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Monday, June 17, 2019

Chevron Commits to Clean B3 Waste in Riau

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPD stated that it is committed to restoring the remaining production land in the form of oil-contaminated land, which is classified as Toxic Hazardous Material (B3) before the contract period ends in Rokan Block, Riau Province in 2021.

"As the operator of the Cooperation Contract with Indonesian government units we comply with the production sharing contract. PT CPI is also committed to "running oil and gas operations that are safe, analyzing environmental impacts and being environmentally responsible," said PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia's Manager Corporate Communication Sonitha Poernomo in Pekanbaru Riau.

Sonitha Poernomo explained that PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia has operated as a contractor of the Government of Indonesia through a Cooperation Contract with the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas).

Therefore as part of oil and gas operations activities in accordance with the Rokan KKKS, PT CPI conducts activities to recover petroleum contaminated land carried out according to directions and approved by SKK Migas and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), as representatives of the Indonesian Government.

In fact, data from PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, for Riau, has cost US $ 3,200,483 for the management of contaminated Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3).

Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources collected by the Antara news agency in Jakarta, in addition to the management of contaminated land, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia also spent US $ 1,436,817 for the remaining waste of B3 operations.

"As a government program policy maker, KLHK and SKK Migas give approval to locations to be cleaned, criteria "the success, methodology, and technology that will be used, as well as returning costs for recovery programs," he said.

He added that PT CPI had made land recovery due to past operations as part of the operation also recommended use of the best recovery practices in the world.

"PT CPI has proposed additional methods and technologies to improve efficiency, reduce costs and accelerate efforts cleaning, "he concluded.

Petroleum contaminated soil is land that is not spilled, spilled or leaked from landfill in accordance with the requirements of previous operational activities, based on the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 128/2003. 

      In 2015 to 2018 according to the road map there were 125 contaminated locations, 89 locations had been completed. Whereas locations outside the roadmap that require an Environmental Function Recovery Plan (RPLFH) are 304 locations.

Throughout 2018, there were 33,128.7 tons of hazardous and toxic substances (B3) in the oil and gas residue classified as Hazardous and Toxic Materials.


Chevron Berkomitmen Bersihkan Limbah B3 di Riau

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPD menyatakan berkomitmen untuk melakukan pemulihan tanah sisa produksi berupa tanah terkontaminasi minyak, yang tergolong limbah Bahan Berbahaya Beracun (B3) sebelum masa kontrak beroperasi berakhir di Blok Rokan, Provinsi Riau pada tahun 2021.

“Sebagai operator dari Kontrak Kerja sama dengan satuan pemerintah Indonesia kami patuh sesuai kontrak bagi hasil. PT CPI juga berkomitmen untuk
menjalankan operasi minyak dan gas yang selamat, analisisi dampak lingkungan dan bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan,” kata Manager Corporate Communication PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia Sonitha Poernomo di Pekanbaru Riau.

Sonitha Poernomo menjelaskan PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia telah beroperasi sebagai kontraktor Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kontrak Kerja Sama dengan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas).

Karenanya sebagai bagian dari kegiatan operasi migas sesuai KKKS Rokan, PT CPI melakukan kegiatan pemulihan tanah terkontaminasi minyak bumi yang dilakukan sesuai arahan dan disetujui oleh SKK Migas dan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK), sebagai perwakilan Pemerintah Indonesia.

Bahkan data PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, untuk Riau telah mengeluarkan biaya pengelolaan tanah terkontaminasi limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3) sebesar US$ 3.200.483

Berdasarkan data dari Kementerian ESDM yang dihimpun kator berita Antara di Jakarta, selain pengelolaan tanah terkontaminasi, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia juga mengeluarkan biaya US$ 1.436.817 untuk limbah sisa operasi B3.

“Sebagai pembuat kebijakan program pemerintah, KLHK dan SKK Migas memberikan persetujuan pada lokasi-lokasi yang akan dibersihkan, kriteria keberhasilan, metodologi, dan teknologi yang akan digunakan, serta pengembalian biaya untuk program pemulihan,” tutur dia.

Ia menambahkan PT CPI telah menjadikan pemulihan lahan karena operasi masa lalu sebagai bagian dari operasi juga telah merekomendasikan penggunaan praktik pemulihan terbaik di dunia. 

“PT CPI telah mengajukan metode-metode dan teknologi tambahan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi, mengurangi biaya dan mempercepat upaya pembersihan,” pungkasnya.

Tanah terkontaminasi minyak bumi merupakan lahan yang terkena tumpahan, ceceran atau kebocoran penimbunan limbah minyak bumi yang tidak
sesuai dengan persyaratan dari kegiatan operasinal sebelumnya, berdasarkan Keputusan  Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No. 128/ 2003. 

     Pada tahun 2015 sampai 2018 menurut road map terdapat 125 lokasi yang terkontaminasi, 89 lokasi telah diselesaikan. Sedangkan lokasi di luar roadmap yang membutuhkan Rencana Pemulihan Fungsi Lingkungan Hidup (RPLFH) sebanyak 304 lokasi.

    Sepanjang tahun 2018 terdapat limbah sisa produksi migas yang tergolong Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3) sebanyak 33.128,7 ton.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019

Pertamina Continues to Acquire Overseas Oil and Gas Blocks

PT Pertamina (Persero) is still looking for opportunities to add assets to its oil and gas blocks in other countries, since it last acquired the French oil and gas company in 2016. To that end, Pertamina has budgeted investment funds of US $ 174 million, up from last year's US $ 110 million, and revenue is targeted at US $ 1.4 billion.

"The funds will be used for drilling 28 wells and carrying out re-work in 66 wells," said PT Pertamina International EP Managing Director Denie S Tampubolon in Jakarta.

At present, Pertamina already has a number of oil and gas blocks in 12 countries. In Algeria, the company has a stake in Blok Menzel Lejmet North (MLN), El Brands (EMK), and Ourhoud (OHD). 

West Qurna

     In Iraq, the company holds shares in West Qurna Field 1. While in Malaysia, the company holds shares in Blok K, Kikeh Block, SNR Block SK309 Block and SK311 Block.

Kikeh Block

Furthermore, after the acquisition of French oil and gas company Maurel & Prom, the company has oil and gas assets spread in Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Colombia, Canada, Myanmar, Italy and other countries. However, the main assets that have been produced are in Gabon, Nigeria and Tanzania. 

     In 2018, he continued, oil and gas production from foreign assets was recorded at 153 thousand barrels of oil equivalent (barrel oil equivalent per day / boepd). In detail, oil production is 102 thousand bpd and 299 million standard cubic feet of gas per day / mmscfd. In 2018, oil and gas production is targeted at 163 thousand boepd, of which oil is 112 thousand bpd and gas is 300 mmscfd.

