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Thursday, October 14, 2021

VioMagz Blogger Template Setting Guide



1 Installing the Template 

2 Adding a Navigation Menu (Header) 

3 Displaying Static Page Menu (Footer) 

4 Adding Social Media Icons 

5 Editing the Template Setup Code 

6 Replacing Blog Title with Logo 

7 Editing Posts in Footer 

8 Changing Favicon 

9 Show/Hide Labels, Dates, Comments, Etc. 

10 Enabling LazyLoad on AdSense Ads 

11 Frequently Asked Questions 

Below is a guide on how to install and set up the latest version of the VioMagz template.

1. Installing Templates

There are two methods that can be used to attach a template to a blog.

The first method is to copy the new template code and paste it into the blog manually via the Theme menu > edit HTML. This method is recommended if your blog changes to a different blog template. The reason is to avoid errors because the old template code is mixed with the new one. 

The second method is by uploading the template file directly to the blog via the Themes > Restore menu. This method is recommended if your blog installs the latest version of the same template. 

Below I explain how to install the template using both methods:

Method of Installing Manual Template Code:

#1. The downloaded file must be unzipped first. Inside the .zip file, there is a file with the extension .xml, so we need to copy all the code in the file.   

#2. Open the template file with .xml extension using a text editor program ( eg notepad ) and copy all the code in it.  

#3. I recommend doing a backup of the template to be replaced.

Go to the “Themes” menu > Click the menu icon (three dots) > “Backup” > “ Download ”      

#4. Once backed up, then you just put the code that has been copied to the blog via the HTML edit menu. 

Go to the “Themes” menu > Click the menu icon (three dots) > Click “ Edit HTML ” > Delete all the old template code > Paste/Paste the new template code > Click the Save button .     

Direct Upload Method:

#1. The downloaded file must be unzipped first. Inside the .zip file, there is a file with the extension .xml, so the file will be uploaded directly to the blog.   

#2. Second, do a backup of the template that will be replaced. The method is the same as the first method.

#3. Next, you just need to upload the template file to your blog.

Go to the “Themes” menu > Click the menu icon (three dots) > Click “ Recover ” > Click “Upload” > Select the template file on your computer.      

2. Adding a Navigation Menu (Header)

Go to the “ Layout ” menu > edit the widget “ Navigation Menu Code ” > then enter this code in the widget content section:

<li><a href=" # "> Sample Menu</a></li>

Replace the one marked RED with the destination URL, for example, if you want the menu to point to the label page, then fill it with the label URL.

Those marked with GREEN are also replaced as desired.

If you want to add another menu, just copy the code and paste it right below it.

Adding a menu with a submenu

To add a menu accompanied by a submenu, use this code:

<li class="has-sub"><a href=" # "> Main Menu </a>


    <li><a href=" # "> Submenu One </a></li>

    <li><a href=" # "> Submenu Two </a></li>

    <li><a href=" # "> Submenu Three </a></li>



Put the code just below the previous menu code.

Replace the ones marked RED with the destination URL, and the GREEN ones are replaced with the menu names as needed.

3. Displaying Static Page Menu (Footer)

Go to “ Layout ” > edit widgetStatic Page Menu ” > check the pages you want to display in the menu > click “ Save

4. Adding Social Media Icons

Go to “ Layout ” > edit widget “social media icons” > enter this code in widget content section:

<a aria-label=" facebook-icon " href=" # "><span class="social-icon facebook-icon"><i></i></span></a>

Edit the GREEN marked with the name of the social media icon used and the yellow marked with the URL of your social media account.

If you want to install more than one social media icon, just copy the code and change the name of the social media icon.

Here are some names of social media icons available in the VioMagz template:















Icon names must be all lowercase.

5. Editing Template Settings Code

Some features of the template can be set via the “ Template Settings Code ” widget available in the layout.

To edit it, please go to the " Layout " menu > edit the widget " Code Settings template ".

After that, my friend enter this code in the widget content section:


var vioMagzSetting = {

   relatedPosts: true,

   Number ofRelatedPosts: 4,

   relatedPostsThumb: true,

   numberedPageNav: true,

   per Page: 8,

   readAlso: true,

   numberReadAlso: 3,

   TitleRead Also: "Read Also",



Here's an explanation of the code:

* relatedPosts

Fill in true to enable the related posts to feature, or fill in false to disable it.    

* number ofRelatedPosts

Number of posts that appear in related posts under posts Edit according to taste.

* relatedPostsThumb

Fill in true to display related posts with thumbnails, or fill in false to display related posts without thumbnails.    

* numberedPageNav

Fill true to enable numbered page navigation feature. or fill in false to disable it.    

* perPage Equate

number with the setting for the number of posts that appear on the homepage

* readAlso

Fill in true to enable the related posts to feature in the middle of the post, or fill in false to disable it.    

