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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Asset Poleng Supports Pertamina EP Production

Oil production from PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Poleng exceeded the target. From the target of 2017 target of 12,255 barrels per day (BOPD), this subsidiary of PT Pertamina has reached 120.3 percent.

This amount is the cumulative number of oil production up to 11 Novembver ago. The achievement amounts to 14,744 BOPD and gas production reaches 157.19 Million Cubic Feet Gas per Day (MMSCFD).

General Manager of PT Pertamina EP Asset 4, Didik Susilo in the release said that this achievement was driven by the successful drilling in two locations, namely Poleng Field and Tapen. Through the operational unit of Pertamina EP Asset 4 in Poleng Field, Pertamina EP successfully completed the drilling of POL-N2 well.

"POL-N2 well drilling is the first drilling offshore PT Pertamina EP," he said.

Ensco 67 Rig

Drilling off the coast of Java Sea was conducted for 47 days using an Ensco 67 Rig with a depth of 8,696 feet. This activity is an exploitation drilling with horizontal drilling type.

"The success of drilling offshore POL-N2 wells can be safely resolved with production exceeding the target of 744 BOPD and 1.07 MMSCFD of gas," he explained.

Separately, Poleng Field Manager Charles P. Siallagan added that POL-N2 drilling could be completed sooner than target. With faster drilling time, Asset 4 Poleng Field is able to reduce the cost of the Company's Budget Work Plan (RKAP) up to 75 percent.

"The drilling of POL-N2 wells originally budgeted amounted to about 15.5 million US dollars realization was suppressed to about 11.6 million US dollar, "Charles said.

Meanwhile, Cepu Field Manager, Heru Irianto, added that Pertamina EP Asset 4 also succeeded in drilling TPN-4 wells in Dusun Tapen, Sidoharjo Village, Senori Sub-District, Tuban Regency. At this point managed to get a new production with an oil bladder test of about 250 BOPD on clasps 40/64.


Asset Poleng Dukung Produksi Pertamina EP

Produksi minyak dari PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Poleng melebihi target. Dari target target 2017 sebesar 12.255 Barel Per Hari (BOPD), anak perusahaan PT Pertamina ini produksinya mencapai 120,3 persen.

Jumlah tersebut merupakan angka kumulatif produksi minyak hingga 11 Novembver lalu. Pencapainnya sebesar 14.744 BOPD dan produksi gas mencapai 157,19 Juta Kaki Kubik Gas Per Hari (MMSCFD).

General Manager PT Pertamina EP Asset 4, Didik Susilo dalam rilisnya mengatakan, pencapaian ini didorong keberhasilan pemboran di dua lokasi yakni Poleng Field dan Tapen. Melalui unit operasional Pertamina EP Asset 4 di Poleng Field, Pertamina EP berhasil menyelesaikan pemboran sumur POL-N2. 

”Pemboran Sumur POL-N2 merupakan pemboran perdana offshore PT Pertamina EP,” ujarnya.

Pengeboran di lepas pantai Laut Jawa dilakukan selama 47 hari menggunakan Rig Ensco 67 dengan kedalaman 8.696 feet. Aktivitas ini merupakan pemboran eksploitasi dengan jenis pemboran horizontal.

“Keberhasilan pemboran offshore sumur POL-N2 dapat diselesaikan secara aman dengan hasil produksi melebihi target sebesar 744 BOPD dan gas 1.07 MMSCFD,” terangnya.

Ditempat terpisah, Poleng Field Manager Charles P Siallagan menambahkan pemboran POL-N2 dapat diselesaikan lebih cepat dari target. Dengan waktu pemboran lebih cepat, Asset 4 Poleng Field mampu menekan biaya Rencana Kerja Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) hingga 75 persen.

“Pemboran sumur POL-N2 yang semula dianggarkan sebesar sekitar 15,5 juta dollar AS realisasinya ditekan menjadi sekitar 11,6 juta
dollar AS,” ujar Charles.

Sementara itu, Cepu Field Manager, Heru Irianto, menambahkan Pertamina EP Asset 4 juga berhasil melakukan pemboran sumur TPN-4 di Dusun Tapen, Desa Sidoharjo Kecamatan Senori Kabupaten Tuban. Di titik ini berhasil mendapat produksi baru dengan hasil uji kandung minyak sekitar 250 BOPD pada jepitan 40/64.

Radar Gresik, Page-4, Tuesday, Nov 28, 2017

Oil and Gas Block Based Auction Gross Split

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is still unable to show any real evidence of the success of the scheme of cooperation contracts from cost recovery to gross split. Since the beginning of 2017, the ESDM Ministry has officially changed the contract of cooperation from cost recovery to gross split.

However, from January to November 2018, only one contract uses gross split, the contract for termination block, Block ONWJ, managed by Pertamina. While seven other termination blocks have not been signed yet.

Unfortunately again, from the auction results of oil and gas working area last year no new contract was successfully signed from the Work Area auction results. Whereas the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas Operations. (SKK Migas) targets 10 new contracts to use gross splits this year.

Even so, the Government is still optimistic gross split remains sweet for the upstream oil and gas industry players. It is proven that there is no cooperation contract scheme offered by the government, other than gross split.

Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Supervision at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tunggal, said that the government only gives the option of contract for the gross split result in the auction of 15 oil and gas working areas this year.

"There is no choice," Single said Monday (27/11).

Similarly, termination block contracts that only use gross split.

"With the issuance of a gross split-sharing contract, the working area terminated hereinafter uses a gross split scheme," said Tunggal.