"Production is rising because there are development drilling, including the acceleration of drilling in Africa. Then, there are efforts to optimize and add assets, "he said.

Denie said, along with the increase in oil and gas production of foreign assets, the supply of crude oil brought to the country is getting bigger. Last year, it managed to bring back 6.5 million barrels of crude oil.

"In 2019, we will bring (oil) 8 million barrels," he said.

However, he said, not all of the oil from other countries could be absorbed by domestic refineries because they did not match the specifications. Therefore, it encourages the improvement of domestic refineries to be able to process various types of oil.

"The more oil you carry. Only 80% (absorbed), we hope we can get more, "Denie said.

Must Continue

Meanwhile, Upstream Director of Pertamina Dharmawan H. Samsu said that the oil and gas block acquisition is still important to get direct oil and gas production. If it takes over oil and gas production blocks abroad, it can directly bring the oil produced to Indonesia. Meanwhile, if it must start from exploration, new oil production can be obtained in the next 4-5 years.

"So to wait for the volume (oil) from exploration if successful, then there is a gap filled with M & A (Mergers and Acquisitions)," he said in Jakarta.

He explained, when making an acquisition, his side always included the requirement that the oil which became the share of Pertamina could be brought to Indonesia. Because, this step is one of the company's efforts to cut national crude oil imports. The oil rations from foreign blocks will be processed at Pertamina's refineries.

Pertamina's Senior Vice President of Upstream Business Development Ida Yusmiati added that his party would continue to examine various opportunities for oil and gas blocks acquisition outside Indonesia, especially those that were in accordance with Pertamina's needs and strategies. Unfortunately, the company has not been able to detail the assets targeted by the company.

"Pertamina will study seriously, where and what investment, cannot be shared because it is still being studied," he said.

Ida admitted, during the past year, there was no action to acquire oil and gas blocks abroad. This is because the company focuses on managing oil and gas blocks domestic termination assigned to Pertamina. Regarding the planned acquisition in Iran and Russia, which he had said, he said he did not become executed.

"Iran is held for acquisition because there is sanction, we will continue to review it," he said.

the Mansouri Block

As is known, in Iran, Pertamina has had a plan to acquire the Mansouri Block with a production rate of 62 thousand barrels per day (bpd).

However, before the company signed the block contract, the United States Government again imposed sanctions on Iran. So, the plan was postponed. Furthermore, Pertamina plans to take ownership of The Northern Top and Chaivo and Russkoye fields in Russia. 

Rosneft Oil Company in the Tuban Refinery Project

     Because, together with the cooperation of Pertamina and Rosneft Oil Company in the Tuban Refinery Project, the Russian oil and gas company also offered a portion of its two oil and gas blocks to Pertamina.

     This plan failed because the tax that must be paid by the company to the country is quite large. Pertamina also had a memorandum of understanding on the management of oil and gas blocks in Algeria with Sonatrach. 

     Referring to the agreement, Sonatrach opens opportunities for Pertamina to develop existing assets and work on new assets that have the potential to produce 20-30 thousand bpd and total reserves of more than 100 million barrels of oil.

According to Denie S Tampubolon, negotiations with the Algerian side regarding this matter are still working. However, it cannot ensure it can add assets in Algeria.

"Because of the two parties, we are ready, he is ready. "The efficiency continues, we are both Muslim and Algerian, too," he said.

      This plan failed because the tax that must be paid by the company to the country is quite large. Pertamina also had a memorandum of understanding on the management of oil and gas blocks in Algeria with Sonatrach. 

     Referring to the agreement, Sonatrach opens opportunities for Pertamina to develop existing assets and work on new assets that have the potential to produce 20-30 thousand bpd and total reserves of more than 100 million barrels of oil.

According to Denie S Tampubolon, negotiations with the Algerian side regarding this matter are still working. However, it cannot ensure it can add assets in Algeria.

"Because of the two parties, we are ready, Sonatrach is also ready. The efficiency continues, we are interested and Algeria is interested, "he said.


Pertamina Teruskan Akuisisi Blok Migas Luar Negeri

PT Pertamina (Persero) masih terus mencari peluang untuk menambah aset blok migasnya di negara lain, sejak terakhir mengakuisisi perusahaan migas Perancis pada 2016. Untuk itu, Pertamina menganggarkan dana investasi sebesar US$ 174 juta, naik dari tahun lalu US$ 110 juta, dan pendapatan ditargetkan sebesar US$ 1,4 miliar.

“Dana tersebut akan digunakan untuk pengeboran 28 sumur dan pelaksanaan kerja ulang di 66 sumur,” kata Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Internasional EP Denie S Tampubolon di Jakarta, Senin (21/1).

Saat ini, Pertamina telah memiliki sejumlah Blok migas di 12 negara. Di Aljazair, perseroan memiliki saham di Blok Menzel Lejmet North (MLN), El Merk (EMK), dan Ourhoud (OHD). Di Irak, perseroan memegang saham di Lapangan West Qurna 1. Sementara di Malaysia, perseroan memegang kepemilikan saham di Blok K, Blok Kikeh, Blok SNR Blok SK309 dan Blok SK311.

Selanjutnya, pasca akuisisi perusahaan migas Perancis, Maurel & Prom, perseroan memiliki aset migas yang tersebar di Gabon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Namibia, Kolombia, Kanada, Myanmar, Italia, dan negara lainnya. Namun, aset utamanya yang telah berproduksi yakni di Gabon, Nigeria, dan Tanzania.

      Pada 2018, lanjutnya, produksi migas dari aset luar negeri tercatat sebesar 153 ribu barel setara minyak (barrel oil equivalent per day/boepd). Rincinya, produksi minyak 102 ribu bph dan gas 299 million standard cubic feet per day/mmscfd. Di 2018, produksi migas ditargetkan sebesar 163 ribu boepd, di mana rninyak 112 ribu bph dan gas 300 mmscfd.

“Produksi naik karena ada pengeboran pengembangan, termasuk percepatan pengeboran di Afrika. Kemudian, adanya upaya optimasi dan penambahan aset,” tuturnya.

Denie mengatakan, seiring dengan meningkatnya produksi migas aset luar negeri, pasokan minyak mentah yang di bawa ke Tanah Air semakin besar. Pada tahun lalu, pihaknya berhasil membawa pulang minyak mentah sebanyak 6,5 juta barel. 

“Pada 2019, kami akan membawa (minyak) 8 juta barel,” ujarnya.

Meski demikian, dikatakannya, minyak dari negara lain itu tidak semuanya dapat diserap kilang dalam negeri lantaran tidak sesuai spesitikasinya. Karenanya, pihaknya mendorong adanya perbaikan kilang Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) dalam negeri sehingga dapat mengolah berbagai jenis minyak.

