company and for the exploration of the Andaman Block off the coast of Aceh, and supports a growth strategy Mubadala in Indonesia, "he said in a statement posted on the official website of the Mubadala company.

the Andaman Block in Aceh

In addition to the two oil and gas blocks, Mubadala also holds a 30% PI in the Andaman II Block operated by Premier Oil. In this way, Mubadala holds ownership in three oil and gas blocks off the coast of Aceh and holds the largest oil and gas area in this region.

Meanwhile, Wisnu Prabawa Taher, Head of the SKK Migas Program and Communication Division, claimed that he could not comment much, ensuring the PI release process first. "I'll check first," he said.


Mubadala Lepas 20% Saham di Andaman

Mubadala Petroleum menyelesaikan penjualan participating interest/PI sebesar 20% di Blok Andaman I dau South Andaman ke PremierOil pada 21 Januari 2020. Setelah melepas saham di Blok Andaman I dan South Andaman, perusahan migas yabg berasal Uni Emirat Arab ini memegang PI masing-masing sebesar 80% di Andaman I dan South Andaman II, sedangkan PremierOil memiliki 20% di masing-masing blok migas tersebut. 

Mubadala Petroleum telah memperoleh persetujuan Pemerintah Indonesia terkait penjualan saham ini. Skema kontrak Blok Andaman I menggunakan Cost Recovery sementara Blok South Andaman menggunakan Skema bagi hasil kotor atau Gross Split.

Direktur Utama Mubadala Petroleum Dr. Bakheet Al Katheeri mengatakan pelepasan saham di kedua blok migas ini merupakan langkah penting bagi perusahaan.

“Penjualan saham ini adalah langkah penting bagi perusahaan dan untuk eksplorasi Blok Andaman di lepas pantai Aceh, dan mendukung strategi pertumbuhan Mubadala di Indonesia,” katanya dalam keterangan yang diunggah di situs resmi perusahaan Mubadala.

Selain di dua blok migas tersebut, Mubadala juga memegang PI 30% di Blok Andaman II yang dioperatori oleh Premier Oil. Dengan begitu, Mubadala memegang kepemilikan saham di tiga blok migas di lepas pantai Aceh dan menjadi pemegang area migas terluas di vvilayah ini. 

Sementara itu, Wisnu Prabawa Taher Kepala Divlsi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas mengaku belum bisa berkomentar banyak akan memastikan proses pelepasan PI itu terlebih dahulu. “Saya cek dulu,” katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-20, Friday, Jan 24, 2020

This Week, Kepodang Gas's fate is discussed

The plan to halt the gas distribution of Kepodang Field since September 23, 2019, will be determined this week. Deputy Operations of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Julius Wiratno said that he and Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd and Saka Energi will hold a meeting to finalize the fate of the field in the Muriah Block.

"(Talks) business to business is still not finished, the deadline on Friday [1/24] finalized. Hopefully, it will flow quickly and add productively, he said.

Julius explained that the discussion between the two parties was still constrained regarding obligations after the operation. In addition, the remaining reserve potential is estimated to be small. 

    Even though the amount is not detailed, SKK Migas said that the potential is still possible for exploration. SKK Migas also expects Saka Energi's commitment to developing Kepodang Field in the future, "he said.

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS), the parent company of Saka Energi in the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS), had stated that in December last year there was an agreement with SKK Migas to continue the gas distribution from Kepodang Field. 

Kepodang Field Petronas

    PGAS Commercial Director Dilo Seno Widagdo said, his party indeed hoped it could still continue the gas distribution. "Saka Energi hopes that it can continue distribution while Petronas does not. We expect distribution in January or next month [February]," he said.

Efforts to resume gas distribution in the Muriah WK are in line with the planned improvement of the Saka Energi portfolio through the development of exploration and exploration around the Muriah Block. "If it can be opened again it could be more because the pressure has risen so that it can be more than 26 mmscfd," Dilo said.

PGAS Managing Director Gigih Prakoso said efforts to improve the Saka portfolio were the main programs this year.

"Some portfolios are not productive so that they can have a negative impact on Saka's overall performance," he said.


Pekan ini, Nasib Gas Kepodang Dibahas 

Rencana penyaluran kembali gas Lapangan Kepodang yang terhenti sejak sejak 23 September 2019 akan ditentukan pekan ini. 

