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Friday, February 21, 2020

Masela's New Round

Finally, there began to shed some light on the future of gas from the Abadi Field, Blok Asela, in Maluku. PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PT PLN Persero) and PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) signed a memorandum of understanding on gas purchases with Inpex Corporation on Wednesday (2/19/2020) night in Jakarta. This is the first step in a long journey on how natural resources in Indonesia should be managed.

The Abadi Field on the Masela Block

The Abadi Field on the Masela Block is another blessing from God for this country. Discovered in 1998, proven reserves of Masela gas 18.5 trillion cubic feet. Planned for production in 2027, the Masela Block will produce 9.5 million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) per year and 150 million standard cubic feet per day (MMS CFD) of natural gas.

Even more detailed, the natural wealth is managed with a capital of 19.8 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 267 trillion. The government calculation shows that the total gross revenue from the Masela Block will reach 118.41 billion US dollars or nearly Rp 1,600 trillion during operation. The share of the country will reach 38.9 billion US dollars or Rp 525 trillion. The remainder is the contractor's portion and the recovered operating costs (cost recovery).

the Arun gas field in Lhokseumawe, Aceh

How can you make Masela's fate unlike other natural resource-producing regions in Indonesia? As a comparison, the Arun gas field in Lhokseumawe, Aceh. Starting in production in 1979, Arun gas was exported to Japan and South Korea. Arun was recorded as the largest natural gas producer in the world in 1990 with a production capacity of 1.5 million tons per year.

As it was written in this column on December 7, 2019, the Arun gas well is now dry and has stopped operating since October 2014. So, what is the Arun gas yield? Based on statistical data, the poverty rate in Aceh as of March 2019 was 15.32 percent, far above the national average in the same period of 9.41 percent.

The Human Development Index (HDI) in Aceh in 2018 is 71.19 or slightly below the national HDI of 71.39 Arun should be a lesson for Masela. How abundant natural wealth turned out not to be able to fully improve the lives of its people. That is because natural wealth is seen as a commodity-producing foreign exchange, not the capital for driving domestic development.

The matter of managing natural resources is not a trivial matter. Moreover, Masela is much bigger than Arun. The management is definitely more complicated. The signs have been seen when the polemic decided whether the Masela Block gas should be managed offshore or processed at an onshore refinery several years ago. Finally, the Masela gas was decided to be processed at the mainland refinery.

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PT PLN Persero)

The memorandum of understanding is already in the right direction. Its natural gas is the source of energy for PLN's power plants. While the rest is used to support the fertilizer industry. Indeed, the memorandum of understanding is not final and binding like a gas sale and purchase agreement. At least this is the first step of a long journey ahead.

For PLN, the use of gas from Masela can replace fuel oil for electricity generation. While for the fertilizer industry, gas becomes a vital raw material. Gas from Abadi Field is piped directly to the fertilizer plant. This means that fertilizer plants must be built on land or on the island around sources of gas capable of providing new jobs.

Once again, Arun must be a lesson for Masela. Gas must be a source of energy to empower the economy in the country, not sold to generate foreign exchange. Both the regional and central government must have a long-term vision so that the Masela Block does not suffer the same fate as the Arun Block. 

Kompas, Page-13, Friday, Feb 21, 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Pertamina EP Asset 4 Drill in Six New Wells

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 has carried out the 2020 Work Plan Kickoff activity which was followed by all Field Managers and Managers in Asset with the aim of aligning the vision and mission of Asset 4 in realizing performance targets in 2020.

"We have exceeded 2019 very well although production targets have still not been reached. My hope in 2020 this work plan that we have prepared together can be carried out well and production can be achieved by 16,100 BOPD and for gas by 162.22 MMSCFD, "said Asset 4 General Manager, Agus Amperianto.

Agus Amperianto

Agus added that to support the achievement of the 16,100 BOPD production target and for the gas of 162.22 MMSCFD, Asset 4 has a work plan with 6 new drilling wells, including in Cepu Field 4 Wells (KWG-PWAI, KW G-PCAI, KWG-PXA1, SMG-SMG) P17S), Sukowati Field 1 Well namely SKW-1003 and Papua Field 1 Well namely SLW-A9X.

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Area

"In addition, there is 4 work over Wells, in Cepu Field 3 Wells (NGL-P0 l, LDX-P02, SMG-UPD01) and Poleng Field l Well-BWH 4H. Then there are seismic survey activities and other studies, "he said.

In addition to new drilling and workover, for future evaluation, it is also necessary to strengthen Well Intervention and make new efforts such as reinterpretation of data.