* number of Read Also 

number of posts that appear in related posts in the middle of the post, edit according to taste.

* title Read Also

Title-related posts in the middle of the post, edit according to taste.

6. Replacing Blog Title with Logo

First, make sure you have created a logo image. Free logo size, any size can.

Second, go to “ Layout ” > edit “ Headerwidget > Upload image > in the “ Placement ” section select “ Besides title and description ” > Save.

7. Editing Posts in Footer

Go to “ Layout ” > edit widget Footer Text ” > in the widget content section enter any text you want to appear in the footer > save.

8. Changing Favicon

Go to the “ Settings ” menu > “ Basic ” > “ Favicon ” > Upload your friend's favicon.


* Make sure the favicon image is square and no more than 100KB in size.

* If the Favicon doesn't change in the browser, clear the browser cache first, then check again

* If the Favicon doesn't change on Google, please be patient, it may take some time and it won't change automatically.

9. Show/Hide Labels, Dates, Comments, Etc.

Go to “ Layout ” > edit the “ Blog Posts ” widget > check the ones you want to display, uncheck the ones you don't want to be displayed> Save.

10. Enabling LazyLoad on AdSense Ads

In the VioMagz template version 4.6.0 and above, you can activate the LazyLoad feature on AdSense ads.

How to activate it is quite easy, my friend only needs to edit a little AdSense ad code installed on the blog.

In every AdSense ad code there is generally a code like this at the top:

<script async src=''></script>

Well my friend just need to edit the code to be like this:

<script>Defer.js('', 'adsense', 3000);</script>

For Auto Ads

This LazyLoad feature can also be applied to auto ads.

The trick is to change the auto ads ad code to be like this:

<script>Defer.js('', 'adsense', 3000);</script>

Place the code above the </head> code or it can be in the " Custom JavaScript Footer " widget  


* Replace 1234567890xxxxxx with your AdSense account ID  

* Don't put the code under the <head> code. If you put it there, the lazyload feature can't work. 

11. (FAQ)

The widget does not appear / Displays Error

First, make sure to check the option " Visible " in the widget settings

If it still doesn't appear or it looks like an error, try removing the widget first and then reinstalling it.

Related Posts Image Not Appearing

The solution can be read here 

There's a post that doesn't appear on the homepage

The solution can be read here 

What is the Recommended Logo Image Size?

The recommended logo image size or resolution for the VioMagz template is 300x50px.

What is the recommended post image size?

It is recommended to use post images with an aspect ratio of 16:9.

For example, if the width of the image is 800px then the height is 450px.

To calculate the aspect ratio, you can use this tool: 

How to Install the Download Button in Posts

Edit the post for which you want to have a download button in HTML mode.

Put this code in the post:

<div style="text-align: center;">

<a class="buttonDownload" href=" #">Download</a>


Edit the RED hash mark with the destination URL.

How to Maximize Loading Speed

Make sure the Navbar widget is disabled via the Layout menu

Compress every image used on the blog, be it a logo image, post image, or profile picture. For how to compress images, you can use the online tool 

Limit the number of widgets installed on the blog. Just install the widgets that are really needed

How to Place Ads in the Middle of Articles

First login to “ Blogger ” > “ Layout ”

At the bottom of the blog post, there are 4 widgets for installing ad code. The widgets are:

Article Top Ads

Central Ads Article 1

Middle Ads Article 2

Article Bottom Ads

Click edit on the widgets and paste the ad code.

How to Set Ad Locations in the Middle of Articles as You Want

The ad widget in the middle of the article automatically shows the ad in the middle of the post.

The ad in the middle of the first article appears in the first 20% of the post, while the second ad appears right in the middle of the article.

You can also set the location where the ads will appear as you wish in each post. The method is as follows:

For ads in the middle of the first article copy this code:

<br id="ad1"/>

After copying, edit the post using HTML mode, after that put the code above in the location you want, for example at the end of the first paragraph. Later the ad will appear according to the location of the code.

For the second ad the same way, quite a change ad1 be ads2.   

How to Install Meta Description

The meta description installation guide can be read here. 

How to Install Meta Keywords

Meta keywords actually have no effect on SEO.

But in this template, it is still installed and has been set automatically, so there is no need to install it manually.

How to Install Table of Contents on Static Pages

Please create a new static page. In the page editor select HTML mode, then put this code:

<div class="tabbed-toc" id="tabbed-toc"><span class="loading">Loading…</span></div><script>/*!

 * Blogger Tabbed Style Table of Content Widget by Taufik Nurrohman

 * Free for change but keep the original attribution.