    Deputi Operasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Julius Wiratno mengatakan, pihaknya bersama Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd dan Saka Energi akan menggelar pertemuan umuk Finalisasi nasib lapangan di Blok Muriah ini.

“(Pembicaraan) business to business masih belum selesai, tenggat waktu Jumat [24/1] difinalisasi. Semoga segera cepat mengalir dan menambah produlsif kata dia.

Julius menjelaskan, diskusi kedua pihak masih terkendala perihal kewajiban setelah operasional. Selain itu potensi cadangan tersisa diperkirakan hanya sedikit. Meski tidak memerinci jumlahnya, SKK Migas menyebutkan potensi yang ada masih mungkin untuk eksplorasi. SKK Migas juga mengharapkan komitmen Saka Energi untuk pengembangan Lapangan Kepodang ke depannya,” Kata dia.

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS), induk usaha Saka Energi dalam agenda Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB), sempat menyatakan jika Desember tahun lalu telah ada kesepakatan dengan SKK Migas umnuk meneruskan penyaluran gas dari Lapangan Kepodang.

   Direktur Komersial PGAS Dilo Seno Widagdo menuturkan, pihaknya memang berharap masih dapat melanjutkan penyaluran gas. Saka Energi berharap masih bisa melanjutkan penyaluran sementara Petronas tidak Kami memperkirakan penyaluran pada Januari atau bulan depan [Februari],” katanya.

Upaya meneruskan kembali penyaluran gas di WK Muriah selaras dengan rencana perbaikan portofolio Saka Energi melalui pengembangan elsplorasi dan eksplokasi di sekitar Blok Muriah “Pada waktu ditutup [penghentian penyaluran] volume akhir 26 mmscfd. Jika dbuka lagi bisa lebih, karena tekanan sudah naik sehingga bisa lebih dari 26 mmscfd," ujar Dilo.

Direktur Utama PGAS Gigih Prakoso bilang upaya memperbaiki portofolio Saka adalah program utama di tahun ini. 

”Beberapa portofolio tidak produktif sehingga bisa memberikan dampak negatif terhadap kinerja Saka secara keseluruhan,” sebut dia.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Jan 24, 2020

Mubadala Released 20% Participation Rights in 2 Oil and Gas Blocks

Mubadala Petroleum officially relinquished the participation rights or participating interest (PI) of 20% in Andaman I and South Andaman II block to Premiere Oil. Mubadala announced on Tuesday (01/21/2020) that the process of relinquishing the participation rights of the two blocks using the gross split production sharing contract had been approved by the Indonesian government.

Mubadala Petroleum

After the sale of Pl, Mubadala Petroleum holds 80% participating shares in Andaman I and South Andaman II, respectively. While Premiere Oil owns 20% in each of the oil and gas blocks.

Dr. Bakheet Al Katheeri

Director of Mubadala Petroleum Bakheet Al Katheeri said the release of participation rights in the two oil and gas blocks was an important step for them. The completion of the sale of shares was an important step for the company and for the exploration of the Andaman Block off the coast of Aceh and supported Mubadala Petroleum's growth strategy in Indonesia, said Katheeri in his official statement on Thursday (1/23/2020).

the Andaman Block Aceh

In addition to the two blocks, Mubadala has a 30% PI in the Andaman II Block managed by Premiere Oil. Thus, Mubadala holds ownership in three oil and gas blocks off the coast of Aceh.

This makes Mubadala the largest holder of oil and gas in the region. Mubadala holds an area that has not yet been explored, but has proven reserves in the North Sumatra basin for future exploration growth, Katheeri said.

The Andaman I Block cooperation contract was signed in April 2018. The investment commitment for this block is the US $ 2.1 million to carry out G & G activities and the acquisition of 3D seismic data of 500 square kilometers (km) and a signature bonus of US $ 750,000.


Mubadala Lepas 20% Hak Partisipasi di 2 Blok Migas 

Mubadala Petroleum resmi melepas hak partisipasi atawa participating interest (PI) masing-masing sebesar 20% di Blok Andaman I dan South Andaman II kepada Premiere Oil. Mubadala mengumumkan pada Selasa (21/1/2020) lalu, proses pelepasan hak partisipasi dua blok yang menggunakan kontrak bagi hasil gross split ini telah mendapatkan persetujuan pemerintah Indonesia.