Block Cepu Field

"We will see the data again," Agus said.

Donggi Matindok Field in Sulawesi

Meanwhile in 2020 Asset 4 has 85 Well Intervention plans, where Cepu Field plans 24 Job, Poleng Field 7 Job, Donggi Matindok Field in Sulawesi 2 Job, Papua Field 27 Job and Sukowati Tuban Field 25 Job.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Sukowati Tuban Field

"With the Well Intervention effort, we hope to be able to put a halt to the decline in natural production or the Decline Rate by 30% per year," Agus explained.

For development plans in Eastern Indonesia, Papua Field will conduct drilling at Salawati well SLW-A9X.

"This is well-awaited Wells drilling because after a while we have just had the opportunity to do well drilling. It is hoped that the SLW-A9X well drilling will produce good results of around 220 BOPD, "Agus hoped.

Bhirawa, Page-10, Wednesday, Feb 19, 2020.

Monday, February 17, 2020

ESDM Accelerates Sakakemang Block

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will accelerate the submission of plans for the development of oil and gas fields. One example of the acceleration done is through the certification of reserves in the Saka Kemang Block.

the Saka Kemang Block in Sumatra

Repsol, the cooperation contract contractor (KKKS) for the block manager, is reported to have been gradually certifying oil and gas reserves in order to accelerate POD. 

Repsol Girl's

    In the initial certification the amount of reserves included was only 1 Trillion Cubic Feet (TCF) from proven potential reserves of around 2 TCF. Sakakemang Block is one of the largest oil and gas discoveries in the world during the 2018-209 period.

"What I heard was preparing for POD earlier this year," explained Deputy Operations of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) JuIius Wiratno.

Acting Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ego Syahrial hopes SKK Migas can make efforts to accelerate the oil and gas field PoD. Because many oil and gas blocks have not yet entered the PoD stage. In fact, the block could have great potential.

"There are still many, such as in Masela, there are those who will only enter PoD in 2027. If it can be accelerated," said Ego Syahrial.

Actually, efforts to accelerate the PoD have begun to be carried out by SKK Migas. Earlier this year SKK Migas launched the One Door Service Policy (ODSP) program to facilitate licensing so that it could accelerate the implementation of oil and gas projects in Indonesia. 

     With ODSP, both SKK Migas and KKKS will become a team. Both of them coordinate with each other while proactively overseeing the licensing process. KKKS also does not need to operate independently in managing oil and gas project licensing.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Feb 17, 2020

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Pertamina Asset 4 Targets 16,100 BOPD Production

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 held a 2020 Work Plan Kickoff activity. Activities were followed by all field managers and managers in asset 4. This activity aims to equalize the vision and mission of Pertamina Asset 4 in realizing the 2020 performance target.

"We have exceeded 2019 very well although production targets have still not been reached. My hope in 2020 this work plan that we have prepared together can be carried out well and production can be reached at 16,100 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and for gas as big as 162.22 Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD), "said Asset 4 General Manager Agus Amperianto.

Agus Amperianto

To support the achievement of the production target of 16,100 BOPD and for gas of 162.22 MMSCFD, Asset 4 has a work plan with 6 new drilling wells, including in Cepu Field 4 Wells (KWG-PWA1, KWG-PCA1, KWG-PXA1, SMG-P17S), including Cepu Field 4 Wells (KWG-PWA1, KWG-PCA1, KWG-PXA1, SMG-P17S), Sukowati Field 1 Wells, namely SKW-1003 and Papua Field 1 Wells, namely SLW-A9X.

"In addition, there are 4 workover Wells, in Cepu Field 3 Wells (NGL-P01, LDX-PO2, SMG-UPD01) and Poleng Field 1 Wells BW-4H. Then there are seismic survey activities and other studies ", explained Agus.

Furthermore, Agus added that in addition to new drilling and Workover, for future evaluation, it also needs to strengthen Well intervention and make new efforts, such as re-interpretation of data. We will see the data again, "Agus explained.

In 2020 Asset 4 has 85 well intervention plans, of which Cepu Field has 24 Job plans, Poleng Field 7 Job, Donggi Matindok Field 2 Job, Papua Field 27 Job, and Sukowati Field 25 Job.

"With the Well intervention effort, we hope to be able to put a halt to the decline in natural production or decline rate of 30 percent per year," Agus explained.

Meanwhile, for development plans in Eastern Indonesia, Papua Field will conduct drilling in Salawati Sumur SLW-A9X.