Energy Observer Pri Agung Rakhmanto stated that gross split until now has not succeeded in improving upstream oil and gas investment. According to him, a good upstream oil and gas cooperation contract is implemented in a country, not necessarily well implemented in Indonesia.

"A good contracting system for a country is not necessarily good for other countries depending on the purpose to be achieved," said Pri.

The government should take care of the acute and long-standing problems in the upstream oil and gas sector. Some of these problems are the uncertainty of the rules of the game, bureaucratic permissions, and raw data. In addition, the current ESDM Ministry often raises new rules and policies.


Lelang Blok Migas Berbasis Gross Split

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) masih belum bisa menunjukkan bukti nyata keberhasilan dari perubahan skema kontrak kerja sama dari cost recovery ke gross split. Sejak awal tahun 2017, Kementerian ESDM secara resmi telah mengubah kontrak kerja sama dari cost recovery menjadi gross split.

Namun dari Januari hingga November 2018, hanya satu kontrak yang menggunakan gross split, yaitu kontrak untuk blok terminasi, Blok ONWJ, yang dikelola Pertamina. Sementara tujuh blok terminasi lain belum juga ditandatangani.

Sialnya lagi, dari hasil lelang wilayah kerja migas tahun lalu tidak ada kontrak baru yang berhasil ditandatangani dari hasil lelang Wilayah Kerja. Padahal Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. (SKK Migas) menargetkan ada 10 kontrak baru yang akan menggunakan gross split pada tahun ini.

Biarpun begitu, Pemerintah masih optimistis gross split tetap manis bagi para para pelaku industri hulu migas. Terbukti tidak adanya skema kontrak kerja sama yang ditawarkan pemerintah, selain gross split.

Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM, Tunggal, menegaskan pemerintah hanya memberikan opsi kontrak bagi hasil gross split dalam lelang 15 Wilayah kerja migas tahun ini. 

" Tidak ada pilihan," kata Tunggal Senin (27/11).

Begitu pula kontrak-kontrak blok terminasi yang hanya menggunakan gross split.

"Dengan telah dikeluarkannya kontrak bagi hasil gross split, wilayah kerja yang dinyatakan terminasi selanjutnya menggunakan skema gross split, " kata Tunggal.

Pengamat Energi Pri Agung Rakhmanto menyatakan, gross split sampai saat ini juga belum berhasil memperbaiki investasi hulu migas. Menurutnya, suatu kontrak kerja sama hulu migas yang bagus diterapkan di suatu negara, belum tentu bagus diterapkan di Indonesia. 

"Suatu sistem kontrak yang baik bagi suatu negara belum tentu baik bagi negara lain. tergantung tujuan yang hendak dicapai," jelas Pri.

Sebaiknya pemerintah membereskan permasalahan-permasalahan yang sudah akut dan yang sudah lama terjadi di sektor hulu migas. Beberapa permasalahan tersebut adalah ketidakpastian aturan main, perizinan yang birokratis, dan data yang masih mentah. Ditambah lagi, Kementerian ESDM saat ini sering kali memunculkan aturan dan kebijakan baru.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Nov 28, 2017

Refund Requirement for Oil and Gas Blocks

The contractor of the cooperation contract can return the oil and gas blocks to the government despite not fulfilling all exploration commitments and not fulfilling the obligations set forth in the cooperation contract.

This will be included in the revision of Government Regulation no. 35/2004 on Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities. The revision of the regulation is only awaiting the approval of President Joko Widodo. Based on Government Regulation no. 35/2004, the contractor must fulfill the exploration commitments and fulfill the contractual obligations before returning the oil and gas working area to the government.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Susyanto said that the harmonization process of regulation revision of natural gas in the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has been completed. After the harmonization process, the Presdien will sign the government regulation.

"It has been harmonized in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. Send to the President through the Secretariat of State for approval, "he said.

Separately contacted, Director of Harmonization of Legislation II, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Yunan Hilmy said that the draft has been returned to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as the initiator of the change of points in the regulation.

"It has been submitted to the initiator [Ministry of ESDM]. The stages are the request of the President by the Secretariat of State, "he said.

In the revision of Government Regulation no. 35/2004 will be regulated on the transfer of investment commitments to the exploration block if the contractor can not complete the commitment. In Article 7, Government Regulation no. 35/2004 stated that the contractor can return the entire working area if all explicit commitments and exploration obligations set forth in the cooperation contract have been completed.

The government has set several reasons so that the contractor can still restore the work area despite not being able to complete the commitment. First, when activities in the work area are rejected by the local people.

Second, if the contractor has to stop the activity because the status of his working area is a protected forest. Third, the contractor has drilled, but did not discover the potential of hydrocarbons that can be developed before the commitments are met.

For these three reasons, the contractor may transfer the execution of a definite commitment in another operated area of ​​work. In addition, although the exact commitment can not be resolved, the contractor can return it to the government. Earlier, Head of SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi said contractors often face challenges when exploring oil and gas on land.


Syarat Pengembalian Blok Migas Diperlonggar

Kontraktor kontrak kerja sama dapat mengembalikan blok minyak dan gas bumi kepada pemerintah kendati belum memenuhi seluruh komitmen eksplorasi dan tidak memenuhi kewajiban yang tercantum dalam kontrak kerja sama.

Hal itu akan dimasukkan dalam revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 35/2004 tentang Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Revisi aturan itu hanya menunggu persetujuan Presiden Joko Widodo. Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 35/2004, kontraktor harus memenuhi komitmen eksplorasi dan memenuhi kewajiban kontrak sebelum mengembalikan wilayah kerja migas kepada pemerintah.

Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Susyanto mengatakan bahwa proses harmonisasi revisi regulasi tentang gas bumi di Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia telah selesai. Setelah proses harmonisasi, Presdien akan menandatangani peraturan pemerintah tersebut.

“Sudah harmonisasi di Kementerian Hukum dan HAM. Kirim ke Presiden lewat Sekretariat Negara untuk persetujuan," ujarnya.

Dihubungi  terpisah, Direktur Harmonisasi Peraturan Perundang-undangan II, Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Yunan Hilmy mengatakan bahwa draf telah dikembalikan kepada Kementerian ESDM sebagai pemrakarsa perubahan poin dalam aturan itu.

“Sudah disampaikan ke pemrakarsa [Kementerian ESDM]. Tahapannya permohonan penetapan oleh Presiden melalui Sekretariat Negara,” katanya.

Dalam revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 35/2004 akan diatur tentang pengalihan komitmen investasi pada blok eksplorasi bila kontraktor tidak dapat menyelesaikan komitmen. 

     Dalam Pasal 7, Peraturan Pemerintah No. 35/ 2004 disebutkan bahwa kontraktor bisa mengembalikan seluruh wilayah kerjanya bila seluruh komitmen pasti eksplorasi dan kewajiban yang tercantum dalam kontrak kerja sama telah diselesaikan.

Pemerintah telah menetapkan beberapa alasan sehingga kontraktor tetap bisa mengembalikan wilayah kerja kendati tidak dapat menyelesaikan komitmen. Pertama, bila kegiatan di wilayah kerja tersebut mendapat penolakan dari warga sekitar.

Kedua, bila kontraktor harus menghentikan kegiatan karena status lahan wilayah kerjanya merupakan hutan lindung. Ketiga, kontraktor telah melakukan pengeboran, tetapi tidak menemukan potensi hidrokarbon yang bisa dikembangkan sebelum komitmen pasti terpenuhi.

Atas ketiga alasan tersebut, kontraktor bisa mengalihkan pelaksanaan komitmen pasti di wilayah kerja lain yang dioperatori. Selain itu, meskipun komitmen pastinya tidak bisa diselesaikan, kontraktor bisa mengembalikannya kepada pemerintah. Sebelumnya, Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi mengatakan, kontraktor sering menghadapi tantangan saat melakukan eksplorasi migas di daratan.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, Nov 28, 2017

One Train of Bontang LNG Plant will be Changed

One train at Bontang liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant managed by PT Badak NGL will be converted to special process gas (lean gas) in order to process gas from Jangkrik Field. During this time, the entire train Bontang LNG Plant is designed to process rich gas (wet gas).

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said, from four train Bontang LNG Refinery currently operating, one of which will be changed specifically to process gas gas type clean. Thus, three traines will still process rich gas, one train will process lean gas, and four others are not used.

"One plant is being converted dedicated to lean gas, now again on going and in the next few months finished, "he said in Jakarta, Tuesday (21/11).

In general, natural gas is divided into two types, dry or lean gas and wet or rich gas. Lean gas is a natural gas that has a high concentration of methane and ethane. While rich gas is a natural gas containing propane, butane, and hydrocarbons pentane and heptane in high concentrations.

According to Arcandra, one of the train changes is done because adjusting the type of gas generated from the field of suppliers. The Bontang LNG plant is supplied with gas from the Mahakam Block, East Kalimantan, Sanga-Sanga and, more recently, the Jangkrik Field, Muara Bakau Block.

"Cricket field [results] lean gas. Most likely the next Mahakam block will [produce lean gas. So there will be a lot of C1 (methane / CH4), while C3 (propane / C3H8) and C4 (butane / C4H10) will be small, "he explained.

New cricket field onstream this summer, generating gas about 600 million cubic feet per day (million standard cubic feet per day / mmscfd). While the Mahakam Block, which has been produced since more than 50 years ago, is projected to still produce 1,000 mmscfd. Thus, four train Bontang LNG Plant has sufficient supply of gas.

"So, these four trains operate all," said Arcandra.

Previously, President Director of PT Badak NGL Didik Sasongko said, since the last three years it was only using four train with one backup train. The remaining three trains were not used because of the decreased gas supply received.

Meanwhile, LNG production from Bontang LNG Plant continues to decline since 2015. In 2015, LNG production from the refinery in East Kalimantan reached 189 cargoes. However, this production figure fell to 172 cargoes in 2016. Later this year, LNG plant production of Bontang LNG is targeted at 163 cargoes.


Satu Train Kilang LNG Bontang akan Diubah  

Salah satu train di kilang gas alam cair (liquefied natural gas/ LNG) Bontang yang dikelola PT Badak NGL akan diubah agar khusus memproses gas bersih (lean gas) agar dapat memproses gas dari Lapangan Jangkrik. Selama ini, seluruh train Kilang LNG Bontang didesain untuk memproses rich gas (wet gas).

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, dari empat train Kilang LNG Bontang yang kini beroperasi, salah satunya akan diubah khusus untuk mengolah gas jenis gas bersih. Sehingga, nantinya tiga train tetap memproses rich gas, satu train mengolah lean gas, dan empat lainnya yang tidak digunakan.

“Satu plant sedang di-convert dedicated untuk lean gas, sekarang lagi on going dan dalam beberapa bulan ke depan akan selesai,” kata dia di Jakarta, Selasa (21/11).