“Agar minyak yang dibawa semakin banyak. Baru 80% (yang diserap), kami berharap bisa lebih banyak,” tutur Denie. 

Harus Berlanjut

     Sementara itu, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Dharmawan H Samsu menuturkan, akuisisi blok migas masih penting dilakukan untuk mendapatkan produksi migas secara langsung. Jika mengambil alih blok migas produksi di luar negeri, pihaknya bisa langsung membawa minyak yang dihasilkan ke Indonesia. Sementara jika harus mulai dari rnelakukan eksplorasi, produksi minyak baru dapat diperoleh dalam 4-5 tahun berikutnya.

“jadi untuk tunggu volume (minyak) dari eksplorasi jika sukses, maka ada gap (selisih) yang diisi M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions),” kata dia di Jakarta.

Dia menjelaskan, ketika melakukan akuisisi, pihaknya selalu memasukkan syarat agar minyak yang menjadi jatah Pertamina bisa dibawa ke Indonesia.
Pasalnya, langkah ini merupakan salah satu upaya perseroan untuk memangkas impor minyak mentah nasional. Minyak jatah dari blok luar negeri itu akan diolah di kilang milik Pertamina. 

Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina Ida Yusmiati menambahkan, pihaknya akan terus mengkaji berbagai peluang akuisisi blok migas di luar Indonesia, utamanya yang sesuai dengan keperluan dan strategi Pertamina. Sayangnya, pihaknya belum dapat melinci aset-aset yang diincar perseroan.

“Pertamina akan kaji secara serius, di mana dan investasi berapa, belum bisa di-share karena masih dikaji,” tutur dia.

Diakui Ida, sepanjang tahun lalu, pihaknya tidak ada aksi akuisisi blok migas di luar negeri. Hal ini lantaran perseroan fokus mengelola blok migas terminasi di dalam negeri yang ditugaskan ke Pertamina. Terkait rencana akuisisi di Iran dan Rusia yang sempat berlansung dikatakannya tidak jadi dieksekusi. 

“Iran di-hold (akuisisi) karena memang ada sanction, kami akan kaji terus,” ujar dia.

Seperti diketahui, di Iran, Pertamina pernah memiliki rencana mengakuisisi Blok Mansouri dengan tingkat produksi 62 ribu barel per hari (bph).

     Namun, menjelang perseroan meneken kontrak blok itu, Pemerintah Amerika Serikat kembali menjatuhkan sanksi kepada Iran. Sehingga, rencana tersebut ditunda. Selanjutnya, Pertamina svmpat berencana mengambil kepemilikan lapangan The Northern Top and Chaivo dan Russkoye di Rusia.

    Pasalnya, bersamaan kerja sama Pertamina dan Rosneft Oil Company dalam Proyek Kilang Tuban, perusahaan migas Rusia itu juga menawarkan sebagian saham dua blok migasnya ke Pertamina.

Rencana ini gagal lantaran pajak yang harus dibayarkan perseroan ke negara cukup besar. Pertamina juga sempat memiliki nota kesepahaman pengelolaan blok migas di Aljazair dengan Sonatrach. Mengacu kesepakatan, Sonatrach membuka peluang bagi Pertamina untuk mengembangkan aset eksisting serta menggarap aset baru yang memiliki potensi produksi 20-30 ribu bph dan total cadangan lebih dari 100 juta barel minyak.

Menurut Denie S Tampubolon, negosiasi dengan pihak Aljazair terkait hal tersebut masih jalan. Namun, pihaknya tidak dapat memastikan pihaknya dapat menambah aset di Aljazair. 

“Karena itu dua pihak, kami siap, Sonatrach juga siap. Effortnya masih berlangsung terus, kami minat dan Aljazair pun minat," tuturnya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019

These are 10 Oil and Gas Contractors with the Largest Waste

Chevron Pacific Indonesia produces the most B3 waste in the year. Environmental problems have been highlighted in the development of oil and gas working areas in Indonesia. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) recorded 10 major oil and gas cooperation contract contractors (KKKS) that managed large-scale hazardous and toxic (B3) waste last year.

The 10 oil and gas contractors are PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Petrochina International Jabung Ltd, Medco E & P Natuna PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, PT Pertamina Hulu Sanga-Sanga, Conoco-Phillips (Grissik) Ltd, Pertamina Hulu Energi Oses Ltd, ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd, PT Pertamina EP, and Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Iwan Prasetya Adhi, said that the total tonnage of the 10 oil and gas contractors reached 70,197.35 B3 waste. Meanwhile, the total cost of waste management reached US $ 12.24 million.

Of the 10 contractors, Chevron Pacific Indonesia recorded the largest in the amount of waste and management costs. Chevron's oil and gas region produces 30,791 tons of waste with management costs reaching US $ 4.64 million.

The Director of Oil and Gas Engineering and Environment, Adhi Wibowo assessed the amount of the volume of Chevron B3 waste in line with the wide area of ​​their oil and gas working area. In addition, Chevron has long been producing in Indonesia.

"Yes, because it's vast, it's a percentage of the area. Because the area is vast, especially since the Dutch era they have managed, so they have cumulative tons of waste," Adi said in the House of Representatives Building in Jakarta.

According to him, Chevron has allocated funds to carry out its obligations in managing B3 waste.

"In the rules, they must budget funds. Later the SKK Migas mechanism refers to the rules in the PSC (production sharing contract)," Adi explained

Chevron Pacific Indonesia Senior Vice President of Policy, Government and Public Affrair, Wahyu Budianto said, Chevron always manages waste arising from oil and gas production and operations.

"We are trying to manage waste well. We have domestic waste processing, we divide, there are organic parts, waste used oil operations, we process," he said.

Regarding costs, Wahyu said that every oil and gas waste processing activity is always included in the work program and budget (WP & B), Director General of Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (RK), Rasio Ridho Sani. according to permits that have been regulated by the government.

There are several oil and gas companies that have received administrative sanctions for showing non-compliance in waste management. However, all oil and gas contractors only get administrative sanctions.

"Only administrative," he said.

If the administrative sanctions are not heeded, according to Ridho, then it is likely that it can continue until the legal route.

"We also provide sanctions to make repairs. If they are not obedient, the sanctions are quite severe, including those that can be subjected to criminality, it could also be a civil suit, "Ridho explained.


Inilah 10 Kontraktor Migas dengan Limbah Terbesar

Chevron Pacific Indonesia menghasilkan limbah B3 paling banyak pada tahun Ialu. Masalah lingkungan menjadi sorotan dalam pengembangan wilayah kerja minyak dan gas (migas) di Indonesia. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mencatatl 10 besar kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) migas yang mengelola limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3) dalam skala besar pada tahun lalu.