"This is well-awaited Well drilling. Because after some time we only had the opportunity to do well drilling. Hopefully, this SLW-A9X Well drilling will produce good results of around 220 BOPD," Agus said.

Thus, with the target oil of 16,100 BOPD and Gas 162.22 MMSCFD, will be obtained from the Cepu Field production target of 2,213 BOPD, Poleng Field of 2,789 BOPD, Donggi Matindok Field of 600 BCPD, Papua Field of 1,192 BOPD, Unit of 67 BOPD Mosquito and Sukowati Field of 2,789 BOPD 9,240 BOPD.


Pertamina Asset 4 Targetkan Produksi 16.100 BOPD

PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 menyelenggarakan kegiatan Kickoff Rencana Kerja Tahun 2020. Kegiatan yang diikuti oleh seluruh field manager dan manajer di asset 4 tersebut. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menyamakan visi dan misi Pertamina Asset 4 dalam merealisasikan target kinerja tahun 2020.

"Kita sudah lampaui tahun 2019 dengan sangat baik meskipun target produksi masih belum tercapai. Harapan saya di 2020 ini rencana kerja yang sudah kita siapkan bersama ini bisa terlaksana dengan baik dan produksi bisa tercapai sebesar 16.100 barrel oil per day (BOPD) dan untuk gas sebesar 162.22 Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD)," ujar Asset 4 General Manager Agus Amperianto.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Surabaya

Untuk mendukung tercapainya target produksi 16.100 BOPD dan untuk gas sebesar 162.22 MMSCFD, Asset 4 memiliki rencana kerja dengan 6 sumur pemboran baru, antara lain di Cepu Field 4 Sumur (KWG-PWA1, KWG- PCA1, KWG-PXA1, SMG-P17S), Sukowati Field 1 Sumur, yaitu SKW-1003 dan Papua Field 1 Sumur, yaitu SLW-A9X.

"Selain itu ada 4 sumur work over, di Cepu Field 3 Sumur (NGL-P01, LDX-PO2, SMG- UPD01) dan Poleng Field 1 Sumur BW-4H. Kemudian ada
kegiatan survei seismik dan studi lainnya", jelas Agus.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Tuban East Java

Lebih lanjut, Agus menambahkan bahwa selain pemboran baru dan Work over, untuk evaluasi ke depan, juga perlu perkuat well intervention dan melakukan upaya-upaya yang baru, seperti interpretasi ulang data. Kita lihat lagi data yang ada," jelas Agus.
Tahun 2020 Asset 4 memiliki rencana 85 well intervention, dimana Cepu Field rencana 24 Job, Poleng Field 7 Job, Donggi Matindok Field 2 Job, Papua Field 27 Job, dan Sukowati Field 25 Job. 

"Dengan upaya well intervention itu kita berharap bisa menahan laju penurunan produksi alamiah atau decline rate sebesar 30 persen per tahun", jelas Agus.

Sementara itu, untuk rencana pengembangan di Kawasan Timur Indonesia, Papua Field akan melaksanakan pemboran di Salawati Sumur SLW-A9X.

"Ini merupakan pemboran sumur yang sudah sangat dinanti. Karena setelah beberapa waktu lamanya kita baru berkesempatan untuk melakukan pemboran sumur. Harapannya pemboran Sumur SLW-A9X ini memberi hasil yang bagus sekitar 220 BOPD", kata Agus.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Pertamina EP Asset 4 Tuban East Java

Dengan demikian, dengan target minyak 16.100 BOPD dan Gas 162.22 MMSCFD, akan diperoleh dari produksi Cepu Field target 2.213 BOPD, Poleng Field sebesar 2.789 BOPD, Donggi Matindok Field sebesar 600 BCPD, Papua Field sebesar 1.192 BOPD, Unitisasi Wakamuk 67 BOPD dan Sukowati Field sebesar 9.240 BOPD.

Harian Bangsa, Page-4, Saturday, Feb 15, 2020

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Cepu Block EIA Revision Still Encountered Dead End

The government is targeting the production of 1 million barrels of oil per day in 2025. To pursue this target, the government wants to increase the production of the Cepu Block. 

    Based on SKK Migas data, oil and gas lifting until 30 December 2019 reached 1.79 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd). The realization is only equivalent to 88.6396 of the target of oil and gas lifting in the 2019 State Expenditure Budget (APBN) of 2 million boepd.

