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Saturday, November 13, 2021

Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project Potentially Delayed to 2022

    The Jambaran Tiung Biru (JTB) project has the potential to be operational next year, from the initial target for completion by the end of 2021. However, the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) is still trying to get the project completed soon.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    SKK Migas Deputy Operations Julius Wiratno said his party was still pursuing the completion of three additional upstream oil and gas projects this year, one of which was the Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) Field Unitization Project. However, the completion of the project worked on by PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) has the potential to be delayed to next year.

“JTB which seems very difficult to onstream (operations) this year. There is a possibility [of withdrawing]," he said.

the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project

    Currently, the development of the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project has reached 95%. However, even if the progress of this project can reach 98-99%, the possibility of starting operations this year is still very difficult.

"But we still try as much as possible," said Julius.

the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project

    Previously, the work on the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, as of last June, SKK Migas is still optimistic that the gas project with a production of 192 million standard cubic feet per day/MMscfd will start operating this month. Moreover, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif and the Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto have directly reviewed the work on this project.

    The JTB project includes the construction of a gas processing facility/GPF and its supporting facilities, as well as drilling six development wells and one plug and abandonment well. By optimizing the GPF design, the salable gas production from this project can be increased from 172 MMscfd to 192 MMscfd.

    This gas production will be channeled through the Gresik-Semarang transmission pipeline owned by PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas). Pertamina has signed the Jambaran-Tiung Biru gas sale and purchases agreement (PJBG) with PT PLN (Persero). Gas from the Jambaran-Tiung Biru project will be channeled to PLN of 100 MMscfd and the remaining 72 MMscfd for the industry in Central Java and East Java.

    Besides JTB, two other projects targeted for completion this year are the SP Bambu Besar (Asso) Project by PT Pertamina EP and Bukit Tua Phase 3 by Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd. The SP Bambu Besar project is estimated to provide additional gas production of 7 MMscfd and Bukit Tua Phase 3 to produce 14 thousand BPD of oil and 30 MMscfd of gas. Including JTB, these three projects will provide additional oil production of 14 thousand bpd and gas of 367 MMscfd.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Nov 13, 2021

Monday, November 8, 2021

The Rokan Oil Block Deposit Rp. 2.7 T


Only 2 Months Managed by Pertamina.

    The Rokan Block contributed Rp 2.7 trillion to state revenue after 2 months of being managed by PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero). The details. The Rokan Block paid Rp 2.1 trillion to the state and paid taxes of around Rp 607.5 billion through the sale of the state's share of crude oil.

    Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir asked for this performance to continue to be improved in order to build Indonesia's energy resilience, independence, and sovereignty.

Erick Thohir

"So in addition to meeting national energy needs, it must support job creation, business opportunities for local entrepreneurs, as well as improving people's welfare," he said.

The Rokan Block (PHR)

    Erick added that his party appreciated Pertamina's ability to respond to the challenges of managing the largest oil field in Indonesia by providing direct benefits for the country. He said that the performance of the Rokan Block was proof of the ability of state-owned companies to manage their own oil resources, not relying on foreign operators, and at the same time being able to work efficiently.

"In addition to maintaining the success of WK Rokan as one of the main producers of national oil, PHR also provides a multiplier effect on the national economy, in the form of direct benefits for the country and the region," said Erick.


Nicke Widyawati

    Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said Rokan Block operations currently involve more than 25,000 workers. Most of these workers are local Riau residents. Therefore, according to him, this national strategic asset requires maximum support from all stakeholders for smooth operations.

"The work program for the Rokan Block is massive and aggressive. This will have an impact on opening up business and job opportunities for local communities, as well as increasing the value of an investment in Riau," She said.

"We have discussed and coordinated with the Riau Regional Government regarding the potential for additional taxes for the region so that our contribution will be more real," Nicke Said.

    For information, the Rokan Block is the main producer of national oil with a contribution of 25 percent. The block, which was discovered in 1941 and started production in 1951, plays an important role in meeting the national target of producing 1 million barrels of crude oil per day (BPD) and 12 billion cubic feet of gas per day (BSCFD) by 2030.

    Since Pertamina took over on August 9, 2021, the intensity of operating activities in the Rokan Block has increased in line with the target of drilling 161 new wells by year. In the last two months, Pertamina has drilled more than 79 wells by operating 16 rigs. 