Setelah penjualan Pl, Mubadala Petroleum memegang saham partisipasi masing- masing sebesar 80% di Andaman I dan South Andaman II. Sementara Premiere Oil memiliki 20% di masing-masing blok migas tersebut. 

Direktur Utama Mubadala Petroleum Bakheet Al Katheeri mengatakan, pelepasan hak partisipasi di kedua blok migas merupakan langkah penting bagi mereka.Penyelesaian penjualan saham ini adalah langkah penting bagi perusahaan dan untuk eksplorasi Blok Andaman di lepas pantai Aceh dan mendukung strategi pertumbuhan Mubadala Petroleum di Indonesia, ujar Katheeri dalam keterangan resminya, Kamis (23/1/2020).

Selain kedua blok itu, Mubadala memiliki 30% PI di Blok Andaman II yang dikelola Premiere Oil. Sehingga, Mubadala memegang kepemilikan saham di tiga blok migas di lepas pantai Aceh. 

Hal ini menjadikan Mubadala sebagai pemegang area terluas migas di wilayah tersebut. Mubadala memegang wilayah yang masih belum dieksplorasi, tetapi memiliki cadangan terbukti di basin Sumatra Utara untuk pertumbuhan eksplorasi di masa depan, terang Katheeri. 

Kontrak kerja sama Blok Andaman I ditandatangani pada April 2018. Adapun komitmen investasi pada blok ini sebesar US$ 2,1 juta untuk melaksanakan kegiatan G & G dan akuisisi data seismik 3D 500 kilometer persegi (km) dan bonus tanda tangan sebesar US$ 750.000.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Jan 24, 2020

Mubadala Sold 20% of Shares in the Andaman I and South Andaman Blocks

Mubadala Petroleum has completed the sale of participating interest / PI shares by 20% in the Andaman I and South Andaman Blocks to Premiere Oil. Mubadala Petroleum has obtained the approval of the Government of Indonesia related to the sale of these shares.

Mubadala Petroleum

The oil and gas company from the United Arab Emirates released 20% ownership in the Andaman I and South Andaman blocks. After the sale of this PI, Mubadala Petroleum holds 80% participating shares in Andaman I and South Andaman II, while Premiere Oil owns 20% in each of the oil and gas blocks.

the Andaman Block Aceh

Director of Mubadala Petroleum Bakheet Al Katheeri said the release of shares in the two oil and gas blocks was an important step for the company.

Dr. Bakheet Al Katheeri

"The completion of the sale of shares is an important step for the company and for the exploration of the Andaman Block off the coast of Aceh, and supports Mubadala Petroleum's growth strategy in Indonesia," he said.

Mubadala Petroleum signed the Andaman I Block production sharing contract (PSC) in April 2018. At this time, Mubadala promised an investment commitment of US $ 2.15 million to carry out G & G activities and the acquisition of 500-kilometer (km2) 3D seismic data.
While the signature bonus paid the US $ 750 thousand. While the South Andaman Block contract was signed in February last year. The investment commitment promised by Mubadala Petroleum is US $ 2.15 million in the form of 500 km2 G & G and seismic activities. Furthermore, the signature bonus paid the US $ 2 million. The 3,548.69 km2 block has 1,243.37 billion cubic feet of gas reserves and 218.92 million barrels of oil.

On the other hand, still referring to Mubadala's official statement, the UAE oil and gas company also holds a 30% PI in the Andaman II Block operated by PremierOil. Thus, Mubadala holds ownership in three oil and gas blocks off the coast of Aceh. Mubadala is the largest oil and gas holder in the region.

"Thus, Mubadala holds an area that has not yet been explored but has proven reserves in the North Sumatra basin for future exploration growth," the official statement said.

In the past year, Mubadala has completed the 3D seismic acquisition in Andaman I, Andaman II, and South Andaman. Initial analysis of the 3D seismic data is still in progress. The Andaman II Block was won by the Consortium of Premiere Oil Far East Ltd, Kris Energy (Andaman II) BV, and Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd in 2017.

Furthermore, this block PSC was only signed last year with a gross profit-sharing scheme (gross split). The ownership of shares in this oil and gas block is Premiere Oil 40%, Mubadala Petroleum 30%, and KrisEnergy 30%.

