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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Production Efforts from Old Wells Need Innovation


    PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia said it needed innovation from oil and gas companies to increase the production of old wells.

    Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI) President Director Chalid Said Salim said the company is currently trying to innovate in drilling activities, especially for development wells in regional 3 Kalimantan work areas.

"In 2021, PHI plans to drill five exploration wells and more than 80 development wells," he said.

    Meanwhile, PHI and its subsidiaries, namely PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, PT Pertamina Hulu Sanga Sanga, PT Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan, PT Pertamina Hulu Attaka, and PT Pertamina Hulu West Ganal operate the tens of decades-old oil and gas production and operation facilities and fields. years so it requires technological innovation to maintain operating performance and the economy of assets.

    During the first quarter of 2021, PHI succeeded in exceeding the gas production target by the realization of 688.8 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd) of the target of the Company Budget Work Plan (RKAP) of 649.2 MMscfd or reaching 106.1%. Positive results were also obtained from oil production which reached 49 barrels per day (BPD) or 100.4% of the target.

    He continued that currently exploration well drilling is being carried out in the Mahakam working area for the TDE C-1X well, which is one of five exploration wells in PHI's definite commitment.

"The TDE C-1X well is the first area where we hope to find economical reserves to extend the production life of the Mahakam Work Area," he said.

Agus Amperianto

    Zone 8 General Manager Agus Amperianto explained the steps taken by PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam (PHM) in utilizing technological innovations, including in drilling activities in the Mahakam Work Area.

The Mahakam Block

    PHM develops innovations in drilling techniques at the Mahakam CA without using a rig (rigless operation) through the use of the hydraulic workover unit (HWU) Drilling EHR-12 for drilling development wells.

    Agus added that the use of HWU by PHM has proven successful in supporting drilling activities at a lower cost while still prioritizing operational and production safety so that the company continues to encourage the use of this HWU in all regional work areas 3.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Based on data from SKK Migas up to March 31, 2021, the realization of PHM gas production succeeded in exceeding the target with the realization of 535 MMscfd of the WP&B target of 435 MMscfd or reaching 122.9%. For oil production in the first quarter of 2021, PHM also succeeded in exceeding the target with the realization of 130.3% or the equivalent of 28,317 BPD.

    Upstream Subholding Corporate Secretary Whisnu Bahriansyah added that his party would support business units in the upstream oil and gas sector to contribute well to the achievement of national production.

"Upstream sub-holding will continue to support the positive performance of all upstream sub-holding subsidiaries and affiliates to support the country's energy sovereignty.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Tuesday, May 4, 2021.

First Quarter of 2021, Pertamina's Oil and Gas Production Exceeds the Target


    PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, the Sub holding Upstream of PT Pertamina (Persero), managed to record oil and gas production of up to 861 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day / BOEPD in the first quarter of 2021. This realization is 2% higher than the company's target this year of 848 thousand BOEPD.

    Pertamina Hulu Energi President Director Budiman Parhusip said the contribution of oil and gas production came from the oil and gas block assets of the company and its affiliates, namely PT Pertamina EP, PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC), PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia, PT Pertamina Internasional EP, and several other companies. Asset companies spread at home and abroad.

"This achievement is 147 thousand BOEPD from international oil and gas fields and 713 thousand BOEPD from domestic. We are grateful that for the first quarter of 2021, we were able to hold back the rate of decline in natural products in the majority of our fields, "he said.

    He explained that the actual gas production until the end of March was recorded at 2.405 million standard cubic feet per day / MMscfd or 4% above the company's first-quarter target of 2,318 MMScfd. Meanwhile, the realization of ready-to-sell gas production was 1,914 MMscfd. Inline, oil production from domestic oil and gas blocks is also very good.

"Until March 2021, domestic oil production will reach 298 thousand barrels per day (BPD), while the lifting is 290 thousand BPD. We continue to strive to be able to meet the targets that have been set, "added Budiman. Meanwhile, oil production from foreign assets was recorded at 97 thousand BPD and gas 291 MMScfd.

    The company has completed 1,647 kilometers (km) of 2D seismic, 33% higher than the target, and 198 square kilometers (km2) of 3D seismic. For exploration drilling, the company has completed one well and four other wells are still under construction. 

    Next, his party has completed the drilling of 46 development wells and worked on 66 other wells. His party also succeeded in reworking wells with as many as 124 activities or 13% more than the target and Well intervention 2,334 activities from the target of 2,301 activities.

    The existence of organizational changes in Pertamina, especially the formation of Upstream Subholding, has made Pertamina's upstream oil and gas activities more adaptive, agile, and efficient. Through this sub-holding, the synergy of all work areas through regionalization can increase operational excellence, accelerate the business development process, and make decision-making faster and agile due to reduced bureaucratic processes.