 * URL:


var tabbedTOC={blogUrl:" https://MONITORINGOIL.COM/ ",containerId:"tabbed-toc",activeTab:1,showDates:!0,showSummaries:!1,numChars:200,showThumbnails:!0,thumbSize: 60,noThumb:"["January,""July["January,""June[" ,"August","September","October","November","December"],newTabLink:!0,maxResults:99999,preload:0,sortAlphabetically:!0,showNew:7,newText:' – <em style="color:red;">New!</em>'};

!function(a,b){var c=(new Date).getTime(),d={blogUrl:"",containerId:"tabbed-toc",activeTab:1 ,showDates:!1,showSummaries:!1,numChars:200,showThumbnails:!1,thumbSize:40,noThumb:". February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],newTabLink:!0,maxResults :99999,preload:0,sort Alphabetically:!0,showNew:!1,newText:' – <em style="color:red;">New!</em>'};if("undefined"==typeof tabbedTOC)tabbedTOC=d;else for(var e in d)d[e]="undefined" !=typeof tabbedTOC[e]?tabbedTOC[e]:d[e];a["clickTabs_"+c]=function(a){for(var b=document.getElementById(d.containerId),c=b. getElementsByTagName("ol"),e=b.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0],f=e.getElementsByTagName("a"),g=0,h=c.length;h>g;++g) c[g].style.display="none",c[parseInt(a,10)].style.display="block";for(var i=0,j=f.length;j>i;++ i)f[i].className="",f[parseInt(a,10)].className="active-tab"},a["showTabs_"+c]=function(e){for(var f= parseInt(e.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t,10),g=d,h=e.feed.entry,i=e.feed.category,j="",l=0;l<(g. showNew===!0?5:g.showNew)&&l!==h.length;++l)h[l].title.$t=h[l].title.$t+(g.showNew!= =!1?g.newText:"");h=g.sortAlphabetically?h.sort(function(a,b){return a.title.$t.localeCompare(b.title.$t)}):h ,i=g.sortAlphabetically?i.sort(function(a,b){return a.term.localeCompare(b.term)}):i,j='<span class="toc-line"></span ><ul class="toc-tabs">';for(var m=0,n=i.le ngth;n>m;++m)j+='<li class="toc-tab-item-'+m+'"><a onclick="clickTabs_'+c+"("+m+');return false; " onmousedown="return false;" href="javascript:;">'+i[m].term+"</a></li>";j+="</ul>",j+='<div class="toc-content">' ;for(var o=0,n=i.length;n>o;++o){j+='<ol class="panel" data-category="'+i[o].term+'"', j+=o!=g.activeTab-1?' style="display:none;"':"",j+=">";for(var p=0;f>p&&p!==h.length;++p){for(var q,r=h[ p],s=r.published.$t,t=g.monthNames,u=r.title.$t,v=("summary"in r&&g.showSummaries===!0?r.summary.$t. replace(/<br *\/?>/g," ").replace(/<.*?>/g,"").replace(/[<>]/g,"").substring(0, g.numChars)+"…":""),w=("media$thumbnail"in r&&g.showThumbnails===!0?'<img class="thumbnail" style="width:'+g.thumbSize+ "px;height:"+g.thumbSize+'px;" alt="" src="'$thumbnail.url.replace(/\/s\d(\-c)?\//," /s"+g.thumbSize+"-c/")+'"/>':'<img class="thumbnail" style="width:'+g.thumbSize+"px;height:"+g.thumbSize+'px ;" alt="" src="'+g.noThumb.replace(/\/s\d(\-c)?\//,"/s"+g.thumbSize+"-c/")+'" />'),x=r.category||[],y=g.showDates?'<time datetime="'+s+'" title="'+s+'">'+s.substring(8,10 )+" "+t[parseInt(s.substring(5,7),10)-1]+" "+s.substring(0,4)+"</time>":"",z=0,;A>z;++z)if("alternate"[z].rel){[z].href;break}for(var B=0,C=x.length;C>B;++B){var D=g.newTabLink?' target="_blank"':"";x[B].term===i[o].term&&(j+='<li title="'+x[B].term+'"',j+=g. showSummaries?' class="bold"':"",j+='><a href="'+q+'"'+D+">"+u+y+"</a>",j+=g.showSummaries? '<span class="summary">'+w+v+'<span style="display:block;clear:both;"></span></span>':"",j+="</li> ")}}j+="</ol>"}j+="</div>",j+='<div style="clear:both;"></div>',b.getElementById(g.containerId) .innerHTML=j,a["clickTabs_"+c](g.activeTab-1)};var f=b.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],g=b.createElement("script");g. src=d.blogUrl.replace(/\/+$|[\?&#].*$/g,"")+"/feeds/posts/summary?alt=json-in-script&max-results="+ d.maxResults+"&orderby=published&callback=showTabs_"+c,"onload"!==d.preload?a.setTimeout(function(){f.appendChild(g)},d.preload):a.onload=function( ){f.appendChild(g)}}(window,document);</script>

Replace the one marked RED with your URL blog's address.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Termination Block Managers Can Propose Changes in the Form of Oil and Gas Contracts

    Oil and gas companies that hold the management of terminated oil and gas blocks are allowed to propose changes in the form of production sharing contracts (PSC) from gross profit sharing (gross split) to cost recovery or vice versa.