The consortium of Premier Oil Far East Ltd, KrisEnergy (Andaman II) BV, and Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd promise a definite commitment for the first three years of G & G and 3D seismic activities covering an area of ​​1,850 square kilometers (km2) worth the US $ 7.55 million. While the signature bonus given is the US $ 1 million. The Andaman II Block has the potential to store gas reserves of 844.14 billion cubic feet and oil 196.53 million barrels.

In the official statement of Premiere Oil on its website, the oil and gas company has completed the 3D seismic acquisition in several oil and gas blocks, one of which is Andaman II. 

      This data will be used to finalize the identification of prospects on 2D seismic data, which shows a direct indication of hydrocarbons. Drilling is planned to be carried out in 2021. These assets in the Andaman Sea have the potential to supply gas in sufficient quantities to the range of trillions of cubic feet.


Mubadala Jual 20% Saham di Blok Andaman I dan South Andaman

Mubadala Petroleum telah merampungkan penjualan saham participating interest/PI sebesar 20% di Blok Andaman I dan South Andaman ke Premiere Oil. Mubadala Petroleum telah memperoleh persetujuan Pemerintah Indonesia terkait penjualan saham ini. 

Perusahan minyak dan gas berasal dari Uni Emirat Arab tersebut melepas kepemilikan masing­masing 20% di Blok Andaman I dan South Andaman. Pasca penjualan PI ini, Mubadala Petroleum memegang saham partisipasi masing­masing sebesar 80% di Andaman I dan South Andaman II, sementara Premiere Oil memiliki 20% di masing­masing blok migas tersebut.

Direktur Utama Mubadala Petroleum Bakheet Al Katheeri mengatakan, pelepasan saham di kedua blok migas ini merupakan langkah penting bagi perusahaan. 

“Penyelesaian penjualan saham ini adalah langkah penting bagi perusahaan dan untuk eksplorasi Blok Andaman di lepas pantai Aceh, dan mendukung strategi pertumbuhan Mubadala Petroleum di Indonesia,” kata dia.

Mubadala Petroleum menandatangani kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) Blok Andaman I pada April 2018 lalu. Pada saat ini, Mubadala menjanjikan komitmen investasi sebesar US$ 2,15 juta untuk melaksanakan kegiatan G & G dan akuisisi data seismik 3D 500 kilometer perseri (km2). 

Sementara bonus tanda tangan yang dibayarkan US$ 750 ribu. Sementara kontrak Blok South Andaman diteken pada Februari tahun lalu. Komitmen investasi yang dijanjikan oleh Mubadala Petroleum sebesar US$ 2,15 juta berupa pelaksanaan kegiatan G & G dan seismik 3D 500 km2. Selanjutnya, bonus tanda tangan yang dibayarkan US$ 2 juta. Blok seluas 3.548,69 km2 ini memiliki cadangan gas 1.243,37 miliar kaki kubik dan minyak 218,92 juta barel.

Sebaliknya, masih mengacu keterangan resmi Mubadala, perusahaan migas UAE itu juga memegang PI 30% di Blok Andaman II yang dioperatori oleh PremierOil. Sehingga, Mubadala memegang kepemilikan saham di tiga blok migas di lepas pantai Aceh. Mubadala menjadi pemegang area migas terluas di wilayah ini.

“Sehingga, Mubadala memegang wilayah yang masih belum dieksplorasi tetapi memiliki cadangan terbukti di basin Sumatra Utara untuk pertumbuhan eksplorasi di masa depan,” demikian tertulis dalam keterangan resmi tersebut.

Pada tahun lalu, Mubadala telah merampungkan akuisisi seismik 3D di Andaman I, Andaman II, dan South Andaman. Analisa awal data­data seismik 3D tersebut masih dalam pengerjaan. Blok Andaman II dimenangkan oleh Konsorsium PremierOil Far East Ltd, Kris Energy (Andaman II) BV, dan Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd pada 2017 lalu. 

Selanjutnya, PSC blok ini baru diteken pada tahun lalu dengan skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split). Kepemilikan saham di blok migas ini yakni Premiere Oil
40%, Mubadala Petroleum 30%, dan KrisEnergy 30%. 

Konsorsium PremierOil Far East Ltd, KrisEnergy (Andaman II) BV, dan Mubadala Petroleum (Andaman II JSA) Ltd menjanjikan komitmen pasti tiga tahun pertama berupa kegiatan G & G dan seismik 3D seluas 1.850 kilometer persegi (km2) senilai US$ 7,55 juta. 