This year, the government is targeting oil lifting to reach 755,000 barrels per day (bopd) and 1.19 million boepd of natural gas. As a result, the total oil and gas lifting target throughout 2020 reached 1.95 million boepd. SKK Migas hopes that ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) as an operator in the Cepu Block can immediately spur production. It's just that this effort is still hampered by the revision of the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) that has not yet been issued by the Bojonegoro Regency Government.

SKK Migas Deputy for Operations Julius Wiratno said, to date the process is still ongoing between the relevant ministries and the regional government.

"It's being worked on by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) which will invite the Amdal commission meeting," he said.

Dwi Soetjipto

Nevertheless, Julius was not sure when the meeting would take place. Not much different, the Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto stated until now the process of revision of the Cepu Block Environmental Impact Assessment is still ongoing.

"Yes, we are in the process, we have met several times," he said.

PT ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd (EMCL) successfully recorded an annual oil production of 218,000 bopd at the Banyu Urip field last year, this amount is equivalent to 29% of the total national oil production.

Louise McKenzie

ExxonMobil Cepu President Director Louise McKenzie said, Banyu Urip oil production last year had met the number of produced reserves in accordance with the plan of development (POD) of 357 million barrels. Louise McKenzie also admitted, the produced reserves from Banyu Urip have been renewed and could reach 940 million barrels.

ExxonMobil Cepu (EMCL) also hopes to increase and maintain oil production in the Banyu Urip Field in the range of 220,000 bopd in 2020. This is in view of ExxonMobil Cepu's status as one of the main pillars of oil production in Indonesia.

"We are trying to create prudent reservoir management to ensure production is maintained," McKenzie said.

the Jambaran Tiung Biru Project

The approval process for the Amdal revision was held in the Bojonegoro Regional Government. This is because the arrest of the Amdal revision approval was also accompanied by other requests by the Regional Government, including a gas request of 30 MMscfd from the Jambaran Tiung Biru Project.


Revisi Amdal Blok Cepu Masih Menemui Jalan Buntu

Pemerintah menargetkan produksi 1 juta barel minyak per hari pada tahun 2025 mendatang. Untuk mengejar target tersebut, pemerintah ingin meningkatkan produksi Blok Cepu. Berdasarkan data SKK Migas, lifting migas hingga 30 Desember 2019 mencapai 1,79juta barel setara minyak per hari (boepd). Realisasi tersebut hanya setara 88,6396 dari target hfting migas dalam Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2019 yang sebesar 2 juta boepd. 

Pada tahun ini, pemerintah menargetlkan lifting minyak mencapai 755.000 barel per hari (bopd) dan gas bumi 1,19juta boepd. Alhasil, total target lifting migas di sepanjang 2020 mencapai 1,95 juta boepd. SKK Migas berharap, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) sebagai operator di Blok Cepu bisa segera memacu produksi. Hanya saja upaya ini masih terganjal revisi Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal) yang belum terbit dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Bojonegoro.

Deputi Operasi SKK Migas Julius Wiratno mengatakan, hingga saat ini proses tersebut masih berlangsung di antara kementerian terkait dan pemerintah daerah. 

“Sedang diusahakan oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) yang akan mengundang untuk rapat komisi Amdal," ujarnya.

Kendati demikian, Julius belum bisa memastikan kapan pertemuan itu akan terealisasi. Tidak jauh berbeda, Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto menyatakan, hingga kini proses revisi Amdal Blok Cepu masih berlangsung. 

"Ya, sedang berproses, kami sudah bertemu beberapa kali,” ujar dia.

PT ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd (EMCL) berhasil mencatatkan produksi minyak tahunan sebesar 218.000 bopd di Lapangan Banyu Urip pada tahun lalu jumlah ini setara dengan 29% dari total produksi minyak secara nasional. 

Presiden Direktur ExxonMobil Cepu Louise McKenzie menyebutkan, produksi minyak Banyu Urip tahun lalu sudah memenuhi angka cadangan terprodulsi sesuai plan of development (POD) yakni 357 juta barel. Louise McKenzie pun mengaku, cadangan terproduksi dari Banyu Urip sudah diperbarui dan bisa mencapai 940 juta barel.

ExxonMobil Cepu (EMCL) pun berharap dapat meningkatkan sekaligus mempertahankan produksi minyak di Lapangan Banyu Urip di kisaran 220.000 bopd di tahun 2020. Ini mengingat status ExxonMobil Cepu sebagai salah satu tumpuan utama produksi minyak di Indonesia. 

"Kami berusaha menciptakan manajemen reservoir yang prudent untuk memastikan produksi tetap terjaga," kata McKenzie.