"Subholding Upstream Pertamina will continue to strive for optimal performance by trying to maintain production and lifting as well as continuing exploration, development, and innovation activities in all upstream companies to achieve the target this year," said Budiman.

Investor Daily, Page-8, Monday, May 3, 2021.

Uncertainty Still Looming


    High uncertainty still overshadows many upstream oil and gas projects which are targeted to operate this year. Apart from the prolonged impact of the pandemic, the fluctuating factor in world oil prices also makes the prospect always combined with risk.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Based on the records of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), this year it is targeted that as many as 12 projects will be on stream with a total project value of US $ 1.62 billion.

    During the first quarter of 2021, there were 4 onstream projects with a total investment of US $ 111 million, increasing oil and gas production by 5,850 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and 69.5 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd).

    These projects include Gas Supply to RU-V Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, Belato Field by Seleraya Merangin Dua, and the KLD PHE ONWJ project, West Pangkah Saka Indonesia Pangkah.

    Executive Director of the National Oil and Gas Companies Association (Aspermigas) Moshe Rizal is optimistic that the cooperation contract contractors (KKKS) can be more active this year and increase their investment to catch up with last year's lagging performance.

    KKKS will focus on commercially faster projects so that the possibility of project delays this year can be minimized. In the latest development, the Merakes field in the East Sepinggan Working Area has been included in the onstream project after being delayed last year. National gas production is projected to increase by 368 MMscfd.

    It is admitted that realizing the project with a total investment of US $ 1.3 billion located in the Makassar Strait requires extra efforts due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic that has emerged since early 2020.

"This project was initially targeted to get onstream faster in the third quarter of 2020. It turns out that we have to shift slightly from the onstream plan that is in the POD approval to the first quarter of 2021, "said the head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto.

    The important thing from the development of Merakes Field is the ability to synergize to improve the economy in the field. The proximity of the Merakes field discovery to the Jangkrik Lapanga Floating Production Unit (FPU) allows Eni to maximize synergies with the closest existing infrastructure to improve the economics of the Merakes Field. You do this by using a shared facility sharing scheme.

the Merakes field by ENI

    The Merakes Field development project is a deep-sea project where the depth is about 1,500 meters below sea level. This project has 5 production wells with a total production capacity of 450 MMSCFD or the equivalent of 85,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (BOEPD).

    The production contribution from the Merakes field will increase the gas supply for East Kalimantan Province. Most of it will be prioritized for domestic consumers, including the fertilizer and electricity industry in East Kalimantan, and processed at the Bontang Refinery into LNG.

"We hope that with the certainty of gas supply for the industry, it will provide a bigger multiplier effect for the national economy," Dwi said.

    According to him, this year there are two national strategic projects targeted onstream, namely Jambaran Tiung Biru with a total investment of US $ 1.53 billion. If it operates commercially, it is projected to increase national gas production by 190 MMscfd.

    Tangguh Train-3 Papua is also scheduled to go on stream in the fourth quarter of 2021 with estimated additional gas production of 700 MMscfd and a concentrate of 3,000 barrels of condensate per day (BCPD).

    This US $ 8.9 billion projects was delayed from the previous target in the third quarter of 2021 to the fourth quarter of 2021. With the support of these projects, it is hoped that investment in the upstream oil and gas sector this year can be better than last year's US $ 10.21 billion from the 2020 target of US $ 12.1 billion.

"We hope that the investment in the upstream oil and gas sector at the end of the year can be greater than 2020. The amount of realization in the first quarter of 2021 is the US $ 2.4 billion, then for revenue in the first quarter of 2021 it will reach US $ 6.67 billion."

    Energy Watch Executive Director Mamit Setiawan said these expectations can be achieved as long as a number of important conditions are met. For example, related to the development of world oil prices, ease of carrying out work during a pandemic, full support from stakeholders, and solid cooperation at the regional level.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-2, Friday, April 30, 2021.

Caring for Production Increase expectations


    The national fuel consumption which is projected to continue to increase makes the target of oil production of 1 million barrels per day and gas of 12,000 MMscfd in 2030 to be crucial at a time when Indonesia's efforts to build energy independence.

    Meanwhile, Indonesia is still the country with the largest oil imports in Southeast Asia due to the increasing domestic consumption of oil and gas without a significant increase in production.

    In the last 2 decades, the discovery of new oil reserves has been classified as minimal and Indonesia still relies on old wells that have not been explored. As a result, the government must import oil and gas to meet domestic energy needs, which often creates a trade balance deficit.

    In the next 10 years, petroleum consumption in Indonesia is projected at 2.27 million barrels per day (BPD) and natural gas consumption of around 11,728 MMscfd. This number has almost doubled compared to last year's consumption of around 1.66 million BPD of oil and 6,557 MMscfd of gas.