    Sementara bonus tanda tangan yang diberikan US$ 1 juta. Blok Andaman II berpotensi menyimpan cadagan gas sebesar 844,14 miliar kaki kubik dan minyak 196,53 juta barel.

Dalam keterangan resmi Premiere Oil di lamannya, perusahaan migas tersebut telah merampungkan akuisisi seismik 3D di beberapa blok migasnya, salah satunya Andaman II. Data ini akan digunakan untuk memfinalisasi identifikasi prospek pada data seismik 2D, yang menunjukkan indikasi langsung hidrokarbon. 

    Pengeboran direncanakan akan dilakukan pada 2021. Aset di Laut Andaman ini memiliki potensi untuk memasok gas dalam jumlah cukup besar hingga kisaran triliun kaki kubik.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Jan 24, 2020

The Phase II IDD Project is Underway

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia plans to work on an underwater oil and gas project or Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) phase II. However, the project has not yet been implemented because Chevron has not yet got a business partner.

Corporate Communication Manager of PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia Sonitha Poernomo said that his party through Chevron Rapak Ltd had already worked on the first phase of IDD in the form of developing the Bangka Field. The oil and gas field has been producing since August 2016. 

Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) phase II Chevron

    For the Phase II IDD project located in Gehem and Gendalo Field, the work was hampered because Chevron was still looking for strategic partners. Because there is a potential risk if the project is not economical. This means that the existence of these business partners to share risks.

The Phase II IDD project cannot compete for capital in the Chevron portfolio globally, "Sonitha said.

Unfortunately, Sonitha could not name the prospective partners who would collaborate with Chevron to work on the Phase II IDD project. But certainly, Chevron Rapak Ltd has obtained permission from the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) to open data in order to facilitate discussions regarding the identification of potential partners who are able to manage IDD projects.

"At the moment there is no final decision regarding the discussion," said Sonitha.

ENI Italy

SKK Migas Deputy for Operations Julius Wiratno said. Chevron has actually partnered with Eni, Tip Top, Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) and Mitra Muara Bakau in the Phase II IDD project. Since the Phase II IDD project schedule is always backward, there is a possibility that the economic value of this project will decrease.

So it's only natural that Chevron considers it. Not to mention the project is limited by termination in 2026/2027, "Maybe Chevron wants to share down to partners taking into account the economics of the project," said Julius.

Initially, SKK Migas projected that the Phase II IDD project could start production in 2024, before finally withdrawing to 2025. Chevron is still looking for strategic partners to share risks.


Proyek IDD Tahap II Terancam Molor

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia berencana menggarap proyek minyak dan gas bawah laut atau Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) tahap ll. Namun proyek tersebut belum juga terlaksana karena Chevron belum mendapatkan mitra bisnis. 

Manager Corporate Communication PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia Sonitha Poernomo mengatakan, pihaknya melalui Chevron Rapak Ltd sudah mengerjakan tahap pertama IDD berupa pengembangan Lapangan Bangka. Lapangan migas tersebut telah berproduksi sejak Agustus 2016 siIam. Untuk proyek IDD tahap II yang berada di Lapangan Gehem dan Gendalo, pengerjaannya terhambat karena Chevron masih mencari mitra kerja strategis. Pasalnya, ada potensi risiko jika proyek tersebut tidak ekonomis. Artinya keberadaan mitra bisnis ini untuk berbagi risiko.

Proyek IDD tahap II tidak dapat bersaing untuk mendapatkan modal dalam portofolio Chevron secara global,” kata Sonitha.

Sayangnya Sonitha belum bisa menyebutkan nama calon mitra yang akan bekerjasama dengan Chevron untuk mengerjakan proyek IDD tahap II. Namun yang pasti, Chevron Rapak Ltd sudah memperoleh izin dari Satuan Kerja Khusus Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas (SKK Migas) untuk membuka data dalam rangka memfasilitasi diskusi terkait identifikasi mitra potensial yang mampu mengelola proyek IDD.

”Pada saat ini tidak ada keputusan akhir mengenai diskusi tersebut,” kata Sonitha.

Deputi Operasional SKK Migas Julius Wiratno bilang. sebenarnya Chevron sudah bermitra dengan Eni, Tip Top, Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) dan Mitra Muara Bakau dalam proyek IDD tahap II. Berhubung jadwal proyek IDD tahap II selalu mundur, ada kemungkinan nilai keekonomian proyek ini semakin berkurang.