Ke-10 kontraktor migas itu adalah PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Petrochina Internasional Jabung Ltd, Medco E&P Natuna PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, PT Pertamina Hulu Sanga-Sanga, Conoco-Phillips (Grissik) Ltd, Pertamina Hulu Energi Oses Ltd, ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd, PT Pertamina EP, serta Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ. 

Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM, Iwan Prasetya Adhi mengatakan, total tonase dari 10 kontraktor migas itu mencapai 70.197,35 tion limbah B3. Sementara itu, total biaya pengelolaan limbah mencapai US$ 12,24 juta.

Dari 10 kontraktor, Chevron Pacific Indonesia tercatat paling besar dalam jumlah limbah dan biaya pengelolaannya. Wilayah migas Chevron menghasilkan limbah mencapai 30.791 ton dengan biaya pengelolaan mencapai US$ 4,64 juta.

Direktur Teknik dan Lingkungan Migas, Adhi Wibowo menilai besarnya volume limbah B3 Chevron sejalan dengan jumlah area wilayah kerja migas mereka yang cukup luas. Selain itu, Chevron telah lama berproduksi di Indonesia. 

"Ya karena luas saja, kan persentase dari luas. Karena wilayahnya luas, apalagi sudah dari zaman belanda mereka mengelola, jadi kumulatif berton-ton limbahnya," ungkap Adi di Gedung Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) di Jakarta.

     Menurut dia, Chevron telah mengalokasikan dana untuk melakukan kewajibannya dalam mengelola limbah B3.

"Dalam aturan, mereka harus menganggarkan dana. Nanti di SKK Migas mekanismenya mengacu aturan dalam PSC (production sharing contract)," jelas Adi

Senior Vice President Policy, Government and Public Affrairs Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Wahyu Budianto mengatakan, Chevron selalu mengelola limbah yang timbul dari hasil produksi dan operasi migas. 

"Kami mengusahakan limbah dikelola dengan baik. Kami punya pengolahan limbah domestik, kami bagi, ada bagian organik, limbah operasi bekas oli, semua kami proses," ungkap dia.

Terkait biaya, Wahyu menyebutkan setiap kegiatan pengolahan limbah migas selalu masuk dalam work program and budget (WP&B) Direktur Jenderal Penegakan Hukum Kementerian Lingkungan dan Kehutanan (BHK), Rasio Ridho Sani mengemukakan Kementerian LHK telah mengeluarkan sanksi administratif kepada kontraktor migas yang tidak mematuhi pengelolaan limbah sesuai izin-izin yang telah diatur oleh pemerintah.

Ada beberapa perusahaan migas yang sudah mendapatkan sanksi administratif karena menunjukkan ketidakpatuhan dalam pengelolaan limbah. Namun seluruh kontraktor migas hanyak mendapatkan sanksi administrasi. 

"Hanya bersifat administrasi," kata dia.

Jika sanksi administrasi tersebut tidak diindahkan, menurut Ridho, maka besar kemungkinan bisa berlanjut hingga jalur hukum. 

“Kami juga memberikan sanksi untuk melakukan perbaikan-perbaikan. Kalau mereka tidak patuh, sanksinya cukup berat, termasuk di dalamnya bisa dikenakan pidana, bisa juga gugatan perdata" jelas Ridho. 

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019

Pertamina is Expansive in East Kalimantan & Kaltara

PT Pertamina (Persero) aggressively strengthens its upstream business lines in the eastern and northern Kalimantan regions by increasing the search for oil and gas assets.

Dharmawan Samsu, Director of Upstream Pertamina, said that the company prioritizes old assets in East Kalimantan (Kaltim) and North Kalimantan (Kaltara) to be replaced with new assets. According to him, Pertamina's seriousness in the region can be seen from its commitment to enter Merakes Field with Eni through its subsidiary, Eni East Sepinggan Limited, becoming the operator of East Sepinggan.

Eni's management rights in the block were recorded at 85%, while Pertamina through PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Sepinggan Timur amounted to 15%. This project located in the Kutai Basin, off the coast of East Kalimantan.

Meanwhile, the Merakes project is connected to the Jangkrik Field production unit which is located close together, which is about 35 kilometers in the Northeast.

"Offshore with Merakes the profile can go up, because the project is strategic. "We also have a desire for other potentials in East Kalimantan, to compensate for mature assets replaced with new ones," he said.

Pertamina's priorities in East Kalimantan are directed to the offshore interconnection of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan (Blok East Kalimantan), expansion by cooperating with existing assets offshore, and interconnection of onshore fitting pipelines with Unit V. Refinery.

Meanwhile, in North Kalimantan (Kaltara), Pertamina focused on the success of the gas sale and purchase agreement with PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) from WK Simenggaris and the addition of gas capacity at Pertamina Hulu Energi Nunukan. In addition, Pertamina will also manage oil reserves and gas networks through Pertamina EP and the use of the Kaltara gas system with the potential for the construction of a methanole refinery with an estimated operation of 2022.

Dharmawan said that his party also invited investors to build a methanol plant in Bunyu. According to him, considering the gas found on the field which is 7 miles from Parang Field cannot be moved, ideally production facilities should be built around the area.

"If there are investors who build a methanol plant there, it can be commercialized and contribute to national gas production. All of us building itself seems too out of line [business lines], "he added.

At present, Pertamina's assets in East Kalimantan and Kaltara are PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam with oil production of 33,000 barrels per day and gas (bpd) 794 standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd), PT Pertamina Hulu Sanga-Sanga (oil 8,340 bpd / gas 91 mmscfd), PT Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan (oil 10,600 bph / gas 59 mmscfd), Pertamina EP Asset S (oil 20,000 bpd / gas 8 mmscfd), and PT Pertamina Hulu Energi East Sepinggan.

In addition to optimizing existing assets, Dharmawan admitted that he would also aggressively add potential assets around the area.
"Everything we do is part of wealth calculated risk management," he said.


In another development, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam continues to improve its oil and gas production. This year, the operator of the Mahakam Block will drill 108 wells or increase from the realization in 2018 of 69 wells. PHM targets to be able to produce oil as much as 30,400 bph and 715 mmscfd in 2019. In addition, the company invests in interconnection of Pertamina's offshore pipes Hulu Mahakam and Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan.

Pertamina's performance in the Mahakam Block was highlighted considering last year's production realization of 33,500 bpd and natural gas amounting to 794 mmscfd, Bambang Manumayoso, Managing Director of Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI), said that PHM, which is part of the PHI, was the biggest contributor to oil and gas lifting, of PT Pertamina Hulu Sanga-Sanga (PHSS) and PT Pertamina Hulu East Kalimantan (PHKT).