    This refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EMR/ESDM) Number 23 of 2021 concerning the management of oil and gas blocks whose cooperation contracts will expire. With the enactment of this regulation, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 23/2018 and the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 3/2019 are revoked and declared invalid.

    In Article 34 of Ministerial Regulation number 23 of 2021, it is stated that contractors and PT Pertamina (Persero) can apply for proposals for the basic forms and provisions of PSC from gross split to cost recovery or from cost recovery to gross split. This application can be made after the contractor and Pertamina have completed a five-year definite work commitment (KKP).

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    The application is submitted to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources through the Special Task Force for Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas). Furthermore, if there is a change in the form and basic provisions of the PSC, the costs incurred for the implementation of the KKP cannot be submitted as a refund of operating costs.

    The opportunity to change the PSC scheme is considered positive by various parties, including PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) as the Upstream Subholding of PT Pertamina (Persero). Pertamina Hulu Energi Corporate Secretary Whisnu Bahriansyah said the option to choose the gross split or cost recovery oil and gas contract was previously only given for new oil and gas block contracts. This provision is through the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources number 12 of 2020.

    But now, the same option is also owned by the terminated oil and gas block manager who has signed a contract. "Article 34 answers the industry's encouragement for the flexibility of the existing cooperation contract scheme options," he said.

    Secretary-General of the Indonesian Association of Petroleum Engineers (IATMI) Hadi Ismoyo agrees that this flexibility in choosing the form of PSC has a positive impact on the national oil and gas investment climate. 

    The reason is, so far not all investors are compatible with the gross split PSC. He said that the implementation of the gross split contract had an impact on the cash flow of oil and gas companies. This is because cost recovery PSCs are guaranteed a faster return on investment than gross split PSCs.

"So that investors are more comfortable, and because investors feel comfortable, it can also be returned in the form of exploration activities in the area, so that in the long term there is hope for sustainable production," he said.

    The Executive Director of the Reforminer Institute, Komaidi Notonegoro, also said the same thing. The no longer mandated gross split scheme oil and gas contracts for terminated oil and gas blocks is a positive step. His party from the beginning has also suggested that KKKS be given the freedom to have the most suitable oil and gas contracts for the oil and gas blocks they manage.

"Because there are types [of oil and gas blocks] that are suitable for cost recovery and some are suitable for gross split, so they cannot be mandated for certain types," he explained.

    Regarding the implementation of the Ministerial Regulation, the Head of the Program and Communication Division of SKK Migas Susana Kurniasih said, the PSC that first regulated the KKP matter was for the Jambi Merang Block which became effective in 2019. With the implementation period of the KKP for five years, it will be completed in 2024.

“SKK Migas through functions that have main tasks, functions, and competencies will monitor the implementation of the KKP by KKKS. In the event that after the completion of the KKP, the contractor intends to apply for a change in terms and conditions, then the policy to decide on the application is entire with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources,” She said.

    She added that SKK Migas had submitted a recommendation on an application from the Brantas Block contractor who submitted a contract change from gross split to cost recovery before the enactment of ESDM Ministerial Regulation number 23 of 2021.

"However, the application in question was not approved by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources," said Susana.

    Previously, termination of oil and gas blocks was mandated using a gross split contract. To date, referring to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, there are 23 terminated oil and gas blocks that use gross split contracts, namely the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ), North Sumatra Offshore, Ogan Kome ring, South East Sumatra, Tuban, Sanga-Sanga, East Kalimantan. and Attaka, Jambi Merang, Raja/Pendopo, Bula, Seram-Non Bula, Malacca Straits, Brantas, Salawati, Bird's Head, Rokan, Tarakan, Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru (CPP), Tungkal, Sengkang, Rimau, Corridor, and Pangkah.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Monday, Aug 23, 2021

Friday, August 27, 2021

How to Custom Blogger Domain ( to


    Below is a complete and hassle-free tutorial on how to custom a blogger domain or change to your own domain like or something else.

Why do you have to use your own domain?

Actually, it doesn't matter if your blog address uses the subdomain, but if you want to be serious about blogging, then I highly recommend using your own domain. 



• Your blog address will be shorter

• It's definitely easier to remember

• It looks more professional

• Buddy will be more serious in taking care of your blog

• One day can be moved to WordPress without losing visitors

• and others.