    Meanwhile, in 2022, Pertamina targets to drill 500 new wells. So it is hoped that the increase in activity in the Rokan Block will be able to encourage economic activity in Riau.

Surya, Page-5, Monday, Nov 8, 2021

Pertamina Rokan Deposits IDR 2.7 Trillion to the State

    The Rokan Block is the main producer of national oil with a contribution of 25 percent.

    The operating activities of the Rokan Working Area (WK) provide direct benefits to the state, region, and the surrounding community. PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) remitted to the state through operations in the Rokan Work Area (WK), Riau. 

    Two months after managing WK ​​Rokan, PHR was noted to have contributed state revenues through the sale of state crude oil of around Rp. 2.1 trillion and tax payments of around Rp. 607.5 billion, including taxes to the regions.

"This contribution is one concrete proof of how the presence of upstream oil and gas business activities in this case PHR operations provide direct benefits to the state and region. WK Rokan is a national strategic asset that must be supported by smooth operations. Finally by all stakeholders,” said PHR President Director Jaffee A Suardin.

    Jaffee said the operation of WK Rokan is currently supported by more than 25 thousand workers, most of whom are local Riau residents. According to him, business and job opportunities for local communities are becoming more open, the investment value in Riau is also increasing.

    Jaffee said that recently, PHR had discussed and coordinated with the Riau Provincial Government regarding the potential for additional taxes for the region. One of them was triggered by the change in the production sharing contract scheme from previously using a cost recovery scheme to a gross split.

"WK Rokan is one of the backbones of efforts to achieve the national production target of one million barrels of oil per day (BPD) and 12 billion cubic feet of gas per day (BSCFD) in 2030. Production of WK Rokan contributes almost 25 percent of national oil production," said Jaffee.

Erick Thohir

    Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir appreciated Pertamina Hulu Rokan's ability to respond to challenges in managing oil fields in WK Rokan. He emphasized that this was a testament to the ability of state-owned companies to manage their own oil resources, not to depend on foreign operators, and to work efficiently.

"I appreciate Pertamina Hulu Rokan's ability to answer the challenge in managing the largest oil field in Indonesia. In addition to maintaining the success of WK Rokan as one of the main national oil producers, PHR also provides a multiplier effect on the national economy, in the form of direct benefits for the country and the region," said Eric.

The Rokan Block (PHR)

    It is noted that starting August 9, 2021, the Rokan Block, which has been managed for 97 years by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI), was taken over by PHR. WK Rokan is the main producer of national oil with a contribution of 25 percent, the Rokan Block which was discovered in 1941 and started production in 1951 plays an important role in meeting the national target of national crude oil production. Erick hopes that PHR's success in managing the Rokan Block will continue to be improved.

Nicke Widyawati

    President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Nicke Widyawati said the work program for WK Rokan was massive and aggressive. Since PHR was taken over, the intensity of Operational activities at the Rokan WK has increased in line with the target of 161 drilling wells until the end of 2021.

    In the last two months, PHR has drilled more than 79 wells operating 16 rigs. Next year, PHR targets drilling 500 wells so that increased activity in WK Rokan will be able to increase economic activity in Riau.

    The Rokan block has an area of ​​6,453 square kilometers (km) with 10 main fields, namely Minas, Duri, Bangko, Bekasap, Balam South, Kotabatak, Farmers, Pematang, Petapahan, and Pager. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 1923 K/10/MEM/2018 dated August 6, 2018, the government decided PT Pertamina (Persero) through its affiliate PHR as the manager of Rokan after August 8, 2021, with 100 percent participating interest/PI ownership, including 10 percent which will be offered to Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD).

Republika, Page9, Monday, Nov 8, 2021

Rokan Block Oil Working Area Contributes to State Revenue of Rp 2.7 T

    Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir appreciated the performance of PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) in managing the Rokan Block. In the two months since taking over, PHR has contributed to state revenues of Rp 2.7 trillion. 

Erick Thohir

    Erick detailed that the Rokan Working Area (WK) had paid Rp 2.1 trillion to the state and paid taxes of around Rp 607.5 billion through the sale of the state's share of crude oil. In addition, it provides a multiplier effect on the national economy.

"This shows that SOEs are capable, not dependent on foreign operators, and can work efficiently," he said.

