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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Good News on the Discovery of a Large Oil Source by ENI ITALY

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Tuesday, Oct 3, 2023

    The Indonesian oil and gas industry has received good news again from the discovery of large volumes of oil and gas reserves by the giant company from Italy, ENI. It is hoped that this positive sentiment can increase the attractiveness of the oil and gas sector.


    The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) revealed that ENI had succeeded in finding natural gas reserves in the North Ganal Working Area, East Kalimantan-Indonesia, with an initial gas estimate of 5 Trillion Cubic Feet (Tcf).

    With an initial estimate of discovered resources of around 609 million barrels of oil equivalent, the report makes the discovery at the Geng North-1 well one of the world's top three exploration discoveries this year.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

    Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said that this finding would be one of the giant discoveries that would significantly increase gas reserves to support a sustainable increase in Indonesia's oil and gas production in order to achieve the oil production target of 1 million Barrels of Oil Per Day (BOPD), and gas of 12 billion cubic feet per day (BSCFD) in 2030.

    It is believed that this giant discovery can encourage more massive exploration investment in the future, considering that Indonesia's oil and gas potential is very promising because there are still 68 basins out of a total of 128 oil source basins that have not been drilled.

 Dwi Soetjipto said we hope that the discovery of gas reserves in North Ganal by one of the International Oil Companies [IOC] will encourage more other IOCs to enter Indonesia.

the North Ganal Block ENI

    SKK Migas immediately carried out intensive coordination with ENI to formulate the next stages so that this giant discovery could be immediately monetized.

    The Indonesian oil and gas authority will encourage the discovery of gas reserves to reach the production stage, so that it can increase supply to support development, including gas downstream which is currently being advocated by the government.

"This is also supported by the gas infrastructure that is already available in East Kalimantan, so it is hoped that it can be developed quickly and efficiently," said Dwi Seotjipto.

the North Ganal Block ENI Working Area

    ENI said that the discovery of significant amounts of natural gas reserves came from the Geng North-1 exploration well in the North Ganal Block, around 85 kilometers (km) off the coast of East Kalimantan.

    Based on Eni's official statement, initial estimates show that the total structure discovered is 5 TCF of gas with a condensate content of around 400 Mbbls. The data obtained will allow for faster development studies.

    The Geng North-1 well was drilled to a depth of 5,025 meters in a water depth of 1,947 meters, passing through a gas column approximately 50 meters thick in a Miacene sandstone reservoir with good petrophysical properties.

    The well production test (DST) has been successfully carried out for a comprehensive assessment of the gas discovery. Although limited by testing facilities, this study allows for estimates of the well capacity of up to 80-100 MMscfd and approximately 5-6 kbbls of condensate.

    It is also believed that the findings will contribute significantly to the formation of a new gas production hub in the northern part of the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan. 

    Apart from that, these findings will be connected to the Liquefied Natural Gas/LNG facility in Bontang, East Kalimantan-Indonesia. It is estimated that apart from Geng North, more than 5 Tcf of gas is located in undeveloped fields within the oil and gas block. The potential for significant multi-Tcf exploration is being refined through ongoing studies.

    The Geng North discovery is close to the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) area which includes several old discoveries that are not immediately developed in the Rapak and Ganal Blocks, where Eni has just announced the acquisition of Chevron shares, increasing ENI's participating shares, and acquiring Chevron operator ownership.

    Eni also promised to seek to merge the two oil and gas working areas for more optimal gas development. the acquisition also provides an opportunity to accelerate the development of the Gendalo and Gandang gas projects with gas reserves of around 2 TCF through the Jangkrik Gas Field facilities operated by Eni.


    Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is targeting the discovery of giant gas reserves from the Geng Nordi-1 exploration well, North Ganal Block, ENI hopes to produce production within the next 2 years.

    The Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tutuka Ariadji, said that his party would facilitate the accelerated approval of the Plan of Development (PoD) plan for the block. The hope is that the timeframe for exploiting preparations can be accelerated.