    On the other hand, the government's efforts to increase oil production to 1 million BPD and gas to 12,000 MMscfd are still fraught with a number of challenges. One of them is the Covid-19 pandemic which has had a negative impact on the upstream oil and gas industry.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Secretary of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Taslim Z. Yunus said Indonesia's upstream oil and gas industry was influenced by global conditions caused by the level of control of the Covid-19 pandemic, fluctuations in world oil prices, and global investment trends.

    According to him, a tough challenge for the upstream oil and gas industry is the massive impact of Covid-19 which has caused oil prices to fall. As a result, production has also decreased, because oil and gas companies tend to reduce their investment.

    Last year, a number of international oil and gas companies that cut their investment were ExxonMobil by 30%, Shell by 20%, Chevron 20%, BP 25%, and Eni 255.

"What they need is to compete with other countries from the IRR, then the future trend is to look at environmentally friendly energy because from a social point of view it will be easier," he said.

    Meanwhile, SKK Migas has prepared four strategies to increase national oil and gas production as well as towards the 2030 production target, namely by optimizing production in existing fields, transforming resources into production, accelerating chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), and exploring major discoveries.

    The long-term strategy will go through two stages to curb the rate of decline in production and increase production.

"The first and second strategies are to hold down the rate of production, while the increase in production will result from the EOR and exploration strategies," he explained.

    Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto added that investment needs will continue to increase for the next 10 years in order to pursue the oil production target of 1 million BPD and gas of 12,000 MMscfd. The investment is set at the US $ 187 billion.

    Dwi said that besides being attractive to investors, the target could provide a multiplier effect in the form of the gross revenue of US $ 371 billion with state revenues of US $ 131 billion in 2030. In addition, with money circulating from upstream oil and gas projects and open job opportunities, it will have an impact. both for the national and regional economies.

    Nevertheless, there are several challenges that need to be resolved domestically, namely the complexity of licensing, overlapping regulations between the central and regional governments, an unattractive fiscal regime, data unavailability, constraints in the area of ​​operation, land acquisition constraints, the longer oil and gas monetization process. and fear of making decisions, in this case, the criminalization of policies.

    Meanwhile, Ronald Gunawan, President Director of PT Medco E&P Indonesia, said 2020 was a difficult year for the upstream oil and gas industry. The Covid-19 pandemic has suppressed the performance of cooperation contract contractors (KKKS).

    According to him, the world oil price dropped drastically in the last year and followed by low natural gas prices made the upstream oil and gas sector languish. However, with efforts escorted by the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), operational activities can continue in the midst of a pandemic.

"SKK Migas support is very good. Hence, the operations of the KKKS are a little disrupted but not significant, ”he said.

Ronald said the vision to pursue the oil production target of 1 million BPD and 12,000 MMscfd of gas by 2030 has become a joint commitment of the government, SKK Migas, and KKKS.

    Meanwhile, since 2015 Medco has continued to increase its oil and gas production levels from the range of 56,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (Mboepd) to reach the level of 100,000 Mboepd in 2020.

    According to him, the Covid-19 pandemic provides new lessons for running operations more efficiently. With a 20% reduction in capital expenditure or capital expenditure, Medco is still able to record an increase in production amid the pandemic.


    An energy observer who once served as Governor of Indonesia for OPEC, Widhyawan Prawiraatmadja, said that there needs to be an incentive provided by the government to be able to pursue the target of increasing oil and gas production.

    He said that it is possible to increase oil and gas production again in Indonesia. He gave an example that other countries, such as the United States and Mexico, had successfully implemented reliable technology, improved fiscal policy, and improved the business climate in an integrated manner.

"We have to do something drastic, the fiscal term must be the same as in other places. "The higher the spend, the higher the chances of getting the giant, this has been proven in Mexico," he said.

    Meanwhile, a Member of the National Energy Council, Satya Widya Yudha, said that in the context of energy security, the government needs to pay attention to affordability.

    Therefore, fossil energy will still be very dominant in the future, but still paying attention to environmental factors that will be supported by technology.

"So if our renewable energy is still less affordable, as a whole people will go to fossils, the world will go to fossils," he said.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Thursday, April 29, 2021.

The irony of an oil spill on Karawang


    An oil spill incident occurred again in the waters of Karawang, West Java. Not yet recovering from previous injuries, the north coast of Karawang was again tested. Mitigation and recovery of the impact of the incident are priorities.

    The black oil spills were scattered in a number of points on the north coast of Karawang, West Java, Saturday (24/4/2021) afternoon. The spill contaminated the beach sand to the rocks by the beach and the access road around it. There is a liquid form. Some of them are compacted. The smell is strong. The sea breeze made the smell easily spread everywhere.

    Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) admitted that there was a pipe leak in the BZZA area, about 15 miles from the Karawang coast, Thursday (15/4/2021).

    During his visit to one of the affected points on Cemarajaya Beach, Cibuaya District, Karawang Regent Cellica Nurrachadiana said that the spill this time came from a leak in one of the pipes off the coast.

"We set a deadline so that this problem does not drag on, a maximum of three weeks for cleaning. If it is done, the environmental restoration will be carried out according to the study of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry," he said.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    SKK Migas Operations Deputy Julius Wiratno said the cause of the oil pipeline leak this time was internal corrosion of the pipe. The pipe is said to be old. So far, there have been no signs of external damage to the pipeline.

    As a result of this incident, the estimated loss of production due to oil leakage is around 6,000 barrels per day. Until now, the number of oil spills that have been collected is at least 10 barrels.

“Pipeline repair work with clamp installation is still ongoing. Currently, it has reached 80 percent, "he said.

    Manager Communications Relations & CID PHE ONWJ Hari Setyono said he had repaired the pipeline so that it was ensured that no more oil spilled out. The handling team also deployed several vessels to clean oil in the sea area. Ocean and air monitoring continue to follow the Oil Spill Model (MOTUM) trajectory, including the PHE ONWJ production facility and other potential areas.


    The oil spill incident was an irony because it had previously occurred in Karawang waters, July 12, 2019. At that time, the oil spill came from drilling the YYA -1 well in the PHE ONWJ area. The leak at YYA-1 was stopped in September 2019. Contaminated seawater disturbs marine life and affects the quality of water used by shrimp and fish farmers.

    Endi Muhtarudin (63), a farmer in Sungai Buntu Village, felt the pain. He lost billions of rupiah due to early harvest. After the incident, the shrimp ponds were harvested early in stages. The shrimp was supposed to be harvested at the end of August.

    Ideally, a pond covering an area of ​​2,500 square meters produces 7-8 tons of shrimp with a selling price of Rp 105,000 per kilogram for 30 fish per kg. However, yesterday's early harvest only produced 1-3 tons of shrimp with a selling price of IDR 38,000-IDR 50,000 per kg.

    Losses for an early harvest shrimp pond reached hundreds of millions of rupiah. If calculated by the number of existing ponds, the total loss reaches billions of rupiah.

    This series of events almost made Endi despair. Moreover, until now, he said he had not received compensation from PHE ONWJ. In fact, he has spent a lot of money to cover losses to restore the basic quality of the ponds which reaches billions of rupiah to cover losses to restore the basic quality of the ponds.

"I sprayed it three times and heaped up new sand at the bottom of the pond. The cost is not small, "said Endi.

    This oil spill made a number of residents worried about the restoration of nature which correlates with businesses on the north coast. It seems that the monetary compensation will never be worth the long-term loss to the surrounding ecosystem.

    Secretary of the Citarum River Region Community Forum (Forkadas + C), Yuda Febrian Silitonga, in September 2019, said that the oil spill in the YYA-1 well off the coast of Tempuran-Karawang as far as 7 nautical miles raised fears of environmental pollution on the coasts of Karawang and Bekasi West Java.

    Oil will undergo a series of changes, weathering, or decay of physical and chemical properties in the marine environment.

 "The impact of the waste shows a negative effect on the coastal environment and marine waters, especially if there is direct contact with aquatic organisms," he said.

    One that has the potential to be affected is the Ciparage and Sendulang reef clusters. Sendulang coral reef has six coral clusters and Ciparage coral reef has five coral clusters with a total area of ​​121.67 hectares.

    Environmental restoration is one of the priorities that must be carried out immediately. In mid-July 2019, four dolphin carcasses were found on the north coast of Karawang, West Java, after the YYA-1 offshore platform leak incident in the PHE ONWJ Block.

the PHE ONWJ Block.

    The first carcass was found near the Buntu River, Pedes District, Monday (15/7/2019). End of July found another dolphin carcass. On August 17, 2019, the third dolphin carcass was found in the mouth of the Cilebar River, North Pusakajaya Village, Cilebar District. Finally, the carcass was found on September 5, 2019, in the Pelangi Beach area, Pedes District.

Disturbed ecosystem

    According to a marine pollution researcher from the LIPI Oceanographic Research Center Muhammad Reza Cordova, the sea contaminated with oil spilled waste can affect fish life and the ecosystem in it. When exposed to a direct oil spill, fish can immediately move away from the oil spill. However, the oil mixed in the water column will indirectly expose the fish.

    This can disrupt fish growth. The size of the liver is swollen, the liver is swollen, the heart rate of respiration or respiration can change, and the work of the fins and the reproductive health of the fish can be disturbed.

    The position of oil is on the surface of the water, but due to its large quantity, it is exposed to currents and waves, it can mix with water. This mixed oil is present in several locations, starting from the surface, the water column, to the bottom of the water.