Ok, just take a look at how to custom a blogger domain below.

Registering a domain name at

The first thing you need to do to replace your blog address with your own domain is to register a domain name at a domain name provider. You can register your own domain at a domain provider in your country. The method is the same as this technique. this is one of my own web samples that I registered at is my recommendation as a place to register a domain because it is very trusted.

The first domain I have is and the newest domain,, all of which I registered at    

How do you register?

Just take a look below:

Step #1 – Go to  

Step #2 – Please check the availability of the domain name you want 


1. The domain name you want

2. Domain extension. Recommend use. COM 

3. Click " Check Domain "

Step # 3 - If the domain is available, click the " Order " 

Step #4 – Just click “ Continue ” 

Step #5 – Click “ Continue ” again 

Step #6 – On the next page, my friend is offered to rent a web hosting, just click " I don't need hosting " because blogger only needs a domain.  

Step #7 – Click “ Continue ” again 

Step #8 – Click “ Check Out ” 

Step #9 – If you are new to using service, please create a new account by clicking “ Create New Account .” Because I already have an account at rumahweb, so I just log in. 

Step #10 – Choose a payment method 

Step #11 – Make payment 

Step #12 – Confirm payment 

Step #13 – The domain has successfully become yours. 

That's more or less the process of registering a domain at If you feel confused and unsure, you can directly ask Customer Support. 

Installing a domain on the blog

If you have successfully registered a domain name, the next step, of course, is to install it on your blog so that the domain can be accessed.

Just look at the steps:

Step #1 – First login to your blog Dashboard 

Step #2 – Go to “ Settings ” > “ Basic ” menu then click “ + Prepare 3rd party URL for your blog ” 

Step #3 – Enter your domain name (don't forget to use www ) then click " Save "  

Step #4 – Now there will appear an Error warning. Don't worry because the steps are still not finished. What you need to do is record the 2 DNS records that are there for us to install later in the DNS domain settings.     

Step #5 – Next login to to set up DNS domain.  

Step #6 – Go to the “ Domains ” menu > “ My Domain List ” 

Step #7 – Click “ Manage Domain ” 

Step #8 – Then click “ Managed DNS ”  

Step #9 - If a message like this appears, just click " Start " 

Step #10 - If a message like this appears, just click " Update " 

Step #11 – Click “ Add New Record ” 

Step #12 – In this step, you need to enter the DNS Record code that was given by the blogger in step #4. To make it easy, just follow the image below:    

Information :

1. Domain: Enter the code " Name " (according to step #4)   

2. TTL: Leave it like that (14400) 

3. Record Type: Select CNAME  

4. Hostname: Enter the code " Destination " (according to step #4)   

If so, just click " Add Record "

Now we need to enter the second DNS Record. Just repeat as shown above:  

Information :

1. Domain: Enter the code " Name " (according to step #4) 

2. TTL: Leave it like that (14400) 

3. Record Type: Select CNAME  

4. Hostname: Enter the code " Destination " (according to step #4) 

If so, click the " Add Record " button again

Step #13 – After that, you still need to enter 4 additional DNS records so that your blog's domain can be accessed without www. To make it easy, just follow the image below:    

Information :

1. Domain: let’s empty 

2. TTL: Leave it like that (14400) 

3. Record Type: Select A  

4. IP or Hostname: Enter  

If so, click the " Add Record " button again

Then add 3 more DNS records as shown above by entering the following IP or Hostname :     




Step #14 – Go back to the Settings Tab in blogger, after that just click " Save "   

Step #15 – If all the steps above were followed correctly, your domain should have been successfully installed. 

Step #16 – So that the domain can be accessed without www, don't forget to check the section " Switch to ":  

Step #17 – Done…… 

That's roughly the steps for how to custom a blogger domain from registering a domain to installing it on a blog.

If you feel dizzy, just ask in the comments. I will help you.

Additional: If the domain cannot be accessed, please wait 10 minutes, maximum of 1×24 hours.

If you want to create a personal blog or an information blog using a theme like, you can DOWNLOAD it HERE

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Blogger Tutorial A-Z for Beginners

 Blogger Tutorial for Beginners [Updated 2022]

list of contents


• 1 Why Choose 

• 2 Blogger Tutorials for Beginners 

• 3 Understanding the Menus on Blogger 

• 4 Ways to Post Articles 

• 5 Ways to Create Static Pages 

• 6 Ways to Install Widgets 

• 7 Ways to Change Blogger Templates 

• 8 Ways to Install a Favicon 

• 9 Ways to Change Blog Title with Logo 

•10 Closing Blogger Tutorials 

In this post, I will share a complete blogger tutorial for beginner bloggers who are learning to blog. is a service to create a blog for free that is quite easy to use.  In Indonesia, this blogger service is also known as Blogspot because the blog address used by is

Although this blogger service is easy to use, beginners who are just learning to blog sometimes still find it complicated.