Proses persetujuan revisi Amdal ini tertahan di Pemerintah Daerah Bojonegoro. Pasalnya, penahanan persetujuan revisi Amdal juga disertai permintaan lain oleh Pemerintah Daerah, termasuk permintaan gas sebesar 30 MMscfd dari Proyek Jambaran Tiung Biru.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Feb 12, 2020

PGN Targeting the International LNG Market Up to 34 Cargoes /Year

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk is developing a commitment to sell liquefied natural gas / LNG on the international market to 34 cargoes per year. Not only selling LNG, but PGN will also work on gas infrastructure projects in other countries.

PGN's Managing Director Gigih Prakoso revealed, with his ability in the field of LNG and gas infrastructure, his side began to develop the international LNG sales business. This is to optimize domestic and international LNG portfolios owned by Pertamina Group and PGN. Based on PGN data, there is at least a market potential of up to 34 cargoes per year that the company will work on.

"Namely Myanmar 9 cargoes per year for 5-7 years starting in 2021, the Philippines 18 cargoes per year for 2023-2043, China 6-7 cargoes per year, and Japan 1-2 cargoes and Europe 1-1 cargoes in 2020," said he was in a meeting with Commission VII of the House of Representatives.


So far, PGN has had a gas sale and purchase agreement (PJBG) with Sinopec, an oil and gas company from China, at the end of last year. Under this agreement, PGN will start shipping LNG to China starting this year around 6 cargoes. 

     While with other countries, PGN's Director of Business Strategy and Development Syahrial Muktar added, no binding agreement had been signed. So far, it has only received an initial commitment to supply LNG needs and build infrastructure in certain countries.

"For trading, we have made some initial commitments with several countries. We just talked about volume, about the price of adjusting existing developments, "he explained.

According to him, PGN focused on working on the LNG market in the Asian region, particularly Southeast Asia and South Asia. This is because LNG needs in this region are smaller in scale, both in terms of the volume and capacity of the required gas infrastructure. With the Arun LNG Terminal, he is optimistic that it can meet the needs of this small scale LNG.

"We made our location in Arun for the LNG Hub. Later we will bring [large LNG supplies] there, we transfer them to smaller vessels, then we will carry them for supply, "Syahrial said.

Specifically, in the Philippines, PGN will provide LNG supplies as well as build its infrastructure. Therefore, he projects that the LNG sales contract to the Philippines will be quite long. Originally, sales to the Philippines could begin in 2024 along with the completion of infrastructure development.

"There are stages. This year we have started the FID (final investment decision). We are currently working on the Joint Development Agreement, we cannot share the details, "he said.

Facilities to be worked on include LNG receiving, storing and regasification terminals. While the market potential in Myanmar, Europe, and Japan, PGN said he would only sell LNG. Syahrial added it was eyeing opportunities in Europe to optimize gas production from its oil and gas fields in the United States, namely the Fasken Field.

"For this year, the plan is up to 6 cargoes, some to China and Europe," he said.

However, he admitted that there would be a delay in the shipment of LNG to China following the Corona Virus.

Need support

Gigih added, his party expected the support of the government and the House of Representatives to support the monetization of the domestic gas field and optimize the LNG portfolio. He hopes PGN is supported to play a role in the LNG seller representative to market domestic gas. Then, the company also hopes to be trusted as a bidder for the auction of LNG spots for export destinations run by domestic oil and gas producers.

"Then, we hope to be supported by being able to run the domestic LNG business and international initiation as a global LNG player," he said.

Syahrial added the development of the LNG sales business will not collide with plans to open LNG imports. According to him, LNG imports can be done when prices in the spot market drop significantly so that they can be used to improve the domestic price structure.

"So it is not a long-term import, more to the spot, utilizing cheap external market conditions. But it is still the government that determines it, "he explained.

Cheniere Energy Inc.

Based on Investor Daily's notes, Pertamina had previously signed three LNG import contracts. Pertamina has signed a gas sale and purchases agreement (PJBG) with a subsidiary of Cheniere Energy Inc., Corpus Christi Liquefaction Liability Company, to supply 0.76 million tons of LNG per year starting in 2019 for 20 years.

Pertamina has also contracted with Cheniere Energy with the same volume but started in 2018 with a duration of 20 years. Then, Pertamina has contracted with Woodside with a volume of around 0.6 million tons per year which could be increased to 1.1 million tons per year. Supply of 0.6 million tons per year began to be delivered in 2022-2034 and could be increased to 1.1 million tons per year in 2024-2038.