    Erick hopes that this achievement can continue to be improved. Because the benefits are very large for the nation and state.

"In addition to meeting national energy needs, it must support job creation, business opportunities for local entrepreneurs, as well as improving community welfare," he said.

Nicke Widyawati

    President Director of PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati added that the operation of the Rokan WK is supported by more than 25 thousand workers. The majority are local Riau residents. Therefore, these national strategic assets require maximum support from all stakeholders for smooth operations so that they have an impact on opening up business and job opportunities for local communities.

"We have discussed and coordinated with the Riau Regional Government regarding the potential for additional taxes for the region so that the contribution we make is more real," said Nicke Wiyawati.

    Since PHR was taken over, the intensity of WK Rokan's operations has increased. In line with the target of 161 wells being drilled by the end of this year. In the last two months, his party has drilled more than 79 wells by operating 16 rigs.

"Next year, it is targeted to drill 500 wells so that increased activity in the Rokan WK will be able to increase economic activity in Riau," She said.

Jawa Pos, Page-3, Monday, Nov 8, 2021

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Pertamina Synergizes with ExxonMobil


    Erick Thohir wants SOEs to follow the principles of a green economy in transforming their business.

Erick Thohir

    PT Pertamina Holding synergizes with ExxonMobil in the development of carbon capture and utilization and storage (CCUS) technology. The cooperation was carried out by Pertamina in line with the business transformation steps towards a green economy.

“The application of CCUS technology is part of Pertamina's energy transition to clean energy agenda.

Nicke Widyawati

    This low-carbon technology will support Pertamina's business sustainability in the future," said Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati.

    Nicke and ExxonMobil Indonesia President Irtiza H Sayyed have signed a memorandum of understanding at the United Nations Climate Change (PEB) Summit in Glasgow, Scotland, Monday (Nov 1, 2021).

    Nicke said the challenge in developing CCUS lies in the large investment value and the economic value that is not yet ideal. In responding to this challenge, Pertamina continues to synergize and cooperate with various world oil and gas companies so that it can accelerate the implementation of CCUS through technology transfer, joint development, and increased capacity building. Together with ExxonMobil, Nicke added, Pertamina will also develop the application of low-carbon technology to achieve net-zero emissions in promoting global climate goals.

    Nicke explained that the CCUS technology was applied through the application of a carbon dioxide (CO2) injection process into the subsurface layer to be applied in depleted reservoirs in Pertamina's working area, as well as assessing the potential for hubs and cluster schemes. Nicke said Pertamina had initiated several CCUS projects in the oil and gas field with the potential to reduce carbon dioxide up to 18 million tons in relation to reducing emissions in the upstream sector.

    One of the CCUS technology developments was carried out in the Gundih Field, Cepu, Central Java, which is integrated with Enhanced Gas Recovery (EGR) technology and has the potential to reduce around 3 million tons of CO2 in 10 years, including increasing oil and gas production. Nicke said the project is planned to be operational in 2026.

    Nicke added that Pertamina and ExxonMobil will also study the sharing of technical subsurface data needed for the assessment of subsurface formation as a place to store CO2 and its characteristics at certain locations in Indonesia. The two companies will also review the sharing of infrastructure data including data on pipelines, facilities, and wells to evaluate the reuse of existing infrastructure for transportation. 

    Nicke said the government has set a roadmap for the transition of energy from fossil to new and renewable energy that is in line with the principles of energy security, accessibility, and affordability.

"From that perspective, Pertamina will continue to strive for a balance between the climate change agenda and energy security in Indonesia and also for the company's sustainability," said Nicke.

State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN)

    The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) continues to encourage Pertamina to synergize with various parties, including global companies in the development of CCUS technology.

"This CCUS collaboration is a step to make it happen. This partnership is very important to reduce the effect of greenhouse gases and increase the national oil gas production capacity," said SOE Minister Erick Thohir.

    The Ministry of SOEs has also introduced a sustainable policy, namely an environmentally friendly lifestyle (eco-lifestyle). Erick said the policy was aimed at creating a better place for the future generation of Indonesia through green energy initiatives.