Jadi wajar apabila Chevron mempertimbangkannya. Belum lagi proyek tersebut dibatasi oleh terminasi pada tahun 2026/2027, ”Mungkin Chevron ingin share down ke mitra dengan memperhitungkan keekonomian proyek." ujar Julius. 

Awalnya, SKK Migas memproyeksikan proyek IDD tahap II bisa berproduksi pada 2024, sebelum akhirnya mundur menjadi tahun 2025. Chevron masih mencari mitra kerja strategis untuk berbagi risiko.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Jan 23, 2020

Pertamina is considering buying Chevron's shares in the Rokan Block

PT Pertamina (Persero) is considering buying some of Chevron Indonesia's shares in the Rokan Block. This stock purchase is an option to facilitate the company to invest before the current Rokan Block contract expires in 2021. The Rokan Block is one of the government's mainstays to achieve this year's oil lifting target of 755 thousand barrels per day (BPD).

the Rokan Block by Chevron

Pertamina Corporate Secretary Tajudin Noor said the transition process of the Rokan Block operatorship in which the company could carry out drilling was difficult before the contract ended. The existing rules require the company to have a participating interest in the Rokan Block first.

"Yes [there is a PI purchase plan], but all of our options are elaborated, of course, which does not violate the corridors of rules and regulations both from corporations and others," he said.

According to him, the company has a plan to be able to take strategic steps in order to maintain the level of production at the time of hand over. It's just which option will be implemented depends on the business agreement of the two companies. Tajudin explained, the company wanted to encourage well drilling to maintain the block's oil production when management shifted to Pertamina.

"Once entered, we drive investment because all depend on drilling to look for new potential there, including perhaps improving production facilities so that production levels are still maintained," he said.

He hopes that negotiations with Chevron will be finished soon so that drilling can be done in the near future. This step is considered very important to maintain the level of oil production there. Moreover, the Rokan Block is still a mainstay of national oil and gas production.

In a meeting with Commission VII of the Republic of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR RI), PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia President Director Albert Simanjuntak stated that his party would no longer drill wells in the Rokan Block because the contract would expire in 2021. This policy is likely to last until the contract expires. For this reason, there are three drilling funding schemes offered.

"First, Chevron is funding and drilling. Second, Chevron is drilling and Pertamina is funding. Third, Pertamina is funding and drilling the drill, "he said.

Regarding these three options, Tajudin added, Pertamina was still being considered. It's just that his party will see the whole, both from the legislation and other aspects.

"This is a b-to-b problem if there is a scheme we drill first then not consider it as a replacement and others. we must review the whole issue of GCG (Good Corporate Governance) and other rules because talking about drilling is talking about large funds, "he said.

Previously, Deputy Head of SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman added, the transition to the management of the Rokan Block should have started last year. However, Pertamina and CPI's business to business negotiations are quite complicated because they involve state revenues, so they require more time. SKK Migas will encourage this negotiation to finish in January.

"So drilling 70 wells in 2020 can occur. If Pertamina enters, can it add [Rokan Block production]. If you can, 20 thousand will be enough, "he explained.

The government has appointed Pertamina as the operator of the Rokan Block after its existing contract expires in 2021 in July last year. However, the Rokan Block PSC contract for the period after 2021, has just been signed by Pertamina in May 2020.

The transition process for the management of the Rokan Block has just begun after the new contract was signed. Referring to this new contract, Pertamina has a Certain Work Commitment (KKP) for the first five years in the Rokan Block worth the US $ 500 million or around Rp 7.2 trillion. 

        Some of the activities to be funded by the CTF include an EOR study of US $ 4 million, drilling of 11 exploration wells of US $ 69.8 million, drilling of five Telisa wells of US $ 18.1 million, stage-1 CEOR 7 pattern of US $ 247 million, and stage-1 steam flood Kulin or Rantau Bais US $ 88.6 million.


Pertamina Pertimbangkan Beli Saham Chevron di Blok Rokan

PT Pertamina (Persero) mempertimbangkan membeli sebagian saham Chevron Indonesia di Blok Rokan. Pembelian saham ini salah satu opsi untuk memudahkan perseroan melakukan investasi sebelum kontrak Blok Rokan yang berlaku saat ini berakhir pada 2021. Blok Rokan menjadi salah satu andalan pemerintah untuk mencapai target lifting minyak tahun ini 755 ribu barel per hari (bph).