He said, the three working areas under the PHI managed to meet the set lifting targets. In fact, PHSS and PHKT can increase the amount of lifting exceeding the target.

"The PHI targets total oil and condensate production of 52,800 bpd and gas at 944 mmscfd by continuing to run more programs, drilling, work over & well services with lower costs," he said.

Meanwhile, the demand factor for the decline in prices of rig daily rental services caused PT. Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia (PDSI) rose slightly in 2018. Over the past year, PDSI's consolidated revenue was US $ 238 million or exceeded the Company's Revised Work Plan (RKAP) target of US $ 237 million and higher than US revenues in 2017 $ 235 million.

President Director of Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia, Budhi N. Pangaribuan, said that his company was able to maintain revenue in 2018 because it succeeded in increasing the utility and productivity of the rig.

"We were able to maintain revenue last year, one of which was because we were able to increase utility rates and rig productivity, and instead reduce the number of non-productive time [NPT]," he said.

Even though income is relatively stagnant, PDSI is able to record a net profit of US $ 18 million or 150% of the 2018 target. Related to project execution, PDSI has completed 319 wells (including exploration, exploitation, well service and workover) throughout 2018. On the operational side, PDSI is supported by the existence of nine cyber rig units with a capacity of 1000 HP-1500 HP. The cyber rig used by PDSI is a high-tech and sophisticated type of rig.

This cyber rig succeeded in completing the side track operation for jobs at the 001 Albatros White Tuban, East Java, B1 and B2 Big Bamboo (BBS) in West Java, and the Titanum 001 Aceh. PDSI has also carried out S-type drilling in the working area of ​​PEPC ADK, Cepu, East Java.

Budhi is optimistic that PDSI can maintain and even increase the company's revenue this year. In addition to being a factor of large-scale new job opportunities that are wide open, this belief was triggered by the presence of the Indonesia Drilling Training Center (IUTC).


Pertamina Ekspansif di Kaltim & Kaltara

PT Pertamina (Persero) agresif memperkuat lini bisnis hulu di kawasan Kalimantan bagian timur dan utara dengan menambah pencarian aset minyak dan gas.

Dharmawan Samsu, Direktur Hulu Pertamina, mengatakan bahwa perseroan memprioritaskan aset-aset tua di Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim) dan Kalimantan Utara (Kaltara)untuk diganti dengan aset-aset baru. Menurutnya, keseriusan Pertamina di kawasan tersebut terlihat dari komitmennya masuk ke Lapangan Merakes bersama Eni melalui anak usahanya, Eni East Sepinggan Limited, menjadi operator East Sepinggan.

Hak kelola Eni di blok tersebut tercatat sebesar 85%, sedangkan Pertamina melalui PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Sepinggan Timur sebesar 15%. Proyek ini berada di Cekungan Kutai, lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur.

Adapun, proyek Merakes terhubung dengan unit produksi Lapangan Jangkrik yang terletak secara berdekatan, yaitu sekitar 35 kilometer di Timur Laut. 

“Di offshore dengan Merakes profilnya bisa naik, karena proyek tersebut strategis. Kami juga punya keinginan untuk potensi lain yang ada di Kalimantan Timur, untuk mengimbangi mature asset diganti dengan yang baru,” tuturnya.

Prioritas Pertamina di Kalimantan Timur diarahkan kepada interkoneksi lepas pantai Pertamina Hulu Mahakam dan Pertamina Hulu Kalimtantan Timur (Blok East Kalimantan), ekspansi dengan kerja sama kepada aset yang ada di lepas pantai, serta interkoneksi jaringan pipa pas onshore dengan Refinery Unit V.

Sementara itu, di Kalimantan Utara (Kaltara), Pertamina fokus menyukseskan perjanjian jual beli gas dengan PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) dari WK Simenggaris dan penambahan kapasitas gas di Pertamina Hulu Energi Nunukan. Selain itu, Pertamina juga akan melakukan pengelolaan cadangan minyak dan jaringan gas melalui Pertamina EP dan pemanfaatan gas sistem Kaltara dengan potensi pembangunan kilang methanole dengan estimasi beroperasi 2022.

Dharmawan mengatakan bahwa pihak-nya juga mengundang investor untuk membangun pabrik metanol di Bunyu. Menurutnya, mengingat gas yang ditemukan di lapangan yang berada di 7 mil dari Lapangan Parang tersebut tidak dapat dipindahkan, idealnya dibangun fasilitas produksi di sekitar wilayah itu.

“Kalau ada investor yang membangun pabrik metanol di situ, kan dapat dikomersialkan dan berkontribusi pada produksi gas nasional. Kalau semua kami
bangun sendiri sepertinya terlalu luar [lini bisnis]," tambahnya.

Saat ini, aset-aset Pertamina yang ada di Kaltim dan Kaltara adalah PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam dengan produksi minyak 33.000 barel per hari dan gas (bph) 794 standar kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd), PT Pertamina Hulu Sanga-Sanga (minyak 8.340 bph/gas 91 mmscfd), PT Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur (minyak 10.600 bph/ gas 59 mmscfd), Pertamina EP Asset S (minyak 20.000 bph/ gas 8 mmscfd), dan PT Pertamina Hulu Energi East Sepinggan.

Selain mengoptimalkan aset yang ada, Dharmawan mengaku juga akan agresif menambah aset-aset yang potensial di sekitar wilayah tersebut. “Semua yang kami lakukan itu bagian dari wealth calculated risk management,” ujarnya.


Dalam perkembangan lain, PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam terus berbenah untuk meningkatkan produksi migasnya. Pada tahun ini, operator Blok Mahakam ini akan melakukan pengeboran di 108 sumur atau meningkat dari realisasi pada 2018 sebanyak 69 sumur. PHM menargetkan mampu memproduksi minyak sebanyak 30.400 bph dan 715 mmscfd pada 2019. Selain itu, perseroan melakukan investasi interkoneksi pipa lepas pantai (offshore) Pertamina Hulu Mahakam dan Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur.

Kinerja Pertamina di Blok Mahakam disorot mengingat realisasi produksi pada tahun lalu tercatat 33.500 bph dan gas bumi sebesar 794 mmscfd, Bambang Manumayoso, Direktur Utama Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI), menyampaikan bahwa PHM, yang menjadi bagian PHI, menjadi kontributor terbesar lifting migas, di atas PT Pertamina Hulu Sanga-Sanga (PHSS) dan PT Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur (PHKT).

Dia menuturkan, ketiga wilayah kerja dibawah PHI berhasil memenuhi target lifting yang ditetapkan. Bahkan, PHSS dan PHKT dapat meningkatkan jumlah lifting melebihi target.