Credit Photo by Christopher Furlong / POOL / AFP
President Joko Widodo - PM Boris Johnson

    In a bilateral meeting between President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and British Prime Minister (PM) Boris Johnson on the sidelines of the COP26 World Leaders Summit, at the Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow, Scotland, Monday (1 Nov 2021), Erick said, international trust The positive projection of Indonesia's economic growth in the future must be responded with full responsibility.

    According to Erick, the plans of several countries to invest to develop and accelerate the green economy in Indonesia will be a challenge for SOEs. Erick said that if President Jokowi emphasized green investment and technology as the key to the green economy transition, Johnson conveyed the UK's interest in investing in the form of export credits that could be used for the green economy transition.

    Erick sees this as an opportunity that must be implemented so that the transformation carried out by SOEs must uphold the principles of clean energy transformation while accelerating the green economy.

"I hope that our energy SOEs, such as PLN, Pertamina, and the mineral and coal industries can respond and carry out the transformation of clean energy and reduce carbon emissions. After all, this is a shared responsibility for the sustainability of our environment," said Erick.

    Erick added that SOEs' intensive efforts to transform by carrying out various programs and business model innovations must view the responsibility to reduce emissions not as a burden, but also as an opportunity to carry out a low-carbon economic transformation.

Republika, Page-9, Thursday, Nov 4, 2021

Three Upstream Oil and Gas Projects Ready to Onstream

    The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities or SKK Migas stated that as many as three upstream oil and gas projects are projected to start operating or onstream in the remaining time of this year.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    SKK Migas Deputy Operations Julius Wiratno said that of the 12 projects that have been onstream until the third quarter of 2021, there are still 3 more projects that are being prepared to increase production by around 3,000 barrels of oil per day/BOPD.

    Julius said Pertamina EP's SP Bambu Besar (Asso) project is estimated to provide additional gas production of 7 MMscfd, the Bukit Tua Project Phase 3 Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd. with the potential for additional production of 14,000 BOPD and 30 MMscfd of gas. Then, one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) for upstream oil and gas, namely Jambaran Tiung Biru Pertamina EP Cepu with a gas production potential of 330 MMscfd.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in Petronas Carigali Ketapang

"SP Bambu Besar Pertamina EP is about to be completed, the plan is to onstream this November. Bukit Tua Phase 2B will stream in December," he said.

    Meanwhile, as many as 12 oil and gas projects have successfully streamed, making the 2021 target 100% realized. The project provides additional national oil and gas production of 14,486 BOPD and 489 MMscfd of gas, with a total investment of US$1.5 billion, or equivalent to Rp21.75 trillion.

    Julius said, if all these projects can be realized, the investment figure will increase to US$ 2.92 billion or equivalent to Rp. 42.34 trillion. According to him, the acceleration of completion of upstream oil and gas projects cannot be separated from the impact of the high increase in world oil prices, above US$80 per barrel.

"World oil prices that continue to increase throughout 2021 encourage KKKS to accelerate the completion of upstream oil and gas projects so that in the third quarter of 2021 the target has been achieved 100 percent. The performance of the completion of upstream oil and gas projects will have a positive impact on accelerating the realization of upstream oil and gas investment until the end of 2023," he said.

    Referring to the results, said Julius, SKK Migas is optimistic that the entry rate at the beginning of next year will be at an optimal level.

    Regarding the JTB project, Julius said there is still a construction stage, pre-commissioning. According to him, the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the progress of the project.

    Julius said the Covid-19 pandemic also had an impact on the limited workforce that could be deployed to the field. Weather constraints are one of the inhibiting factors for the current construction completion.

    Progress is about 94% more. We are still trying to get gas in at the end of 2021," he said.

    Previously, PEPC President Director Awang Blueuardi said that the synergy between SOEs in the construction of the JTB gas unitization field development project belonging to Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) Zone 12 Eastern Indonesia Subholding Upstream Pertamina was expected to remain solid even though it was carried out in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    He said there were many challenges faced by this project during the pandemic, but his party continued to strive to develop innovations and coordinate so that they could continue to solve them.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Thursday, Nov 4, 2021

Nicke Wins Asia Pacific Women Empowerment Principles 2021

    Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati won the 2021 Asia-Pacific Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) award in the Leadership Commitment category. Nicke is recognized worldwide as having played an important role in realizing the company's strong commitment to encourage the presence of policies, regulations, or practices aimed at advancing gender equality in the workplace.