Sekretaris Perusahaan Pertamina Tajudin Noor menuturkan, proses transisi operatorship Blok Rokan di mana perseroan bisa melakukan pengeboran sulit dilakukan sebelum kontrak berakhir. Aturan yang ada mengharuskan perseroan untuk memiliki saham partisipasi (participating interest) di Blok Rokan terlebih dahulu.

“Ya [ada rencana pembelian PI], tetapi semua opsi kami elaborasi, tentunya yang tidak melanggar koridor aturan dan perundangan baik dari korporasi dan lainnya,” kata dia.

Menurutnya, perseroan memiliki rencana untuk bisa melakukan langkah-langkah strategis dalam rangka mempertahankan tingkat produksi pada saat hand over. Hanya saja opsi mana yang akan dijalankan tergantung kepada kesepakatan bisnis kedua perusahaan. Tajudin menjelaskan, perseroan ingin mendorong pengeboran sumur untuk mempertahankan produksi minyak blok tersebut ketika pengelolaannya beralih ke Pertamina.

“Begitu masuk, kami drive investasi karena semua bergantung pada pengeboran untuk mencari potensi-potensi baru di sana, termasuk mungkin memperbaiki fasilitas produksi supaya tingkat produksi masih terjaga,” ujar dia.

Pihaknya berharap negosiasi dengan Chevron segera selesai, sehingga pengeboran bisa dilakukan dalam waktu dekat. Langkah ini dinilai sangat penting untuk menjaga tingkat produksi minyak di sana. Apalagi Blok Rokan masih jadi andalan produksi migas nasional. 

Dalam rapat dengan Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (DPR RI), Presiden Direktur PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia Albert Simanjuntak menyatakan, pihaknya tidak lagi mengebor sumur di Blok Rokan lantaran kontraknya akan habis pada 2021. Kebijakan ini kemungkinan akan berlangsung sampai kontrak habis. Untuk itu ada tiga skema pendanaan pengeboran yang ditawarkan.

“Pertama adalah Chevron yang mendanai dan melakukan pengeboran. Kedua, Chevron melakukan pengeboran dan Pertamina yang mendanai. Ketiga, Pertamina mendanai dan yang melakukan pengeboran bor,” kata dia.

Terkait ketiga opsi ini, Tajudin menambahkan, juga masih dipertimbangkan oleh Pertamina. Hanya saja pihaknya akan melihat secara keseluruhan, baik dari peraturan perundangan dan aspek-aspek lainnya.

“Ini masalahnya b to b, kalau ada skema kami bor lebih dulu kemudian tidak di-consider sebagai penggantian dan lain-lain. kami harus kaji secara keseluruhan masalah GCG (Good Corporate Governance) dan aturan lainnya karena bicara pengeboran ini bicara dana besar,” ujarnya.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman menambahkan, transisi pengelolaan Blok Rokan seharusnya dimulai pada tahun lalu. Namun, negosiasi bisnis (business to business) Pertamina dan CPI cukup rumit lantaran menyangkut pendapatan negara, sehingga memerlukan waktu lebih lama. SKK Migas akan mendorong negosiasi ini selesai di Januari.

“Jadi pengeboran 70 sumur di 2020 bisa terjadi. Kalau Pertamina masuk, bisa tambah [produksi Blok Rokan]. Kalau bisa, dapat 20 ribu sudah lumayan,” jelasnya.

Pemerintah telah menetapkan Pertamina sebagai operator Blok Rokan pasca kontrak eksistingnya berakhir pada 2021 nanti pada Juli tahun lalu. Namun, kontrak PSC Blok Rokan untuk periode setelah 2021, baru saja ditandatangani oleh Pertamina pada Mei tahun 2020 ini. 

Proses transisi pengelolaan Blok Rokan baru saja dimulai pasca kontrak baru ditandatangani. Mengacu kontrak baru ini, Pertamina memiliki Komitmen Kerja Pasti (KKP) untuk lima tahun pertama di Blok Rokan senilai US$ 500 juta atau sekitar Rp 7,2 triliun. 