“We will facilitate this so that this happens quickly. "We are targeting that in the next 2 years, we will be able to get first gas," said Tutuka Ariadji.

    Even so, Tutuka reminded Eni of a number of homework that had to be completed when developing the gas reserves discovery, such as the vast expanse and the very challenging depth of the oil and gas reserves.

"It's a very large oil expanse, the thickness is okay and satisfying, but it's very wide," he said.

    The lengthy licensing process in the upstream oil and gas sector has become a public highlight to the point that the government is pushing for the issuance of special regulations that regulate the simplification and acceleration of basic requirements and licensing for upstream oil and gas activities in order to increase competitiveness and certainty of investment for Cooperation Contract Contractors (CCC/KKKS) in Indonesia.

    ReforMiner Institute Founder & Advisor Pri Agung Rakhmanto said that several times the discussion of the technology and economics of a proposed PoD was too detailed and very technical, making the process take a long time.

    This has not been supplemented by finalizing discussions regarding the PoD's decision itself, so KKKS has to wait longer to get certainty.

    In investment, there is a time value of money. The longer the time, the relative decrease in economic value. This also adds to the uncertainty factor if there is no decision soon.

    Pri Agung Rakhmanto also suggested that the government issue a special regulation that regulates the maximum time span for the PoD approval process. The hope is that the process of discussing and approving oil and gas field development plans in Indonesia can be faster.

    Pri Agung also sees the same thing happening in the upstream oil and gas procurement process, where technical verification and checking processes before approval related to procurement take a very, very long time. As a result, KKKS feels that investment procedures in Indonesia are still too long and increase costs.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Overcoming oil and gas BIG challenges in Indonesia

    The allure of upstream oil and gas investment in the country is increasingly attractive, as reflected in the commitment of a number of Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) to continue investing in exploration activities.

    A number of global oil and gas giants have also agreed to achieve a large target of oil production of 1 million barrels per day (BPD) and gas of 12 billion standard cubic feet per day (BSCFD) by 2030.

    Through the signing of the Bali Commitment which was carried out at the CEO Forum at the 2023 International Convention on Indonesian Upstream Oil and Gas at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Badung Regency, Bali, Thursday, September 21. 

    The KKKS CEOs also promised to prepare a massive 2024 work program and budget, aggressive, and efficient. According to reviews by CEOs of international and national oil and gas companies, Indonesia is still an important portfolio. 

    Starting from oil and gas companies from Italy, namely ENI, ExxonMobil (United States), Petroliam Nasional Berhad or Petronas (Malaysia), Repsol SA (Spain), British Petroleum (England), to PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk, and PT Pertamina ( Persero) invests more heavily in the oil and gas sector.

Roberto Daniele

    Director of ENI Muara Bakau BV, Roberto Daniele, said he was serious about investing more intensively in the exploration side of oil and gas fields. Currently, ENI together with PT Pertamina (Persero) have established strategic cooperation to carry out joint exploration in the Mahakam Block. 

the Mahakam Block

This collaboration is expected to increase oil and gas reserves. Roberto Daniele said ENI Muara Bakau BV is collaborating with Pertamina to explore the oil block in Mahakam to look for other oil and gas sources throughout Indonesia.

    Apart from that, ENI will also carry out more massive drilling for wells and exploration in the next 4 years. According to Roberto Daniele, this commitment shows Indonesia's important position in the company's portfolio. 

    Moreover, Indonesia still has large oil and gas reserves. Based on records from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia's proven natural gas reserves even reach 41.62 trillion cubic feet (TCF). Apart from that, Indonesia still has 68 potential basins that have not been explored.

Carole Gall

    President of ExxonMobil Indonesia Carole Gall said that Indonesia has all the segments that ExxonMobil must offer. We have upstream and downstream such as fuel, lubricants, chemicals, and energy transition. Of all the Exxon affiliates in the world, it is rare to have all segments in one place together, but Indonesia has it all. 

    It is not surprising that ExxonMobil remains committed to continuing exploration investments in a number of fields and open areas. Carole Gall said ExxonMobil would drill again in Banyu Urip for 1.5 years.