Nicke Widyawati

    In the Leader Commitment category, Nicke is considered to have proven his commitment as a company leader who has specific roles and responsibilities to promote gender equality in the company environment. This is evidenced by the increasing percentage of women occupying management positions in the company.

    Through the Pertiwi community (Pertamina's women's worker community), Pertamina has implemented an educational and socialization action program on gender equality. The Asia-Pacific WEPs 2021 assessment goes through a process of verification of supporting documents, due diligence, and the assessment of experts who are professional, competent, and knowledgeable about practices in the private sector that sustainably promote gender equality and women's empowerment.

"We should be grateful that the world community has recognized Pertamina's commitment to promoting gender equality. So that Pertamina's women can act as catalysts that color all company policies and programs," said Nicke.

    This award from the Asia-Pacific WEPs 2021 further motivates Pertamina to strengthen its commitment to screen the broadest talent in business companies, improve company competitiveness, fulfill corporate responsibility and sustainability commitments, the corporate model of behavior reflects community expectations for the company, employees, citizens, and families, and promote sustainable development in the countries where it operates.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Wednesday, Nov 3, 2021

Pertamina Cooperates with ExxonMobil to Develop Low Carbon Technology


    PT Pertamina and ExxonMobil are collaborating on the application of low-carbon technology and Carbon Capture and Utilization and Storage (CCUS). This collaboration will strengthen the sustainable strategic partnership between PT Pertamina and ExxonMobil that has existed since the 1970s in the upstream sector and also in the downstream sector some time ago.

Nicke Widyawati

    Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati and ExxonMobil Indonesia President, Irtiza H. Sayyed have signed a memorandum of understanding witnessed by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto, SOE Minister Erick Thohir, and Deputy SOE Minister Pahala N. Mansury and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif, Monday (1 Nov 2021) at the United Nations Climate Change Summit in Glasgow, Scotland, which will take place 1-10 November 2021.

    The application of CCUS technology is part of Pertamina's energy transition to the clean energy agenda. This low-carbon technology will support Pertamina's business sustainability in the future," said PT Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati.

    The challenge in developing CCUS lies in the large investment value and the economic value that is not yet ideal. In responding to this challenge, Pertamina continues to synergize and cooperate with various world oil and gas companies so that it can accelerate the implementation of CCUS through technology transfer, joint development, and increased capacity building.

    Together with ExxonMobil, Pertamina will develop the application of low-carbon technology to achieve net-zero emissions in promoting global climate goals. CCS technology is applied through the application of a CO2 injection process into the subsurface layer to be applied to depleted reservoirs in Pertamina's working area, as well as assessing the potential for hubs and cluster schemes.

Investor Daily, Page-10, Wednesday, Nov 3, 2021

Thursday, October 14, 2021

VioMagz Blogger Template Setting Guide



1 Installing the Template 

2 Adding a Navigation Menu (Header) 

3 Displaying Static Page Menu (Footer) 

4 Adding Social Media Icons 

5 Editing the Template Setup Code 

6 Replacing Blog Title with Logo 

7 Editing Posts in Footer 

8 Changing Favicon 

9 Show/Hide Labels, Dates, Comments, Etc. 

10 Enabling LazyLoad on AdSense Ads 

11 Frequently Asked Questions 

Below is a guide on how to install and set up the latest version of the VioMagz template.

1. Installing Templates

There are two methods that can be used to attach a template to a blog.

The first method is to copy the new template code and paste it into the blog manually via the Theme menu > edit HTML. This method is recommended if your blog changes to a different blog template. The reason is to avoid errors because the old template code is mixed with the new one. 

The second method is by uploading the template file directly to the blog via the Themes > Restore menu. This method is recommended if your blog installs the latest version of the same template. 

Below I explain how to install the template using both methods:

Method of Installing Manual Template Code:

#1. The downloaded file must be unzipped first. Inside the .zip file, there is a file with the extension .xml, so we need to copy all the code in the file.   

#2. Open the template file with .xml extension using a text editor program ( eg notepad ) and copy all the code in it.  

#3. I recommend doing a backup of the template to be replaced.

Go to the “Themes” menu > Click the menu icon (three dots) > “Backup” > “ Download ”      

#4. Once backed up, then you just put the code that has been copied to the blog via the HTML edit menu. 