Secara umum, gas alam terbagi menjadi dua jenis, dry atau lean gas dan wet atau rich gas. Lean gas merupakan gas alam yang memiliki konsentrasi metana dan etana cukup tinggi. Sementara rich gas adalah gas alam yang mengandung propana, butana, serta hidrokarbon pentana dan heptana dalam konsentrasi tinggi.

Menurut Arcandra, perubahan salah satu train tersebut dilakukan lantaran menyesuaikan jenis gas yang dihasilkan dari lapangan-lapangan pemasoknya. Kilang LNG Bontang mendapat pasokan gas dari Blok Mahakam, East Kalimantan, Sanga-Sanga, dan yang terbaru, Lapangan Jangkrik, Blok Muara Bakau.

“Lapangan Jangkrik itu [hasilnya] lean gas. Kemungkinan besar Blok Mahakam ke depan akan [menghasilkan lean gas. Jadi akan banyak C1-nya (metana/CH4), sementara C3 (propana/C3H8) dan C4 (butana/C4H10) akan kecil,” jelasnya.

Lapangan Jangkrik yang baru onstream pertengahan tahun ini, menghasilkan gas sekitar 600 juta kaki kubik per hari (million standard cubic feet per day/ mmscfd). Sementara Blok Mahakam yang telah diproduksikan sejak lebih dari 50 tahun lalu, diproyeksikan masih dapat menghasilkan 1.000 mmscfd. Sehingga, empat train Kilang LNG Bontang memiliki pasokan gas yang cukup. 

“Jadi, empat train ini beroperasi semua,” tutur Arcandra.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Direktur PT Badak NGL Didik Sasongko menuturkan, sejak tiga tahun belakangan pihaknya memang hanya menggunakan empat train dengan satu train cadangan. Sisanya, yakni tiga train tidak digunakan karena menurunnya pasokan gas yang diterima.

Sementara itu, produksi LNG dari Kilang LNG Bontang tercatat terus turun sejak 2015. Pada 2015, produksi LNG dari kilang di Kalimantan Timur ini mencapai 189 kargo. Namun, angka produksi ini turun menjadi 172 kargo pada 2016. Selanjutnya pada tahun ini, produksi LNG Kilang LNG Bontang ditargetkan sebesar 163 kargo.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Nov 27, 2017

Pertamina: Not Need to Upgrade Bontang

PT Pertamina on December 31, 2017 is officially in control of Bontang Refinery, which was previously operated by PT Badak NGL. Pertamina claims, so far the process of transition is done normally.

As is known, Bontang LNG Plant has been owned by the government managed by PT Badak NGL with several partners. Bontang LNG Plant has eight processing facilities (train), each capacity 400-450 mmscfsd.

Vice President of Pertamina LNG, Didik Sasongko Widi said, until now there is no problem in the switchover Bontang LNG Plant, although this plan is still discussed with the government. Pertamina also assessed the capacity of this Bontang LNG Plant
no longer need to be developed.

"The LNG plant is not enough to add," he said.

PT Badak NGL is developing to improve gas processing capability so that it can directly manage the type of Lean gas or dry gas.

Unlike Pertamina, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar said that it is necessary to increase the processing capability at the Bontang LNG plant in an effort to prepare the abundant supply of lean gas from several gas fields around Kalimantan. For example from the Mahakam Block, Sanga Sanga Block, Attaka Block, East Block. Kalimantan, Muara Bakau Block including gas from Jangkrik Block.

"Eni field, Cricket, it's lean gas, most likely the future of Mahakam gas production will be lean gas," he said.

To note the natural gas is divided into two types namely wet gas which is also called rich gas because of its long carbon chain. Rich, gas is a type of gas with high levels of propane, butane, to heptane.

While lean gas has shorter carbon chains with high concentrations of methane and ethane. With the increase in processing capability is expected to LNG processing can also be faster.

Of the eight Refineries that are, the NGL rhino only operates four trains. Own development targeting only on one train so that it can directly process lean gas into LNG. He said that the development process is still ongoing and is targeted to be completed next year.


Pertamina: Belum Perlu Upgrade Bontang

PT Pertamina pada 31 Desember 2017 ini resmi memegang kendali Kilang Bontang, yang sebelumnya dioperasikan oleh PT Badak NGL. Pertamina mengklaim, sejauh ini proses peralihan yang dilakukan berjalan dengan normal.

Seperti diketahui, Kilang LNG Bontang selama ini adalah milik pemerintah yang dikelola oleh PT Badak NGL bersama beberapa mitranya. Kilang LNG Bontang punya delapan fasilitas pengolahan (train), berkapasitas masing-masing 400-450 mmscfsd.

Vice President LNG Pertamina, Didik Sasongko Widi bilang, hingga kini tidak ada masalah dalam peralihan Kilang LNG Bontang, meskipun rencana ini masih terus dibicarakan dengan pemerintah. Pertamina juga menilai kapasitas Kilang LNG Bontang ini tidak perlu lagi dikembangkan. 

"Kilang LNG sudah cukup tidak perlu menambah," katanya.

Adapun PT Badak NGL sedang melakukan pengembangan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pengolahan gas sehingga bisa langsung mengelola jenis Lean gas atau gas kering (dry gas). 

Berbeda dengan Pertamina, Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arcandra Tahar menilai, perlu peningkatan kemampuan pengolahan di kilang LNG Bontang dalam upaya persiapan melimpahnya pasokan lean gas dari beberapa lapangan gas yang berada di sekitar Kalimantan. Misalnya dari Blok Mahakam, Blok Sanga Sanga, Blok Attaka, Blok East. Kalimantan, Blok Muara Bakau termasuk gas dari Blok Jangkrik. 