    Nevertheless, a number of problems still confront the national upstream oil and gas industry, at least There are a number of crucial things that investors should note, including contract certainty, competitive and durable regulations, and ease of investing. 

    The Indonesian government is asked to increase the competitiveness of investment in upstream oil and gas by improving a number of fiscal and non-fiscal policies at a time of increasingly tight competition with a number of countries.

    In accordance with the above, Carole Gall asked the Indonesian government to improve the terms and conditions of upstream oil and gas, especially related to the terms and procedures for procurement of goods and services and auctions for oil and gas projects after approval of the Plan of Development/PoD for oil and gas fields have been obtained by the contractor. 

    According to Carole Gall, the process of procuring goods or auctioning oil and gas projects that is too long makes the return on investment and sustainability of the project unattractive for investors.

    Similar complaints were also made by other KKKS, including PetronasThis oil and gas company from Malaysia highlights the issue of certainty in contracts and fiscal terms in the oil and gas industry. 

Yuzaini Bin Md Yusof

    Petronas will support the Indonesian government to produce 1 million barrels of oil. Petronas Indonesia CEO Yuzaini Bin Md Yusof said Petronas would explore new areas in Indonesia.


    Meanwhile, Dwi Soetjipto, Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK MIGAS), emphasized that Indonesia continues to Offer investment opportunities in the oil and gas sector and is ready to improve fiscal policy and provide various incentives. 

    Dwi Soetjipto said that in overcoming the energy trilemma, a broader collaborative effort is needed between the government, IOC, NOC, and policymakers, namely the Indonesian government. In line with this, investment support is needed so that exploration and development activities for oil and gas fields can be carried out on a massive scale.

    Responding to various input and complaints submitted by energy observer investors and founder of the ReforMiner Institute, Pri Agung Rakhmanto assessed the need for regulations regarding the latest time limit from processing to reaching the PoD approval decision. Pri Agung Rakhmanto said that the longer it takes, the relative economic value will decrease, and also increase the uncertainty factor if there is no decision immediately.

    Meanwhile, based on SKK MIGAS calculations, the oil and gas sector requires a very large investment of more than US$ 20 billion per year to support the 2030 oil and gas production target. Overall, the funding requirement reaches at least US$ 186.7 billion. to be able to achieve the oil production target of 1 million BOPD and natural gas 12 BCSFD by 2030.

Bisnis Indonesia ,Page-4-Saturday, Sept 23, 2023

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Pertamina and Petronas Acquire 35 Percent Ownership of Shell in the Masela Block

 Pertamina and Petronas Acquire 35 Percent Ownership of Shell in the Masela Block

    President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Wiko Migantoro signed a Purchase Agreement for the Ownership of the Masela Block. PHE in collaboration with Petronas acquired Shell's 35% ownership in the block. At the same time, Pertamina Main Director Nicke Widyawati signed an MoU Strategic Partnership for Masela Block Development with Inpex.

    The two signings were carried out at the opening of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Convention & Exhibition held at the International Conference and Exhibition Center (ICE), BSD, Tangerang, Banten, Tuesday (25/7/2023).

    PT Pertamina (Persero) through Subholding Upstream PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) signed a sale and purchase agreement for the acquisition of ownership of Shell Upstream Overseas Services (I) Limited (SUOS) in the Masela Block. In this case, PHE is working with PETRONAS through PETRONAS Masela Sdn. Bhd. (PETRONAS Masela) took over 35 percent ownership of SUOS in the block.

    PHE will manage 20 percent of the ownership, while the remaining 15 percent will be managed by PETRONAS Masela because Shell does not have the money to carry out oil and gas exploration in the Masela block. 

    The signing of the sale and purchase agreement for ownership of the Masela Block was carried out by PHE Main Director Wiko Migantoro, Deputy Executive President and Chief Executive Officer of PETRONAS Upstream Datuk Adif Zulkifli, as well as Director of Finance for Acquisition Divestment and NBD Asia Pacific Shell Kuo Tong Soo. 