Go to the “Themes” menu > Click the menu icon (three dots) > Click “ Edit HTML ” > Delete all the old template code > Paste/Paste the new template code > Click the Save button .     

Direct Upload Method:

#1. The downloaded file must be unzipped first. Inside the .zip file, there is a file with the extension .xml, so the file will be uploaded directly to the blog.   

#2. Second, do a backup of the template that will be replaced. The method is the same as the first method.

#3. Next, you just need to upload the template file to your blog.

Go to the “Themes” menu > Click the menu icon (three dots) > Click “ Recover ” > Click “Upload” > Select the template file on your computer.      

2. Adding a Navigation Menu (Header)

Go to the “ Layout ” menu > edit the widget “ Navigation Menu Code ” > then enter this code in the widget content section:

<li><a href=" # "> Sample Menu</a></li>

Replace the one marked RED with the destination URL, for example, if you want the menu to point to the label page, then fill it with the label URL.

Those marked with GREEN are also replaced as desired.

If you want to add another menu, just copy the code and paste it right below it.

Adding a menu with a submenu

To add a menu accompanied by a submenu, use this code:

<li class="has-sub"><a href=" # "> Main Menu </a>


    <li><a href=" # "> Submenu One </a></li>

    <li><a href=" # "> Submenu Two </a></li>

    <li><a href=" # "> Submenu Three </a></li>



Put the code just below the previous menu code.

Replace the ones marked RED with the destination URL, and the GREEN ones are replaced with the menu names as needed.

3. Displaying Static Page Menu (Footer)

Go to “ Layout ” > edit widgetStatic Page Menu ” > check the pages you want to display in the menu > click “ Save

4. Adding Social Media Icons

Go to “ Layout ” > edit widget “social media icons” > enter this code in widget content section:

<a aria-label=" facebook-icon " href=" # "><span class="social-icon facebook-icon"><i></i></span></a>

Edit the GREEN marked with the name of the social media icon used and the yellow marked with the URL of your social media account.

If you want to install more than one social media icon, just copy the code and change the name of the social media icon.

Here are some names of social media icons available in the VioMagz template:















Icon names must be all lowercase.

5. Editing Template Settings Code

Some features of the template can be set via the “ Template Settings Code ” widget available in the layout.

To edit it, please go to the " Layout " menu > edit the widget " Code Settings template ".

After that, my friend enter this code in the widget content section:


var vioMagzSetting = {

   relatedPosts: true,

   Number ofRelatedPosts: 4,

   relatedPostsThumb: true,

   numberedPageNav: true,

   per Page: 8,

   readAlso: true,

   numberReadAlso: 3,

   TitleRead Also: "Read Also",



Here's an explanation of the code:

* relatedPosts

Fill in true to enable the related posts to feature, or fill in false to disable it.    

* number ofRelatedPosts

Number of posts that appear in related posts under posts Edit according to taste.

* relatedPostsThumb

Fill in true to display related posts with thumbnails, or fill in false to display related posts without thumbnails.    

* numberedPageNav

Fill true to enable numbered page navigation feature. or fill in false to disable it.    

* perPage Equate

number with the setting for the number of posts that appear on the homepage

* readAlso

Fill in true to enable the related posts to feature in the middle of the post, or fill in false to disable it.    

* number of Read Also 

number of posts that appear in related posts in the middle of the post, edit according to taste.

* title Read Also

Title-related posts in the middle of the post, edit according to taste.

6. Replacing Blog Title with Logo

First, make sure you have created a logo image. Free logo size, any size can.

Second, go to “ Layout ” > edit “ Headerwidget > Upload image > in the “ Placement ” section select “ Besides title and description ” > Save.

7. Editing Posts in Footer

Go to “ Layout ” > edit widget Footer Text ” > in the widget content section enter any text you want to appear in the footer > save.

8. Changing Favicon

Go to the “ Settings ” menu > “ Basic ” > “ Favicon ” > Upload your friend's favicon.


* Make sure the favicon image is square and no more than 100KB in size.

* If the Favicon doesn't change in the browser, clear the browser cache first, then check again

* If the Favicon doesn't change on Google, please be patient, it may take some time and it won't change automatically.

9. Show/Hide Labels, Dates, Comments, Etc.

Go to “ Layout ” > edit the “ Blog Posts ” widget > check the ones you want to display, uncheck the ones you don't want to be displayed> Save.