"Lapangan Eni, Jangkrik, itu lean gas. Kemungkinan besar produksi gas Mahakam ke depan akan lean gas," katanya.

Untuk diketahui gas alam terbagi menjadi dua jenis yakni wet gas yang juga disebut rich gas karena panjangnya rantai karbon pembentuknya. Rich, gas merupakan jenis gas dengan kadar tinggi propana, butana, hingga heptana.

Sementara lean gas memiliki rantai karbon lebih pendek dengan konsentrasi tinggi metana dan etana. Dengan adanya peningkatan kemampuan pengolahan ini diharapkan pengolahan LNG juga bisa lebih cepat.

Dari delapan Kilang yang adalah, Badak NGL hanya mengoperasikan empat train. Pengembangan sendiri menyasar hanya pada satu train sehingga bisa langsung mengolah lean gas menjadi LNG. Dia menceritakan saat ini proses pengembangannya masih berlangsung dan ditargetkan selesai pada tahun depan.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Nov 27, 2017

Raw Crude Price Increase Restless

If referring to Presidential Regulation no. 191/2014, the premium price should rise to Rp 7.0817 per liter

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has several times held a meeting with PT Pertamina to equate perceptions about the formula of Fuel Prices (BBM), especially the price of premium and diesel fuel subsidies. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Minister of EMR Arcandra Tahar.

This meeting is done because as of January 2018 the government must take a decision to raise or lower the price of fuel. This pricing is done every three months. Since April 2016, the government has decided that there will be no increase in premium and diesel prices.

Head of Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), Fanshurullah Asa asserted, according to Presidential Regulation No. 191/2014 on Supply, Distribution and Retail Price of BBM, the authority to raise or lower the price of BBM types of premium and diesel fuel in the hands of the government. The power is in the hands of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. That's why the government and Pertamina has several times held a meeting about the price of this fuel.

"Discussing the price formula of premium and diesel fuel," said Fanshurullah.

If referring to Presidential Regulation Number 191/2014, the subsidized BBM refers to Mean of Platts Singapore (MOPS) octane 92 plus the distribution fee of 2% of the base price. The value is still added value added tax (VAT) 10% of the base price plus motor vehicle fuel tax (PBBKB) of 5% of the base price.

The result is a base price of Rp 6,052.7 per liter. If the added distribution fee is Rp 121.10, the VAT is Rp 605.30 and PBBKB is Rp 302.6, the total premium price is Rp 7.0817 per liter. But the premium price of Rp 7,081.7 per liter is not including the alpha or margin for the dealer whose value is determined by the Minister of EMR.

Based on the formula in the Presidential Regulation, the premium price should have risen from the current price of Rp 6,550 per liter for Java-Madura-Bali (Jamali). While outside Jamali Rp 6.450 per liter. However, Fanshurullah did not dare to confirm the occurrence of rising fuel prices.

"Ask the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources or the Director General of Oil and Gas," he said.

Follow the EMR decree

Dadan Kusdiana, Head of Communications, Information Services and Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, confirmed that with the change of fuel price formula, the government hopes to make the fuel price in not going up. Understandably, the government does not intend to raise fuel prices next year.

Although, such intentions clash with the situation of crude oil prices in the market. January 2017, the price of crude oil is still in the range of US $ 52 per barrel. As of Friday (24/11), the price of WTI oil delivery in January 2018 was at US $ 58.65 per barrel.

Dadan states, fuel prices are dynamic, following the world oil prices and exchange rates.

"The government continues to monitor this dynamics including discussing price formula to better reflect the real price," he said Sunday (26/11).

Pertamina's Marketing Director, Muchamad lskandar, said Pertamina should be ready for whatever the government decides, including if fuel prices do not go up.

"Pertamina is 100% state-owned, we are obliged to act for the benefit of the state and society," he said.

For the record, in exposure to Pertamina's performance in Q3 / 2017, Pertamina stated that the current premium price should be Rp 7,150 per liter. Pertamina President Director Elia Massa Manik will even provide Pertamina performance prognosis for the next five years by using BBM price assumption according to Presidential Regulation no. 191/2014. But, Iskandar asserted, fuel price hike is not Pertamina's authority.

"Government domain," he said.

Energy observer, Executive Director of ReforMiner Institute Komaidi Notonegoro rate, Presidential Regulation no. 191/2014 already accommodate the appropriate fuel price formula.

"The problem, it is in implementation," he said.

This means that if the ESDM ministry wants to change the fuel price formula, it must first revise Presidential Regulation No. 191/2014.


Kenaikan Harga Minyak Mentah Membikin Gelisah

Jika mengacu Peraturan Presiden No. 191/2014, harga premium harusnya naik jadi Rp 7.0817 per liter

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sudah beberapa kali menggelar rapat bersama PT Pertamina untuk menyamakan persepsi soal formula harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM), khususnya harga premium dan solar subsidi.  Rapat ini dipimpin oleh Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar.

Rapat ini dilakukan karena per Januari 2018 pemerintah harus mengambil keputusan untuk menaikkan atau menurunkan harga BBM. Penentuan harga ini memang dilakukan tiap tiga bulan sekali. Sejak April 2016 lalu pemerintah menetapkan tidak ada kenaikan harga premium dan solar.