    The signing was carried out at the opening ceremony of the Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Convention in Tangerang, Banten, Tuesday (25/7/2023).

    The event was witnessed by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif, Director General (Dirjen) of Oil and Gas (Migas) Tutuka Ariadji, Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto, Main Director of Pertamina Nicke Widyawati, and President and Chief Executive Officer of the PETRONAS Group Tan Sri Tengku Muhammad Taufik.

    President Director (Director) of Pertamina Nicke Widyawati said that a commitment to maintaining oil and gas supplies from the upstream side was needed to meet national energy needs.

    PHE as Pertamina's Upstream Subholding has long experience in deep-sea oil and gas exploration, development, and production activities, both in Indonesia and abroad.

    In addition, PHE through one of its subsidiaries also has proven experience in the development and operation of the Badak Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Refinery as well as domestic and international LNG marketing. Nicke said PHE's capability and reliability were strong evidence that Pertamina as a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) could build cooperation with global partners.

Nicke Widyawati

    In addition, Nicke Widyawati said the Masela Block Abadi Field would potentially require 10,000 workers in the future. The development of the Masela Block is expected to help accelerate the development of local areas so that it can create new jobs and can require a lot of local workers.

    This development is also expected to have a direct impact on economic development in the Eastern Indonesia region. Pertamina as a leader in the field of energy transition is committed to supporting the Net Zero Emissions 2060 target by continuing to encourage programs that have a direct impact on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

    All of these efforts are in line with the implementation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) in all of Pertamina's business lines and operations.

Nicke Widyawati

    President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Wiko Migantoro signed a Purchase Agreement for the Ownership of the Masela Block. PHE in collaboration with Petronas acquired Shell's 35% ownership in the block. At the same time, Pertamina Main Director Nicke Widyawati signed an MoU Strategic Partnership for Masela Block Development with Inpex.

    The two signings were carried out at the opening of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Convention & Exhibition held at the International Conference and Exhibition Center (ICE), BSD, Tangerang, Banten, Tuesday (25/7/2023).

    PT Pertamina (Persero) through Subholding Upstream PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) signed a sale and purchase agreement for the acquisition of ownership of Shell Upstream Overseas Services (I) Limited (SUOS) in the Masela Block. In this case, PHE is working with PETRONAS through PETRONAS Masela Sdn. Bhd. (PETRONAS Masela) took over 35 percent ownership of SUOS in the block.

    PHE will manage 20 percent of the ownership, while the remaining 15 percent will be managed by PETRONAS Masela because Shell does not have the money to carry out oil and gas exploration in the Masela block. The signing of the sale and purchase agreement for ownership of the Masela Block was carried out by PHE Main Director Wiko Migantoro, Deputy Executive President and Chief Executive Officer of PETRONAS Upstream Datuk Adif Zulkifli, as well as Director of Finance for Acquisition Divestment and NBD Asia Pacific Shell Kuo Tong Soo. 

    The signing was carried out at the opening ceremony of the Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Convention in Tangerang, Banten, Tuesday (25/7/2023).

The event was witnessed by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif, Director General (Dirjen) of Oil and Gas (Migas) Tutuka Ariadji, Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto, Main Director of Pertamina Nicke Widyawati, and President and Chief Executive Officer of the PETRONAS Group Tan Sri Tengku Muhammad Taufik.

    President Director (Director) of Pertamina Nicke Widyawati said that a commitment to maintaining oil and gas supplies from the upstream side was needed to meet national energy needs.

    PHE as Pertamina's Upstream Subholding has long experience in deep-sea oil and gas exploration, development, and production activities, both in Indonesia and abroad.

    In addition, PHE through one of its subsidiaries also has proven experience in the development and operation of the Badak Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Refinery as well as domestic and international LNG marketing. Nicke said PHE's capability and reliability were strong evidence that Pertamina as a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) could build cooperation with global partners.

    In addition, Nicke Widyawati said the Masela Block Abadi Field would potentially require 10,000 workers in the future. The development of the Masela Block is expected to help accelerate the development of local areas so that it can create new jobs and can require a lot of local workers.