“PHI menargetkan total produksi minyak dan kondensat sebesar 52.800 bph dan gas sebesar 944 mmscfd dengan terus menjalankan program ,drilling, work over & well service yang lebih banyak dengan biaya yang lebih rendah,” katanya.

Sementara itu, faktor permintaan penurunan harga jasa sewa harian rig menyebabkan pendapatan PT. Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia (PDSI) naik sedikit pada 2018. Sepanjang tahun lalu, pendapatan konsolidasi PDSI tercatat US$238 juta atau melebihi target Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Revisi senilai US$ 237 juta dan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pendapatan pada 2017 senilai US$ 235 juta.

Direktur Utama Pertamina Drilling Service Indonesia Budhi N. Pangaribuan mengatakan, pihaknya mampu mempertahankan pendapatan pada 2018 karena berhasil meningkatkan utilitas dan produktivitas rig.

“Kami mampu mempertahankan pendapatan pada tahun lalu, salah satunya karena kami mampu meningkatkan angka utilitas dan produktivitas rig, serta sebaliknya menekan angka non-productive time [NPT],” katanya.

Kendati pendapatan terbilang stagnan, PDSI mampu mencatatkan laba bersih senilai US$18 juta atau 150% dari target 2018. Terkait dengan pengerjaan proyek, PDSI telah menyelesaikan 319 sumur (termasuk eksplorasi, eksploitasi, well service, dan workover) sepanjang 2018. Di sisi operasional, PDSI didukung oleh keberadaan sembilan unit cyber rig berkapasitas 1000 HP-1500 HP. Rig cyber yang digunakan PDSI merupakan jenis rig dengan teknologi tinggi dan canggih.

Rig cyber ini berhasil menuntaskan side track operation untuk pekerjaan di Albatros Putih-001 Tuban, Jawa Timur, Bambu Besar (BBS) B1 dan B2 di Jawa Barat, serta Titanum 001 Aceh. PDSI juga telah melakukan pengeboran berarah tipe S di wilayah kerja PEPC ADK, Cepu, Jawa Timur.

Budhi optimistis PDSI dapat mempertahankan dan bahkan meningkatkan pendapatan perseroan pada tahun ini. Selain karena faktor peluang-peluang kerja baru berskala besar yang terbuka lebar, keyakinan ini dipicu oleh kehadiran Indonesia Drilling Training Center (IUTC). 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Monday, Jan 21, 2019

Pertamina Prepares Rokan Transition

PT Pertamina (Persero) prepared a number of activities in 2019 to begin the transition to managing the Rokan Block located in Riau. After paying the signature bonus December 20, 2018, Pertamina immediately formed a subsidiary to manage the legendary oil and gas work area, namely PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan.

the Rokan Block located in Riau

RP Yudantoro was appointed as President Director of Pertamina Hulu Rokan. This former Director of Operations at PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) has not been able to comment on the transition to the management of the Rokan Block.

Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) Block 

"Later," he said in accordance with PT Pertamina's Upstream Media Workshop event: Upstream Insight.

On the same occasion, Upstream Director of Pertamina Dharmawan Samsu explained, Pertamina's focus is in the transition of the legendary oil and gas block. He explained, Pertamina Hulu Rokan was directly under the Pertamina Upstream Directorate. 

     Dharmawan said, this subsidiary was officially formed on December 20, 2018, the day before the company paid a signature bonus and guaranteed performance for the Rokan Block.

"The signature of the contract is targeted for this month. We are currently in the final discussion stage with the government, "he said.
Furthermore, Pertamina also plans to build an oil pipeline with a downstream scheme that connects Minas-Duri-Dumai and Balam-Bangko-Dumai. The construction of an oil pipeline is considered necessary because the existing pipelines are 40 years old. 

     According to him, the construction of the pipeline does not need to wait for the transition, management, but it can already be done this year. Based on the results of the study, to facilitate production, the pipeline infrastructure must be replaced.

"Chevron has agreed, but it will be detailed in the future. "The route will be installed next to each other, some will be made new," said the former BP Indonesia Head of Country.

In addition to the construction of a pipeline, Pertamina plans to also prepare a well drilling program. Dharmawan acknowledges that drilling wells is not easy because it requires a business agreement.

SKK Migas Head Dwi Soetjipto said that drilling wells is possible in the second semester / 2019. Meanwhile, to encourage upstream oil and gas investment, a concrete breakthrough needs to be done, one of which is the simplification of licensing for operational activities by focusing on SKK Migas. 

      The lecturer at the Trisakti University Faculty of Earth Sciences and Energy Pri Agung Rakhmanto said that innovation in the form of strengthening the role of SKK Migas could be done through the revision of the Oil and Gas Law.


Pertamina Siapkan Masa Transisi Rokan

PT Pertamina (Persero) menyiapkan sejumlah kegiatan pada 2019 untuk mulai melakukan transisi pengelolaan Blok Rokan yang berlokasi di Riau. Setelah membayarkan bonus tanda tangan 20 Desember 2018, Pertamina langsung membentuk anak usaha untuk mengelola wilayah kerja minyak dan gas bumi legendaris tersebut, yaitu PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan. 

RP Yudantoro ditunjuk sebagai Presiden Direktur Pertamina Hulu Rokan. Mantan Direktur Operasional PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) ini belum dapat memberikan komentar terkait dengan transisi pengelolaan Blok Rokan. 

“Nanti dulu," katanya sesuai acara Media Workshop Direktorat Hulu PT Pertamina: Upstream Insight. 

Pada kesempatan yang sama, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Dharmawan Samsu memaparkan, sejumlah fokus Pertamina dalam transisi blok migas legendaris tersebut. Dia menjelaskan, Pertamina Hulu Rokan berada langsung di bawah Direktorat Hulu Pertamina. 

      Dharmawan menyebutkan, anak usaha ini resmi dibentuk pada 20 Desember 2018, sehari sebelum perusahaan membayar bonus tanda tangan dan jaminan performa untuk Blok Rokan. 

“Tanda tangan kontrak ditargetkan untuk dilakukan pada bulan ini. Saat ini kami berada dalam tahap diskusi final dengan pemerintah,” ujarnya. 

Selanjutnya, Pertamina juga berencana untuk membangun pipa minyak dengan skema hilir yang menghubungan Minas-Duri-Dumai dan Balam-Bangko-Dumai. Pembangunan pipa minyak dianggap perlu mengingat jaringan pipa yang ada sudah berumur 40 tahun. 

     Menurutnya, pembangunan pipa tidak perlu menanti peralihan, pengelolaan, tetapi sudah dapat dilakukan pada tahun ini. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, untuk memperlancar produksi, infrastruktur pipa harus diganti. 