    The oil that has reached the bottom and accumulated in the sediments can make them more toxic. This is because the shape of the crude oil changes its molecular shape. Oil also has a negative impact on coral reefs, seagrass (plants that live in shallow seas), and mangroves.

"Oil covering the surface of individual corals, seagrass or mangroves can trigger stress, so that the ecosystem will be disturbed. If the marine ecosystem is disturbed, the fish will automatically leave or die, ”said Reza.

    Regarding ecosystem restoration, Reza suggested, the process of cleaning the sea must be clean of oil first, because the oil will block the diffusion of oxygen from the air to water or sediment affected by pollution. 

"It must be completely cleaned so that it does not settle, which can eventually accumulate in the biota," he said.

    Pertamina Subholding Upstream Corporate Secretary Whisnu Bahriansyah said that his party will commit to restoring the environment due to the oil spill. Currently, his office is still focused on cleaning up the oil spill. The cause of the leak was also investigated.

    Good mitigation is needed to reduce the impact that may occur. This incident cannot be repeated because it can have a long impact on the surrounding ecosystem.

Kompas, Page-11, Wednesday, April 28, 2021.

Pertamina Encouraged to Accelerate the Realization of Upstream Oil and Gas Investment

    The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) encourages Pertamina Group to accelerate the approval of upstream oil and gas investment. This acceleration is needed to meet the national oil lifting target this year, which was set at 705 thousand barrels per day (BPD).

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said the realization of oil production by the end of March was recorded at 679.5 thousand BPD, so there is still a gap of 25.5 thousand BPD with a target of 705 thousand BPD. 

    This difference is due to the fact that the work programs of several cooperation contract contractors (KKKS) have not been realized, some of which are in the KKKS under the Pertamina Group. According to him, the difference in production from the Pertamina Group KKKS is around 10 thousand BPD.

"We are working hard to accelerate the work plan, especially in the second and third quarters. There is already a commitment from KKKS, including Pertamina, to accelerate implementation from the fourth quarter to the third quarter, so that it doesn't accumulate at the end of the year and the impact on production can be felt more quickly, "said Dwi.

    He said, the existence of organizational changes within the Pertamina Group through the formation of Upstream Subholding, had an impact on the implementation of the KKKS upstream work plan under the Pertamina Group. Primarily, related to the Final Investment Decision (FID) approval for the upstream work program.

    His party has discussed the delay in implementing this work plan with the management of PT Pertamina (Persero) as the Oil and Gas Holding and PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) as the Upstream Subholding. Pertamina has committed to be able to immediately provide investment approval and immediately resolve problems related to organizational changes.

"It has been said that starting this month there should be no more issues waiting for FID and this has been implemented. Pertamina has raised the investment limit that the subsidiary can make, ”said Dwi.

    This change will make the implementation of activities with a budget that is not too big to be smoother, including for drilling wells. PT Pertamina EP Communication Relations & CID Manager Hari Setyono said that his party remains committed to meeting national energy needs and supporting the achievement of targets set by the government. For this reason, Pertamina EP will increase the number of wells drilling this year to 131 wells.

"This amount represents the largest number of drilling in the history of Pertamina EP's operational activities," he said.

    Referring to SKK Migas data, there are three KKKS under the Pertamina Group whose oil production is still below the APBN target. In detail, as of last March, Pertamina EP oil production was recorded at 73,503 BPD or 86.5% of the target of 85 thousand BPD, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi OSES 24,030 thousand or 89% of the target of 27 thousand BPD, and PT Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan 8,779 or 83. , 6% of the target of 10,500 BPD.

Pending Drilling

    According to Dwi, delays in the implementation of work programs also occurred in other KKKS, which in turn had an impact on the low realization of oil and gas lifting. In the first quarter of 2021, the realization of development wells still reached 76 wells, or 13% of the target of 616 wells. Then the realization of workover was only 143 wells or 23% of the target of 615 wells and well maintenance only 5,531 activities or 21% of the target of 26,431 activities.

    For exploration activities, 6 wells of the target of 48 wells were still drilled, 2D seismic survey of 1,349 kilometers (km) of the target of 4,569 km, 3D seismic of 263 square kilometers (km2) of the target of 1,549 km2, and G&G study of 62 activities from the target 116 activities.

"The development well is indeed at the beginning of the year for investment permits or FID and the procurement process has become late because it has only started in the current year in the future it will be repaired, "said Dwi.

    Another reason is that the production performance of several fields did not match forecasts, such as an increase in water content in the Banyu Urip and Sukowati Fields. Then there is the issue of facility integrity in the Offshore South East Sumatra (OSES) Block, X-Ray Field, and a leak in the North West Java Offshore Block.