    This development is also expected to have a direct impact on economic development in the Eastern Indonesia region. Pertamina as a leader in the field of energy transition is committed to supporting the Net Zero Emissions 2060 target by continuing to encourage programs that have a direct impact on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

    All of these efforts are in line with the implementation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) in all of Pertamina's business lines and operations.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Ferrari and Lamborghini are suspected of stealing Aryanto Misel's NIKUBA technology


    Aryanto Misel created "Nikuba", a device that converts water into hydrogen for vehicles. Nukiba creation has been researched for 5 years ago and spent a lot of money.

Major General of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) Kunto Arief Wibowo, S.I.P.

    Now Aryanto Misel has the support of a full team from the Regional Military Commander (Pangdam) III/Siliwangi Cirebon, namely Major General the Indonesian National Army (TNI) Kunto Arief Wibowo, S.I.P.,  and the technology created by Aryanto Misel has been used in various motorcycle and car service vehicles at the Regional Command Military III Siliwangi Cirebon West Java.

Nikuba Test Drive

    NIKUBA has been on a test drive from Cirebon - (West Java) to Semarang City - (Central Java) as far as 245 km round trip and using only 1 liter of water which can convert water into Hydrogen with the NIKUBA tool as a substitute for the car's fuel.

Valentino Rossi

    When Aryanto Misel first arrived in Italy, he was invited to travel around Italy. In total, Aryanto Misel and his colleagues spent 17 days in the country where Valentino Rossi was born. But this was just a gimmick so that Aryanto Misel would not know that in the end Ferrari and Lamborghini only wanted to copy and paste the NIKUBA Technology Patent Right.

Aryanto Misel

    Aryanto Misel spent four days focusing on Nikuba's presentation in front of Ferrari and Lamborghini engineers. In fact, Ferrari CS was unable to appreciate Nikuba's technology. Aryanto Misel has spent 5 years of time and money developing Nikuba technology.

Nikuba create by Aryanto Misel

    Aryanto actually did not completely refuse to give the key to the water-to-fuel conversion device to Ferrari and Lamborghini, but Ferrari and Lamborghini were actually poor companies whose factories looked grand and modern and really couldn't afford the Nikuba technology created by Aryanto Misel.

Aryanto Misel in Ferrari Factory

    In fact, he was brought into the 2 super expensive and super supercar manufacturers. The aim is none other than to present Nikubu which stands for "Niku Banyu" aka "That's Water" in Indonesian. 

Aryanto Misel Create Nikuba Patent

    Nikuba technology itself has been busy and viral on social media since 2022. That's because Aryanto Misel's creation is said to be able to replace oil and gas fuels, which are fossil fuels. This is of course the hope of eliminating dependence on non-renewable fuels whose prices continue to increase as a result of Russia's military operations in Ukraine.

Ferrari and Lamborghini

4 days of presentations at the Ferrari and Lambhorgini Factory

    Aryanto Misel said that he spent 17 days on a visit to the land of Pizza Italy, namely the Ferrari Factory and Lamborghini Factory. Initially, the University of Indonesia (UI) alumni were invited to take a walk around Italy. 

    After that, Aryanto Misel was asked to give a live presentation in front of Ferrari and Lamborghini engineers. Aryanto Misel's Nikuba presentation was held for 4 days. 2 days of Presentation to Engineers at the Ferrari Factory and 2 days of presentations to Engineers at the Lamborghini Factory.

Aryanto Misel's Nikuba presentation

    Aryanto Misel deliberately chose not to bring the "Nikuba" tool that can convert water into hydrogen fuel. This was deliberately done because Aryanto Misel was worried that the 2 automotive giants in the birthplace of Valentino Rossi would unbox and design their own technology based on Nikuba.

Aryanto Misel in Lamborghini Factory

Lied by Ferrari and Lamborghini

    Aryanto Misel's hunch and worries about the visit to Italy turned out to be true. They only want to steal Nikuba technology. And that has been proven, Ferrari and Lamborghini are not interested in Nikuba, which was created by Aryanto Misel. Ferrari and Lamborghini have even prepared technology that resembles their Nikuba creation. A similar tool was made in Romania. 