Kepala Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas), Fanshurullah Asa menegaskan, sesuai Peraturan Presiden Nomor 191/2014 tentang Penyediaan, Pendistribusian dan Harga Jual Eceran BBM, wewenang menaikkan atau menurunkan harga BBM jenis premium dan solar ada di tangan pemerintah. Kekuasaan tersebut ada di tangan Menteri ESDM. Karena itulah pemerintah dan Pertamina sudah beberapa kali mengadakan rapat soal harga BBM ini. 

"Membahas formula harga premium dan solar," ungkap Fanshurullah.

Jika mengacu pada Peraturan Presiden Nomor 191/ 2014, harga dasar BBM bersubsidi mengacu pada Mean of Platts Singapore (MOPS) oktan 92 ditambah biaya distribusi yakni 2% dari harga dasar. Nilai tersebut masih ditambah pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN) 10% dari harga dasar ditambah pajak bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor (PBBKB) sebesar 5% dari harga dasar.

Hasilnya adalah harga dasar Rp 6.052,7 per liter. Jika ditambah biaya distribusi Rp 121,10, PPN Rp 605,30 dan PBBKB Rp 302,6, total harga premium Rp 7.0817 per liter. Tapi harga premium Rp 7.081,7 per liter ini belum termasuk alpha atau margin buat penyalur yang nilainya ditentukan Menteri ESDM.

Berdasarkan formula di Peraturan Presiden, harga premium idealnya sudah naik dari harga saat ini yang senilai Rp 6.550 per liter untuk Jawa-Madura-Bali (Jamali). Sementara di luar Jamali Rp 6.450 per liter. Namun, Fanshurullah tidak berani memastikan ihwal naik tidaknya harga BBM. 

"Tanyakan ke Menteri ESDM atau Dirjen migas," kata dia.

Ikuti keputusan ESDM 

Dadan Kusdiana, Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM, menegaskan dengan perubahan formula harga BBM, pemerintah berharap bisa membuat harga BBM di tidak naik. Maklum, pemerintah memang berniat tidak menaikkan harga BBM tahun depan.

Meskipun, niat tersebut berbenturan dengan situasi harga minyak mentah di pasar. Januari 2017, harga minyak mentah masih di kisaran US$ 52 per barel. Per Jumat (24/11), harga minyak WTI pengiriman Januari 2018 di level US$ 58,65 per barel.

Dadan menyatakan, harga BBM memang dinamis, mengikuti harga minyak dunia dan kurs. 

"Pemerintah terus memantau dinamika ini termasuk membahas formula harga agar lebih menggambarkan harga riil," ungkapnya Minggu (26/11).

Direktur Pemasaran Pertamina, Muchamad lskandar, menyatakan, Pertamina harus siap apapun yang diputuskan pemerintah, termasuk jika harga BBM tidak naik. 

"Pertamina 100% milik negara, kami wajib bertindak untuk kepentingan negara dan masyarakat," kata dia.

Sebagai catatan, di paparan kinerja Pertamina Kuartal III-2017, Pertamina menyatakan harga premium saat ini seharusnya Rp 7.150 per liter. Direktur Utama Pertamina Elia Massa Manik bahkan akan memberikan prognosis kinerja Pertamina lima tahun ke depan dengan memakai asumsi harga BBM sesuai formula Peraturan Presiden No. 191/2014. Tapi, Iskandar menegaskan, kenaikan harga BBM bukan wewenang Pertamina. 

"Domain pemerintah," ujarnya.

Pengamat energi, Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute Komaidi Notonegoro menilai, Peraturan Presiden No. 191/2014 sudah mengakomodasi formula harga BBM yang pas.  

"Masalahnya, justru di implementasinya," ungkap dia. 

Artinya jika kementerian ESDM ingin mengubah formula harga BBM, harus lebih dulu merevisi Peraturan Presiden Nomor 191/2014.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Nov 27, 2017

Saka Production Target Up 10 Percent

PT Saka Energi Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) in upstream oil and gas sector, targets oil and gas production target in 2018 of 62,700 BOEPD (oil equivalent barrel per day). This figure has increased about 10 percent when compared with the realization of this year which reached 57 thousand BOEPD.

Of these, 60 percent is gas and 40 percent is oil. President Director of PT Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan stated that Saka oil and gas production is boosted by production from Jangkrik field, Muara Bakau block, and Fasken Area overseas oil and gas field in USA

"We have the right to manage 11.67 percent in the field of Crickets" he said.

The field that produces oil and gas 100 thousand barrels of oil per day has been officially produced this year. In addition, additional production is obtained from activities in existing blocks. Saka has the right to manage in eleven oil and gas blocks at home and abroad.

Eight blocks are already in production and three blocks are still unproductive because in the exploration phase. The remaining eight blocks are Muara Bakau Block, Bangkanai Block, Pangkah, Ketapang, South East Sumatera, Muriah, Sanga-Sanga and Fasken Blocks in the United States.

Meanwhile, three blocks that are still in the exploration phase are the South Sesulu Block, West Bangkanai, and Wokam III. To achieve the production target, Saka intends to drill eight wells in three areas.


Saka Target Produksi Naik 10 Persen  

PT Saka Energi Indonesia yang merupakan anak usaha PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) di sektor hulu migas membidik target produksi minyak dan gas pada 2018 sebesar 62.700 BOEPD (barel setara minyak per hari). Angka tersebut mengalami kenaikan sekitar 10 persen jika dibandingkan dengan realisasi tahun ini yang mencapai 57 ribu BOEPD. 