    Finally, unplanned shutdowns at the Tangguh Papua Project, Suban Field, and the Jabung Block. However, he said that the acceleration of the implementation of the Pertamina Group and other KKKS work programs would help in pursuing the lifting target. 

    Moreover, the actual lifting has already exceeded 90%, namely oil lifting of 676.2 thousand barrels per day or 95.9% of the APBN target of 705 thousand BPD and gas of 5,539 million standard cubic feet per day / MMscfd or 98.3% of the target of 5,638 MMscfd.

"We will help with various kinds including FID approval, land acquisition, and environmental permits. We are working hard to be able to accelerate it, "said Dwi.

    The realization of oil and gas investment in the first quarter yesterday was not too high, namely US $ 2.4 billion or 19.4 percent of the target of US $ 12.38 billion.

"Efforts to attract investors will continue," he added.

    SKK Migas is working on a number of additional incentives for KKKS so that national oil and gas production can be higher.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Wednesday, April 28, 2021.

Existing Power Supply Continued 3 Years

    The existing power plant in the Rokan Block is certain to continue operating for the next 3 years, even though there is a transfer of operator management in the working area.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK MIGAS

    Deputy Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Fatar Yani said electricity was one of the nine important elements in the process of transferring management of the Rokan Block from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia to PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR).

"Of course it will continue even though there are other parties who enter. What is clear, 3 years is still going on to continue to sustain, "he said.

    The electricity and steam supply in the Rokan Block is currently produced by a steam gas power plant (PLTGU) operated by PT Mandau Cipta Tenaga Nusantara (MCTN) which is directly owned by Chevron Standart Ltd.

    Fatar said MCTN will carry out a business-to-business mechanism with new investors. He hopes that the process will not interfere with the transfer of management in the Rokan Block.

the Rokan Block

    Director of Commerce and Customer Management of PT PLN (Persero) Bob Sariel said that his party had signed an MoU for the supply of electricity and steam with Pertamina Hulu Rokan which will take effect in August 2021.

    Bob explained that in supplying electricity and steam for the Rokan Block, PLN divides it into two stages, namely the transition period and the permanent period. The transition period will last for 3 years starting from August 2021 to August 2024.

"During this transitional period, PLN will manage the existing power plants that currently have powered the Rokan work area," he explained. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Friday, April 30, 2021

The Lifting Target of Petroleum Is More Challenging


    The pandemic has made the target of 1 million barrels per day of natural oil production by 2030 even more challenging. Apart from exploration, several other strategies will be taken to increase production.

    Until the end of March 2021, the realization of ready-to-sell production or oil lifting was 676,200 barrels per day or still lower than the State Budget (APBN) target of 705,000 barrels per day. The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 has caused investment in upstream oil and gas to decline drastically and the number of wells drilled. This condition makes the production target of 1 million barrels per day in 2030 even more challenging.

    Likewise, natural gas lifting, which in the first quarter of 2021 was realized as much as 5,539 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). In the APBN, the target for natural gas lifting is 5,638 MMSCFD. However, natural gas lifting is currently still higher than the realization in 2020 of 5,462 MMSCFD.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto, Monday (26/4/2021), said that the decline in oil lifting in the first quarter of 2021 was influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic since last year. Until the end of 2020, investment in the upstream oil and gas sector dropped dramatically and resulted in low Wells drilling to boost production. Last year, there were 240 wells drilled, and this year 616 wells were planned.

"From year to year, the realization of oil lifting has always been lower than the target of the APBN. This year, we strive so that lifting is not much different from last year's realization. The low investment in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a drastic decrease in production, "Dwi said in a press conference on the Upstream Oil and Gas Performance Exposure for the first quarter of 2021 in Jakarta.

    Dwi added, to reach the production target of 1 million barrels per day in 2030, apart from intensifying exploration to find new reserves, several strategies were taken to increase production. The strategy is to optimize production in existing fields, apply enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods, and accelerate the status of reserves to production.

the Cepu Block

    SKK Migas noted that the Cepu Block in East Java, which is operated by ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd (EMCL), is currently the largest contributor to oil production in Indonesia, which is 213,000 barrels per day. 

the Rokan Block Chevron in Riau

    Next is the Rokan Block in Riau, which produces 165,000 barrels per day. The operation period of the Rokan Block by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PCI) will end in August and the next management will be handed over to PT Pertamina (Persero).

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PCI)

    From the investment side, SKK Migas targets this year's realization to be 12.4 billion US dollars, higher than last year's realization of 10.5 billion US dollars. Until the first quarter of 2021, the realization of upstream oil and gas investment was the US $ 2.4 billion. The state revenue for the same period was 3.29 billion US dollars or 45 percent of the target of 7.28 billion US dollars.


