Improving the performance of upstream oil and gas is still homework that needs to be completed by industry players in the country, in line with the low lifting achievement by some contractors.
Based on data from the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), out of 15 large cooperation contract (KKKS) contractors that produce oil and condensate, eight companies are unable to meet the production targets ready for a sale (lifting) in the work program and budget (work program and budget / WP & B) 2020.
PT Pertamina EP, for example, realized lifting reached 93.5% of the WP&B. A similar condition occurred in Conocophillips (Grissik) Ltd with a lifting achievement of 92.2% from WP&B.
Meanwhile, Petronas Carigali (Ketapang) Ltd was only able to record a lifting of 76.8% of the target. On the other hand, the KKKS with the largest oil production and lifting, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL), is still able to meet the target in 2020 with the realization of lifting reaching 217,637 barrels per day (bpd) from the Cepu Block.
This achievement came from the Banyu Urip field production which had reached a peak production of 230,000 bpd. In gas lifting, out of 15 large KKKS, there are also eight companies that are unable to meet the target according to WP&B, namely Conocophillips (Grissik) Ltd, Pertamina EP, Eni Muara Bakau B.V, and Medco E&P Natuna.
Then, other contractors who failed to reach the target were Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE-WMO), PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Jambi Merang, Husky-CNOOC Madura Ltd (HCML), and Pearl Oil (Sebuku) Ltd.
Deputy for Operations of SKK Migas, Julius Wiratno explained that his party was preparing a warning or warning for KKKS that did not reach the target in accordance with the deal.
"For the 2020 performance, a 'love letter' is currently being drafted, this week it is [sent]," he said.
He emphasized that the KKKS could get sanctions for not being able to achieve the target. Sanctions can be in the form of tightening KKKS spending until the KKKS work plans and budgets are not approved.
"There are also those whose cost recovery is not approved if it is not in accordance with the initial agreement," he said.
He also highlighted a number of subsidiaries of PT Pertamina (Persero) that have not been able to meet the lifting target last year. Julius assessed that this was due to economic problems in the field. However, SKK Migas and Pertamina have made an agreement to improve performance this year.
Previously, the President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, Budiman Parhusip, said that Pertamina has challenges with a high decline rate due to managing old fields. However, his party has prepared a number of contracts related to the drilling program to optimize lifting.
"We hope that the full cooperation will run smoothly," he said.
Meanwhile, Pertamina is planned to manage around 60% of the oil and gas fields in Indonesia. Currently, about 40% are still managed by this state-owned company. With this projection, the government also has high hopes for Pertamina in achieving the oil lifting target of 1 million BPD. Meanwhile, the government is deemed necessary to intervene in the decline in Pertamina's performance in the national upstream oil and gas sector.
Trisakti University lecturer Pri Agung Rakhmanto explained that the main factor for Pertamina's decline in production last year was due to the economy in the field plus the pressure of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to him, old fields have an effect on the decline in investment and Pertamina's business activities. Meanwhile, the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in limited operational activities.
"Pertamina is now the backbone of national production with more and more blocks being transferred to it by mistake. The government should be able to provide more support, "he said.
He suggested that the cooperation contract should include fiscal aspects affected by the latest economic conditions. Meanwhile, Executive Director of the National Oil and Gas Companies Association (Aspermigas) Moshe Rizal said that the fall in oil prices coupled with a decrease in demand due to the Covid-19 pandemic has indeed put heavy pressure on KKKS financially.
In addition, operational activities are hampered by large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) even though the budget is available. As a result, project execution is hampered, including maintenance operations, workovers, and other activities that can help maintain production levels.
"For this year, everything depends on how fast we recover economically and how fast the distribution of vaccines is so that it can reduce the infection rate," he said.
President Joko Widodo has set the price of natural gas for power plants at a maximum of US $ 6 per MMBtu. The regulation is in Presidential Regulation Number 121 of 2020 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation Number 40 of 2016 concerning Natural Gas Pricing which was promulgated on December 29, 2020. In Article 4 Paragraph 3 it is stated that the determination of certain natural gas prices can be given to natural gas users. engaged in the supply of electricity for the public interest.
This Presidential Regulation is in line with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 10 of 2020 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 45 of 2017 concerning Utilization of Natural Gas for Power Plants. This regulation confirms the adjustment of the gas price for PT PLN (Persero) 's needs to be the US $ 6 per MMBtu.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Thursday, Jan 7, 2021