Finally, the company has ahead of agreement (HoA) with ExxonMobil to supply 1 million tons per year for 20 years starting in 2025. Pertamina has also signed a PJBG with Mozambique LNG 1 Company Pte Ltd for 1 million tons per year.


PGN Incar Pasar LNG Internasional Hingga 34 Kargo/Tahun

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk tengah mengembangkan komitmen penjualan gas alam cair/LNG di pasar internasional hingga 34 kargo per tahun. Tidak hanya menjual LNG, PGN juga akan mengerjakan proyek infrastruktur gas di negara lain.

Direktur Utama PGN Gigih Prakoso mengungkapkan, dengan kemampunan di bidang LNG dan infrastruktur gas, pihaknya mulai mengembangkan bisnis penjualan LNG internasional. Hal ini untuk mengoptimalisasi portofolio LNG dalam negeri maupun internasional yang dimiliki Pertamina Group dan PGN. Berdasarkan data PGN, setidaknya terdapat potensi pasar hingga 34 kargo per tahun yang akan digarap perusahaan.

“Yakni Myanmar 9 kargo per tahun selama 5-7 tahun mulai 2021, Filipina 18 kargo per tahun untuk 2023-2043, Tiongkok 6-7 kargo per tahun, serta Jepang 1-2 kargo dan Eropa 1-1 kargo di 2020,” kata dia dalam rapat dengan Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat.

Sejauh ini, PGN telah memiliki perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG) dengan Sinopec, perusahaan migas asal Tiongkok, pada akhir tahun lalu. Berdasarkan kesepakatan ini, PGN akan mulai mengirimkan LNG ke Tiongkok mulai tahun ini sekitar 6 kargo. Sementara dengan negara lain, Direktur Strategi dan Pengembangan Bisnis PGN Syahrial Muktar menambahkan, belum ada perjanjian mengikat yang ditandatangani. Sejauh ini, pihaknya baru memperoleh komitmen awal untuk memasok kebutuhan LNG dan membangun infrastruktur di negara-negara tertentu.

“Untuk trading-nya, kami sudah ada beberapa komitmen awal dengan beberapa negara. Kami baru bicara volume, soal harga menyesuaikan perkembangan yang ada,” jelasnya.

Menurutnya, PGN fokus menggarap pasar LNG di region Asia, utamanya Asia Tenggara dan Asia Selatan. Hal ini lantaran kebutuhan LNG di wilayah ini lebih banyak dalam skala kecil, baik volume maupun kapasitas infrastruktur gas yang dibutuhkan. Dengan adanya Terminal LNG Arun, pihaknya optimis bisa memenuhi kebutuhan LNG skala kecil ini.

“Kami jadikan lokasi kami di Arun untuk LNG Hub. Nanti kami bawa [pasokan LNG] besar ke sana, kami pindahkan ke kapal lebih kecil baru kami bawa untuk suplai,” kata Syahrial.

Khusus di Filipina, PGN akan menyediakan pasokan LNG sekaligus membangun inrastrukturnya. Karenanya, pihaknya memproyeksikan kontrak penjualan LNG ke Filipina ini bakal cukup lama. Sedianya, penjualan ke Filipina bisa dimulai pada 2024 bersamaan selesainya pembangunan infrastruktur.

“Ini ada tahapan. Tahun ini sudah mulai FID-nya (final investment decision) kami sedang mengerjakan Joint Development Agreement-nya, belum bisa share detailnya,” ungkapnya.

Fasilitas yang akan dikerjakan meliputi terminal penerimaan, penyimpanan, dan regasifikasi LNG. Sementara potensi pasar di Myanmar, Eropa dan Jepang, PGN disebutnya hanya akan menjual LNG saja. Syahrial menambahkan, pihaknya mengincar peluang di Eropa guna mengoptimalkan produksi gas dari lapangan migasnya di Amerika Serikat, yakni Lapangan Fasken.

“Untuk tahun ini, rencananya sampai dengan 6 kargo, ada yang ke Tiongkok dan Eropa,” tutur dia.

Namun, diakuinya kemungkinan akan ada penundaan pengiriman LNG ke Tiongkok menyusul menyebarkan Virus Korona.

Butuh Dukungan

Gigih menambahkan, pihaknya mengharapkan adanya dukungan pemerintah dan DPR untuk mendukung monetisasi lapangan gas domesik dan melakukan optimalisasi portofolio LNG. Pihaknya berharap PGN didukung untuk berperan dalam LNG seller representantive untuk memasarkan gas domestik. Kemudian, perusahaan juga berharap dipercaya sebagai bidder untuk lelang spot LNG tujuan ekspor yang dijalankan oleh produsen migas dalam negeri.