Aryanto Misel in Lamborghini Factory

    At the Ferrari and Lamborghini factories, Aryanto was asked to unbox and repair the damaged Nikuba Romania. However, Aryanto Misel did not fully disclose 100 percent of the capabilities and ' SECRETS ' of the NIKUBA patent he created. 

    Aryanto admitted that he only started the Romanian-made Nikuba which was damaged and repaired by Aryanto Misel and had been directly connected to the Ferrari and Lamborghini cars and it was proven that Aryanto Misel was repairing, and able to start the 2 super cars.

    Aryanto Misel feels he will benefit because Ferrari and Lamborghini will be willing to pay compensation for his Nikuba copyright. However, in fact, during that meeting, the 2 Italian companies never discussed the compensation costs that he expected.

    Aryanto Misel admitted that he was annoyed and regretted that he had come so far to Italy without any clarity but instead was made a "serviceman" to repair Nikuba made in Romania. Finally, Aryanto Misel decided to go home because he had been lied to by Ferrari and Lamborghini and Aryanto Misel intended to sell the "NIKUBA" copyright to Honda, Toyota, Nissan, and Mitsubishi.

Nikuba copyright US$ 1,000,000

    Aryanto Misel has spent 5 years of his time, mind, money, and energy on research to create Nikuba. Time, money, energy, and thoughts that he spent very much. Because of that, he assigned the Nikuba copyright to Ferrari and Lamborghini in the amount of US$ 1,000,000.-

Aryanto Misel

    According to Artyanto Misel, Nikuba's copyright is very suitable as compensation for the research he has done so far. But Ferrari and Lamborghini were unable to buy the patent. Because there is absolutely no talk about it. So, in the near future, Aryanto Misel will go to Japan to sell the patent rights to the country of Sakura. 

Shibuya Japan

    Aryanto Misel also had a negative feeling, and because there was no talk of compensation and he was only used as a repairman for Nikuba Romania, he suspected that Ferrari and Lamborghini only wanted to imitate his Nikuba creations and use them on Ferrari and Lamborghini cars. Even worse, it was done without giving any compensation at all or for free, Ferrari and Lamborghini asked for free NIKUBA technology.

Ferrari and Lamborghini are suspected of stealing "Nikuba" technology.

    When asked to present Nikuba technology in Italy, Aryanto Misel deliberately did not bring the device. Aryanto acknowledged this. He deliberately did not bring the complete Nikuba for fear of being asked to disassemble the device, and this proved to be true. The big surprise came when Ferrari and Lamborghini provided Nikuba made in Romania.

    Aryanto explained that Nikuba Romania is very different from the Nikuba he developed in Cirebon, West Java. The funny thing is, Aryanto Misel was asked to repair the Nikuba Romania because Ferrari and Lamborghini wanted to test it. This Romanian-made device can be repaired by Aryanto Misel very easily and can start these cool supercars.

    After explaining what Nikuba was to the Italian engineer, Aryanto said he was disappointed that there was no chat regarding the copyright compensation he was expecting. Aryanto was finally disappointed and regretted having come to Italy but was only lied to. Aryanto Misel refuses to dismantle "NIKUBA'S SECRET" which is claimed to be able to turn water into hydrogen fuel.

Aryanto Misel Selling patents for extinguishing agents made from cassava peels and bulletproof vests.

    Miyanto Misel also creates organic materials for extinguishing fires, which are made from cassava peels that contain potassium citrate, which functions as a fire retardant and is widely available in Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand.

Cassava Extinguisher Created by Aryanto Misel

    Cassava peel can be made in powder or liquid form. And the patent was sold to Japan. Aryanto Misel said that most fire extinguishers sold in the market use halon, a chemical gas with the scientific name Bromochlorodifluoromethane or BCF. because it contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer.

bulletproof vests Hand Made By Aryanto Misel

    Apart from that, Aryanto also makes bulletproof vests made of organic materials as well. The organic materials are lighter coconut fiber and sugarcane fiber cloth as the main materials for making bulletproof vests. 