Dari angka tersebut, 60 persen merupakan gas dan 40 persen adalah minyak. Direktur Utama PT Saka Energi Indonesia Tumbur Parlindungan menyatakan, produksi migas Saka terdongkrak oleh produksi dari lapangan Jangkrik, Blok Muara Bakau, dan lapangan migas luar negeri Fasken Area di Amerika Serikat 

"Kami memiliki hak kelola 11,67 persen di lapangan Jangkrik" katanya. 

Lapangan yang memproduksi migas 100 ribu barel minyak per hari tersebut telah resmi berproduksi pada tahun ini. Selain itu, tambahan produksi diperoleh dari kegiatan di blok-blok yang sudah ada. Saka memiliki hak kelola di sebelas blok migas di dalam dan luar negeri.

Delapan blok sudah berproduksi dan tiga blok masih belum menghasilkan karena dalam tahap eksplorasi. Delapan blok yang sudah produksi adalah Blok Muara Bakau, Blok Bangkanai, Pangkah, Ketapang, South East Sumatera, Muriah, Sanga-Sanga, dan Blok Fasken di Amerika Serikat.

Sementara itu, tiga blok yang masih dalam tahap eksplorasi adalah Blok South Sesulu, West Bangkanai, dan Wokam III. Untuk mencapai target produksi, Saka berniat mengebor delapan sumur di tiga wilayah.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Monday, Nov 27, 2017

Oil Goes to US $ 75 / Barrel Level

World crude oil prices are projected to reach US $ 70-US $ 75 per barrel in 2018 due to the geopolitical warming between Saudi Arabia and Iran, as well as the Petroleum State Plan to include its company on the New York Stock Exchange.

Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia analyst Andy Wibowo Gunawan said in his research publication on Friday (24/11), the projection of crude oil prices in 2018 ranged from US $ 70-US75 per barrel, up and earlier estimates at the level of US $ 55-US $ 60 per barrel.

According to him, supply disruption becomes a positive catalyst that lifts oil prices higher than current trading. In particular, Andy explained, the potential conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran triggered an increase in oil prices in the near future.

This month the tensions are increasingly heating up because Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of supplying missiles to Houthi rebels in Yemen to fire missiles at the world's biggest crude producer.

In addition, King Salman's government ordered its citizens to leave Lebanon, given Iran has a major foothold in the Middle East through Hezbollah.

The inter-state conflict is allegedly disrupting global oil supplies as OPEC countries, including Saudi Arabia and Iran, account for 42.7 percent of the world's total production and save 47.7 percent of the world's total oil supply by 2016.

"The rough calculation of the potential supply losses if Saudi and Iran are at war, will reach 17 million barrels per day or 26% and total global oil exports," said Andy.


Another driver of world oil prices is quite hot because Saudi Arabia plans to include its national oil and gas company on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) futures exchange.

"The Arab position would be better to negotiate with the US on the management of shale oil production that could trigger a rise in world oil prices," he said.

In trade recorded on Sunday, West Texas Intemlediate (WTI) oil prices rose 0.93 points, or 1.60 percent, to US $ 58.95 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Meanwhile, Brent oil prices rose 0.31 points, or 0.49%, to US $ 63.86 per barrel on London-based ICE Futures. As is known, during this negative rally of world oil price rally is the production of US shale oil is getting higher.

Based on U.S. data Energy Information Administration (EIA), US oil production in 2017 will increase 9.2 million barrels per day (bpd) from 2016 by 8.9 million bpd. Meanwhile, in 2018, US production will reach a record 10 million bpd.

Therefore, the successful negotiations on world oil inventories and oil prices are deemed to be achievable along with the seemingly good relationship between US President Donald Trump and Saudi Arabia's King Salman.

In terms of demand, Mirae Asset's research reveals that global claims will continue to grow despite oil positions threatened by the development of electric vehicles (EVs) that are likely to trigger a reduction in global oil demand.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) projected global demand to grow to 99.1 million barrels per day by 2018, up 1.41 percent from this year's 97.7 million barrels per day. According to the IEA, daily oil consumption in the Asia Pacific region reached 34.6 million barrels per day by 2018, or 34.9 percent of global daily oil consumption.

Meanwhile, projected daily oil consumption in the United States reached 31.7 million barrels per day in 2018, or 32% of total world daily consumption. Hans van Cleff, ABN Amro Senior Energy Economist, said that in 2018 the market will be worried about the potential shortage of oil supply, which causes a price boost.

In addition, global oil demand will continue to rise in the coming years driven by economic growth in India and China.

"In 2018, there will be a surprise rally in WTI oil prices to reach US $ 70 barrels per day, while Brent oil is at US $ 75 barrel per day," said Cleef, adding that political tensions that are starting to get hot will have a bigger impact on oil prices. rising tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran that could potentially further decline in supply.

"With that condition, even oil prices in early 2019 could reach US $ 90 barrel per day," he said.

The above positive sentiments show the strengthening of OPEC and its allies, including Russia, in an effort to reduce global oil supplies to achieve the objectives of market equilibrium.

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Friday his country is ready to support the expansion of agreements among oil producers in an effort to reduce global production. Russia will discuss details of a global deal extension on Nov. 30.

"However, the target of market rebalancing has not been achieved. Everyone supports the extension [extension of time], so the final target is reached. "


Minyak Menuju ke Level US$75/Barel

     Harga minyak mentah dunia diproyeksikan melaju hingga mencapai level US$70-US$75 per barel pada 2018 lantaran memanasnya geopolitik antara Arab Saudi dan Iran, juga Rencana Negeri minyak memasukkan perusahaannya di New York Stock Exchange.