“Kemudian, kami berharap didukung bisa menjalankan bisnis LNG domestik dan inisiasi internasional sebagai global LNG player,” tutur dia.

Syahrial menambahkan, pengembangan bisnis penjualan LNG tidak akan bertabrakan dengan rencana membuka impor LNG. Menurutnya, impor LNG dapat dilakukan ketika harga di pasar spot turun signifikan, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk memperbaiki struktur harga di dalam negeri.

“Jadi bukan impor jangka panjang, lebih ke spot, memanfaatkan kondisi pasar luar yang murah. Tetapi itu tetap pemerintah yang tentukan,” jelas dia.

Berdasarkan catatan Investor Daily, Pertamina sebelumnya telah meneken tiga kontrak impor LNG. Pertamina telah menandatangani perjanjian jual beli gas (PJBG) dengan anak usaha Cheniere Energy Inc yakni Corpus Christi Liquefaction Liability Company untuk memasok 0,76 juta ton per tahun LNG mulai 2019 selama 20 tahun. 

Pertamina juga sudah berkontrak dengan Cheniere Energy dengan volume yang sama namun dimulai pada 2018 dengan durasi 20 tahun. Kemudian, Pertamina telah berkontrak dengan Woodside dengan volume sekitar 0,6 juta ton per tahun yang bisa ditingkatkan menjadi 1,1 juta ton per tahun. Pasokan 0,6 juta ton per tahun mulai dikirim 2022-2034 dan bisa ditingkatkan menjadi 1,1 juta ton per tahun pada 2024-2038. 

Terakhir, perseroan memiliki kesepakatan (head of agreement/HoA) dengan ExxonMobil untuk pasokan sebanyak 1 juta ton per tahun selama 20 tahun mulai 2025. Pertamina juga telah meneken PJBG dengan Mozambique LNG 1 Company Pte Ltd sebesar 1 juta ton per tahun.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Feb 12, 2020

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Sufficient Gas Supply Guaranteed

Gas supply is certain to increase with the operation of a number of gas fields next few years. The government is planning to guarantee that there will be no problems with gas supply for domestic needs. Gas supply is getting stronger following the production of a number of gas fields in the next few years. As for the price, the price reduction option continues to be studied.

Dwi Soetiipto

Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetiipto said, in 2026 and 2027 there were two gas projects that would produce in large quantities.

the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD)

The project is the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) in the Makassar Strait and the Abadi Field of the Masela Block in the open sea of Maluku. IDD is targeted to produce 844 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of natural gas, while Abadi Field produces 9.5 million tons of liquefied natural gas per year.

the Masela Block

"Completed overseas sales contracts can be transferred domestically. In addition, there are two upstream projects that will be producing in large quantities, namely IDD and Masela, which will increase supply, "Dwi said after a hearing with the Committee II of the Regional Representative Council, in Jakarta.

The government is also committed to expanding gas supplies for domestic needs. The share of gas for the country is 70 percent while the remaining 36 percent is for exports.

Arifin Tasrif

"Domestic gas demand continues to increase. In the next few years, the possibility for the interior to increase to 70 percent, "said Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Minister Arifin Tasrif.

Throughout 2019, the realization of production is ready to sell (lifting) natural gas 5,934 MMSCFD or still below the state budget target of 7,000 MMSCFD. This year, the government is targeting 6,670 MMSCFD of gas lifting.

Regarding the government's plan to optimize domestic gas uptake, the Deputy Chairman of the Upstream and Petrochemical Industry Committee at the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Achmad Widjaja said, if the government really wants to optimize gas, the diesel user industry must switch to gas. Because, 70 percent of the micro, small and medium businesses, small and medium industries to large industries in Java use diesel as the main fuel.

"Need special handling in order to switch to gas. What does the government want? That's the problem, "Achmad said.

The issue of infrastructure which is often used as a reason for hampering optimization of domestic gas, said Achmad, two regasification and floating storage (FSRU) vessels so far have been less than optimal to increase their role.

In addition, the cross-Java pipeline network is less connected to central Java. In addition, the pipeline network in Sumatra, which is mostly owned by SOEs, should be open access (use of shared gas pipes) so that gas prices are more affordable for consumers.

In the study, the Government is still examining various options regarding the reduction in gas prices. The price of gas for the industry is regulated through Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 40 of 2016 concerning Determination of Natural Gas Prices.