    Separately, the Executive Director of the ReforMiner Institute, Komaidi Notonegoro, said that massive exploration is the most important way to obtain new sources of oil and gas reserves in Indonesia. Moreover, the government has repeatedly stated that out of 128 basins in Indonesia, as many as 70 basins have not been studied at all. Apart from that, the government must also be able to create an attractive upstream oil and gas investment climate for investors.

"No more changes in contracts or regulations. This concerns the certainty of trying. If this still happens, investors will rethink investing in Indonesia and it is possible for them to choose other countries that are more attractive, "he said.

    At the end of 2019, Pertamina through its subsidiary, PT Elnusa Tbk, started a two-dimensional seismic survey to find oil and gas reserves in Indonesian waters. This survey, which crosses the sea along 30,000 kilometers, is the largest survey in the Asia Pacific region in the last 10 years. The survey started from the waters around Bangka Island, Bangka Belitung, to the waters around Seram Island, Maluku.

    According to the Head of the SKK Migas Exploration Planning Division Shinta Damayanti, the exploration results by Pertamina are still being evaluated. The government wants the evaluation data to be made public and is scheduled to be known in July. It is stated that from the results of the exploration there are several prospective areas (there are oil and gas reserves).

"Pertamina has conducted a joint study with other parties in East Java and it is estimated that (in that area) will become a new upstream oil and gas working area. The data from the seismic survey will be useful for investors, "said Shinta.

Kompas, Page-9, Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Pandemic Effects Of The Upper Oil and Gas Load


The national oil and gas industry is not yet optimally producing significant results in the first quarter of 2021. The realization of ready-to-sell production is still below the target.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto said the realization of ready-to-sell production or oil and gas lifting during the first quarter of 2021 was 1,665.25 Mboepd or 97.3% of this year's APBN target of 1,711.78 Mboepd.

In detail, the realization of oil lifting in the first quarter of 2021 was recorded at 676,200 barrels per day (BOPD), or only 96% of this year's APBN target of 705,000 BOPD. Likewise, the realization of natural gas lifting in the first quarter of 2021 was 5,539 MMScfd, or 98.2% of the APBN target of 5,638 MMscfd.

“From the oil side, the entry point at the end of 2020 is very low. At that time it was 699 MBOPD and because there was a decrease in investment, the level of production was not appropriate. That is one of the factors affecting the performance that was not achieved in the first quarter of 2021, "he said.

Dwi added that oil and condensate production missed plans in several fields. For example in the Banyu Urip field by Exxon Mobil Cepu Ltd. (EMCL) which experienced an increase in water cut and also in the Sukowati Tuban field in East Java by PT Pertamina EP. Dwi said Exxon Mobil Cepu (EMCL) and Pertamina EP contributed to the shortfall in the national lifting target of 10,000 bopd each.

In addition, there has been a decline in the contribution of drilling several wells, namely Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan and Minarak Brantas Gas. This condition was exacerbated by the unplanned shutdown in the first quarter of 2021 at Train-1 and Train 2 at BP Berau, CPGL Suban Plant, and at BGP Petrochina Jabung.

"We are trying to calculate, the year-end outlook will not reach 705,000 bopd, but we are trying to make a strategy for no decline in 2021. We can get closer as possible," Dwi said.

Meanwhile, the failure to achieve the realization of natural gas lifting was also partly due to the inability to achieve Pertamina EP production. In addition, there are differences in assumptions related to the completion of the Tangguh Train-3 project.

Dwi said that the Tangguh Train-3 project is assumed to be completed at the beginning of this year under these assumptions. But in reality, the project is declared to be shifted until the end of 2021 and there is a possibility that it will be completed next year.

Meanwhile, the organizational reshuffle that has taken place within the PT Pertamina (Persero) group is considered to be one of the causes for the low-performance achievement of this state-owned company in the upstream oil and gas sector. According to Dwi, this is a natural fit when there is an overhaul of the organizational structure. The reason is that the investment has not been able to take place smoothly.

“Subholding is a cause and a process. That usually happens, but Pertamina has carried out harmonization, "he said.

Based on SKK Migas data, in the first quarter of 2021, the Pertamina group cooperation contract contractors (KKKS) that did not meet the APBN oil lifting target included Pertamina EP which only reached 98.8% of the target, Pertamina Hulu Energi Oses 89% of the target, and Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan 83.6%. Meanwhile, for the realization of natural gas lifting, only Pertamina EP did not reach the target of the Pertamina group with a realization of 99.8% of the target.

Dwi said SKK Migas has communicated directly with both the parent and the upstream sub-holding Pertamina regarding the investment process in the upstream oil and gas sector. SKK Migas has asked the state-owned company to speed up its investment process.