“Chevron sudah sepakat, tetapi akan didetailkan ke depannya. Mengenai jalur nanti dipasang bersebelahan, ada juga yang dibuat baru,” tutur mantan Head of Country BP Indonesia tersebut. 

Selain pembangunan jaringan pipa, Pertamina rencananya juga menyiapkan program pengeboran sumur. Dharmawan mengakui bahwa pengeboran sumur tidak mudah karena memerlukan kesepakatan bisnis. 

Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan bahwa pengeboran sumur dimungkinkan terjadi pada semester II/2019. Sementara itu, untuk mendorong investasi hulu migas perlu dilakukan terobosan konkret, salah satunya penyederhanaan perizinan kegiatan operasional dengan memusatkan di SKK Migas. 

     Pengajar di Fakultas Teknologi Kebumian dan Energi Universitas Trisakti Pri Agung Rakhmanto mengatakan, inovasi dalam bentuk penguatan peran SKK Migas dapat dilakukan melalui revisi Undang-Undang Minyak dan Gas. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-10, Saturday, Jan 19, 2019

Monday, March 4, 2019

Pertamina Issues Upstream Investment of US $ 2.5 Billion

PT Pertamina (Persero) plans upstream investment this year of US $ 2.5 billion, down from last year's realization of US $ 2.9 billion. Nevertheless, the company's oil and gas production target is pegged to rise from 921 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day / BOEPD to 922 thousand BOEPD this year.

Upstream Director of Pertamina Dharmawan H. Samsu said, last year, the realization of the company's upstream investment was US $ 2.9 billion or 93.55% of the target of US $ 3.1 billion. The failure to achieve the target, he said, was not because the company reduced investment, but there were efficiency efforts that could cut costs.

the Jambaran-Tiung Biru project

"Investment in 2019 is US $ 2.5 billion. This year there is no one as big as the Rokan Block. While the JTB (Jambaran-Tiung Biru) project by Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) is multi-year (investment), "he said.

The Rokan Block

The Rokan Block investment that he meant was a signature bonus payment to the government amounting to US $ 784 million. While the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project is still in the development stage.

"So our performance is controlled by two things, increasing production volume and increasing the effectiveness of investment and operating costs," Dharmawan said.

The difference in investment size compared to last year did not dampen Pertamina's upstream operating performance. This year, he said, the company targets oil and gas production this year to reach 922 thousand BOEPD, growing from last year's 921 thousand BOEPD. 

     In particular, oil production is targeted to increase 5.6% from 392 thousand barrels per day (BPH) to 414 thousand BPH, while gas production drops 6% from 3,064 million cubic feet per day / MMSCFD to 2,943 MMSCFD.

"Slightly lower for gas, but rising in oil. We will keep this in gas. "The number of wells to be drilled in 2019 is twice the number drilled in 2018," Dharmawan said.

The total wells to be drilled this year are 346 wells, namely 319 exploitation wells and 27 exploration wells. It will also work on a number of new projects starting this year. First, continued Dharmawan, the company will continue the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project. 

     It has carried out the installation of piles for the project which is targeted to start operating in 2021. In addition, each upstream subsidiary has projects to be worked on.

the Mahakam Block

"As for the Jumlai, North Sisi and North Nubi Projects in the Mahakam Block in 2021, the connection to the interconnection of Mahakam resources will kick off this year," he explained.

It will also conduct an in-depth study for investment in Bunyu Field. Dharmawan added, starting this year, it would also be an asset in East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan as a focus. Because the assets of the two regions are used to meet oil and gas needs at the Balikpapan fuel oil refinery and the Bontang LNG natural gas refinery operated by Pertamina.

Eni Indonesia

For this reason, his party is committed to finding new oil and gas reserves in this region. The company will be involved in the development of the Merakes Field with Eni Indonesia. Then, the company will boost oil and gas production in the foreclosed oil and gas blocks, namely the Mahakam Block, and Sanga-Sanga.

In these two blocks, the company targets to drill up to 140 wells. For the operating performance in 2018, the realization of Pertamina's oil and gas production is still below the target, which is 922 thousand boepd from the target of 933 thousand BOEPD.

For oil production, the company's oil production is only 97.03 percent of the target of 404 thousand bpd. While for gas, production realization was recorded at 99.8% of the target of 3,069 MMSCFD


Pertamina's oil and gas production of 922 thousand BOEPD includes contributions from overseas assets. President Director of PT Pertamina International EP Denie S Tampubolon said the company has assets in 12 countries spread across Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Oil and gas production in each of these regions is targeted to increase.

In particular, asset contribution in Asia is stable in the range of 30 thousand BOEPD, in Africa it rises from 78 thousand BOEPD to 81 thousand BOEPD, and in the Middle East it increases from 45 thousand BOEPD to 52 thousand BOEPD.

"In total oil production of foreign assets this year is 112 thousand bpd and gas is 300 MMSCFD," Denie said.

The target is up from last year's realization of oil production of 102 thousand bpd and 299 MMSCFD of gas. When compared to Pertamina's oil and gas production target, the contribution of oil and gas production from foreign assets is increasing. 

     In 2018, foreign assets produce 102 thousand bpd of oil or 26.02% of the company's oil production in the same year. Meanwhile PIEP gas production is 299 mmscfd, equivalent to 9.75 percent of the company's total gas production in 2018.

This year, foreign asset oil production is equivalent to 27.05% of Pertamina's total oil production. Furthermore, gas production is equivalent to 10.19% of the company's gas production target. Referring to the PIEP production target, Pertamina's domestic asset contribution this year was 302 thousand bpd for oil and 2,643 mmscfd for gas.

For oil, PT Pertamina EP Cepu contributed 93.62 thousand bpd, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) 79 thousand bpd, PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI) 47,500 bpd, and the rest PT Pertamina EP. Furthermore for gas, PHI contributed 849 mmscfd, PHE 804 mmscfd, and the rest Pertamina EP.

Whereas for geothermal energy, in 2019 Pertamina targets geothermal production of 4,551 GWh. According to Dharmawan, the focus of geothermal activities in 2019 is the operation of the Lumut Balai PLTP in the first quarter of 2019, ensuring the Hulu Lais Unit 1 project is 55 MW, accelerating exploration activities in the 15,455 MW Seulawah Aceh Working Area and optimizing existing fields with binary cycle technology.