Well for that reason there is nothing wrong if I make this blogger tutorial specifically for beginner bloggers. 

I hope that the blogger tutorial that I wrote below can enlighten beginner blogger friends who are just learning to blog on

Why Choose

Before I proceed to the blogger tutorial, my friend may be wondering:

Why use, sir? there are other options.

Indeed, besides there are actually many other blogging services that can be used, but most Indonesian Bloggers prefer  

Here are some reasons:

• Because it's free hosting forever

• Easy to use, very suitable for beginners

• Quite complete features

• Can be used to make money from blogs 

• Safe and Trusted because Blogger is one of Google's services

• A website with a blog structure will never go down because the blogger belongs to Google. So it is guaranteed and safe.

 Unlimited bandwidth, free to use as much as you like.

 Blog performance is always stable because the host is supported by Google

 No need to rent Web Hosting, because blogger provides it for free.

 Free domain forever using a subdomain extension, namely

 Can custom TLD domains such as .com, .net, .online, .shop, and others.

 Strong security because it is connected to a Google account, so you don't have to worry about being hacked.

• Easy to use because there is no need to take care of SEO etc. because it has been provided by Google

• Blogger has free SSL facilities

• Large selection of free templates

• Easy to make, just visit using your Gmail account

• And others…

Also read: Choose,, or 

Now proceed to the blogger tutorial. Please see below.

Blogger Tutorials for Beginners

If you don't have a blog, then the first thing you need to do is, of course, create a blog on

How to create a blog on is very easy.

What you need first is a Google account. I'm sure you already have a Google account. 

If not, please create a Google account first. How to Read Here. 

If the Google account is ready, just follow the steps below:

• First login to using your Google account.  

• After logging in, you need to fill in the profile name used for the blog

• Click " Continue to Blogger "

• Click “ New blog ” to create a new blog 

• Enter the blog title and address, select a blog theme, then click “ Create a blog! "

• The blog is ready. To view your blog, just click the " View blog " button.

Understanding the Menus on Blogger

After you have successfully created a blog, then you need to understand the menus on

These menus are very important to understand because they can make it easier for you to manage your blog in the future. 

The menus in blogger are located on the left of the dashboard.

Below is a full explanation of these menus:


Menu to display a list of all articles on your blog


Menu to display your blog's statistics such as the number of visitors, the number of page views, the source of visitors, and so on.


Menu to display all the list of comments that go to your blog.

Menu page to create and display all the static Pages list on your blog. An explanation of static pages is below. 


Here is where you set your blog layout and also a place to install blog widgets such as the popular articles widget, or followers widget.

Themes (previously called Templates) This

is the place to change your blog's template or theme. In addition, you can also edit your blog template directly on this menu.


Place your blog settings. If you want to change the blog title, change the address, or change the blog language, this menu is the place.

In addition to the menus above, there is actually one more menu, it's just that the menu is not displayed by default for Indonesian-language blogs.

To find out what the menu is, please read this post

How to Post Articles

After you have successfully created a blog, the next thing you need to do is start filling your blog with writing or posting articles. 

How to post articles on Blogger itself can be said to be very easy. It's basically almost the same as writing an email.

If you are used to writing emails, then posting articles on Blogger is not a difficult thing to learn.

But if my friend has never written an email then that means my friend is really clueless. But don't worry because it's never too late to learn.

The following are the steps:

• First, you have to log in to " Blogger "

• If you are already logged in, now just click the “ New entry ” button :

• Next, you will be directed to the article editor page on blogger. Take a good look at the image below and its explanation:

Information :

1. Article title

2. Contents of the article

3. Menus to change text color, font size, upload images, and videos, etc.

4. Post format. Just choose to Compose for beginners

5. Post labels. Full explanation 

6. Date the article was written

7. Permanent link.

8. The location of my friend when writing the article. not required

9. Several other options to choose from

10. Button to publish your article

11. Button to save the article to Draft

12. Preview post before publishing

• After you understand a little about the menus in the article editor on Blogger, then just write what you want to write.

• Click the “ Publish ” button when the article is finished. 

• Now your writing is online and can be read by many people:

Well, it turns out that writing articles on bloggers is very easy, isn't it?

How to Create Static Pages

Static pages are basically almost like posts, only they have their own differences and functions.

One simple example of using this page feature is to create pages like About Me, My Contacts, Disclaimer, etc.   