10. Enabling LazyLoad on AdSense Ads

In the VioMagz template version 4.6.0 and above, you can activate the LazyLoad feature on AdSense ads.

How to activate it is quite easy, my friend only needs to edit a little AdSense ad code installed on the blog.

In every AdSense ad code there is generally a code like this at the top:

<script async src=''></script>

Well my friend just need to edit the code to be like this:

<script>Defer.js('', 'adsense', 3000);</script>

For Auto Ads

This LazyLoad feature can also be applied to auto ads.

The trick is to change the auto ads ad code to be like this:

<script>Defer.js('', 'adsense', 3000);</script>

Place the code above the </head> code or it can be in the " Custom JavaScript Footer " widget  


* Replace 1234567890xxxxxx with your AdSense account ID  

* Don't put the code under the <head> code. If you put it there, the lazyload feature can't work. 

11. (FAQ)

The widget does not appear / Displays Error

First, make sure to check the option " Visible " in the widget settings

If it still doesn't appear or it looks like an error, try removing the widget first and then reinstalling it.

Related Posts Image Not Appearing

The solution can be read here 

There's a post that doesn't appear on the homepage

The solution can be read here 

What is the Recommended Logo Image Size?

The recommended logo image size or resolution for the VioMagz template is 300x50px.

What is the recommended post image size?

It is recommended to use post images with an aspect ratio of 16:9.

For example, if the width of the image is 800px then the height is 450px.

To calculate the aspect ratio, you can use this tool: 

How to Install the Download Button in Posts

Edit the post for which you want to have a download button in HTML mode.

Put this code in the post:

<div style="text-align: center;">

<a class="buttonDownload" href=" #">Download</a>


Edit the RED hash mark with the destination URL.

How to Maximize Loading Speed

Make sure the Navbar widget is disabled via the Layout menu

Compress every image used on the blog, be it a logo image, post image, or profile picture. For how to compress images, you can use the online tool 

Limit the number of widgets installed on the blog. Just install the widgets that are really needed

How to Place Ads in the Middle of Articles

First login to “ Blogger ” > “ Layout ”

At the bottom of the blog post, there are 4 widgets for installing ad code. The widgets are:

Article Top Ads

Central Ads Article 1

Middle Ads Article 2

Article Bottom Ads

Click edit on the widgets and paste the ad code.

How to Set Ad Locations in the Middle of Articles as You Want

The ad widget in the middle of the article automatically shows the ad in the middle of the post.

The ad in the middle of the first article appears in the first 20% of the post, while the second ad appears right in the middle of the article.

You can also set the location where the ads will appear as you wish in each post. The method is as follows:

For ads in the middle of the first article copy this code:

<br id="ad1"/>

After copying, edit the post using HTML mode, after that put the code above in the location you want, for example at the end of the first paragraph. Later the ad will appear according to the location of the code.

For the second ad the same way, quite a change ad1 be ads2.   

How to Install Meta Description

The meta description installation guide can be read here. 

How to Install Meta Keywords

Meta keywords actually have no effect on SEO.

But in this template, it is still installed and has been set automatically, so there is no need to install it manually.

How to Install Table of Contents on Static Pages

Please create a new static page. In the page editor select HTML mode, then put this code:

<div class="tabbed-toc" id="tabbed-toc"><span class="loading">Loading…</span></div><script>/*!

 * Blogger Tabbed Style Table of Content Widget by Taufik Nurrohman

 * Free for change but keep the original attribution.

 * URL:


var tabbedTOC={blogUrl:" https://MONITORINGOIL.COM/ ",containerId:"tabbed-toc",activeTab:1,showDates:!0,showSummaries:!1,numChars:200,showThumbnails:!0,thumbSize: 60,noThumb:"["January,""July["January,""June[" ,"August","September","October","November","December"],newTabLink:!0,maxResults:99999,preload:0,sortAlphabetically:!0,showNew:7,newText:' – <em style="color:red;">New!</em>'};