"In the last meeting, it has been announced that starting this month, the issue of waiting for FID is no longer allowed and it has been implemented. Pertamina has determined and raised the investment limit that can be made in the subsidiary, "he explained. Pertamina has stated that it is ready to increase its investment to increase operational performance by up to 20% this year.

Pertamina's Senior Vice President for Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Agus Suprijanto said that to achieve this target, Pertamina has set a Capital Expenditure / Capex budget of US $ 10.7 billion in 2021, a drastic increase from last year's CAPEX realization prognosis of US $ 4.7 billion.

Agus explained that from the total CAPEX, as much as 46% will be allocated for upstream oil and gas activities as an effort to ensure an increase in production and oil and gas reserves. The addition of oil and gas reserves is targeted to reach 696 MMboe or nearly four times the target of adding reserves last year.

Meanwhile, 36% of the CAPEX will be allocated to continue the development of refineries and petrochemicals, while the remaining 18% will be used for other business activities, including continuing the development of new and renewable energy.

"The budget shows Pertamina's high optimism to continue to grow and rise amid the Covid-19 pandemic by continuing the projects or business development that had been going on since the previous year and at the same time creating new initiative programs," said Agus.


Reforminer Institute founder Pri Agung Rakhmanto argues that lifting is difficult to reach the target because KKKS still continues to rely on old fields, leading to a downward trend.

According to him, the characteristics of the field in addition to the cost per barrel tend to increase and are difficult to predict technically in terms of production operations.

"This is the main technical reason why lifting often does not reach the target. From year to year, we will always struggle with this problem when talking about lifting achievements with the existing fields, "he said.

In connection with the low production of the Pertamina group, Pri Agung assessed that the main cause was not from overhauling the organizational structure through the formation of sub-holding.

"In my opinion, it has nothing to do with the holding sub-holding issue. Lifting is more on short-term managerial issues and operational technical matters, ”he explained.

Executive Director of the National Oil and Gas Companies Association (Aspermigas) Moshe Rizal said that almost all fields in Indonesia have reached their peak production period. So, it is natural for lifting to fall.

Therefore, it needs interventions such as the development of new fields or exploration. In addition, an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) program can be carried out for fields that have entered the secondary or tertiary production phase.

"The problem is that most fields have not prepared the EOR program from an early age so that the development of the EOR program is very expensive and often no longer goes into the field economy," he said.

He added that the low realization of national lifting was also caused by the attitude of investors who are still waiting for the situation to handle Covid-19. Even though the oil price has been very stable above $ 60 per barrel, the situation is still full of uncertainty.

"Investors will focus their investment in areas with lower risk, for example, fields that are already producing and still reduce exploration first," he explained.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Monday, April 26, 2021

the Confusion over Management of the Rokan Block


    The government, in this case, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and SKK Migas, are asked to immediately step in to resolve a number of issues that remain in the process of transitioning the Rokan Block from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) to Pertamina Hulu Rokan. The reason is, according to the management transfer contract, it must be carried out on August 9.

"Transfer of management will be carried out on August 9, 2021. However, it leaves many problems. The EOR issue has not yet been resolved, but the electricity problem has reappeared which will affect the transition process. We ask the Government's firmness to deal with this immediately. The state should not be defeated by private corporations that have the potential to harm the state for their activities so far, "said Executive Director of Energy Watch Mamit Setiawan.

    Mamit even asked law enforcement officials to intervene considering the potential crimes that could harm the state during the electricity and steam leasing process which has been done by Chevron Pacific Indonesia with PT Mandau Cipta Tenaga Nusantara (MCTN).

"Chevron's footprint in Indonesia must be investigated until it is clear before the transition process is carried out. Don't let the Rokan Block electricity become scraped (catch a cold), "he joked.

    As is known, Pertamina, through their subsidiary Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) on February 1, 2021, has signed a power and steam sale and purchase agreement with PLN.

"PLN itself has proposed 2 options related to this agreement, namely in the short term until 2024 they have to build transmission and distribution lines," he said.

    This is because so far Chevron has rented electricity and steam from PT Mandau Cipta Tenaga Nusantara (MCTN) since 1998. Ironically, MCTN's ownership is 95% owned by Chevron Standard Limited and 5% by Nusagalih Nusantara. So that it is pointed out that Chevron Pacific Indonesia has carried out transfer pricing since 2008.

"This was disclosed by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) in 2006 where Chevron asked the government to return the cost of renting electricity and steam from the government since collaborating with MCTN," he said.

    This process, said Mamit, has the potential to cost the state US $ 210 million. Based on information from SKK Migas, Chevron pays the US $ 80 million annually for electricity and steam leases to MCTN and this is included in the fees that are billed (EOR) back to the government.

"This proves that MCTN's assets must be returned to the state because the government has paid all the investment costs made to build MCTN's electricity and steam facilities," he said.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Monday, April 26, 2021