Here are some of the basic differences between Posts and Pages:


•Featured on the front page of the blog

•Archived by date of publication

•Have a label, publish date, and author

•Devoted to frequently updated content

•Using the permalink URL format like this:


•By default it is not displayed on the front page of the blog

•Not archived by date of publish

•No label, publish date, and author

•Dedicated to infrequently updated content

•Using a permalink URL format like this:

Now to create this page the process is almost no different from posting articles on Blogger.

The following are the steps:

•Log in to your blog dashboard.

•Click the " Home "

•Click the " new page "

•Now all you have to do is fill in the title and content for your blog's static page

•If it is so, then just click the " Publish "

As already mentioned above, the page on Blogger by default is not displayed on the blog.

In addition, there are no clickable links that can lead to a static page that has been created.

To display the link to the page, you can use the Page Widget. 

The following are the steps:

•Go to the menu " Layout "

•Click " Add a Gadget "

•Choose widget " Pages "

•Check the static page that you want to display

•If so, then just click " Save "

Now the static page link has appeared on your blog.

How to Install Widget

Widgets or called Gadgets are content on a blog other than articles on a blog. This widget is usually located in the sidebar of the blog.

Widgets in the blog can be installed, removed, and also moved as desired. In addition, this widget is optional, it does not have to be installed on the blog. So my friend can create a blog without installing a widget at all.

The following are the steps to install a widget or gadget in Blogger: 

•First, of course, log in to " Blogger "

•Once logged in, go to " Layout "

•Well here my friend can add a widget by clicking " Add a Gadget " already provided several gadgets that are ready to be installed. Of course, my friend is not required to install everything. Just select the widgets you really need. 

What widgets need to be installed?

Most beginner bloggers are usually too excessive in installing widgets on Blogger. Many think that the more widgets installed on the blog, the cooler the blog will be. In fact, however, the opposite is true.  

The fewer widgets installed on the blog, the better. The reason is that if you install too many widgets, it will confuse visitors, but it will also make loading the blog longer.

The following are some recommended widgets that should be installed on the blog:

•Popular Entries Widget

•Label Widget

•Archive Widget

•Profile Widget

In addition to these widgets, one more widget is often used in bloggers, namely the HTML/JavaScript widget. 

The function of this widget is to add a widget using HTML code as well as JavaScript. Generally used to install third-party widgets (widgets not from and also to install advertising banners.

How to Change Blogger Template

One of the cool features of a blogger is that we can change the template or appearance of our blog as desired.

At, several default templates have been provided to choose from, besides that, you can also use third-party templates that are already scattered on the internet.

Well, most likely my friend will prefer to use a third-party template because the templates that have been provided by bloggers are generally ugly and too simple. 

Then how do I change the template on my blog?

Please take a look below:

1. Searching for Blogger Templates

Now to change the blog template or theme with a third-party template, the first thing you need to do is find a blogger template to download.  

There are lots of blogger template providers out there, tens or even hundreds, from free to paid ones.

To search for these template providers, simply search on Google with keywords like this: “Blogger Templates” or “Free Blogger Templates” or “Cool Blogger Templates” etc.

2. Extract the Template File

The template files that you download later are generally in .zip or .rar formats.   

To install it on your blog, you need to extract the file. 

The method is as shown below:

Once extracted, it will contain a file with the extension. XML, now that's the file that my friend will install later on to Blogger.

Here are the steps to install the template to the blog:

•Login to " Blogger "

•Click the " Themes "

•Click the menu icon (three dots)

•Click " Restore "

•Click " Upload "

•Select the template file that has been downloaded on your computer

Now please check your blog address to see if the template has been successfully installed or not.

After changing the template, you usually need to rearrange the widgets installed on the blog.

Well, that's roughly how to change the template in Blogger. It's really really easy. Don't make it complicated.

How to Install a Favicon

One of the little things you can do to make your blog a little cooler is to change the Favicon on your blog.

What is Favicon?

Favicon stands for Fav ORITE Icon is an image icon that appears in the address bar of a website. The favicon can also be referred to as a shortcut icon, website icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon. 


By default, if you create a blog on Blogger, your blog will have a favicon in the form of the Blogger logo

So, that your blog looks more unique, you can replace the favicon with your own favicon.

Here's how:

• First, you have to prepare a square image with a size of no more than 100 Kilobyte. The image format can be any, .JPG, .PNG, or. ICO.  

• If the image is ready, now login to > Go to the “ Layout ” menu > Click “ Edit ” in the Favicon section : 

• Click " Choose File " and select the favicon image that you have created.

• After that just click " Save "

After you have successfully installed a favicon on your blog, chances are when you check your blog, the favicon is still the blogger logo. This is natural because of the influence of the browser cache. 

Please, my friend, can clear the browser cache to see the favicon changes.  

How to Change Blog Title with Logo

Another thing that can be done to make your blog cooler is to replace the blog title with a logo.