Pertamina Keluarkan Investasi Hulu US$ 2,5 Miliar

PT Pertamina (Persero) merencanakan investasi hulu pada tahun ini sebesar US$ 2,5 miliar, turun dari realisasi tahun lalu yang mencapai US$ 2,9 miliar. Meski demikian, target produksi migas perseroan dipatok naik tipis dari 921 ribu barel setara minyak per hari/BOEPD menjadi 922 ribu BOEPD pada tahun ini.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Dharmawan H Samsu menuturkan, pada tahun lalu, realisasi investasi hulu perseroan tercatat sebesar US$ 2,9 miliar atau 93,55% dari target US$ 3,1 miliar. Tidak tercapainya target tersebut, disebutnya bukan lantaran perseroan mengurangi investasi, namun ada upaya efisiensi yang bisa memotong biaya yang harus dikeluarkan.

“Investasi di 2019 itu sebesar US$ 2,5 miliar. Tahun ini tidak ada yang sebesar Blok Rokan. Sementara Proyek JTB (Jambaran-Tiung Biru) oleh Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) kan multiyears (investasinya),” kata dia. 

Investasi Blok Rokan yang dimaksudnya yakni pembayaran bonus tanda tangan kepada pemerintah sebesar US$ 784 juta. Sementara Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru kini masih tahap pengembangan.

“Jadi kinerja kami dikontrol oleh dua hal, peningkatan Volume produksi dan peningkatan efektifitas biaya investasi dan operasi,” tutur Dharmawan.

Selisih besaran investasi dibanding tahun lalu ini tidak menyurutkan kinerja operasi hulu Pertamina. Pada tahun ini, tutur dia, perseroan menargetkan produksi migas tahun ini sebesar 922 ribu BOEPD, tumbuh dari tahun lalu 921 ribu BOEPD. 

     Rincinya, produksi minyak ditargetkan naik 5,6% dari 392 ribu barel per hari (BPH) menjadi 414 ribu BPH, sementara produksi gas turun 6% dari 3.064 juta kaki kubik per hari /MMSCFD menjadi 2.943 MMSCFD.

“Sedikit di bawah untuk gas, tetapi naik di minyak. Ini akan kami pertahankan di gas. Jumlah sumur yang akan dibor 2019 itu dua kali dari jumlah yang dibor 2018,” ujar Dharmawan.

Total sumur yang akan dibor tahun ini sebanyak 346 sumur, yakni 319 sumur eksploitasi dan 27 sumur eksplorasi. Pihaknya juga akan mengerjakan sejumlah proyek baru mulai tahun ini. Pertama, lanjut Dharmawan, perseroan akan melanjutkan Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru. 

     Pihaknya telah melaksanakan pemasangan tiang pancang untuk proyek yang ditargetkan mulai beroperasi pada 2021 tersebut. Selain itu, tiap anak usaha hulu memiliki proyek-proyek yang akan digarap.

“Seperti Proyek Jumlai, North Sisi, dan North Nubi di Blok Mahakam di 2021 kaitannya dengan interkoneksi sumber daya Mahakam akan kick off tahun ini,” jelas dia. 

Pihaknya juga akan melakukan kajian mendalam untuk investasi di Lapangan Bunyu. Dharmawan menambahkan, mulai tahun ini, pihaknya juga akan menjadi aset di Kalimantan Timur dan Kalimantan Utara sebagai salah satu fokus. 

      Pasalnya, aset dari dua Wilayah itu digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan migas di kilang bahan bakar minyak (BBM) Balikpapan dan kilang gas alam cair/LNG Bontang yang dioperasikan Pertamina. 

Untuk itu, pihaknya berkomitmen untuk menemukan cadangan migas baru di wilayah ini. Perseroan akan terlibat dalam pengembangan Lapangan Merakes bersama Eni Indonesia. Kemudian, perseroan juga akan menggenjot produksi migas di blok migas yang diambil alih, yakni Blok Mahakam ,dan Sanga-Sanga. 

Di dua blok ini, pihaknya menargetkan dapat mengebor hingga 140 sumur. Untuk kinerja operasi di 2018, realisasi produksi migas Pertamina tercatat masih di bawah target, yakni 922 ribu boepd dari target 933 ribu BOEPD.

Untuk produksi minyak, produksi minyak yang dibukukan perseroan baru 97,03% dari target 404 ribu bph. Sementara untuk gas, realisasi produksinya tercatat sebesar 99,8% dari target 3.069 MMSCFD 

Luar Negeri

Produksi migas Pertamina sebesar 922 ribu BOEPD termasuk kontribusi aset di luar negeri. Direktur Utama PT Pertamina International EP Denie S Tampubolon menuturkan, perseroan memiliki aset di 12 negara tersebar di Asia, Afrika, dan Timur Tengah. 

    Produksi migas di setiap Wilayah ini ditargetkan naik. Rincinya, kontribusi aset di Asia stabil di kisaran 30 ribu BOEPD, di Afrika naik dari 78 ribu BOEPD menjadi 81 ribu BOEPD, serta di Timur Tengah meningkat dari 45 ribu BOEPD menjadi 52 ribu BOEPD.

“Secara total produksi minyak aset luar negeri tahun ini 112 ribu bph dan gas 300 MMSCFD,” tutur Denie.

Target tersebut naik dari realisasi produksi minyak tahun lalu sebesar 102 ribu bph dan gas 299 MMSCFD. Jika dibandingkan target produksi migas Pertamina, kontribusi produksi minyak dan gas dari aset luar negeri ini meningkat Pada 2018, aset luar negeri menghasil minyak 102 ribu bph atau setara 26,02% realisasi produksi minyak perseroan pada tahun yang sama. Sementara produksi gas PIEP 299 mmscfd setara 9,75% dari total produksi gas perseroan di 2018. 

Pada tahun ini, produksi minyak aset luar negeri setara 27,05% dari total produksi minyak Pertamina. Selanjutnya, produksi gasnya setara 10,19% dari target produksi gas perseroan. Mengacu target produksi PIEP kontribusi aset dalam negeri Pertamina tahun ini tercatat sebesar 302 ribu bph untuk minyak dan 2.643 mmscfd untuk gas. 

Untuk minyak, PT Pertamina EP Cepu menyumbang 93,62 ribu bph, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) 79 ribu bph, PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia (PHI) 47.500 bph, dan sisanya PT Pertamina EP. Selanjutnya untuk gas, PHI berkontribusi 849 mmscfd, PHE 804 mmscfd, dan sisanya Pertamina EP. 

Sedangkan untuk panas bumi, pada 2019 Pertamina menargetkan produksi panas bumi sebesar 4.551 GWh. Menurut Dharmawan, fokus kegiatan panas bumi pada 2019 adalah pengoperasian PLTP Lumut Balai pada kuartal pertama 2019, memastikan proyek Hulu Lais Unit 1 sebesar 55 MW, mempercepat aktivitas eksplorasi di Wilayah Kerja Seulawah Aceh 15.455 MW dan optimasi lapangan eksisting dengan teknologi binary cycle.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Jan 18, 2019