    Aryanto Misel's creations have also been exported to Japan and Hong Kong. Aryanto's bullet-proof vest can withstand long-barreled level 5 bullets, and assault rifles.

    Aryanto Misel explained that his bulletproof vest did not use plates inside the vest as an additional layer of protection. 

    This bulletproof vest has a thickness of about 2.5 cm. Aryanto said he was confident with his findings, as evidenced by how Hong Kong and Japan consistently used the bullet-proof vests he made. Aryanto sold the patent to Hong Kong and Japan for US$ 60,000.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Pertamina Strengthen Brand in Global Market

    PT Pertamina through its subsidiaries is increasingly strengthening its Brand in the global market. This is evidenced by a number of collaborations carried out within the scope of several activities, namely upstream oil, and gas, export and sale of products, to shipping cooperation.

    The latest is the signing of a new hydrocarbon contract by Pertamina through its Sub Holding Upstream subsidiary, PT Pertamina Internasional EP (PIEP) which operates in Algiers under PT Pertamina Algiers EP (PAEP), at Menzel Lejmat Nord (MLN), Block 405. Investment funds amounting to US$ 800 million are ready to be released to fund the project.

    PIEP and its partners Sonatrach and Repsol Exploracion 405a SA continue to demonstrate their ability to operate onshore oil and gas blocks. With this trust, the production sharing contract signed is a continuation of the memorandum of understanding agreed between the three companies on September 28, 2022. 

    The joint operation under the contract mentioned above is the MLN field and nine other fields which include the unitization of Ourhoud and El Merk.

    The work program specifically includes the drilling of 12 oil wells and water injection wells, the connection of new development wells, the construction of an LPG extraction unit, and a 3D WAG (Water Alternating Gas) seismic acquisition project, as well as a solar energy production project. 

    The total investment amount planned for the implementation of this development is estimated at more than US$ 800 million and the total resources are almost 150 million barrels of oil equivalent.

    The signing of this contract is in accordance with the wishes of the three partners to realize it within the MLN contractual scope and to strengthen the work in the field of exploration and production of hydrocarbons.

Nicke Widyawati

    The signing of this contract was witnessed by the President Director of PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati, the Main Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Wiko Migantoro, The President Director of PT Pertamina Internasional EP Jaffee A. Suardin, Group CEO Sonatrach Toufik Hakkar, and other partners Repsol Algiers and Algiers authorities. During the signing ceremony, Nicke Widyawati expressed her appreciation.

"After perfect contract preparations, Pertamina and its partners have finally agreed on a new journey for oil and gas operations in Algiers. Our commitment for the long term will be a new and exciting journey, reaffirming Pertamina's global footprint together with Sonatrach, and Repsol," said Nicke Widyawati.

    Nicke Widyawati said the oil and gas block in Algeria is one of the mainstays of oil and gas production from abroad for Pertamina.

"The acquisition of oil and gas blocks abroad with the concept of "bring the barrel home" is a strategic step for Pertamina to maintain national energy security," said Nicke Widyawati.

    Nicke added, in this new contract, apart from crude oil production, Pertamina was also given a permit to build an LPG factory with a capacity of 1 million metric tons per year, where the product will be brought to Indonesia.

"With this new innovation, it is hoped that it can reduce LPG imports and strengthen Indonesia's trade balance," said Nicke Widyawati.

    At the same time, the Algiers oil and gas block also has the potential in developing renewable energy, especially Solar PV which will be utilized as a green electricity supply for oil and gas block operations.

"This is a form of Pertamina's very strong commitment to reducing carbon emissions in all of its business activities in line with the application of ESG," said Nicke Widyawati.

    Jafee said PIEP has the potential to produce peak production in block 405a of 36,000 BOEPD and open up new development opportunities in the surrounding area in the next 25 years, and the potential for an additional 10 years of a contract extension.