      Beberapa kegiatan yang akan didanai dengan KKP ini yakni studi EOR senilai US$ 4 juta, pengeboran 11 sumur eksplorasi US$ 69,8 juta, pengeboran lima sumur Telisa US$ 18,1 juta, stage-1 CEOR 7 pattern US$ 247 juta, dan stage-1 steam flood Kulin atau Rantau Bais US$ 88,6 juta.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Jan 23, 2020

Fluctuating Tough Refinery Production

BP Berau Ltd. faced with technical obstacles in the form of comprehensive maintenance activities (turn around) so that gas production in the Tangguh refinery is fluctuating. 

     BP Indonesia Head of Country Moektianto Soeryo Wibowo admitted the field of operations was still relatively young so reservoir work was still considered good. It's just that in the field technical problems often occur so that BP routinely makes a turnaround.

Moektianto Soeryo Wibowo

He added, on average, nine treatments were carried out annually. Especially this year, the number could be 10 times. This condition causes production to fluctuate because when the turn around is carried out, one train will stop temporarily and only one will operate.

It is important to know, the Tangguh Refinery has begun producing since 2009 through the Tangguh Train Train-1 and Train-2 Train with a total capacity of 7.6 million metric tons per year (mtpa) or 1.4 Bcf of gas. Until early January 2019, cumulative production has reached 1,000 cargoes. In 2019, Tangguh Refinery LNG production has reached 100% of the target work program and budget (WP&B), which is 118 cargoes.

"The highest production in 2018 is 122 cargoes. Incidentally, 2018 was not turned around at all, "he said.

In 2021, the Tangguh refinery is targeted to be able to produce 121 cargoes. Since 2013, BP has supplied domestic gas needs. According to him, the domestic gas supply continues to increase. He is optimistic that the Tangguh Train-3 Refinery project will be operational in August 2021 so that it will increase BP's production by 3.8 million mtpa. This means that with three train units operating in 2021 BP's gas production could reach 11.4 million mtpa.

BP has contracted with the State Electricity Company (PLN) to supply 75% of gas production from the Train-3 Tangguh refinery, while the rest will be exported. PLN will receive 688 cargoes from the Tangguh LNG Plant from 2016 to 2033.


Produksi Kilang Tangguh Fluktuatif

BP Berau Ltd. dihadapkan pada kendala teknis berupa kegiatan perawatan menyeluruh (turn around) sehingga produksi gas di Kilang Tangguh fluktuatif. Head of Country BP Indonesia Moektianto Soeryo Wibowo mengakui lapangan operasi memang masih relatif muda sehingga kerja reservoir masih terhitung bagus. Hanya saja di lapangan sering terjadi kendala teknis sehingga BP rutin melakukan turn around.

Dia menambahkan, rata-rata setiap tahun dilakukan sembilan kali perawatan. Khusus tahun ini, jumlahnya bisa menjadi 10 kali. Kondisi tersebut mengakibatkan produksi akan naik turun karena ketika kegiatan turn around dilakukan, salah satu train akan berhenti sementara dan hanya satu yang beroperasi. 

Perlu diketahui, Kilang Tangguh mulai berproduksi sejak 2009 lewat Kilang Tangguh Train-1 dan Kilang tangguh Train-2 dengan kapasitas total 7,6 juta metrik ton per tahun (mtpa) atau 1,4 Bcf gas. Hingga awal Januari 2019, produksi kumulatif telah mencapai 1.000 kargo. Pada 2019, produksi LNG Kilang Tangguh telah mencapai 100% dari target work program and budget (WP&B), yakni sebanyak 118 kargo.

“Produksi tertinggi 2018, yakni 122 kargo. Kebetulan 2018 tidak di-turn round sama sekali,” katanya.

Pada 2021, Kilang Tangguh ditargetkan mampu memproduksi sebanyak 121 kargo. Adapun sejak 2013, BP sudah memasok keperluan gas domestik. Menurutnya, pasokan gas domestik terus mengalami peningkatan. Dia optimistis proyek Kilang Tangguh Train-3 dapat beroperasi pada Agustus 2021 sehingga akan menambah produksi BP sebanyak 3,8 juta mtpa. Artinya, dengan tiga unit train beroperasi pada 2021 produksi gas BP dapat mencapai 11,4 juta mtpa.

BP telah berkontrak dengan Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) untuk memasok 75% produksi gas dari Kilang Tangguh Train-3, sedangkan sisanya akan diekspor. PLN nantinya akan menerima 688 kargo dari Kilang LNG Tangguh selama 2016 sampai 2033.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-20, Wednesday, Jan 22, 2020