!function(a,b){var c=(new Date).getTime(),d={blogUrl:"",containerId:"tabbed-toc",activeTab:1 ,showDates:!1,showSummaries:!1,numChars:200,showThumbnails:!1,thumbSize:40,noThumb:". February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],newTabLink:!0,maxResults :99999,preload:0,sort Alphabetically:!0,showNew:!1,newText:' – <em style="color:red;">New!</em>'};if("undefined"==typeof tabbedTOC)tabbedTOC=d;else for(var e in d)d[e]="undefined" !=typeof tabbedTOC[e]?tabbedTOC[e]:d[e];a["clickTabs_"+c]=function(a){for(var b=document.getElementById(d.containerId),c=b. getElementsByTagName("ol"),e=b.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0],f=e.getElementsByTagName("a"),g=0,h=c.length;h>g;++g) c[g].style.display="none",c[parseInt(a,10)].style.display="block";for(var i=0,j=f.length;j>i;++ i)f[i].className="",f[parseInt(a,10)].className="active-tab"},a["showTabs_"+c]=function(e){for(var f= parseInt(e.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t,10),g=d,h=e.feed.entry,i=e.feed.category,j="",l=0;l<(g. showNew===!0?5:g.showNew)&&l!==h.length;++l)h[l].title.$t=h[l].title.$t+(g.showNew!= =!1?g.newText:"");h=g.sortAlphabetically?h.sort(function(a,b){return a.title.$t.localeCompare(b.title.$t)}):h ,i=g.sortAlphabetically?i.sort(function(a,b){return a.term.localeCompare(b.term)}):i,j='<span class="toc-line"></span ><ul class="toc-tabs">';for(var m=0,n=i.le ngth;n>m;++m)j+='<li class="toc-tab-item-'+m+'"><a onclick="clickTabs_'+c+"("+m+');return false; " onmousedown="return false;" href="javascript:;">'+i[m].term+"</a></li>";j+="</ul>",j+='<div class="toc-content">' ;for(var o=0,n=i.length;n>o;++o){j+='<ol class="panel" data-category="'+i[o].term+'"', j+=o!=g.activeTab-1?' style="display:none;"':"",j+=">";for(var p=0;f>p&&p!==h.length;++p){for(var q,r=h[ p],s=r.published.$t,t=g.monthNames,u=r.title.$t,v=("summary"in r&&g.showSummaries===!0?r.summary.$t. replace(/<br *\/?>/g," ").replace(/<.*?>/g,"").replace(/[<>]/g,"").substring(0, g.numChars)+"…":""),w=("media$thumbnail"in r&&g.showThumbnails===!0?'<img class="thumbnail" style="width:'+g.thumbSize+ "px;height:"+g.thumbSize+'px;" alt="" src="'$thumbnail.url.replace(/\/s\d(\-c)?\//," /s"+g.thumbSize+"-c/")+'"/>':'<img class="thumbnail" style="width:'+g.thumbSize+"px;height:"+g.thumbSize+'px ;" alt="" src="'+g.noThumb.replace(/\/s\d(\-c)?\//,"/s"+g.thumbSize+"-c/")+'" />'),x=r.category||[],y=g.showDates?'<time datetime="'+s+'" title="'+s+'">'+s.substring(8,10 )+" "+t[parseInt(s.substring(5,7),10)-1]+" "+s.substring(0,4)+"</time>":"",z=0,;A>z;++z)if("alternate"[z].rel){[z].href;break}for(var B=0,C=x.length;C>B;++B){var D=g.newTabLink?' target="_blank"':"";x[B].term===i[o].term&&(j+='<li title="'+x[B].term+'"',j+=g. showSummaries?' class="bold"':"",j+='><a href="'+q+'"'+D+">"+u+y+"</a>",j+=g.showSummaries? '<span class="summary">'+w+v+'<span style="display:block;clear:both;"></span></span>':"",j+="</li> ")}}j+="</ol>"}j+="</div>",j+='<div style="clear:both;"></div>',b.getElementById(g.containerId) .innerHTML=j,a["clickTabs_"+c](g.activeTab-1)};var f=b.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],g=b.createElement("script");g. src=d.blogUrl.replace(/\/+$|[\?&#].*$/g,"")+"/feeds/posts/summary?alt=json-in-script&max-results="+ d.maxResults+"&orderby=published&callback=showTabs_"+c,"onload"!==d.preload?a.setTimeout(function(){f.appendChild(g)},d.preload):a.onload=function( ){f.appendChild(g)}}(window,document);</script>

Replace the one marked RED with your URL blog's address.