Analis Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Andy Wibowo Gunawan mengatakan dalam publikasi risetnya Jumat (24/11), proyeksi harga minyak mentah pada 2018 berkisar pada US$70-US75 per barel, naik dan perkiraan sebelumnya di level US$ 55-US$ 60 per barel.

Menurutnya, gangguan pasokan menjadi katalis positif yang mengangkat harga minyak menjadi lebih tinggi dari perdagangan yang terjadi belakangan ini. Secara khusus, Andy menerangkan, potensi konflik antara Arab Saudi dan Iran memicu kenaikan harga minyak dalam waktu dekat.

Bulan ini ketegangan kedua negara itu semakin memanas lantaran Arab Saudi menuduh Iran memasok rudal kepada pemberontak Houthi di Yaman untuk menembakkan rudal ke negara penghasil minyak bumi terbesar dunia tersebut.

Di samping itu, Pemerintahan Raja Salman memerintahkan warganya untuk meninggalkan Lebanon, mengingat Iran memiliki pijakan utama di wilayah Timur Tengah itu melalui Hizbullah.

Konflik antar negara tersebut disinyalir membuat gangguan terhadap pasokan minyak global mengingat negara OPEC, termasuk Arab Saudi dan lran berkontribusi 42,7% dari total produksi dunia dan menyimpan cadangan 47,7% dari total pasokan minyak dunia pada 2016.

“Perhitungan kasar tentang potensi kerugian pasokan jika Saudi dan Iran berperang, bakal mencapai 17 juta barel per hari atau 26% dan total ekspor minyak global," kata Andy.


Pendorong lain harga minyak dunia yang cukup panas yakni karena Arab Saudi rencananya akan mencantumkan perusahaan minyak dan gas nasionalnya di bursa berjangka New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

“Posisi Arab akan menjadi Iebih baik untuk melakukan negosisasi dengan AS terkait pengelolaan produksi minyak shale [minyak serpih] yang bisa memicu kenaikan harga minyak dunia,” katanya.

Pada perdagangan yang tercatat dalam jaringan Minggu (26/11), harga minyak West Texas Intemlediate (WTI) menguat 0,93 poin atau 1,60% menjadi US$ 58,95 per barel di New York Merchantile Exchange.

Sementara itu, harga minyak Brent naik 0,31 poin atau 0,49% mennju US$63,86 per barel di ICE Futures yang berbasis di London. Seperti diketahui, selama ini pendongkrak negatif reli harga minyak dunia adalah produksi minyak serpih AS yang semakin tinggi.

Berdasarkan data U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), produksi minyak AS pada 2017 akan meningkat 9,2 juta barel
per hari (bph) dari 2016 sebesar 8,9 juta bph. Sementara itu, pada 2018, produksi AS akan mencapai rekor 10 juta bph.

Oleh sebab itu, keberhasilan negosiasi soal persediaan dan harga minyak dunia dianggap mampu diraih seiring dengan hubungan yang tampak baik antara Presiden AS Donald Trump dan Pimpinan Arab Saudi Raja Salman.

Dari segi permintaan, riset Mirae Asset mengungkapkan bahwa klaim global akan terus tumbuh kendati posisi minyak terancam oleh berkembangnya kendaraan listrik (EVs) yang cenderung memicu berkurangnya permintaan minyak global.

lnternational Energy Agency (IEA) memproyeksikan permintaan global tumbuh mencapai 99,1 juta barel per hari pada 2018, naik 1,41% dari tahun ini sebesar 97,7 juta barel per hari. Menurut IEA, konsumsi minyak harian di kawasan Asia Pasifik mencapai 34,6 juta barel per hari pada 2018, atau 34,9% dari jumlah konsumsi minyak harian global.

Sementara itu, diproyeksikan konsumsi minyak harian di Amerika mencapai 31,7 juta barel per hari pada 2018, atau 32% dari total konsumsi harian dunia. Hans van Cleff, ABN Amro Senior Energy Economist mengatakan, pada 2018 pasar bakal mengkhawatirkan potensi kekurangan pasokan minyak, yang menyebabkan dorongan harga. 

Di samping itu, permintaan minyak global akan terus meningkat di tahun-tahun mendatang didorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di India dan China.

“Pada 2018, akan ada kejutan reli harga minyak WTI mencapai US$ 70 barel per hari, sementara minyak Brent menuju level US$75 barel per hari," kata Cleef. Menurutnya, ketegangan politik yang mulai terasa panas akan berdampak lebih besar pada harga minyak dengan meningkatnya ketegangan antara Arab Saudi dan Iran yang berpotensi terjadinya penurunan pasokan lebih lanjut.

“Dengan kondisi itu, bahkan harga minyak pada awal 2019 bisa mencapai US$ 90 barel per hari,” katanya.

Sentimen-sentimen positif di atas menunjukkan semakin menguatnya posisi OPEC dan sekutunya, termasuk Rusia, dalam upaya mengurangi pasokan minyak dunia global guna mencapai tujuan keseimbangan pasar.

Menteri Energi Rusia Alexander Novak pada Jumat (24/11) mengatakan negaranya siap mendukung perluasan kesepakatan di antara produsen minyak dalam upaya mengurangi produksi global. Rusia akan membahas rincian perpanjangan kesepakatan global pada 30 November nanti. 

“Namun, target rebalancing pasar belum tercapai. Semua orang mendukung ekstensi [perpanjangan waktu], sehingga target akhir tercapai."

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-16, Monday, Nov 27, 2017