"This reflects Pertamina's strong projection going forward in line with Pertamina's main strategy to become a world-class energy company," said Jaffee.

    Menzel Ledjmet Nord (MLN) Oil Field Algiers is one of the oil and gas fields in the Sahara Desert, Algiers which has been fully operational by PT Pertamina since May 2014, through the Upstream Subholding.

    This block has an oil capacity of 35,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and has 58 solar panels that produce 1,141 kilowatt hours (kWh) per year, resulting in reduced emissions of up to 7,507 tons of C02 per year.

    Pertamina as a leader in the field of energy transition, is committed to supporting the Net Zero Emissions 2060 target by continuing to encourage programs that have a direct impact on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

    All of these efforts are in line with the implementation of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) in all of Pertamina's business lines and operations.

    Pertamina Internasional Exploration and Production (PIEP) was established based on the need for international asset management which focuses on managing PT Pertamina's foreign assets. 

    Until now, Pertamina has foreign oil and gas field assets spread across 13 countries, namely Algiers, Malaysia, Iraq, Canada, France, Italy, Namibia, Tanzania, Gabon, Niger, Colombia, Angola, and Venezuela. 

    From 2014 to 2021, PIEP contributed as much as 51 million barrels of oil, or around US$ 2.8 billion to be shipped domestically.

    Another subsidiary is PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) through Pertamina International Shipping Pte Ltd which is domiciled in Singapore. This company continues to develop its business wings in the Asia Pacific region so that it transforms into PIS Asia Pacific (PIS AP). 

    The establishment of PIS AP is focused on serving export and import cargo transportation in the international market. PIS is also increasingly aggressively expanding in the global market and has successfully traveled as many as 22 international routes until early 2023.

    Meanwhile, PT Pertamina Lubricants (PTPL), a Subholding Commercial & Trading subsidiary of Pertamina, has owned the Lubricants Technology Center (LTC), the largest lubricants research and innovation center in Indonesia, located in Plumpang, North Jakarta. 

    With an area of 12,500 mz, LTC is equipped with modern facilities and professional human resources to meet the needs of lubricants in the Indonesian market and 14 countries in the world including Australia, Thailand, and South Africa.

Investor Daily, Page-13, Monday, June 19, 2023

Pertamina Builds LPG Factory in Algiers


    PT Pertamina has confirmed that it will build a Liquefied Petroleum Gas or LPG factory with a capacity of 1 million metric tons per year in Algiers.

Nicke Widyawati

    The Main Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, said that her party had obtained a permit to build an LPG factory from the Algerian authorities, because it was part of the management contract for the Menzel Ledjmet Nord Block. Later, products produced from these factories will be brought to Indonesia with the aim of reducing imports of these commodities.

"With this new innovation, it is hoped that it can reduce LPG imports and strengthen Indonesia's trade balance," said Nicke Widyawati.

    In Algeria, Pertamina through PT Pertamina Algiers EP has just received a contract extension for the Menzel Ledjmet Nord Block for the next 35 years.

    The Algerian authorities granted the contract extension because they assessed that Pertamina, Sonatrach, and Repsol Exploration 405a SA were capable of managing the onshore oil and gas block well. The block is also one of the mainstays of Pertamina's oil production from abroad.

"The acquisition of oil and gas blocks abroad with the concept of "bring the barrel home" is Pertamina's strategic move to maintain national energy security," said Nicke Widyawati.

    Menzel Ledjmet Nord Oil Field is an oil and gas block located in the Sahara Desert, approximately 1,000 kilometers southeast of Algiers, the capital city of Algiers. Pertamina Algiers EP has fully managed Menzel Ledjmet Nord Oil Field operations since 2014 with a total Participating Interest (PI) of 65%.

    The block has an oil capacity of 35,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD), with an average oil production from January to May 2023 reaching 14,875 bpd.

    Not only producing oil, the operator of the Menzel Ledjmet Nord Block also installed S8 solar panels which generate 1.141 kWh of electricity per year, and can reduce carbon emissions by up to 7,507 tons of CO2 equivalent per year.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-4, Monday, June 19, 2023