The regulation states that if gas prices cannot meet the economics of industrial users of natural gas and gas prices are higher than the US $ 6 per million British thermal units (MMBTU), the minister can set certain gas prices.

The stipulation is specifically for natural gas users in the fertilizer, petrochemical, oleochemical, steel, ceramic, glass, and rubber gloves industries. The options prepared by the government are reducing the country's share of upstream prices, requiring gas producers in Indonesia to meet the allocation policy for domestic needs, and freeing the private sector to import gas for industrial zones that are not yet connected to gas infrastructure.


Pasokan Gas Dijamin Cukup

Suplai gas dipastikan bertambah seiring beroperasinya sejumlah lapangan gas beberapa tahun ko depan. Pemerintah mewacanakan menjamin tidak ada masalah pasokan gas untuk kebutuhan di dalam negeri. Pasokan gas semakin kuat menyusul berproduksinya sejumlah lapangan gas dalam beberapa tahun ke depan. Adapun soal harga, opsi penurunan harga terus dikaji.

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetiipto mengatakan, pada 2026 dan 2027 ada dua proyek gas yang akan berproduksi dalam jumlah besar. 
Proyek itu adalah Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) di Selat Makassar dan Lapangan Abadi Blok Masela di laut lepas Maluku. IDD ditargetkan menghasilkan gas bumi 844 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD), sedangkan Lapangan Abadi menghasilkan gas alam cair 9,5 juta ton per tahun.

”Kontrak penjualan ke luar negeri yang selesai bisa dialihkan ke dalam negeri. Selain itu, ada dua proyek hulu yang bakal berproduksi dalam jumlah besar, yaitu IDD dan Masela, yang akan menambah pasokan,” kata Dwi seusai rapat dengar pendapat dengan Komite II Dewan Perwakilan Daerah, di Jakarta.

Pemerintah juga berkomitmen memperbesar pasokan gas untuk kebutuhan dalam negeri. Bagian gas untuk dalam negeri menjadi 70 persen sedangkan 36 persen sisanya untuk ekspor.

”Kebutuhan gas dalam negeri terus meningkat. Beberapa tahun mendatang kemungkinan bagian dalam negeri naik jadi 70 persen,” kata Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif.

Sepanjang 2019, realisasi produksi siap jual (lifting) gas bumi 5.934 MMSCFD atau masih di bawah target APBN yang 7.000 MMSCFD. Tahun ini, pemerintah menargetkan lifting gas 6.670 MMSCFD. 

Terkait rencana pemerintah mengoptimalkan serapan gas di dalam negeri, Wakil Ketua Komite Industri Hulu dan Petrokimia pada Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia Achmad Widjaja mengatakan, jika pemerintah benar ingin mengoptimalkan gas, industri pengguna solar harus beralih ke gas. Sebab, 70 persen sektor usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah, industri kecil dan menengah sampai industri besar di Jawa memakai solar sebagai bahan bakar utama.

”Perlu penanganan khusus agar beralih ke gas. Apa pemerintah mau? Itu masalahnya,” kata Achmad.

Soal infrastruktur yang kerap dijadikan alasan terhambatnya optimalisasi gas dalam negeri, kata Achmad, dua unit kapal regasifikasi dan penyimpanan terapung (FSRU) selama ini kurang optimal untuk ditingkat kan perannya. 

Selain itu, jaringan pipa lintas Jawa kurang terhubung di Jawa bagian tengah. Selain itu, jaringan pipa di Sumatera yang sebagian besar dimiliki BUMN seharusnya open access (penggunaan pipa gas bersama) agar harga gas makin terjangkau konsumen. 

Dalam kajian Pemerintah masih mengkaji berbagai pilihan mengenai penurunan harga gas. Harga gas untuk industri diatur melalui Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi. 

Perpres itu menyebutkan, jika harga gas tidak dapat memenuhi keekonomian industri pengguna gas bumi dan harga gas Iebih tinggi dari 6 dollar AS per juta British thermal unit (MMBTU), menteri dapat menetapkan harga gas tertentu.

Penetapan itu khusus untuk pengguna gas bumi bidang industri pupuk, petrokimia, oleokimia, baja, keramik, kaca, dan sarung tangan karet. Opsi yang disiapkan pemerintah adalah mengurangi bagian negara pada harga di hulu, mewajibkan produsen gas di Indonesia memenuhi kebijakan alokasi untuk kebutuhan dalam negeri, dan membebaskan swasta mengimpor gas untuk kawasan industri yang belum tersambung dengan infrastruktur gas.

Kompas, Page-13, Wednesday, Feb 5, 2020