Here are the steps on how to replace the title of your blog with a logo image:

•First, my friend must first create a logo to serve as the title of the blog.

•First login to your blog dashboard.

•After that go to " Layout "

•Click " Edit / Pencil Icon " in the Blog Title section 

•Then just follow the instructions as shown in the image below:

1. Select the logo image file on your computer

2. Select " In addition to title and description "

3. Click " Save "

That's roughly how to replace the blog title with a logo image. Very simple and not complicated.

Blogger Tutorial Ending

Maybe this is the only blogger tutorial that I can share in this post.

The next step, my friend, is to read my post about SEO Techniques for Bloggers here. 

-=Thank you=-

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Pertamina Drills Sixth Well in Rokan Block

    PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) continued to drill the sixth well using the ACS-19 rig technology in the Rokan Block, Riau Province, a week after the transfer of management. 

    PHR President Director Jaffee Arizon Suardin said the drilling activity was carried out to maintain the level of oil production in the Rokan Block.

“Everyone worked hard from the transition period to after this management transfer. There is rig preparation work which is usually completed in six days but can be completed in three days,” said Jaffee.

    Jaffee said that his party had drilled five wells, namely the Bangko-344 P03reg5 well, the Duri P_3R33E well, the Duri 3K-49C well, two Duri 8M-75B wells, and the Bekasap #161-BK21_P01 well. Currently, as many as 25 locations are ready to be drilled or known as Ready For Drilling (RFD). Pertamina targets to drill 161 new wells by the end of this year.

    According to Jaffee, the target is part of efforts to achieve the oil production target proclaimed by the central government, namely one million barrels per day (BPD) in 2030.

PHR is committed to supporting the achievement of the central government's target. PHR's main priority at this time is drilling," said Jaffee.

    Pertamina now operates 10 rigs which will gradually increase to 16 rigs until October 2021. In an effort to run a safe, reliable, and efficient drilling program, PHR focuses on three things, namely the consistent implementation of safety programs, the conversion of two workover rigs (350 HP) ) into drilling rigs, and achieving superior and efficient performance through the Lean Sigma program.

Nicke Widyawati

    Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati advised PHR to continue to focus on carrying out the government's mandate to provide the best for the country, society, and nation through the management of the Rokan Block. So that it can realize Indonesia's energy independence and sovereignty. 

the Rokan Block Chevron

    By the end of 2021, PHR plans to drill 161 new wells, including the remaining wells from the previous operator commitments. Meanwhile, in 2022, PHR plans to drill approximately 500 new wells. This is the investment commitment and the largest number of wells among other oil, and gas Working areas in Indonesia.

    The drilling activity will be supported by the preparation of an additional 10 drilling rigs so that in total there are 16 rigs and 29 other rigs for workover & well service activities which are a mirroring of the previous contract.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 1923 K/10/MEM/-2018 dated August 6, 2018, the government decided PT Pertamina (Persero) through its affiliate PHR as the manager of Rokan after a week (August 8) with 100% Participating Interest/PI ownership.

Republika, Page-9, Wednesday, Aug 18, 2021

The Transfer of Managing the Rokan Block is Smooth

    Transferring the Rokan Block management from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) to PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR), which went smoothly, could be an example of the operational transition of a giant oil and gas working area in the future.

the Rokan Block by Chevron

    Meanwhile, the smooth transfer of management in the Rokan Block is of particular concern considering that the working area is the second-largest supporter of oil production in Indonesia or around 24 percent of the total domestic oil production.

    Investment commitment agreements during the transition period are a new thing in the process of transferring the management of oil and gas working areas in Indonesia. The Rokan Block became the only working area that received investment for drilling during the transition period by its former manager.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    The day after the transfer of management of Rokan, Pertamina Hulu Rokan succeeded in continuing the drilling program that had been prepared during the transfer of management with SKK Migas and ChevronPT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) also shipped the prime oil at the end of last week. Most recently, Pertamina Hulu Rokan drilled the sixth well, namely the Duri #3R-52B well.

    President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) Jaffee Arizon Suardin said a week after managing the Rokan Block or one day before the commemoration of Indonesian Independence Day, the drilling was carried out.

"There is a rig preparation work which is usually completed in six days, can be completed in three days," said Jaffee.

    Meanwhile, Executive Director of ReforMiner Komaidi Notonegoro assessed that the main key to creating a smooth transition process lies in institutional strengthening to accelerate the transfer process of the two contractors.

"If SKK Migas later becomes an institution with a strong representation, then it will know the data, know the detailed information," he said.

    In addition, Komaidi assesses the role of legal protection will also greatly determine similar processes in the future. Therefore, he hopes that the presence of the new Oil and Gas Law will make all affairs in the sector more effective.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-5, Wednesday, Aug 18, 2021